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Yandex counter. Basic and advanced counter settings

Every day, thousands of new sites of various directions and topics appear on the Internet, but the ultimate goal of each of them is to inform the audience about goods, services, companies, world news and much more.

Yandex.Metrica is free tool to assess the behavior of the audience on the site and analyze traffic sources, which demonstrates information in colorful reports, graphs, diagrams and clearly shows everything that users did on the site. Yes, Yandex.Metrica contains video recordings of user visits to your site! They allow you to evaluate not only on which areas of the page the user spent the most time, where they clicked and which page they went to next, but also to evaluate how the site was displayed on the device of this particular user.

Basic data contained in Yandex.Metrica reports

  • Traffic sources- where the audience came from: search, advertising, social network, mailing, etc.
  • Lecture hall- demographic, geographic data, indicators of engagement and loyalty.
  • Conversion report- how many purchases, submissions of forms on the site, clicks, views were made by site visitors, by what audience and from what source.
  • Technologies- data on user devices (PCs, smartphones, tablets), OS, screen resolution from which the visit was made.
  • Monitoring data- site load, page load time, site health check results.
  • Data on ecommerce (for online stores) - a summary of orders, purchase amounts, popular products and much more.

Otherwise, the owners of sites that do not have web analytics counters will not be able to get information about where the audience comes to them from, in what quantity, what quality, and, importantly, they will not be able to determine which channel is the most cost effective.

Registering and configuring the counter

Installing and configuring the Yandex.Metrica counter does not take much time. Below we will walk you through step by step how to register, install and configure a web analytics system for a website.

Next, you need to create a counter. To do this, click on the yellow button "Add counter" and go to the registration page for a new counter.

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In field Website address enter the site domain without http / https. For example, or - if you need to set a separate counter for a section or page of a site.

You can also specify additional site addresses if you plan to create a single counter for several sites, or set the "Accept data only from specified addresses"- so that in reports the information is displayed only on your site:
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We choose the time zone in accordance with the location of the company - for the accuracy of the data in the reports on the date and time of visits.

Next, we activate the collection of information for reports on webvisor, scrolling maps, clicks and form analytics - these reports get detailed records actions of visitors on the site: mouse movements, page scrolling and clicks.

We put a tick in the checkbox "I accept the terms of the user agreement" and click in the lower left corner on the button "Create counter".

After that, a screen appears with additional settings and counter code, which must be installed on all pages of your site (or on a specific section, if you create a separate counter for a specific section).

Additional counter settings

When you click on the subheading "Additional settings", a list appears in which you can set additional options:

  • Hash tracking in address bar browser. This option is applicable for AJAX sites. This technology rarely used and in most cases the checkbox remains empty.
  • Asynchronous code. This setting is active by default and is responsible for ensuring that the counter code does not affect the page load speed of your site and does not block it.

    The asynchronous code looks like this:

    With the option disabled, the code will look like this:

    The "Asynchronous code" option is disabled in the code

  • For XML sites there are separate requirements for the counter code, so for such sites you need to check the box in the corresponding checkbox, which will remove tags from the counter code
  • One line»Is responsible for the type of the counter code. With this option enabled, the code will look like this:

    One Line setting shortens the look of your code
  • Prohibition of sending for indexing of site pages... This setting is necessary if you do not want your site pages to be in the index of search engines. The setting is similar to prohibiting indexing through the robots.txt file. Useful when the site is not yet ready for publication and contains test or blank sections. If you turn off this setting in the future, you will need to copy new code counter from the field on this page and update the code on the site.
  • Informer... If you enable this setting, in the footer ( Bottom part) site will display an icon with information about your site's traffic. In the additional settings of the informer, you can select the size of the icon, color and type of data that will be displayed. The data will be available to everyone who visits your site and scrolls to the footer.

  • Alternative CDN... This option allows you to correctly take into account visits from regions where access to Yandex.Metrica is restricted. The option can reduce the download speed of the counter code, but even with the "Alternative CDN" enabled, the counter code can send a preliminary request to to save traffic.
  • Submitting to Metrica e-commerce data. Important setting if you have an online store. The option allows you to connect Ecommerce via the interface and collect data on the number of orders, the amount of purchases, etc. If this option is enabled, the JavaScript array is named dataLayer by default. You can change it in the field Data container name... Read more about connecting an online store to Yandex.Metrica on the Yandex.Help page.
  • Currency. The setting is responsible for the currency in which data on the order value and average bill will be displayed in e-commerce reports. Choose the option that is used on your website - if the cost of goods is presented in rubles, choose the Russian ruble.
  • Visit timeout in minutes... The amount of time a user has been inactive on your site after which the visit is considered complete. The default timeout is 30 minutes. But if you post long videos on the site that users will watch without performing any actions with the mouse, then for the correct collection of information, it is recommended to increase the timeout (how much should be based on the duration of the video materials on your site). Maximum time that can be set - 360 minutes.

