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Six long beeps when turning on the computer. One long and three short beeps

Greetings, friends! Today I will tell you about BIOS beeps. You may have noticed that when you turn on your computer, it beeps or, in other words, beeps. In fact, this is beeping your computer's BIOS, thereby telling you if everything is fine with your computer or if there are any problems. Let's try to understand this topic in as much detail as possible.

What do BIOS beeps mean when you turn on your computer?

Whatever BIOS is installed on your motherboard, when you turn on the PC, you should hear one short beep. This means that everything is working fine and after it starts loading Windows. However, sometimes the opposite is true. The BIOS squeaks like crazy, and the computer either does not turn on at all, or else the inclusion ends on the very first black screen - the BIOS bootloader.

This is where today's knowledge will come in handy. Because by this beeping you can determine what exactly is out of order in your PC.

Well, have you already looked at what BIOS you have? Now you can look at the decoding of BIOS audio signals.

AMI BIOS beeps. Full transcript

1 short Everything is working properly. Pay no attention to him.
2 short The RAM is not working properly or is defective. Try to disassemble the system unit, remove the RAM from the slots and insert it back. Perhaps this will solve the problem. Otherwise, you will have to contact a service center or buy a new RAM.
3 short Almost the same as 2 short beeps. Do the same as in the previous paragraph.
4 short You have something wrong with the system timer on the motherboard. Try resetting BIOS to factory settings. If that doesn't help, then try replacing the battery, it's cheap.
5 short One of the worst mistakes ever. Your CPU is faulty. A simple restart of the computer may or may not help.
6 short Check if the keyboard is connected properly. If yes, but the BIOS still beeps, then you will either have to replace the keyboard or repair the connector on the motherboard.
7 short It's also scary. The motherboard is faulty. And it would seem that 7 is a lucky number. Such a surprise.
8 short Transcendent to your video card. Although, try to pull it out and insert it back into the slot, maybe that will help. In the same case, if the video card is integrated, you will have to replace the entire motherboard or take it to a service center. Although I would not advise, if they fix it, then not for long.
9 short You need to update or flash the BIOS of your computer.
10 short CMOS memory error. Take it to the service center, they will help you.
11 short This error is also related to RAM.
1 long and 1 short The power supply is not working properly (or not working at all, you know better).
1 long and 4 short The video card is not connected. Have you forgotten anything?
1 long and 8 short You have not connected a monitor or the video card has a problem with displaying images on the monitor.
3 long RAM is not working properly.
5 short and 1 long There is no RAM. Insert it please.
Infinitely long This is either overheating of the computer, or problems in the operation of the computer's power supply. So the BIOS beeps, which has stress, shock and severe panic.

Decoding of BIOS AWARD audio signals

1 short It's all right, don't worry.
2 short Minor error in BIOS settings. Enter BIOS settings and reset it to optimal settings or cancel your last setting if you remember what exactly you changed.
3 long This is a keyboard. Try restarting your computer.
1 short and 1 long RAM is not working properly. Disassemble the system unit, remove the RAM from the slots and insert it back. If the problem persists, then you will have to contact the service center or buy new RAM.
1 long and 2 short Problems with the video adapter, or rather video memory. Perhaps everything will be fixed if you remove the video card from the slot and insert it back. If the video card is integrated, you will either have to switch to a discrete one or replace the motherboard.
1 long and 3 short Keyboard connection error. Try another keyboard if you have one. If the BIOS keeps beeping, then most likely the problem lies in the motherboard.
1 long and 9 short BIOS needs to be flashed. It is better to do this at a service center if you are not sure that you can handle it yourself. And then you can lose the motherboard forever.
Infinitely repeating short signal Problems with the power supply. It is buggy and can burn other components of your computer.
Infinitely repeating long beep BIOS AWARD beeps in this way if your RAM is damaged. Possibly just one of the bars. Try it one by one

Here's how Phoenix BIOS beeps in a special way

BIOS Phoenix squeaks a little differently than its counterparts. It is more melodic, if I may say so in this context. Phoenix BIOS dot beeps alternate with pauses between them. And absolutely all the signals of that BIOS are always short.

