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The most popular email client. Rating of the best mail clients

The standard Windows 10 mail client is a modified evolutionary continuation of the application "Mail" Metro-Windows 8.1 predecessor system interface. The mail app in Windows 10 received a little more customization than its counterpart in Windows 8.1. In particular, this is the ability to choose the color design of the interface and the background image in the options section.

At the same time, regular "Mail" has not gone beyond the specifics of Metro applications: it mini mailer, providing only basic features for the needs of the average user, and the emphasis in the application is on a modern usable interface and ease of use with a touch screen.

Below we will take a closer look at how to set up a regular mail client in Windows 10.

  1. Quick mail account setup

When you first enter the Mail application, we will see a button, after clicking which the wizard for adding a mail account will follow.

The Mail app in Windows 10 allows you to work with multiple mail accounts, each of which must be added to the mailer in a separate step. We press.

The form for adding accounts offers at the beginning of the list a quick addition of e-mail of individual mail services, such as:, corporate mail service Microsoft Exchange , gmail from Google , Yahoo Mail, as well as iCloud. For these mail services, you do not need to enter mail server connection data, you just need to log in. Let's consider a quick connection of a mail account using an example gmail.

After selection gmail we will see the standard window for connecting to the service from Google. - Gmail email address - and click "Further".

In the next window, click the button, respectively, allowing access to account data gmail from the application "Mail" Windows 10.

Ready: account connected, emails are synced.

  1. Advanced mail account setup

To add another mail account, go to the mailer settings section. It is there that the form for connecting mail accounts is located. We press the parameters button at the bottom of the left panel of the application, and in the section list that appears in the ribbon on the right "Parameters" choose .

Then we click .

We will see the same form for adding mail accounts. For mail services not included in the quick setup list, the application "Mail" also optionally provides the ability to quickly configure without having to enter detailed server data, but only by entering a login and password from the mailbox. This is the point "Other account POP, IMAP". However, for most mail services, such a quick setup will not work, and messages will not be synchronized with the mail server. For mail services not listed in the quick setup list, you need to advanced setting. This, respectively, is the last item in the form for adding mail accounts.

For example, let's add to the application Mail Windows 10 mailbox of a popular mail service Yandex Mail. In the next window, select the option.

Next, you need to fill in the fields of the form for adding a mail account, and we will need to enter the addresses of the incoming and outgoing mail servers, as well as decide on the mail protocol - POP or IMAP. Therefore, we will break away from the application for a couple of minutes "Mail" and first of all, let's check if the mail service provides access to mail from any mail client installed in the operating system. So, not all mail services are configured for this by default, in some of them, it is necessary to activate the permission to manage mail through mail clients. For example, in the mail service Yandex Mail access to mail from client programs is provided in the mailbox settings, in the section.

The next step is to select the POP or IMAP mail protocol. The protocol will then determine the details of the incoming and outgoing mail servers.

POP protocol works, as a rule, on the principle of unloading letters from the mail server to the user's computer. Letters after some time are deleted from the mail server.

IMAP is a modern and more secure protocol that provides access from a software mail client to mail on a server. Mail on the server will be securely stored, waiting for manual cleaning by the user.

Having decided on the choice of protocol, the next step is to find out the addresses of the servers of incoming and outgoing mail. To do this, you need to enter a query in the browser search engine by type "mail service + protocol". In our case, this will be a search query.

Articles on such a key request will provide information on the specifics of connecting mail using the selected protocol.

Returning to the form for adding an application mail account "Mail" and enter data: account name, username, incoming mail server address. Choose the type of account, i.e. protocol POP or IMAP.

Fill out the bottom of the form: enter Username (essentially an email address) , password, outgoing mail server address. Do not remove the preset checkboxes below. We press.

Ready: mail account set up, emails are being synchronized.

  1. Deleting a mail account

Deleting a mail account occurs, as well as adding it, in a subsection of the application settings section "Mail".

When clicking on the selected account, we will get options for possible actions, including - removal .

  1. Changing mail account settings

Another option when clicking on a mail account in the settings section is to change the preset mail synchronization settings and some settings of the account itself.

Here you can set the time intervals for downloading letters, the format of letters, the statute of limitations for letters for synchronization. Mailbox synchronization can be completely disabled.

Clicking at the bottom "Additional mailbox options", we will get access to the form for changing the addresses and settings of the incoming and outgoing mail servers.

