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Nanocad plus 7 serial number. Product serial number

This instruction describes a typical installation of solutions on the nanoCAD Plus platform and is based on the example of installing and licensing the nanoCAD Plus 7 software product.

Most specialized solutions based on nanoCAD are installed and licensed in a similar way.

However, the installation of some specialized solutions (for example, nanoCAD Structures, nanoCAD Geonics) may have Additional features, which can be found in the separate installation guides supplied with in electronic format along with software products.

Installing the software product

After starting the installation of the program, follow step by step instructions Installation Wizard. At the user identification stage, you will be asked to enter a license number. If on this step If you are not ready to enter a license number, skip this procedure by clearing the corresponding check box in the dialog box. The license number can be entered later.

User, organization, and serial number information

Requesting a license number during application installation

After the installation process is completed, a window will open prompting you to start the registration procedure.

Successful completion of the installation of the program

For auto start Registration wizards after installing the product of Nanosoft CJSC, check the box on the option Launch Registration Wizard and press the button To complete.

To opt out of registration, simply uncheck the Start option. Registration Wizard.

The registration wizard can also be launched later using the command START →Programs →Nanosoft →<НАЗВАНИЕ ПРОГРАММНОГО ПРОДУКТА>→Registration Wizard.

After executing the command, the Registration Wizard window will open.

If you want to get a license, select the option Request a license.

If a license has already been obtained, select the option Activate license.

If you have installed and activated License servers you should select the item . This feature is only available upon registration. commercial version product.

Select desired option and press the button Further.

License request

Selecting a license request item

After selecting an item Request a license and button presses Further a dialog box will open Serial number .

Entering a serial number

If you entered a serial number when installing the product, then in the line Enter serial number this number is displayed automatically.

Enter your serial number (if you don't have a serial number, select Get serial number and press the button Further).

User authorization

If you entered user information when installing the product, the User and Company fields will display the information automatically.

The Login and Password fields should be filled in with the values ​​that you used when registering on the website.

If you are not registered on the site, click the link Register on After registration, enter your registration data in the fields Login And Password.

A window will open .

Registration data confirmation

The registration data confirmation window displays the data that will be sent to Nanosoft to obtain a local license. Check all the entered data and confirm them by pressing the button Further. If an error is found, click the button Back and correct the information in the fields where necessary.

Attention! Please check your registration details carefully. If the registration fields are filled in incorrectly, Nanosoft reserves the right to refuse to issue a license.

License Request Confirmation

After entering and confirming the registration data, a dialog box will open. How to request a license.

Obtaining a serial number

To obtain a serial number, select in the dialog box Serial number paragraph Get serial number and press the button Further.

Entering or getting a serial number

Sign in Personal Area . Register on the site if you have not registered before.

After logging in to your Personal Account, select the section License management.

In section License management select the product you are interested in.

Click the button Receive.

If you have registered as entity, then in your Personal Account you will be able to specify the number of workplaces of CJSC Nanosoft products you need and receive the corresponding number of licenses.

You will be issued a unique serial number for the selected product. The serial number is used when installing the program or, if the program was installed before receiving the number, to obtain a license file through the Registration Wizard.

After receiving the serial number, open the Registration Wizard again and go through the information entry procedure.

Online license request

How to request a license

An on-line license request is made only from a computer with Internet access.

When a license is requested on-line, the Registration Wizard will automatically connect to the License Server, save and activate the license.

Licensing Service response

Comment. All license files obtained in this way are placed in the following directory:

For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nanosoft\RegWizard\Licenses\
If the user does not have write access to the All Users directory, the files are placed in the following path:
C:\Documents and Settings\<ИМЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ>\Application Data\Nanosoft\RegWizard\Licenses\

For Windows Vista, 7 and 8:

The result of an online license request can be:

Successful obtaining of a license;

Refusal to issue a license;

Unsuccessful connection.

If successful, click the button Further Ready.


If, for one reason or another, the Server refused to issue a local license, click the button Further and in the next window containing contact information, press the button Ready by completing the job.

If the connection to the Server fails, or if it is impossible to obtain a local license using the selected method, click the button Further and back out the window How to request a license, select a different query option.

License request by email

License request for e-mail

If you choose to request a license via e-mail, an e-mail will be automatically generated, which must be sent to the also automatically generated address. Without editing anything this letter, send it from any machine with Internet access.