1-1-2, BIOS detected errors in the operation of the central processor.
1-1-3 Error reading information from the CMOS memory of the motherboard.
1-3-2 Unable to run RAM test.
One of the RAM controllers is damaged.
1-4-1, These BIOS beeps indicate errors in RAM.
3-3-1 The battery on the motherboard is dead or low.
3-3-4, BIOS errors indicating the incorrect operation of the video adapter.
4-2-3 Check keyboard connection.

BIOS does not beep when you turn on the PC

Quite often it happens that when you turn on the PC, the BIOS does not beep at all. Why? Depends on the specific situation. To be in the subject, first you need to know what a speaker is and why you need it.

What is a motherboard speaker?

Motherboard speaker is a miniature tweeter that warns the user of malfunctions in your computer even before it is turned on. In other words, the speaker is a means of displaying information about the state of the computer. Also, the speaker is a device that emits BIOS beeps!

Here is what the speaker looks like on the motherboard. It is he who helps to emit BIOS signals!

Some reasons why the PC may not beep at startup

It often happens that manufacturers of budget computers (and not only budget ones) either forget to install a speaker on the motherboard, or deliberately save on this spare part. Accordingly, the BIOS does not beep, because there is simply nothing to beep. If you urgently need to diagnose a problem with your computer, you can simply borrow a speaker from your friend for a day. Fortunately, pulling it out and inserting it will not be difficult for you.

Another reason why you may not hear BIOS beeps when you turn on the computer is that you accidentally touched it or pulled it, and it just detached a little. In this case, insert it more tightly and everything will squeak with you. By the way, there are also such motherboards in which the speaker does not disconnect at all.

BIOS does not beep on laptops, because the speaker is not installed on them for aesthetic reasons. Imagine if every time you turn on your laptop, it gave you a characteristic, high-frequency signal. It's annoying.

Especially if the wife is already asleep, and you decide to play tanks in secret, turn on your laptop, and here you are BEEEEEEE!!! The wife immediately woke up and filled you with a star. In general, the speaker is not so relevant on a laptop.

Although some laptops can output similar beeps through external speakers and even through headphones. Everyone who encounters this is trying to get rid of this squeak (peep) as soon as possible by any means.

Where and how to connect the speaker on the motherboard?

You will need to know this if you still decide to borrow the missing speaker from a friend or buy it. When you took the speaker out of a friend's motherboard, you should have noticed that the place of its connection is marked with characteristic inscriptions, most often it appears there speaker or spk or spkr. Polarity for the speaker does not matter, so you can connect the speaker accurately.

A few examples of motherboards with marked places for connecting a speaker.


The article turned out to be quite voluminous, but I hope it helped you understand today's topic. At a minimum, you can now connect the speaker to the motherboard and know why you need it. We also examined the decoding of sound signals for the main and most popular BIOS versions. If your BIOS version differs from those considered, then just specify your request in the search engine, for example " decoding sound signals BIOS IBM / DELL».

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Hello, friends! In this article I want to consider another sore subject - what is the computer beeping or bios beeps. The emitted signals are rare, but even in these cases you must know what to do. Usually, the computer emits a single beep - one short one, and the operating system starts to load. And only when something is wrong with the computer, instead of this pleasant sound, annoying combinations of long and short beeps appear. So the computer is trying to tell us what it needs to load the operating system correctly.

If non-standard bios beeps appear in 50% of cases, you can restore the computer to working capacity without using the services of service centers.

In this article, we present the decoding of bios sound signals from popular manufacturers. And, consider the measures that can and should be taken to revive your computer.

Designations: d - long beep, k - short beep, - - no signal.