On this additional settings end. In most cases, in this section only the Asynchronous code option will be active and, if the counter is configured for an online store, the last item responsible for sending e-commerce data.

An important point! If you have made any changes to the "Additional settings" after installing the counter on the site, you need to update the code on the site page, because each setting adds or removes lines and characters in the counter code.

Therefore, the counter code on the settings page is displayed below, under all settings. It is located in a black container.

Click on the yellow button Copy the code and for convenience save it in a text txt file.

On the settings page, scroll down and click on the "Start using" button.

But before the reports start collecting data, the counter code must be installed on your site.

Installing the code on the site

Several installation options are provided:

  • add to HTML code,
  • install via CMS widgets and website builders,
  • through tag management systems.

Html code

Open the template code on the site and add a counter within the tags or as close to the top of the page as possible: this way it will load earlier and be able to send browsing data to Metrica, even if the visitor closes the page almost immediately.

If the site uses several templates, add the counter code to each of them.

Then we open the site in a browser and check that the code is present on the pages. To do this, use the Ctrl + U key combination to open the site code, scroll the page and look for the counter code with our eyes. Or start the search bar on the page with the Ctrl + F key combination, enter Metrika in Latin, press Enter and see the result - if the counter was added successfully, you will see it in the code:

CMS widgets and website builders

Option 1. For some systems, there are ready-made plugins. Usually in the plugin it is enough to indicate only your counter number, in our case - 49906027. It can be found next to the name in the general list of counters.

Option 2. If there is no plugin, the counter code must be inserted into the field for an arbitrary html block. Read more about installing the counter code via CMS or website builder in Help.

Tag Management Systems

Google Tag Manager: create new tag with the Custom HTML template, insert the Metrica counter code into it. Don't forget to add the All Pages trigger so that the counter code will load from any page on the site.

Other tag management systems provide a similar field for inserting arbitrary html code. And in Tealium, integrated with Metrica, it is enough to indicate the number of your meter in the appropriate field.

After you have successfully installed the code on your site, in the list of Yandex.Metrica counters next to the name of your counter, the icon will change from yellow to green.

Good afternoon, readers of the iklife blog!

You are probably very interested in how many people visit your resource, from where and for what requests. You can find out all this information using special tools - metrics. The script is installed into the code of your site, and you can see almost all the actions that your guests take. Today I will tell you how to install Yandex Metrica on a website with WordPress or any other CMS.

With this tool, you can track the behavior of your visitors on the resource. But these are not all the pros that can await you after installation.

There is one bike among SEOs. Its meaning is that sites with established analytics from Yandex rank better in the search engine. Code that is present directly on the project can report search engine certain information... The release of new materials, some changes in the work of the resource itself, or something else like that.

Yandex Metrica can track behavioral factors users. If they are good, then the search engine puts your site higher in the search results. In the opposite situation, naturally, problems may arise. For this reason, some webmasters are in no hurry to put analytics on young projects. They think that it will only be harmful and try to use alternative ways tracking attendance.

Nevertheless, using Yandex Metrica can significantly affect the development of your project. If you are using analytics for a commercial site, then you can set up so-called “goals”.

Goals are a way to track specific user actions. For example, how many people from the total visitors drew attention to the "Send a request" button, and how many actually sent it.

If we are talking about landing pages, then goals can show the time that users spend reading each block. That is, is it interesting to them or not? Such information will allow you to adjust the content and design of your project in order to achieve greater conversion.

For correct setting goals may require a certain skill. Therefore, many project owners are in a hurry to contact freelancers on various popular exchanges.

If you master competent setting goals, then you can even earn a little by offering your services to resource owners.

Also Yandex Metrica has a webvisor. This is a really extensive option that will allow you to see literally everything. Up to the movement of your visitor's cursor. Now almost all webmasters install the webvisor code.

