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Self-connection tricolor tv. Device for tuning satellite dishes Tricolor

Among the many advantages of a television system is “easy self-tuning”. That is, not being able to contact an authorized dealer of the service or relying on his own strength and experience, the buyer, after purchasing the antenna, can install it and set up the broadcast himself.
What should be the algorithm of actions of an ordinary user, so that the setting is really easy and without the help of specialists? The main requirement in this case is strict adherence to instructions.

The whole process of connecting and setting up television from Tricolor consists of four stages. Namely:

  • determination of the place for installing the antenna;
  • collection and installation of the antenna;
  • antenna adjustment;
  • setting up broadcasting;
  • channel setting.

If you have the purchased antenna in full set, there will be no problems with the listed steps.

Determining the location for the antenna

When choosing the place where the antenna will be located, it is worth, first of all, based on considerations of the availability of the device for the satellite. That is, there should be no obstacles between the antenna and the signal transmitter from the orbit. Since the beam from the satellite hits the device at a certain angle, the field of view for signal reception must be extensive.
In other words, the antenna should be located in the most open space without obstructing the reception of objects (buildings, trees, terrain). Thus, the best options for placement are the roof, external walls of balconies or loggias.
The second important location factor for user convenience is antenna accessibility. If you install the device on a blank wall of a multi-storey building, then only industrial climbers can get to it.

An important requirement for the installation is the antenna placement angle so that precipitation does not fall into it. Therefore, places under a roof slope or near a rain runoff will not be a good solution.

Antenna collection and installation

Detailed instructions make assembling the antenna quick and easy. After the completion of this process, brackets corresponding to the load from gusts of wind and precipitation are installed in the selected place of the wall.
The converter is installed in a special holder. In this case, the device connector must be directed downward so that moisture and dust from atmospheric phenomena do not damage the device.

After that, a cable is connected to the converter. An F-connector is used for this. The junction must be sealed (a layer of electrical tape + sealant or special rubber). To prevent the cable from moving away under the influence of the wind, it must be attached to the converter holder. Electrical tape or cable ties are great for this role. It remains to install the antenna on the bracket, tighten the nuts (not completely to be able to adjust the position) and fix the remaining free part of the cable on it.

Antenna Adjustment

Depending on the nearest large city and the selected communication satellite, it is necessary to adjust the angle and azimuth of the antenna according to the data from the Tricolor TV company. In this case, you can use a compass.
After completing the angle and azimuth adjustments, you can connect the converter cable to the receiver. For this, the F-connector is used again. The receiver itself is then connected.

Broadcast setting

When you turn on the receiver (receiver) for the first time, the unit will operate in standby mode. To switch it to operating mode, you must press the power button on the remote control and wait a couple of seconds.
When you double-press the "f1" or "i" key on the remote control of the receiver, an information banner window is displayed on the TV screen, which will help you understand the quality of the signal entering the antenna. After its appearance, you can begin to adjust the broadcast.
For television broadcasting to be of the desired quality, the signal level must be at least 70%. To achieve it, you need to rotate the antenna mirror in the horizontal and vertical planes until a clear image appears.
If the quality scores are poor and the automatic tuning does not produce results, manual adjustments are necessary. Guided by the banner data, it is worth moving the antenna in the direction of the azimuth. In this case, the step of movement should be no more than a centimeter. At each point of the device's position, it is worth waiting a couple of seconds to check the change in the signal indicator. After reaching the desired acceptance percentage, the nuts on the bracket are tightened to the end. You can start tuning channels.

Channel setup

When the satellite signal is configured, it calls the installation wizard. This program offers step-by-step setup (selection of preferred menu language and channel list). Moving through the points is carried out using the volume buttons, and by pressing the "OK" button on the remote control, you just need to enter the basic settings.

The installation wizard automatically searches for and displays all available TV and radio channels, displaying them on the screen. At the same time, the signal level of each broadcast channel is also visible. All found list at the end of the search will be saved in the receiver's memory and will be available for viewing.

Subsequent switching on of the receiver will take place in the viewing mode. To display the list of channels, just click "OK".
Special attention should be paid to the Tricolor TV software update. Every year, and 2017 is no exception, a new version of the software for digital television Tricolor TV is released. The updated version is good because it:

  • cleared of the shortcomings of previous versions;
  • has an expanded list of channels;
  • has a large selection of options.

