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  • The most interesting communities in contact. Vkontakte group statistics - free and paid methods

The most interesting communities in contact. Vkontakte group statistics - free and paid methods

Hello everyone! We present you the seventh edition of the DevShow show, which is dedicated to public groups on the VKontakte social network. Almost every one of us has an account in it, so why not combine business with pleasure! Add yourself the following publics in VK and learn programming continuously.

1. Programmer's library

Programmer's Library- this is the largest resource on VKontakte, where there are many good collections of video tutorials and conferences, literature and articles on some technology or recommendations for future programmers. In the public "Programmer's Library" there is a section "Discussions" where you can ask questions and get a lot of useful information.

2. Typical programmer

Public "Typical Programmer" is the largest resource on VKontakte for people who are interested in programming and everything connected with it. Here you will find many educational articles, video tutorials, latest news from the IT world, including a lot of humor.

The “typical programmer” always tries to make his materials very high quality and elaborate. We encourage you to subscribe!

3. | Training for modern professions

Public for teaching modern professions contains video courses on web design and web development, as well as many lessons on various CMS. The head of the project is Vlad Gritsenko, a very talented young man with a wonderful voice. Vlad explains all aspects of the technologies in question very clearly and in an accessible way.

4. Best video lectures

Here you will find collections of video lectures not only on programming, but also on related industries. For example, you can listen to a very interesting discussion about the existence of Nothing or a lecture on the modern understanding of schizophrenia. One of the latest additions was the famous Harvard University course on the basics of programming CS50. The content of the "Best Video Lectures" public is very useful and entertaining, so feel free to subscribe and develop!

5. AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!

Public AngularJS is dedicated to the HTML extension for AngularJS web applications, and is also the largest community in Russian for AngularJS. It is noteworthy that in the section "Discussions" there are job openings.

6. Programming

Another interesting resource "Programming" offers you lectures and books on programming, video tutorials and reports from IT conferences. Here you can learn how to work with databases, deal with hashing, or read the book "The Java SE 8 Programming Language. A Complete Guide" by James Gosling and Bill Joy. Take a look at the "Programming" public, you will definitely like it there!

7. ITmozg programming

Another resource discussed in our program is a public from ITmozg "ITmozg Programming", which contains many articles, video tutorials on web development and more, interesting news from the IT field, interesting tasks and vacancies. For each vacancy in the ITmozg Programming public, you can find detailed information. If you are a sociopath and a bore, you are definitely there! :=)

8. Find IT

"Find IT" is a forum for students and graduates of IT specialties, where they post information about ongoing events with representatives of various IT companies. During the forum, participants will be able to listen to interesting lectures from various companies, play with robots, solve problems and get prizes for it. Subscribe to "Find IT" and wait for the next meeting!

Many users of the social network VKontakte cannot find really interesting publics and groups on the social network on their own. And this is not surprising, because among the whole variety of communities there are both deserving our attention and those that do not represent anything really worthwhile. For your convenience, we have divided the Top 50 best publics and groups in Vkontakte into five categories.

Useful information

1. First of all, we would like to recommend you a community that is dedicated to the YaVkontakte site. It is in this community that you can not only find all the latest news and secrets on social networks, but also ask your question if something is not clear to you in the work of the social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and others.

2. Interesting facts about the countries of the world. This is a community where you will find a variety of interesting facts from all over the planet every day.

3. Ladies' club X-Emotion. A community dedicated to the beautiful half of humanity. Share secrets and get wise advice.

4. Men's Corner is a magazine for men. If you are a real man, then you just need to join a community that has gathered exactly the same alpha males as you.

5. The next public is interesting and great people. In it, every day you will learn about people who, if not changed the world, then at least managed to become truly famous.

6. Universal Encyclopedia of Knowledge - a group in Contact, where you can find hundreds of interesting facts and many colorful photographs. See for yourself and tell your friends about the most interesting places on our planet!

7. Encyclopedia of bodybuilding. This community is dedicated to building a beautiful and strong body. Watch motivational videos, photos of athletes and brag about your own achievements.

8. The world of cars. If you feel like a real racer in your soul, we invite you to join the public of the same people as you. Original photos and wall posts are guaranteed!

9. Recipe book - an open group for everyone who wants to cook tasty and satisfying. If you have always dreamed of learning how to cook great, you are welcome. Delicious recipes every day!