AMI bios beeps

Signal Possible malfunction
1d - 1k Faulty power supply
1d - 4k None Video card
2k RAM error
4k Faulty system timer
5k Processor error
6k Faulty keyboard
7k Faulty motherboard
8k Video memory error
9k BIOS checksum not correct
10k CMOS write error
11k Faulty motherboard
1d - 2k
1 d - 3 k Faulty graphics adapter
1 d - 8 k Faulty graphics adapter or monitor not connected
The processor (CPU) is defective. Connector contact may be damaged.
Continuous Power supply failure

IBM bios beeps

Signal Possible malfunction
1 d Faulty graphics adapter
2 k Faulty graphics adapter (no monitor connected)
3 d Faulty motherboard (keyboard error)
1 d - 1 k
1 d - 2 k Faulty graphics adapter
1 d - 3 k Faulty graphics adapter
to repeats
Continuous Faulty motherboard or power supply
Faulty speaker, power supply or motherboard
Signal Possible malfunction
2 k Minor bugs. The screen prompts you to enter the BIOS and fix it. Reconnect HDD and motherboard cables
3 d Faulty keyboard
1 to - 1 d Check your RAM
1 d - 2 k Faulty graphics adapter
1 d - 3 k Faulty graphics adapter
1 d - 9 k Problems with the system (motherboard) board
to repeats Faulty power supply and/or RAM
recurring d Faulty RAM
Repetitive high-low frequency Faulty processor (CPU)
Continuous Problems with the power supply

Methods for restoring the health of a computer with various BIOS signals

Faulty RAM

Turn off the computer, remove and re-insert the memory modules. You can read how to do this.

If it didn't help. We turn off the computer, take out the memory modules, clean the contacts with a grater, blow off the remnants of the grater from the memory strips, blow through the memory slots and insert the modules back. If everything worked, you can run a RAM test.

If you have more than 1 memory module, then you need to insert one module at a time first into the first slot, then into the second, and so on. Perhaps one of the modules is out of order or the memory connector is faulty.

If all else fails and the bios beeps are repeated, you need to replace the RAM.

Faulty power supply

Turn off your computer. Disconnect and reconnect all connectors including the cable from the outlet to the power supply. Hard drives may not be connected. If we hear 1 short bios beep, turn off the computer, connect all components and turn it on again.

If that doesn't work, you need to replace the power supply. How to choose - and. Before buying a new one, it is advisable to take a working one from a friend and try it.

Faulty keyboard (keyboard error)

You need to turn off the computer, disconnect the keyboard connector and reconnect it. In 70-80% of cases, this restores the system's performance.

The computer can not be turned off if you have a USB keyboard

If it does not help and the bios sound signal remains, you need to replace the keyboard. It is also advisable to take a known working one and check it out.

Faulty graphics adapter

We apply methods as in the case of RAM. We turn off the computer. Remove and reinsert the video card.

If it doesn't help and the BIOS beeps are repeated, you need to wipe the contacts with a grater and blow out the graphics adapter connector. Insert into place and turn on the computer.

Once you have taken out the video card, blow out the heatsink from dust and check that the fan rotates freely and easily. Inspect the graphics adapter for visible defects: swollen caps, discoloration of the PCB or other elements.

If the system has built-in video, (in the processor or on the motherboard) try using it to make sure that the rest of the components are working. A sign that there is built-in video is the presence of video outputs on the motherboard. (Note: There are processors with a P at the end - for example Core i5-3350P. They do not have an integrated GPU. That is, even if there are outputs on the motherboard, nothing will be shown)

If all else fails and the BIOS beeps persist, you need to replace the graphics adapter. As usual, borrow from a friend and try.

Faulty processor (CPU) or motherboard

Turn off your computer. Remove the cooler from the processor. Remove the processor. The instructions for the system (motherboard) board say how to do this.

Inspect the socket and processor for damaged pins. In case of detection of damage, you are unlikely to be able to hand it over to the service under warranty. Therefore, with improvised tools we try to align the contact. We assemble the system. Don't forget to replace the thermal paste and try.

