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  • A diagram of a good DIY metal detector with a signet. Making a metal detector for gold with your own hands: diagrams and step-by-step instructions

A diagram of a good DIY metal detector with a signet. Making a metal detector for gold with your own hands: diagrams and step-by-step instructions

Metal detectors are used to search for metal in the soil at a certain depth. This device can be assembled independently at home, having at least minimal experience in this matter, or following the clear instructions in the instructions. The main thing is the desire and availability of the necessary tools.

Detailed instructions for the Terminator 3 metal detector with your own hands

This type of design is designed to search for coins. The process of assembling it is completely simple. However, experience in assembling such a tool is still necessary. The Terminator is able to detect an object even if the target of capture is minimal.

To begin, you should prepare the necessary equipment, namely:

  • a multimeter that measures speed.
  • LC meter
  • Oscilloscope.

Next, you need to find a diagram broken down into nodes. Now you can make a printed circuit board into which jumpers, resistors, panels for microcircuits and other parts should be soldered in order. The next step is to clean the board with alcohol.. It is definitely worth checking for defects. You can check whether the board is in working condition as follows:

  1. Turn on the power.
  2. Turn down the sensitivity control until no sound is heard from the speaker.
  3. Touch the sensor connector with your fingers.
  4. When turned on, the LED should blink and then go out.

If all actions occurred, then everything was done correctly. Now you can make a coil. It is necessary to prepare a winding enamel wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm, which must be folded in half. A circle is drawn on a sheet of plywood with a diameter of 200 mm and 100 mm. Now you need to drive nails in a circle, the distance between them should be 1 cm.

Next, you can move on to winding the turns. At 200 mm you should make 30 of them, and at 100 - 48. Then the first coil should be soaked in varnish; when it dries, you can wrap it with thread. The thread can be removed, and by soldering the middle, you get a solid winding of 60 turns. Afterwards, the coil must be wrapped quite tightly with electrical tape.. And a 1 cm foil is placed on top, this will be a screen, and more electrical tape is wound on top of it. The ends should come out.

On the second coil it is also necessary to solder the middle. In order to start the generator, you need to connect the first coil to the board. The second coil should be wrapped with a wire of 20 turns, then we connect it to the board. Now you need to connect the oscilloscope minus to minus to the board, and the plus is connected to the coil. Be sure to look at what frequency it will be when you turn it on and remember it or write it down on paper.

Now the coils need to be placed in a special mold so that they can then be filled with resin. Next, the oscilloscope is connected to the board, with the negative pole, the amplitude should reach zero. The coils in the mold are filled with resin to approximately half the depth. When everything is ready, the metal discrimination scale is adjusted.

Parts list for the Terminator 3 metal detector

As parts for the trio metal detector you will need:

If you have these parts, you can assemble the Terminator Pro metal detector yourself.

Circuit diagram of a metal detector with metal discrimination

You can make a metal detector with metal discrimination yourself using the circuit for the Chance pulse device. The process of making a coil is quite simple.

The diagram itself can be found on the Internet. But still, experience in assembling such devices will be useful. Assembling the metal detector should begin with the board.

After the board is manufactured, the microcontroller needs to be flashed. And at the end of the work, we connect the metal detection device to the power supply.

Homemade equipment can be made without complex microcircuits, but using a simple transistor generator. The metal detector will be non-discriminatory. It will detect objects in the ground to a depth of 20 centimeters, and in dry sand - to a depth of 30 centimeters. In this device, the transmitting and receiving coils operate simultaneously.

Terminator 3 metal detector coil

To begin with, you should take winding enamel with a diameter of 0.4 mm. Fold it so that there are two ends and two beginnings. Next, you should wind from two reels at a time.

Now we need to make transmitting and receiving coils; for this, two circles of 200 mm and 100 mm are drawn on a plywood sheet. Nails are driven in along these circles, the distance between them should be 1 cm. 30 turns of enamel wire are wound onto a large mandrel. Then you should apply varnish to the coil and wrap it with thread, then remove it from the winding and solder the middle. This creates one middle wire and two outer wires.

The resulting coil should be wrapped with electrical tape and a piece of foil should be placed on top, and foil again on top. The ends of the windings should go outside.

