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Semakin 10 11. Planned learning outcomes

Informatics. Grade 10. A basic level of. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K., Sheina T.Yu.

4th ed. - M.: 2015 - 264 p.

The textbook is designed to study the course of computer science at a basic level in 10 grades of educational institutions. The content of the textbook is based on the informatics course studied at the basic school (in grades 7-9). The textbook discusses the theoretical foundations of informatics: the concept of information, information processes, measurement of information, coding and processing of information in a computer. The principles of structural methods of programming, the programming language Pascal are outlined. The textbook includes a practical work, the structure of which corresponds to the content of the theoretical section of the textbook. The textbook is included in the teaching kit, which also includes a textbook for grade 11 and Toolkit for the teacher. Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) general education(2012).

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Table of contents
Introduction 5
Chapter 1 Information 11
§ 1. The concept of information 11
§ 2. Provision of information, languages, coding 15
§ 3. Measurement of information. Alphabetical approach 21
§ 4. Measurement of information. Meaningful Approach 26
§ 5. Representation of numbers in a computer 34
§ 6. Representation of text, images and sound in a computer 43
Chapter 2 Information Processes 53
§ 7. Storage of information 53
§ 8. Communication of information 59
§ 9. Information processing and algorithms 64
§ 10. Automatic processing information 69
§ 11. Information processes in a computer 74
Chapter 3 Programming Information Processing 86
§ 12. Algorithms and quantities 86
§ 13. Structure of algorithms 92
§ 14. Pascal - Structured Programming Language 99
§ 15. Pascal Language Elements and Data Types 105
§ 16. Operations, functions, expressions 110
§ 17. Assignment operator, data input and output 116
§ 18. Logical quantities, operations, expressions 123
§ 19. Programming branches 132
§ 20. An example of the phased development of a program for solving problem 136
§ 21. Cycle programming 142
§ 22. Nested and iterative loops 150
§ 23. Auxiliary algorithms and subroutines 155
§ 24. Arrays 163
§ 25. Organization of data input and output using files 169
Section 26. Typical tasks array processing 175
§ 27. Character data type 181
§ 28. Character strings 185
§ 29. Combined data type 190
Workshop 197
Practical work for chapter 1 "Information" 197
Practical work for chapter 2 "Information processes" 215
Practical work for chapter 3 "Programming information processing" 231
Answers to the tasks of practical work 263

Learning any school subject can be compared to building a house. Only this house does not consist of bricks and concrete slabs, but of knowledge and skills. Building a house starts with the foundation. It is very important that the foundation is strong, because the rest of the structure rests on it. The foundation for the course "Informatics 10-11" is the knowledge and skills that you received while studying the course of informatics at the basic school in grades 7-9. You no longer need to explain what a computer is and how it works; what information can a computer work with; what is a computer program and software; what is information technology. In the basic school computer science course, you got an idea of ​​how information is stored in computer memory, what is an algorithm, information model. You have learned how to handle the keyboard, mouse, disks, printer; work in an environment operating system; acquired basic skills in working with text and graphic editors, with databases and spreadsheets. All these knowledge and skills you will need when studying the course "Informatics 10-11".

Informatics and ICT. A basic level of. Textbook for 10-11 grades. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K.

8th ed. - M.: 2012. - 246from. 5th ed. - M.: 2009. - 246from.

The textbook is intended for studying the profile course of informatics and ICT in grades 10–11 in general educational institutions at a basic level. The content of the textbook is based on the computer science course studied in grades 8–9. Basic concepts: information processes, information systems, information models, information technologies. Are being considered Computer techologies implementation information processes, work with information systems and models. Attention paid topical issues social informatics.

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Format: pdf (2009 , 246s.)