To start the software update, you must turn off the receiver from the network, then restart it. As soon as the receiver is turned on, an information banner will appear on the TV screen with a proposal to start a program update. You need to click "OK", after which the process will go, during which the receiver must be turned on! Upon completion of the installation, the receiver will restart operation.
If the implementation of all the described procedures did not lead to a successful result, you should contact a company representative for help. The help of the master in this case will save time and nerves. Tampering with the antenna structure can lead to damage.

In any, even in a large, even small group, in a student group, in a school class, in a word, wherever people live or work, except for names and surnames, they for some reason assign nicknames to each other. Whether it's because it's shorter or so much more fun, I don't know. In our village, many also have such nicknames.

I will not write about other people's nicknames here, but I will say for myself - here, behind my back, my name is TELESPUTNIK. This is because I repair televisions and other household appliances, and also very often install and tune satellite dishes.

Here's how to quickly and correctly set up any satellite dish with minimal costs, I will tell you using the example of the Tricolor satellite.

First, a little economy.
When buying a set of satellite equipment, the seller will certainly offer you the services of specialists (usually his friends) for its installation, because the overwhelming majority of buyers do not know how to install satellite dishes.

At the cost of the equipment sets, for example, 9..10 thousand rubles (Tricolor), or 5 ... 8 thousand rubles. (Telecard), the cost of installation services in our area ranges from 1.5 thousand rubles to 2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the installation work. Not 15 kopecks, however.

And in order to install an antenna in a rural area, you will have to pay for the master's travel back and forth, at the rate of about 7 ... 8 rubles. per kilometer, because he will not go to you by bus, but with his instrument and instruments in his car. And then the cost of installing a satellite dish increases significantly.

That is why they turn to me, because I do it cheaper, and I don’t take money for the trip ...

For self-installation of a satellite dish, you will need the following.

1. A set of satellite equipment (dish, receiver, converter, antenna wire)
2. Antenna tuner Sat Finder (any brand and model)
3. Adapters, F-connectors, 2 pcs.
4. Three anchor self-clamping bolts M6 X 120..150 mm, if the walls of the house are stone
5. Three large bolts - self-tapping screws for wood M6 X 150 ... 200 mm, if the walls are wooden
6. Punch, if the walls are stone
7. Wrenches or adjustable wrenches, for 10, 13, 14, 17 (depending on the bolts)
8. Compass.
9. A piece of antenna wire 1.5 ... 2 meters

And now, as expected, a little theory. In order to understand what to do and why.

There are many satellites in the sky (or rather, in space). They hang there motionless, in a geostationary orbit, rotating with the earth, at a distance of about 36,000 km, and naturally, they are not visible. Each satellite is in its own point in space assigned only to it. The location of each satellite is known exactly, it is constant, and very accurately maintained. In order to understand how and where the satellites are located, imagine ... a rainbow. The satellites above the horizon, from its left edge to the right, are located in approximately the same arc. Depending on where you live in our big country, you can “see” with your antennas a little more or a little less different satellites.

Each satellite has its own name, like a name. For example, the Tricolor satellite, to which we will tune our antenna, was previously called Evtelsat W4 36E, now it is called Express AMU-1 - 36E. And Tricolor is just the trade name of the organization transmitting the signal through this satellite. Telekarta (Continent TV), for example, has another satellite, Intelsat15 85E.

In addition, a number is usually present in the name of a satellite, for example, 36E, 85E, 90E, 5W, 9W, which indicates the longitude over which it hangs, that is, the approximate direction to this satellite on the horizon.

But in our case, the sun and compass will be used to determine the direction to the satellite.

First of all, before installing the antenna, you need to decide on which side of the house it should be installed. For the area in which I live (Bashkortostan, 56 degrees east longitude) and the Tricolor satellite, this will be the southern side, approximately the place from which the sun is clearly visible from 12 to 14 pm. There should be no interference in the form of trees, roofs, and high-voltage power lines between you and the sun (satellite). The installation height of the antenna on the wall does not matter, mount it where it is more convenient for you to adjust it, only so that the antenna does not interfere with the passage or passage. For example, I have one of the antennas standing right on the ground, on an iron stand. I do not advise you to put an antenna on the roof, you will be tortured to climb later if something happens to it. Naturally, you should not attach a plate under the edge of the roof, so that rain, snow and ice subsequently do not fall on the antenna. It should be possible to rotate the antenna when tuning to the left and right as wide as possible.
For example, here's how it looks.

