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The simplest rules for a home PC user. Learn interesting material from the IT industry

With the advent of computer and Internet technologies, all stages of obtaining information have become much easier and faster. With the aim of introducing this progressive tool in all industries, almost every modern organization requires from its employees knowledge of the PC in one way or another. When applying for a job, the applicant in the questionnaire must indicate his level of computer use. If a person does not have such experience, then it is much more difficult for him to find a suitable vacancy for himself.

In most cases, a person determines his level of PC use on his own. Currently, there are no standardized programs common to all for this.

PC usage levels

There are several levels of using a personal computer.

User of the low level called "teapot". A person who has only general knowledge, as a rule, uses a computer only for communication in social networks, on dating sites. Such a user does not know the elementary meanings of keyboard shortcuts and the purpose of programs.

The second level can be attributed to the ordinary user. He, in turn, knows the necessary basics, knows how to work in programs Microsoft office, knows how to connect a keyboard and mouse. But his knowledge is not enough to use auxiliary keyboard shortcuts, all operations and manipulations are carried out exclusively with the mouse.

The third level is confident user PC. He knows the necessary minimum of the main installed programs, the architecture of a personal computer, he can explain what is inside the system unit and what it serves for. A confident user can independently reinstall the operating system and drivers, easily use search engines.

An advanced user knows everything about the hardware and software of a computer. He is able to disassemble and assemble a PC from components. Easy to use function keys. Can independently fix some malfunctions in the computer.

The next level includes programmers, graduates of technical universities. A person of this level of knowledge will be able to assemble not only a computer, but also a whole server, he can also raise a network, he is quite well versed in writing programs in various languages.

The hacker has the most advanced level of PC knowledge. This word speaks for itself. The hacker knows absolutely everything. Can bypass multiple passwords and hack some servers.

Operating system (OS) - a software package that provides the ability to control a computer through a graphical interface, as well as managing and distributing computing processes and resources. The OS allows the user to run and manage the work application programs, receive and transfer data, change the settings of the computer and devices connected to it.

Operating systems for personal: single-tasking and multi-tasking, single-user or multi-user, networked and non-networked. By type of interface, OS are divided into command and multi-window graphical interface.

Single-tasking operating systems are capable of solving only one task at a time. As a rule, such systems allow you to run only one program in the main mode. Multitasking operating systems are able to run several programs at once, which work in parallel.

A single-user system differs from a multi-user system by the presence of data protection tools from unauthorized access by other users.

At the moment, the de facto OS interface standard is a graphical multi-window interface that allows control through windows, drop-down menus, file lists, and so on.

At the moment, the most widespread and famous are three types of operating systems for personal computers: Microsoft Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OSX.

Microsoft Windows

Family of proprietary operating rooms Microsoft systems Windows, according to static data, is used on 90% of existing personal computers. This OS was created on the basis of a graphical add-on for MS-DOS, which was called Windows. All operating systems of this family use a graphical interface to manage computer processes and resources.

Unix-like operating systems based on Linux kernel, in terms of popularity and frequency of use, are in second place after Microsoft Windows. Each of these systems has its own set of application programs configured for specific tasks, and is distributed mainly as a ready-made distribution.

Linux systems are leaders in the markets for smartphones, netbooks, powerful supercomputers, Internet servers, embedded systems and data centers. In the home computer market, Linux OS ranks third. A prime example of an operating system for various portable digital devices, based on Linux, is the popular Android OS. The most famous and widespread Linux distributions Mint, Ubuntu and Fedora are considered.

Mac OS is another well-known line of operating systems, from Apple. This system is installed on all new Macintosh computers. According to the Mac OS user agreement, installation of this operating system is allowed only on Apple computers. There are versions of the system for personal computers from other manufacturers, but some of the functions are disabled in them and increased instability is observed.

In addition to these most famous and commonly used systems, there are also quite a few a large number of highly specialized and applied operating systems.

Now we will look at what skills a confident PC user should master. After the basic skills are acquired, you can easily cope with more complex tasks.

Confident PC user: what are the requirements for it?

First of all, you need to be able to work with your operating system. To this paragraph should include maintaining the system in a stable working condition, setting the "desktop" parameters, correct installation and organization file structure(in which you can easily find any document, folder or unzip files in order to bring the data to the optimal size. These are the basic knowledge that any confident PC user should get.

It's about not about a whim or fashion, such skills are really important, because if, for example, you do not correctly remove programs, it is likely that after a few months the computer will refuse to work at all.

Confident PC user cares about security

You need to be fully confident in the security of the computer, as well as all the data that is stored on it. To this end, you will have to master the perfection of anti-virus programs from various manufacturers.

