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Clicks the home button iphone 5s marriage. Why the Home button on iPhone crunches - how to get rid of annoying crackling

Hello. This "problem", voiced in the title of the article, is very, very many years old. Some have crunches, others have mechanical clicks when pressed, someone thinks that this is a marriage of the "Home" button (after all, it's simply impossible to use this way and needs to be changed urgently - where is my guarantee ?!), someone uses it and is worried (what if later will break?), but someone just “scores” on this matter. Whom to believe is not clear. There are many opinions and it is very difficult to get to the truth.

Therefore, today I will just share with you my observations (I touched all sorts of iPhones a lot, and my friends-acquaintances mostly have phones Apple), read the forums (see what people write there?), and then ask about the crunching and clicking of the "Home" key on technical support Apple (as they themselves think - is this normal or a marriage?).

The tasks are set - it's time to start. Let's go!

Of course, this is a joke. But after reading the article to the end, it will be clear why it is very appropriate here.

Important note! In the article, we deal with the sound that the button makes not due to any mechanical damage or, for example, the ingress of liquid. Of course, if you pour it with sweet water or hit the phone “successfully”, then you can get not only a crackle from it, but also all kinds of other surprises.

It will be about its work in the "standard" mode, without the influence of external factors.

Personal experience or does the author's Home button click?

There were a lot of iPhones in my hands, but it was the crunch that I began to notice with the 5S model. Similar sounds when pressing the "Home" key appeared immediately after purchase. Moreover, with one characteristic feature:

If you don't use your iPhone for a while, you press and hear a crunch. But only for the first time. Then, if you continue to use and periodically press the button, it goes like clockwork. As soon as I put it on for a couple of hours - again the first press and crackle.

One would assume that dirt got into the button and thus rubbed off, but why did this happen from the moment of purchase? By the way, now I still have an iPhone 5S and no sounds are produced when I press "Home". Generally. Apparently got used to it completely. And at first there was such a crack that I thought it would just fall off.

And how are your friends and acquaintances doing? I talked to those with whom I could. Some have clicks, some do not. Everyone has different models - here are the iPhone 5, SE, 6S. Someone even talked about the iPad - there is a key sound. But the most interesting thing is that no one paid any attention to it. The truth is so social. With a survey, I sowed doubts in the head of one person, he now began to think - is it a marriage or not? I had to calm down. How? More on this below.

The first conclusion is that many people have clicks, but most do not think about it.

Are there many such iPhones (with a "defect" Home key)?

It is clear that I cannot speak for absolutely everyone, but after reading a large number of messages and threads on various forums (including in the English-speaking segment), you can summarize the public opinion.

Many people have a mechanical click sound when pressing and releasing the "Home" button. It's just that not everyone is writing about it and not everyone is very concerned about it. Well, or the same situation occurs as in my example - at first it was, and then (apparently from numerous clicks) it disappeared.

Probably, it would be much worse if there were no sounds at first (when buying), and then suddenly appeared - this may indicate the ingress of dirt or liquid.

The second conclusion only confirms the first - we are far from alone with such a clicking button :). It is worth worrying a lot only if the crack appears after a while and such a problem as a bad button press is added to it. This may indicate that, perhaps, you filled it with something or something worse ...

The "Home" button clicks - a marriage or not? Apple technical support answers

And now the most important and important turn in this whole story, after which I, to be honest, very much even thought about it. Who can give an official answer to this question? Technical support, of course! And here a very big surprise awaited me. And all because I received two completely different answers.

At first I decided to contact them by phone - just call faster. We talked and found out that clicks when you press the Home button are more than normal for iPhone. This really happens and there is no need to be afraid of it. All OK! I sat down to finish writing this note.

But... Telephone conversation You can't insert a picture into an article, but a picture is easy! Therefore, I decided to clarify this question again, but already in the chat. And here was the exact opposite answer:

What conclusion can be drawn from all this?

Let's try to summarize:

  1. Sounds like these do not indicate any problems with the iPhone - two technical support specialists agree on this.
  2. In my opinion, it was the word “crunch” that confused the employee in the chat, and therefore he gave such a categorical answer - marriage.
  3. It is very difficult to convey the degree of audibility of this sound through the text. When talking on the phone, it was much easier to explain what I mean by clicks and extraneous crash Home buttons.
  4. In any case, the final decision (whether the device needs to be repaired or replaced under warranty) will be made by the service center specialists.

P.S. If you have had similar cases or you have already contacted the service center with such a problem, write in the comments about the results. Very interesting.

