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  • The scenario of an extracurricular activity is a game - "guess the melody". Material (senior group) on the topic: "Guess the melody"

The scenario of an extracurricular activity is a game - "guess the melody". Material (senior group) on the topic: "Guess the melody"

Lyubov Burmistrova
Scenario of the game program "Guess the melody" for schoolchildren

Game program script« Guess the melody» For schoolchildren

Target: to interest children in music, to help broaden their horizons, the ability to work in groups.

Conduct form: a game

Rules of the game

The game involves 4 people.

The game consists of 2 rounds.

Leading:I tour: Participants listen to 4 categories of music of their choice, accumulating points.

Choice tunes provided to the player, which guessed the tune, the first time the choice can be made by the participant who answered the question. The participant with the fewest points is eliminated.

II round: participants listen melodies by choice and those participants who have the fewest points leave the game.

III round: represents the bidding that the bidder with the most points starts. You can start guessing the melody from 15 seconds. If melody is missing, the point is given to the opponent. In this round, the score will go up to 3 points.

First the hint sounds, then players are trading, then so many notes sound melodies, on how many participants stopped.

Super game.

Event progress

Organizational moment. Greetings.

Host Hello! We welcome you to our show « Guess the melody» . And to begin with, I propose to perform a very difficult task.

Qualifying round

Presenter Dear guys, now your attention will be offered the words from the songs that you heard in the cartoons. Exercise simple: it is necessary to name the hero and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung.

1. “And I increasingly notice

It's like someone replaced me.

I don’t dream about the seas -

The TV has replaced nature for me "(Matroskin's song from m / f Prostokvashino).

2. “Spoon interfering with snow,

The night is big

What are you, stupid, do not sleep?

Your neighbors are sleeping

White bears,

Sleep soon, baby." (Lullaby of the Bear from m/f "Umka")

3. “I was once strange

Nameless toy,

To which in the store

Nobody will fit. (Song of Cheburashka m / f "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena").

4. - Tell me, Snow Maiden,

Where was?

Tell me, honey

How are you?

I ran after you

Father Frost,

I spilled a lot

Bitter tears. (Song of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus from m / f "Wait for it!").

5. “You can’t fly far on an old piece of iron,

You won't get far on an old piece of iron.

It's good to sit in the dark

And turn the pieces of iron,

Your whole life will change as soon as you pick up

The same pin

Pin!" (Smeshariki's song from m / f "Smeshariki").

fallback options

6. "Stretch the furs, accordion,

Oh, play, play!

Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!" (Song of Grandmothers Ezhek from m / f "Flying ship").

7. "If long, long, long,

If for a long time along the path,

If long on the track

Stomp ride and run

That, perhaps, then of course,

That's probably right, right

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You can come to Africa ”(Song of the Little Red Riding Hood m / f "Little Red Riding Hood").

Leading. Participants who answered the questions correctly are invited to scene.

Hello music connoisseurs.

(introduction of participants)

Member #1…

Member #2…

Member #3…

Member #4…

Presenter Congratulations, you have become participants in the show « Guess the melody» it remains only to explain the rules of our game. We will have 2 rounds, after the first round, the 2 participants with the least points will be eliminated.

after the second round, one participant is also eliminated.

So we start. First tour.

Before you is a scoreboard with four categories of music, in each category - four melodies. Melodies are marked with notes. Each note has its own price - from 5 to 30 points. You select a note, then it sounds melody without words. Participants are required to be the first to remember what it is. melody, pick up your number and answer. If the answer is correct, the cost "notes" is credited to the participant who has the right to choose the next category. If the player made a mistake, his "fine"- one (two) melodies he concedes and is out of the game. Melodies sound for 20 seconds, in which case "note" remains unplayed. Not all categories and notes can be played in the first round. After the first round, the participant with the fewest points is eliminated.

The right to name and open the first note is granted to the participant under No. 1 (the participant chooses melody, she sounds as well guesses that who will be the first to raise their number. If the participant guessed right, then the next move will be his.)

(a game)

First tour on this magnificent melody ends. Let's see the results.

As it was said, according to the rules of our show, the 2 participants who scored the lowest number of points leave us. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to…and…. talking "Thank you".