This skill cannot be called an exception, since it applies to absolutely all people who want to master a personal computer. It should be noted that if the Internet is the field of your professional activity (you, for example, create various copyrighted materials), then the loss of all personal data is very often comparable in terms of losses to bankruptcy!

Work in the "office" right at home

If we talk about who a confident PC user is, of course, this is a person who knows how to use basic office programs such as Excel and Word. It's not just about typing, it's also about full use these tools to create fully formatted spreadsheets and documents.

To lead business correspondence, create documents and databases, and analyze statistics, you will need Excel programs and word. Skillful use of these tools will allow automatic sorting of data in tables, counting the number of words and characters in the created document, writing letters, significantly reducing the likelihood of accidental errors.

What is the Internet?

One of the main skills of any computer user is skillful work on the Internet. It is necessary to learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web without many hours of unsuccessful wanderings on sites with a dubious reputation. You should be able to manage bookmarks to your favorite sites, as well as save all important information, which you will find, on the computer.

It will be useful to be able to use various modern browsers, which include many add-ons aimed at making being on the network exciting and comfortable for a person. A confident PC user can use special software to work with the entire stream of incoming e-mail, which allows you to save incoming letters on a personal computer, as well as process the received data several times faster.

Often it will be necessary to use programs to download files, taking into account the possible work on a given schedule, with its temporary suspension, subsequent downloading of data, disconnecting the Internet when the process of downloading materials is completed. In addition to the above skills, the main ones include the ability to write data to CDs and DVDs, as well as other media.

Publication date: 12/20/2010

As an introduction....

An excellent, very detailed and understandable article for a computer user of any level, written specifically for our project, about the basic rules for using your "iron friend". It can replace a couple of courses from the Computer for Dummies series :)
It will be useful not only for novice users, but also for many advanced ones. I guarantee! (Evgeny Androsov, creator of the project " Free Tips")

Sooner or later, a crucial moment comes in life when you are left alone with your PC. All acquaintances literate in this topic live their own lives, and you understand that it is in your interests to somehow arrange your relationship with the computer so that you can use it, and not constantly pull someone when performing the simplest actions.

I also assume that no "courses", if these are not private intensive lessons, will help you feel free in terms of elementary rules of operation. software package Your machine. Any, ANY PC user needs to learn and follow some rules and procedures so that your PC does not die from the negligence of the owner. This is about the same as using a car: you may not know what is under the hood, but if you drive it, then you should clearly understand how all the main components work, what they can, what they cannot and what they will inevitably break. You also understand that you need to add gasoline, that you should not hit the car at full speed on solid objects, etc.

It's the same with PC. It entertains you and allows you to work productively, but in return it requires compliance with the rules of technical hygiene and following several principles.
So let's try to group them together.

Group 1. Self-learning

1.1. No matter how much you use a PC, you will inevitably and constantly master all its new features and methods of work. With different intensity, but you will. Even if you are only on social networks, there will still be questions about organizing saved photos, music, clips, correspondence and other things. Therefore, from the very beginning, put up with it and make it easier for yourself: do not try to memorize some kind of trick, but ask someone whom you trust as a competent person, or search Yandex / Google for a simple and understandable explanation of the principle of action, concepts about how to achieve desired target. This is important for your safety and will save you a lot of time, effort and money in the future. All basic operations are simple and logical, but they will DEFINITELY become incomprehensible to you if you repeat learned tricks without understanding their meaning: sooner or later you will misjudge the situation, perform the wrong trick, and this may cost you data loss and a paid visit to service (perhaps more than one).

1.2. Do not be stingy to take the time to fully understand the daily operations for you. Don't rush, haste doesn't pay off here. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot perform the operations you have already mastered. Just before you organize something anew or start something new for you, stop and try to imagine exactly what you want in the end. And follow the goal. And if you find the time, you'll know standard solutions this task and complete one of them according to the instructions - honor and praise to you, in this way you have every chance of becoming a truly confident PC user.

1.3. The more you read Computerbild magazine and use their advice, the better for you. This magazine is just a lifesaver for the inexperienced user who wants to simple explanations and detailed step-by-step stories about how and what to do CORRECTLY on a PC under Windows control 7 (XP). A short list of the main topics of some issues of the second half of 2010 is given at the end. This is exactly SHORT LIST because they didn't enter training courses for all popular packages, from MS Office to Kaspersky, for testing all sorts of important pieces of iron, for all sorts of useful tricks on a PC and mobile devices, didn't include much else. Reading will not replace personal experience, of course, but such a useful source structured information able to bring your personal experience to a new level - and without serious complications, which often accompanies the "poke method". You can also recommend CHIP magazine, its system recommendations are especially good, for example, how to properly organize a home network, how to correctly bring PCs running Windows XP and 7 into one network, and others. True, CHIP is designed for a somewhat more technically oriented audience. There more information from the section "Science and Life". But this does not detract from its usefulness for the "simple user".