10. We invite you to read bestseller books posted in the relevant community. Remember that a person who reads books will always be smarter than someone who watches TV.
11. Let's start with a large and interesting public of the same name, which is dedicated to computer and console games. If you consider yourself an avid gamer, you will be very comfortable here!

12. News of computer games - a public where you will find all the news related to the gaming world. Many screenshots from various toys, art, discussions and videos are also present.

13. Do you like the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which only the lazy did not play? Well, then we invite you to join the fans of this RPG in the social network VKontakte.

14. Dishonored - a game that has relished a lot of people. Spy romance, shadows, murders, conspiracies, all this you will find in the game. And in the Vkontakte group, you can discuss Dishonored and ask for advice from more experienced players.

15. Assassin's Creed - a community for connoisseurs of quietly and professionally destroying people. In the game, of course.

16. Munchkin is the second most popular board game after Monopoly. If you want to play something like that, we suggest that you first join the appropriate community to learn the rules.

17. GTA 5 is a game that turned the gaming world upside down. Millions of players can't wait for its release on a personal computer. If you are one of them, or you are lucky enough to play GTA 5 on a console, join the community.

18. Do you like post-apocalyptic? The abandoned Chernobyl zone beckons? Join a group and play the iconic game, which is recognized as one of the most anticipated in the history of games.

19. Need for Speed ​​is a game that has been played for over ten years and never gets old! Love the speed and roar of the motor? Feel free to join the community dedicated to the game.

20. RPG Humor has always been distinguished by its originality. If you love this genre of games, we invite you to join the public, which will please you with funny jokes and pictures.


21. Before watching movies, it would be nice to know where and how to download them. It is for this that a community has been created, which is dedicated to a very convenient and useful program called MediaGet.

22. Who doesn't love American action movies? Probably only those who have never watched them. We invite you to visit the community in Vkontakte, which is dedicated to this particular genre of films.

23. Youth comedies are exactly what we love so much! For their humor, ridiculous situations and youthful enthusiasm. Join and watch all the novelties of this genre!

24. Fantasy films are almost always space, alien life forms and exciting adventures. Love something like this? There is a group in Vkontakte that will help you keep up with fantastic news.

25. Contrary to popular belief, not only girls like to watch melodramas and romantic comedies. All novelties of a fairly popular genre are collected in one group.

26. Would you like to know everything? Then you can't do without documentaries, which are presented in large numbers in this open group.

27. You can enjoy films, as well as cartoons from the times of the Soviet Union, in a community that is dedicated to this particular genre.

28. Do you like cowboy romance? Would you like to be on a horse, with two pistols, robbing some stagecoach? Well, enjoy westerns, which are represented in a decent amount in this community.

29. If you prefer horror films, then you simply must join the group of the same name in Contact. Follow the news, share your impressions and be afraid every night!

30. Based on historical films, you can pull up history in a very exciting way at school and college. And just watching these epic battles is pure pleasure! Enjoy films of this genre in this community in Vkontakte.


31. We would like to open a list of the most convenient and useful programs and applications with a public dedicated to the Orbitum Internet browser. This browser is designed specifically to integrate with the most popular social networks. Including VKontakte.

32. App Store freebies are temporarily free apps for iPhone and iPad. If you are a happy owner of these popular gadgets, be sure to join this community. You can download a huge variety of interesting applications and games for yourself.

33. Mint is a youth mobile social Internet magazine iOS / Android on the social network VKontakte.

34. Do you like to install useful and interesting programs on your computer? Then we recommend that you join the community, which is dedicated to this. Regular updates!

35. Do you want your personal computer or laptop to be securely protected? Then you should definitely install an antivirus program. And in this group you will find the keys for it.


36. Do you like to be aware of the news that are presented on TV screens and form your opinion? We suggest you do the same, but on the Internet. You can follow Russian news in all its glory in the RIA Novosti community.

37. The LIVE project is the latest news from the VKontakte social network team. And they relate, of course, exclusively to the social network.

38. Euronews - news from all over the world. Especially relevant if you understand English well.

39. TSN - television news service in Ukraine. If you are a resident of this particular country, add yourself to their community in Vkontakte.

40. Point - what they comment on. Original photographs with equally original captions. Everything related to world politics.


41. Most people love football! To follow the news and all matches, subscribe to the public "Our football".

42. Hockey is a sport for real men! All hockey fans gathered in one place in Vkontakte, in the "Big Game" group.

43. You will find everything about basketball in the VKontakte community, which we want to bring to your attention.

44. American football is that tough sport that has begun to gain more and more popularity in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. In this community you will find a lot of new and interesting topics.