License request email

Requests sent by e-mail are processed by automatic mode robot licenses, which will answer you as soon as possible. Upon receipt email containing the license file, run the Registration Wizard again, start window select item Activate license and follow the recommendations in the Local License Activation chapter. The license file will be sent to you within a day to the e-mail from which the request was sent.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Click the button Ready.

Go to the website

Go to Personal Account

To go to the site and entering the Personal Account, select the Registration Wizard item Personal account on the site

An Internet browser and your Personal Account on the site will open This will close the Registration Wizard.

Saving a license request

Save license request

To obtain a license for local computer, which is not connected to the Internet, you need to save the license request and send it from another computer to the licensing service of CJSC Nanosoft.

The saved license request is a file eml(E-mail message file). This file must be opened with any mail client(Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail , The Bat! and others) on a computer with Internet access.

Local License Activation

This chapter presents the process of activating a local license received from the Nanosoft Licensing Service.

If a license request was sent using the Registration Wizard via the Internet (on-line) and completed successfully, then the license activation has already been completed and no other actions to license the installed product are required.

If the license request was made by e-mail, then after some time an e-mail containing the license file will be sent to the return address specified in the request.

Copy the file to the computer where the licensed software product is installed.

Selecting an activation point

Selecting an activation point

Run the Registration Wizard and select the option Activate license.

Path to the license file

Entering the path to the license file

Enter the path to where the license file is stored.

Congratulations! The process of licensing the product of CJSC Nanosoft has been successfully completed. No other actions are required to license the installed product.

Network license activation

Installation and launch of the License Server are performed network administrator. To connect to the License Server, the computer must have permanent access to the installed and running server over a network with installed and activated protocol TCP/IP.

Installing the License Server from the program disk

Attention! If you have already installed the License Server for one of the products of CJSC Nanosoft, you do not need to reinstall the License Server.

On the installation disk The license server is located at: NANOINSTALL\install\licserver.

Downloading the License Server from

Attention! If you have already installed the License Server for one of the products of CJSC Nanosoft, you do not need to download and install the License Server again.

To download the License Server from the site, you must:

Be registered on the website;

Have a paid subscription to any product of CJSC Nanosoft.

You can download the License Server from the Download section of the product page of any Nanosoft CJSC software product.

Installing the License Server

Installation and launch of the License Server are performed by the network administrator.

When installing the License Server, follow the instructions in the Installation Wizard.

Selecting the connection point to the License Server

Connecting to the License Server

Run the Registration Wizard for the software product that you want to license through the Server, and by selecting the item in the start window Connect to the License Server, press the button Further.

Defining a License Server

Defining a License Server

Enter the IP address of the computer on which the License Server is installed (for example, or enter the machine's NetBIOS name (for example, CORPSRV).

Borrowing licenses

With a borrowed license, you can use the program on a computer that is not connected to local network before the expiration of the loan period. This feature is available upon receipt special file licenses.

To obtain this file, please contact technical support: . The letter must indicate maximum term borrowing, as well as attach an existing license file.

Detach a license

To detach a license from a server:

IN command line nanoCAD enter BORROW LICENSE;

Specify the license release period and click the button OK.

Specifying a license checkout period

You can check the status of your license in the menu Help → About.

Detached license

After the borrowing period expires, the License will be automatically returned to the server.

To return a license early, enter RETURNLICENSE at the nanoCAD command line.

Installing additional modules

Some software products of ZAO Nanosoft are multicomponent. In the installer package of such products, in addition to the basic

module includes additional components.

For example, the following additional modules are supplied with the nanoCAD Plus platform:

Module "2D-parametrization";

Module "3D-modeling".

These modules are installed by default, but are not required to be purchased.

Adding a license

If you have purchased additional modules "2D parameterization" or "3D modeling", please check if these components are enabled in the program settings:

Open the menu Service → Settings;

In the window Settings find the item Licensing →Components;

Check the boxes for the required components and click OK.

Program modules management

Note. Management of modules in software products nanoCAD Designs and nanoCAD Geonics differs from management of modules in the nanoCAD Plus platform. Read the user manuals of the respective products carefully.

Possible Installation Problems and Solutions

Listed below are the most common problems users experience and typical solutions to resolve these issues. If you have any problems and you cannot solve them, please contact the technical support service of CJSC Nanosoft or an authorized partner of CJSC Nanosoft.