Now about the plate. In fact, it is not quite a plate, rather it is a part of it, slightly compressed from the sides and elongated. Such a dish has an egg-shaped shape and is called offset, it works like a crooked mirror, not only collecting, but also REFLECTING radio waves from the satellite to the receiving converter.

Therefore, the procedure for adjusting the position of the saucer is approximately similar to the one as if you came to the shooting range and began to aim at the target, standing with your back to it, through a mirror.

Before the actual dish, with the receiving converter, is attached to the wall of the house, you need to more accurately determine the direction to the satellite. For now, it will be approximately, according to the compass. Once again, for my area this will be an azimuth of 204 degrees. Let me remind you, if someone does not remember: in order to take the azimuth, you need to set the compass so that its arrow points to the north, and under it was the zero mark of its scale. Without moving the compass, find on the 204-degree scale and note this direction on the ground. Let it be a direction to some tree, structure, bush, stone, or whatever you have.

High accuracy is not required here, everything is approximately. After that, stand at the place of the future antenna installation and look carefully in this direction at the sky, at an angle to the horizon of about 20 ... 25 degrees. The Tricolor satellite is out there somewhere. There should be no obstacles in this direction in the form of roofs, trees, branches, poles, power lines. Here somewhere here and fix your plate.

If the wall of the house is wooden, then the process of fastening the plate should be treated with special care, making sure that the screws fall into the supporting structure of the house, into a beam, into a log or into a partition. If you simply screw the plate on the boards or on the crate, then with a drop in humidity (summer - autumn - winter - spring) the tree will swell a little or shrink a little, the plate will move, the signal will disappear. In my practice, this has happened many times.

The accuracy of the installation of the satellite dish greatly affects the quality of reception, the permissible vibration or error here is no more than 3 (three!) Millimeters.

After the plate is fixed, first set the position of the mirror strictly vertically, on a level or plumb line, and then slightly fill it back by 1.5 ... 2 centimeters. Do not overtighten the bolts on the cymbal mount.

Here in this photo you can clearly see how much you need to deflect the plate.

Connect the receiver to the TV as instructed in its instructions. Turn it on. The receiver enters the channel search mode. Don't press anything, leave it as it is. Connect the antenna wire from the dish to the receiver. Then on the street, connect the wire coming from the receiver using the F-connectors to the Sat Finder, another wire, prepared in advance, short, connect to the converter on the plate. An approximate view of the wire cut in the figure.

If there are no breaks or shorts in the wiring, then the scale backlight will light up in it. This means that food is coming to the plate. Turning the sensitivity regulator, the device, so that the device starts to crackle a little from interference (but not to squeak).

A little about the Sat Finder.
Don't think of it as an advertisement. His name is SF-9501, it is sold in almost all electronic stores, or in extreme cases, on An irreplaceable thing when setting up any satellite dish. With a relatively low cost (400 ... 600 rubles), it saves a huge amount of time and nerves.

The principle of operation of this device is based on measuring the signal strength at the output of the converter and its sound and pointer indication.
There are various models and modifications, with displays, programmable, etc., but in our case the simplest model will be more than enough.

Now that all connections are checked and you can hear noise crackling in the device, start slowly, very slowly, move the plate horizontally to the left and then to the right. As the dish moves, you will hear several different signals from different satellites (there are many of them). Your task is to choose the strongest one and leave the plate in this position.

Then use the knob to decrease the sensitivity (buzzer volume) of the Sat Finder and adjust the position of the cymbal more precisely in the horizontal plane.

If the signals are weak or not audible at all, tilt the cymbal back a little (1 cm) and again search for the signal in the horizontal plane. Thus, by searching horizontally, and with each pass slightly raising the dish above the horizon, you will find the satellite with the strongest signal. After finding such a signal, try slightly (by a centimeter, no more) to move the plate up or down, achieving maximum signal strength. If necessary, reduce the sensitivity of the device for more precise adjustment.

Check the approximate direction of the dish to the satellite; it should not differ from that previously found by the compass by more than 5 ... 8 degrees in one direction or the other.