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Table of contents
Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Information 9
§ 1. The concept of information 9
§ 2. Representation of information, languages, coding 13
§ 3. Measurement of information. Volumetric Approach 17
§ 4. Measurement of information. Meaningful Approach 21
Chapter 2. Information processes in systems 25
§ 5. What is the system 25
§ 6. Information processes in natural and artificial systems 32
§ 7. Storage of information 38
§ 8. Communication of information 42
§ 9. Information processing and algorithms 46
§ 10. Automatic processing of information 50
§eleven. Data search 54
§ 12 Data protection 60
Chapter 3 Information Models 67
§ 13. Computer information modeling 67
§ 14. Data structures: trees, networks, graphs, tables 70
§ 15. An example of a data structure - models subject area 80
§ 16. Algorithm as a model of activity 84
Chapter 4. Software and hardware systems for the implementation of information processes 91
§ 17. Computer - universal technical system information processing.91
§ eighteen. Software computer 97
§ 19. Discrete Models data in the computer. Number representation 104
§ 20. Discrete data models in a computer. Presentation of text, graphics and sound 112
§ 21. Development of architecture computing systems 119
§ 22.0 organization of local networks 123
Section 23 Organization global networks 129
Chapter 5. Technologies for the use and development of information systems ... 137
§ 24. The concept of an information system (IS), the classification of IS. 137
§ 25. Computer Text Document like data structure 142
§ 26. Internet as a global information system 149
Section 27 World wide web - The World Wide Web 154
§ 28. Data search tools on the Internet 157
§ 29. Web site-data hyperstructure 160
§ thirty. Geoinformation systems 163
§ 31. Database - the basis of the information system 169
§ 32. Designing a multi-table database 173
§ 33. Creation of a database 178
§ 34.3 requests as applications of the information system 184
§ 35. Boolean Conditions data selection 187
Chapter 6. Information Modeling Technologies 192
§ 36. Modeling dependencies between magnifications 192
§ 37. Statistical prediction models 196
§ 38. Modeling of correlation dependencies 203
§ 39. Models of optimal planning 207
Chapter 7. Fundamentals of social informatics 213
§ 40. Informational resources 213
§ 41 Information Society 218
§ 42. Legal regulation in information sphere 229
§ 43. The problem of information security. 231
Brief biographical information 234
Index 243

The textbook is designed to study the course of computer science at a basic level in 10 grades of educational institutions. The content of the textbook is based on the informatics course studied in the basic school (in grades 7-9). The textbook discusses the theoretical foundations of informatics: the concept of information, information processes, measurement of information, coding and processing of information in a computer. The principles of structural methods of programming, the programming language Pascal are outlined. The textbook includes a practical work, the structure of which corresponds to the content of the theoretical section of the textbook.
The textbook is included in the teaching kit, which also includes a textbook for grade 11, a teacher's manual, and an electronic application.

The concept of information.
Probably the most difficult question in computer science is "What is information?". There is no definite answer to it. The meaning of this concept depends on the context (content of the conversation, text) in which it is used.

In the informatics course of the elementary school, information was considered in different contexts. From the position of a person, information is the content of messages, it is a wide variety of information that a person receives from the outside world through his senses. From the totality of information received by a person, his knowledge about the world around him and about himself is formed.

Talking about the computer, we said that the computer is a universal program-controlled machine for working with information. In this context, the meaning of the information is not discussed. Meaning is the meaning a person attaches to information. The computer works with bits, with binary codes. The computer is not able to delve into their “meaning”. Therefore, it is more correct to call the information circulating in computer devices data. Nevertheless, in colloquial speech, in the literature, it is often said that a computer stores, processes, transmits and receives information. Nothing wrong with that. It is only necessary to understand that in the "computer context" the concept of "information" is identified with the concept of "data".

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Information
§one. The concept of information
§2. Provision of information, languages, coding
§3. Measurement of information. Alphabetical approach
§4. Measurement of information. Content approach
§five. Representation of numbers in a computer
§6. Representation of text, image and sound in a computer
Chapter 2. Information processes
§7. Data storage
§8. Transfer of information
§nine. Information processing and algorithms
§10. Automatic information processing
§eleven. Information processes in a computer
Chapter 3
§12. Algorithms and Quantities
§13. Structure of algorithms
§fourteen. Pascal Structured Programming Language
§15. Pascal Elements and Data Types
§16. Operations, functions, expressions
§17. Assignment operator, data input and output
§eighteen. Boolean values, operations, expressions
§19. Branch Programming
§twenty. An example of a phased development of a program for solving a problem
§21. Cycle programming
§22. Nested and Iterative Loops
§23. Auxiliary algorithms and subroutines
§24. Arrays
§25. Organization of data input and output using files
§26. Typical array processing tasks
§27. Character data type
§28. Character strings
§29. Combined data type
Practical work for chapter 1 "Information"
Practical work for chapter 2 "Information processes"
Practical work for chapter 3 "Programming information processing"
Answers to the tasks of practical work.