On many iPhone models and iPad, there is one extremely unpleasant problem... The Home button can start to squeak a lot, causing serious inconvenience for users who do not expect a poor-quality build from their expensive devices. Fortunately, disassembling an iPhone or iPad in order to get rid of the squeak of the Home button is not always necessary. In this guide, we've covered a few effective ways to solve the problem with the squeaky Home button.

Calibrate Home Button

One of the simplest, but truly miraculous ways to get rid of the problem, is to calibrate the Home button. For this:

Step 1. Run any standard application on iPhone and iPad, for example, “ Clock" or .

Step 2. Press the button Nutrition and hold it until the shutdown slider appears on the screen.

Step 3. Release the button Nutrition.

Step 4. Press and hold the button Home until there are changes on the screen (the system can throw you out either on main screen, or return to the previously launched application). You usually have to hold the Home button for about 5-10 seconds.

Ready! You have calibrated the Home button - now it will more adequately respond to pressing, and along with this, the creak may disappear. This decision may seem frivolous to many, but positive reviews O this method on our point the opposite.

Lubricate the button with silicone

More radical method getting rid of the squeak of the Home button is lubricating it with silicone. Cover the button with silicone, while falling into the gaps between the display and the button. Then remove excess silicone with a cloth. In most cases, after this operation, the squeak will disappear.

Note that lubricating the button with water can also help. Wet your thumb with water and press the button so that water enters the gap between the button and the body. It is important not to overdo it and "treat" the Home button with a little water. We emphasize again that the effectiveness of the method is indicated by user reviews on.

Tighten the five-sided screws on the bottom of the device

Also, the Home button can be "cured" by pulling two five-sided Torx screws on the bottom iPhone verge... It is important to use a specialized screwdriver designed to handle these screws. In such a case, tightening the screws can really save you the trouble with the squeaky Home button.

You are so joyful and happy that you have acquired a new one. iPhone toy 5S, and just a couple of weeks later you begin to feel that the multifunctional Home button suddenly began to crackle or unpleasantly squeak like an old wheel, or maybe even worse - there was a slight backlash and the feeling that you were clicking twice to press it.

At the same time, there are no special deviations, the "Home" key, in principle, works, but nevertheless, sooner or later your patience begins to burst, since the crunching or crackling when pressed not only does not pass, but also increases, there is a feeling that Home button iPhone is stuck. You are at a loss: bought new iphone and here you have such a misunderstanding - the button clicks. After all, this crunch will be a constant irritant. At the same time, you are firmly convinced that this button has not been exposed to any external negative impact... For instance. you haven't flooded the Home key with water or other liquid, dropped your iPhone, or hit it in any way.

You go to a warranty service workshop nearby, they check your Home iPhone 5S, and agree that there is a problem and it needs to be fixed at the expense of the service, but at the same time, they assure that the repair can take one or two months if you have to completely replace the smartphone ... It is unlikely that at this moment you will feel the joy of being left without your favorite instrument on such long term, then call, find out, or there may be another problem. All this is unpleasant and not interesting.

And if the device is not new at all, then they will also ask to unfasten the money for replacing the button, for repairing. And where are the guarantees that then the iPhone will not creak again. Still, let's try to figure it out: what is the reason for the appearance of a crunch, crackle, sticking or jamming of the multi-button "Home".

What is the reason for the squeak of the Home button

Scrolling through various sources After interviewing experts, you come to the conclusion that the appearance of a button crunch is banal - the most common dust has fallen under it, which eventually grows in an uneven layer, which subsequently causes a loose fit of the button surface, which in turn causes a jammed or jammed sound: backlash, crunching, creaking, clicking and other unnecessary and unpleasant sounds.

The same similar problems often arise not only in the iPhone 5S, but also in its strategic competitor - the iPhone 6 iPhone and 6 Plus. Since the nature of the occurrence of a crunch in a multi-touch is the same, then a common solution must be sought. Someone reads forums, someone gives an iPhone under warranty to replace a button, someone completely changes a smartphone. Everyone has their own ways of solving the problem Home keys on iPhone 4.

How to remove crunchy sound on iPhone 6S

To get rid of the crunchy sound in the button - you need to clean it from dust and dirty particles the gap between the metal rim of the Home button and the bezel of the iPhone. On the one hand, it seems to be easy to do, but how? After all, the gap is microscopic and small. Do you really have to disassemble the iPhone? No, of course, exhale, the dust can be removed and the inner surface of the button can be cleaned without disassembling the smartphone.

One of the successful ways is suggested to clear the trash with the help of polypropylene office adhesive colored bookmarks with a sharp end. The most difficult thing in this process is to insert the end of the bookmark into the very slot under the button, more precisely under the metal rim of the button. To do this, slowly carefully bring the sharp end of the bookmark under the bezel, for this, slowly move the sharp end around the circumference of Home. In this case, you can press on one side of the round button so that a wider gap is formed on the opposite side.