Go back to the TV. According to the instructions for the receiver, conduct an initial channel search. Operator - Tricolor, region - Chelyabinsk or Ural. If the dish is tuned correctly, you will see a list of many channels. Check if there are Tricolor - Info and Tricolor - Promo, TV-TV, TV2-TV channels among them. These channels should work even without activating the access card.

After all the channels are found, return to the cymbal and carefully, so as not to knock the setting, fix all the cymbal fasteners and all the bolts and nuts with the keys, controlling the signal strength on the device.

After fixing the antenna and checking the image on the TV, turn off the device, and connect the wire from the receiver to the converter on the plate. This completes the setup. From the Tricolor satellite, you will be able to view about ten free channels and about 300 paid ones. Now you should register your equipment with the operator by calling the special number specified in the instructions for the receiver. After registering the equipment, all channels found during tuning will become available for viewing.

I think that viewing will be much more pleasant if we consider that the entire budget of our enterprise (with nails and duct tape) is at the level of 700 ... 800 rubles.

As practice has shown, the Sat Finder will come in handy for you more than once. Whether the wind is strong, or snow and ice, or some kind of restructuring in the house, you can always go and tune the shifted antenna, both at home and at a neighbor.

Yes, just in case, I will give the parameters for the Intelsat 15 85E satellite, for the Telecard. The azimuth is 143 degrees, the angle of elevation, that is, the "collapse" of the saucer is the same as that of the Tricolor. The rest of the setup procedure is exactly the same.

Happy viewing!

Newly purchased Tricolor TV equipment needs to be installed and configured. According to many, the hardest part of the job is installing the antenna. There are many instructions with a step-by-step guide on how to set up the Tricolor antenna yourself.

The first step is to assemble the antenna according to the enclosed operating instructions, and then determine its location. It is important to provide a line of sight. No obstacles are allowed in the line of sight towards the satellite, as the signal will not pass through them. Neither trees nor various structures should be an obstacle between the signal source and the receiver.

Adhering to the step-by-step algorithm of actions, self-assembly, installation and configuration of the signal will not be much effort:

The location of the antenna should be chosen as close as possible to the installation location of the receiver.

The accuracy of the antenna adjustment from a geographic point of view determines the clarity of the Tricolor TV broadcast. The necessary quantities to be observed are the elevation and azimuth, measured in degrees.

To determine these values, you need to be guided by a special table in which you should find your city, or the nearest settlement. The second way to set the azimuth is using a compass. The complexity of the adjustment lies in the various manufacturers of equipment used to receive Tricolor TV channels.

Using the instructions from the receiver, the cable from the converter must be brought to the receiver. Next, to set up the satellite signal, the receiver should be turned on.

First, you need to find any signal from the satellite, based on a special technique:

  • the mirror of the satellite system must be directed to the sky at the location of the sun at lunchtime;
  • the plate must be moved a couple of millimeters and twisted at the same time;
  • the interval between steps is 5-10 sec. Otherwise, the satellite signal can be missed;
  • it should be remembered not to stand in front of the receiving device, blocking the path of the signal;
  • if the information beam is not found, and the antenna is moved from 12 o'clock to 14 o'clock, you should repeat everything from the beginning, having first lowered it by 1 mm, loosening the vertical nuts. An image of the Tricolor TV channel or a strip with signal parameters should appear on the screen;
  • in case of successful tuning to the satellite and receiving the Tricolor TV picture, you need to make fine-tuning yourself, which will not interfere in rainy or snowy weather or in poor visibility. For a good signal margin, there should be at least 70% of its quality and strength on each scale;
  • after completing the adjustment, it is necessary to tighten all the nuts and loosen the converter clamp. Then turn the converter to the right a few degrees, focusing on the scale. Having achieved the desired level, the clamp should be fixed;
  • when tightening the nuts, the antenna can move to one side or the other, so you need to constantly monitor the signal level on the receiver's scale.

By aiming the equipment at the satellite, you can enjoy the broadcast of your favorite Tricolor TV channels.

