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Virtual reality helmet HTC Vive. HTC Vive from a technical point of view

Preview and gaming experience

It's no secret that the topic virtual reality(Virtual Reality, abbreviated - VR) will be key this year. And most likely - in the next few years. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at which companies from among the leaders of the IT industry today are investing in developments and products related to this area, moreover, billions of dollars. These are Google, Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, Facebook, Nvidia and many others.

In our report from Mobile World Congress 2016, we talked about how VR was in the spotlight at this exhibition. And, in particular, the HTC Vive helmet aroused particular interest. Alas, then we were not able to get to know him: due to the huge excitement, all 15-minute sessions of working with the helmet were scheduled even before the start of the exhibition, so we had to admire the appearance of the product lying under the glass, as well as watch the lucky ones who managed to test the new product ...

After returning to Moscow, we tried to negotiate with the Russian office of HTC about the opportunity to try the helmet, but to no avail. Meanwhile, the commercial release of HTC Vive took place abroad. True, now only pre-order is available with shipping in June 2016. And the helmet is not supplied to Russia, and even the approximate release date for HTC Vive has not been reported. Of course, there have already appeared "gray" offers with more than two-fold wrapping, but nowhere is it indicated that the helmet is in stock - everywhere "on order".

However, our desire to get acquainted with the helmet turned out to be stronger than the circumstances :) Nvidia went to meet us (thanks to Irina Shekhovtsova!). The leading GPU manufacturer is now actively working on the topic of VR, and in the Moscow office they found a demo copy for us, with which we were able to evaluate both the gadget itself and several future game projects for it. Plus, Nvidia told us about their VR work.

In this material, we will share with you the information received and impressions from the projects we saw, as well as tell you in more detail about the helmet itself. Of course, this cannot be considered a full-fledged testing, and we will definitely return to this topic at the first opportunity to get a helmet in our hands, but at this stage any information about HTC Vive is valuable, so it seems important to us to tell you everything we could find out.

Packaging and design of HTC Vive

The first thing that strikes the helmet is its complete set. Unlike simple devices like Samsung Gear VR, where the box contains nothing but a helmet and all the small things, HTC Vive is somewhat reminiscent of a home theater: you get a lot of components that need to be connected correctly. So, the set includes:

  • Helmet itself
  • Two identical wireless controllers
  • The connector through which the helmet is connected to the computer and power supply
  • Two cubes called "base stations"
  • Headphones and other small things

This is connected as follows. The helmet connects to the connector with three cables: HDMI, USB and power. Connector - to an electrical outlet, as well as to a computer, HDMI and USB cables. Further, two base stations should be hung diagonally under the ceiling in the corners of the room. These are infrared emitters that detect the position in space of your helmet and controllers. These base stations look like miniature tweeter speakers, and you can guess that this is something different only by the absence of speakers. However, infrared rays are visible through the camera.

It is recommended to hang these base stations about three meters apart. Then they will completely cover the area of ​​the square, the corners of which they designate. But there is no big problem if the distance between them is larger, it is just that there may be dead zones in the space between them.

Controllers are no less interesting in this set. They are made of plastic and have an unusual shape. Why this round hole at the end - no one could explain to us. There was an assumption that for a full experience while watching VR porn (hussars, keep quiet!).

However, this is far from the only interesting detail of the controllers (although the most inexplicable). More importantly, there is a trigger, a round pad, and a few other buttons. And all of this can be used in different ways depending on the game. For example, in the game Arizona Sunshine, pressing the round button allows you to reload the pistol, and in one of the demos you can use it to teleport to a selected area of ​​the location.

Of course, the main use of these controllers is for shooting weapons (pistols, etc.). Have you dreamed of shooting with two hands, like action heroes? With the HTC Vive, that dream comes true. Virtually real :) One of the most striking moments is when, while wearing a helmet, you can examine your virtual pistol in detail, turning it at any angle - as if it were a real object. At the same time, some cognitive dissonance occurs: your palm feels one shape (albeit similar to a pistol, but still not entirely identical), and your eyes see something different. An interesting sensation.

Another valuable feature of the controllers is the built-in vibration motors for feedback. This takes realism one step further. For example, when inserting an arrow into a bow and spreading your arms to fire, you can feel the string pulling. That is, the vibration motors create a very believable tactile sensation.

Note that the controllers are completely identical, but one is perceived by the system as left, and the other as right. If you wish, you can easily change them in your hands. And this can be useful not only for left-handers, but also, for example, in those projects where you have a shield in one hand and a pistol in the other (depending on the game situation and personal preferences, it is more convenient to hold the shield in your right hand or left ).

On the surface of the controllers, you can see a number of small circular indentations - such "dimples". These "dimples" are just needed in order to receive infrared rays from base stations. The positioning of the controllers in space takes place on them. The same "dimples" (only of a much larger size) are on the helmet itself - for the same purpose. It looks funny: such a bumpy surface is like the Moon with craters.

One of the key differences between the HTC Vive and the helmets we've tested before is its own screen. If Samsung Gear VR, as well as even simpler helmets Homido, Fibrum, Smarterra use a smartphone screen that you insert into them, then you don't need to insert anything into HTC Vive. It has its own display, providing a resolution of about 1080p per eye. That's more than even smartphones with a 2560x1440 display can offer. Therefore, the image in HTC Vive is less grainy, the mesh is not as clearly visible as in the aforementioned helmets. It is clear that when smartphones with an even higher resolution appear, then HTC Vive will not have an advantage, but so far the only smartphone with a declared resolution above 2560 × 1440 is Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, which, according to the manufacturer, has 3840 × 2160 , however, in reality this is not entirely true (see our investigation!). Therefore, so far, the picture in the HTC Vive is the best we've seen in a VR headset. Not ideal yet, but enough so that you can think about what is happening in the frame, and not look at the pixels.

