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The most effective ways to remove limescale in the bathroom. Lemon as a detergent

You can clean up your computer's hard drive using system applications and utilities. They allow you to automatically delete temporary files, manually get rid of unnecessary data, and also completely erase all information - the choice is yours. Some types of external disks - flash drives, floppy disks, external hard drives - can also be cleaned in this way, while others - CD / DVD-disks - will require the use of additional programs.


If you need to clear any disk volume from temporary files unused by the operating system and application programs, open the properties window of this disk. To do this, start the "Explorer", right-click the icon of the desired object and select the "Properties" line in the context menu.

On the "Properties" tab, next to the diagram showing free and used space, there is a button "Disk Cleanup" - click it. A warning will appear on the screen stating that it may take several minutes for the list of unnecessary files to be compiled. Wait for the system program to finish running.

In the list of files that will be placed on the "Disk Cleanup" tab of the window that appears after the process is complete, check the boxes opposite those groups of files that you do not mind. By highlighting each line, you can read an explanation of the purpose of this group of files. Start the cleaning process by pressing the OK button.

In the same window there is one more tab - "Additional". It is divided into two sections, and each has a "Clear" button. Click the top one if you want to open the list of installed applications and free up disk space by uninstalling some of them. Use the lower one to access the list of saved restore points - deleting old and unused ones can also increase free disk space.

Few people like to wash the bathroom and toilet, but the question of how to clean the toilet regularly arises from housewives. After all, this plumbing product is most polluted due to many factors. In addition to its main purpose, and, accordingly, staining with feces, rusty and dark stains, limescale often appear on the inner surface of the toilet, microbes accumulate and multiply under the rim.

To simplify the cleaning process, you need to understand how to properly wash the toilet, and how you can clean it quickly and efficiently. Moreover, in addition to store-bought cleaning products, you can use a variety of homemade tools that can cope with the task of cleaning no worse than expensive powders and liquids. It is also important to know how to prevent the appearance of dirt, which will help to keep it clean at all times.

Reasons for the appearance of deposits on the surface of the toilet

Before you figure out how and how to clean the toilet bowl from stone and plaque, you need to understand why it gets dirty so quickly and often. Moreover, ugly dirty tracks appear not only under the rim and on free surfaces, but even where there is always a certain level of water. There are several reasons for the appearance of deposits:

  1. Hard water. It is its composition, which is supplied to houses and apartments, that affects what color the inner surface of the plumbing becomes. Even if the water seems clear there, the ceramics gradually turn yellow and red.
  2. Rust. Poor water quality can cause rusty streaks to form on the surface of your plumbing. As a rule, they arise if the pipes have not been changed or cleaned for a long time, and it is difficult and long to wash them out.
  3. Urinary stone. The composition of human urine and faeces also affects the color of the inside of the toilet. Thorough flushing after itself and regular cleaning of the plumbing will minimize this contamination, but over time it will still show up.

The reason for the permanent appearance of dirty marks can be the use of metal brushes or coarse abrasives, which scratch the surface of the earthenware and provoke deposits in these scratches. It is better to use a strong detergent, but apply it with a soft brush.

Enlarged and clogged pores cannot be hidden with cosmetics: even with the best tonal foundations, the skin surface becomes uneven, and the face looks unkempt due to the abundance of black dots. It is possible to improve the condition of skin with clogged pores even in advanced cases.

Salon procedures and proper care will help you with this. 10 most effective tips to help those who don't know how to unclog pores.

Irregular or insufficient cleansing causes excess sebum and impurities to accumulate in the pores and stretch the ducts of the skin. The result is enlarged pores and blackheads. Daily cleansing is the first and most important step on the path to clean pores.

On oily skin, blackheads appear most often, so use foams and gels. To cleanse dry skin, pay attention to biphasic liquids, mousses, and creams with oils in the composition.

2. Remove makeup thoroughly

If you are too zealous with makeup and do not wash it off well, clogged pores are guaranteed to you. Find a separate cosmetic makeup remover. For example, it can be milk, oil, or micellar water. In the second step, use a gel or facial cleansing foam to remove the remnants of makeup and the first product.

Use toners or lotions after washing: they complete the cleansing process, protect the skin from drying out, and eliminate the feeling of tightness. They even out the tone and texture of the epidermis, accelerate cell renewal, thereby improving the condition of the skin with enlarged clogged pores.

4. Use retinol and acids in your daily care

Introduce creams with retinols and acids into your cosmetic diet. Retinols regulate sebum secretion, the excess of which accumulates in the pores in the form of plugs. Acids gently exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis - these can be fruit acids or salicylic acids. The former are suitable for normal skin, salicylic is more preferable for problem skin with inflammation.