An error occurs when launching the setup.exe file and the installer does not start

1. Make sure the installation file is downloaded completely and correctly.

2. Make sure the computer is responding system requirements software.

3. Check the possibility of installation on other computers.

4. Fix the error message and submit it to technical support.

The installer does not accept the license serial number

1. Make sure that you enter the serial number for the software you are installing (for example, that you are not trying to use the serial number from version 2.0 when installing version 3.1).

2. Make sure that you entered all the characters correctly (for example, that instead of the character "0" (zero), the letter "O" was not entered; instead English letter"C" is not typed Russian letter "C", etc.).

3. Make sure that there are no non-printable characters (spaces, tabs, etc.) at the end of the serial number.

4. Contact technical support. Specify the serial number and version of the software to be installed.

Installed software does not start

1. Make sure your computer meets the system requirements for the software.

2. Make sure that installed files have not been damaged (for example, if the computer is infected with a virus, antiviruses can quarantine the infected program files).

3. Contact technical support. Specify the serial number and version of the software to be installed.

Component Download window appears during software installation

1. If a pop-up window appears during the installation of the software product, then you are using the nanoCAD distribution kit.

2. For correct operation software, you can use one of the solutions:

a) in the Component Download window, follow the link and install Microsoft SQL Server Local DB. After installation is complete Microsoft package you have to press the button Repeat check to continue the installation process;

b) go to the site, download a new full distribution and repeat the installation of the software product.

Other problems

If you did not find a solution to your problem in the user manual, please contact the product forum for help: .

Activating a license with a binding to a USB key

Hardware security key - electronic device The used for licensing. USB compatible or LPT port computer, it must be connected during the process of requesting a license, as well as while working with the software product. Without using a key, a license is issued for specific computer and hard links the program to the machine on which it is installed. Licensing using a hardware protection key binds the program not to a computer, but to a key, which makes it possible to transfer it to another machine.

To link a license to USB key you need to purchase the security key for nanoCAD or CSOFT Dev from any dealer - the price is about 3 thousand rubles.

Installing the dongle driver

How to install the hardware security driver

1. Download and install the driver on your computer.
Wibu x32 and x64 dongle driver (exe, 22 MB)

2. Set the hardware security key to USB port computer.

3. If hardware protection keys of other programs are installed on the computer, remove them while requesting a license.

Activating a license with a link to a USB security key

If the dongle driver has been installed and the dongle is installed in the computer's USB port, then when you start the Registration Wizard, the option Use a hardware protection device and key number information.

Linking a license to a USB key

Attention! To bind a license to a protection key, make sure that in the window Serial number option is set Use a hardware protection device.

The resulting USB-bound license file must be copied and can be used to activate the software product on other computers by specifying the path to given file licenses (having previously installed a hardware protection key).

CJSC Nanosoft products are tied to hardware the computer on which you are installing the software.

Product license file

What is a license file?

The license file is text file with .lic extension. As a rule, the file name partially coincides with the serial number you are using and is formed from its first and third parts: for example, NC30BXXXXX-XXXXX.lic (license file for free nanoCAD 3.0). The license file for nanoCAD SPDS 3.1 will look like this: NCSP31XXXXX-XXXXX.lic.

If the folder contains several license files for one product, it is better to leave only the last one - the current one. To do this, you need to open the file in any text editor and analyze its structure (Fig. 4).

Location of the license file on the computer

During registration, the license file you specify is copied by the Registration Wizard to system folder computer. By default, these are the following folders:

Windows 7
Windows Vista
windows xp,
Windows 2000
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nanosoft\RegWizard\Licenses\

You can always find out where the license files are located on your computer, or add your own license file location folder by looking at the value of the NANOSOFT_LICENSE_FILE variable from Windows Registry(regedit command) - it is located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FLEXlm License Manager section (Fig. 3). If you need to add your own path to the license files, specify the full path through the ";" (semicolon).

A software product license begins with the word FEATURE. Then follow the name of the software product (in Fig. 4 - nanoCAD SPDS), the name of the developer and the version of the software product. The first line also indicates the validity period of the product (in Fig. 4 - until June 21, 2012. For free instead of specific date the word is indicated permanent, i.e. indefinitely). Next comes information about the end user, which is taken from your Personal Account on the site, and various service information. Specifically, a cipher that protects the license file from being modified. Therefore, while examining the license file, do not change it - this will damage the license!