Second round

We continue the game. And now the start of the second round is announced. The fewest points player...., so this member chooses a category. According to the terms of the second round, the participant with the least number of points is eliminated from the game.

(a game)

The participant is out of the game, we thank him for the excellent game.

Third round

In the third round they play with us ... and .... The tour will be held in the form of auctions. You will bargain with each other for the right to name melody after my prompt. The game will go up to three points. The participant with the number ... with the most points starts the game. The countdown goes from 15 to 7 seconds, that is, you say "I Guess this tune in 15 seconds, and the second participant either gives you the right to guess melody, or says less number of seconds from which it guess the melody.

(a game)

The third round has come to an end, unfortunately, for one of the participants it turned out to be the last one. We say goodbye to.... we are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level

You have proved today that you are a true connoisseur of music. We congratulate you on winning our show. This thunderous applause is addressed to you.

1. What is taught in school(words by Mikhail Plyatskovsky, music by Vladimir Shainsky)

2. This never happens again (words by Mikhail Plyatskovsky, music by Serafim Tulikov)

3. school ship(lyrics by Konstantin Ibryaev, music by Georgy Struve)

4. Song of the first grader (lyrics by Igor Shaferan, music by Eduard Hanok)

3. More than love - Alexey Vorobyov

4. Intonation - Let

1. About traces "Masha and the Bear"

2. Smile "Little Raccoon"

3. Dream "Flying Ship"

4. Song of Winnie the Pooh (cartoon) "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all")

1. While the clock strikes 12 (sorcerers)

2. Song of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

3. New Year's song - Brilliant

4. New Year - Ivanushki

Third round


1. A song about a profession whose representatives want to sleep and know how to keep the secrets of the king ( "Song of the Guard" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians")

2. A song about a representative of an insect order similar to a vegetable ( "In the grass Grasshopper sat" from the cartoon "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

3. Song about the knowledge gained in school("What is taught in school» )

4. Song of a vehicle that loves to observe nature ( "Song of the Train" from the cartoon "The Train from Romashkovo").

5. A song about two cheerful representatives of the grandmother's farmstead ( "Two cheerful geese")

6. A song about how the street beckons (song open kids city streets beckon again)

Presenter You proved today that you are a real connoisseur of music. We congratulate you on winning our show. This thunderous applause is for you.

Get involved!

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Target: To educate children's cognitive interest in musical activities. Develop communication and creativity skills. Generate a positive emotional response.

Equipment: Phonograms of children's songs, a set of children's musical instruments, scorecards for the jury, chairs for each team.

Event progress:

presenter: Hello guys! I welcome you, boys and girls, to our fun, musical and entertaining quiz "Guess the melody". Melody is music, and it surrounds us everywhere. And, probably, each of you has a favorite song or favorite artist. Tell us what kind of music do you like? (children's answers). Today I invite you to participate in a quiz, which will consist of music competitions. To do this, we divided into teams "Funny notes" and


(Children must determine the name of the songs by the musical passage: backing track; 8 songs for each team)

1. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.

2. A Christmas tree was born in the forest

3. True friend.

4. Friends (gr. Barbariki)

5. Two funny geese.

7. From a smile.

8. Watch (m / f Fixies)

9. Antoshka.

10. Song of a lion cub and a turtle

11. Dance of little ducklings.

12. Chunga - changa.

14. Three tankers

15. Mammoth's song

16. song of Cheburashka

The jury evaluates the competition

(Children should recognize the song from the verbal description; 4 songs for each team)

1. A song about how a birthday present was brought by helicopter. ("Song of the crocodile Gena" (Let them run clumsily)

2. A song about two poultry of different colors. ("Two cheerful geese")

3. A song about how to walk well with friends and sing songs. ("It's fun to walk together")

4. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Little Red Riding Hood's Song")

5. The song after the cartoons under which all the children go to bed. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

6. A song about a wooden boy who changed his alphabet for a ticket to the theater. ("Pinocchio")

7. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

8. A song about an animal floating on an ice floe. ("Mammoth song")

The jury evaluates the competition

Whose team will remember more names of musical instruments

Children are shown images of musical instruments, they must name those that they recognize.