1.4. You must know and apply the basic terms. A monitor is not a "computer", a system unit is not a "processor", a browser is not an "Internet", etc. Respect the thing that can give you so much - and you will be rewarded. Truth.

1.5. Make it a rule to learn and practice at least one hot key combination per week. I will say more: you can even create them to your taste, Windows allows it. After a while, you will see how clumsy users seem to be from the outside, making their way through the wilds of settings with their mice in search of what they already use almost every day. Remember: everywhere there are short cuts and effective solutions. Knowing them is the difference between a CONFIDENT PC user (let's forget that they lie in the resume). List of the most popular and useful combinations You will find in any collection useful tips for working with Windows and programs in this OS.

1.6. Everything that you learn and learn how to apply on a PC should work to minimize communication with all sorts of "computer ambulances": among these desks there is a considerable percentage of cross-armed loafers and outright crooks. Remember: the master does not need everything to work for you. He needs 2 weeks to work. Therefore, the more you understand, the healthier you will be. Your interests are never, ever, except for yourself, they are not interested even for money.The exception is honest people who honestly do their job.If you find one, do not miss it and do not scare it off with your aggressive ignorance.The best way to negotiate is to announce your REAL qualifications in advance and ask about the scope of your competence in daily use machine, i.e. where it is better for you not to climb with your hands without a clear knowledge of the subject. And as a specialist, it would be convenient to negotiate everything with you - let him tell you. The topic of computer life is both a personal and technically rich thing, so a specialist, if he really is one, sets the framework and method of communication himself.

Be positive and you will be rewarded a hundredfold. On just setting up a home network for those who will do it anyhow, you can easily lose a lot of money and never get normal internet. Keep in mind and remember: whoever stopped learning has ceased to matter.

1.7. If you have time, read These are stories from the life of "computers". Perhaps some of them will be incomprehensible to you, but the everyday stories of those people who build networks for you, set them up, install programs and repair hardware, eyewitness accounts about what the "inexplicable tricks" turned out to be computer technology, can greatly help you in understanding how to be friends with the world of computers and specialists without unnecessary stress. It's possible and easy, believe me. At least 50% of the stories there are informative.

Group 2. Prevention software

2.1. If you are really afraid of viruses and do not want to fight them, then set the operating system to ubuntu linux. Installation of this system by a specialist costs more than installation and Windows setup(due to somewhat greater, as a rule, labor intensity), but you will save on the rest of the software and on the subsequent maintenance of the system an amount that will easily cover this investment. It is quite possible to work with office documents under this OS, and even in three ways, one is better than the other, and at present, if you are ready to use qualified assistance during installation and initial setup, there are no particular drawbacks of such a solution: the movie shows, the music plays (by the way, better than under Windows XP, such a conclusion was made by the collective network mind :)), the Internet and all possible services - no problem. If you already have any of the Windows versions, then Linux is useful as a second OS for secure Internet surfing and communication.

It is important to understand that rumors about the need for deep knowledge of something supernatural there to use the GNU / Linux OS when buying qualified services for installing and configuring it are nothing more than rumors: a well-installed Linux requires many times less ongoing maintenance and categorically less money for additional software. The main thing is to do it regularly. backups. How to do this - ask the installer, his services include instructions for user maintenance of the installed OS, do not let him shirk.

2.2. If you own an Apple machine, relax, everything will be fine, beautiful, although not always easy in terms of interaction with other platforms, and for the most part for additional (relatively considerable) money. There is no need to improve anything, and there is no need to learn how to maintain the system either. All you need to do is download and watch beautiful video tutorials on using MAC OS and come to terms with the fact that for any reason you will be dragged literally by the scruff of the neck to the Apple Store. Yes, and you will have nowhere else to run from iTunes. If you are okay with this program - well, lucky, then :) But, joking aside, if you fork out for Parallels, you can normally use Windows programs without leaving Mac OS. And it really works, although incidents can happen with unique, special and "cunning" software.

At the same time, without going beyond the Mac OS, if you are a powerful specialist, you can do things that you can do under Windows, but this will require considerable additional installations ON. Such a beautiful box with useful surprises :)

2.3. Now and Beyond - About Windows. The main rule is to always use backup system partition and folders with your data, preferably in 2 physically independent places. This is called "backup". Acronis is considered the benchmark for creating backup copies. true image Home for home users, but there are others, including free ones. Read the reviews in Computerbild magazine (see Supplement at the end for the number) to understand what's what and compare different programs. The same Acronis comes in a somewhat truncated, but fully functional version for free for HDD buyers western digital. Basic principle: there should be a "clean and bare" copy of a fully tested working OS (all the hardware installed on board should work properly NECESSARILY!!!), even before all the additions and improvements, a copy of the OS with basic additions (updates, removed unnecessary parts, etc.), and then - complementary (incremental) backups before each "big" installation (office, antivirus, firewall, big games).