Finally, when the sharp tip of the thin bookmark has entered the gap, slowly go around the entire circle. Particles of dirt or debris, compressed dust can come to the surface. If a bookmark is stuck moving along the outline of the button, it means that more dirt has accumulated in this place, do not rush, try moving the bookmark to reverse side... If the bookmark suddenly pops out, insert it again and clean it again, freeing the surface area under the elastic from dirt. You can do this several times. As a result, the backlash should disappear, as well as the creaking and clicking of the home button.

Some users assure that they were able to clean the button with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, others tried to “blow through” the button by holding it on one side and blowing it hard into the slot. But you understand that the ear stick is unlikely to be able to penetrate the tiny crack, and blowing the crack, you only move dust and dirt from place to place. As a result, backlash and squeaks occur again. So this cleaning path is unlikely to be effective.

Those users who nevertheless decided to contact the service center for repairing the creaking button encountered different solutions the same problem. One of the service centers completely changed the device without question, apparently they got into the action. Others, on the contrary, were denied warranty service, referring to the fact that this script and backlash are not covered by the warranty. In turn, the center of technical Apple support v in this case sends applicants to certified service workshops, recognizing them as the only legal representatives of the manufacturer. Therefore, in this case, it's up to you to decide: try the proposed and tested method of cleaning the surface under the button, or still demand the fulfillment of your warranty obligations in service center.

Some owners of se iPhones began to notice that when the Home button is pressed, it emits an uncharacteristic sound, reminiscent of a crunch. Even in spite of the fact that the smartphone is working normally, the backlash of the keys and the sound start to get annoying. What is the reason for this squeak and how to fix the problem?

Why does the home button crunch on the iPhone SE?

There are not so many reasons for button crunching. Here is a list of possible factors leading to the malfunctioning of a part:

  • pollution, causing the key to sink;
  • manufacturer defect;
  • breakdown of the "Home" button associated with mechanical damage;
  • moisture ingress.

Button cleaning

If the button home iphone se began to crunch, we recommend cleaning at home. You will not be able to insert a toothpick or cotton swab into a microscopic gap along the contour of the rim. Therefore, it is best to use bookmark stickers.

You will need:

  1. Place the end of the bookmark under the Home button. Try to do this along the contour so that it fits into the gap. To create a hole, you can slightly press on the key on one side and insert the end of the sticker on the other.
  2. Walk along the path, cleaning dust and dirt from under the key.
  3. If a sticker gets stuck in some place, be sure that a lot of debris has accumulated there. Reduce the length and try to draw out the dirt in stages.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times, if necessary, until all dirt is expelled through the bezel.

Manufacturing defects

The home button on the iphone se crackles as soon as you start using your brand new smartphone? Then you are out of luck, because the reason for this is most likely a factory defect. For example, assemblers have loosely secured a display module during manufacturing.

Only the right decision in this case, there will be an appeal to the service center or independent conduct repair.

Self repair

If you notice the creak of a button after a recent parsing of the smartphone (for example, you changed the screen), then with a high probability it can be argued that a third-party element got into the button. You need to disassemble the smartphone again, and then use anti-static tweezers to correct the position of the key.

Remember, for self-parsing of the iphone se, it is advisable to acquire a set of tools:

  • a Phillips screwdriver and a regular screwdriver to remove the screws;
  • antistatic tweezers;
  • spudger spatula;
  • suction cup for opening the case.

The Home button of the iPhone se cracks and periodically refuses to work

It happens that the home button not only emits an unpleasant rattle, but also does not respond to commands. Simple cleaning can only temporarily fix the problem. In such a situation, you can try to plant the key on the silicone.

For this:

  1. Apply the silicone to a cotton swab or toothpick.
  2. Fill the space under the button with silicone mixture so that it completely covers the gap.
  3. Wipe off any remaining material from the surface of the phone.
  4. Check the functionality.

Such measures were unsuccessful and the Home button still does not work? Then the only solution its replacement remains, especially since the cost of the part is not so high.

Repair and replacement of elements

To make the home button work like clockwork without third-party sounds, you will need to replace the connector for charger and some lower stubs, which runs as follows:

  1. Parsing the device.
  2. Removing the battery.
  3. Disconnecting the cables from the main body of the smartphone.
  4. Removing the board that caused the Home button to stop working.

Replace the element yourself or contact the service center for assistance. In most cases, the service center refuses warranty repair, referring to the fact that the button has become unusable during operation. Therefore, in 90% you will have to pay repairmen.

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