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The most sought after programmers. Rating of programming languages

New languages ​​are replacing old ones. You must always keep your finger on the pulse of events in order to remain a good specialist. I think every programmer does not want to be an outsider in their business. We have prepared an article where we analyze in detail the top programming languages ​​that will be popular in 2018.

The basis of our analysis is statistics from the Stackoverflow resource. Every year they prepare a report on the most popular programming languages. More than 50,000 developers from all over the world participate in the survey. To track the dynamics, we collected data for 2017, 2016 and used data from Google Trends. We have already published an article about programming languages ​​of 2019, and what is best for a beginner to learn. Read and educate yourself. Let's look at each programming language and try to understand which programming languages ​​you need to learn in 2018.


This is one of the most popular programming languages. He has been in first place for several years in a row. The dynamics show that this trend will continue. It is the most cross-platform programming language that allows you to develop desktop, web and mobile applications.

Javascript has many convenient and flexible libraries. Among the most popular, it is worth noting React.js. Angular.js and Vue.js. The latest library is just gaining popularity. Vue has good performance and is one of the easiest to learn. However, it will be difficult for it to reach such a high level of popularity as other libraries. The market is already divided between React and Angular.
The React library was developed by Facebook. It is one of the most popular javascript based ones. React allows you to develop mobile applications, websites and SPA (single page applications). React is significantly easier to learn compared to Angular 2.

Angular is developed by Google and has been undergoing a lot of transformations lately. At first everything was using Angular 1, a few years ago Angular 2 was released, which is more productive, more convenient and faster. Google is currently developing Angular 4. It should replace Angular 2 and become the leader among javascript libraries. Let's see what happens. Overall, Angular is difficult for beginners and is well suited for developing web applications for large companies or creating marketplaces. In addition to the above libraries, node.js is very popular.

It allows you to develop the server side in Javascript. This is the best solution if you want to develop a back-end part using js. As you can see, javascript is a universal programming language. Has good flexibility and performance. This is what makes it one of the most popular on our list. I think this trend will continue to be dynamic in the future.


It is a programming language used to manage data in a relational database. Knowledge of SQL is a must for database design, which is used by most websites. Like it or not, you need to know the basics of SQL.


Java is very popular in the finance and banking industry. Primarily due to its speed and level of security. Java developers are highly sought after in the labor market due to the shortage. This programming language is quite difficult to learn and is not always easy for beginners. Among other things, Android food delivery applications are developed in Java. This is the main reason for the significant popularity of this language. According to Google Trends statistics, the dynamics are going down. Whether it's worth starting to learn this programming language is up to you to decide.


One of the most advanced and convenient programming languages. It is the primary development language for the Microsoft .NET platform. C# is very similar to Java, but still has a number of its advantages and innovations. It is worth noting separately that C# is more difficult to learn than Java. This is not the best solution for beginners.


Until recently, PHP was more popular than Python, but now we can confidently say that Python is gaining the trust of young developers. It has a huge number of advantages. First of all, it is concise and understandable. Thus, Python is a great place to start for new developers. The convenient code structure makes it easy to develop a project and subsequently support them. For businesses, this means cutting costs. Python is one of the few server languages ​​that shows growth dynamics.


The most used programming language for the server side. According to statistics, PHP is used by about 240 million websites. PHP has good flexibility and performance. It can be used for small business websites, as well as for the development of large crowdfunding platforms with high load. There are many frameworks developed in PHP.

They have good speed and a high level of security. Our company, Merehad, prefers this programming language. In our work, we use the Laravel framework to develop large web applications. The main disadvantages are the inability to develop desktop applications and server components. Like most server-side programming languages, it is losing its popularity.


One of the most complex programming languages. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand and many try to avoid it. But at the same time, C++ has high performance. It allows you to create applications and programs for almost any purpose.


TypeScript is developed by Microsoft. In a short time he gained popularity. TypeScript is a flexible and performant programming language that is based on Javascript. The founders of TypeScript have spent a lot of effort and continue to add new solutions to improve productivity and usability, such as developing a sports betting site. It's not surprising that Javascript is trying to implement them. If you're new, it's worth a look as it will continue to gain popularity in 2018.

With the beginning of a new year, it is quite natural for each of us to begin to think about our future and career options. Our website has been annually publishing a ranking of the most popular programming languages ​​for several years now.

