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SEO For Beginners - The Basics Of Search Engine Optimization. Self-study SEO from scratch How to start learning SEO promotion

We all came from other professions (related and not so), but we were united by one thing: a terrible interest in what was happening on the Web.

If the thought “I want to become a SEO” stuck in your head and you don’t know where to start, then listen to the dinosaurs. We've had a long journey with rocks, holes, footboards, rattlesnakes and so on. Once even almost died out;) But jokes aside, it's time for fascinating stories about how we learned SEO from scratch.

Oleg Vasiliev

He believes that the SEO profession begins with a detailed study of responsibilities

Tips from Bakinsky if you are attracted by an SEO job:

Look better: will you be just someone who is looking for a job or a student, there are many similar vacancies on the market, they will even help you learn optimization for free :)

Don't be lazy: find and read what SEO is, who is SEO and what is its responsibility. For what? In order not to waste either your time or the time of your leader who will guide you. Yes, to direct. You will learn the basic information on your own.

Know and conquer: in order to learn how to competently SEO website promotion, you need to completely immerse yourself in your profession, quickly delve into the topics of your clients and be prepared for the fact that there is no magic pill that solves all problems. There will be no template projects and solutions. And yes, if all three points describe you, then you should be in "Semantics".

Daria Kuznetsova

Content marketer. Trying to learn SEO for free at the expense of colleagues' spare time

I want to become a SEO. No, really! I've been pacing around the bush for a long time, but I still can't master this science. Of course, I know how to optimize the text, I can put together a decent semantic core for the article and I know what is “gray” and what is “black”, and I am also aware of most of the factors affecting ranking. This knowledge is not enough to promote the site, but I can handle the content for sure.

The thought of learning SEO came to me a long time ago when I was trying to become a millionaire, just like Zuckenberg. What I did then:

  1. I read the exact definition of the word SEO in various sources (both English and Russian).
  2. I read the book by Ashmanov and Ivanov "Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines", I did not understand much.
  3. Began to blindly read Devaki's blog.
  4. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos.

To be honest, I never learned how to become a good SEO. I just did not understand how to connect the knowledge gained and put together a whole picture from all the scraps.

My advice is this: to learn SEO, you need to hang out with SEOs. No, not with your classmates / classmates who think that they are cool guys and it is time for them to create their own business. And with those who have been practicing SEO for a long time and successfully. For example, with us;)

Our blog is full of articles that provide a beginner with everything they need to know to make their SEO dream come true. Welcome!

Vladimir Shestakov

Became an SEO specialist on my own thanks to my curiosity

I used to be a webmaster. I looked at my fellow SEOs for a very long time and envied them very much. It seemed to me that they had a very interesting job and, as it turned out later, I was not mistaken. Soon, jealousy smothered me so much that I decided to leave the heated plankton place and become a non-professional search engine optimization for the time being. Thanks to my long-term personal interest in web technology, I quickly got to the heart of the matter. At first I tried to learn SEO site optimization from my former colleagues. They advised me books, blogs, told me what and how they do. To keep up with trends and prospects, I became an avid reader of many optimization blogs that helped me learn SEO from more than just the technical side. Finally, I attended several workshops that gave me even more insight into my work.

Later, I began to practice and carry out the assignments and routine work of the guys who were my mentors. And later he began to take projects on freelance. Several years of experimenting, chasing trends and being completely immersed in the question made me a real professional.

And to everyone who wants to become a SEO, I would like to say this: passion for technology helps to achieve success. If you are curious, like to get to the bottom of the issue, you want to have some "secret knowledge", then yes, you have everything ahead of you.

Anna Serebryakova

Head of SEO department. Advises to fully immerse yourself in work

It would be like this: in 2010, when I was on maternity leave and there was nothing to do, I came across the blog and read it all in a week. I was literally hooked. Then the forum was angry, then a lot of data ... I just read without stopping. After that I found (or she found me) an interesting vacancy: “The studio staff needs a SEO specialist”. So I began to learn SEO promotion.

In general, the most important thing in SEO is daily training, full immersion in the profession and the desire to reach the truths of what you want to comprehend. There are also some nuances: the result in promotion depends on many factors and finding the perfect combination is a real art. As the saying goes, you can accidentally play badly, but you cannot play well by chance. Becoming a SEO specialist from scratch is possible only through full immersion in work, despite the fact that projects should be versatile. In this case, the “more is better” statement works 100%. Even if at first you will do something wrong, but then there will be an understanding of the borderline working / not working.

