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A family of linux operating systems. Something about Ubuntu

GNU / Linux- multinational OS. And each country creates its own distributions, which are used both on workstations and on servers. Russia is not far behind, and there are several good (and not so good) Linux distributions that I will cover. At the same time, I will talk about the most famous and popular distributions that are well developed and actively used. Go!

Rosa Linux

Rosa Linux- a distribution based on the now deceased Mandriva, and continuing its development. This distribution has several editions designed for different applications. Free desktop edition, is Fresh which includes the most recent and stable software. Editorials "Cobalt", "Nickel", "Chromium" created for government agencies, and certified by the Russian Ministry of Defense and FSTEC. These distributions are not freely available. The server version was originally based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), was later also transferred to the Mandriva base. Based on the Rosa project, a distribution kit is being developed Openmandriva which is "polygon" for testing new software and technologies (how Fedora for RHEL).

The distribution uses its own developments:
  • ABF (Automatic Build Farm)- a distributed continuous development and build environment based on the Git version control system. ABF is designed as a structural façade for private (distribution-dependent) technical processes. This approach allows, with a minimum entry threshold, without large-scale changes in package bases and build technologies, to add distributions to ABF on various package bases. The unified external logic supported by ABF provides the ability to quickly exchange functionality between development groups from base and derived distributions and between different base distributions, and also accelerates the appearance of new application functionality from external vendors in distributions. The OpenMandriva project borrowed the ABF build environment.
  • ROSA Hardware DB- database of tested equipment;
  • RocketBar- quick launch panel for applications with the ability to switch between them;
  • SimpleWelcome- a single point of launching applications, grouped by functional purpose;
  • TimeFrame- a content visualization tool that allows you to track activity and find documents and files on specific dates.
  • StackFolder- an applet that allows you to organize quick access to the most used directories and files (included in KDE 4.10 by default);
  • Klook- utility for quick viewing of a group of files (analogue of QuickLook in Mac OS X, in KDE 4.10 by default);
  • ROMP- multimedia player based on MPlayer and SMPlayer;
  • ROSA Software Center- application installation center;
  • Upstream Tracker- tracking and analysis of compatibility of changes in Linux-libraries;
  • Kernel ABI Tracker- analysis of changes in the Linux kernel.
The main graphical environment in Rosa is KDE... The development team has created their own, original design, which is quite familiar to Windows users, and does not scare away experienced Linux users. There are also editions with graphical environments GNOME and LXDE but they receive less attention. Official site

Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux is a line of corporate distributions based on the famous Gentoo(the same one that is assembled from the source codes during installation), but unlike it, they have a simple and understandable installer, high build quality and system utilities, as well as a very wide set of preinstalled software (in the Desktop edition there is even Skype). At the same time Calculate is fully compatible with Gentoo, uses its native system portage for building and installing software, and also contains a large number of binary packages in the repository. Calculate has the following editions:

  • Calculate Linux Desktop KDE / MATE / Xfce (CLD, CLDM, CLDX) Is a modern desktop based on the graphical environment KDE, MATE or Xfce, which can handle most office tasks. The main feature is fast installation, convenient update system and the ability to store user accounts on the server. The appearance of the desktop on all three distributions is identical. Employees can seamlessly work on different desktops by sharing files and documents from the Windows OS.
  • Calculate Directory Server (CDS)- can act as a domain controller, allows using the Calculate 2 utilities with simple unix-like commands to configure Samba, Mail, Jabber, Proxy services. As the calculate-server package, which is part of the Calculate 2 utilities (Apache 2 license), is released, new server versions are released every 2-3 months.
  • Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) Is a base distribution, similar to Gentoo's stage3, used to build other versions of the desktop. Unlike stage3, it contains the required minimum of additional packages, drivers, libraries, Linux kernel source and portages.
  • Calculate Scratch Server (CSS)- like CLS uses a minimal set of packages. Unlike the latter, it is intended for installation on a server.
  • Calculate Media Center (CMC)- a specialized distribution optimized for storing and playing multimedia content.

All versions of the distribution are distributed as a bootable livecd image with the ability to install on HDD, USB-Flash or USB-HDD.