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I approve:

Director of MBOU secondary school No. 2

L.G. Parkhomenko

Etc. OU No. ___ from _______

Working curriculum


Level of general education (class): secondary general education, grade 10

Number of hours:_69

Program implementation period:2014-2015 academic year

Teacher's name:Yukin Sergey Viktorovich

Compiled based on:

    an exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education, taking into account the requirements of the federal component state standard secondary (complete) general education using recommendations author's program I. G. Semakina, M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2011.


The course "Computer Science and ICT" is a general education course of the basic level, studied in grades 10-11. This training course is mastered by students after studying the basic course "Informatics and ICT" in the main school (in grades 8-9).

Normative acts and educational and methodological documents on the basis of which the working program was developed:

    Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation”(clause 3. article 28, clause 6. article 28, clause 9.10 article 2);

    Federal component of the state standard of general education (hereinafter FKGSOO), approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r and approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of March 5, 2004 No. 1089;

    GEF general education

    Letter from the Ministry of General and vocational education Rostov region No. 24/4.1.1-4851-m dated 08/08/2014 “On the Approximate Order of Approval and the Approximate Structure of Work Programs”;

    Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region dated April 30, 2014 No. No. 263 "On approval of the approximate curriculum for educational institutions of the Rostov region for the 2014-2015 academic year"

    Charter of MBOU secondary school No. 2;

    The educational program of the school;

    Position about work program training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) implemented by the school;

    An exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education in computer science and information technology. M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2011.

The work program is built on the basis of an educational and methodological set, which includes:

    Semakin I. G. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: Textbook for grades 10-11 / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Khenner. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2010.

    Set of digital educational resources(DOR)

A place subject in the curriculum

In accordance with curriculum schools for the course of informatics and ICT in the 10th grade are given 2 hours a week. In connection with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2014 No. 610 “On the postponement of days off in 2015” and in accordance with the school schedule, the course of computer science and ICT in the 10th grade will be completed in 69 hours.

The term for the implementation of the training program is 2014-2015 academic year. year.

general characteristics subject

According to the recommendations of the Ministry, the general education course of computer science of the basic level is proposed to be studied in classes of industrial-technological, socio-economic profiles and in classes of universal education (that is, those without a specific profile orientation). In this regard, the course is designed for the perception of students, both with a humanitarian, and with a "natural-science" and technological mindset. Let us note some circumstances that influenced the formation of the content training course.

The main goal of the course is to form a generation ready to live in modern information society saturated with means of storage, processing and transmission of information based on new information technologies. Being able to work with the necessary Everyday life computing and information systems, databases, spreadsheets, information systems, a person acquires a new vision of the world. Training is aimed at acquiring knowledge about the device by students personal computer, the formation of ideas about the essence of information and information processes, the development of algorithmic thinking, the acquaintance of students with modern information technologies.

Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject

The main objectives of the program:

    systematize approaches to the study of the subject;

    form in students single system concepts related to the creation, receipt, processing, interpretation and storage of information;

    teach how to use the most common application packages;

    show basic tricks effective use information technologies;

    to form logical connections with other subjects included in the course of basic and secondary education.

at training and practical exercises the attention of students is drawn to compliance with the requirements of labor safety, fire safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.

The program implements the following important methodological principles:

Didactic spiral principle. The list of the main content lines of school informatics is practically invariant to the stage of teaching the subject: in basic or high school. However, the level of their study should be different. It is higher in high school than in elementary school. In each section of the textbook, the addition of knowledge that students receive in comparison with what they studied in the main school should be clearly presented.

The principle of consistency, structured material. An important didactic tool that supports this principle is the structure of the system of basic concepts that are present at the end of each paragraph (with a few exceptions).

Activity approach to learning. Each course topic related to either theoretical questions informatics, or to ICT, is supported practical tasks for students running on a computer.

Orientation to the formation of information and communication competence(ICC) students. Level transition computer literacy (basic course) to the level of ICC occurs through the complexity of the tasks under consideration, involving the personal life experience of students, knowledge of other school subjects. As a result of teaching the course, students should understand that the development of ICT is not an end in itself, but is a process of mastering modern instrument necessary for their life and activities in an information-rich environment.