If nothing happened and the bios beeps are repeated, we try to connect the processor to another system. (Maybe a friend or acquaintance has a computer with the same connector). If it does not work there, then the processor is faulty. If everything works there, then your motherboard is most likely faulty.

How to choose a processor - motherboard power supply (20 or 24-pin connector), disconnect the power from the processor (4 or 2x4-re or 8-pin connector). We take out the battery and if there is a jumper, we close the 2nd and 3rd contacts for 30 seconds. Put the jumper back in place, connect all the connectors and try to turn on the computer. If it helped, the computer should issue one short beep and it will load correctly.

In this case, it is necessary to monitor the mode in which the drives operate (usually it is ACHI, but it goes astray to IDE). If the computer beeps well, go into the BIOS and set the desired operating mode. You can see how to do this. Restart your computer. Otherwise, you will get a blue screen.


In this article, we have considered BIOS beeps popular manufacturers: AMI, Award and IBM. Now you need to listen carefully and identify the beep sound of the computer.

What BIOS is on the motherboard can be found in this article.

And most importantly. We have considered ways to resuscitate a computer, using which, in most cases, you will avoid going to service centers.

If you know more effective methods, please write about them in the comments. I wish you stable operation of your computer!

If the user hears 3 long beeps when turning on the computer, it means that the motherboard encountered a problem before it could send information to the monitor. Thus, a beep is a way to report a problem when the computer is unable to display the correct error on the screen. This little BIOS lexicon is valid for the vast majority of recent PCs, with a few nuances of dialects. That is why when you turn on the computer, the internal speaker often beeps.

BIOS or POST sequence

The BIOS is responsible for testing and initializing all hardware. This part is also known as the self-test sequence (POST) or preload, during which all components will be tested as well as their compatibility. If the POST fails, the system will no longer work and the OS will not start. The test will start by checking system bus control and then checking all expansion slots, graphics card memory, and signals that control the display. Then he will test the video cards and add his recognition code. From this moment on, the first recordings come to the screen.

He will check the RAM, for this he will try to test each area of ​​\u200b\u200bmemory, and then compare it with what is written in the BIOS. It also checks if the keyboard and mouse are well connected, then sends signals to all storage devices (floppies, USB) to determine which ones are working. All results are compared on CMOS, which lets the BIOS know if the hardware configuration has changed since the last boot or not. It will then attempt to load the hard drive's primary primer sector, also known as the MBR, into memory with verified hardware tests. At this stage, there may be many errors that he will try to tell the user about.

Error messages

The BIOS is located in a small chip (EEPROM) on the motherboard and is configured through its own menu to the extent specified by the manufacturer. If the test is successful, the system gives an acoustic confirmation in the form of a short beep and transfers control to the installed operating system, such as Linux or Windows.

During a POST session, the computer has several ways to communicate, either through flashing indicator lights, the computer's speaker, or through the monitor. Because the monitor does not initialize until the end of the process, early failures are reported by a red or missing status indicator, such as the power and hard drive activity lights, and beeps, such as the computer beeps 3 times when turned on if there is a memory failure.

When an error occurs during POST, the BIOS usually displays a visual warning and a description of the failure. However, if it is detected before the initialization of the PC video card, a sequence of signals corresponding to a certain error sounds through the internal speaker, i.e. the system code is used. Depending on the BIOS used on the motherboard, the codes and their meanings differ from each other.

If the computer still starts, the BIOS information is briefly displayed on the screen. For those who cannot quickly read the data, before finding out why the system unit, you need to find out the BIOS version while the computer is running:

  1. Click "Start", then "Run".
  2. Type msinfo32 in the text box in the Run window and click OK. This will open the System Information program. When system information opens, it will display a summary by default.

If the computer does not start, you can remove the side panel and look for the manufacturer's BIOS chip, or go to the PC manufacturer's website with the model number for more information about the BIOS version and beep codes.

Finding out the reasons why the computer beeps 3 times when turned on takes the user from 10 to 15 minutes. Fixing a fixed problem is a different task and can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on what caused it.