Note that the TIOBE rating cannot at all judge the quality or versatility for learning a programming language; the main criterion for selecting the index is the number of search queries for each specific language. That is, the more a particular programming language is searched through the world’s most popular search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, Wikipedia, YouTube), the higher it will be ranked.

  1. Python
  2. VisualBasic.NET
  3. JavaScript
  4. Delphi/Object Pascal
  5. Assembly
  6. Visual Basic
  7. Swift
  8. Objective-C
  9. Groovy
  10. MATLAB
  11. PL/SQL

Now let's look at the 10 most interesting, in our opinion, programming languages. Note that in our top ten there are two languages ​​that were not included in the TIOBE TOP10: Objective-C and SQL. The first, Objective-C, did not make it into the TOP 10 ranking only because some of the search queries were taken over by the new Apple programming language Swift. We decided to include the second, SQL, because of its importance, since it is thanks to it that interaction between humans and databases occurs, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of a modern website today.


Difficulty: 3/5

About the language: To begin with, let us note that Java is not a type of coffee, but the name of a programming language that has been actively used since the 90s of the last century. Despite the fact that this language is open, i.e. it is free to use by anyone and is currently owned and maintained by Oracle Corporation. Java was developed as a programming language that will be used on any device; as a result, programs for computers, smartphones and even TVs with SMART TV technology are written in this language.

Why should I teach him?: Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Both large and small businesses are filled with software written in this language. Therefore, if you have an idea to create an innovative program for business, Java is quite possibly the most suitable language for this. The same applies to developing applications for the Android platform, since Java is the main language for writing programs among developers for the Google operating system.

Example programs: A large number of popular applications on the Android platform, such as Angry Birds, Temple Run and Candy Crush Saga, are written in Java. The same applies to most of the paid software written for airlines, government and banking institutions.


Difficulty: 3/5

About the language: A large number of people in the programming community consider the C language to be the “grandfather” of all modern programming languages. There are two reasons for this view. First, the C language was developed in the 1970s, when computers could take up entire rooms. Secondly, a large number of modern languages, such as Java, C++ and Python, were created under the influence of the C language. However, despite its venerable age, the C language continues to be actively used, and it will be a long time before this language begins to lose its popularity. its popularity.
The C language uses a technique to reduce RAM usage as much as possible.

Why should I teach him?: Most good programmers know many programming languages. If you also don't want to settle on one language, starting your learning with C is a good idea. As with all things worthwhile, learning C will be a struggle for most people at first. However, this should not serve as a deterrent, since after C, all other modern languages, such as Objective C, C++, PHP and many others, will be much easier for you to learn.

Example programs: As you probably already realized, C is a very powerful programming language. Because of its power, C is ideal when you need complete control over the program you're creating. That is why most of today's popular operating systems, such as Windows, OSX and Linux, are written in the C language. Almost all computerized devices, in whole or in part, use the C language in their work. From microwaves, remote controls and calculators to databases and the shuttle control mechanisms - the C language is so universal that it is used almost everywhere.


Difficulty: 5/5

About the language: In short, C++ is still the same C, but only with a larger set of options. While both of these languages ​​are considered general-purpose programming languages, C is used more for developing "machine-friendly" software such as operating systems, while C++ is used for higher-level applications such as accounting programs and video game engines.

Why should I teach him?: For large projects like developing a web browser, creating a video card driver, or writing an algorithm for financial trading, C++ is the best option. This language has such a quality as object-oriented programming, which is supported with great difficulty in C. Due to this, for some tasks C++ is more suitable than C, since it will help solve the same problem in less time.

Example programs: The engines of most popular computer games today, such as Call of Duty, Halo and FIFA, are written in C++. Also, large animation studios like Pixar, Disney and DreamWorks use C++ to varying degrees in their animation software. Because of its reliability and speed, C++ is also used to develop proprietary high-frequency trading algorithms that allow Wall Street firms to trade thousands of shares in a fraction of a second.


Difficulty: 3/5

About the language: C# was developed in the early 2000s as a general-purpose language for Microsoft products. C# can be used to develop both standard Windows applications and server-side web applications. This language is part of the so-called “Microsoft” .NET family, which includes a number of other languages ​​that are sometimes combined with C# when developing large projects.