Peelings and scrubs remove the superficial stratum corneum, cleanse pores, improve blood circulation and smooth the face. They are essential for both oily and dry skin. For dry epidermis, choose peelings based on glycolic acid: it delicately exfoliates, as a result, even deeply seated corks come to the surface, after which they can be easily removed.

If you have sensitive skin, on which redness often appears, then choose enzyme peels - they are the most gentle, so they will not harm even the sensitive epidermis. Enzyme peels gently remove dead skin cells without damaging the skin.

If even small pores are clogged, the skin looks bumpy, dull, then it makes sense to take a course of peels in a beauty salon. Maintain the result with acidic peels for self-use - they have a minimal concentration of acids, therefore, they are safe for home use.

6. Go to a beauty salon for a cleaning

Mechanical or hardware cleaning can help improve the condition of problem skin with clogged pores. If there is a large accumulation of blackheads on the face, then the fight against enlarged clogged pores should be started with cleaning, since trying to narrow or somehow mask the clogged pores is completely useless.

Power cleaning is the most effective way to remove large and small blackheads. This is partly a traumatic procedure, but there is no alternative to it if the sebaceous plugs are deep and tight. Cleaning in the salon includes several stages: cleansing the skin; applying a special mask to open the pores and soften their contents; removal of sebaceous plugs using a Uno spoon or by hand; applying an anti-inflammatory mask.

Ultrasonic cleaning is less painful, but also less effective procedure. It will not help unclog pores with deep greasy plugs. Ultrasonic cleaning removes minor impurities, exfoliates the stratum corneum, flattens the skin microrelief and improves complexion. Thanks to light micro-massage with ultrasonic waves, the skin of the face becomes smoother, more well-groomed, and radiant.

Look for masks with activated charcoal - it absorbs excess sebum, cleanses the skin well, with kaolin it is a universal cleanser for all skin types that removes excess oiliness, minimizes inflammation, and, as a natural absorbent, unclogs pores from impurities. For oily problem skin, look for masks based on clay with zinc, charcoal and volcanic ash.

Cleansing strips can be your assistant for painless removal of blackheads - they are easy to use, help to quickly tidy up the T-zone. However, such strips are ineffective in the presence of dense sebaceous plugs that sit deep in the pores.

8. Give up comedogenic cosmetics

Dealing with clogged pores requires an integrated approach, including rethinking the makeup and makeup you use.

First of all, exclude cosmetic products with substances that are known for their high comedogenicity: lanolin, a number of vegetable oils (coconut, cocoa butter), refined products.

Unbalanced nutrition is not the most obvious, but, meanwhile, one of the significant causes of pore clogging. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, semi-finished products, sweets, lack of vitamins lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne. Normalize your diet - make up for the lack of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, eat more vegetables and fruits (fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract), drink more fermented milk products for a healthy intestinal microflora, and you will notice how this will best affect the condition of your skin.

10. Don't touch your face

Finally, last but not least, try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible. Germs and bacteria live on our hands that can be transferred to our face. The result - the skin becomes inflamed, the pores are clogged. Get in the habit of touching your face as little as possible, and you'll be less likely to experience inflammation and acne.

Clogged pores are the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, insufficient cleansing, excessive use of thick decorative cosmetics. Cleanse your skin well, use acid or enzyme peels, purifying clay masks to give your face a well-groomed look. If the pores are heavily clogged, you first need mechanical cleaning, and only then the correction of home care.

The health of each person depends on how well his body can cope with harmful substances that have entered the body. Latent dangers threaten from all sides. Harmful substances hide in prescription and non-prescription drugs, food additives, polluted air, processed foods, and it is almost impossible for a resident of the modern world to avoid them. Liver works her best to protect her person from the harsh conditions of the world around her, and a little friendly help won't hurt her. But how to do that?

What is the liver and why is it so important

Most of the harmful substances enter the human body through ingestion and inhalation. Others pass through the skin, while still others come from bacteria or are released by dying cells. It helps to get rid of these harmful substances liver, the largest gland in the human body. It breaks down harmful substances and removes them from the blood before they can have a significant effect on the body. But liver not only filters and purifies the blood, it also metabolizes nutrients and drugs to provide the body with some of the most important proteins for its function. That is why it is so important to keep healthy liver and do not expose it to undue stress. But exactly liver puffed over a stormy weekend. She works around the clock to process fatty foods, neutralize alcohol and compensate for haphazard medication. It is not surprising that it works for wear and tear.