Now it’s time to move on to the receiving coil. 48 turns are already wound here. To start the generator, you need to connect the transmitting coil to the board. The middle wire is connected to the negative. And the middle terminal of the take-up coil is not used. The transmitting coil requires a compensating coil, on which 20 turns are wound.

We connect the oscilloscope to the board like this: a probe with a minus to the minus of the board, and a plus probe to the coil. Be sure to measure the frequency of the coils and write it down.

After connecting the coils according to the diagram, they must be placed in a special container and filled with resin. The oscilloscope now sets the division time (10 ms and 1 volt per cell). Now you should reduce the amplitude to zero. We wind the turns until the volt value reaches zero. We make a compensating loop at the coil, which will be outside.

The mold should be filled halfway with resin. When everything hardens, you need to connect the oscilloscope and bend the loop inward. Then twist it until the amplitude value becomes minimal. Afterwards, you need to glue the loop, check the balance, and now you can fill the second half of the container with resin. The reel is ready for use.

Before you begin the repair, you should prepare the following tools:

  • Stationery knife;
  • Incandescent lamp;
  • A container for glue, preferably flat;
  • Special or epoxy resin;
  • Medium and fine sandpaper;
  • Small spatula.

First of all, you need to dry the coil using an incandescent lamp. And use a utility knife to widen the cracks on it. Squeeze the glue onto a flat surface and mix with a spatula. Apply this substance to the coil. In places of cracks, you can apply more resin. Now you should wait until it all hardens thoroughly. And then sand it, using first medium and then fine sandpaper. This procedure will help smooth out all the unevenness. In this fairly simple way, you can revive the oldest coil from a metal detecting device.

Printed circuit board for the Terminator 3 device

A printed circuit board for this type of equipment can be made and configured independently. The board diagram for Terminator 3 is available on the Internet. Once it is found, you can begin manufacturing the printed circuit board. After that, jumpers, SMD resistors and panels for microcircuits are soldered into it. The capacitors on the board must have high thermal stability.

DIY metal detector sensor

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a device that will accurately measure capacitance and inductance. Now you should take the housing for the reel and make PCB inserts into the ears. Pieces of fabric are used for compaction. The upper surface of the ears should be sanded. The fabric must be impregnated with epoxy resin. When everything is dry, you should sand everything and insert a sealed lead-in, thus making grounding. Next you need to apply a special Dragon varnish.

Now windings are made, which are tied with threads. All windings are placed in a coil and capacitors are glued. Everything can be connected and configured. A housing is required for pouring. Mandatory: there should be no metal nearby. After pouring, the epoxy should be sanded and dried thoroughly. The sensor is suitable for the Terminator 3 and Terminator 4 metal detectors, which are the most popular models of devices.

Metal detector Terminator 3: reviews

Many people consider this model of device popular. The positive qualities include:

  • Finding objects made of non-ferrous metal.
  • No false positives.

And the following are identified as negative features:

  • Rusty iron is detected rather poorly.
  • You may lose some of your finds.

The search depth of the device is higher than that of other similar models. Basically this is 30 centimeters using the example of a coin.

Metal detector Sokha 3: diagram and description

The metal detector has an operating frequency of 5 to 17 kHz. Its power supply is 12 Volts. Its ground balance is manual.

The circuit of this device is not entirely simple, since it contains two microcontrollers. The diagram can be found on the Internet. The device itself has good characteristics. However, due to the lack of detailed assembly information, difficulties may arise in the manufacture of the device.

Even the most serious and respectable citizens feel a slight excitement when they hear the word “treasure”. We literally walk through treasures, of which there are immeasurably many in our land.

But how can you look under the soil layer to know exactly where to dig?

Professional treasure hunters use expensive equipment, the purchase of which can pay for itself after one successful find. Archaeologists, builders, geologists, members of exploration societies use equipment provided by the organization in which they work.

But what about novice treasure hunters on a budget? You can make a metal detector at home with your own hands.

To understand the subject, consider the design and operating principle of the device

Popular metal detectors operate using the properties of electromagnetic induction. Main components:

  • transmitter – generator of electromagnetic oscillations
  • transmitting coil, receiving coil (in some models the coils are combined for compactness)
  • electromagnetic wave receiver
  • decoder that separates the useful signal from the general background
  • signaling device (indicator).

The generator, using a transmitting coil, creates an electromagnetic field (EMF) around it with specified characteristics. The receiver scans the environment and compares field performance with reference values. If there are no changes, nothing happens in the circuit.

