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Server errors. The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable error: causes and solutions

Traveling through the vastness of the world wide web, you may stumble upon an unpleasant message "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable". This, relatively speaking, error can occur on all modern browsers, so no one is immune from its appearance. Translated into Russian, this message reads as follows:

The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

The following could serve as the reasons for the appearance of this error:

  • problems on the server of the web resource you are visiting;
  • problems with the user's Internet connection;
  • the web resource blocks visits for users from certain regions;

Typically, these are three reasons for the "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable" error. It is worth noting that this error gained its popularity in 2014 thanks to the social network VKontakte: at that time this resource had a massive failure, as a result of which a huge number of users received the mentioned message.

If you are familiar with the error, let's see how you can get rid of it.

Error solutions

Solution # 1

Just try to wait. Especially if you are sure that everything is in order with your Internet connection and you have already visited this web resource before. Probably, there are some problems on the server, or technical work is being carried out at all. Either way, try to wait a bit and try again.

Solution # 2

We strongly recommend that you make sure that you have everything in order with your Internet connection. That's right, you may have the following thought: I followed this link, which means that everything is in order with the connection. Well, there is a possibility that access to the Internet may appear and disappear, i.e. be extremely unstable.

Believe me, this problem is quite difficult to notice, especially if you do not use the Internet for some intensive purposes, for example, to download a large amount of content or watch streaming video. Check if you have a similar problem. If it really is, then you need to go with it to your provider or check the correctness of the network connection parameters on your computer (device).

Solution # 3 Using a VPN

There is a possibility that the site you are trying to navigate to has blocked access to users from certain regions. Yes, this happens quite often - it's worth accepting. However, you can try to bypass site blocking with some VPN service, free or paid.

During active surfing in the vastness of the network, any person can easily meet with a fairly impressive number of various errors. Unfortunately, but the method of dealing with them is not always clear to the average user.

For example, a not very disagreeable message "503 service temporarily unavailable" appears in the window of a running Internet browser - what does this mean?

It would be more logical to put the question differently: 503 service temporarily unavailable - what to do? Since the natural desire of every average user is simply to be able to continue with their activities.

The reasons for this situation

To find out the root causes of this phenomenon, you will need to translate into Russian "503 service temporarily unavailable". Any online translator is fine for this purpose.

If we explain all the available translation options for this phrase, then it turns out, such an interesting thing: the server that hosts the Internet resource requested by the user cannot implement the ability to enter the site, since at the moment it is experiencing some problems associated with serious overloads ...

Then how to fix 503 service temporarily unavailable? From the side of an ordinary visitor, it is not possible to do this, since the reasons for the error are completely unrelated to his actions or the settings of the system and equipment used.

It turns out that only the owner of the problematic resource can try to fix the situation, and his potential visitor can be advised:

  1. Wait a while. Perhaps this nuisance will be corrected and he will again have the opportunity for full access.
  2. Find an alternative source of the required information on other, working Internet projects.
  3. If it is possible to communicate with the owner of the problem site, then try to get in touch with him and report the situation.

Recommendations to owners of problematic Internet resources

It should be noted right away that the appearance of such an error does not depend at all on the choice of CMS. Therefore, you should not rush to move the site to an alternative platform, as this will not give any positive effect.

One of the reasons for this situation may be a ddos ​​attack. This is when a very large number of calls is observed on the resource at the same time, which overload the server. What to do? Install some kind of system protection - usually this is solved by contacting an intelligent programmer. Alternatively, try switching to a more powerful server that can withstand such overloads.

Another possible root cause is incorrect settings on the site itself. What is recommended to check first:

  1. The number of requests from robots that index the resource. If there are too many of them, then it is necessary to reduce their number.
  2. If the site has a chat, it is recommended to set restrictions on the number of simultaneous participants, as well as to prohibit the possibility of opening multiple windows in parallel.
  3. The load can also be caused by the huge number of files that visitors can download. If possible, it is advisable to combine them.
  4. When performing automatic mailing of letters, it is advisable to set the time of its carrying out in such a way when the majority of visitors to the Internet site are absent.
  5. Reduce the number of scripts and plugins used, which also have an additional impact on the remote server.

503 service temporarily unavailable. What does the 503 error mean?

Error 503 service temporarily unavailable means that the resource is temporarily unavailable.

Error 503 occurs if more than 15 simultaneous connections from different IP addresses are created to the site, or more than 10 simultaneous connections from your IP address.

Limits do not apply to the following MIME types: application / javascript application / x-shockwave-flash image / jpeg image / png image / gif image / bmp image / tiff image / x-icon text / css. That is, images, CSS and javascript included on page load are not considered simultaneous connections.

It should also be noted that if 15 users have opened the page of your site, this is not 15 simultaneous connections. After submitting the page, the connection is closed.