Through line programming. Programming training is based on the introductory material on Pascal programming studied in grade 9 (Semakin I.G. et al. Informatics and ICT, textbook for grade 9. Chapter 6 " Program control computer operation). Programming is present, starting from the 1st chapter, when studying theoretical foundations informatics, in the form of examples of programs for solving problems on the topics studied. At the same time, new language tools and techniques for constructing algorithms are explained in detail.

Cross-cutting historical line. An important educational and system-forming factor in the construction of a training course is the presence of a historical line in it. The history of the subject area runs through all sections of textbooks.

Support for the variability of teaching the subject. In some practical work, the distribution of tasks between students is individual. In a number of works there are tasks of increased complexity (tasks with asterisks), tasks of creative content. Mandatory tasks for all are focused on the reproductive level of the student. The use of tasks of increased complexity allows you to achieve a creative level of learning.

The content of the subject "Informatics and ICT - 10"

Sections of the curriculum

    Introduction. The structure of informatics.


    1. Representation of information.

      Measurement of information.

    Information processes in systems

    1. Introduction to systems theory.

      Processes of storage and transmission of information.

      Data processing.

      Data search.

      Data protection

    Information Models

    1. Computer information modeling and data structures.

      Algorithm is a model of activity.

    Software and hardware systems for the implementation of information processes.

    1. Computer: hardware and software.

      Discrete data models in a computer.

      Multiprocessor systems and networks.

Planned learning outcomes

Topic 1. Introduction. The structure of informatics.

Students should know:

What are the goals and objectives of studying the course in grades 10-11

What parts does the subject area of ​​computer science consist of?

Topic 2.1. Information. Presentation of information

Students should know:

Three Philosophical Concepts of Information

The concept of information in particular sciences: neurophysiology, genetics, cybernetics, information theory

What is the language of information representation; what are the languages

The concepts of "coding" and "decoding" of information

Examples of technical information coding systems: Morse code, Baudot telegraph code

The concepts of "encryption", "decryption".

Topic 2.2. Measurement of information.

Students should know:

The essence of the volumetric (alphabetic) approach to measuring information

Definition of a bit with alphabetical t.z.

The relationship between the size of the alphabet and the information weight of the symbol (in the approximation of the equiprobability of symbols)

Relationship between information units: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB

The essence of a meaningful (probabilistic) approach to measuring information

Definition of a bit in terms of message content

Students should be able to:

Solve problems to measure the information contained in the text in terms of alphabetical approach(in approximation of equal probability of symbols)

Solve simple tasks to measure the information contained in the message using a meaningful approach (in an equiprobable approximation)

Recalculate the amount of information in different units

Topic 3.1. Introduction to Systems Theory

Students should know:

Basic concepts of systemology: system, structure, systemic effect, subsystem

Main properties of systems: expediency, integrity

What is a "systems approach" in science and practice

What is the difference between natural and artificial systems

What types of connections operate in systems

The role of information processes in systems

Composition and structure of control systems

Students should be able to:

Give examples of systems (in everyday life, in nature, in science, etc.)

Analyze the composition and structure of systems

Distinguish between material and informational connections.

Topic 3.2. Information storage and transmission processes

Students should know:

The history of the development of storage media

Modern (digital, computer) types of storage media and their main characteristics

Shannon's model of information transmission over technical channels connections

The main characteristics of communication channels: transmission speed, throughput

The concept of "noise" and methods of protection against noise

Students should be able to:

Compare different digital media according to their technical properties

Calculate the amount of information transmitted over communication channels at a known transmission rate

Topic 3.3. Data processing

Students should know:

Main types of information processing tasks

The concept of the executor of information processing

The concept of information processing algorithm

What are "algorithmic machines" in the theory of algorithms

Definition and properties of an algorithm for controlling an algorithmic machine

The device and command system of Post's algorithmic machine

Students should be able to:

Compose algorithms for solving simple problems to control the Post machine

Topic 3.4. Data search

Students should know:

What is "dataset", "search key" and "search criteria"

What is a "data structure"; what are the structures

Sequential search algorithm

Bisection Search Algorithm

What is block search

How a hierarchical data structure is searched

Students should be able to:

Search for data in structured lists, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias

Search in a hierarchical file structure computer

Topic 3.5. Data protection

Students should know:

What information needs to be protected

Types of threats for numerical information

Physical methods information protection

Software information protection

What is cryptography

What's happened digital signature and digital certificate

Students should be able to:

Apply measures to protect personal information on the PC

Apply the simplest cryptographic ciphers(in training mode)

Topic 4.1. Information Models and Data Structures

Students should know:

Model definition

What is an information model

Stages of information modeling on a computer

What is a graph, tree, network

Table structure; main types of tabular models

What is a multi-table data model and how tables are linked in it

Students should be able to:

Navigate graph models

Build graph models (trees, networks) according to the verbal description of the system

Build tabular models according to the verbal description of the system

Topic 4.2. Algorithm - activity model

Students should know:

The concept of an algorithmic model

Methods for describing algorithms: flowcharts, educational algorithmic language

What is Algorithm Trace

Students should be able to:

Build control algorithms educational executors

Carry out tracing of the algorithm for working with values ​​by filling in the tracing table

Topic 5.1. Computer: hardware and software

Students should know:

Personal computer architecture

What is a controller external device PC

Bus purpose

What is the principle of open PC architecture

Main types of PC memory

What's happened motherboard, I/O ports

Purpose additional devices: scanner, multimedia tools, network hardware and etc.

What is PC software

PC software structure

Application programs and their purpose

System software; operating system features

What are programming systems

Students should be able to:

Choose a PC configuration depending on its purpose

Connect PC devices

Make basic BIOS settings

Work in the operating system environment at the user level

Topic 5.2. Discrete data models in a computer

Students should know:

Basic principles of data representation in computer memory

Integer representation

Ranges for representing unsigned and signed integers

Principles of representation of real numbers

Text representation

Image representation; color models

What is the difference between raster and vector graphics

Discrete (digital) sound representation

Students should be able to:

Get the internal representation of integers in computer memory

Calculate layout color palette by bit depth value

Topic 5.3. Multiprocessor systems and networks

Students should know:

The idea of ​​parallel computing

What are multiprocessor computing systems; what are the options for their implementation

Purpose and topologies local networks

Technical means local networks (communication channels, servers, workstations)

Basic functions of the network operating system

The history of the emergence and development of global networks

What is the Internet

Internet addressing system (IP addresses, domain system names)

Ways to organize communication on the Internet

Packet communication principle and TCP/IP protocol

System for evaluating planned results.

Knowledge testing methods: oral control, written test, practical work, didactic tests.

Oral control, as a rule, consists in the answers of students to the questions of the teacher in lessons, exams, and tests. Oral individual, group, frontal, combined surveys are used in the lessons. The main form of oral questioning is a conversation. Apply various techniques survey: cards, games, technical means.

Written control allows you to deeply and effectively test the knowledge of students. In a written survey, manuals are used with printed basis, didactic cards, programmed survey. The main forms of written control are home, class, independent and control work.

Practical methods of control aim to test the practical skills, skills of students, the ability to apply knowledge in solving specific problems. They represent conducting an experiment, solving problems, drawing up diagrams, maps, drawings, drawing up programs, etc.

Didactic tests arose on the basis of psychological testing and programmed learning. The advantages of test control are objectivity. This type of control removes the subjectivity of the expert-teacher, which takes place in other methods. A didactic test is a set of standardized tasks for a specific material, which establishes the degree of mastering it by students. When controlling knowledge at the stage of formation of skills and abilities, the test includes questions different levels difficulties.

First level- recognition questions. It is convenient to think of them as alternative yes-no, right-wrong, or selective response tests.

Second level- questions to reproduce or solve a problem. They are presented as tests with a free (constructive) answer or with multiple choice of it. A constructive response is a string of arbitrary characters. The standard can be specified as the basis of a word or phrase.

Third level- questions on the application of knowledge in solving a non-standard or modified problem. They are best presented as free-response tests or tests with selective explanations for them.

Fourth level- questions on the creative application of knowledge, solving problems that are not reducible to one specific type.

Control of students' knowledge is closely related to evaluation. Moreover, this necessary element control of students' knowledge. The general mood of the student, his desire to study in the future, and hence the quality of the acquired knowledge depend on the objectivity of the assessment, positive motivation. When assessing knowledge, it is necessary to take into account the main quality characteristics mastering educational material: students' actual knowledge and skills, their completeness, strength, ability to put into practice in various situations, knowledge of terminology and specific ways of notation and recording. The result of the assessment depends on the presence and nature of the errors made in the oral response or in the written work. Among the errors, errors, shortcomings and minor errors can be distinguished.