Another important point- wide viewing angle. In many helmets there is a feeling that you are looking through a kind of window, that is, on the left and right, the field of view is slightly obstructed by the walls of the helmet. The HTC Vive didn't have that feeling. You put on a helmet - and you immediately find yourself in another reality, where nothing bothers you and almost nothing (except, first of all, tactile sensations) reminds you of the illusory nature of all this.

As for tactile sensations (now in a negative sense), they really are, and this is still one of the main problems of helmets. HTC Vive is one of the heaviest VR devices out there. Yes, it has a well thought-out system of adjusting and fixing the straps so that it fits snugly on the head and does not cause discomfort with the contact with the face thanks to the foam pad. In addition to this, the helmet has a lever that allows you to adjust the distance between the lenses by choosing optimal value for yourself. And all would be fine, but after 15 minutes in the helmet your hair will get wet (especially at the forehead and temples), and after another 15 minutes your face starts to get tired. If at this moment you take off your helmet, you will feel relief. In addition, the cables from the helmet, which touch either your neck, back, or shoulder (depending on where the hub to which the helmet is connected) is located a little in the way. In general, the time of comfortable stay in HTC Vive varies from 15 minutes to half an hour for beginners and, probably, no more than an hour for experienced ones.

Impressions of games and demos

So far, there are big problems with content for VR headsets and HTC Vive. Although HTC Vive is formally already available for sale, it cannot be said that along with the headset, the user can immediately purchase any full-fledged serious games at the level of those with which new consoles are usually launched. However, there are already a lot of all kinds of demo scenes, small games and other entertainments for HTC Vive, that is, we can quite appreciate the mechanics, graphics capabilities and other aspects.

The content for HTC Vive can be accessed using the popular gaming service Steam. There is a special section available where you can open a list of projects specifically for HTC Vive. At the time of this writing, there were 189 titles on this list. Of these, 161 are games, and the rest are demos, benchmarks and other programs. Of these 161 games, 125 are available for download, the rest will be released in the future (some projects have a release date, some have only coming soon or a month of release).

As for the prices, the games are mostly worth 400-500 rubles, although there are also cheaper ones (up to 79 rubles) and even completely free.

Since we didn't have much time, we decided to try several completely different projects in order to understand what HTC Vive is basically capable of and how its hardware capabilities can be used in different genres.

Arizona sunshine

This Wild West zombie shooter is due out in 2016. In the meantime, several small scenes are available to us, where we use a pistol to shoot back from the undead crawling on us.

From the point of view of mechanics - nothing special, but the most striking graphics, really worthy of a major project. It would hardly be so impressive in the traditional version - with a picture on the monitor, but when you can look up and see the blue sky and birds flying, down - and glide over the scorched Arizona land, take a step left and right, then a completely different feeling appears. ...

A short demo video will help you evaluate the effect of presence.

Speaking about the mechanics, we note that the reloading of the weapon here occurs precisely with the help of the round button on the controller. That is, after every six shots with the trigger, we must remember to reload the clip.

Space pirate training

A very impressive game - Space Pirate Training. We are on deck spaceship and we are attacked by enemy drones. They shoot at us with laser beams, but we can shoot back, moreover, with two pistols at once.

In addition, we can replace one of the pistols with a shield that can be used to protect ourselves from drone shots. But that's not all! To dodge laser beams, the player needs to crouch, bend over and move around the room. And here one of the key features HTC Vive: Tracking the position of the player in space.


Another curious VR project is the Cloudlands mini golf game. True, this is not quite a classic golf in terms of location (instead of a large field, there are various ingenious buildings), but the essence of the game is the same: you have to roll the ball into the hole with a club.

We control the club using one of the controllers. Moreover, the behavior of the club in space exactly corresponds to the movements of the controller. And this is another clear proof that helmets like HTC Vive are superior to Samsung Gear VR and similar solutions - such a game would be impossible there.

As a minus, we note that the graphics are simpler here. Even much easier than the Arizona Sunshine. And it reminds us that the fact that a game is being created for the HTC Vive does not mean that the graphics are of the highest quality. Although performance is required here no less (we tried both games on the same configuration).

Valve The Lab

Perhaps one of the most interesting demo scenes for HTC Vive is The Lab by Valve. Here we are at a certain factory, where a conveyor is moving, there are tables with some papers and objects, mountains of boxes lie ... On one of the tables you can find a bow and arrows. Once you pick them up, you can shoot a bow by drawing the bowstring with one controller and directing the bow with the other.

You can shoot anywhere specific purpose no (that's why it is a demo, not a real game), but the most difficult thing is to hit objects on a moving conveyor (you need to shoot a little ahead), and the most fun is to destroy mountains of boxes. On this, however, the entertainment does not end there. You have a robot dog running under your feet, which you can pet or throw something at it - everything is incredibly realistic!

In addition, you can approach the tables (or teleport to them), take various objects from them, somehow interact with them (for example, toss and catch a ball or launch a quadcopter). Despite the absence specific task, this demo is incredibly addictive precisely with the feeling of boundless freedom and realism in interacting with objects. Well, archery is, of course, an interesting experience, which, obviously, in this form cannot be repeated on simpler helmets.

HTC Vive hardware requirements and Nvidia developments

Obviously, displaying a 360-degree picture, and even with Full HD resolution for each eye, is a task that requires quite serious hardware performance of the PC to which you connect the helmet. According to Nvidia, VR games require seven times more computing power than conventional 3D games when comparing projects with similar graphics levels. At the same time, the refresh rate of the picture must be at least 90 fps for a comfortable game.