Working with receiving equipment

After turning on the receiver, on the TV screen you need to activate the menu line "Received signal level". After pressing "Menu" on the remote control from the receiver, the "Main Menu" will unfold. Using the block of buttons with arrows, select the "Settings" line. After entering the password 0000, a list will open in which you should select the command "System settings" and again "OK". Then the name of the satellite is selected. In the European part of the country, information is transmitted from the Eutelsat 36B satellite. For other regions Eutelsat 36A should be selected. The scales for adjusting the signal parameters are located in the "Antenna setup" menu.

Satellite location

For guaranteed and uninterrupted reception of packets from a satellite, you should know its location, since a satellite signal cannot pass through objects, unlike a terrestrial one.

All spacecraft are located above the equator, so the antenna mirror should be directed to the south side. In view of this feature, the location of the device is determined.

A satellite dish is comparable to a lens that focuses the signal from the satellite and directs it to a converter for further amplification. The Tricolor TV operator uses a circular converter included in the set of receiving equipment.

Tricolor TV, like a modern satellite TV, can be configured without the help of a specialist, saving a decent amount of money. The front of the work is very laborious, but not difficult if you know the sequence of actions. Below, it will be described in detail how to set up Tricolor TV.

What is needed in the work

Before answering the main question, how to set up a satellite dish, you will need to prepare the following working tools:

  • wrenches of different sizes;
  • puncher;
  • screwdrivers of different sizes;
  • elements for fasteners;
  • insulating tape;
  • working level;
  • drawing pencil or pen.

Choosing an antenna location

Setting up the Tricolor TV antenna begins from the place of choosing its future installation. The main factor that you should rely on when choosing is the free access of the device towards the satellite, that is, the signal source. In other words, if you visually draw a straight line between the satellite and the antenna, then you should not find an obstacle on it in the form of trees and structures on roofs or buildings. This will be the first step towards how to set up the Tricolor satellite dish yourself.

Please note that the closer the dish is installed in relation to your TV set, the better signal quality you can be guaranteed. Plus, this way you can set up your cymbal much easier and faster.

Locations unfavorable for antenna installation:

  • glazed balconies;
  • areas that may be exposed to precipitation in the form of snow or rain;
  • gable, gable or asymmetrical roofs;
  • places near the spillway.

Assembling the Tricolor TV antenna and installing its main elements

Contrary to popular belief, assembling and tuning an antenna and a dish is not so difficult. To do this, you need to follow the established algorithm of actions and rely on the proposed scheme.

  1. The massive bracket that is included in the Tricolor package should be securely fixed to the wall. The installation feature and the choice of fastening tools will depend on the wall (load-bearing or permanent).
  2. When fixing the bracket, keep in mind that the converter in the holder must be installed downward with it. So, you will protect your Tricolor plate from precipitation.
  3. Connect the cable and the converter securely with the F-connector. To do this, you will need to free the cable from the top insulation by no more than 10 mm. Then, wrap the cable tightly with braided shield and foil. The inner insulation layer must also be removed 10 mm and the connector tightened as much as possible.
  4. Prepare stitches and insulating tape in advance in order to install the cable in the arc of the converter holder.
  5. Sealing is a necessary procedure that must extend over the entire length of the cable. In some cases, you may need a silicone sealant.
  6. Next, fix the antenna to the bracket. Install it so that you can rotate it in different directions at any time.
  7. At the last stage of assembly, you will again need electrical tape and zip ties, since, in addition to the antenna, the cable must also be fixed on the bracket. If you fasten the cable with a small margin, then this will later make it easier for you to install and repair the device, if necessary.

If you are still wondering how to set up a Tricolor TV antenna without the help of a specialist, then keep in mind that you have already overcome the first and most difficult stage. And as you can see, it was not so difficult to do it. In addition, the procedure for assembling the antenna is universal and does not depend on what you use and what format of the image will be displayed on the screen, in particular, the Ultra HD format.

Mounting the TV connector

Based on the presented diagram, proceed progressively:

  • for fear of damaging the braided shield, remove 15 mm of top insulation from the cable;
  • shielding braid, and after that, and foil should be located along the entire length of the cable;
  • save the cable also from 10 mm of the inner layer of insulation;
  • Screw in the connector as much as possible and use wire cutters to disconnect the conductor, which should not protrude beyond the edges by no more than 3 mm.

The video transmitted to the TV using the installed Tricolor dish will directly depend on the quality of your work. Therefore, carefully follow the order of the instructions and make every effort to the process. Setting up Tricolor TV requires progressive action.