45. Don't forget about volleyball! A fun and active sport that both adults and children love. You will find everything about this sport in the community, which we are pleased to present to your attention.

46. ​​Tennis is not a sport for the weak. We invite you to join the relevant community in order to always be up to date with the news.

47. Table tennis, as you probably know, is fun, interesting and very useful. A sport that deserves your attention.

48. Spectacular boxing is not for everyone. Especially not for the faint of heart. But if you are not a nervous pregnant woman, then you will certainly be interested in joining the best group about boxing.

49. Turn it on - VKontakte public about cycling. If you are a fan of driving your iron horse, join us!

50. What could be more spectacular than a rally? The roar of the engine and great speed are waiting for you in the Rally Vyatka community!

It's no secret that most of the users of our country have accounts in social networks, and the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS is VKontakte. But this site is suitable not only for communication, but also for making money, because popular groups and public pages (publics) make very good money on advertising.

TOP 10 largest publics on VKontakte

The largest publics on VKontakte as of November 2018.

Each of them has 8.6 million subscribers or more. As you can see, these are mainly entertainment-themed publics (humor), as well as communities dedicated to cinema and music.

The largest public on VKontakte is New Music 2018. It has over 16 million subscribers.

Overview of popular VKontakte publics

"Laugh to tears"

Fill your group with great content for the week ahead, in just 10 minutes Start filling the group ➡

In all ages, humor will be a hot topic. In the Laugh to Tears community, you will always find various demotivators, jokes and jokes. There are no monotonous stories "stolen" from other sites. For a better visual perception, a picture is attached to each entry. Yes, and the administrator of the group tries to select really funny and original jokes.

“Cookery Masterpieces”

The most popular culinary public VKontakte has 6.7 million subscribers. Mostly, of course, these are women who are interested in cooking and looking for interesting and tasty recipes with photos and videos.

In this community, you can subscribe to the recipe mailing list. Such categories are offered as: New Year's recipes, super breakfast, homemade dinner, fragrant lunch. The burning question “what would you cook?” filmed!

Did you know?

Informative public, a collection of facts and interesting life stories. After the first visit, you can find a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. This group has amassed 5.5 million members since its inception.

Nice line

This community publishes beautiful words about happiness, love, the meaning of life. You can immerse yourself in reading poetry, apt expressions, stories - there is plenty of material here. A couple of years ago, the public feed was literally crammed with advertising posts. Today there is much less advertising and more interesting information. The community has 6.5 million followers, 79% are women.

Relationship psychology

A group about gender relations - in simple words about the most, perhaps, burning topic. Subscribers find this public interesting and useful. In addition to romantic, touching and motivating posts, the community publishes tips, games, and in discussions you can even get a consultation from a psychologist. Among the 6.3 million participants, there is no significant bias between the male or female audience - both sexes are equally interested in the psychology of relationships. The public has its own page on Instagram, where there are already 50 thousand subscribers and more than 2 thousand publications.

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How much do VKontakte publics earn

Having a multimillion-dollar audience on VKontakte is not only pleasant, but also profitable, because all communities make money on advertising.

Let's take a popular community - Laugh to tears, which has more than 11 million subscribers.

You can also see community statistics there.

Ordinary subscribers are not allowed to write new posts on the wall of this community, only an administrator can do this. This rule is applied so that high-quality and fresh jokes are not lost among the heaps of rubbish. The developer has achieved great popularity among users and has more than 11,000,000 VKontakte subscribers in his "arsenal".

The average age of subscribers also matters. There is an opinion that VKontakte is a social network “for shkoloty”, i.e. for young people under 18 who do not have their own income and the ability to buy anything. Therefore, potential advertisers always evaluate not only the number of subscribers, but also other factors.

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely: Learn the complete guide to making money on Vkontakte

How to choose a VKontakte public for advertising

  • age and gender of public visitors (are subscribers your target audience);
  • the number of unique visitors per day;
  • subscriber activity (number of views, likes and reposts).

A large number of subscribers can be cheated, so you can’t focus only on this indicator. The percentage of unique visitors is important - the higher it is, the better. This indicator should be at least 2.7% - if the group has 1 million subscribers, there should be at least 27 thousand unique visitors every day. If less, it is possible that the subscribers are “cheated”.