The key configuration item is, of course, the GPU. The computer with which we tested the helmet was equipped with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 980, and the picture was absolutely smooth.

Nvidia has developed the GeForce GTX VR Ready mark specifically to denote computers suitable for VR. The presence of such a mark on the device means that its capabilities are sufficient for comfortable use of HTC Vive and Oculus Rift helmets. Of the notebooks, only a few MSI gaming models from the GT72S 6QF and GT80S 6QF series have received such markings (you can find an overview of one of these models on the website).

However, Nvidia's efforts are aimed not only at consumers of the final product and the development of graphics chips, but also at making the task easier for the creators of games and helmets. The VRWorks SDK was released for them. This software suite represents technologies that provide more efficient use graphic resources in VR, and also helps the PC system to correctly recognize the helmet when connected. VRWorks is reportedly integrated into the Unity, Unreal Engine and Max Play game engines, and is also supported on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets.

Among the technologies available in the VRWorks SDK, two are worth noting: Multi-Res Shading and VR SLI. Multi-Res Shading allows you to save resources due to the fact that in full resolution (Full HD) only that part of the picture that the user sees, that is, which is in the frontal plane, in front of his eyes, is drawn. Accordingly, what is behind or on the side is rendered at a lower resolution, due to which the load on the GPU is reduced.

VR SLI, on the other hand, allows you to use a bunch of two video cards in such a way that one of them draws a picture for one eye, and the other for the other. Thus, the performance of each of the video cards can be used to the maximum.

I must say that now Nvidia is very actively working on the topic of VR and sees in it the future for the entire gaming industry. Company representatives interact with developers and are ready to assist them in optimizing games for VR, and Nvidia also works closely with HTC and Oculus. In general, although Nvidia itself does not produce helmets or content for them, the company's efforts in the field of VR are very significant, and this once again convinces us that the era of VR has already arrived, since the combined efforts of so many industry leaders simply cannot not give an impressive result in the end.

Preliminary findings

HTC Vive on this moment Is perhaps the most advanced virtual reality helmet that allows you to get the most complete picture of the possibilities and prospects of VR. True, we have not seen the latest version of the Oculus Rift, but sales of the commercial version will begin only in August, and then not everywhere. Russia is not yet even in the foreseeable plans (as well as the Russian office of Oculus), so it is almost certain that HTC Vive will enter our market first, and only then Oculus.

True, HTC Vive is more expensive: $ 800 versus $ 600 for Oculus. But the Vive has slightly lower system requirements (4 GB random access memory, not 8 GB, and you don't need three USB port 3.0). On occasion, we will definitely compare the commercial versions of the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, but for now we can say for sure that this is a completely different level of VR experience than in helmets with smartphones inside. The picture is better, the games are better, plus your arsenal of interaction with game objects is significantly expanded thanks to the controllers and tracking the position of the helmet (the gyroscope and accelerometer in smartphones cannot provide such accuracy).

The main problems are the complexity of the installation (the installation of a helmet will be for the user something akin to assembling a home theater, that is, it is much more difficult than with the same smartphone helmets), high performance requirements (in particular, the inability to play with laptops, except several very expensive and massive models), finally, physical fatigue with any prolonged stay in the helmet. And, of course, there is a problem with content, but here the situation will gradually change, and in six months the picture should be completely different.

In general, like any innovative technology or a new class of devices, at this stage HTC Vive is, of course, the lot of enthusiasts and those who want to look into the future. But we no longer doubt that this is really a window to the future.

In conclusion, we suggest watching our video review of the HTC Vive virtual reality helmet:

For many years now, digital stores have lured shoppers with all kinds of interactive entertainment. It all started with game consoles connected to a large TV with two joysticks for doubles play in FIFA or Mortal kombat... It continued with the Microsoft Kinect motion controller, and after the decline in its popularity, it was transformed into racing simulators with a steering wheel, pedals, a car seat and several TVs combined into a huge multi-panel. In the same year, virtual reality helmets became the main squeak of fashion - and it was the demo stand with HTC Vive (aka Steam VR) that kindly invited me to test the KTS online store.

Remark: there was an opportunity to take HTC Vive home for a more thorough study, but, unfortunately, none of the rooms in my apartment in terms of area and furniture arrangement was suitable for installation and subsequent operation of the device (about the requirements for the play area below in the text).

What is in the box?

In the US, the HTC Vive headset costs $ 800, but with delivery to our region it cost a little more than $ 1000. The box received by mail turned out to be rather big: in addition to the helmet itself, it contained two wireless motion controllers for the left and right hands, two sensors for reading the player's position in space (hung on the walls), as well as a bundle of long wires (for example, the length of the paired helmet connection cable to computer HDMI + USB is 5 meters).

How powerful is the PC and how big the room do you need?

To shell out a thousand dollars for an HTC Vive helmet is only half the battle. It requires a computer of about the same cost to run it. The minimum system requirements specify Intel processor Core i5 (Core i3 is enough, tested) or AMD FX 8000, 4 GB of RAM (it depends on the specific game being launched, for AAA projects you need all 8 GB) and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 video card (casual games , which are in the majority of the Steam VR catalog, will run without problems on a weaker video card).

If a PC that does not meet the system requirements can be upgraded, then the requirements for the area of ​​the play area are more and more difficult (do not move out for the HTC Vive for new apartment). The minimum playing area is 1.5x2 meters. It would seem that not so much, but in fact, neither a table, nor a sofa, nor other furniture should fall into this zone. Otherwise, you run the risk of being trapped: you will not be able to interact with the game object that is inside, for example, a sofa. The maximum area of ​​the playing area can reach 4.5x4.5 meters.