Adjusting the Tricolor TV antenna

The more precisely the antenna is adjusted from a geographic point of view, the better the channels will be shown on Tricolor TV. The peculiarity of these manipulations also depends on two factors: the angle of elevation and azimuth. Both quantities are measured in degrees.

The difficulty is that for each individual settlement and region, the indicators can differ significantly. For example, for Bryansk, the elevation angle will be 29 degrees, and the azimuth - 178 degrees. Take this into account when adjusting the antenna.

If you have lost channels for one reason or another, then it is possible that the cause of the failure is precisely the incorrect adjustment of the cymbal.

You can determine the azimuth yourself if you know how to use a compass and determine its exact indicators.

Refer to the advice provided by your satellite TV provider with high quality Ultra HD images, and run the cable from the converter to the signal receiver. It will be very easy to do this, since the installation of the television connector has already been completed for you. After that, connect the receiver to the TV and check the presence of the signal and its quality.

Setting the signal "Tricolor TV"

In order to tune the free Tricolor TV channels and their signal, you will need to go to the Antenna Settings menu. Next, move the antenna cursor in the plane until you get a signal that suits you.

There should be no interference, ripples and small dots, in addition, the sound should be of high quality and perfect.

Please note that if during operation you lost channels, then as one of the options for eliminating the breakdown, you can go to the above menu.

The next step is to open the Received Signal Strength tab.

  1. Pick up the remote control of the receiver and press the "MENU" button.
  2. Use the arrow buttons, find the "Settings" tab, then confirm the command by pressing "OK".
  3. For further installation, a password is provided. At the first stage, the provider provides for the introduction of four zeros. You can later change it yourself.
  4. Next, get to the "System Settings" tab and again approve the command by clicking "OK".
  5. Enter the Antenna Settings menu and confirm the request.

After you select the antenna installation mode and channel list, select the satellite that corresponds to your region: Eutelsat 36A or Eutelsat 36B. Find in the tab of the antenna installation menu two scales that characterize the signal level and its transmission to the satellite. If both of them are filled up to 70%, then all your work was done correctly and the channels on Tricolor TV will be shown with high quality.

In the event that the readings are below the desired level, it makes sense to refer to the cable connection. Perhaps it transmits a weak signal to the satellite, which simply does not pick it up.

Do not forget that your plate is still outside, you cannot exclude the effect of weather conditions on it. Thunderstorms, lightning, heavy rain or any other precipitation can affect the signal strength. But it will return to normal as soon as the weather conditions improve.

Video tutorial for setting up

The video clearly presents all the stages of assembly and installation of the Tricolor TV antenna. A visual demonstration allows you to more easily imagine how the work process will look externally.

Now you know how to set up Tricolor TV yourself, how to assemble an antenna, how to check the signal level and what to do if the channels are missing. This will save you money that would otherwise have been spent on customization services.

In contact with

Any equipment may malfunction, and Tricolor TV receivers are no exception to this rule. There are situations when channels from the paid packages disappear on the set-top box, and it becomes impossible to use the television service. Fortunately, it is not at all necessary to call the wizard from Tricolor TV to fix this problem. Setting up channels on your own will take very little time, even for an unprepared subscriber.

Checking the satellite signal

Despite the fact that the Tricolor company provides its wizards for installing and configuring equipment, many subscribers prefer to carry out these operations on their own. As a result, at the beginning of using the dish, there are often failures in receiving a signal from the satellite. This can cause interference with broadcasting and loss of TV programs. Therefore, before proceeding to the settings, it is worth checking the signal level on the antenna.

How to check the signal?

To check the signal level from the satellite, press the “i” key on the receiver's remote control twice. After that, two scales will appear on the screen:

  • Signal quality;
  • Signal level.

For normal operation of the system, their readings should be at the level of 70%. If the scale values ​​are less, it is worth carrying out additional tuning of the antenna. Its position is changed until the readings of the scales become satisfactory.

Important! Often, when self-tuning, subscribers set the scale values ​​to a minimum. As a result, at the slightest change in the weather (cloudiness, precipitation, etc.), the receiving capacity of the antenna drops and the broadcast disappears. It is necessary to try to bring the level and quality of the signal to at least 85% in order to be insured against such troubles.