  1. Turn on the computer or restart it if it is already on.
  2. Listen carefully to the sound codes, restart the computer if the user did not have time to hear, and listen again.
  3. Remember the nature of the sound signals.
  4. It is important to pay attention to their number and length, this is just as important as in Morse code and will help determine the PC problem. If the user makes a mistake, he will try to solve an unnecessary problem, ignoring the real problem.
  5. Then you need to find out which company made the BIOS chip that is on the computer's motherboard.

Unfortunately, the computer industry has not established a uniform way of communicating with beeps.

If the user cannot find the information they need, they can open the computer and look at the actual BIOS chip on the motherboard, which will have the company name on it.

AMI Fault Codes (AMIBIOS)

If the computer gives 3 long beeps when the computer is turned on, an inexperienced user begins to get stressed. Although often this problem is solvable.

Each time the BIOS starts, it checks all the devices installed on the PC. The BIOS is a kind of small operating program that controls the basic functions of a PC. If it detects an error, it will alert the user with appropriate on-screen messages and beeps, protecting the PC from damage, and blocking Windows from starting until the user corrects the error.

For AMI (American Megatrends International), the BIOS uses single-pitch beeps. The error corresponds to the number of signals.

1 short

DRAM update error, if the computer beeps when turned on, a lot of errors. Check the correct position of all RAM modules, the clock settings in the BIOS (use the Auto Configuration values). Remove all memory modules and reconnect them (contact problem).

1 long

POST completed successfully.

1 long

Power error: turn off the PC only once, turn off the ATX switch on the rear panel, then restart the computer, if the error persists, you need to replace the power supply.

1 long, 1 short

Motherboard Error: Fatal error on the motherboard, try to check the cpu clock speed.

1 long, 2 short

Video Card Error: Video Player BIOS - Checksum Invalid. Monitor control failed, graphics card not found. Parity error.

1 long, 3 short

Video Error: Defective RAM-DAC, which is responsible for converting computer data into video data, detecting a monitor failure or video memory failure, perhaps the monitor is not connected or the cable is defective, or errors in the first 64 KB of memory.

1 long, 4 short

The timer block is defective.

1 long, 5 short

Processor failure.

1 long, 6 short

The keyboard controller is faulty.

1 long, 7 short

Problems of virtual fashion.

1 long, 8 short

Error in video memory.

1 long, 9 short

BIOS checksum error.

The CPU fan speed is too low, may be incorrectly connected or defective.

3 long, 3 short

Memory failure.

2 short

Parity error: POST error (one of the hardware test routines failed). Check if the position of all RAM modules is correct, whether the modules support ECC or parity.

2 short, 1 long

Graphics contact not approved (Gigabyte board (GA 7IX-4).

2 long, 2 short

Video error.

3 short

Base 64 KB, memory error: base - corrupted memory, RAM error during the first 64 KB. Check if the position of all RAM modules is correct, if an SDRAM module is used, it may need to be replaced, check in advance if the memory timing is set correctly, as in the case when the computer beeps 3 times when turned on.

Faults, code Phoenix BIOS

Phoenix BIOS is a BIOS manufactured by Phoenix Technologies. Most modern motherboard manufacturers have integrated them into their systems. Many popular motherboards have multiple custom implementations of the Phoenix BIOS. Phoenix BIOS beep codes are short, quick and immediate, like 3 long beeps when you turn on your computer.

Meaning of codes:

  1. One beep from the Phoenix-based BIOS is actually an "all systems" notification. Technically, this indicates that the Power On Self Test has completed. No troubleshooting required.
  2. One short followed by one long beep is also not an officially registered Phoenix beep, but sometimes it is due to bad memory, and after replacement, the problem will be fixed.
  3. One long beep followed by two short beeps indicates a checksum error. This means that there is a problem with the motherboard.