Is the first launch difficult?

The main difficulty is to hang a pair of positioning sensors in opposite corners of the room, preferably under the very ceiling. In the office, there were no problems with this (we used the hooks for attaching the projector and a video surveillance camera), but at home, most likely, it would be necessary to drill the walls. Software setup takes ten to fifteen minutes: you need to install the configuration HTC app Vive, a Steam VR add-on app, update your graphics card driver (if you don't regularly) and calibrate your helmet and wireless motion controllers.

Is it comfortable to sit on your head and is it compatible with diopric glasses?

Numerous complaints from sick people that HTC Vive is supposedly heavy (as much as 400 grams!) And because of it the neck quickly gets tired, I personally cannot confirm. During the full working day (from 9 am to 6 pm), spent testing the helmet, neither the neck nor the eyes got tired in the least. All thanks to the wide elastic straps. Although once I was mistakenly scared for my sight: having taken off my helmet, I began to see poorly, but, as it turned out, my dioprice glasses were simply fogged up. It's really hot in the helmet: it fits very tightly to the face, light and air seeps through only through a tiny slit around the nose. In addition, during operation, the helmet heats up a little (heated surfaces do not contact with the face). The set comes with a replaceable foam headband that is in contact with the face.

HTC Vive can be combined with dioprice glasses without any problems: there are cutouts for the temples on the sides, and in addition, you can move the helmet's native lenses further forward. But, of course, it all depends on the specific frame: elegant thin glasses will fit, but thick hipster half-face glasses will not. Users with minor vision problems say that they are quite comfortable playing with a helmet and without their glasses.

In addition to the distance from the eyes to the lenses of the helmet, the distance between the eyes (center-to-center) can also be adjusted. In addition, you can connect any headphones to Vive, be it huge on-ear surround sound effects or lightweight earbuds, in which it seems that you are without headphones at all.

Are the picture grainy and motion controllers sensitive?

Inside HTC Vive, there are two OLED displays with a resolution of 1080x1200 pixels (total resolution of 2160x1200), a refresh rate of 90 Hz and a viewing angle of 110 degrees. As a result, the image, although grainy, is smooth when you rotate your head (in Google Cardboard, the movements are ragged). But graininess is a relative concept: in games with smooth monochrome textures, it is very striking, while, for example, in a virtual forest or in night locations it is almost invisible.

The movements of both the head and the hands are tracked perfectly: there are no delays when moving, aiming from a virtual weapon is accurate. The controllers fit in your hands like a glove and, at times, there is a strange, almost material feeling that you are picking up an object from the game (a gun or a sword, even if they are drawn no better than in Minecraft). In addition to wall-mounted motion sensors, a camera is installed on the helmet, which records the room and in critical situations informs the player that he is getting too close to walls or furniture.

What game to start with?

De jure, HTC Vive supports not only any games from the Steam library, but any games in general. But de facto, the vast majority of them are launched only in the Desktop Theater mode - the effect of being in a room with huge TV where the game is broadcast. Not bad, but not impressive.

Games created specifically for virtual reality helmets give completely different emotions. After reviewing several dozen toys, I can recommend two for the first acquaintance: VRMultigames and Spell Fighter VR (both free). The first is a set of casual fun, the most spectacular of which is a fight with drones (the scale of the game level is perfectly felt). The second one will please with VR-worthy graphics (a bit like Skyrim) and a deep immersion effect - at times I was really lost in space, my legs gave way.

Better or worse than the Oculus Rift?

Compared to the HTC Vive, the rival Oculus Rift has a number of disadvantages. First, it is less fine-tuned for a specific person(you cannot adjust the distance from the eyes to the lenses), and instead of a person's personal diopric glasses, it is proposed to use complete diopric lenses. Secondly, the helmet fits less tightly to the face, gaps are noticeable almost along the entire perimeter. Thirdly, due to the lack of motion controllers (a regular Xbox One controller is supplied), the helmet is incompatible with games where hands are involved. But the Oculus Rift also has advantages. This is, first of all, a more affordable cost ($ 600 in the US), and secondly, the minimum requirements for the playing area (you can play while sitting at a computer table). The screen resolution is the same for both helmets.

In the dry residue

If you are not impressed with mobile virtual reality (Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR), be sure to give this undeniably super-promising technology a second chance with the HTC Vive. The quality of the screen and the level of rendering of graphics in games in computer virtual reality is about the same as in mobile. But when not only eyes, but also hands enter the virtual world, and all this in high dynamics, you periodically start to get lost where you are - still in the room or already in the game world. Of course, I cannot recommend HTC Vive for purchase to absolutely everyone - the range of games is still taking more quantity rather than quality. But everyone should personally try HTC Vive. Moreover, soon this device is likely to be installed for entertainment purposes in many electronics stores and shopping malls.

Virtual reality devices have become very popular in the gaming industry. Most of the major electronics manufacturers are represented on the market with their devices. The developers don't stop there. As a result, every year the world is provided with another digital device that has absorbed all modern mobile technologies.

At the exhibition of innovative products, the Korean company HTC introduced the world to the HTC Vive Pro - this is an updated virtual reality helmet. The new screens amaze with their image quality and more fully immerse you in the virtual world.

Advantage of HTC Vive Pro in the market

The main differences between VR Vive Pro and the original HTC ViVe are the following changes:

  1. As close to 4K image as possible;
  2. Built-in headphones and microphone;
  3. Wireless connection;
  4. Double front-camera.