2.4. Backup files settings of browsers and your favorite programs, documents, photos, databases (passwords from password manager programs, several important files from Opera, etc.) can be done by the mentioned Acronis "ohm, or by another program. Personally, I use a paid program, it so happened that I have it. The main thing is NOT to use the backup built into Windows. Let's leave this service on the conscience of the developer.Surely there are people who use it productively, but personally I have not heard anything about them.It is better to type the query "review of backup software test comparison" and follow the links.Experience is the best adviser.

2.5. The basis of a proper backup is the correct partitioning of the disk. The system and installed programs - on a separate partition, the size of which for Windows XP can be installed up to 15GB, this is enough for everything. For Windows 7, you need about 40GB - this is all with the expectation of voluminous games and large files swap. That is, with a considerable margin. Even if you have a very capacious HDD, it makes no sense to increase these partitions: a working system occupies a limited space, you don’t need to store anything other than it on these partitions, so the volume will be wasted. These sections need to be saved from time to time special program, NOT the ones offered by Windows. Plus, it may be useful to leave the Windows XP/7 System Restore feature for system disk(if you have two operating systems, then from under each you need to disable this function on an unused system partition, this is IMPORTANT!). Only do not forget before, following a collection of tips for setting up and improving, climb "into the bowels" of the OS, manually create a restore point and check the availability of a full backup of the OS. This can save you a lot of money.

Your data (for example, "My Documents") must be located on another logical partition of the disk or on another physical disk altogether, if you have more than one. Archive them periodically separately from the system partition (more often), sparing no space to save old versions along with updates. Can save a lot of time and effort - at least once, but it will pay off. An article on the correct partitioning of the HDD into sections is in the same Computerbild for 2010, No. 21.

Group 3. Approach to completing your PC with Windows optional programs

3.1. Be sure to constantly use a firewall, antivirus and antispyware from third-party developers. One "naked" free antivirus coupled with the "defender" of Windows7 - this is NOT ENOUGH for security. There are several free solutions, I will highlight a fresh complex solution from Agnitum: Outpost Security Suite Free. The complex of free Comodo Firewall + Avira Antivirus Free (or AVG Antivirus Free). In the second option, you also need to select an anti-spyware program for this pair. When using free solutions, you need to run a fresh one every 1-2 weeks. Dr. Web CureIt downloaded from the developer's site.

IMPORTANT! CureIt! must do primary quick check dimming the screen when you can't use your PC. But this is not enough, after such a check you need to manually run FULL check, here it is already possible to do without dimming, i.e. You can continue to use your PC during the check.

"Absolute" antiviruses do not exist, although the same "Kaspersky" constantly hints in its advertising that they are just such a solution. This statement has an army of supporters and a close-knit group of opponents. But the solution is really good, although it costs money. Not too big, you will be right if you pay for them - from all sides. The desire for total free software without piracy is an art, you will master it, but gradually. Not all at once.

3.2. All advertising and window garbage on the Internet is effectively extinguished both by means of browsers (Opera 11, for example) and firewalls. The Ad Muncher anti-advertising and anti-spyware system has many fans, and for good reason. In general, there are many competing solutions in this area, you should find out which of them are currently not only free, but also effective. the same Computerbild will help you with this.

3.3. remember, that Paid programs are not always better than free ones.. Quite often the opposite happens. For all the basic actions on a PC under Windows, including video editing, there are quite capable free programs, and this list begins, of course, open office and service Google Docs. They cover almost all needs in working with different types of office documents. Microsoft also opened a similar "cloud" service. And in general, the more you focus on "cloud" Internet services, the safer your data. The only "but": if you have a slow channel or a limited amount of traffic, this can cause difficulties. And, of course, if you believe in the World Conspiracy - this solution is not for you. In general, as practice shows, the optimum is somewhere in the middle :)

To burn CDs and DVDs, you do not need to install the Nero pirate monster at all. Free Astroburn and other programs will do the job just fine.

On the Internet there are collectively created on the forums "gentleman's sets" of free software for all occasions. A similar list is in the Appendix (from ComputerBild). So do not rush to spend money, you will not always get something worthwhile for them, and this will become clear only with time. In any case, actively use the trial periods. And a properly organized system partition backup (before installing critical programs) will help you extend these periods many times, but this is illegal, you did not read this :) In addition, many products for a trial period limit their functionality. In general, everything is like everywhere else: there are honest people, and there are smug and lazy rednecks. In order not to run into, there are Common Sense, forums and magazines.