I always liked the Thunderbird email client for working with gmail, but recently its portable version began to fail - periodically, when sending heavy emails, the email client began to display errors that the letter was not sent, although it was actually being sent ... Perhaps the problem is that I have a huge number of letters in the client, or a problem with some settings, unfortunately it was not possible to figure it out. I started looking for some other clients to try something new. After a little searching on Google, I found two good email clients.




For myself, at first I chose this program. But then I noticed one unpleasant moment.

I did not immediately notice some letters that are sorted through gmail filters into different folders.

Perhaps the problem is due to the fact that I have quite a lot of filters (as well as the letters themselves) and it takes a long time, after starting the program, until the mail is checked and the numbers with the number of new letters in each folder are displayed (there are no such problems with the Inbox folder). The time for updating mail in the client seems to be not configured anywhere. For me, the problem turned out to be critical over time and I had to stop using this client, although in everything else I quite liked it.

eM Client



  • I did not ask in which folder to install the program, I immediately installed it on the C:\ drive. (you can change this option after installation, through “settings - general - storage”)
  • When entering the password from the mail, a window appeared with the text: “ Mistake. Most likely, cookies are disabled in your browser. Check this setting or open a new browser window.“, I had to dig in the Internet Explorer browser to make eMClient work. I have cookies disabled. The problem is solved as follows: “settings - browser properties - privacy” and then move the slider to the very bottom, after which we save. After that, emClient earned and started checking mail.



  • The client works not only on Windows, there are also versions for Mac, iOS and Android.
  • Free to use with GMail, iCloud, and accounts.
  • Beautiful modern interface.
  • Supports various types of encryption.
  • Choice of colors and icons for different accounts.
  • Probably the main function is the automatic sorting of incoming emails by relevance. Letters from the closest contacts are marked with a blue drop, which indicates the high importance of the letter. Less important messages, as well as spam, are marked with less bright drops and go down in the general list of letters.

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An email client is a program for using e-mail.

How an email client works

If - a personal box in which received and sent letters are collected, then the mail client is your personal manager who constantly walks and checks the storage for fresh correspondence and analyzes the information received from there

He knows how to process html letters correctly, sort senders into groups, store recipient addresses in lists, work with attachments and instantly beep when fresh mail is received.

Emails are always sent using the SMTP protocol, or its secure encrypted version, SECURE SMTP. You can receive correspondence via the POP3 or IMAP channel.

POP3 is a simple protocol for fetching emails from a server and storing copies on a computer, not particularly demanding on a good internet connection. IMAP is a complex protocol that is sensitive to disconnections, its main idea is to read the headers of letters, and only after that directly the content, as needed. IMAP involves working with letters by constantly synchronizing your computer and server.

How to choose an email client

Well, if you have a single . But difficulties arise if you have dozens of mailboxes at your disposal that need to be constantly monitored and answered, switching between addresses every minute. To solve the problem of collecting letters from a large number of services, email clients were invented, modern versions of which have a wide range of useful features, such as organizers, mass mailings, RSS feeds, and so on.

The main options for each email program are:

  • Grouping correspondence into folders
  • Sort by different parameters
  • Working with different types of attachments
  • Receiving and sending letters online
  • Editing and viewing letters, including html format
  • Mail client rating


  • Tab system and address book.
  • Full HTML support.
  • Migration Assistant.
  • Flexible setting.

One of the most beautiful and high-quality developments of the Mozilla Foundation. He gained particular popularity in Russia for the reverent attitude of developers for localizing the client into more than forty languages ​​of the world. It has high-quality protection and powerful tools for filtering spam content. Functionality can be added from the extension store

The Bat

  • Reliability and speed.
  • Technologies for additional protection of correspondence.
  • Automatic sorting.
  • Incoming mail filtering system.
  • Selective unloading from the server.
  • Built-in search.

A long-liver and pioneer in the world of email clients. Fast and streamlined work, but simplified functionality and errors when reading modern HTML emails. A big plus is the presence of a module for encrypting correspondence using the SSL\TLS protocol. Cryptographic technologies with a public key and storage of letters on a hard disk ensure the security of the content of correspondence


  • Portable version.
  • Built-in web browser.
  • A huge number of personal settings.
  • Stable work.
  • Localization into 24 languages.
  • Built-in useful tools.
  • IRC instant messaging client.

A client that stands out from the crowd with its flexibility to meet the needs of any client: from an individual home user to a large business organization. Universal and simple appearance, many controls for each parameter, built-in spam filter. Large share of users: large companies and institutions

Opera Mail

  • Import all emails from the server.
  • Fast reading.
  • Simultaneous synchronization of several mailboxes.
  • Offline browsing.
  • Significant traffic savings.