  • Ready-made client-server solution.
  • Rapid deployment across the enterprise.
  • Full-fledged work in heterogeneous networks.
  • Update model: rolling release.
  • Includes specially designed Calculate utilities for configuring, building and installing the system.
  • Supports interactive system assembly - preparing an ISO image of the system for your tasks.
  • Convenience of administration.
  • Can be installed on USB-Flash or USB-HDD with ext4, ext3, ext2, ReiserFS, Btrfs, XFS, jfs, nilfs2 or FAT32.
  • 100% Gentoo compatible with support for binary update repositories.
Official site


Runtu- this is the Russian assembly Ubuntu, focused, oddly enough, on the Russian user. The system is completely Russified, very easy to install, has a good set of pre-installed applications. A distinctive feature of the distribution is a set of system utilities developed by a project participant FSnow... This software is available in the ppa: fsnow / ppa Launchpad repository.

There are two editions of Runtu:

  • Runtu XFCE- with a lightweight graphical Xfce environment configured for the familiar Windows-user interface;
  • Runtu LITE- with the Openbox window manager, targeting old and weak hardware.
Official site

Russian Fedora Remix

Russian Fedora Remix(or RFRemix) - build based on Fedora distribution. In addition to full Russification, it has the following differences:

  • The fonts look orders of magnitude better than the original Fedora;
  • By default, repositories with non-free drivers, proprietary software, etc. are connected;
  • By default, multimedia codecs are installed, which cannot be included in the original Fedora due to patent restrictions;
  • Likewise, fixes and improvements are added that Fedora does not upstream.

The rest is the usual Fedora. Official site

ALT Linux

Originally based on Mandrake(which later became Mandriva), but gradually began to turn into an independent system. A distinctive feature of ALT Linux is its package manager: packages of the format RPM as in RedHat-derived distributions, but they are managed with the utility APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), which is "native" for Debian and derivatives (such as Ubuntu). ALT Linux is also known for being sent to many schools, and computer science textbooks contain tasks specifically for it (except for Windows). The distribution kit has both publicly available free editions and versions for government agencies certified by the FSTEC and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Simply Linux distribution is a lightweight ALT Linux edition containing a large number of educational and multimedia software, as well as a simple and convenient Xfce-based desktop. Development of packages for ALT Linux, carried out in a special repository Sysyphus... The following editions are available:

  • Alt Linux Centaurus- multifunctional distribution kit for servers and workstations, primarily intended for use in corporate networks;
  • Alt Linux KDesktop- universal multifunctional user system Alt Linux KDesktop (ALT Linux KDesktop) includes everything you need for office work, creating various types of graphics and animation, sound and video processing, application development tools, as well as education. During installation, the user will be able to complete his distribution kit himself and form the necessary functionality;
  • "Alt Linux School"- a set of distributions for educational institutions. The set includes operating systems based on ALT Linux for building the infrastructure of an educational institution:

    School Server
    School teacher
    School Junior
    School Master

    The main feature of the kit is the integration of student and teacher workplaces. This feature allows not only to centrally manage the educational process, but also implements the interaction of students and teachers in the usual form of chats and forums. Messages can contain tasks, their solutions and comments. It is also possible to exchange files of any format, both between a teacher and a student, and between students;

  • The above Simply Linux.

Astra Linux

A special-purpose operating system based on Debian GNU / Linux, created for the needs of the Russian security agencies and special services. Provides the degree of protection of the processed information up to the level of state secrets "top secret" inclusive. Certified in the systems of certification of information security means of the Ministry of Defense, FSTEC and FSB of Russia. The released releases are named after the hero cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

The manufacturer is developing a basic version of Astra Linux - Common Edition (general purpose) and its modification Special Edition (special purpose):

  • "general purpose" version - "Eagle"(Common Edition) designed for "solving the problems of medium and small businesses."
  • "special purpose" version - "Smolensk"(Special Edition) is designed to create on its basis automated systems in a protected version, processing information with a degree of secrecy "top secret" inclusive
Official site