Error It is considered a mistake if it indicates that the student has not mastered the basic knowledge and skills and their application.

TO shortcomings include errors indicating insufficiently strong assimilation of basic knowledge and skills or lack of knowledge, which, in accordance with the program, are not considered basic. A defect is also considered an error that could be regarded as an error, but made in some cases and not allowed in other similar cases. The shortcomings include errors due to absent-mindedness or oversight, careless recording.

TO small errors include errors in oral and writing that do not distort the meaning of the answer or solution, random typos, etc. The question of attributing the error to errors, shortcomings or minor errors is decided by the teacher in accordance with the requirements for mastering the material at this stage of training. Mistakes, for example, include: incorrect use of function words algorithmic language; incorrect indication of arguments and results; assigning a value of one type to a value of another type; violation of the order of execution of commands during the execution of the algorithm, etc. Examples of shortcomings: omission or incorrect recording of a service word of the algorithmic language; not all intermediate values ​​are described; random computational errors when checking the conditions of compound commands; careless registration of the algorithm record, etc. If the same error (defect) occurs several times, then this is considered as one error (one defect). Strikethroughs and corrections should not be considered a mistake.

The task is considered completed perfect, if the content of the answer exactly corresponds to the question, indicates that the student has the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the final answer is given with the correct course of the solution and accurate design.

The task is considered failed if the student did not start its implementation or made an error in it, which is considered an error in accordance with the purpose of the work.

Positive rating("3", "4", "5") is set when the student has shown mastery of the main program material. The mark "5" is set on the condition of an impeccable answer or in the presence of 1-2 minor errors, "4" - in the presence of 1-2 shortcomings. An unsatisfactory grade (“2”) is given when the student has shown failure to master the basic program material. Grade for mastering the topic is set based on all current marks. Particular weight is given to grades for the final test or students' answers in the test lesson on the entire topic. When setting a thematic assessment, the teacher may not take into account the current grades, if, according to the results of the thematic control work or credit, these grades are not confirmed by students (for example, unsatisfactory grades received for gaps in knowledge and skills, which were then eliminated). Annual assessment should reflect the actual level of knowledge of students at the end of the school year.

Calendar-thematic planning

Thematic planning

Grade 10 (2 hours per week, total 69 hours)

2. Information (8 hours)

3. Information processes in systems (14 hours)

5. Software and hardware systems for the implementation of information processes (13 hours)

6. Programming in languages high level(Pascal) (12 hours)

7. Review (5 hours)

lesson planning



Theory (textbook section)




date of


1. Introduction. Structure of Informatics (2 hours)

Start control.


Working with the text of the textbook



TB rules.

The concept of information.



2. Information (8 hours)

2.1. Information. Presentation of information (3 hours, including 2 p/r)

Representation of information, languages, coding

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 1 "Coding of information"

Taskbook-workshop, v.1, section 1.2.



P / r No. 2 "Creating, editing, formatting a document"

Taskbook-workshop, v.1 (tasks from section 1)

Performance practical work



2.2. Measurement of information (5 hours, including 1 p/r)

Measurement of information. volumetric approach.

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



Solving problems on finding the amount of information

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



Measurement of information. content approach.

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



Solving problems to find the amount of information

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 3 "Determination of the information volume and amount of information in the message"

Taskbook-workshop, v.1, section 1.3-1.4.



    Information processes in systems (14 hours)

3.1. Introduction to Systems Theory (3 hours, including 1 p/r)

What is a system.

§5 Task book-workshop, v.1, section 2.1

Work with the text of the textbook.



Information processes in natural and artificial systems

§6 Task book-workshop, v.1, section 2.1

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 4 "Construction information model systems"

Practical workbook, section 2.1

Doing practical work



3.2. Information storage and transmission processes

Data storage

Work with the text of the textbook.



§10, practical workbook, section 4.4

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



Transfer of information

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



3.3. Data processing

Information processing and algorithms

§9 Workbook, section 4.3

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



Automatic information processing


Protection of mini-projects



P / r No. 5 "Automatic data processing" (tasks 1-4)

Workshop, work 2.2 (tasks 1-4)

Doing practical work



P / r No. 6 "Automatic data processing" (tasks 5-9)

Workshop, work 2.2 (tasks 5-9)

Doing practical work



3.4. Data search (2 hours, including 1 p/r)

Data search


Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 7 "Search and replacement of data in a document"

Practice book, section 5.1.5

Doing practical work



3.5. Information security (2 hours, including 1 p/r)

Data protection


Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 8 "Protection of information using antivirus programs»


Doing practical work



    Information models (15 hours)

4.1. Information Models and Data Structures (8 hours, including 2 p/r)

Computer Information Modeling


Work with the text of the textbook.