Why should I teach him?: If you want to create applications for the Windows platform or are interested in creating a website that will run on a Windows server, then learning C# is a great choice. Despite the fact that this language is not as popular as PHP or Java, C# has shown an annual increase in demand since its inception.

Example programs: Since C# was developed by Microsoft to create their products, it is reasonable to assume that web applications such as Bing and MSN use this language. In addition, C# is used to write programs for smartphones running on the Windows Phone platform.


Difficulty: 1/5

About the language: Python is a general-purpose programming language that appeared in the 90s of the last century. The main distinguishing feature of this language is its incredible readability, which makes Python an ideal option for beginners. Despite its relative ease of learning, you can do some pretty interesting things with Python, including web development, 3D rendering, and scientific computing.

Why should I teach him?: You should definitely try learning Python if you want to jump straight into programming with ease. Unlike low-level languages ​​such as C and Java, you will spend relatively less time learning Python. That is why many now consider Python the most suitable programming language for beginners.

Example programs: Instagram, YouTube and Reddit are prime examples of what Python is capable of. Note that as the popularity of these services increased, the number of technologies used in them also grew, however, despite this, Python continues to play a key role in the launch of these sites.


Difficulty: 2/5

About the language: PHP is another relative of C. It is even written using the C language. As a result, PHP has inherited some of the power of its older ancestor. Languages ​​like C are used for low-level development, while PHP is designed for creating web applications like Facebook.

Why should I teach him?: If you've come up with an idea for a new website, languages ​​like PHP are much more practical and versatile than C or C++. Moreover, if you are new to programming but want to learn how to create web applications as quickly as possible, PHP is undoubtedly a great place to start.

Example programs: PHP is used on more than two hundred million websites around the world, which speaks for itself about its popularity. Moreover, the popular WordPress engine - which runs millions of blogs, news portals, online stores and much more - is written entirely in PHP.


Difficulty: 2/5

About the language: People who are new to programming languages ​​often don't know that there is any difference between Java and JavaScript. This language was originally called ECMAScript, but due to the then increasing popularity of the Java language, the creators of JavaScript decided to rename their brainchild in order to attract as many people as possible. Note that, with the exception of the name, both languages ​​have very little in common.

Why should I teach him?: If you are interested in front-end web design, then you should definitely learn JavaScript. This language is used to add interactivity to web pages. Without JavaScript, pages look lifeless, while with it you can figuratively “revive” pages by adding animation, and generally improving its (site) manageability through the web interface. Although JavaScript is mostly used for front-end development, thanks to frameworks like Node.js you can create back-end applications as well.

Example programs: JavaScript is used on 88% of websites worldwide. When you find out the number of websites operating today all over the world, you will understand that 88% is very, very high. Be aware, if when you go to a web page you see a drop-down menu, hover effects, and other animations, you know that JavaScript is used here.


Difficulty: 2/5

About the language: Ruby (like Python) is a lightweight, but at the same time very powerful programming language. Note that despite the fact that Ruby appeared around the same time as Python, it was not particularly popular until its Rails framework was developed. In computer programming, a framework is an addition to a language that makes application development much easier or faster. The Rails framework has made web development incredibly intuitive.

Why should I teach him?: As we wrote above, Ruby is very similar to Python. At the same time, the Ruby language has a coding style that not all programmers like, which automatically makes it less attractive in comparison with Python. However, do not be alarmed prematurely, because as one of the Ruby developers noted, each programmer has his own special understanding of the attractiveness of the coding style, so if one programmer prefers Python to the Ruby language, then another may, on the contrary, choose Ruby instead of Python.

Example programs: Metasploit and Twitter, two completely different applications, are developed using the Ruby language. Metasploit is one of the most popular information security programs, used by tens of thousands of people and private companies to protect their data. Twitter is a world famous microblogging site that was written using Ruby and its Rails framework.


Difficulty: 3/5

About the language: SQL is a special purpose programming language. Special-purpose languages, as the name suggests, are used for specific tasks, as opposed to the general-purpose languages ​​we have talked about so far. SQL was developed to make it easier to work with information stored in a database.

Why should I teach him?: If you want to manage information stored in databases, you should definitely learn SQL. Note that this language has many dialects, but once you become well versed in one of them, it will not be difficult for you to understand and learn others.