Webvisor can help you:

  • See which pages are user-friendly and which aren't.
  • Find out about errors in the structure of the site or its design.
  • See what information guests are focusing on.
  • Increase the clickability of elements.
  • Correct the correct vector of project optimization.

Almost everything is possible with the help of the webvisor. You can see absolutely all the actions of guests: scrolling through pages, highlighting text, reading some individual elements... By collecting all the data together, you can understand what you want the target audience... This will greatly increase the efficiency of the project.

Registration in Yandex and creation of a metric

To use any Yandex services, we need an account. It is common and starts up once. Therefore, I will not explain exactly how registration takes place. Let's move on to creating a counter directly.

Do not neglect the installation of analytics tools on your resource. Sometimes they can be a lifeline for your project, showing information that you can't get in any other way. informational resources on WordPress and make money on them, it will give everything necessary knowledge... There you will also get skills in the field search engine promotion and optimize your project. Access to the first level is open to everyone.

Step 1. Log in to Yandex

If you don't have account, register.

Step 2. Add a counter to Yandex.Metrica

On the counter list page, add a counter. The setup page will open.

Step 3. Specify basic meter settings

  1. Fill in the fields:

    • Counter name. Name specified displayed on the My Counters page and in top menu switching between counters. If not specified, the value of the field is used. Website address .
    • Website address . * Required.

      "}}\"> The main domain of the site. Required field. Scheme / protocol prefix (http: //, https: //) should not be specified.

      Details about URL structure

      http: // //?

      • - site domain;
      • The path that may have hierarchical structure... The structure is specified using the "/" character;
      • Site page name;
      • Parameter block that is detached from the block The symbol "?" ...
  2. Accept the terms of the User Agreement.
  3. Click the Create Counter button.

* Required.

You can also:

Add additional site addresses

You may need this if:

  • the same site responds to different addresses with the same installed counter;
  • you want to get statistics for several sites using one counter.

Jumps between all given addresses are considered internal.

In this field you can specify the site path (path in the URL structure). For example, In this case, do not specify the address before a specific file or a page fragment ("#" symbol) - these instructions will cause an error in the input field. In addition, the request parameters passed in the URL (the part of the address after the "?" Symbol) will not be taken into account.

If you see data on visits to pages that do not belong to your site addresses in the reports, and you do not need this data, enable the option Accept data only from specified website addresses.

Most often, this situation occurs in following cases:

  • Someone (most likely by mistake) initialized a counter with your number on their website.
  • Your site pages were viewed through a proxy service.
  • There is practically exact copy content of your pages on other domains. When copying the content, the counter code was also copied.

Option Including subdomains allows you to take into account when filtering the subdomains of the main and additional sites (,, ...).

Enable the option "Do not store full IP addresses of site visitors"

Usually in Yandex.Metrica the full anonymized IP address of the visitor is stored... With the option enabled the system will write an incomplete address. For example, the value will change to This reduces the accuracy of determining the region of the site visitor.

To enable the option, open the block.

Confirm consent to the Agreement on data processing in Yandex.Metrica

This is necessary if your company is registered in the EU or Switzerland - or you are required to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for other reasons.

To accept the contract, open the block Additional terms data processing.

Step 4. Specify additional counter settings

In the block Additional settings enable the options you need.

Installing the counter

Watch the video

Instructional video. Installing the counter code on the site.

Watch the video

Installing a counter on a website with a CMS

  1. Add the copied code to the file responsible for generating the header If you place the counter code not on all pages of the site, for \\ n Metrics the visitor will appear on the site, then disappear - \\ n distorted data will be included in the statistics. ")) \"> all pages of the site .

For the most popular CMS, official Metrica plugins have been developed that allow you to install the counter code automatically. As a rule, it is enough to install the plugin and go through the authorization.

If several CMS are used on the same site (for example, one is responsible for the content of the site, and the other for the forum), the counter code must be placed in each of them.

Installing a counter on a website without a CMS

  1. In the Yandex.Metrica interface, on the Settings page, on the Counter tab, click the Copy button.
  2. If all the pages of your site are - separate files written by hand, add the spinner code to your html If you place the counter code not on all pages of the site, for \\ n Metrics the visitor will appear on the site, then disappear - \\ n distorted data will be included in the statistics. ")) \"> all pages of the site ... We recommend placing it inside the head or body elements as close to the top of the page as possible - the completeness and correctness of the data count depends on this.

Note. Place the noscript element with content in the body element.