It is a lightweight distribution designed specifically for low-end hardware. The small size of the system (about 120 megabytes) allows it to be fully loaded into RAM, ensuring maximum performance. PuppyRus Linux is focused on computers with x86 architecture, is optimized for maximum performance, and due to its low hardware requirements, it can breathe "second" life into outdated models.
PuppyRus inherited two original package systems from its predecessor Puppy Linux: .PET and .PUP... They are files compressed using the gzip algorithm, which contain directories with enclosed files for installation. These directories are named and structured the same as standard directories in the UNIX file system.
Thus, the process of installing new packages is accompanied by unpacking the packages to the root directory. Package manager PetGet monitors the installation process, registers files that are copied from the package to the system and records these changes in a separate file - the installation log. After unpacking, PetGet executes the installation script (script) also contained within the package.
When you uninstall a package, PetGet, according to its installation log, removes all files derived from it. After that, PetGet executes the post-installation script (script) that was previously included in the package. Official site

Agilia Linux

It is a Linux distribution based on the currently undeveloped MOPS Linux(which in turn is based on Slackware). The main principles followed by the developers of the distribution are the ease of installation and development of the system, as well as a selection of the most stable programs.

Historically, AgiliaLinux is a direct descendant of the defunct MOPSLinux. At the time, MOPSLinux was largely based on the Slackware package base, gradually increasing its share of its own packages towards the end of its existence. AgiliaLinux continued this path, and the package base is now independent. The package format is txz, mpkg is used as the package manager. Official site

In this article I will try to tell you as simply and clearly as possible about what is Linux, what is a Linux distribution, I'll talk about the features of Linux and the differences from the Windows operating system, we will also talk about the graphical user interface in Linux and much more.

What is Linux?

Linux Is a free operating system for a computer based on the Linux kernel.

Linux kernel- this is the main component of the operating system, which is the center of this system, around which everything is built. The Linux kernel coordinates everything between the hardware of the computer and all the components of the operating system, including applications. Thus, the Linux kernel is the foundation, the foundation on which the Linux operating system is built.

The Linux kernel first appeared in 1991 and was developed by Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds.

Official Linux symbol Is a penguin named Tux, which is different from "Ordinary" penguins with yellow beak and paws. Therefore, do not be surprised that almost all mentions of Linux are accompanied by such a penguin.

The Linux operating system is modular and extensible, so the Linux operating system does not only consist of a kernel, it also includes a graphical shell ( graphical user interface), a set of applications, and other components that connect and interact with the Linux kernel.

Linux software is distributed in packages and stored in special, so-called, repositories.

Repository Is a repository that stores application packages or just packages for extending the functionality of the Linux operating system. The repositories can be freely accessed from the operating system, so you can install additional programs very easily.

Linux GUI

The main and popular graphical shells in Linux are:

  • KDE (K Desktop Environment) - one of the largest and most popular graphic shells, has a beautiful, convenient and functional interface, due to this it is quite demanding on computer resources;
  • GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) Is another desktop environment that is widespread and also very popular and functional. Starting with version 3, GNOME began to use the technology GNOME Shell, which made this environment completely new and significantly different from the classic version. It was this fact that prompted the creation of new skins that continued the classic GNOME environment, but with a different name;
  • MATE- has an intuitive and, most importantly, convenient user interface, due to this it is very attractive. This environment is a continuation of the classic GNOME interface;
  • Cinnamon- another continuation of the classic GNOME with the use of modern technologies. Very user-friendly, functional and beautiful desktop environment;
  • Xfce- simple, functional and at the same time very fast and lightweight graphical shell;
  • LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) Is one of the lightest and fastest desktop environment that is not demanding on computer resources, so it has a very conservative interface.

Linux peculiarity and difference from Windows

The main feature and difference between Linux and the Windows family of operating systems is that Linux takes a completely different approach to organizing the file system and using completely different types of file systems.

In Windows, you are used to seeing logical drives C, D and so on, in Linux there are no such drives. Instead, Linux has a root (/) from which everything grows. All file and directory addresses begin exactly at the root, all partitions are mounted at the root, including physical disks ( USB sticks and so on).

Thus, absolutely all physical disks and partitions are combined into a single file structure starting with the root (/).

In Linux, as already noted, other file systems are used, not such as, for example, in Windows - NTFS or FAT, although Linux is able to work with these types of file systems.

The following types of file systems are actively used in Linux:

  • ext4- modern journaling file system, which is standard for Linux;
  • btrfs- a fairly new file system based on B-tree structures, in some tests it shows even better performance compared to ext4;
  • xfs- this file system is distinguished by a fairly high performance in terms of writing and reading data. However, due to the nature of this file system, there is a risk of data loss in the event of serious failures.