As a rule, large publics publish their statistics themselves so that advertisers can make sure that they are not throwing their money away in vain. For example, in the “Laugh to Tears” group, statistics can be seen next to prices.

On the first graph - the total audience coverage

On the second graph - feedback (likes, comments)

On the third - the gender and age of the audience

Thanks to this information, the advertiser can evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. Advertising in a group with 1 million subscribers and 95,000 unique visitors every day is much more profitable than in a group with 2 million subscribers and 40,000 unique visitors.

A simple and convenient service for managing communities Fill your group with great content for the week ahead, in just 10 minutes ➡

How to view group statistics

If the group does not publish statistics, you can check them yourself.

Firstly, there is the service, where you can see the statistics of popular communities.

Secondly, to see the statistics, just type in the search bar where 12345678 is the community id. If the group is interested in advertising, then the administrators, as a rule, do not close this data.

All of these groups are the product of the hard and successful work of their creators. If you understand the needs of your target audience, persevere towards your goal and have iron patience, then you can achieve such results.

If you are interested in VKontakte publics from the position of an advertiser, carefully study all the indicators of the community and do not be fooled only by the number of subscribers, because this figure can be cheated. In addition, do not forget that in addition to advertising in groups, there is also targeted advertising on the VKontakte social network.

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VKontakte communities are groups of people united by interests.

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They can share news, information, listen to music, conduct polls.

Such a kind of creative (or not so) circle in online mode. Despite the seeming frivolity and simplicity, this is an effective marketing tool. With its help, they organize not only communication between participants, but also business promotion. Just think how many opportunities this site gives. Now it is visited by more than 97 million people a day.

All these users not only read, watch videos, but also buy. This is a great sales channel for many companies. And one of the ways to find customers in it is the use of social media sites.

What is the difference between communities in VK from each other

There are three types of communities. To found one of them, go to the "Groups" menu section and click "Create". This window will appear in front of you.

As for topics, you can choose one of two: for a person, an organization, a store, or a blog of interest. After that, the system offers to choose a focus: beauty, cooking, travel, etc. Let's talk in more detail about each of the three formats for doing business on VKontakte.

The materials posted on it can be seen by all Internet users, even if they are not registered in this social network. Most often, it is through the promotion of brands, online magazines, news resources, services. They are suitable for making money on advertising and affiliate programs. They have features that do not allow the audience to be very active in creating a site, but they help attract traffic.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a community:

  • It will be reflected in the profile of each of your subscribers. True, in order to always be in the field of view, you need to generate only interesting content. Then you will be in the top five. This increases coverage.
  • All discussions, videos and photo albums are on the right, below. This is rather a minus if you are promoting a product.
  • Only you have the right to leave posts on the wall. Participants will be able to comment on them (the option is disabled) or offer their notes with a special button.
  • The description of the VKontakte community is located in its upper part. There is also a pinned text with important materials (for example, your contacts, links, current article).
  • It is easier to promote it, as people are more willing to subscribe to public pages. They are more likely to catch the eye of visitors and, subject to the presence of fascinating posts, a subscription is inevitable.
  • Users cannot be deleted.

Sections that are available for customization in the public. They will be reflected on the right, below.


A versatile format that contains many functions. Such a business advertising channel is suitable for the sale of products and services, as well as associations of interest. It is possible to make an online store by connecting "Products".

Community Advantages and Disadvantages:

Summarize. The public as a whole is easier to promote. It is more often seen by visitors, as it is on the main page of each subscriber. They subscribe to it voluntarily, without motivation on your part. This format is the best option for organizing a channel with texts, beautiful photos, promotions, polls, news. It is more difficult to implement the assortment in them. Although they can also upload photos and connect "Products".

The good thing is that it has more functionality. It is more convenient as a platform for direct sales and bringing people together according to some principle. For example, professional. Promotion is not so easy. In order to learn about the community, you need to send out invitations yourself or ask your contacts about it. Finding it is very difficult. To do this, you need to scroll through all the user's personal information and only then get into the section. Unless, of course, it is hidden by privacy settings.


The bottom line is to cover various kinds of events and notify participants about them. The functionality is very similar to other formats, but with some differences. The community has an organizer: account, group or public. The start and end times are always present as well. The visitor, after he joins, has three options for answering: I will definitely go, Maybe and I can’t. The "Invite friends" button is available to him.


  • There are reminders in the news and alerts about the upcoming performance / concert.
  • It is possible to invite up to 5000 people every 12 hours.
  • It is not necessary to create a new event, it is enough to transfer its dates.