  • When any conductor (any metal) enters the field of action, the basic EMF induces Foucault currents in it. These eddy currents create the object's own electromagnetic field. The receiver detects the distortion of the basic EMF and gives a signal to the indicator (audio or visual alert).
  • If the object being examined is not metallic, but has ferromagnetic properties, it will shield the underlying EMF, also causing distortion.

Important! There is a misconception that the soil in which searches are carried out should not be electrically conductive.

This is wrong. The main thing is that the electromagnetic or ferromagnetic properties of the environment and the search objects are different from each other.

That is, against the background of certain characteristics of the EMF generated by the search environment, the field of individual objects will stand out.

Types of metal detectors

Understanding the features of different circuits will help not only to choose a ready-made detector. If you decide to build a metal detector for coins with your own hands, you do not need to install a detector for water pipes or fittings in concrete.

You should initially know what the device is for, since universal metal detectors are expensive, both when purchased and when assembled yourself. In addition, a narrow-profile device is more compact and lightweight.

Main settings

  1. Search depth. Determines the penetrating power for standard primers: below this band the coil will not respond to artifacts.
  2. Coverage area: the wider it is, the less time it will take to “comb through”. True, selectivity and sensitivity are reduced.
  3. Selectivity: selecting the required object from a variety of objects. For example, when searching for gold jewelry on the beach, your device will not respond to steel hairpins or coins.
  4. Sensitivity: the higher it is, the more likely it is to find small objects. True, the coil reacts to various debris, such as nails or hairpins.
  5. Noise immunity. The detector sensor is affected by many extraneous factors: thunderstorms, power lines, mobile phones, etc. It is necessary to filter them out.
  6. Autonomy: this means both energy consumption and battery charge reserve.
  7. Discrimination is the ability to distinguish artifacts by type. Let's look at this parameter in more detail.

This is what keeps a person from purchasing metal detectors, which cost a lot of money, but do not guarantee that anything will be found or not.

On the other hand, if you got such a device practically for nothing, then you wouldn’t have to walk through the forests in search of mythical treasures. Even on a personal plot, it is possible to dig up several meters of pipe or abandoned cable, which, when delivered to a collection point, can bring money. But, as you know, they are never superfluous.

In this case, you need to figure out whether it is possible to make a metal detector from a radio or disks with your own hands without the use of microcircuits, how complicated this process is and whether it requires any specific knowledge, whether the circuits of simple metal detectors are complex, what is required for this, and what is the algorithm for such work.

What is a metal detector

Such a device, homemade or made in a factory, is designed to search for any metal under a layer of soil, regardless of whether it is pieces of iron, copper or something even more valuable. Such devices are used not only by gold miners, but also by various archaeological groups, patriotic communities (in search of remains and objects left in the ground after the Second World War) and even sappers when demining territories.

The shapes, as well as the circuits of metal detectors, are different. This could be a disk mounted on a handle, or it could be some kind of microphone. The essence of this device does not change from this - when any metal object is detected at a shallow depth, it emits a certain sound using a buzzer built into it, signaling the discovery.

Such devices operate on the basis of the physical law according to which electromagnetic induction operates. Its components are a transmitter, which, upon receiving a signal, sends it to a warning device (audio or visual), the signal receiver itself and a buzzer or screen. Electromagnetic waves are sent to the surface and reflected. If the transmitted signal returns unchanged, nothing happens in the circuit, but provided that any metal enters the signal transmission area, the returned wave turns out to be distorted and this is recorded by the transmitter, which gives an audio or visual alert.

Operating frequencies

A metal detector combines complex parameters that are sometimes mutually exclusive. For example, if you lower the frequency generated by the generator, you can achieve a greater search depth, but this will increase energy consumption, and also reduce sensitivity, as well as mobility due to the increase in the coil. But basically all the parameters, one way or another, are tied to the frequency of the generator, and therefore such devices are classified precisely according to the parameter of operating frequency ranges.


The circuit of a simple metal detector that operates in the range from approximately 100 to 500-600 Hertz is called ultra-low frequency. Such devices are amateur, with a power of no more than a hundred watts. Such devices are weak and it is almost impossible to recognize the signal without the use of computer processing.