Audio decoding

When the computer starts up the upper left side of the screen and it happens too quickly, you must press the Pause or Del or F8 key immediately after starting up to enter the BIOS. The BIOS manufacturer will be displayed on the monitor screen. In most cases, the BIOS comes from Award, Phoenix, or AMI.

If the seller's instructions are missing, then you can find the most common beeps of a particular BIOS on the Internet. This information will teach the user what to do if the computer beeps when turned on. If it emits beeps that are not listed there, their meaning is indicated in the motherboard manual.

When the PC beeps, you can turn off the PC, wait a few seconds, and turn it on again. Often the beeps disappear on their own. Possible black screen problems when the computer beeps 3 times when turned on, long beeps:

  1. Hardware problems: dead motherboard, connecting a video card to check the hard drive tablecloth. You can remove the battery from the motherboard, wait 5 minutes, then turn it on and try again.
  2. There may also be a serious virus that has damaged the windows, in which case experts advise to place the hard drive on another computer and scan it with antivirus and antispyware.

The most common errors reported by Beep Codes are graphics card and random access memory (RAM) errors. Sometimes, simply uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics card helps fix this glitch. You can try removing one entirely if your computer has multiple slots.

Unfortunately, not all errors are always displayed through sound codes. For example, if you start a computer that has power (LEDs are lit and disks make familiar noises) but there is no screen output and no beep is heard from the motherboard, then the power supply may be faulty. If one of the secondary power outputs (5 volts) is faulty, then the computer will not be able to report them with beep codes, as there is no power to the internal speaker.

Short sounds: CMOS problem

Every time the computer is turned on, it quickly scans the status of the machine's main functions and emits one beep: everything is in order. And if 2 short - CMOS problem. CMOS is the memory that stores the first elements that the OS will load.

If there are 2 beeps, there is confusion in this memory and you need to clear it to restore the factory settings. To do this, you must remove the battery from the motherboard, then return it or move the CMOS jumper.

4 long beeps: RAM update is bad. To reset the initial values, you need to clear the BIOS memory (CF: 2 short beeps: Clear CMOS).

5 long - processor. You need to make sure that it is connected and the fan is working. Incessant short beeps - Bios tells you that there is not enough energy to work. Check the power cables on the motherboard, otherwise you will need to install a new unit.

POST diagnostic cards

Another fix for 3 long beeps when turning on the computer is to buy a POST diagnostic card to catch POST errors at their source via the ISA or PCI bus. The cards are available for any bus and usually contain one or two digital indicators that represent the codes, as well as LEDs for power control. Since POST codes are more numerous than beep codes, there can be 10 beep codes and up to 256 POST codes, the diagnostic card will help you track the progress of the POST and see more details about what caused the failure or warning.

An ISA card is preferred as it is possible that the PCI card may not report all POST codes. Since the ISA bus is initialized first, the PCI only receives codes generated after the ISA initialization. In addition, ISAs are connected to the South Bridge chip, so damaged motherboards will not be able to send codes to the PCI bus at all.

Fixing the issue due to internals:

  1. Make sure that internals added to the computer recently, such as additional memory or a video card, are installed correctly.
  2. Turn off the computer, then remove and reinsert the hardware, making sure each component is firmly seated in the slot.
  3. Remove new internal hardware. If the computer starts without a component, it may be defective or incompatible with the PC.
  4. Remove and re-insert all internal connectors and cards, including memory, but not the processor. If there are several memory cards installed on the computer, remove each one in turn.
  5. Disable all internal devices including hard drives, expansion cards, optical drives.
  6. If the computer starts without internal devices connected, one of them may be defective. Connect each device one by one to determine which one is faulty.

POST error message

If the BIOS encounters a problem but does not boot long enough to display a POST error message on the monitor, a beep will sound instead - a version of the error message, such as 3 long beeps when the computer is turned on. However, the signal may not be related to system failures, and it must be able to distinguish it in order to properly fix the problem.