Roman Muller

Thinks that you just need to try

How did I become a SEO specialist on my own and practically from scratch? The first time I tried SEO was in 2012, in the spring. As I remember now, I was collecting low frequencies for my website of mobile applications, just digging into the depths of the then “Magadan”. I collected the keys incorrectly, received a drop from the potential sea, but nevertheless the Unics were somehow found. I also had experience in SEO optimization for online movies (for Russian TV shows, to be more precise). Again, there was a wrong approach to work and the maximum was about 1k unics per day, monetized mainly with teasers and advertising in the player.

Eh, it was a great time when you could just spam links and get into the TOP. Now links are needed of high quality, and you need to work with sites in more detail, scrupulously. The situation is changing for the better for users, there are now more and more high-quality sites in the search results, and it is more and more difficult to learn SEO promotion. This has its pros and cons: popular engines like wordpress already have hundreds of different SEO plugins, which undoubtedly makes life easier.

How to learn SEO promotion? The advice is simple: try, even if in doubt, even if you are sure that you will not succeed, just try. Well, this is not just a tip for the SEO field;)

Igor Ivanov

A real dinosaur of the Internet and in addition the head of the studio. I am sure that you can become a good SEO specialist from scratch only through suffering.

I started with heart in 2006, at least some useful information was only there. To get at least a crumb of something worthwhile, you had to look through tons of g # vna and all kinds of nonsense. I experimented on my projects, or rather I made projects on purpose in order to test something. The sea has spent money ... already scary. But this was the only way that understanding came. Yes, and now it is. Nothing much has changed. Information on the web can give a reason and direct thoughts in the right direction. But one way or another, you still have to double-check and analyze everything.

After the angry, worthwhile information began to appear on the blogs of SEOs, "homeless", the angry became generally some kind of rubbish. For the past three years, blogs have already been closed or there is nothing to write about. Now webinars or social networks are interesting: in the feeds of specialists you can find a lot of interesting things.

To become an SEO specialist from scratch requires practice and only practice. Only live it is possible to understand how everything actually works (or does not work). It is also important to understand that practice is not one or two projects, but several dozen.

For many of us, website optimization seems like a completely impossible task. One has only to hear the abbreviation SEO, and a cold sweat breaks out on the back. We suspect that this is due to a large number of incomprehensible jargon: “Do you want to move up in the search results? Work on meta tags, alt texts and keywords. " What, excuse me?

Site and page titles

So, we figured out one point. The next step is to get search engines to find your site. To do this, you need to enter keywords in the site and page titles. Titles are categorized as meta tags. To understand what they are, type any query in Yandex or Google. See the lines in blue over each result? These are the headers.

The "Title" field on the main page of the site must be filled in as follows:

Keywords | company name | the address

Company name | keywords | the address

Having dealt with the main page, you need to do almost the same on the rest of the pages: page title + company name | keywords and address.

For, to fill in the Title field in the Wix Editor, select the page you want, click on the settings icon on the right and select "Page SEO".

An important point: there is no need to add the "+" sign, we use it as a union "and". Vertical stripes do not affect search results, their role is purely decorative.

Page descriptions

Description is short text that appears below the title. It is needed so that a person understands what your site is about and wants to follow the link. Your task is to come up with good, easy-to-read text, but add keywords to it.

An important point: there should not be too many keywords, or they will do more harm than good. The description should look like a regular coherent text written for people, otherwise no one will visit your page.

In the Wix Editor a page description is added as follows: select the desired page, click on the settings icon → "SEO pages" and add a description.

Domain name

The domain name must include your company name. If you can add a keyword, great. Your domain should be easy to remember and print, so avoid hard-to-type phrases and don't be too sophisticated. Remember, the best is the enemy of the good.

And yes, consider expanding. Don't be limited to domains ending in .ru, take a look at .net, .org, .info, .biz, .guru, By the way, the expansion may depend not only on the country, but also on the type of activity. If your business is related to the IT industry, you can take the domain, and if you are dealing with medicine, then the domain. You will find other useful ones in our

To connect a domain, click on "Site" in the top panel of the editor, then on "Connect domain", and then follow the instructions.

