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  • Coolest Google Tips And Secrets That You Didn't Know Exactly. Do you want to see something? And something from the left? Do not want? And you will see if you enter the secret word "Festivus" into Google

Coolest Google Tips And Secrets That You Didn't Know Exactly. Do you want to see something? And something from the left? Do not want? And you will see if you enter the secret word "Festivus" into Google

There is absolutely nothing left before the New Year holidays. A couple of months will fly by as quickly as time usually flies, and it flies quickly, especially if you are a busy person.

And on the eve of this I remembered google chip- falling snow. Then you could enter "let it snow" into the search box and snow began to fall on the site. It was implemented according to the same principle, only in our case it was enough to click on the button.

But not about this script or snow, and not about the holidays, I wanted to talk today. Google chips - what else are there?

1. We give orders to Google

We enter phrases into the search line of Google and enjoy its obedient disposition :):

  • do a barrel roll(make a barrel)
  • zerg rush(something related to games. The meaning of the phrase is that with small, but cheap and numerous forces you can overwhelm anyone :))
  • tilt(tilt)

2. We mock the main page and the Google logo

In fact, a user of a search engine can only mock where and when google itself allows it :).

  • Try to catch at least one ball from the search engine logo 😉
  • Google in China is having fun too. not only the usual search query input field, but also the sea with fishes. And with the help of the mouse, we can wave this sea 😉
  • Or you can destroy the Google page and throw its elements ... well, if you are already very angry with him

3. Google services - YouTube

As you know, google bought this company from Steve Chen and Chad Hurley for $ 1.65 billion. Therefore, this service was not deprived of chips.

  • When watching a video, absolutely anyone, click right and up... A snake will run along the video, which you can drive all along the same video.

  • the video "Interactive Piano" is located. Let the file load and play with the numeric keys of your keyboard. In fact, there is nothing interactive there, just sounds are recorded, and by pressing the numbers on the keyboard, you rewind the video to a certain place. But the idea is fun 🙂

4. Doodles

Doodles are another creative google approach to various holidays. Every significant holiday Google decorates its home page with doodles. Often they are interactive and there are a lot of them, so let's note the most interesting ones.

  • On Les Paul's Birthday, a guitar was sold. On it you can strum and even record your own piece. ...
  • To the 30th anniversary of the creation of the famous game PAC-MAN (just don’t say you didn’t play, or at least you didn’t see or hear;)) Doodle Pacman was created. ... Enjoy :).

5. RSS Reader

Are you using? This feature is the last on today's list. Go to Google's RSS reader and press the keys one by one: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A... Just be careful, a ninja will jump out 🙂

Here is such, frankly, a modest, but interesting selection of all sorts of chips from Google. I hope it was interesting.

Good luck friends, success!

Useful Tips

Most people know how to use Google for search- go to the main page, enter keywords, click SEARCH and you get a list of results.

Using Google search

6. How to search on a specific site

If you enter the search word in the search box, and next to it add "site:" and the name of the site (without a space). For example "useful tips site: site"

7. How to convert different currencies and values

With the help of this search engine, you can convert different currencies and values. For example, in the search bar, you can write "1 kg in pounds", or say this sentence into the microphone using voice search (in this case, the search functions must be in Russian), or for example "1 dollar in rubles" (currency may vary).

You can also quickly convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, miles to meters or dollars to rubles.

8. How to find out the time in any city on the planet

Enter the syntax: "time:" in the search line, then specify the city. For example "time: africa".

9. How to use Google calculator

10. How to search for a word on sites of only the language you need

Using the "lang" function, you can find any term that is used on sites written in the language you need. For example, you want to read about the iPhone on Russian sites - write "iPhone lang: ru". Use en for English and fr for French.

11. How to find out the weather forecast

To find out what the weather is at the moment in one or more cities of the same country or continent, just enter "weather" or "weather" in the search box and enter the city. For example, "weather Moscow".

Google translate and other search engine features

12. How to translate in Google search engine

Google has its own translator (google translate) but some words can be translated using only a search engine. You need to enter in the search string: "translate [word] into [language]" (translate [word] into [word]). For example, "translate i love summer into italian".

If you have a favorite site, and you want to find similar sites, then type in "related:" and the name of your favorite site.

Google does not stop for a minute in its development. Updates are constantly appearing, and innovative products are released with enviable regularity. 2016 brought us a lot of new things: changes affected mail, maps, image search, cloud storage and other services of the search giant, but it seems that Google is not enough - it continues to delight its users with functional updates and releases useful applications that make work on the Internet much easier and more enjoyable.

Yes, Google knows a lot about its users and this is a little scary for some, since the company's services and tools are so convenient that sometimes it seems that there is no worthy alternative to them. Why is it scary? All Google products are interconnected, it is a single ecosystem, a kind of Internet state with its own laws and regulations, and everything that a company does affects every Google user. Overly suspicious users are intimidated by this, although everyone knows that Google is kind. But in general, we were talking about new products, we are correcting ourselves.