Recovering a Lost Broadcast

If the satellite signal is normal, you will have to carry out some operations with the receiver. The step-by-step tuning of Tricolor TV channels will look different, depending on how the equipment behaves. There are two options:

  • all TV channels have disappeared;
  • only one is displayed.

Let's take a closer look at the actions in each of the situations.

There are no channels

If there is no broadcasting on all frequencies, press the "Menu" button on the remote control and go to the setup section. Depending on the model of the receiver, it may be called either "Settings" or "Applications".

Further in this section, using the remote control, you need to find the subsection "Search for channels ..." and go into it. For some time, the equipment will conduct search operations. Then the list of the found channels will be displayed on the screen. The prefix will offer to save them - this must be done without fail so that the described operations are not repeated every time after switching on. To save, just click the "Yes" button in the pop-up dialog box.

One channel is displayed

There are situations when, as a result of any user action, broadcasting is lost on all frequencies, except for one. In this case, the receiver shows a channel with the name "Look at the instructions", and all other programs included in the package are missing. Resetting the set-top box settings to factory settings with subsequent restoration will help here.

To reset to factory settings, press the "Menu" button on the remote control and go to the "Settings" or "Applications" section (depending on the receiver model). In this section, select the item "Factory settings" and press the OK button. To confirm the reset, you will need to press the Info or F1 key on the remote control, and then select “Yes” in the dialog box that appears.

During the reset process, the set-top box will automatically reboot. At the end of this process, a message about the definition of the remote control with a recommendation to press the desired button will appear on the TV screen. The recommendation should be followed, after which the settings table will appear on the screen. For subscribers who installed equipment on their own, it will not cause difficulties, since they have already encountered it. For the rest, let's tell you a little more:

  • in the "Select languages" table, Russian is selected as the language for the menu and audio1;
  • audio2 language can be left unchanged;
  • in the section "Operator" choose Tricolor TV;
  • in the section "UTC Shift" choose their time zone, or the closest to it;
  • in the line "Update from satellite" set the value "Yes";
  • in the section "Automatic search" in the line "antenna" select "Tricolor TV".

Important! If the set-top box is connected to the antenna according to the standard scheme, in the last section it is possible not to correct the default values.

The rules for setting the region should be noted separately. The subscriber is offered three options:

  • basic;
  • MSK +0;
  • MSK +2.

You should not select the first item, otherwise the receiver will save only one info-TV channel, and the others will be unavailable. If you select the "+0" option, broadcasting will be carried out according to Moscow time. If you select "+2", the programs will be available two hours from Moscow. You should set one of these two types of time zones, focusing on your own convenience.

At this point, the settings are considered complete. After saving them, the set-top box will automatically search for available channels. According to its result, a list of found items will be displayed on the screen, which the subscriber will only have to save. To do this, you will need to click the "Yes" button in the dialog box that appears.

Setting up TV sets with a built-in receiver

This type of equipment will require manual tuning of Tricolor TV channels. You can do it yourself by switching the TV to the antenna equipment setting mode. The path to this section may be different, depending on the specific TV model, so you should focus on the instructions attached to the equipment.

Setting options

Having entered the desired section, select the "Manual setting" item in the menu, where the following equipment parameters are set:

  • Incl. - in the column "Network search";
  • 12226 - in the line "Transponder frequency";
  • 27500 - in the section "Symbol rate";
  • the name of the standard satellite Tricolor TV is in the "Satellite" section.

These parameters are set using the remote control and saved. Then they start a search for channels, during which they act, focusing on the prompts that appear on the TV screen. According to the search results, the list of found channels is saved.

Attention! Some TV receiver models with the CI + module do not offer to save the list automatically. For them, it will be necessary to clarify in the instructions how the search results are saved.

Free channels

Many freebie lovers are interested in how the free Tricolor TV channels are set up. In this case, there are no separate secret instructions. The set of federal channels, which by law are provided free of charge to all TV broadcast subscribers, will be determined by the receiver during the search procedures described above. Tricolor TV has these channels on the buttons:

  • from 1 to 4;
  • 7,8,9;

In addition, under button 13 there is a free Promo TV channel, where the operator makes free introductory broadcasts from paid channels. Access to this content also does not require special settings.

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