Elimination of off-system audio signals:

  1. Check the keyboard to make sure there are no stuck keys and no keys are stuck. Swipe your fingers across the keyboard to release any buttons that might be stuck. If liquid has been spilled on it, replace it with a new one. Try starting the computer after completing this and each of the following steps.
  2. Check all cables connected to the computer and make sure they are fully connected.
  3. Remove any objects blocking the computer's air vents. If dust accumulates in any vent, clean them of dust.
  4. Disable external devices such as printers, USB drives and hubs, remote receivers and drives.
  5. If the computer starts without any additional devices connected, one of these components may be defective. Connect them one by one to determine which device is faulty.

No alarm sound

If the user has made unsuccessful attempts to start the computer and does not see any error messages or hear any beep codes, it may still be a system failure. Most likely, the absence of a signal means that the computer does not have an internal speaker, so the user will not hear anything, even if the BIOS produces a sound. In these cases, the best solution for figuring out what's wrong is to use a POST test card to view the error message digitally.

Another reason why you cannot hear a beep when you start your computer is a bad power supply. No voltage on the motherboard also means no voltage on the internal speaker, making it impossible to beep.

Knowing the meanings of bit codes and even detecting problems when the computer is turned on does not mean that the computer will start soon. Basic troubleshooting steps can often identify common problems and isolate defective components that may be causing your computer to beep again. It is better to take advice before experimenting with the system.

If the computer does not start when a USB flash drive is inserted, it is best to update the boot priority settings in the BIOS so that the hard drive is bootable by default.

If an internal or external device is found to be faulty, you should test it with a different cable to determine if the problem is related to them. After each attempt to start the computer, you must turn it off and unplug the power cable before proceeding to the next step.

For laptops, you need to remove the battery. When working inside the computer case, test it for residual voltage before touching any internal component.

1. There are no signals - the power supply unit (PSU) is faulty or not connected to the motherboard.

Clean it of dust.

Check the security of the power supply connector on the motherboard.

If it doesn't help, the PSU needs to be replaced or repaired.

2. Continuous signal - the PSU is faulty. See point 1.

3. 1 short beep - no errors found, PC is OK.

4. 1 short repetitive signal - problems with the PSU. See point 1.

5. 1 long repetitive signal - malfunction of the RAM. Try removing the RAM module from the slot and inserting it again. If it doesn't work, replace it.

6. 2 short beeps - minor errors detected. Check the reliability of fastening loops and cables in the motherboard connectors. Set BIOS to default values ​​(Load BIOS Defaults).

7. 3 long beeps - keyboard controller malfunction. Check the integrity of the keyboard cable and the quality of the connections. Test the keyboard on a known good PC. If that doesn't work, the motherboard will need to be repaired or replaced.

8. 1 long and 1 short beeps - malfunction of the RAM. See point 5.

9. 1 long and 2 short beeps - video card malfunction. It is recommended to remove the video card and reinsert it. Check the integrity and quality of the monitor cable connection. If it doesn't help, replace the video card.

10. 1 long and 3 short beeps - keyboard malfunction. See point 7.

11. 1 long and 9 short beeps - an error while reading data from the BIOS chip.

A rewrite (flashing) of the microcircuit is required. If it doesn't help, replace the chip.


1. There are no signals - the power supply unit (PSU) is faulty or not connected to the motherboard. Clean it of dust. Check the security of the power supply connector on the motherboard. If it doesn't help, the PSU needs to be replaced or repaired.

2. 1 short beep - no errors found, PC is OK.

3. 2 short beeps - malfunction of the RAM. Try removing the RAM module from the slot and inserting it again. If it doesn't work, replace it.

4. 3 short beeps - error of the first 64 KB of main memory. See point 3.

5. 4 short beeps - malfunction of the system timer. Restart your PC. If that doesn't work, the motherboard will need to be repaired or replaced.

6. 5 short beeps - malfunction of the central processor. Restart your PC. If that doesn't work, the processor will need to be replaced.