* CMS-system - a program for managing the content of the site (Content Management System). With its help, you can upload and delete texts, images or videos from the site without having any programming skills.

Once installed, the counter will be available on the My Counters page. The data begins to be collected immediately, and a few minutes after the code is installed on the My counters page, the status of checking the correctness of the code installation will appear.

You can edit the counter code (for example, enable or disable the collection of certain data). In this case, it is necessary to replace the code on all pages of the site. After editing the code, all previously accumulated data is not recalculated.

Collecting statistics for different domains and subdomains

Yandex.Metrica provides several ways:

Way Dignity Peculiarities
One counter for all addresses

Transitions between different sites are recorded in one visit

So that you never have a question, after or several months of SEO promotion, how to find out the effectiveness, you need to install Yandex Metrica on the site in advance.

In addition, after installing Metrica, Yandex will collect additional information about your site and its visitors, thus, the position of the site in search engines can improve. In general, there are some pluses, so let's move from words to deeds.

Installing the Yandex Metrica counter on the site

To start the installation, you first need to go to the site, and log in through your Yandex account. If you don't have an account, then just register new mail, it won't take more than a minute.

Step 1. After you have entered the Metrica website, click "Add counter". Next, you need to decide on the name of the meter. If in the future there will be a lot of projects, so as not to get confused in them, it is better to call the counter by the site address or the name of the company.

Step 2. Setting up the counter. Here you need to indicate the address of the site on which the counter is installed, indicate the time zone in which you are located or in which it is more convenient to receive data. If you need to collect data from subdomains or other domain zone, you need to put two ticks in the " Additional addresses»And add site addresses.

If you have one site, then boldly scroll to the last item, accept the terms of use and click "Create counter".

Step 4. Installing the code. After that, you will receive a code that needs to be placed on all pages of the site, between the tags .

How to install Yandex Metrica if the site is on WordPress or Joomla?

Or any other CMS. In the event that you use any of the popular CMSs, such as WordPress or Joomla, as your site management, the installation process will not differ fundamentally. And even on the contrary, it will be slightly simplified, you only need a superficial understanding of how your engine works.

Using an FTP connection or via file manager v admin panel, you need to find the file responsible for the page title. For example, in all WordPress themes this file is called header.php, which actually contains the section of the site containing ... And then everything is simple - insert the counter code there. The plus is that you will not need to manually insert the code on each page of the site, the control system will do it for you.

Congratulations! We have successfully figured out how to install Yandex Metrics on the site, now you can see everything that is happening on your site! And we will tell you about how to analyze standard reports, set goals and other ways of working with web analytics in the following publications.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today it will be about a new visible counter of visits (with an informer), which over time, perhaps, will be able to somewhat shake the super-reliable positions of the most popular on this moment in runet. I mean the informer that Metrika has recently added.

When I created my first site, I really wanted to put a counter from. I typed such a query in a search engine, looked through many resources, but it turned out to be just a myth, although many did not hesitate to advance on this fairly popular query. I remember that it was through him that I first got to Devaki's blog. Very useful resource, by the way, I advise you to visit.

Yandex counter - myth or reality?

But still the promotion of given request at that time it was a profanation, for this did not exist in nature. Many passed off for him. Well, since the fall of 2009, it was possible, practically without a twinge of conscience, to issue a web analytics tool called Yandex Metric to the counter, which, in general, was such.

But nevertheless, it was somewhat different from the popular LiveInternet, which, in addition to quite powerful tools web analysts (rather not even analysts, but still statistics) had visible to visitors site informer, where you could customize the output of traffic data in any form convenient for the webmaster.

It was precisely such an informer that Metrika lacked for the fact that it could be one hundred percent called a counter. But this was relevant only until recently, and now we can talk about it publicly, because this system got visible part allowing display on site pages information about the attendance of this resource.

When setting up the informer, you can choose one of these three options for displaying it on the site, as well as customize color range and what exactly should be displayed in it. Not bad for a start, I think. I am especially impressed by the second option, which in the form of a step chart displays the site traffic by days of the week - very original.

By the way, it will be possible to configure so that when you click on the informer, a drop-down window appears with statistics for the previous week:

Generally Metric attracts with its clarity, beautifulness and other web two things (WEb 2.0), especially against the background of LiveInternet, which in terms of presenting information and visibility of its presentation is still a little past century, although, of course, the information it provides is very important and in some cases unique.