The jury evaluates the competition

Flashmob-Dance break for participants and for spectators:

dance to the song "Pinocchio" (The teacher shows the movements)

Competition No. 4 "What is it?"

Children must collect a cut picture with the image of a musical instrument. Who is faster!

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 5 "Dancing"Captains competition?

Each team (captain) is given a piece of paper on which they dance to the music, after changing the music, the paper is folded (3 times). The team that has more dancers left on the drawing paper wins, which will dance longer on the remaining piece

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 6 "Connoisseur of Music"

1) What tool can be made from a reed if holes are made in it? (Pipe)

2) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

3) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

4) The profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

5) Name the main song of our country. (Hymn)

6) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her? (sing a song)

7) What is the musical instrument played by the crocodile Gena? (Harmonic)

The jury evaluates the competition

Now you will hear the sound of a musical instrument. You need

call him


2. Maracas



8. Violin

Music carousel game

The participants run around the chairs to the music (there are 1 less of them than the children, at the end of the music the children take their places, those who did not have time - leave the game, so to the winner. (First in each team, and then 1 child (winners in the team) in the general circle).

The jury evaluates the competition


presenter: So our music competitions have ended, of which there were 7, as many as there are musical notes. You actively participated and earned the following points.

The winners are awarded prizes and certificates.



Musical quiz "Guess the melody"

Musical quiz "Guess the melody".

Target : To educate children's cognitive interest in musical activities. Develop communication and creativity skills. Generate a positive emotional response.

Equipment: Phonograms of children's songs, a set of children's musical instruments, scorecards for the jury, chairs for each team.

Event progress:

presenter : Hello guys! I welcome you, boys and girls, to our fun, musical and entertaining quiz "Guess the melody". Melody is music, and it surrounds us everywhere. And, probably, each of you has a favorite song or favorite artist. Tell us what kind of music do you like? (children's answers). Today I invite you to participate in a quiz, which will consist of music competitions. To do this, we divided into teams "Funny notes" and


Competition No. 1 "Guess the melody".

(Children must determine the name of the songs by the musical passage: backing track; 8 songs for each team)

1. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.

2. A Christmas tree was born in the forest

3. True friend.

4. Friends (gr. Barbariki)

5. Two funny geese.

7. From a smile.

8. Watch (m / f Fixies)

9. Antoshka.

10. Song of a lion cub and a turtle

11. Dance of little ducklings.

12. Chunga - changa.

13. Katyusha

14. Three tankers

15. Mammoth's song

16. song of Cheburashka

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 2 "Recognize the song by description".

(Children should recognize the song from the verbal description; 4 songs for each team)

1. A song about how a birthday present was brought by helicopter. ("Song of the crocodile Gena" (Let them run clumsily)

2. A song about two poultry of different colors. ("Two cheerful geese")

3. Song about howit's good to step with friends and singsongs. ("It's fun to walk together")

4. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Little Red Riding Hood's Song")

5. The song after the cartoons under which all the children go to bed. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

6. A song about a wooden boy who changed his alphabet for a ticket to the theater. ("Pinocchio")

7. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

8. A song about an animal floating on an ice floe. ("Mammoth song")

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 3 "Musical Instruments"

Whose team will remember more names of musical instruments

Children are shown images of musical instruments, they must name those that they recognize.

The jury evaluates the competition

Flashmob -Dance break for participants and for spectators:

dance to the song "Pinocchio" (The teacher shows the movements)

Competition No. 4 "What is it?"

Children must collect a cut picture with the image of a musical instrument. Who is faster!

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 5 "Dancing"Captains competition?

each team ( captain) is given a piece of paper on which they dance to the music, after changing the music, the paper is folded (3 times). The team that has more dancers left on the drawing paper wins, which will dance longer on the remaining piece

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 6 "Connoisseur of Music"

1) What tool can be made from a reed if holes are made in it? (Pipe)

2) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

3) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

4) The profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

5) Name the main song of our country. (Hymn)

6) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her? (sing a song)

7) What is the musical instrument played by the crocodile Gena? (Harmonic)

The jury evaluates the competition

Song pause "A deer has a big house"

Competition No. 7 "Guess what sounds"

Now you will hear the sound of a musical instrument. You need

call him

Sounds like:


2. Maracas




6. Dombra

7. Guitar


Music carousel game

The participants run around the chairs to the music (there are 1 less of them than the children, at the end of the music the children take their places, those who did not have time - leave the game, so to the winner. (First in each team, and then 1 child (winners in the team) in the general circle).