Theoretically, having a serial number, the user can install the program an unlimited number of times. To prevent the program from being used indefinitely, a license file is required to run the software - unique for each workplace. The license file says that specified user plans to use the software on specified computer. That is why the license file cannot be immediately issued along with the serial number - you must first install the program on your working computer.

Upon completion of the installation of any Nanosoft CJSC product, the user is prompted to launch the Registration Wizard (Fig. 2), which authorizes the installation on the computer, receiving a unique program license file.

Rice. 2. Registration Wizard allows you to register your software on your computer

When working with the Registration Wizard, you will need to specify your login/password to access the site, and if your computer has Internet access, you will immediately receive a license to run the program. If there is no Internet access, the Wizard will allow you to generate a request in the form of an e-mail, which can be sent from any other computer or transferred to the Nanosoft CJSC dealer (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The license file can be instantly obtained via the Internet, or you can create an e-mail request and send it from another computer

Network license file

Installing the program on one workplace does not take much time, but in large numbers jobs, even this procedure can take a long time. Therefore, organizations have the opportunity to simplify the licensing process by hosting a license for all seats on the server. In this case, only one computer is subject to licensing: a network license is requested and installed on the organization's server using the License Server Installation Wizard. Users will only need to connect from their workstations (using the Registration Wizard) to the server on which the network license is installed.

Network licensing has a huge plus: the license is used only when the program is running. During the period when the product is not launched, any other specialist can use the license - the License Server automatically monitors the issuance and return of licenses. This mechanism allows organizations to be more flexible in their approach to software licensing.

It should be noted that network licenses are provided only for paid software products: for temporary licenses or when purchasing permanent (boxed) versions of CJSC Nanosoft programs.

More complex licensing issues (reinstallation of workplaces, increase in their number, etc.) are resolved through technical support services, authorized dealers of Nanosoft CJSC and. Join the number of our users!

With the release of nanoCAD 3.0, we have improved the product licensing policy: commercial software is now tied to the hardware of the computer on which you install programs. For an unprepared user, the procedure has become a little more complicated, so let's deal with these issues in a little more detail.

The licensing system for nanoCAD 3.0 and all software products based on it consists of two parts: a serial number and a license file. Both parts are important for software installation.

Product serial number

Program licensing begins with a serial number, which is a code unique to each user and required to install the software. In fact, the serial number indicates that you have the right to use the software. It is indicated in the certificate of the licensed user, according to which the developer finds you in the database licensed users, through it is provided technical support. Be careful not to let anyone else use your serial number!

By the serial number, it is easy to immediately tell which software product it is used for. It consists of three parts (Fig. 1): product code, encrypted part and serial number code. Parts in a serial number are separated by a "-" (dash).

Rice. 1. The serial number of the product is unique code issued to the user of the program

Take a close look at the first part - it points to the software product. For example, "NC30B" means free nanoCAD version 3.0 (without technical support subscription); "NCSP31" -; "NCMC30" - etc. You can always find the serial number assigned to you in the Personal Account of the website

Product license file

Theoretically, having a serial number, the user can install the program an unlimited number of times. To prevent the program from being used indefinitely, a license file is required to run the software - unique for each workplace. The license file indicates that the specified user plans to use the software on the specified computer. That is why the license file cannot be immediately issued along with the serial number in the Personal Account of the website - you must first install the program on your working computer.

When the installation of any product is completed, the user is prompted to run the Registration Wizard (Fig. 2), which authorizes the installation on the computer, receiving a unique program license file.

While working with the Registration Wizard, you will need to specify your login/password to access the website, and if your computer has Internet access, you will immediately receive a license to run the program. If there is no Internet access, the Wizard will allow you to generate a request in the form of an e-mail, which can be sent from any other computer or transferred to a dealer (Fig. 3).

Network license file

Installing the program on one workplace does not take much time, but with a large number of workplaces, even this procedure can take a long time. Therefore, organizations have the opportunity to simplify the licensing process by hosting a license for all seats on the server. In this case, only one computer is subject to licensing: a network license is requested and installed on the organization's server using the License Server Installation Wizard. Users will only need to connect from their workstations (using the Registration Wizard) to the server on which the network license is installed.

Network licensing has a huge plus: the license is used only during program startup. During the “idle” period of the software, another specialist can use the license - the License Server automatically monitors the issuance and return of licenses. This mechanism allows organizations to be more flexible in their approach to software licensing.