The next class of metal detectors is low-frequency. A little more powerful than the previous ones, the circuit is simple, they are resistant to interference, but the sensitivity is still quite low. With an energy consumption of more than 10 Watts, the possible search depth will be about 5 meters. Their inconvenience is also that, in addition to metal, they also react to large fragments of stone or concrete. The best signal is detected on ferrous metals, and therefore such a metal detector is also called a magnetic detector. They have low sensitivity to soil properties.


Another classification is metal detectors of higher frequencies - several tens of kilohertz. They have less good noise immunity compared to LF. Convenient when performed using the pulse mode, which will be discussed a little later. The disadvantage of such devices is that with increased mineralization or in swampy areas, they completely stop receiving the changed signal, as a result of which they do not “see” metals.


The most powerful metal detector, suitable for searching for precious metals, but at shallow depths. Not bad for finding gold items lost by vacationers in the sand on the beaches. The depth of penetration of the signal into the ground is no more than 80–90 cm. The results of the work depend on the power of the transmitter coil; they work with the result only on dry non-magnetic soil, which includes sand.


Such metal detectors are the best equipment in the line. They stand separately from other similar devices. The fact is that current flows to the coil in a pulsed mode. It is possible to set the pulse frequency in low ranges, and the duration, which determines the area of ​​the spectral composition, in high or high frequencies. Thus, you get a metal detector that combines the best qualities of all categories of detectors, or a device that can be reconfigured, depending on the required parameters.

How to make a metal detector with your own hands?

Based on the fact that the cost of such detectors is very high, it makes sense to look into the possibility of making a simple metal detector with your own hands at home. Homemade products require practically no costs, except, of course, a small amount of time.

Since the design of the metal detector is quite simple, to operate it you will need two disks (CD and DVD), headphones, a regular calculator, a 9-volt battery (“crown”), electrical tape and glue, and you assemble it practically on your knees.

So, detailed instructions for assembling a metal detector with your own hands.

To assemble a metal detector from disks, you need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • The headphone plug is not required, so it is cut off and the wires are stripped to a length of about 1 cm.
  • Each stripped wire is divided into two equal parts, one of which will go to the mirror part of the disk, and the second to the power element.
  • Provided that the mirror surface of the disks is on both sides, one of the parts of the wire is attached to it separately using glue. If the discs are single-sided, then everything is simpler. The contact side is the writing side.
  • The wires on the CDs and DVDs themselves are secured with electrical tape.
  • When the calculator is turned on, it is secured with the same electrical tape between the disks, and the battery is secured to the surface of the DVD.

At this point the work is completed and the metal detector using improvised means is ready. As you can see, the process is completely uncomplicated and inexpensive, both financially and in time.

Of course, if you make a metal detector whose circuits are so simple, then its characteristics will not be comparable to professional devices, but you can find elementary structures in the ground with its help.

If you need a more powerful device than a simple metal detector, it can be made from an old radio.

Metal detector from radio

Using this method, you can make a detector that will be more powerful than a simple metal detector. To do this, you will need an empty CD case, a calculator, an AM radio, double-sided tape and electrical tape.

On the inside of the disc box, a radio is glued to double-sided tape, and on the other side - a calculator in the turned on state. The receiver sets the highest frequency in the AM range, or the one closest to it, at which there are no extraneous sounds other than noise.

You can attach any mop stick to the resulting structure. After this, all that remains is to configure the detector. To do this, you need to move the doors of the box apart or move until a sharp sound appears. After moving the doors apart, the same, barely noticeable sound is heard and the box is fixed in this position. After the work has been done, when approaching the metal, the same sound will be heard, but in a sharper sound range.

Of course, you cannot assemble a good metal detector with your own hands, but an acceptable one is quite possible.

Needed or not

Of course, if a person is not engaged in professional excavations, there is no point in purchasing such a device - it is simply throwing away a considerable amount of money. But for home use, you can assemble a simple metal detector. Of course, it won’t help you find treasures buried in the bowels of the earth, but a simple metal detector with your own hands or from a radio is quite capable of determining the location of a metal frame behind a gypsum board wall or the location of hidden wiring in the concrete floors of houses, which is already important. Well, making a metal detector at home without the use of microcircuits using a phone (the description of the work is identical to assembling a metal detector with your own hands from disks or a radio, but a phone is used instead of a calculator) is not difficult.