Another client created by a large company called Opera Software. The functionality is distinguished from competitors by a clear traffic saving, which is a priority direction for the development of the company. High speed, convenient interface familiar to many, labels for letters and chronological sorting

Koma mail

  • Protocols POP3, SMTP, IMAP, Hotmail, WebDAV.
  • Secure connections over SSL.
  • RSS feeds.
  • Built-in HTML editor.
  • Antispam filter.
  • Automatic folder protection.
  • Unlimited amount .

The best program for portable work and run from a flash drive. The application has a built-in calendar, color labels and localization into 19 languages.

eM Client

  • Complete organizer.
  • Russification.
  • Paid/free versions.
  • Chat manager.

The program has built-in support for major email servers: Yandex, Google, iCloud. By functionality, it is divided into a paid and free version with limited access. Considered one of the safest programs for personal computers

Microsoft Outlook

  • Brand credibility.
  • Classic business app.
  • Integration into all popular services.
  • Organizer.
  • Pattern filtering rules.
  • VBA support.

Desktop application included with Microsoft Office. Can be purchased as part of an Office 365 subscription for a monthly fee. The program is one of the most popular corporate email clients of large companies, and is in no less demand among ordinary users. It supports work with all possible protocols, sound alerts based on templates, separation into work and personal streams, flexible filtering rules and synchronization with third-party applications. A huge advantage is the support of VBA macros, with which you can fully optimize your activities.

The mail client is designed to process correspondence from electronic mailboxes.

There is a great variety of software that can do this: multifunctional mail clients that combine the functions of a mail courier and a search agent.

Or simple utilities that allow the user to receive, send and store electronic messages.

The most popular mail utilities for Windows OS will be discussed in this publication.

Purpose and application

It's no secret that many PC users have several email accounts that can be easily registered on the servers of large search services.

Access to them can be obtained through the resources on which they are registered.

If several addresses are registered on different sites, for example,; Yandex; Google; Yahoo, etc., then the login and authorization process must be completed for everyone.

In order to be able to work with correspondence from all mailboxes at the same time, without much time and Internet traffic, mail clients were invented.

Before the "seven", all versions of Windows were equipped with the mail program Outlook Express.

Later versions of the operating system introduced the Mail application, which allowed you to collect all the mail in one mailbox using a Microsoft account.

Basic functionality of mail clients

As mentioned above, mail clients differ in their capabilities. But there are basic functions inherent in absolutely all such programs:

  • receiving correspondence;
  • sorting and grouping messages into folders;
  • creation of electronic messages in the built-in text editor;
  • automation in the preparation of outgoing messages;
  • the ability to receive and send attachments in an email message.

In addition to the basic functionality, almost every email client has a lot of additional features: connecting RSS feeds, organizing a full-fledged organizer, the possibility of mass mailing letters, etc.

The top five most popular email processing programs include the following mail clients:

  • The Bat;
  • eM Client;
  • Becky Internet Mail;
  • Windows Live Mail.

Let's consider each of them in more detail. Where you can download the utility you like, look under the product description.


Mozilla Thunderbird is a powerful software package that allows you to process mail, work with groups, connect news feeds, and has filters for incoming messages.

It can work with multiple accounts.

It works great with all popular protocols (POP; SMTP; IMAP), and the built-in plugin system provides a flexible system of settings.

The Thunderbird mail client has gained particular popularity among the domestic user for its convenient Russian-language interface.

The program is distributed on the basis of a free license.

The Bat

The second place in terms of frequency of use by PC users is occupied by The Bat mail client. It has a good set of features, among which are:

  • Ability to connect an unlimited number of mailboxes, which can be received simultaneously.
  • Powerful incoming mail filtering system.
  • Ability to selectively download emails from the server.
  • Support for importing messages from other email clients.
  • Built-in search for letters and respondents.
  • Multifunctional text editor

The Bat for Windows can encrypt messages using public key cryptography, so the user can be 100% sure that his messages will not be read by intruders.

eM Client

Most PC users single out this particular program as the most functional and safe among similar ones.

Really, eM Client is equipped with all the necessary functions for comfortable processing of correspondence: reading emails, sending messages, forwarding and sorting mail, etc.

This software package has a built-in full-fledged organizer, chat manager and many other rather interesting functions.

In addition, eM Client is Russified, supports the protocols of the main mail servers and perfectly synchronizes with accounts created in Google, Yandex and iCloud services.