It should be noted that network licenses are provided only for paid software products: as part of subscriptions or upon purchase. boxed versions programs. Therefore, if you want to use network licensing for free platform nanoCAD, you need to purchase a technical support subscription. After that, the License Server Installation Wizard will appear in your Personal Account in the closed subscription section (for boxed versions, the License Server is located on the distribution disk).

More complex licensing issues (reinstallation of workplaces, increase in their number, etc.) are resolved through technical support services, authorized dealers and the Personal Account of the website. Join the number of our users!

Nanocad is positioned as a design automation system and was created for the development and release working documentation. And now it's easier. Drawings are drawn and edited in it, while the program has the functionality for proper design and convenient printing.

Most often, domestic CAD is compared with the fairly popular AutoCAD platform. They are similar not only externally, but also in terms of functionality. To exaggerate, this is a stripped-down Russian version of AutoCAD. However, this was the case in 2008, when the first version was released by Nanosoft CJSC. In the future, the program was finalized and improved at the same time, without violating licenses and copyrights.

As a result, we have a domestic product, which, moreover, can be used for free. Yes, you can download NanoCad torrent freely on the Internet.

AutoCad by Autodesk has essentially had a monopoly on CAD platforms. It was the simplest, most familiar and functional program. But the company's policy became more and more aggressive in sales, and with updates came out little useful additions. Either it happened by chance, or Nanosoft, having heard a lot of complaints from users, creates its own program. The interface is almost identical, which greatly simplifies the transition from one program to another and, most importantly, the file format. Drawings work great in competitor software and vice versa. It seems to be not surprising, since the editor uses the most popular .dwg extensions and DXF, but obviously not without special refinement here.

While competitors come up with unique features, Nanosoft simplifies and refines to the ideal software solutions, which make it easy to perform typical engineering tasks.

In general, the functionality looks like this:

  • Create and edit 2D and 3D vector graphics, lowercase texts and other objects that make up the drawings.
  • Possibility of vector operations such as rotate, extend, split, etc.
  • Use of step, grid, binding.
  • Creation and use of drawing tables.
  • Convenient printing according to preset or typical settings.
  • Full-fledged work in 2D and 3D space.
  • Use of various archival information. It can even be scanned drawings stored in raster format.

Not a lot and not a little.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other software, NanoCad has its advantages and disadvantages, especially when there is a direct competitor on the market and you can compare.

The advantages can clearly be attributed to the relatively low prices paid packages And special extensions. The second point, which has already been discussed, is a familiar and convenient interface. The transition will not be painful at all. This also includes support for DWG and DXF formats.

If we talk about unique advantages, then these are, of course, unique tools that allow you to work with rasters. Now distortion is not a problem. What is missing, you can draw, and erase the excess.

And most importantly, since this is a Russian development, the ESKD and SPDS standards are already built into the program. It would seem a trifle, but for a professional engineer it will greatly simplify life.

In addition to the above advantages, the ability to create personal add-ons to the program, since the software has an open API.

She also has disadvantages. There are only two of them, but they are quite important. Limited work with programs created on the basis of VBA technology will make it difficult for us to work with Excel and other similar programs. It is not possible to embed a VBA editor.

The second disadvantage is serious limited support AutoLISP. For adequate work, additional adaptation is needed.

It is also often said that in the future the situation with DWG files, which perfectly run in competitor programs. Allegedly because Nanosoft uses a different technology. But company representatives in recent comments claim that if such a problem arises, it will be resolved as soon as possible.

And finally, the thing that cannot be attributed to either disadvantages or advantages is accessibility. On the one side basic version is provided free of charge, and you can download Nanocad directly from the official website. On the other hand, for the use of new version you will have to pay. Special add-ons are also paid.

NanoCad 5.1

Today is the freshest demon paid version NanoCad Free software. That is, it means that it includes all the updates that were up to the release of the new paid version, but some advanced features are specifically disabled. Such as bypassing layers, advanced tools for working with layers, isolating objects, etc.

The functionality of the free version is enough to get acquainted with the program, it is ideal for students and even quite enough for small firms to work. Perhaps not as convenient as in the paid version, but enough. By the way, you can download the Russian version of NanoCad 5.1 for free on our website.

The developers themselves emphasize that free version provided "as is". It has no add-ons and no technical support.

NanoCad Plus 6.0

Paid version 6.0. It includes all the necessary tools for the development and production of drawings. Firstly, NanoCad Plus can be installed on 64-bit operating system. Also added:

  • Management of highlighting and isolation of objects from the status bar;
  • Checking the geometry and relevance of links;
  • Quick selection panel;
  • Gradient hatching;
  • Several commands and tools related to printing.