Data structures: trees, networks, graphs


Work with the text of the textbook.



P/r No. 9 "Construction of an information model in the form of a graph"

Workshop, work 2.4

Doing practical work



Data structures: tables


Work with the text of the textbook, DER.



P/r No. 10 "Construction of tabular information models"

Workshop, work 2.5

Doing practical work



Data Structure Example - Domain Models


Work with the text of the textbook.



Integrated lesson "Investigation of the information model of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements"

§13 - §15

Working with the COR. Doing practical work



Control work for the 1st half of the year

§1 - §15

Performance of control work



4.2. Algorithm - activity model (7 hours, including 2 p / r)

33, 34

Algorithm as a model of activity

§16 Workbook, section 4.3

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving




P / r No. 11 "Construction of the algorithm"

Practice book, section 4.2.3

Doing practical work



Management of algorithmic executors

Practice book, section 4.2.3, 4.2.4

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving. Fulfillment of creative tasks.


P / r No. 12 "Management of a graphic performer"

Workshop, work 2.6

Doing practical work



38, 39

Algorithms for working with quantities

Practical workbook, section 4.3

30.01, 04.02

    Software and hardware systems for the implementation of information processes (13 hours)

5.1. Computer: hardware and software

Computer is a universal technical information processing system


Work with the text of the textbook.



P / r No. 13 "Selecting a computer configuration"

Workshop, work 2.7

Doing practical work



Computer software


Work with the text of the textbook.



P / r No. 14 " BIOS setup »

Workshop, work 2.8

Doing practical work



5.2. Discrete data models in a computer

Discrete data models in a computer. Number representation

§19 Workbook, section 3.1..4

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 15 "Representation of numbers"

Workshop, work 2.9

Doing practical work



Discrete data models in a computer. Presentation of text, graphics, sound

§20 Workbook, section 3.1.5

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



P / r No. 16 “Presentation of texts. Text compression»

Workshop, work 2.10

Doing practical work



P / r No. 17 "Representation of image and sound"

Workshop, work 2.11

Doing practical work



5.3. Multiprocessor systems and networks

Development of the architecture of computing systems

§21 Workbook, section 3.2

Work with the text of the textbook. Problem solving



Organization of local and global networks

§22, §23

Work with the text of the textbook.



Candidate's conference on the topics "Algorithms and software and hardware systems for the implementation of information processes"


Performing verification work



P / r No. 18 "Preparing a presentation on the topic" Computer networks»»

Workshop, work 2.12

Doing practical work



    Programming in high-level languages ​​(Pascal)(12 hours)

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Programming of linear algorithms.

Practice book, section 4.4.1

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Programming branching algorithms

Practice book, section 4.4.2

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Programming cyclic algorithms

Practice book, section 4.4.3

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Working with arrays

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



Working with arrays

Practice book, section 4.4.4

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.




Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.




Practice book, section 4.4.5

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



String processing

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



String processing

Practice book, section 4.4.6

Introduction to the topic. Problem solving.



    Repetition (5 hours)

Repetition and generalization of knowledge for the course of grade 10

Repetition and generalization of knowledge for the course of the 10th grade. Problem solving.



Final testing











UP - lesson repetition;

UKZ - knowledge control lesson;

UINM - a lesson in learning new material;

Ultrasound - a lesson in consolidating what has been learned;

UPPP - lesson practical application knowledge;

KU - combined lesson.

Logistics of the educational process

    Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: textbook for grades 10 - 11. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2010.

    Informatics and ICT. Task book-workshop: in 2 volumes. T.1 / L.A. Zalogova and others; ed. I.G.Semakina, E.K. Henner. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2011.

3. Electronic tool educational purpose "Computational mathematics and programming"

    Resources of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources ( )

    operating room Windows system XP, Windows 7

    Package office applications MS Office 2007, MS Office 2010

    Interactive whiteboard Activ Board, computer class, printer, graphic tablets.

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