The limits were introduced to improve the stability of the servers and provide partial protection against DDoS attacks.

The reasons for the 503 error can be different. Here is some of them:
1. A large number of visits to the site. For example, it can be caused by a DDOS attack on a website.
2. Loading a part of the script using include or other methods using the full URL. Such calls should be avoided, they greatly slow down the loading of the site. In addition, if 3 pages are loaded at the same time, each of which makes 4 additional calls, only 10 additional calls will be made, the rest will receive the error 503 code.

3. During the processing of site scripts, the server queues them up, fast scripts are executed quickly, and slow scripts are processed slowly and slow down the execution of other requests to the site. When the number of requests in the queue reaches a critical maximum, the server will return error 503 for all other requests. The main reasons for this behavior are as follows:
- Downloading large files over HTTP. It is better to use the FTP protocol for this.
- Large load of site scripts on the MySQL server.
- Long-running scripts called over HTTP. An example of such a script can be mailing by site scripts. We recommend that all scripts that run for a long time be run via the command line, or using the CRON service.
- mambot in joomla. By default, these scripts are executed along with other requests from users of the site via http, thereby slowing down the operation of the HTTP server of your site. It is better to transfer their implementation to CRON.


Server errors

Error 403 - 403 Access denied

Error 403 means that access to the resource, folder or file is denied (received code 403 Forbidden). It is possible that access was denied through the .htaccess file.

The same error can be caused by the fact that there is no index file in the folder.

Error 404 - 404 File not found

The document at the specified URL does not exist. Perhaps such a file has been deleted, or you made a mistake when typing the URL in the browser, or followed the wrong link.

Error 500 - 500 Internal server error

The appearance of the 500 error may be due to incorrectly specified parameters in the .htaccess file, which is located in the folder with your site.

Also, if the file is saved in UTF-8 encoding, it must be untagged. BOM... If the file is saved in UTF-8 with the label BOM, open the file and save it without the BOM mark.

How to remove UTF-8 BOM label

To take away BOM, for example, in Notepad ++, you need to open the problematic file in it, click on the "Encodings" item in the top menu and select "Convert to UTF-8 (without BOM)". Next, save the file and upload it to the server (hosting).

Error 500 for CGI scripts can be caused due to incorrect permissions in the CGI script file (should be 755).

Also, it may be an error directly in the script script. The exact cause can be determined by looking at the error log.

Error 502 - 502 Bad Gataway

This error means that the server (or proxy server) received invalid responses from another server (or proxy server).
The reason may be incorrect operation of scripts, or an error in the response of the web server gateway.

One of the most common causes of a 502 error:
the site script sends cookies or other data multiple times for certain actions, as a result of which the volume of headers (header) grows more than the allowed limit of the web server.

When the threshold is reached, the web server rejects the request with too large a header, dropping the connection with an error 502 Bad Gateway... This happens when scripts are written by developers without proper optimization.

The hosting uses a bunch of web servers nginx (front-end) + apache (back-end)
Nginx has optimal parameters for headers:

Proxy_buffer_size 32k; proxy_buffers 16 32k;

Other reasons:
sometimes users are inattentive in choosing options and do not read their descriptions.
Go to Domains → Settings, if all options are enabled there (there are ticks), then disable them. This can remove the 502 error.

In some cases, when the 502 error appears intermittently, and it is not possible to fix the scripts, clearing the cookies and cache in the browser can temporarily help.

Error 503 - 503 Service temporarily unavailable

Error 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) - service is temporarily unavailable.

Many people do not fully understand the reasons for the error 503 and believe that the server is to blame for everything.
5xx errors are indeed server-side errors, but this does not always mean that the problem is on the server side.

If you need to get rid of this error as soon as possible, end the processes on your account.

Information for a more detailed understanding of the problem.

What is hosting? Hosting - a certain number of accounts on one server, each account may have more than one site and the main limitation on our hosting is the limitation on the load of the user account, and the limitation is from one processor thread (CPU), and we use powerful multiprocessor servers.
Let's give an example based on our server with a minimum CPU frequency of 3.2GHz - this is the frequency of one processor thread (core), and there are 8 (some more), but as written above, the limit for one account is counted from one core. Now let's take the minimum tariff SSD1 where the load limit is 20% of the CPU. 20% of 3.2GHz is 640MHz, and for only 100 rubles / month. It is up to you to decide whether it is a lot or not, but for the minimum tariff, this is more than enough. Therefore, for each account on the server, a certain number of workflows are allocated that process requests from users of your sites. These requests are sent to the server on a first come, first served basis. If there are several of these requests, then the server will easily process them, but if there are enough of them, the queue will grow, and if the processes are still heavy, then the queue will advance more slowly.
The server is limited in computing power, so there are load limits for each account. If a serious load lasts too long - the entire server, all user accounts and all sites may "collapse" - this is where the error 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) appears, indicating that the web server cannot process more requests and you need to wait until the queue decrease and it will be possible to further process requests.
We examined how hosting works and now we will try to describe the main reasons why the queue can grow, and, if possible, ways to solve this problem. Sometimes this can be a very difficult task and your own knowledge may not be enough, but nevertheless, consider the options:

- Hanging scripts when transferring large static files via PHP.