Alt texts

Search engines have one specific feature: they cannot “read” images. You need to "explain" what is shown in the photo by adding a text description or alt text to it... After that, search engines will easily find photos for the corresponding request. Not so long ago we wrote a detailed one, if there is a need - you can reread it.

How to Add Alt Text in the Wix Editor:

    Click on the image you want to optimize.

    Click on the "settings" icon.

    Find the "photo texts" field and add alt text.

And for the most meticulous, we recommend adding a tooltip text. This is done in the same place, in the image settings. When the user hovers over the photo, a hint will appear over it, the main purpose of which is to inform and explain what it is.

H1-H6 tags for building content hierarchy

H1-H6 tags are used to highlight the main thing and to create accents. H1 is good for a heading, H2 for a subhead, and so on. For example, on this page we use one H1 tag, several H2 tags, and various keywords such as "site optimization". Think about the most important text on the page and add the correct tags to it.

Search engines react primarily to H1 tag, so it needs to be added to every page. The role of this tag can be compared to the role of the heading - it also conveys the main essence of the page. Forgotten already? It's okay, just go back to # 2.

To add a tag in the Wix Editor, click on the text, click "Edit Text" and select the style you want.

And remember: it's not about the font size, it's about the tag. If there is no tag, nothing will change.

A real-world example of an optimized page

And now we propose to see how it all looks in practice. Let's take, for example, made on Wix, and analyze it:

    Title: Create an online store | Open an Online Business | (you remember: key phrases plus company name).

From the author: I greet you friends! Today we will talk about what SEO optimization is. For beginners, this term can sound like a dirty word and cause concern. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the algorithms of search engines are kept in the strictest confidence, and no one knows exactly by what principles certain sites appear in the TOP of search results. But SEO is not as bad as it is portrayed. Still, there are specific recommendations of the same Google, Yandex and other search engines for optimization. Let's talk about the most important SEO tools - meta tags.

To begin with, I will try to convince you that Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO, aka search engine optimization) is a necessary tool for promoting any business on the Internet.

According to one study, 25% of customers come to a site because they found it in the SERP. Think about it, this is how many potential customers you lose just because you are not in the first places in the ranking. Of course, search engines are not the only source of traffic for a site, but you definitely must do everything to make your site appear as close to the top of the search results as possible for relevant queries (keywords for which a web resource is promoted on the network).

What are meta tags?

How to start learning SEO-optimization of sites? Of course, from the concept of "meta-tag". Meta tags are (X) HTML tags that are specified in the head section of the document and are necessary to provide site visitors and search engines with information about a web page (topic, what questions it can answer).

The main meta tags that we will consider today are title and description, without which high-quality website promotion is impossible. They need to be given no less attention than the rest of the optimization points.

To compose title and description, keywords are used - phrases that users enter into the search bar to find the answer to a question. Articles posted on web pages should be immediately "sharpened" for key queries in order to attract users to visit the site.

Title - the title of the web page (site)

The basics of SEO basics for beginners - the title meta tag. This meta tag should not be neglected - it is the most important factor in search engine rankings. But title is also very important for visitors.
If you correctly insert keywords into the headlines, then they will superbly attract traffic to the site. And search engines are extremely positive about keywords inscribed in meta tags.

Visitors see this meta tag when they type in search engines. Also, the page title is displayed in the browser tab.

The title is added to the HTML code like this:

meta tag content web page content

< html >

< head >

< title >content metatag< / title >

< / head >

< body >contentweb pages< / body >

< / html >

An approximate structure of a meta title tag might look like this: Keywords | Company name | Region / address

make the title as effective as possible - write in it what your potential clients / site visitors will be looking for. As I mentioned above, if the user's request matches your title, then the search robot will not only show your site in the search results, but also highlight phrases or words that match the keyword;

use vertical bar as separator between different concepts / keys in title. Search engines don't give a damn about this feature, and users find such a title much easier to read (especially from browser tabs);

make the meta tag clear and neat, avoid spelling mistakes, repeating the same keywords;

if you are promoting your site in a specific region, indicate this with a title. Thus, you will increase the number of effective visits to your site;

avoid duplicates - the title on each web page should be different.

To become an SEO-optimizer, first of all, you need to learn how to compose a semantic core - a structured list of key phrases by which the site is promoted. These keywords are used when composing the title and description meta tags.