7. 6 short beeps - keyboard controller malfunction. Check the integrity of the keyboard cable and the tightness of the connections. Test the keyboard on a known good PC. If that doesn't work, the motherboard will need to be repaired or replaced.

8. 7 short beeps - motherboard malfunction. Restart your PC. If that doesn't work, the motherboard will need to be repaired or replaced.

9. 8 short beeps - video card RAM malfunction. Restart your PC. If it doesn't help, replace the video card.

10. 9 short beeps - an error while checking the checksum of the BIOS chip. A rewrite (flashing) of the microcircuit is required. If it doesn't help, replace the chip.

11. 10 short beeps - unable to write to CMOS memory. Clear the contents of the memory (to do this, turn off the PC, unplug the network cable from the socket. Find the switch next to the CMOS memory battery, set it to the Clear CMOS position. Press - with the network cable disconnected! - the PC power button. Set the switch to its original position. If there is no switch on your motherboard, remove the battery for half an hour or an hour). Set BIOS to default values ​​(Load BIOS Defaults). If it doesn't help, replace the chip.

12. 11 short beeps - malfunction of the RAM. See point 3.

13. 1 long and 2 short beeps - video card malfunction. It is recommended to remove the video card and reinsert it. Check the integrity and quality of the monitor cable connection. If it doesn't help, replace the video card.

14. 1 long and 3 short beeps - video card malfunction. See point 13.

15. 1 long and 8 short beeps - video card malfunction. See point 13.


Phoenix BIOS Signals:

1-1-3. CMOS data write/read error.

1-1-4. BIOS chip content checksum error.

1-2-1. The motherboard is faulty.

1-2-2. DMA controller initialization error.

1-2-3. An error occurred while trying to read/write to one of the DMA channels.

1-3-1. Memory refresh error.

1-3-3. Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM.

1-3-4. Similar to the previous one.

1-4-1. The motherboard is faulty.

1-4-2. Memory test error.

1-4-3. System timer error.

1-4-4. Error accessing I/O port.

2-x-x. Problems with the first 64k of memory (x - from 1 to 4)

3-1-1. Error initializing the second DMA channel.

3-1-2. Error initializing the first DMA channel.

3-1-4. The motherboard is faulty.

3-2-4. Keyboard controller error.

3-3-4. Video memory test error.

4-2-1. System timer error.

4-2-3. Line error A20. The keyboard controller is faulty.

4-2-4. Error while running in protected mode. The CPU may be defective.

If you hear two short BIOS beeps shortly after turning on your computer, then this is an alarming symptom. Such signals are generated by the system speaker of the motherboard during the PC Hardware Test (POST) procedure and indicate a detected malfunction.

Since different BIOSes encode error signals in different ways, the meaning given to this message in the BIOS depends on the specific motherboard, or rather, on the BIOS chip that the board is equipped with.

In the BIOS from IBM, two short BIOS beeps indicate a malfunction of the video system. Award has 2 short BIOS beeps that encode a non-critical fault, that is, a fault after which the computer can continue to boot. Such a malfunction may be a failure of a hard drive or a BIOS checksum error. As a rule, in such a case, the BIOS displays a detailed error message stating the failed component, and the computer can usually continue to boot, but only after pressing a certain key, such as F1. Sometimes, in order to correct an error, the user will need to enter BIOS Setup in order to make the necessary changes there.

However, it should be borne in mind that even if the computer boot after the output of two short beeps can be successfully continued, then you should think about how to eliminate the problem, because later it will bother you again.

There are also two short beeps in the list of AMI BIOS audio code messages. But in this case, the error that causes such a message is related to the RAM test. If such an error occurs, you should check the reliability of the installation of RAM modules in the slots.

AST BIOS can also give 2 short beeps, but this is usually due to another problem - a keyboard controller test error. In the Quadtel BIOS, two short beeps mean something else - damage to the CMOS RAM. Finally, the Compaq BIOS emits two short beeps when it detects a general motherboard error. 2 short beeps have the same meaning in BIOS, which is equipped with IBM ThinkPad laptops.

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