In general, the inner workings of Linux and Windows systems, of course, differ significantly, but today these differences are practically invisible to the average user of a home computer. Modern Linux is a very convenient operating system already oriented towards the common user.

Nevertheless, Windows still remains the most popular operating system, and precisely because of this, the most vulnerable. Since it is under Windows that most viruses are created, every day "Bad" developers are looking for vulnerabilities in this operating system in order to create another virus.

On Linux, viruses are much better. Under Linux, fewer viruses are created, and as a result, Linux is considered a safer and more virus-resistant operating system.

If we talk about software, then Linux has become so widespread that a huge number of applications are developed for this system, including the most popular ones that are in Windows. And by the way, installing applications on modern Linux is much easier than on Windows. The installation process resembles something like installing applications on smartphones, i.e. everything is set from one point in one click. That is, you start a system component that accesses the repositories and reads the list of available packages ( with descriptions, with ratings, with comments from other users), and you just click on the one you need and that's it. Of course, this functionality is not available in all Linux distributions, but in the most popular, the installation is done in this way.

Also, the main difference from Windows is that Linux is a completely free and open source operating system. Any developer can modify it and create on its basis his own system on absolutely legal rights. All software in Linux is mostly free as well. Linux is free to redistribute and use. Therefore, there are a huge number of Linux distributions, and what it is, I will now tell you.

What is a Linux Distribution?

Linux distribution Is a kind of Linux operating system. There are many Linux distributions, as any developer can use the Linux kernel and create their own operating system. Thus, developers unite into communities and create operating systems based on the Linux kernel, which are distributions. The distributions include all the software you need to work, and often most distributions have everything you need to start using the system immediately after installation, as opposed to the same Windows, where you need to install the software necessary for work after installing the system.

Also, distributions can be created and maintained by various companies, and such distributions may already be paid.

A Linux distribution can be based on another distribution, and thus countless varieties of distributions are born, which are based on each other and they all have one base, one base.

Almost every distribution kit has its own repository, which contains all the packages compatible and supported by the distribution kit, respectively, when installing applications from standard repositories, you always install only verified versions of programs.

Linux distributions can be roughly divided into two very large branches of development, two directions. Here I mean the division according to the way of organizing and managing the software, i.e. packages.

There are two popular package management systems:

  • DEB- the file format of the packages used in the Debian distribution and in all distributions based on it;
  • RPM Is the package manager used by the Red Hat distribution as well as many other popular distributions.

If you are a novice Linux user, then you do not need to look at which package management system the distribution is based on, you need to look at the distribution as a final product, i.e. for what purpose it is designed. I have given this division only so that you know that it exists, it will practically not affect your acquaintance with the Linux operating system in any way. The only time you come across this is when you install third-party software that is not in the standard repositories. Since you will need to choose the type of package for installation that matches your system.

Before switching to Linux, you need to find out what a particular distribution was created and intended for. Since there are, for example, distributions that do not have a graphical shell, i.e. server systems, there are distributions that are controlled exclusively on the command line, and are created for advanced users, but at the same time, there are the most simple and user-oriented distributions that are not inferior to Windows.

We'll talk more about Linux distributions in the next article.

For today I have everything, bye!

There are many types of operating systems. One of them is the Linux operating system. What is this operating system? Where is it used? How does it work?

How is it different from the operating systems of the Windows family? What are Linux distributions? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in this review.

Linux: what is it

Linux is an operating system in which the user has a wide choice of software that will be installed on it. In this operating system, you can choose between several types of desktops and a dozen shells for the command line, which, incidentally, is called the terminal and plays a rather important role. Due to the fact that this operating system is designed to run several programs at once, it is not susceptible to failures.

No program can be launched by default without the knowledge of the user, so it is very difficult to come across a virus written for Linux. If they infect computers, it is only because the user himself launched a suspicious application. Samples of this system can be operated via USB or optical drives.

Linux: a history of development

The name of this operating system is not translated in Russian. It is named after its pioneer founder, Linus Torvalds. He presented his creation to the public in 1994. The development of the system began back in 1991. Due to the fact that this operating system was open source and anyone could modify it, so it has followers all over the world. Various companies that release paid distributions are beginning to use the developments.