Signs your liver needs a cleanse

If a person has one or more of the following symptoms, it means that they liver can no longer operate at full capacity and needs purge e. And if there are five or more symptoms, you need to see a doctor, and the sooner the better.

Heartburn, belching, nausea, bitterness in the mouth

High blood pressure

Increased irritability, anxiety, anxiety, depression

Chronic fatigue

Slow metabolism, inability to lose weight

Skin that is too oily or too dry, acne, poor wound and scratch healing, bruising

Fortunately, liver and you can help to earn again. If, with a moderate number of symptoms, apply cleansing the liver at home, you can feel better in just a couple of weeks.

Preparing to cleanse the liver at home

It is believed to clean liver it is necessary at least once a year, and in case of "unplanned" deterioration of work liver and more often. However, this procedure is not easy - to cleansing the liver you need to prepare properly.

Visit doctor. Although at first glance it seems that the procedure cleansing the liver completely safe and harmless, it is not. Some of the recipes offered by traditional medicine cannot be used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, diabetes, and the development of acute inflammatory diseases. It is also not recommended to carry out liver cleansing during treatment for infectious diseases (including colds). Therefore, before purge oh, you should contact the official medicine, check for blood levels liver intramural enzymes, do an ultrasound scan and undergo all examinations prescribed by a doctor.

If there are contraindications to purge No, you can safely start preparing.

Diet. All week before cleansing the liver it is necessary to adhere to a special diet that contributes to the restoration of functions liver and. The first step is to remove the following foods from the diet: white bread, sugar, salt, spicy, fried and fatty foods. You should completely eliminate alcohol and stop smoking. What can you eat? Vegetable soups, white meat (poultry and fish), cereals, vegetables and fruits with a low content of fatty acids (bananas). You can use honey instead of sugar with tea. Drink freshly squeezed juices, especially vegetable ones. When determining the list of permitted and prohibited foods, you can use diets called "table number 5" or "table number 7"; they are prescribed for those suffering from diseases liver and patients.

Of course, at first it will be hard to get used to plentiful, but unleavened food, but then the person will be rewarded with a feeling of unprecedented lightness throughout the body and a surge of vivacity. This is a sign that the body is ready for the coming cleanse the liver.

Purgation. A couple of days before the start purge and liver and you should proceed to an equally important part - purge e intestines. Preferably before starting purge and drink a laxative, make a course of cleansing enemas. Also, an enema is done after the end. purge and liver and, in order to efficiently and quickly remove the withdrawn from liver and substances.

Ways to cleanse the liver at home

One of the most common problems of a modern person is stagnation of bile in the intrahepatic ducts, which can cause an increase liver and in size and even diseases such as fatty hepatosis and liver fibrosis. Therefore, the main goal in cleansing the liver is to normalize the flow of bile so that harmful substances are quickly excreted from the body.

Folk remedies for cleansing the liver at home

Liver cleansing with the help of medicinal herbs. In folk medicine for liver cleansing herbs with a choleretic effect are used - these are burdock and dandelion roots and milk thistle seeds. Although there are many myths surrounding milk thistle, there are laboratory studies showing that milk thistle (aka milk thistle) helps with liver health and is devoid of side effects. Animal experiments have shown that silymarin, the active ingredient in milk thistle, protects the liver from damage. Milk thistle is also known to reduce liver inflammation, while turmeric extract protects it from damage. However, the lack of clinical data hinders the prescription of these drugs in mainstream medicine.

Milk thistle for purge and the liver is used in two forms - seed oil and oil cake remaining after extraction, or meal. To cleanse the bile ducts of the liver, a person takes 2.5 tablespoons of milk thistle oil, lies on his right side and heats the left upper quadrant of the abdomen with a heating pad for a couple of hours.

To reduce the likelihood of bile stagnation, if desired, you can consume milk thistle meal and oil every day before meals.

Also on the shelves of pharmacies you can find choleretic preparations - ready-made mixtures of medicinal herbs that have choleretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be used for liver diseases. As a rule, such collections include sandy immortelle, yarrow, peppermint, coriander, chamomile, marigolds and tansy.

Cleansing the liver with the help of magnesia (magnesium sulfate). In addition to a laxative, magnesium also has a choleretic effect. For purge and the liver is taken powder of magnesia, 1 tbsp. l. the drug is dissolved in half a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach. Then the person lies on their right side and places a heating pad on the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. You need to lie down for at least one and a half hours (which can be difficult, since the laxative effect of magnesia is quite strong). Such a procedure - taking choleretic drugs with simultaneous warming up of the liver area - is widely used in official medicine and is called "tyubage".