FreelanceToday brings you cool updates and tools from Google in 2016

In the past year, the addition of Google Calendar Reminders has allowed many users to be more efficient with their To-Do lists. Google understands how much people need a really smart calendar, so the developers have added the function of assigning goals to it. For example, Goals might ask you what habit you want to form and, when answered, will automatically find the right time in your busy schedule.

You can add any goals to the calendar, for example, physical education or learning a foreign language - Google will immediately adjust your schedule. But what if the system made a mistake and set the task when you are already busy? Just mark it as done. Did not work out? Click "Snooze" and the calendar will find a new time slot and add it to the to-do list. The Goals feature on your calendar is all you need to help you reach your goals or form new habits effortlessly.

Download: Google Calendar for Android (Free) | Ios (free)

If we talk about bookmarking services, then hardly any of them can compare with Pocked in terms of features and usability. Google developers decided to keep up and introduced the Save to Google extension, which is almost in no way inferior to Pocked. The new feature is an extension for the Chrome browser. While its capabilities are somewhat limited, there is everything you need to save interesting links from the Internet. You can save images and entire web pages, add tags, take notes by marking the most important bookmarks. One nice bonus is the ability to save images with Google Image Search. There is no smartphone app yet, but it will surely appear soon.

Nik, a collection of photo editing plugins for the image editing software Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, was purchased by Google a few years ago. But something went wrong and the company stopped working on the service, just like it happened with Picasa. The news is both bad and good, as in connection with the termination of support for Nik, the Internet giant has released all the plugins for free access. Now users don't have to shell out $ 150 to use plugins from this wonderful collection!

Seven plug-ins are available to users: Analog Efex Pro (effect of old photos), Color Efex Pro (filters for color correction), Silver Efex Pro (black and white images), Viveza (masks for color and tonality), HDR Efex Pro (HDR effects) , Sharpener Pro (to improve the details), and Dfine (to reduce the noise level in the photo). If you need more information on working with plugins, you can check out the Nik YouTube channel for several tutorials.

If you need to choose a place to store your photos, then Google Photos is the best choice. Users get not only access to cloud storage with unlimited volume - they have all the necessary tools for editing images at their disposal. The service conveniently organizes automatic backup of photos taken with a smartphone camera; you should also take a closer look at smart albums, with which you can quickly sort images into thematic folders.

It would seem, what else can you think of? It turns out that you can: Google added one more "trick" that can be very helpful when working with photos. Now the service saves all the changes made when editing images. This means that the user can edit any photo and immediately cancel their actions if something is not pleasant. But the most important thing is that the history of actions is preserved. It doesn't matter when the changes were made - you can undo them at any time! Now you don't have to be afraid that a small mistake will ruin an interesting photo. Even if you took a picture a year ago, you can always find it in your collection and, if you wish, continue editing, undoing all previous actions.

The new functionality works on desktops and Android smartphones, and an iOS version will appear in the very near future. It's completely free.


Experienced users know that they have access to very interesting tools and services. There is so much more - timers, games, calculator and much more. But there was no metronome. Now it is. The musicians will be very pleased - the adjustable metronome has become available to them right in the browser. To get access to this tool, you need to enter the word "metronome" in the search box and press enter.

Using the online metronome is very easy - just select the BPM and press Play. Nothing complicated, everything is intuitive. But most importantly, the metronome can be carried with you - the instrument works both on desktops and smartphones.

Millions of people use Goolge cloud services: free documents instead of MS Office, storage of files NOT on hard drives of computers, but on Google Drive, and much more.

Oleg Karpov, a representative of Brown Boot Works, talks about useful (and free!) Features of Google services and add-ons that radically expand the functionality of Google.

So let's go!

Built-in "chips"

1. Working with documents offline

Some users have a fear that if there is no Internet connection, then work with documents will stop. This is not true. It is enough to enable offline access in the Drive settings and you can create files and make changes to them without a network connection. All data will be synchronized as soon as the Internet appears.

Google Drive settings are located under the gear icon in the upper right corner. Then check the box for offline access.

2. Search the Internet directly from the document

Often, when working with a document, you need to find any information in external sources. With the help of the advanced search, which is invoked either by the right mouse button on the selected text ("Search by text ..."), or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I, this selected phrase is immediately googled on the Internet, the search results are displayed in the window on the right.

3. Web clipboard

We all use the clipboard to transfer parts of text and pictures between applications on a stationary computer. Google Docs has the ability to use a similar tool, but for transferring data between devices!

Such a web buffer is found in the Edit-Web Buffer menu. You can put several pieces of data in it and paste them into other documents, even on another computer.