The only drawback of the program is distribution based on a paid license, although many users will be satisfied with the lightweight free version, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link to the official website of the developer:

E-mail is necessary for every PC user. Even if you do not conduct a stormy correspondence, it is one of the prerequisites for registering on a variety of resources. Many have several mailboxes on different services. This is not always convenient, because you have to open pages one by one, log in. The mail client for Windows 10 will avoid these problems. Link your addresses to it and check your mail in one window.

Windows 10 has two default email clients: Mail and Outlook. The latter is familiar to most users. And Mail was added in 8-ke. We will show you how to set up both programs for convenient interaction with your mailboxes.


The label looks like a white envelope. If the client is not present on the Windows taskbar, search for the application.

To work, you need to add an account. We press the button.

You can select from the list any service that already has an account.

Let's try to select "Another account" and configure the program to work with Yandex mail. Enter the data and specify a name for the connection. The password should be specified from the service, in our case it is Yandex.

After a few seconds, the operation is completed.

The next step is to add another mailbox.

Let's add a Google account. Click on add and select Google.

Here the program connects directly through the Google mail service.

We enter our data. Please note that you can log in not only through mail, but through any account linked to it. In this case, we used the address from the service. On the website, these two boxes were linked.

Now you already have two mailing addresses tied to one client.

We turn to the Inbox folder and observe a familiar interface, only for two addresses.

In the lower left corner, you can go to the Windows Calendar or People apps, as well as adjust program settings. If you need to add a box, click on the gear.

And in the panel on the right, select account management.

As you can see, setting up mail in Windows 10 is extremely simple. In this case, there is no need to think about where mail is stored in Windows 10. The application transfers letters from mail servers to your computer to the user's folder. Therefore, if you do not have access to the Internet, you can only see the information from the cache. It is convenient that you can view old mail even offline. You will not get to online mail services at all without a connection.

What to do if Windows 10 mail is not working

This is due to updates. Especially often when upgrading from an old version to Windows 10. You need to reinstall the application.

  • Right-click on the Start button and select PowerShell.

  • Type get-appxpackage -allusers *communi* | remove-appxpackage. The process of uninstalling the application will begin.

  • Go to the “Users” or “Users” folder on the system drive (for an English-language system) and sequentially follow the path “User name - AppData - Local” and delete the Comms folder.

  • One folder will not be deleted.

  • Reboot and delete again.
  • Go to the Windows Store. This can be done either through the icon on the taskbar (highlighted in the screenshot) or through the search.

  • Type "mail" in the search bar.

  • Install the client.

The Mail app has been reinstalled.

Microsoft Outlook

This is one of the oldest email clients. It appeared in Windpows 95 and has since been successfully used around the world.

By right, the Outlook client is considered one of the best programs for Windows 10. In addition to mail, it contains modules:

  • Event summary.
  • Contacts.
  • Calendar.
  • Task Manager.
  • Diary.
  • Notes.

If we talk about mail, then in this client for Windows, you can add as many mailboxes from various servers as you like, configure filters, specify audio alerts, and much more.

Free email clients for Windows 10

In addition to the built-in tools, which many people are prejudiced against, you can download other email clients.


After installation, select a theme for registration.

You can automatically link mail (Mail tab) or specify an address and go through all the steps.

After all letters are imported, you can use the program as usual. The free version is for two accounts, and the PRO ($50) is for as many as you like.

In addition, the client offers a chat, calendar, contacts and task manager, translator, spell checker. In general, the application does not differ in something outstanding.


This is a free mail program for Windows 10 in Russian from Mozilla.

The application is open source. Today, it is considered one of the best email clients for Windows 10. It is popular due to extensions that allow you to increase its capabilities.

It includes convenient features such as client setup wizard, search engine, event log, activity manager, etc.

After installation, you can create a new account not only for email, but also for chat or blog.

At the beginning, you are quite strongly suggested to create a new mailbox, but you can skip this step and connect your existing accounts.

After registration, synchronization with the server takes place and then you can start working.


Lightweight and convenient application for working with multiple mailboxes. You can download an email client for Windows 10 here.

It has a free version (with limited functionality) and a paid one. Allows you to create quick answers, templates for them. Supports drag-n-drop technology. The search is carried out in one click. Allows you to view the contact's profile in social networks. Supports Russian interface (should be selected during installation).

After installation, specify the registration data from the mail server.

And we are waiting for synchronization.

Here you can also connect to different applications and work with them in one interface.

The last function is extremely handy if you work in dropbox, googledocs, etc. Everything you need will be collected in one place.

We conducted a short review of email clients for Windows 10. We hope you find the material useful. And if you want to learn how to manage running programs, you can read about it here.

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