Fortunately, there are now many free and paid keyword research tools out there. Among them I can recommend Yandex.Wordstat, Google AdWords, KeyKollector. Try not to use too competitive, high-frequency queries for promotion. Especially if you are not ready to “devour” all your competitors.

Description - a description of our web page

Description (meta description, snippet) is a short text (about 160 characters) describing the content of the page. We see this text among the search results under the URL of the web page or in social networks, if the user has shared with us a link to this page.

In this case, the HTML code looks like this:

meta tag content web page content

< html >

< head >

< title >content metatag< / title >

< meta name = "description" content = "web page content">

< / head >

meaningfulness - the text should be understandable and useful for the user. Inserting as many key phrases as possible in the description is, of course, good. But it is even better that the user can immediately understand from the snippet what this site offers him. The description should be attractive and match the content of the page;

no duplicates - as with the title, the meta description should be different for each web page. In addition, description should not completely match other meta tags;

do not use quotation marks "- all the text after them will be" cut off "by the search robot, since this type of quotation marks is used in the HTML code. If you still need to put quotes, use "Christmas trees";

do not start the meta-description with introductory words - "in this article we will consider ..." and so on. Write to the point, go straight to the point, not forgetting about the keywords.

So, we figured out the main points of SEO optimization for beginners. These are all the meta tags you need to get started. The rest are quite specific, so you may need it only when you gain enough experience in SEO promotion.

If you want to know all about, subscribe to our blog updates. We publish new articles every day, useful for both beginners and. Recommend our blog to your friends on social networks - this will be a plus for your friendly karma!

Until next time!

Dear friends, from time to time I receive letters with the same question - how to learn SEO and become a website promotion specialist? I came to the conclusion that it was time to write a detailed article about this and state in it all my thoughts on this matter, and then just give a link. Convenient, isn't it 🙂.

The photo is not Globator, don't you think 🙂. I just practiced a little Photoshop 😉.

Website promotion is not yet taught in universities. I think that soon something like this will definitely appear.

Indeed, the question of how to become an SEO specialist is very relevant. The ability to attract targeted visitors to sites to increase profits will always be in demand.

I will tell you based on my experience. Plus, I'll try to add jokes and jokes to make it more fun for you to read 😉.

As a child, I wanted to become a clown, but life turned out so that I became a blogger and SEO 🙂. I've always liked to make people laugh. At school, university and at all jobs, I always tried to make someone laugh. Even, I learned to translate all my jokes and jokes into English in such a way that it would amuse the Americans (at first it did not work - they have a different mentality).

I’m not upset that I don’t work in a circus - I’m slowly breaking away on my blog to add some humor to the dull articles on website promotion 😉.

That's it, you need to concentrate, otherwise I get distracted again 🙂.

Best Practices for Learning SEO

In my opinion, the best way to learn something new is to practice it.

I am convinced that in order to successfully become an SEO specialist, he must have his own website. You can create a resource of any type - website, blog, forum, community, portfolio, etc. Only on your website can you learn the basics of increasing traffic, experiment with internal optimization and try different promotion methods to find out what works and what doesn't.

I started my career as a webmaster in 2005, creating a site on maps for the game Counter-Strike, the development of which I was then fond of Then I made a website for Photoshop lessons. Then it was on the domain, then I moved it to due to a long ddos ​​attack. Then 8 out of 10 popular Photoshop sites from the Yandex directory were subjected to this attack, this is a different story.

I actively worked on the development of the site, wrote Photoshop tutorials and in a year achieved a natural attendance of 3,600 people per day with practically no financial investment (I paid only for registration in catalogs and then bought the Allsubmitter program). You can read about this in this series of articles:

After that, I realized that I really like to increase traffic to sites, and I started a blog site to share my thoughts and best practices. So gradually I came to SEO.

Experiment constantly

SEO is a field in which it is impossible to say unequivocally what works and what does not. Google and Yandex algorithms are constantly changing, and the effectiveness of one or another method of internal optimization and promotion always depends on many factors. Plus, it can be a trivial thing - all other things being equal, the same method may work well for one optimizer and not work for another.

That is why on almost any issue in website promotion one can find directly opposite opinions even from experienced specialists.

My advice is - if you are in doubt, then do not read someone else's opinion and do not blindly accept it as the truth, no matter how authority the person is in SEO. If you are not sure, you better set up an experiment and check it out on your own experience.