Example programs: Systems such as MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL are used to work with information stored in databases of hospitals, companies, government and banking institutions. “Communication” between the above-mentioned programs and databases takes place precisely in the SQL language.


Difficulty: 3/5

About the language: Objective-C can be considered the C# language in the OSX and iOS world. Apple presented Objective-C in the 80s of the last century, when the company was just on the path of its formation. Since then, Objective-C has become the de facto programming language in which all software for Apple devices, including the iPhone and iPod, was written.

Why should I teach him?: If you are interested in writing programs for a MacBook, iPhone or iPad, you will definitely have to learn Objective-C. Unlike open source languages ​​like C, which you can freely use without any questions, the rights to Objective-C belong to Apple, so when working with this language you must be guided by the rules established by its owner.

Example programs: When you use any Apple device, be aware that all applications running on it are written using the Objective-C language. For example, popular iPhone apps like Uber, Instagram, and SnapChat rely entirely on Objective-C.

What do you think is the most popular programming language of 2016? Leave your comments below, it will be very interesting to discuss this topic!

Hi all! Today I want to talk about the topic “Top programming languages” in 2018. It can be shown that this issue has already been well discussed on the Internet, but I will try to give you the latest information that is available today in foreign sources. Go!

Where does the data come from?

Today there are several well-known indexes, thanks to which you can find out the popularity of a particular programming language on the Internet:

— TIOBE (an index that evaluates the popularity of programming languages ​​based on counting the results of search queries containing the name of the language)

PYPL index (popularity index of programming languages ​​based on analysis of toturial searches on Google)

— RedMonk (company that deals with analysis)

And also a list of resources that contain their personal statistics:

— StackOverflow



— Indeed

- IEEE Spectrum

If you go through all these resources, you can come to the conclusion that there are some trends in the positions of languages ​​that differ from the statistics of personal use and the demand for languages ​​in the labor market. It follows that it is impossible to compile a completely accurate list. We can only get an approximate list of trends that will await us in 2018.

TOP 2018

Let's move on to the list of languages ​​itself.

1. JavaScript/JAVA In all top positions, these two languages ​​are usually in the lead. For several years now, JavaScript has become the main language in which a large number of developers write to create dynamic UI Web platforms. If you want to go the front-end development route, then this language should be your top priority to learn this year. Java is a language in which absolutely anything is written, from games, web applications, websites to artificial intelligence. The demand for good Java specialists is very high and has corresponding compensation anywhere in our world.

2. PHP I put PHP in second place because... indeed, there are currently a huge number of job offers on the market related to this programming language. PHP was used mostly on the web to create back-end applications. Thanks to its ease of learning, there are a huge number of projects that were written in previous years in PHP and which require further support from specialists and the refinement of some personal features. If you want to become a back-end developer (especially in the Russian-speaking segment of the market) without spending years learning Java, then PHP is the language that has a much lower level of entry.

3. Python This language has a low entry level and is easy to learn, which gives it a great advantage. Less popular on the Russian market than all previous languages, but we pay just as well.

4. C++/C# Fundamental languages ​​that I put in one row. Currently, they are used to write both games and complex applications for any device. These languages ​​pay well, but are less popular due to the higher level of entry into them.

5. Ruby An excellent language if you are a complete beginner. Many languages ​​that are now in first place have borrowed their practices from this language.

6. C A programming language developed back in 1969-1973. Usually some serious systems are being sawed on it. And if you really want to do hardcore programming and get into the world of low-level programming, then this language is clearly for you.

7. Objective-C Apple Corporation's compiled, object-oriented programming language, built on the C language and Smalltalk paradigms. There are a large number of vacancies for this programming language on our market.

8. CSS Why is CSS on this list? Just ask me. After all, CSS is a formal language for designing Web pages. Yes it is! But at the moment this language is used everywhere. No modern website or application is complete without CSS. That is why he is in this top.

9. Shell(shell, aka “command line”, aka CLI, aka “console”, aka “terminal”, aka “black window with white letters”) is a text interface for communicating with the operating system. And again, this is not a programming language! No matter what operating system you develop your “creation” on, you will still use the console, because it is convenient. So it is with these statistics.

10. Go And the last language on this list is Go, created by Google. This is not the first year that he has been constantly among the top. Who knows what will happen in a couple of years. Maybe this language can enter the coveted top five. Wait and see.