3.4. If possible, DO NOT use the media player built into Windows. It spoils both the sound and the image, and getting it to show something correctly (without distorting) is another task. VLC Player and/or GOM Player - for movies, WinAmp or (for those who want more) Foobar with author's modifications - here's a decent one free way turn your PC into a real entertainment center. There are other noteworthy options, you can try them out along the way and choose the Most Convenient Player for yourself.

3.5. If you want to work with files 2-3 times faster than through the standard "explorer" - master file manager type Free Commander or paid Total Commander. Author's assemblies of these managers allow you to produce all the main and many additional actions with files from the keyboard, which just gives a gain in speed. Built-in modules will allow you to almost not access under-programs built into Windows (notepad, calculator, etc.), and direct links to important parts of OS management will allow you not to waste time walking through beautiful, but inconvenient and organized menus through a stump-deck Windows.

3.6. Internet: Use at least 2 browsers and 2 different password stores. The most common pair is IE + FireFox, especially if you use Mozilla ThunderBird for mail. Personally, I'm used to Opera, but IE is ready for specific tasks such as encrypted communication with the bank, etc. If you like embedded IE, check it out latest version and on Maxthon Browser, which is essentially an add-on for IE, but at the same time it categorically expands the functionality and ease of use. Try! For fans of private there is even Browzar, eerily secretive and private :) Whether it is necessary is up to you to decide from personal experience.

3.7. Using mail through the mail server page in the browser is bad manners. Of course, if they write to you and you write :). Using the client built into Windows, starting from version 7, is rumored to be not as dangerous and inconvenient as before, but it has several fundamental disadvantages, one of which is the need for an anti-spam module. In general, an email client is the case when there is something to buy for money: The Bat! by Ritlabs (Russian). This client is really good and inexpensive. Proponents of quality free solutions can be advised to try 2 clients from Mozilla (Thunderbird and SeaMonkey) and Opera's built-in mail if you use this browser.

And, of course, the Goole Mail monster with its own separate client and notification module gadgets for the desktop, Opera and Firefox. The service is convenient, although it requires a good channel and habit.

For me personally, there is no competitor to The Bat! due to the undemanding nature of the channel, the ability to keep an archive of several thousand letters for 6 mailboxes in convenient instant access, as well as the function of pre-reception of headers, which is why I don't know what spam is. Well, storing folders with letters where it is convenient for YOU, encryption of the database of letters and correspondence in the Pro version is worth a lot.

3.8. Recommended individual programs to remove unnecessary software. Sample - Total Uninstaller, but it is paid. The free option is Myuninstaller. This is something you need to have and be able to use. Regular removal of programs in Windows - good way to the serviceman. Not immediately, of course, but guaranteed.

3.9. To maintain the OS, you must use it regularly garbage collection software from the registry and unnecessary files from the disk. Known and well-established Reg Organizer (paid), but there is also free options, CCleaner, for example, is a very worthy program. On the site of its developer you can also download the program- defragmenter, which, with regular use, will help prevent a drop in the speed of the system partition of your HDD. The same free program can be taken on the Auslogics website (there it is Russian). In the name, the key root is DEFRAG.

Using the above approach and the principle of regular maintenance is not yet a guarantee, but a serious bid for a problem-free life of your PC and secure storage your data.

Group 4. Iron

Your PC should not overheat. Never. Once a year, do preventive maintenance of coolers and all available offal compressed air and / or a special vacuum cleaner - this is if your apartment is VERY clean. Otherwise, more often. It makes sense to put dust filters on the air intake holes on the case - they are inexpensive.

Also, once a year, you need to change the thermal paste where it is used (processor, sometimes chipset and video card) - this is done by specialists.

Especially for those who like to remove a running machine "out of sight": You can only do this in such a way that all holes are open, and all heat-removing surfaces are too. For example, a laptop that is actively running often needs to be additionally cooled through the keyboard panel. Therefore, in hot weather, you do not need to close its lid while it is counting something, backing up, defragmenting, or even distributing a lot of torrents.

Also, when buying a laptop, pay attention to what are the reviews about it on the Internet: if the machine is good, but it heats up during operation, this may require you to accept additional measures when using it: for example, a small table fan for some models does not AMD processors A necessary summer accessory. Otherwise, the HDD inside will constantly work at temperatures above 55°C, and this is increased wear.

Increasing PC noise- a reason for checking and diagnosing. Putting it off is not safe, it can cost money.

Never skimp on surge protectors and UPS. Cheap Chinese crafts from a stall near the subway can get you sideways. Prices for devices of the same power can differ significantly. A bad filter can cost you your entire PC stuffing. To choose from, there are discussions on the forums that are searched by Google for a well-written query. At least the best network filter comparison test". When reading, avoid overly trusting the websites of the sellers of the relevant equipment.