Immediately after the presentation at the exhibition, representatives of the company did not voice information about the price of the Vive Pro model. However, it is assumed that with the release of the new helmet from HTC, the cost of the previous version of the device will decrease. At the same time, it is also known that the previous device will not leave the market. mobile devices and together with its "younger brother" will be available for purchase at official points of sale.

Review of the virtual reality helmet HTC Vive Pro

Below is an overview of the HTC Vive Pro from HTC.
The updated helmet is a ready-made system from the box for immersion in the world of virtual scenes. This is a complex that includes a device for image transmission, sound reproduction and recording, visual information input. And many other mobile technologies, which will be discussed below.
According to the developer, the updated virtual reality helmet received a dual front camera, which increases the effect of a three-dimensional image, and also allows you to more accurately track a person's movement.
A fresh look at the design of the project is in line with modern trends in the field of smart devices. Thanks to the use of shades of blue, the device sparkled with new colors. When you first see it, the device, as they say, pleases the eye with its grace.
To improve user immersion in the world virtual games or 360 video face overlay design has been redesigned. It is necessary so that it does not pass to the eyes daylight, thereby creating the effect of being in the game. The designers have thought of all the details: the pad is made of high quality foam rubber with a material finish. The versatility of the design allows people with all face shapes to use the helmet effectively. The nose pad is shaped like a petal. It also increases the versatility of the Vive Pro.
The SteamVR Tracking 2.0 system has improved a lot: the movements became smooth, the shifts disappeared. The developers have improved the system. The area of ​​use of the helmet in motion has increased. Determination of its location has also improved. However, the developers have something to strive for.

The new version of the helmet received an ergonomic design for attaching the helmet to the head. Thanks to this, its long-term use is much more comfortable. The lack of wires for connecting to a PC is another big plus for developers. This feature is implemented in the form of an additional device announced with the helmet. Wireless adapter Vive Wireless Adapter - Designed with Intel technology. This will reduce picture and action lag and improve overall performance. It will be available to buyers in the summer of 2018.
Now the gamer will not be tied in his actions. Many outdoor games will become available. Developers will quickly respond to this, and there will be many new games and applications tailored for these devices. Immersion in virtual reality will acquire new colors and details. The image will become more realistic.
V updated version helmet developers have pleased users with built-in headphones that support the playback of 3D sounds. It is possible to adjust them for a specific location to achieve better transmission sound. Audio playback complies with the Hi-Res Audio standard. This modern standard which is used in almost all headphones designed for gamers.
Some users may think that HTC Vive Pro has become heavier than its "big brother". This is due to the presence, as mentioned above, of headphones, as well as a lithium-ion battery. This is the logical result of not using wires to connect the device to a personal computer.

Specifications HTC Vive Pro

For those who are more precise, below is a description of the characteristics of the HTC Vive Pro.

  • Type of electronic device: VR Vive Pro helmet from HTC
  • Display module: 2 AMOLED display
  • Diagonal: 9 cm
  • Vive pro resolution: each module is 1440 x 1600. The total is 2880 x 1600
  • Refresh rate: 80-100 Hz
  • Viewing angle: 100-120 °
  • Sound: Built-in 3D headphones
  • Microphone presence: yes
  • Connection interfaces: USB - C 3.0; Bluetooth 4.1; DP - 1.2
  • Sensors
    • function of determining the position of SteamVR Tracking;
    • body orientation sensor;
    • proximity sensor;
    • G-sensor;
    • IPD sensor - setting the distance of the lenses to the user's pupils;
  • Ergonomic features
    • setting the interpupillary distance;
    • distance from eyes to lenses;
    • the location of the headphones;
    • fitting the head strap.

System Requirements For HTC Vive Pro Helmet

  • Processor: AMD FX 8320 or Intel equivalent;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD equivalent;
  • Connection interface: USB 2.0, HDMI, DP1.2;
  • RAM: At least 4000 MB;
  • Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, 8.1,10.

There are now computers that are optimized to work with HTC's Vive Pro. Manufacturers of components for such computers are the world's leading brands: MSI, Nvidia, HP, AMD. The developers ran many tests to get the best virtual system performance on these computers. Also when using virtual Vive helmet Pro on such computers additional settings not required. The user will feel the full effect of being in the virtual world.

These computers include:

  1. From MSI - gaming laptops the GE62, GT73 and VR ONE series, a special edition that works effectively in conjunction with the Vive Pro.
  2. From Nvidia - GeForce GTX is a series of top-end graphics cards that get the most out of VR technology.
  3. From HP - HP OMEN tuned to maximum performance computer. Integrates perfectly with VR systems. Aimed at the future development of this segment of the gaming industry.
  4. From AMD - Innovative LiquidVR technology for VR gaming that delivers photorealistic, real-time graphics with high resolution and high refresh rates.


The ability to use HTC Vive Pro in dynamic games is characterized by the requirements for the space of the play area. The minimum area of ​​such a zone is 3 sq. M. Base stations, thanks to which the player is positioned, must be installed at a distance of no more than 5 meters from each other. The room must be cleaned from unnecessary items... If possible, remove corners and pointed objects or isolate them from accidental contact... Create conditions for safe movement while wearing a helmet. You can use the helmet both while sitting and standing, the position does not affect the image inside the helmet.

Instructions for working with HTC Vive Pro

When buying a new Vive Pro, the first thing you need to do is go to the official website, in the initial setup section. Here is a link to this page. From there you need to download the VIVE setup app current version... The download contains instructions for using this program, setup applications for working with PC, Steam program and VIVE Home VR experience application.
Also, while downloading, it is recommended to watch a video tutorial that shows how to properly install VIVE. The video is in English, but there are Russian subtitles, if you don't have them, you just need to turn on this function in the web video player settings.