At the same time, whole communities of developers have sprung up, which on a voluntary basis create and distribute their own assemblies. As of 2016, there are about a dozen popular versions of Linux operating systems. What does this state of affairs mean? This means there is serious competition and diversity. In addition to the popular versions, less common ones are also used, which are designed to perform a certain range of tasks. If you are interested in the Russian version of the Linux operating system, then it is worth noting that downloading it today is not a problem. For other versions, there are localizers that can translate at least some of the designations.

Linux and Windows: differences

At first glance, these operating systems have serious differences. However, in reality, this is not entirely true. There are differences, but to see them, you need to look a little deeper. We will focus on the Linux operating system, but since we will be comparing with Windows, we will have to describe this OS as well. We will consider the file system, graphical shell, system configuration, scope. At the end of the article, let's pay a little attention to distributions.

File system

First of all, it should be noted that there are no hard drives in the Linux operating system in the usual sense. What can this state of affairs speak of in the first place? Physical disks and logical partitions will be saved, here they will be represented by directories. The OS connects to some folder, everything that will be created will go into it. The work can only be carried out with the files that are in it. The main folder is called the root folder. It is denoted by the sign /. User files are usually stored in the / home / username / folder. The location can be changed if desired.

Graphical shell

After using the Windows operating system, at first, moving to the Linux operating system may seem inconvenient. However, this is only true when using a terminal. There are graphical shells with which you can work with the familiar interface. The terminal is used either by very advanced users or on servers. The graphically designed shell is suitable for all other users who do not want to remember the exact catalogs of information. Thus, we can say that the Linux operating system can appear in various forms. There are several options for customizing your desktop. The graphic design counts in hundreds of variations.


In the Windows operating system, this information is located in the system registry. It is a kind of database. It is required so that the programs launched in the operating system of the program are correctly configured at the first boot and at the beginning of work. In the event that the registry is damaged, only a complete reinstallation can help. However, this also has a definite advantage: everything is in one place. In the Linux operating system, the developers decided to take a slightly different path. In this OS, each program is the owner of a separate configuration file, and maybe even several.

These files can be viewed and edited in an arbitrary text editor. If there are a few more files, this has its advantages. If one of them is damaged, only a part of the operating time will be lost. In the worst case, only the program will have to be reinstalled. In addition, if the user wants to change the computer, he does not have to start all over again. He can simply copy the necessary files between machines, directly or using media. But what if the operating system was damaged? This is another important advantage of the Linux operating system.

The OS needs to be reinstalled and you need to perform it. However, the file settings will not disappear after completing this process. However, there is one small drawback: each program has its own configuration file format. You will need to understand them well before editing anything.

We have already talked about the Linux operating system, and how it differs from the usual Windows operating system. Today we will pay attention to the areas of its application. Alas, it will not find application everywhere. Linux, be it an office or home workstation, is close to ideal. The thing is that there are many created or ported games for this OS. There are also stand-alone programs that run complex engineering programs or graphics packages like Adobe.

With the help of emulation, this problem can be easily solved in most cases. However, not all users require a computer that can solve specific problems. Let's take a look at the list of features of this operating system. The Linux operating system allows you to compose office documents, process texts, create spreadsheets. It is also possible to view and edit photos and images. You can watch videos and listen to music. The system can even play the simplest games. It is possible to carry out communication processes via the Internet.

It should be noted that in this regard, the operating system "Linux" is significantly superior to its competitor. Linux is convenient for programming. The user can easily explore the Internet space. It is also convenient to remotely manage any operating system. E-mail and various messaging programs are available here. File exchange is quite convenient.

About distributions

If you want to install a Russian version of Linux on your computer, then it's worth talking a little about distributions. The user has the ability to choose language and geographic focus. In addition, with the help of this operating system, you can seriously engage in language learning. But now we are talking about distributions. The main difference is that the programs are located on the file system. This is not to say that one distribution is more convenient to use than another.

Everything here will depend on the range of tasks to be solved. You can use a version in which it is convenient to do programming, but there is weak Internet support. This option is suitable for those users who need to concentrate on work instead of being constantly distracted by the Internet. There are also versions that allow you to adjust the power in the best way. This makes it possible to get maximum performance. In general, there is plenty to choose from, you just need to dwell on one version or another.