Grounding and galvanic isolation connected equipment must check electrician. A burnt out USB port in a laptop due to a spark is often beyond repair (unless you know an electronic engineer), the consequences can be more serious, they just do not appear immediately. When connecting, you need to keep in mind that in houses sometimes industrial equipment is included in the household network or thrown there, or even on radiators, 380 volts. There are many idiots, but your PC is one :)

HDD be sure to change every 3 years, even if the old one works fine. A used 3.5-inch drive (that's the size of an ordinary desktop/underbench case) can be used as a "long backup" storage, ie. one that contains second copies of the main backups, a backup of the "any old" folder, and the like, and therefore does not turn on all the time, but for the most part lies on the shelf. You need to understand that the resource of such a disk is far from being exhausted, but the probability of failure after 3 years of operation begins to increase, and grows faster with age. If you have already read a little about the statistics of failures by years and manufacturers, then you can vary the mode of using the "pensioner". For example, if he did not have to work hard as part of a home PC (it was the second non-system disk), then he can continue to work as the main backup. Set the production of second copies of your backups a little more often - and a reasonable balance between reliability and economy will be observed.

Well, a laptop-sized HDD 2.5 "and smaller (rarely, but there are) calmly insert into a box that is suitable for the connector (go to the market with a disk for trying on), buy a high-quality USB tail for it so that your disk works from ONE USB port, and use the resulting as a large flash memory.

Group 5. Additions

Personal Computer ALWAYS universal. You can use your PC for a variety of purposes. Neither the choice of operating system, nor the specific set of installed software, nor the size of your machine and its monitor, has a decisive influence on the purpose of use.
Therefore, in matters of choosing specific parameters of computer "hardware" and the set of software used, only the convenience of using the resulting complex for your tasks plays a decisive role. What is good for you is good. The absolute does not exist.

That is, as a rule, a person does not need a “more cool” computer, because if a user does not play sophisticated modern “shooters” and does not constantly encode video in large volumes, does not write programs, and does not compose complex three-dimensional projects, he simply does not have there are tasks for a powerful machine. Instead of buying excess power, the money is better spent on a few key things in terms of convenience:

1) Buying a laptop or monoblock instead of a desktop PC. This makes sense for many reasons: because of the more reliable power supply (due to the laptop battery), and because of the mobility, and because of the overall size, and because of the finger control implemented on some all-in-ones. At the same time, no one forces you to use only one built-in laptop screen, connect a second monitor to it at home and use two at once - this is VERY convenient. You can also use modern TV as a monitor, some people prefer a bigger size :)

2) Purchase good monitor : more, with a matrix more expensive. You can’t buy eyes in a store, this must be taken into account. The image should please.

3) If you listen to music and watch movies on PC- buy a bigger HDD for the collection and sound card better. And headphones in which music will be something interesting, or acoustics higher class. Practice shows that the extra 5,000 rubles for these purposes can greatly change the result.

The first thing I want to say - do not be afraid of the computer! Many newbies think it's too hard, or that they'll break something, or some "luminary" scared them. computer viruses, or they are afraid that working at a computer is harmful, or, or, or ...

It is important for novice computer users to understand what they are going to use the computer for and what benefits it will give them.

Let's talk about all these fears, and then we'll start learning about the computer. Believe! It is very interesting. This is a whole world that is ready to open its doors to you. If only you yourself want it.

The computer is hard. Will I be able to master it?

If there are small children in your environment who are allowed to play on the computer, ask your parents at what age their kids learn the basics of working with it. From myself I will say - this is a very early age. Starting from the age of 3, the child is quite capable of handling the mouse, which means that he can begin to master the computer.

Why do such young users easily deal with it?

First of all, great interest. This shining screen and changing pictures on it attract attention, and the ability to press buttons and see the result is one of the favorite entertainments of inquisitive fidgets.

Secondly, the absence of fear. They are absolutely not afraid to break something.

If a 3-year-old child copes with such a task, why can't you cope with it?

What if I break something?

In practice, breaking a computer is quite difficult even for a novice user. Unless, of course, you do not climb inside the system unit with a screwdriver, hammer and great curiosity. Another thing is that, like any complex technique, it can break itself. But it does not depend on you, so there is no point in being afraid of it.

What an inexperienced user can really do:

  • Change the settings of programs, which will lead to its incorrect operation;
  • Remove files from your computer that are necessary for the operation of the operating system and installed programs.

On the first point, the lifesaver will be:

  • The ability to restore the system provided in Windows;
  • The presence in many programs of the ability to return the settings to original values(default) by pressing one button;
  • Reinstalling programs.

Well, and the golden rule - if you do not know how the program works and accidentally opened its settings, do not change anything and do not click the "Save" or "Apply" button (English - "Save" or "Apply"). Right Action will press the "Cancel" button (English - "Cancel") or a cross in the right upper corner the opened window. If you do not see the desired button, the cross will be the best way out out of the situation.