For the initial setup, you must have an up-to-date version of Microsoft on your computer. NET Framework, high speed connection to the Internet, a mounting kit and a drill with a drill of a certain diameter.
Then decide how the HTC virtual headset will be used: in a standing position or moving around the room, according to this, configure the room.

To use the only standing or sitting option:

  • Select the items accordingly Configure the room; (Only in a standing position)

To use the room-walk option:

  • Launch the SteamVR application on your PC.
  • Select the items accordingly Configure the room; (To the scale of the room)
  • Finish setting up the helmet according to the prompts on the screen.

Connecting the helmet to a PC

The HTC Vive Pro headset is connected by attaching all the necessary components:

  • It is necessary to connect the wire from the power supply to the communication module, plug the power supply into the socket.
  • Use an HDMI cable to connect the communication module to the computer's video card;
  • With help USB cable connect the module to the computer;
  • Connect the triple cable on the Vive Pro headset to the corresponding ports on the comms module.

For reliable fastening of the module, there is a layer of glue on one of its surfaces, which must be glued to the installation site.

Installing the software

If there is no need to configure Vive Pro, then the developers recommend downloading the following software to the owner of the device: application - setup software VIVE version 1.8, this application weighs very little - 54 MB. This download includes the VIVE desktop app installer (with phone module), the VIVE Home VR experience software and the Steam gaming platform client. For correct work applications require an up-to-date version of the Microsoft .NET Framework program and a stable high-speed Internet connection.

Configuring HTC Vive Pro settings

The following Vive Pro system settings are user-configurable:

  1. Language change;
  2. Automatic start when turned on;
  3. Control panel changes;
  4. Change the desktop background;
  5. Connecting the helmet to a smartphone;
  6. Setting up phone notifications;
  7. Setting up the SteamVR positioning system.

Helmet complete set

The following devices are included in the package of delivery of the VR Vive Pro helmet from HTC:

  1. A virtual reality helmet with a 3-in-1 cable and an audio cable, built-in headphones, faceplates (the second is a spare one for a narrow face), lens care wipes;
  2. Wireless adapter;
  3. Communication module with power supply and HDMI, USB cables, mounting pad;
  4. Vive Pro controllers with PSU, 2 straps and micro-USB cables
  5. Base stations with a power supply, a mounting kit (4 self-tapping screws with dowels), a synchronization cable;
  6. The kit also contains documentation for the helmet: an operation manual, a warranty card, etc.

Content and games for the helmet

There is a platform for software and game content Viveport Arcade. It provided a large number of digital products that use VR technologies. To date, more than 1000 games have been released on the Viveport Arcade. Their categories are varied. There is an opportunity to play each game at an hourly rate of $ 2 / hour. In the future, payment will be developed, but the main goal for each user to try to play different games will remain.
Viveport Arcade is used to regulate the content of the app. It is also possible to control content directly from the helmet.


As a result of all of the above, it can be determined that the HTC Vive virtual reality headset will be one of the devices that users are looking forward to. Viva pro has a number of advantages over other devices on this market mobile products... Realistic immersion in the virtual world for Vive Pro users is possible only with the purchase of this helmet. This acquisition will be ideal in terms of price / quality ratio, since the developers have laid down high technical characteristics in this device.

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The HTC Vive VR headset is one of the latest VR developments and almost the most competitive option on the market. Released in 2016, the device uses two high-resolution screens, a positioning system, external stations and a set of sensors for operation. The functionality of the helmet and support for a large number of games compensates for such a disadvantage as the price of 70 thousand rubles.

Advantage of HTC VIVE VR over competitors

The description of HTC Vive should start with the advantages of virtual reality glasses in comparison with counterparts from other manufacturers. These include:

  1. maximum functionality that can be obtained for this amount;
  2. high accuracy of controllers used for control in virtual reality;
  3. the ability to customize the helmet;
  4. support for several hundred VR games - several times more than competing models;
  5. the presence of its own screen - this feature distinguishes the helmet from inexpensive devices such as Samsung Gear VR, which need a smartphone for operation.

When using virtual reality glasses HTC Vive (black - although there are no other colors in the company's lineup) there is no motion sickness effect. Meanwhile, users of other models noted that they were seasick after playing for a long time. Although the manufacturers claim that the appearance of seasickness depends not only on the helmet, but also on the physiology of a particular person.
Another plus of the device is the high level of basic configuration - when buying an HTC Vive, you don't have to worry about looking for controllers and cables. All necessary parts are supplied with the helmet. And the disadvantages include only a large number of cables for the transmission of audio and video - however, the same disadvantage is present in all professional models of virtual reality helmets.

Review of the virtual reality helmet HTC Vive

Before continuing HTC review Vive, you can list the main characteristics that it is advisable to pay attention to before buying such a helmet. These include the simplicity of setting up the gadget, technical specifications, sound quality and optics. For some, the user may be important both the design that the HTC Vive virtual reality headset received, and the requirements for the computer that is needed to use virtual reality, and the price category.

HTC Vive connection instructions

Before connecting the VR Vive and starting it work, the user is required to:

  • Choose a suitable place - a room is suitable for this where you can move up to 2-3 meters (the best option is a square with sides 2000 x 2000 mm).
  • Place the base stations on racks (or shelves) about 2 meters high and facing each other.
  • Connect HTC Vive to a special LinkBox device, which, in turn, is connected to a PC.
  • At the final stage, the base stations are connected to each other. A special sync cord supplies power to the sensors. The next step is to set up and calibrate the nts virtual reality helmet.