And by analogy, since this is a paid version, technical support is provided for it and patch updates are released. critical errors and bugs.

In its essence, it is designed for professionals and large companies.

NanoCad Plus 7.0

In 2015, Nanosoft introduced the new NanoCad Plus 7.0, which embodied all its ideas and developments in creating the perfect CAD. Convenience is one of the biggest advantages of the program and all this thanks to a friendly interface and a simple control system, which allows everyone to master the program in the shortest possible time. As for the changes and innovations, here are the main ones:

  • Direct support for the *.dwg format and the ability to insert underlays: PDF, DWF and DWFx;
  • Unified DirectX and OpenGL settings and improved tools for working with 2D graphics;
  • Intelligent layer removal and z-coordinate analysis;
  • Easy file management and file browser;
  • Setting dynamic backlight objects and block editor;
  • Spell check, according to GOST and editor multiline text MTEXT;

NanoCad Plus 8.0

In 2016, Nanosoft introduced its new NanoCad Plus 8, in which design goes to new level. With dynamic input, tool palettes and updated interface the program gives more possibilities for comfortable and professional work. Constantly improved and this time a great job has been done. What the developers did directly:

  • There was a technology of dynamic input;
  • New tool palettes;
  • Significantly redesigned interface with the ability to customize "for yourself";
  • Introduced sets of documentation or filing;
  • Added support for IFC format;
  • Improved file handling performance;
  • Improved navigation in 3D space.

NanoCad Plus 8.5

In the fall of 2017, the NanoCAD "eight and a half" version was presented. Consider what has been improved and finalized:

  • New video driver. Large-scale refactoring of the video subsystem code and a noticeable increase in speed when working with 2D graphics. Optimization of work with raster, PDF-underlays and DWG files, in which blocks are repeatedly nested in themselves;
  • Updated PDF engine. PDF conversion backgrounds in vector and import PDF data to DWG environment;
  • Improved undo system. Ability to set rollback marks;
  • Fixing interface elements. Pinning floating windows and toolbars;
  • Improved support for IFC files. Display of IFC data in 3D environment has been accelerated.

NanoCad Plus 10

At the end of spring 2018, Nanosoft introduced the NanoCAD 10 product, which is timed to coincide with the company's tenth anniversary. Let's see what's new in the anniversary version of the editor:

  • New level of performance. The video subsystem responsible for rendering 2D and 3D graphics has been upgraded with support for Microsoft DirectX 10 technology;
  • DWG 2018. The platform works directly with the modern version DWG format, opens and saves drawing files without disturbing their structure;
  • C3D kernel for 3D modeling. The platform is integrated with the new core 3D modeling C3D from Russian company C3D Labs;
  • Ribbon Interface. Implemented new interface, which provides modern standards user interaction with the program.;
  • View Management Tools. The new interface element "Locator" is used for easy navigation in 3D model– fast dynamic change of views;
  • Checking standards. There was a mechanism for checking drawings for compliance with standards;
  • multileader. The editor allows you to create and edit objects of the "multileader" type, configure their styles;
  • Table.dwg. New Tool"Table.dwg" allows you to create and edit classic dwg tables without the need to convert them to the program's table format;
  • Create an area. New team"Region" (Region) allows you to create an object of type "region" from two-dimensional objects that form closed contours.

Extensions for NanoCad

As already mentioned, there is a paid and a free version. Nanosoft adheres to the policy that as soon as a new paid version comes out, the old one is cut down a bit and given to free access.

But there are a number of different specialized extensions on paid basis. They have registrations: OPS, SPDS, VK, Electro, Geonics, Structures, Power Lines, Heating, SPDS Construction Site, Mechanics, SCS, SPDS Reinforced Concrete, SPDS Metal Structures, Schemes. They include add-ons and settings that make it as easy as possible to work on this species activities. The addition of SPDS additionally means that a special package is included that expands the possibilities for designing design documentation.

More information about the differences can be found on the company's website. You can also buy a license there. On our site, we have the opportunity to download the Russian version of NanoCAD for free without registration.

Need a smaller version that can be run from any media?

Portable version of NanoCad - does not require installation, you can use it on any device, run the project immediately from a flash drive and other media. Russian-language interface allow you to quickly master the program.

Rating 2.65 10

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