These large files are best transferred directly without scripting. Why? The scripts work for a certain time, and not constantly, and when the script expires, the file transfer is interrupted, so the file will not be transferred in full, and the request will leave the web server process running for a long time. Also, each file transfer via PHP is a separate apache web server workflow, and a separate multi-threaded nginx web server process will be used directly to transfer static files, which can handle many threads, which means that the file transfer will not affect the upload.
File storage and serving can also be implemented through mod_rewrite rules and the .htaccess file, in which case an anti-leech solution can be used. Antileach is a system that will not allow you to download your file from a link on a page from another site. Often, if your file is popular, unscrupulous webmasters can place a direct link to it without mentioning your site. Naturally, if the site on which the image from your site is loaded is visited, this can also create additional load.

- Remote connection to another server (website, etc.).

If possible, it is better to avoid remote connections, but if it is necessary, then it is advisable to set small values ​​of timeouts for waiting for responses from another server, since the remote server may be unavailable at a certain time, which can cause constant requests to connect to the remote server. Therefore, good communication with these remote servers is very important in such cases.

Also, insertions of individual functions, codes, etc. are often used. (include) and if these functions are located in the same account - use only local paths, and not in the form of inserting a url-address ( Better to insert a construction, for example, of the following type: include "file.php"; ... This will not make an additional external request to the server and thus you will reduce the load, reduce the number of created processes.

Very heavy or corrupted add-ons for site management systems (when using CMS and other scripts).

To find those, you can disable add-ons (plugins, hacks, modules, etc.) separately. Perhaps when you enable / disable you will notice that the site will load faster / slower. Next, you should be able to find an easier replacement or fix corrupted add-ons. Also, the distribution kit of many CMS includes add-ons that you personally may not need, so it is better to remove them.

- Tasks performed for a long time.

Sometimes in the scripts themselves they write tasks to execute something on a schedule (for example, in the same mambots in joomla). If they can be transferred to the scheduler (cron), then it is better to do this via cron, since such tasks in joomla are executed along with user requests and thereby slow down the loading of the site and increase the load, and in some cases the site stops loading altogether.

Mailing lists can affect the loading of the site, however, they are often necessary and are also better to optimize. The script for starting the mailing list can be added to the scheduler (cron), as is the case with mambots in joomla. Scheduler control is located in and is available at the appropriate rate. It is better to run such scripts during the least load times, for example, at night, when the site has the least number of visitors.

- Slow or not optimized sql queries to the database.

The solutions in this case are using caching, optimizing queries and indexing the database table by columns (sorting, ordering). Also, if all this does not help, you should think about changing the script to a more optimized one.

- A large number of requests to the server.

Try to avoid unnecessary queries. Requests can come not only from visitors to your sites, but also, for example, from indexing bots from search engines, sape, etc., the number of requests also increases when using a large number of urls for files (images, js scripts, css styles), which are loaded via separate requests (with apache enabled instead of nginx). If possible, combine them into one file.

Also, requests can come, for example, from a chat or some site, a block on the site that sends ajax requests to the server. Many of us like to open several tabs in the browser - you need to take into account that this can also increase the number of requests and, accordingly, web server processes.

Inserting iframe codes on a website can also cause a 503 error.
Another example of an increase in requests is the use of your resources by other sites (links to files, pictures, various informers). Use an anti-leech system to combat this.

DDoS attacks, flooding, comment spam, or other web forms on the site can also generate a large number of requests.

If you have everything optimized, caching is used, a minimum of requests and there are simply not enough resources for the tariff used, then it remains to think about switching to other tariff plans.

Of course, everyone wants inexpensive tariffs, while many simply forget about the optimal use of resources.
Optimal tariffs have been developed on WebHOST1 and you just need to select the tariff you need, which you can do yourself in billing.

Finally, if your sites do not have enough top tariff and 500 error often occurs, and you do not know how to avoid this problem, then you need more resources and you need at least a virtual or dedicated server.

Error 504 - 504 Gateway time-out

This response code means that the nginx client request sent apache, and apache was unable to return the HTTP response within the specified time limit ?, as a result, the server timed out the network connection. The reason may be a long running process - a script launched by a website script.

You can try to increase the allotted time for php by writing the code in the site root in the .htaccess file:

# script execution time - script php_value max_execution_time 60 # data loading time php_value max_input_time 60 However, this will not get rid of the web server timeout with error 504. It is not possible to change the timeout of a web server within a shared hosting.

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