Today we looked at the “Top 10 popular programming languages” that will delight us in 2018. If you are a beginner and are just taking your first steps on the web, then I would advise you to go from simple to complex. Learn HTML and CSS. Then try playing with JS to create dynamic pages and, as an option, PHP or Ruby to write a simple back-end. After working with these languages ​​for 4 months, you will be able to make a choice in which direction it is better for you to develop (Front-end or Back-end). The choice is always yours. I hope this article was helpful to you. Good luck coding!)

In the modern world, everything is connected with computers, smart technology and machines, but not everyone thinks about how it works? Any technology has its own program, its own goals and tasks, but all this is done by people. So, what is the most popular programming language in the world? Which one should you choose to study so as not to make a mistake? From this article you will learn which programming languages ​​are worth paying attention to and in what area it is used.

10th place: Objective-C

Every person is already familiar with Apple technology; many have chosen this company, with a good reputation and an excellent PR company. But if you decide to look a little further and try to write an iOS application yourself, then Objective-C is exactly what you need. Although, now everyone is switching to Swift, which is not so popular because it is very young, but it was created by Apple, it is more convenient and dynamic, and soon, all new applications and games are being made on it. Therefore, most likely, it makes no sense to start learning Objective-C in 2016.

9th place: Ruby

Another one of the most popular programming languages, used by a huge number of people, and for good reason. It will be simply irreplaceable if you decide to launch a new web application or you have a new idea and want to implement it. Ruby is at your service. Despite its enormous power, this language is quite simple and understandable. Also, its big advantage is that many popular applications around the world are written in it.

8th place: SQL

It is used to manage and modify data in an arbitrary relational database regulated by an appropriate database management system. With this programming language, you can easily find the information you need and, most importantly, do it in a reliable way.

7th place: C

Despite the fact that the C language appeared in 1972, it remains relevant to this day. It was he who became the basis for the development of such programming languages ​​as C++, C#, Java, D. Its main advantages were: compactness, speed and power. Used to create system and application software.

6th place: Python

It is a high-level programming language for general use. It can fulfill almost any of your wishes, whether it be data analysis and verification, or applications, or any statistics, Python will help with all this. More recently, programmers have come to agree that it can be used to process very large amounts of data and the big advantage is that it is suitable for a wide variety of industries.

5th place: C++

It appeared in 1983, just like C, it is intended for general use. It can be used in areas such as: creating operating systems, for hardware acceleration features, mobile devices, and also for games. If you need a large amount of memory for your work, then you can safely use the services of the C++ language.

4th place: PHP

If you decide to create a web application, then most likely you will need PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). One of the leaders for creating dynamic websites. Currently, a large number of sites have been created in PHP that focus on large amounts of data. It is also the basis of content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Bitrix, Prestashop, etc.

3rd place: C#

It was developed in 2001 by Microsoft as an application development language for the Microsoft .NET Framework. This is one of the main languages ​​for developing the Unity game engine.

2nd place: JavaScript

A relatively young programming language that appeared in 1995. More than one web page creator cannot do without it; it is used in browsers as a scripting language to create website interactivity. The biggest advantage of the language is that it is easy to learn and even if you are not a programmer, with a little effort you will be able to figure it out, at least in the initial stages. It has a specific difference from other languages; no company owns it; it floats freely, so to speak.

1st place: Java

Java is in 1st place. This is the most popular programming language. It is he who today is the leader among programmers for the backend development of modern web applications. If you are looking to create a scalable mobile application for Android, be it a smartphone or a tablet, then there is nothing better than Java. It has such features as: automatic memory management, a large set of I/O filtering tools, simple tools for creating network applications, and much more. Also, the language can run on any Java machine, regardless of computer architecture.

If you want to try yourself in Java, then the best service to start with is JavaRush. Here, in the form of a quest and a game, you can master the language at a basic level, and then, if desired, continue learning to a level that will help you get a job. The material is presented very easily, there are hundreds of practical tasks and an interesting presentation in the form of an RPG game with leveling up and abilities.

By the way, there are companies that collect this data and publish reports. Here, for example, is the ranking of the most popular programming languages ​​from RedMonk for 2015, which is based on an analysis of the results of activity on both GitHub and StackOverflow:

Also, a similar analysis was carried out by the company GitHut, which ranked javascript in first place:

Thus, as you can see, java and javascript are considered the most popular programming languages. They share first place. What programming languages ​​do you speak? Or maybe you are just planning to study it? Please write in the comments.