Attention! In the presence of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with inflammation of the pancreas, it is dangerous to warm up the liver - you can provoke internal bleeding, which can even lead to death.

Liver cleansing using mineral water. The easiest way purge and liver - buy several bottles of mineral water with a choleretic effect. Since most of the mineral waters on the shelves are carbonated, this gas for carrying out purge and the liver must be released; for this, the bottle cap is unscrewed and left to stand for several hours until the gas has completely disappeared. When the preliminary preparations are made, the actual purge a.

A person lies down on his right side, puts a warm heating pad on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and drinks a glass of mineral water heated to 40 °. You need to drink at least three glasses with a break of half an hour.

Cleansing the liver with oats. One of the favorite traditional medicine - liver cleansing using a decoction of whole grains of oats. It is prepared as follows: a glass of oats is poured with a liter of hot water and infused for 10-12 hours in a warm place (you can put a pot of broth in the oven, or you can use a thermos). To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of crushed lingonberry leaves, birch buds or rose hips to oats. After the broth is filtered through a fine-mesh sieve or gauze and taken two to three times a day, half a glass before meals. Nice addition to about purge e liver oat broth - a wonderful complexion.

Liver cleansing olive oil and lemon juice. One of the most popular ways to cleanse the liver - and perhaps the most unpleasant. For cleaning, take half a glass of extra virgin olive oil (or cheaper oil - linseed, sunflower or corn) and half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. A person lies down on his right side, takes a heating pad and drinks one tablespoon of the mass and one tablespoon of juice every 15-20 minutes. All liquid must be drunk within one and a half to two hours. After that, you need to go to the toilet, and if you don't feel like it, you should apply an enema.

Great doubts about the effectiveness of this method are caused by the statements of many traditional healers that the formations coming out of the intestines are gallstones. In fact, it is just a substance formed in the intestines from oleic acid under the influence of lemon juice. If desired, the same stones can be created independent about the means at hand. Whether it is worth doing with your own hands growing incomprehensible formations in your intestines is up to you to decide.

Cleansing the liver using a radish. The old Russian way of cleansing the liver has not yet lost its effectiveness. For him, 10 kg of radish is taken, the vegetables are washed and, without removing the peel, are scrolled through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is squeezed out, the result should be about three liters of juice. The juice is stored in the refrigerator and a tablespoon of juice is drunk each time before meals. Radish juice shows the best results in combination with the diet described in the preparation section.

Liver cleansing using beets. To cleanse the liver using this method, you should prepare in advance a special liquid - beet kvass. To do this, you need to take several large beets, cut them into cubes and place them in a three-liter bottle. Add a few tablespoons of flour, 500 g of sugar, close tightly and leave in a dark room for two days. Then you should add 700 g of raisins, 4 glasses of sugar, half a glass of water to the bottle and leave to ferment for a week. The contents of the vessel must be mixed regularly, every day. The resulting liquid is taken half an hour before meals three times a day.

For a full course of liver cleansing using beet kvass, three liters of the drink are required. The method works great in combination with physical activity, especially jogging. With diabetes, it should not be consumed.

Should I take supplements when cleansing the liver at home?

In recent years, the market has been flooded with biologically active substances that supposedly can cleanse the liver and remove all "toxins" and "toxins" from it. Often, supplement manufacturers claim that their product must be taken daily for the liver to function properly.

True, doubts are raised by the fact that during certification, manufacturers of dietary supplements are only required to prove the safety of their product for humans and whether the conditions for its manufacture comply with sanitary standards. The question of the effectiveness of the drug itself is simply not raised. The composition of dietary supplements, the degree of their purity, the strength of the impact - all this is not controlled in any way. The instructions accompanying the dietary supplement, as a rule, indicate the method and dose of application, but almost nothing is said about the active substance.

In the best cases, the study was carried out with the main medicinal substance, but by no means the complex effect of all the substances contained in the dietary supplement. Sometimes it happens that they can even interfere with the assimilation of each other by the human body.

Whether it is worth taking these same dietary supplements every day to maintain liver health, whether to limit oneself to a one-time intake after the excesses allowed on the eve - the question remains open. And, most importantly, it is not known how dietary supplements will affect an already diseased liver.

Prevention of liver diseases

Liver cleansing- not a panacea; it alone is not enough for liver health. To prevent the occurrence of liver disease, the following preventive rules should also be followed.

Do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking. And this and that negatively affects the cells of the liver and can even lead to its diseases.

Try not to gain weight. To maintain a normal body (and the norm, according to nutritionists, is a body mass index of 18 to 25), you need to eat right, eat semi-finished foods, fatty, fried and sweet foods in moderation, and exercise. Obesity poses an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Avoid situations in which you can get viral hepatitis. This includes both drug use and unprotected sex with casual sex partners. It is also undesirable to get tattoos in tattoo parlors, where there may be doubts about the quality of the paint.