Hello dear readers. Using computers, tablets, smartphones, we rarely delve into what they have under the shell, on what "RAM" they work, etc. If a common Windows user and Apple's Mac OS are more often heard of, then few have heard of the "dark" horse Linux. Let's correct this misunderstanding together.

Linux is directly the kernel of the operating system. A great many systems are based on this kernel: Mint, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, to name just a few of the huge list of systems. They are called distributions, sometimes Linux. It is noteworthy that some of the Linuxes were built on top of other Linuxes. For example, Mint to Ubuntu, and Ubuntu, in turn, to Debian.

Distributions do not differ much from the same Mac OS and Windows in their interface. . The only significant difference is in the source files, in the operating system code.

There is one more important feature: the system interface in Linux can be completely changed, as well as its user environment.

The Linuxes themselves differ from each other in their purpose. Some are created for the highest user requirements: Elementary OS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian. Others differ in the principle of settings: Slackware, Gentoo, Arch. Also created Linux, sharpened mainly for protection and security.

The main advantage of distributions is that the user personally installs the components he needs. As a result, the computer becomes fast.

Another important fact about Linux . Powerful Android was built at its core. Unlike PCs, a large percentage of phones and tablets run on the Android platform.

History of Linux.

Among the many students who read this work, there was one Linus Torvalds, a Finn by birth. Using the Minix operating system, he identified many flaws in it. Torvalds took to improving Minix and in 1991 released a new kernel called Linux.

It should be taken into account that the core is useless without its environment. So, ironically, at the same time, Richard Stallman was creating a GNU system with programs, but no kernel. As a result, when merged, the GNU / Linux system came out under the funny penguin symbol.

In addition, Torvalds wrote the book "Just for fun" about the history of Linux.

Pros and cons of Linux

The undoubted advantage of Linux is its high protection function and reliability. As a result, the world's super-powerful computers, defense systems, large, serious servers serving a huge number of users work on it.

As for viruses, there are too few of them to seriously threaten the security of Linux, and there is also a low probability that the virus will be able to cope with the system at all.

The undoubted advantage is that you don't have to pay for a Linux system, like for many distros. There are only a few paid ones, one of which is RHEL, and then it is required mainly in business firms.

As for the developers, they are not left out of business, the material profit is brought to them by the installation of special services: clouds, music stores, etc. From this it follows that you should not be afraid of any viruses, trojans, or cracks - another fat plus in favor of Linux, because installation of programs occurs either by the "Application Center" or through the official website.

For office workers, and for all Microsoft Office users, note that the familiar Microsoft application is being replaced by LibreOffice, which works with tables and text.

The disadvantage of Linux is the incompatibility of many interesting Windows programs. For example Photoshop, 3DS Max, AfterEffects. To download on Linux, let's say Photoshop, you need a lot of auxiliary programs, and even after that some functions will not be supported. There is an alternative: for Photoshop - Gimp, for 3DS Max - Blender. It should be borne in mind that the same Gimp does not have the full functionality of Photoshop, but for beginners it can be quite justified.

Another disadvantage is the lack of cool high-end games. However, the developers are already working hard on this.

Linux is also interesting in that if a problem arises, you solve it and forget about it forever, unlike the same Windows. The system is customized for the user and “plows” without interruptions for many years.

Something about Ubuntu

Once the most popular distribution, it has now been replaced by Mint. The creators of Ubuntu are Canonical under the leadership of South African entrepreneur and second tourist of Space, Mark Shuttleworth.

This system is very convenient, it adapts to the user and has several options: for school computers - Xubuntu, with LXDE - Lubuntu, etc.

Ubuntu uses the Unity interface, which has the Launcher, Dash search tool, built-in Wikipedia, Google.

The main feature of Unity is the so-called. the global menu, it is hidden at the top, opens quickly when you hover over the mouse cursor.

Ubuntu users always support each other, help newbies. The word "ubuntu" in translation means "humanity".

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According to statistics, about 90% of personal computers run Windows. Microsoft made its product so successful that Windows has become the standard for desktops and laptops. The operating system allows us to perform almost any action on a PC.

Frequent ones make this OS even more powerful and convenient. Therefore, it is not surprising that most users are not even aware of alternative operating systems. You too? In this article, you will learn about one of the Windows alternatives, its advantages and disadvantages.