By the way, in one of our articles we collected. It can be a very entertaining and useful entertainment for children if you give them half an hour)

13/01/2016 22/11/2019 TanyaVU 8935

If you are a student or have just decided to start a career in the IT field and are 100% wondering which programming language to choose for a good career, then you just need to understand the current demand in the market.

Or look into the future - what will be in great demand in the next 5 years.

A great many programming languages ​​have been created since the 1970s, but in fact, there are not so many languages ​​in demand.

The most popular programming languages ​​in 2019

1 Java is one of the most popular languages ​​for developing modern enterprise applications. There are many frameworks created for Java, so developers can create cool applications for a wide range of users.

2 Language C/C++. It is a versatile choice for developing desktop software, hardware-accelerated games, and memory-intensive applications.

3 Objective C– this language will be useful to you if you are going to develop applications for Apple Mac OS X, as well as for iPhones and iPads. This language has become very popular since the release of the first iPhone in 2007.

4 Language C#(Sea Sharp). It is the most popular language now for developing applications for Windows, and very popular for mobile devices. And the game development engine (Unity 3D) also uses C# as one of the main languages.

5 Language PHP is an essential tool for creating modern web applications. Most websites focused on large amounts of data are developed in PHP. For example, content management systems such as WordPress.

6 Every modern website uses JavaScript. It is the key language for creating website interactivity or building user interfaces, and many popular JavaScript frameworks have been created. + there is a server part (NodeJS)

7 Ruby on Rails. This language is gaining popularity among start-up companies as it is better suited for rapid development of web applications (compared to Java or .Net)

8 Python. Web applications, statistics, data analysis, user interfaces - for every task there is a suitable framework in Python.

Promising programming languages ​​2015-2025

Erlang. The main feature is parallelism! Large banks with millions of users use Erlang.

Language R. Widely used for statistical software development.

Swift. The Swift programming language is a new, faster and easier way to develop for Mac and iOS, compared to Objective-C.

Go. This language is developed by Google. The right approach to building system software on multi-core computers..

How to make a choice

We believe that the most important and important thing when choosing a programming language is your own desire.

The desire to specifically program, create.

For now, we highlight only a few areas: the corporate sector, web development, mobile development, system programming, working with big data

You will have to code for medium and large businesses, as well as for state corporations. These are mainly applications for electronic document management, automation, control, financial reporting, etc. There is a lot of money, enough work. There really is a demand for the best specialists here.

Learn Java first. And of course databases (SQL language) - Oracle, MSSQL.

Microsoft solutions in this area are also good. Learn C#, and indeed the entire .Net platform

Sometimes C++

Web development

The most popular environment for beginner programmers.

Creation of websites, from simple to complex, online stores, functional web applications.

First we study HTML, CSS, JS. Then, we continue to develop in PHP + MySQL databases.

Also, some of the development is done in Ruby and sometimes even in MS solutions (ASP .Net)

The most rapidly growing area of ​​development.

You will have to code for smartphones and tablets.

The programs are very diverse, from simple games to functional applications for corporations.

Everything here is divided into 3 areas - Android, Apple, Windows.

For Apple you need to know Objective C and Swift.

For Android - Java. For Windows - .Net

A bit of a difficult area for new programmers.

This is everything related to system software and control systems.

Develop drivers, utilities, firmware, embedded software.

There's a lot to know.

Language C, C++, Assembler.

Hardware design, operating systems, networks.

Brief conclusions about programming languages

Rating of programming languages ​​2015

Objective C, Swift, Ruby.

Python, Perl, Basic.


Prospects in the near future - Swift, Erlang, R, GO.


Do you like coding functional and business-useful applications? - corporate, Java+SQL

I like developing games for mobile phones - mobile development and game development, Java, Swift.

I would like to try myself in this matter - create a website, online store, HTML+CSS+PHP+MySQL.

I like hardware, have a thorough knowledge of the device - system programming, C, C++, Assembler.

Rating 2015. In Russia and abroad. So different


And therefore the demand looks a little different.

In Russia

And because Russia lags behind leading countries, it is quite possible that demand will shift in the other direction.

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