Configuring and setting HTC Vive settings

Setting up a virtual helmet begins immediately after it connects to a computer via a LinkBox and an HDMI cable - the Steam online service is automatically downloaded to the computer. After downloading in the client of the online service, you should find the VR mode and begin to calibrate it:

  1. Pick up the controllers of the NTS Vive VR helmet.
  2. Choose in what position the user will play - sitting, standing and even lying down.
  3. Create enough space for movement.
  4. Take a few steps, marking the perimeter of the workspace.

The user will need to spend no more than 20 minutes for calibration. After that, you can adjust the helmet itself for yourself, choosing a comfortable distance between the centers of the lenses and a suitable focus (for each eye, if the user has vision problems). For this, special adjusters on the side panels are used. It is not necessary to adjust the resolution of HTC Vive at the very beginning of work - this parameter is set for each specific game.

HTC Vive from a technical point of view

The main characteristics of the HTC Vive include:

  • complete set with 32 sensors located around the perimeter and in other places of the helmet;
  • viewing angle 110 degrees;
  • the presence of two internal displays with a resolution of 1200 x 1080 pixels;
  • battery with a capacity of 960 mAh, which is enough for 4-5 hours of active play.

The weight of the helmet is 520 g. This is not enough for the user to feel discomfort even after several hours of using the gadget. In addition, the model is equipped with an external camera for interacting with ordinary reality at the same time as the virtual world.


The vivid and crisp virtual reality provided by the HTC model is complemented by the stylish look of the device. The helmet is made completely black, which differs from most other models. Rounded corners and edges visually make the gadget a little smaller, and the shape of the inner space of the gadget allows you to use it without removing your regular glasses.
Helmet controllers also look good, providing more flexible control compared to similar devices on other models. At the bottom of them you can see the key that launches the Steam-menu, on top - the second, for which you can assign additional functions. The trigger is also used for control, on which the index finger should be, and two more buttons on the sides of the controller.

Display and helmet optics

To display graphic information The HTC VR headset uses two displays, the total resolution of which is slightly higher than the FullHD format - 2160 x 1200 pixels. Viewing angles of the image, equal to 110 degrees, provide a stereoscopic effect. Thanks to these features, the most comfortable immersion in virtual reality is provided.
Another optical device is an external camera. With its help, you can move around the room without bumping into furniture, without removing your helmet. The camera's resolution is enough even to use a smartphone or read not too small text.


Virtual reality soundtrack is provided suitable headphones- branded, which are included, or purchased separately. One of the best options for obtaining high-quality sound is, for example, the Sennheiser GSP 350 headset.It creates such a spacious sound that you can even determine the location of the shooting enemy in the game.
When using a VR headset, the sound source can be not only the headset, but also the PC audio system. In this case, the sound quality will depend on sound card computer. To get the best effect, it is worth using systems like 5.1 or 7.1.

System Requirements For HTC Vive Helmet

It should be noted that for the helmet to work, the user must be the owner of a computer with the following system requirements:

  1. GPU no worse than AMD Radeon R9 290 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 with 4GB of memory;
  2. Intel i5-4590 or AMD FX 8350 CPU or higher;
  3. RAM from 4 GB;
  4. Windows system 7 and more modern versions platforms.
  5. availability of USB 2.0 ports and DisplayPort 1.2 or HDMI 1.4 video inputs.

These computer requirements are minimal. In order for the helmet to work without problems, it is advisable to connect them to a computer with 8 GB of RAM and a processor with 4 cores. However, a PC must have the same characteristics to use most modern games.

Options for HTC Vive

In a set with a virtual reality headset created by HTC in cooperation with the manufacturer software Valve, you can find:

  • set of two Vive controllers with power supplies, straps and cables;
  • Audio cable;
  • 3-in-1 cable;
  • branded headset Vive Headset;
  • two face pads and a screen cleaning cloth.

The equipment list contains two base station cubes, a sync cable, a mounting kit, and power supplies. Hyperkin Vive Helmet Case not included. Therefore, you will have to buy a suitable option that allows you to make the colors of the gadget more diverse.

Helmet content

Contributing to the development of Valve's helmet allows customers to enjoy most of the VR games on the Steam online service. This feature is one of the main advantages of the gadget over other models. Other brands of helmets and VR goggles are also compatible with some games, but only the HTC Vive provides maximum immersion.

The number of gaming applications adapted for virtual reality and suitable for this device reaches one and a half thousand. These include games such as Project Cars, Time Machine VR and Elite Dangerous.

Summing up

The ability to use VR-enabled games for the HTC Vive and a high resolution images are good, but not the only reason to get this helmet. Another reason for buying is the constant movement of the player (or traveler through virtual worlds) while using the gadget. And, although the cost of the device is far from affordable for every user, if there are financial resources, it is worth giving preference to this particular model - or to the next generations of helmets of the same brand.

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HTC Vive is a special device released by a renowned company that is one of the world's leading suppliers of new digital gadgets to the world and domestic markets. The technology is a whole system of many functional elements connected by cables to provide a full range of sensations from the exploration of virtual spaces. Since the release of the non-commercial prototype, the developers have significantly improved the products, completely redesigned and refined the design, and added several important aspects without which our experience of getting to know digital universes would be less intense. The fact is that HTC 3D is, in its essence, a unique product that works according to a special principle that is not characteristic of any other similar analogue. In addition to the standard setting of the HTC virtual reality glasses themselves, which consists of adjusting the position of the helmet on the head and determining optimal distance lens space, you will need to install two additional stations that need to be located in different parts rooms.