Deep-type metal detectors are capable of detecting objects in the ground at a great distance. Modern modifications in stores are quite expensive. However, in this case, you can try to make a metal detector with your own hands. For this purpose, it is first recommended to familiarize yourself with the design of the standard modification.

Modification scheme

When assembling a metal detector with your own hands (the diagram is shown below), you need to remember that the main elements of the device are a damper on a microcontroller, a capacitor and a handle with a holder. The control unit in the devices consists of a set of resistors. Some modifications are made on drive modulators that operate at a frequency of 35 Hz. The racks themselves are made with narrow and wide plate-shaped plates.

Assembly instructions for a simple model

Assembling a metal detector with your own hands is quite simple. First of all, it is recommended to prepare a tube and attach a handle to it. High conductivity resistors will be required for installation. The operating frequency of the device depends on many factors. If we consider modifications based on diode capacitors, then they have high sensitivity.

The operating frequency of such metal detectors is about 30 Hz. Their maximum object detection distance is 25 mm. Modifications can operate on lithium batteries. Microcontrollers for assembly will need a polar filter. Many models fold on open-type sensors. It is also worth noting that experts do not recommend using high sensitivity filters. They greatly reduce the accuracy of detecting metal objects.

Model series "Pirate"

You can make a “Pirate” metal detector with your own hands only using a wired controller. However, first of all, a microprocessor is prepared for assembly. To connect it you will need Many experts recommend using grid capacitors with a capacity of 5 pF. Their conductivity should be maintained at 45 microns. Afterwards you can start soldering the control unit. The stand must be strong and support the weight of the plate. For 4 V models, it is not recommended to use plates with a diameter larger than 5.5 cm. System indicators do not need to be installed. After securing the unit, all that remains is to install the batteries.

Using reflex transistors

Making a metal detector with reflex transistors with your own hands is quite simple. First of all, experts recommend installing a microcontroller. In this case, capacitors are suitable of a three-channel type, and their conductivity should not exceed 55 microns. At 5 V they have a resistance of approximately 35 ohms. Resistors in modifications are mainly used of the contact type. They have negative polarity and cope well with electromagnetic vibrations. It is also worth noting that during assembly it is allowed to use the maximum width of the plate for such a modification is 5.5 cm.

Model with convection transistors: expert reviews

You can assemble a metal detector with your own hands only on the basis of a collector controller. In this case, capacitors are used at 30 microns. If you believe the reviews of experts, then it is better not to use powerful resistors. In this case, the maximum capacitance of the elements should be 40 pF. After installing the controller, it is worth working on the control unit.

These metal detectors receive good reviews for their reliable protection against wave interference. For this purpose, two diode-type filters are used. Modifications with display systems are very rare among homemade modifications. It is also worth noting that power supplies must operate at low voltage. This way the battery will last for a long time.

Using Chromatic Resistors

With your own hands? The model with chromatic resistors is quite simple to assemble, but it should be taken into account that capacitors for modifications can only be used on fuses. Experts also point out the incompatibility of resistors with pass filters. Before starting assembly, it is important to immediately prepare a tube for the model, which will be the handle. Then the block is installed. It is more advisable to select modifications at 4 microns, which operate at a frequency of 50 Hz. They have a low dispersion coefficient and high measurement accuracy. It is also worth noting that searchers of this class will be able to successfully work in conditions of high humidity.

Model with a pulse zener diode: assembly, reviews

Devices with pulsed zener diodes are distinguished by their high conductivity. If you believe the reviews of experts, then homemade modifications can work with objects of different sizes. If we talk about the parameters, their detection accuracy is approximately 89%. You should start assembling the device with a stand blank. Then the handle for the model is mounted.

The next step is to install the control unit. Then a controller is mounted, which runs on lithium batteries. After installing the unit, you can start soldering the capacitors. Their negative resistance should not exceed 45 ohms. Expert reviews indicate that modifications of this type can be made without filters. However, it is worth considering that the model will have serious problems with wave interference. In this case, the capacitor will suffer. As a result, the battery of models of this type quickly discharges.

Application of low frequency transceiver

Low-frequency transceivers in models significantly reduce the accuracy of the devices. However, it is worth noting that modifications of this type can successfully work with small objects. At the same time, they have a low self-discharge parameter. In order to assemble the modification yourself, it is recommended to use a wired controller. The transmitter is most often used with diodes. Thus, conductivity is ensured at around 45 microns with a sensitivity of 3 mV.