For example, many SEOs claim that articles, when added to free article directories, must be duplicated (that is, rewritten to make them different). I think that you don't need to reproduce them at all, because one version of the article works great. I have carried out several experiments and am convinced of this while working. This applies to both promotion on the Russian Internet and on the English-speaking Internet.

🔥 By the way! I am giving a paid course on SEO Shaolin English Website Promotion. If you are interested, you can apply on his website

I opened a separate Twitter account, in which I publish the most interesting and useful materials of the Russian Internet on website promotion. I select all materials by hand and publish only those that I save for the future. Many valuable articles accumulate in my bookmarks, and I decided to share them with you. You can subscribe to this account - @ruSEO.

So, let's put aside unnecessary modesty and quickly provide a link to the content section of the site, where I publish the best materials of my blog on SEO 🙂:

If you know English, then reading foreign promotion materials will allow you to learn a lot of useful things first-hand. You can read my article:

Naturally, the SEO forums should be mentioned. It is useful to read them, but it is important to learn how to skip unnecessary information (flooding and messages without any information value). Plus on the forums you can ask questions and communicate.

At the beginning of my journey, I was quite actively communicating on the forums of optimizers, but for several years I have not done this - I have no time, I prefer to do work. Of course, from time to time I go to the forums from Twitter to read interesting articles, but in general I read blogs more often, as there is more useful information and less flood.

Here are the most popular SEO forums on the Russian Internet:

You can also view useful videos on website promotion and related topics on and

Study the sites of leading competitors

In almost any topic, the first positions in the search results are occupied by sites that, in the opinion of search engines, best meet user queries.

Such sites must be studied both in terms of internal optimization and filling with materials, and in terms of the organization of the structure and navigation, as well as the ways in which they are promoted.

To find out by what methods a particular site is promoted, you need to download its external links. This can be done using the paid program Yazzle (I have been using it since 2007) or using online services (I made a detailed video for one such service -). By clicking on the links, you can find out in what ways a particular resource is being promoted. This knowledge can save you time and money.

If you are interested, you can order from me, in which I will tell you everything in detail and then answer all your questions.

If you notice any interesting points and solutions on other sites, check them out with experiments to find out whether they have an effect or not.

To become an SEO specialist, it is advisable to work for a company

Another such moment. Developing and promoting your sites is one thing. Tackling client sites is different. So to speak, the next step on the path to the level 80 elf 😉.

I personally lacked certain skills and abilities to switch to professional website promotion to order. In particular, I didn’t know how to promote commercial sites in competitive topics and buy links correctly, and also deal with promotion budgets. I had a lot of my own work, but I really lacked this knowledge.

As a result, in 2007 I got a job in a website promotion company. I am grateful to fate for the opportunity to work as a website promotion specialist (this is exactly the record I have in my work record).

There I ran several sites, constantly studied, communicated with other promotion specialists (Artem, Stas and Dina, I would like to say hello to you!

I remember that then I still found the time when links from sapa gave a cool and quick effect. It was enough to buy links for several tens of thousands of rubles, and a week later the site was in the top 3 for a very competitive one-word query. But it soon stopped, and it took a lot of thinking, analyzing and experimenting to successfully advance. What I actually do to this day 😉.

I worked in the office from 9 to 6, spent three hours a day on transport, but it was worth it. Having received the missing knowledge and skills in an SEO company, after 9 months I quit my job and embarked on a solo voyage. By the way, you can read my opus, there is just a gorgeous picture at the beginning, I love it 😉.

In the last months of work, communicating on the forums, I found a couple of clients with whom I began to cooperate to promote their sites. I dealt with their resources in my spare time, often working at night. This made it possible to start earning a small additional income.

At first it was difficult, but I worked hard from morning to night, gradually more clients appeared for promotion and they began to recommend me to their friends and acquaintances.

I was also very much supported by my wife - I am grateful to her for that. Instead of getting angry and offended at me for sitting all day at the computer with red eyes, she actively helped me and is now well versed in SEO, although she works in a maternity hospital 🙂. For example, she collects keywords much better and faster than me, she has a talent for this. When there is family support, you can reach your goal much faster.


My conclusion is that absolutely anyone can learn how to promote sites, if they wish. The internet has all the information you need. There is nothing very complicated and clever about SEO. Naturally, you need to work very hard, constantly learn and truly love what you do. Then everything will definitely work out!

I wish you to learn everything you want!

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