Linux is a UNIX-like operating system developed by the Finnish-American programmer Linus Torvalds. Linux is classified as free software. This OS is distributed absolutely free under the GPL license, and its source code is available to everyone. For this reason, there are so many Linux distributions out there. These are peculiar versions or “assemblies” of the OS. Most distributions are developed by enthusiastic programmers who thus contribute to the development of free software. But there are also big companies developing their distributions.

Several years ago, there was a stereotype that Linux was only suitable for programmers and power users. Indeed, many actions were carried out in the Terminal (analogue) using various commands. Setting up the OS was also not an easy process for the average user. But now there are a large number of beautiful graphical skins that turn the "dark Terminal window" into a full-fledged operating system.

The most popular Linux distributions are Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, OpenSUSE, Elementary OS. All of them have a friendly graphical interface that even a housewife can understand. There are also special distributions for servers, distributed systems, for security testing, such as Kali Linux. (Installing Kali Linux). But we will look at the main advantages and disadvantages. standard Linux distributions versus Windows.


  • Free distributions... As noted above, many Linux distributions are free. All you need to do is download from the official website and install it on your PC. Why do some companies choose Linux? Because Windows is a paid OS, and a pirated version can be prosecuted. It is much easier to install a free Linux distribution and not have problems with the law.
  • Free software. One of the reasons for the low popularity of Linux is the stereotype of a lack of software. Indeed, many of the programs that you are used to using on Windows are not here. But there are many free alternatives. There are a lot of programs for Linux, in most cases they cover all the requirements of the user. And the main difference from Windows is that many useful programs are already built into the distribution. Once installed, there is no need - it is already ready for you to use.
  • Stability and customization. Linux systems lend themselves to very flexible customization. With some knowledge, you can completely customize this system, its appearance, and control its every process. Stability and reliability have made Linux the standard server solution.
  • Safety. On UNIX-like operating systems, viruses almost do not exist, as well as antivirus programs. Whatever files you open, the Linux security system will not let malware through. All Linux programs are in repositories - verified repositories of software. The same cannot be said about Windows. Thousands of viruses that live on the Internet can infiltrate your PC. - The usual thing.
  • Graphics. Some graphical shells look much more attractive than Windows. Linux allows you to change and customize the graphical interface of the system up to windows, panels, icons, animations, transitions, etc. Themes can be used to customize the look so that it is difficult to distinguish it from Mac OS or Windows. It is worth noting that you can install different graphs on one Linux distribution. shells (KDE, Gnome ..), which allows you to enjoy a beautiful interface even on weak computers.
  • Work on weak machines. This alternative operating system is capable of running on lightweight configurations. Distributions that are undemanding to resources allow you to work on old PCs without glitches. Have an old netbook, but Windows slows down on it? Install Linux.

These are not all the pros of Linux (programmers will confirm), but it's time to consider the disadvantages.


  • There are no special programs. If you work with non-standard programs, you may not find good alternatives for Linux. There are very few adequate Linux programs for working with print media, text, architecture, design, and it is not a fact that they will suit you.
  • Difficulty of transition. Several years of working with Windows have developed some OS habits. After switching to Linux, you will experience inconvenience at first. Many things are done differently, which can scare off novice Linux users.
  • Terminal. Despite the advanced graphics, some settings and actions are still performed through the Terminal. Therefore, it seems that Linux is a difficult alternative operating system for a beginner.
  • Games... Linux is definitely not for avid gamers. Most modern games only run on Windows. Developers do not make games for Linux due to low popularity. However, some games were ported to Linux. Steam, for example, created its own Steam OS distribution to run games from under Linux.
  • Fonts. Modern website interfaces amaze with the number of animations, sliders, colorful transitions, including fonts. Some fonts are not included as standard on typical Linux distributions. Sometimes sites look bad because they don't have the right fonts.
  • Support. Linux has a large community ready to help at any time. But you must admit that the number of Windows users is much higher. The chances that your problem will be solved is much higher. Windows programs usually have good technical support. Microsoft itself responds to system and software problems. Linux programs cannot boast of high-quality user support. This phenomenon is quite natural - this is free software, which is developed by altruists.

Linux is a very powerful alternative to Windows that can be of interest to both programmers and ordinary PC owners. It is definitely worth trying it, at least in order to look at work on a PC from a different angle, to get a new experience. It is not the only alternative operating system. In one of the following articles, we will introduce another Windows alternative -

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