Some experts recommend installing mesh filters, which increase the security of models. To increase conductivity, only transition type modules are used. The main disadvantage of such devices is considered to be controller burnout. If such a breakdown occurs, it is problematic to repair the metal detector yourself.

Using a High Frequency Transceiver

On high-frequency transceivers, you can assemble a simple metal detector with your own hands only on the basis of an adapter controller. Before installation, a stand for the plate is prepared as standard. The average conductivity of the controller is 40 microns. Many specialists do not use contact filters during assembly. They have high thermal losses and are capable of operating at 50 Hz. It is also worth noting that lithium batteries are used to assemble the metal detector, which recharge the control unit. The sensor itself in modifications is installed through a capacitor, the capacitance of which should not exceed 4 pF.

Model with longitudinal resonator

Devices with longitudinal resonators are often found on the market. They stand out among their competitors with their high accuracy of identifying objects, and at the same time they can work in high humidity. In order to assemble the model yourself, a stand is prepared, and a plate should be used with a diameter of at least 300 mm.

It is also worth noting that to assemble the device you will need a contact controller and one expander. Filters are used only on mesh lining. Many experts recommend installing diode capacitors that operate at a voltage of 14 V. First of all, they discharge little of the battery. It is also worth noting that they have good conductivity compared to field analogues.

Using selective filters

Making such a deep metal detector with your own hands is not easy. The main problem is that a regular capacitor cannot be installed in the device. It is also worth noting that the plate for modification is selected from 25 cm in size. In some cases, the racks are installed with an expander. Many experts advise starting assembly by installing the control unit. It must operate at a frequency of no more than 50 Hz. In this case, the conductivity depends on the controller used in the equipment.

Quite often it is selected with a lining to increase the security of the modification. However, such models often overheat and are not able to work with high accuracy. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use conventional adapters that are installed under the capacitor units. A do-it-yourself metal detector coil is made from a transceiver block.

Application of contactors

Contactors are installed in devices together with control units. Stands for modifications are used of short length, and plates are selected at 20 and 30 cm. Some experts say that devices should be assembled on impulse adapters. In this case, capacitors can be used with low capacitance.

It is also worth noting that after installing the control unit, it is worth soldering a filter that can operate at a voltage of 15 V. In this case, the model will maintain a conductivity of 13 microns. Transceivers are most often used on adapters. Before turning on the metal detector, the level of negative resistance is checked on the contactor. The specified parameter is on average 45 Ohms.

I can say without a doubt that this is the simplest metal detector I have ever seen. It is based on just one TDA0161 chip. You won't need to program anything - just assemble it and that's it. Another great difference is that it does not make any sounds during operation, unlike a metal detector based on the NE555 chip, which initially beeps unpleasantly and you have to guess the metal found by its tone.

In this circuit, the buzzer starts beeping only when it detects metal. The TDA0161 chip is a specialized industrial version for induction sensors. And metal detectors for production are mainly built on it, giving a signal when metal approaches the induction sensor.
You can purchase such a microcircuit at -
It is not expensive and is quite accessible to everyone.

Here is a diagram of a simple metal detector

Metal detector characteristics

  • Microcircuit power supply voltage: from 3.5 to 15V
  • Generator frequency: 8-10 kHz
  • Current consumption: 8-12 mA in alarm mode. In search state approximately 1 mA.
  • Operating temperature: -55 to +100 degrees Celsius
The metal detector is not only very economical, but also very unpretentious.
An old cell phone battery works well for power supply.
Coil: 140-150 turns. The diameter of the coil is 5-6 cm. Can be converted to a coil of larger diameter.

The sensitivity will depend directly on the size of the search coil.
In the scheme I use both light and sound signaling. You can choose one if you want. Buzzer with internal generator.
Thanks to this simple design, you can make a pocket metal detector or a large metal detector, depending on what you need more.

After assembly, the metal detector works immediately and does not require any adjustments, except for setting the response threshold with a variable resistor. Well, this is standard procedure for a metal detector.
So, friends, collect the things you need and, as they say, they will come in handy around the house. For example, to search for electrical wiring in a wall, even nails in a log...

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