Consider possible risk factors. If a person in the family had relatives who suffered from liver disease, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. Often, hereditary liver diseases wait for years without causing the slightest symptoms before developing in full force.

Useful Tips

Silver items can be found in almost every home, be it dishes or jewelry. Sooner or later the time will come when they will need cleaning. The question comes to mind how effective and without harm to health or for the object itself you can clean silver at home.

It is worth noting that cleaning silver is not a very difficult process, and everyone is able to choose a suitable method for themselves. It is natural that for cleaning silver antiques it is worth contacting a specialist, but in other cases, you can do it yourself, using the means at hand.

Despite the fact that every family knows their "best way" for cleaning silver, there is several generic methods that can be used even by those who have never cleaned such products before.

Let's take a look at some of the well-known universal ways you can clean silver at home.

How can you clean silver from blackness?

Blackness is perhaps the only drawback of silver. Over time, silver items become covered with an unpleasant black coating.

It should be noted that before cleaning the silver you need to determine the degree of contamination of the object and its sample... It's because low-grade products include impurities of other metals, which means that when cleaning them, it is advisable to use special products.

It happens that the alloy from which the product is made includes copper... You can find out about this by contamination - product does not turn black, but turns green... For cleaning, you need a solution of Trilon B (10%). It will dissolve the green layer, after which you can adopt one of the following methods.

1. Special liquid for cleaning silver

You can buy it in the store in the household chemicals department. Nevertheless, this liquid can not be found in every store. Try looking for it in a specialty store that sells household chemicals.

Follow the instructions when using this liquid, although we can say that this method is very simple - you need to wipe silver items with a regular cloth soaked in this special liquid.

If you visit a jewelry store, they will be able to offer you a set containing a special liquid and several soft rags. Some liquids allow not only cleaning silver, but also protect it from re-contamination by covering the product with a protective layer.

2. How to clean silver with ammonia

At home, ammonia will help a lot to cleanse your silver. You can buy it at every pharmacy.

Just make a solution of ammonia and water (1:10), apply it to a cloth and start rubbing the silver until the browning disappears.

3. How to clean silver with lemon juice or citric acid

If you have no time to go to a store or pharmacy for a special liquid or for ammonia, lemon juice or citric acid will come to your rescue. This method will help you clean your silver very quickly at home.

Immerse the silverware in a strong citric acid solution. Wait a few minutes and the blackness will disappear by itself. It is important to use enough citric acid so that the silver can be completely immersed in it.

4. How to clean silver with baking soda

Put some baking soda in a saucer and moisten a little with water. Soak a cloth in the solution and start rubbing the silver. It is important to do this carefully so as not to scratch the silver objects. It should be noted that this method is more suitable for items without complex patterns.

5. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

Dip a silver object into this solution and wait 20 minutes. Next, wipe the silver with a thick cloth.

6. Tooth powder or toothpaste

This is also effective if the item has been exposed to high oxidation stress.

Make a mixture of toothpaste, baking soda, and ammonia. Cover the silver items evenly using the gruel. Do everything carefully so as not to scratch the object. It is better to rub with a soft brush and without applying force.

Do not use this method when cleaning patterned items, as the paste can get stuck between them and spoil the silver.

7. Boiling water with soda

Suitable for silverware. Boil silverware in this solution, and they will regain their former shine.

8. Curdled milk

Suitable for removing stains from silverware. Place the silver items in the curdled milk for a few minutes. Next, wash them in warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

9. Soap solution with ammonia

Silver dishes can be washed in soapy water once a week by adding a few drops of ammonia. This will ensure the shine of the dishes for a long time.

10. Decoction of potatoes

Have you boiled potatoes? Do not empty out the water. Let it cool slightly, and then put the silverware in the solution. You can also add a piece of foil there. After 5 minutes, you can take out your brand new silver.

How to clean silver with stones?

Silver jewelry containing stones must be handled with care, as cleaning with some cleaning agents can damage the stones. Be especially careful with amber and pearls.

The best option would be to have the jewelry handed over to a specialist who knows how to clean it.

You can also use a special jewelry liquid found in jewelry stores.

Useful Tips

If you do not want the cleaned product to no longer undergo oxidation and further darkening, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. It is also necessary to prevent the contact of silver with medicines and preparations, which include sulfur.

While these tips do not guarantee that silver will not turn black over time, they will still increase its lifespan and make cleaning much easier in the future.

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