For the second point, you will be helped:

  • Recycle Bin - a special folder on your computer where deleted files go
  • Reinstalling a program whose files you accidentally deleted
  • System restore if you accidentally deleted system files

Is it harmful to work at a computer?

I think that you have repeatedly heard the same thing about reading - eye strain, watching TV - both the eyes suffer, and, in my opinion, the adequacy of thinking, mobile phones - there are so many horror stories here that if you believe at least some of them, it's better to run somewhere in the wild dense forest.

Let's discuss what is said to be "harmful" about computers

  • Radiation, both from the system unit and from the monitor
  • Problems associated with prolonged sitting
  • Tunnel Syndrome due to working with a mouse
  • Psychological addiction

computer radiation

Let's start with radiation. Are you afraid of the refrigerator in your house? What about a TV or a washing machine? But they, like a computer, are a source of electromagnetic radiation. Please note that this is far from the same as, for example, x-rays. And it's not nearly as bad as you'd be led to believe.

There is also the concept allowable norms» and all modern Appliances, including the computer, does not exceed them. And in most cases, the radiation emanating from them is several times lower than this norm.

For your peace of mind, here are a few more facts:

  • The computer case shields electromagnetic radiation emanating from the components inside it;
  • Modern "flat" monitors emit much less radiation than previous generations;
  • Distance matters. Do not stick your nose into the monitor and do not put the system unit on your head.

Oh yes! And get a cactus next to the computer, closer to the monitor. A popular sign - with his needles, he incinerates any radiation. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding....

Be smart! Electromagnetic radiation- not radiation. Do not let yourself be intimidated by ignorant "advisers"; if you want to understand more about this issue, talk to professionals.

Load on the user's body

I will not argue - there is a load. First of all, on the eyes. But no more than when reading or watching TV. But, I think, if you refuse these benefits of civilization, the computer will not fall into the zone of your attention.

Most human eyes cope with such a load. True, subject to a reasonable approach. No need to stare at the monitor for hours without stopping. Let your eyes rest. There are many exercises to help relieve stress. For example, just close your eyes with your palms, after rubbing them together until warm. Hold them in front of your eyes for just a minute - and you will feel almost complete relaxation.

I can say the same about long sitting. Control yourself. Remember that "communication" with a computer is a very exciting activity, and you need to know the measure. Do gymnastics after sitting in front of a shining screen. And think about it, maybe the computer will teach you to do it more often.

Tunnel syndrome or, more simply, if your wrist starts to hurt from long work with the mouse, it is also corrected by special gymnastics and self-control.

Psychological dependence on the computer

Addiction can come from anything. If an activity gives us the opportunity to get away from reality, even for a short time, then it has the necessary potential to form an addiction in us.

Think about how prone you are to any addictions. If so, then again, do not forget about self-control. If you are really scared, go see a psychologist. On the whole computer addiction rather threatens a person in adolescence, and adults are less likely to.

Therefore, pay special attention if you are not going to study, but your child. Here it is necessary to establish rules - how much time he can spend at the computer per day. Well, watch his behavior, if you notice excessive enthusiasm, when the child refuses other things that were previously interesting for him in favor of the computer, take action.

At the end of this part of our course, I want to wish you, as novice computer users, self-confidence and success in mastering this, of course, interesting and useful science. Modern man, who does not own a computer, causes slight bewilderment among others. And this is not at all surprising. What can you say about a person who does not know how to use a washing machine, vacuum cleaner or TV? But soon, and, perhaps, already now in big cities this is a completely common household appliance.

Are you sure that you communicate with technology on "you"? If you have not heard of at least one of the items listed below, it means that you have not grown up to the "special" yet.

1. There is no need to double-click everywhere

With a double click, you open the necessary things in Windows. However, in a browser, for example, double-clicking will be overkill: you can accidentally archive or add something twice. If this is not about you, then definitely about someone you know.

2. Put "slashes" or "backslashes" in the right situations

Let's put it straight: "/" is a slash, and "\" is a backslash. The latter are often used to indicate Windows file addresses (C:\Program Files\Something), while slashes appear in Internet addresses (http: //www.

3. Write down the exact error message

When your PC crashes, it will often try to tell you why it happened. In general, you will see a message with a regular, though not always clear, set of letters and numbers. Write everything down carefully (you can take a screenshot) so that later you can "break through" this error in Google or send it to your support team. If you still “blink”, go to the Control Panel and check the archived messages or error reports.

4. Return previously erased files to "life"

When deleting files from a computer or memory card, they are not actually completely deleted from hard drive. You are simply erasing the index information that tells the PC where the file is located. After such an “erasure”, the computer, of course, considers the vacated space as a new field for activity. If you've erased something you don't want, utilities like Recuva will help you get those files back, provided you haven't overwritten that file with something new. Never leave your personal data on your old PC's hard drive!