In addition to all of the above, there are pages, they are also promoted, but as part of the development of a personal brand. When it comes to recognition of a person, not a company.

How to change the format

If you have chosen a public page, but realized that it is not suitable for business purposes, you have the right to change it to another look and vice versa. But it is important to take into account all the nuances. Such an event can be held once every 30 days. At the same time, many functions will change, in accordance with the new focus. If the number of participants is less than 10000, there will be no problems with the changes. If more, you will need to submit a request to technical support and wait for a decision.

Community materials VKontakte

After you have made a public or group, the crucial moment of its filling comes. As we have already said, both of these formats are suitable for filling with text and graphic content. The only difference is the location of the videos and photos. You can enable them in the settings. To do this, you need to follow three steps. Enter the menu as in the screenshot by clicking the three dots next to the inscription "You are subscribed" or "You are a member" and select "Manage". Then open "Sections" and check the boxes where necessary. Don't forget to highlight whether entries will be limited or open. It depends on whether people can add something of their own or not. After that, go back and download the materials.

What to write in the description of the VK community

This is a required part of a public page or group. It should be concise, clear and meaningful for your target audience. The person who came to you wants to either understand where he got to, or get important information for him if he is already your client/subscriber. It is best to combine both options. You can not leave the text canvas solid, arrange paragraphs, use graphic elements. Add a call to subscribe at the end.

Ideas for describing the community:

  • Benefits for your company.
  • Group content. Tell the visitor what he will find here. Leave links to main articles.
  • Contact details, in what cases and how to contact you.
  • A short story about you and your activities (field, work experience, achievements).
  • Proposal of discounts, free services, actions, competitions.


It helps participants to immediately get to the right topic, and not to search for it in all sections. For example, if you are selling something, let it contain four items: assortment, prices, conditions, contacts. First you need to create a background for buttons in graphic editors. This can be done independently or with the help of a special service. For example, . Then, using the instructions from

Social networks are gradually conquering more and more of our time. Their content is updated every minute with new photos, videos and text files. We are looking forward to getting updated information as soon as possible.
The most convenient way to do this is to join interesting thematic groups. There are about 38 million of them on VKontakte alone, and this number is steadily growing every day.

1 . at the moment is "Did you know?". The number of participants is about 4 million. This is an open community that anyone can join. There is really a lot of information here (After all, more than 50 thousand records). By visiting the page of this group, you can enjoy viewing the most beautiful photos from around the world, get acquainted with the interesting thoughts of famous people, and just learn something new. This is such an educational group.

2 . In second place is the group "World of Positive". There are fewer subscribers here - just over 3 million. Well, this, mind you, is a very impressive figure. We go into the community and really plunge into the world of positive. There are even more entries on the page than in the previous group - about 55 thousand. And they are all funny and humorous. There are also funny demotivators, and funny pictures, and even excerpts from messages. By joining this group, you can be stuck here for more than one hour. In general, lovers of humor - Welcome! This is actually the most popular group in VKontakte.

3 . The next in a row is the official group of the Shadow Fight game. Surprisingly, there are only 120 thousand fewer subscribers here than in the previous group. There are few entries, about 420. Here, news related to the game are reviewed. If you are a Shadow Fight fan, this is the place for you!

4 . In fourth place - Online cinema". Participants in this community without 200 thousand 3 million. We go. The very first inscription on the page reads: "There are more than 50,000 series and films in the group." For every taste. Pleasantly pleased and thematic collections. For example, it is proposed to place on your wall (in order not to lose) a list of videos on the theme of the New Year and Christmas. And after watching a movie, you can express your opinion on this matter by leaving a comment. In general, a paradise for film lovers.

5 . The fifth place is rightfully occupied by the Healthy Body community. We are for a healthy lifestyle". There are almost the same number of subscribers here as in the Online Cinema. The group's page begins with useful tips in terms of health, personality and life. Next, you can find very interesting information regarding exercise, proper nutrition, and even a running schedule in the morning. All adherents of a healthy lifestyle are waiting for a lot of necessary and useful information.

100500 . The one thousand and five hundredth place from the end is deservedly occupied by ours, where news of taxation, legislation, economics, computers and much more interesting are published. You are welcome to the light. Newsletter subscription at the top right.

Deciding to take your time watching something interesting, you will definitely pick up a group for yourself

The most popular group in VKontakte

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