Let's hope that, finally, LI will have worthy competitor represented by Metrica and its visible counter of visits, because competition is always good for end user, i.e. for you and me, dear webmasters.

By the way, this system can be called a web analytics tool, because it has the ability to set goals and track certain events (for example, switching to a specific page, registration, clicking on certain links, etc.).

In runet, the most popular tool for web analytics is still Google analytics, which is quite sophisticated and seriously surpasses Yandex Metrika in its capabilities.

But the question is that in Runet at the moment, web analytics is in its infancy, unlike the bourgeois (which, according to some sources, is ahead of the development of our SEO by about 5 years), where similar systems have become one of the most popular tools for website promotion.

In Runet, Google Analytics is considered the coolest, and in the bourgeoisie, it is used only by novice optimizers. Professional is used quite often there. paid software to analyze the progress of projects. Well, we are lagging behind the bourgeois and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, the capabilities of Metrica web analytics will be enough for us in most cases.

In addition, the brainchild of the Runet mirror has such unique tools as the Webvisor, a map of links or clicks:

Well, now let's move on from chanting praises to Yandex and his new counter (something in Lately I'm too much PR for their services) directly to how to get all this beauty on your site.

How to register and set up Yandex informer

Let me remind you that if you make money on your website by showing ads from advertising network Yandex (YAN), the Metrica code will be loaded along with the code of the context blocks. Those. consider that you are already registered in this system, and in order to verify this, you can click on the corresponding link on the statistics page of your advertising platform in YAN:

Let me remind you that if ads from YAN are not displayed on all pages of your resource, then the Yandex counter statistics will be underestimated. In this case, you will need to register and add your site to Metrica (registration actually means getting it), and then get and install the code on your site.

But we are more interested in the "Counter Code" tab, where, in fact, it will be possible to configure appearance and get the code. By the way, if the context of the YAN is spinning, then you only need to get the code for the informer, because your counter will be loaded automatically along with contextual ads.

In general, until 2009, Metrica was available only to those who used Direct on their website, which is why there is now such a strong relationship between these two services. , is an flip side YAN advertising network - advertisers advertise in Yandex.Direct, and advertisers in partner network they are posted by webmasters. Well, this is a rough approximation.

So, to activate the display of the informer, you will need to check the box of the same name. All settings for the appearance and functionality of the visible counter are hidden behind the "Configure informer" item.

As a result, an additional area will open where you can select one of three types of Yandex counter and fine-tune its appearance and the information displayed in it:

The first option will display all three possible traffic indicators at once (from top to bottom): the number of page impressions of the site under study for the current day, the number of visits and the number of unique visitors. In general, just everything you need.

The second option displays a colored graph of attendance by day of the week and one of the three parameters described above. Which one will be displayed on the counter will depend on which field you check the box: Views, Visits or Visitors.

The third option will simply display one of the traffic indicators of your resource selected by you.

I think that there is no need to talk about how you can adjust the color gamut, because everything is clear anyway. You need to choose one of two display options and the color of the text, as well as receive more information when clicking on the counter with the left mouse button (option " Extended"- see the screenshot at the beginning of the article).

After you create your masterpiece, scroll down the window and click on the "Save" button. Now you need to copy the informer code and, if necessary, the counter code, which will be located in the lower area.

Please note that the counter code will be enclosed in opening and closing tags of the form:

and the informer - into tags:

Running a little ahead, I will say that by installing the informer code on your site, you are unlikely to see anything on it, because you will still need to activate its display. This is done on the "Access" tab:

You need to check the box “ Show informer data»:

At first I thought that it would take time, after which the figures themselves will appear in the informer. An, no. This checkbox is needed without it in any way.

What is the best way to install a Yandex counter on a website

You can of course copy and paste them together. Everything will work, but it would still be better to insert the Metrica counter code into your site template before the closing / body tag, because in this case the hanging script will not slow down the loading of your resource pages in any way.

Although recently we are offered the asynchronous version by default, which does not affect the page load speed in any way:

But you can install the informer in any place convenient for you, in the same way as I described it in articles about:

I think that using the above materials, you can easily cope with this daunting task.

Yes, if you want visitors to your resource to be able to view the detailed data of your counter, you will need to go to the "Access" tab in its settings and check the box « Public access to statistics ", after which you will be provided with a link leading to a page with a statue open to everyone:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

you can watch more videos by going to

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