5. Clean your hard drive before you get rid of it

Since your computer does not immediately get rid of the files you delete, just format HDD before selling or replacing the computer will not be enough. Why? Yes, because someone can use the application to recover deleted files and restore your "secret" data. There are enough options for the final “erase”, but we advise you to try the CCleaner application. A simple interface and clear functionality will help you get comfortable at once.

6. Do not rush to check the boxes during installation

Many useful applications offer us to install additional toolbars and other "bonuses". It happens that some of them “insist” on their usefulness (they automatically want to be installed), so you need to manually uncheck the “tick” already set by someone. In such cases, it is better to think twice. Especially if you have no idea what information the “add-on” offered to you generally transmits or receives. Very often, these add-ons are bundled with the "main" program only because they bring extra money to developers, and not because they are super-useful. In general, look at what you "subscribe" to during installation.

7. Beware of viruses living in Office documents

more experienced Microsoft users Office can usefully use the built-in Visual Basic for application support to automatically resolve all complex issues with macros. However, the developers malware may well use the same tricks to create viruses that prevent you or your colleagues from working calmly. By default, Office disables all macros and warns you when the document you are reading contains them (to activate this setting, select in Word -> Word Options -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Settings -> Macro Settings), so in this regard you still protected.

8. Don't forget about the security of your PC!

Any newcomer to working with a computer should immediately learn one simple rule: any computer that has any connection with the "outside" world is subject to the threat of infection. Even an ordinary flash drive (in contact with other computers) can harbor unpleasant surprises in the form of viruses and trojans. What can we say about "how many wonderful discoveries we have" the Internet is preparing. Especially World Wide Web insidious in relation to inexperienced users who naively trust bright invocative advertising and sites of dubious content.
Our advice - do not test fate for strength and get rid of many potential problems at once with one solution. Just install an antivirus. Fortunately, there are enough high-quality developments on the market today that have the status of free software. This means you don't have to pay to use it. We recommend downloading Avast antivirus for free! - one of the best of its kind.

9. Remove obsolete programs

If you are constantly downloading and installing new programs, you should not engage in unnecessary collecting - clean up useless or old programs. To do this, go to the Control Panel and Programs, go to huge list and uninstall apps you don't need. Might have to look at C:/Program Files/ to track down a couple more unused applications. The less junk you have on your PC, the more reliable it will work.

10. Protect your PC or laptop from spilled drinks

If it's late and it happened, don't panic! You can still save data from "kaput", and your motherboard from combustion. Quickly and firmly unplug the power cable and remove the battery. Don't wait for Windows to turn itself off. Then disconnect everything connected to the PC ( network cables, USB devices) and remove any "removable" components such as the optical disc. Tilt your PC so that the liquid flows out where it came from. But be careful: you don't want to "drive" it even deeper. If there is moisture on the surface of the computer, wipe it off with a towel. At this stage, you have two options: 1) disassemble the PC yourself and wipe the electronics, or 2) give it to the "specialists" for inspection. The choice is yours.

11. Turn off User Account Control

Both Vista and Windows 7 provide this feature, dimming your screen and throwing out a window when you install applications or change system settings. While this feature can be useful in preventing random apps from installing randomly, it can also be annoying. In any case, you can adjust the function settings in the User Accounts control panel. Click Accounts Users -> Change control settings and you can make it so that you are warned, but do not darken the screen.

12. Do not work in the admin account

Many of us are accustomed to doing our business on a PC as an administrator. Of course, this is much more convenient when installing new programs - you do not need to log out and log in while working under a regular account. However, working in the "admin panel" also makes the system more susceptible to viruses and malware. So avoid this practice.
It's convenient to add a user to the "power users" group and use it for normal networking, switching to the administrator for serious system settings.

13. Keep the Control Panel in the form of "icons"

Categories and sections of the Control Panel can be very useful at any time. Choose Classic View (in Vista) or Large Icons from the View menu (in Windows 7), and you'll have quick access to all the panel's features.
Organize your chaos system line, putting all the icons in pairs.

14. Clean up the notification area

Very often, applications are placed in the notification area (a row of icons in the lower right part of the taskbar) and remain there without your knowledge. Pay attention to them. Open Control Panel -> All Items -> Notification Area Icons and decide which of the icons you need to contemplate while working, and which ones are better off. In the latter case, your PC's memory may even say "thank you" to you.

15. Adjust power settings

For those who use a laptop, information about the battery charge level will always be useful. Open the Power Options in the Control Panel and select the settings that suit you. There you can also choose your own power plan that best suits your "computer needs".
You can tune your laptop for maximum performance when available connection to the mains and make it automatically switch to power saving mode when reading a book on the couch or in a cafe.

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