The jury evaluates the competition


presenter : So our music competitions have ended, of which there were 7, as many as there are musical notes. You actively participated and earned the following points.

The winners are awarded prizes and certificates.


entertainment game

"Guess the melody".

Sounds music from the program "Guess the melody"

The leader appears on the stage.

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends, you were invited to the Guess the Melody game, all of you have seen it on TV many times, but only adults play there, and we will play with you.

We need to select three participants. To do this, we will hold a quiz with you - whoever collects the most tokens will get the right to play.

So, questions for the qualifying round:

    Name the hero of the musician from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key" (cricket)

    It gets fat, then it grows thin, it screams for the whole house. (harmonic)

    I put a pipe to my lips, a trill poured through the forest. That very fragile instrument is called ... (pipe)

    On whose verses the musical fairy tale "Cat's House" was set (S. Ya. Marshak)

    Name the animal characters from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" (dog, cat, rooster, donkey)

    Continue the sentence from the song “One board, two boards…..”

    What did he sing about in his song

    What song did you sing

    Who wrote the words to the Russian national anthem?

Presenter: So, the participants of the game, please come to us and announce the 1st round. And the audience will not be bored either. If the participant of the game does not guess the melody, then the viewer is given the right to answer for his player.


I round

Presenter: The first participant chooses a category and any note. On the reverse side of the note, the number of points is given, if the melody is guessed, then the point is counted. If the participants find it difficult to answer, the audience helps them, you can sing the songs in one verse.

1 note - 3b. Bear's lullaby (The night is coming big...)
2 notes - 4b. The song of the water (I am the water ...)
3 note - 3b. Ataman's song (They say we are byaki-buki ...)
4 notes - 6b. Song of father and princess (I don't want anything).
5 notes - 4 b. Song of the Bremen Town Musicians, (There is nothing better in the world ...)

1 note - 3b. Two by two is four
2 notes - 6b. And we are told that the leg is shorter than the hypotenuse
3 note - 56. What is taught at school
4 notes - 5b. It's only the beginning

5 notes - 4 b School

II round

Leading: Again, participants choose categories:

1 note - 5b. "Clouds" (Past a white cloud ...)
2 note - 2b. Song of Cheburashka (I was once strange ...)
3 note - 3b. Song Mammoth (On the blue sea ...)
4 notes - 2b. Antoshka

1 note - 5b. You and me (You and me and we...)
2 nights - 6b. If with a friend went on the road (If with a friend ...)
3 note - 4b. It's fun to walk together
4 notes - 4b. Friendship is strong

1 note - 4b. Lost dog
2 notes - 5b. near the road lapwing
3 note - 3b. Song of the black cat (Once upon a time...)
4 notes - 6b. 33 cows

Presenter: Well, friends, we are moving on to the third round.

The 2 players with the most points in the first two rounds advance to the third round.


presenter : So the rules of the 3rd round are as follows:

    Players are trading starting from 7 notes.

    A melody sounds after the prompt.

    The one who lost the bargain guesses.


    From this everything will become bright and cheerful, as the fluffy little animal says in his song. (Little Raccoon "Smile").

2. About a lonely tree offended by people. (There was a birch in the field)

3. Song about a charming cute insect (Good beetle)

4. An optimistic song in which the hero promises to survive all the troubles (Song of the cat Leopold)

5. A song about one of the spring months spent in an interesting and favorite place for the children in the city (Winged swing).

Presenter: Well, dear friends, this round 3 is over, and a super game awaits us ahead. Of the two players, the one with the most points remains.


Presenter: In 2 minutes you need to guess 5 melodies (5 points for each guessed)
1. Little Red Riding Hood song (If long, long ...)
2. Locust Latino
3. Junior Lieutenant
4. Tired toys sleep
5. Beautiful far away

Presenter: So, dear spectators and participants of the game, our game has come to an end, we congratulate the finalist and winner of the super game. And remember "The game is short, but the music is eternal."

In conclusion, the song "Beautiful is far away" is sung.

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