It is they who will capture any movement of the user, and transmit it through the sensors to personal computer... As a result, we will not only be able to see a three-dimensional picture in front of us, but also carry out real movements arms, legs and head, which are transferred to our character in the game.

Also, each customer gets two universal controllers that have an ergonomic shape and are conveniently located in each hand. By running our fingers along a special touch zone, we give commands for movement, and convenient buttons located directly under the thumb (the trigger is located under the index finger), allow you to quickly access the menu and make the required settings directly during the gameplay.

The main part of the system - the helmet itself - has many sensors and sensors that respond to our behavior, and high quality screens for each eye, a colorful picture is displayed in front of us with a viewing angle of 110 degrees.

The most important nuance Before starting the HTC Vive virtual reality system, it is necessary to determine the most suitable place for it. Since we will move around the room, staying in three-dimensional universes, users will not be able to see what surrounds them in the room itself, and furniture that accidentally gets under the foot can cause a lot of discomfort. You will also need to install special software and download the Steam playground to your computer, which serves as the main source of games and applications for a virtual reality device.

Characteristics of HTC Vive glasses

Manufacturers have tried to make HTC Vive's characteristics competitive at the same time, and did not cause any particular problems for users with the selection of the optimal computer system for its use. The technology from HTC has the following technical parameters:

  • viewing angle: 110 degrees;
  • HTC VR resolution: 1080 * 1200 pixels (for each eye);
  • refresh rate: 90 Hz;
  • response time to user actions: 2 ms;
  • sensors present: gyroscope, accelerometer, front camera and laser tracking;
  • control system: 2 controllers + 2 additional stations or any gamepad compatible with your PC;
  • user movement tracking area: 5 * 5 meters;
  • device weight: 555 grams.

Of course, not everyone will be able to withstand long hours of wearing a helmet on the head of such a weight, in addition, we will need to make physical movements, which will add fatigue after the game. But, if you are just planning to get acquainted with virtual universes and want to experience the maximum possible benefits of fantasy worlds, then HTV Vive will be able to give you such sensations that will be remembered for a long time.

It should start with the fact that it is HTC Vive that has the largest viewing angle of all models of virtual reality glasses on the modern computer market. The same products from Sony, although they are connected not to a computer, but to a home console, have a viewing angle of 10 degrees less, which has a very noticeable effect on the gameplay.

Advantages over other models

High resolution display

One of the few devices that can offer the user a high resolution of 2160 x 1200

Tracking stations

Two compact stations that transform the room in which the device is used into a play area.

The platform for which this device was developed, on it you will find the most complete selection of various content.

Comfort of use

The adjustable straps allow the helmet to be tailored to suit everyone's needs.

The Vive's closest competitor is a product from at least famous brand- by Oculus. Networking capabilities its counterpart from HTC is head and shoulders above the available capabilities of Oculus, since the former has its own playground - SteamVR, where a variety of gaming novelties are delivered every day,

supporting multiplayer mode. Owners of the Oculus Rift have to be content with only a few major games, and it is far from a fact that in the near future their number will be replenished with memorable additions. And do not forget that the Vive comes with a pair of very convenient controllers, while the competitor is equipped with a standard gamepad, which is not suitable for every modern gamer.

In the near future, the HTC Vive VR headset, according to representatives of the developer company, will be able to synchronize with any digital device: laptop, tablet or smartphone. Users will be able to view SMS and call logs, reply to messages and invite real-life friends to join the game session!

System requirements and compatibility

HTC Vive has more attractive system requirements than its counterparts, and for comfortable use of glasses, you don't even have to update your own computer system, even if you bought a home computer several years ago. In more detail, your PC must meet the following minimum indicators:

  • processor: Intel i5 - 4590 / AMD Radeon R9 290
  • video card: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD FX 8350
  • RAM: 4 GB or more;
  • operating system: Windows 7 (64-bit);
  • availability of 1 USB 2.0 port;
  • the presence of a video output HDMI 4.1 or DisplayPort 1.2.

You will also need to install a special Steam playground and have a registered account in it, through which you can download and run the game on your computer. Of course, to get the most high-quality image and keeping the game process smooth, it is recommended to have a more powerful computer than specified in the minimum requirements, but if small loads do not cause a lot of discomfort for you, then you can always stop at a cheaper version. HTC Vive, among other things, has universal compatibility with any known gaming gamepads, which will allow you to use your favorite controller, if suddenly the two supplied gadgets do not cause you much delight. Some games and applications do not require holding something in your hands at all, since all game movements are limited to turning your head.

Interface and device

All basic actions HTC users Vive are carried out using the SteamVR playground, which will allow you to switch between applications, produce the required custom settings and download any game you like. You can even browse the pages of the Internet browser if you suddenly need to send a message to a friend and invite him to a game session. At first glance, it may seem that such a system has a lot of unnecessary wires and, in general, is very inconvenient. But after installing all the components, the space will become free, and you can enjoy it with might and main. gameplay without worrying that the cords are suddenly damaged or the base stations will not be able to transmit signals to the computer in time.
The very design of the glasses is universal, and contains a lot of regulators, various sensors and other functional elements, without which the device of HTC virtual reality glasses would seem not so complete.
As a conclusion, we can say that the virtual reality technology from HTC fully justifies its cost. Due to the presence of many functional elements,

you will be able to completely immerse yourself in the game worlds and feel like a direct participant in the events. Where other helmets provide only a beautiful picture, HTC Vive allows you to control the universe, influencing the development of the worlds and all its inhabitants.

Package Contents and Peripherals

serves to "transfer" any object into virtual reality. To be precise, transfer his movements and position in space.

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