Additional "chips"

The additions have appeared relatively recently. These are third party applications written in Google Apps Script. You can install them by clicking Add-ons -> Install Add-ons. You can use them through the same menu. There are more than a hundred add-ons, we bring to your attention some of the most useful.

4. Additional table of contents

Offers easy navigation through a large document. After installing the add-on, after clicking on the Add-ons menu - Table of contents - Show in the sidebar on the right, a table of sections is built with the ability to quickly go to the required one.

5. Translator of text within a document

Many people use Google Translate on the internet, a useful tool that does a good job of translating between many popular languages. The same translator is available right inside Google Docs - install the Translate by add-on and use it.

There is no Russian language by default, but auto-detect understands it and translates it into English.

6. Automatic sending of reminders to the list of email addresses

The add-on allows you to send notifications with free text at a specified time to the specified list of email addresses. This can be useful for sending newsletters to customers or discount notifications.

7. For those who work with English texts

  • A couple more useful additions, which, unfortunately, work only for the English language so far. For those who write texts in English, this is mega-useful!
  • ... Finds synonyms for the selected word.
  • ... Generates a cloud of the most frequently repeated words in a document - a tag cloud.

Third-party services that empower the Google ecosystem

We will talk about full-fledged applications that, in conjunction with Google services, cover almost all possible areas of business tasks. These apps are tightly integrated with the Google ecosystem and make the most of these capabilities.

8. Small Business Management System Brown Boot Works

Not every small business needs separate, expensive and complex systems to manage finances, workflows, projects, sales and customer relationships.

Key features of Brown Boot Works:

    Tasks... Plan your business.

    Team... Set tasks for colleagues, work together, control the result.

    Documentation... Work with documents in a single system from any device.

    Sales... Forecast income from clients and monitor the work with transactions.

    Projects... Control the execution of projects and their budgets.

    Budgets... Manage your business income and expenses in real time.

9. Powerful document management system in Google Drive Powertools

If the capabilities of the previous document management system were not enough for you, or you have a large corporation with a large amount of data, take a look at Powertools for Google Drive.

Powertools turns Google Drive into an enterprise-grade Document Management System. The service works directly from the Google Drive interface and allows you to do almost everything with documents that may be needed by both a regular user and an advanced administrator.

Key features:

    Editing MS Office documents

    Additional information for documents (metadata and tags)

    Powerful document classification

    Displaying documents on your own Portal, searching the Portal by metadata and tags.

    The ability to customize the processes of working with documents and control the status of the passage of this process.

    Advanced version control

10. FreshDesk customer support

A functional and flexible help-desk system will allow you to make the disordered process of supporting your customers clear and controllable. With FreshDesk, you can efficiently process requests, wherever they come from: email, website, phone, chat, mobile application,

Very few people on our planet do not know what google is - the most popular and well-known search engine in the world. This search engine is not only loved by users of the entire Internet network, it also loves its users and periodically entertains them with interesting features. For example, last year before the New Year, an interesting feature could be noticed on the site - if a user typed the phrase "let it snow" into a search engine, it was snowing on the site. But falling snow isn't the only cool google feature. Today we will tell you about others, no less exciting.

1. Orders for Google

To see how responsive and obedient Google is, enter the following phrases into the search bar:

do a barrel roll(make a barrel)
zerg rush(the moral of the thing is that if there are a lot of you, you can handle the biggest and strongest opponent)
tilt(tilt the page)

2. Play with the main page and logo

You can only laugh with Google if the search engine itself does not mind. For example, try to catch at least one balloon from the logo.

Chinese developers from Google also do not suffer from a lack of a sense of humor - on the input page there is not only a standard field for entering queries, but also a real sea that can be stirred with a mouse.

If a famous search engine does not please you and you feel annoyed towards him, then you have a chance to destroy his main page and scatter Google parts all over it.

3. Google symbiosis - YouTube

Surely you have already heard the information that YouTube now belongs to Google, since the search engine bought it from the creators and owners, and not a small amount - $ 1.65 billion. Therefore, there you can find very interesting chips.

While watching any video, press first to the right and then up. As a result, you can use the same video to drive the familiar and familiar snake.

And here you can find the so-called interactive piano. Let the video download fully and use the number keys to play. But only this piano is not interactive - sounds are recorded in the file, and when you press the keys, you rewind the video to the right place.

With the help of doodles, Google also shows its creativity in its approach to the holidays. On any interesting holiday, the search engine places doodles on the main page. Very often users can interact with them. Here we give the most interesting examples.

On the day Les Paul was born, the doodle was made in the form guitars, on which you can play and even record your own music.

When the well-known PAC-MAN game celebrated its 30th anniversary, Google specialists created a themed doodle that you can even play.

If you do, then go to the Google reader and press the keys in this order: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. But be careful - a ninja will appear.

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