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The most active time in VK. Best time to post on social media

I think you have seen beautiful infographics many times that talked about when the peak of activity in social networks, which means that at this time it is better to buy advertising, for example, in communities. Most often there is one number, for example "Facebook - 19 hours" and that's it. And what happens to the activity all day - not a word. In addition, it does not describe the counting methodology. It is for these reasons that I do not really trust such infographics, and I do not advise you to take everything on faith.

Therefore, I decided to conduct my own research for the VKontakte social network. The "Alert Box" plugin in Firefox was installed and configured to check the specified metrics every hour. it number of people online ^( throughout VK, the number of participants online in World of Tanks groups ^ (, Did you know? ^ (, +100500 ^ ( and of course MDK ^ (

As already mentioned, the indicators were checked every hour. For convenience, Moscow time is indicated. All pictures are clickable.

As you can see, there is nothing unusual about the activity. At 7 in the morning, most of the users are asleep, online only 1/6 of maximum value those. in the morning the audience is 1 million users. After 7 in the morning, the audience begins to actively increase, about 1 million per hour, and this continues until 13-14 hours, when the daytime peak of attendance comes. As you can see on the graph, there are no serious failures, so I don't see much difference in how long it takes to publish ads in public pages (if it is not designed for children under 18, but more on that later). from 13 o'clock in the afternoon to 12 o'clock at night, the audience sits on the social network.

Moreover, at 22-23 hours the peak of activity begins. Apparently everyone goes to the site to watch updates in publics, watch a movie and chat with friends before bed. After 0:00, the audience begins to fall as rapidly as it rose in the morning - it falls by more than 1 million per hour, and at 5 in the morning it reaches its minimum - a little more than 700 thousand users remain.

Users online in publics

I think there are webmasters among the blog readers who buy ads in public and ask the question "What time is the best time to post?" The graph provides a clear answer to this question... Let's decipher it. Until 12 noon, the number of online users who have joined the 4 selected publics is only growing, which means it is worth waiting a little to cover as much as possible large audience... You can also see that everyone's height is about the same, only the public "Do you know?" with a sharp jump between 9 and 11 o'clock, but then "MDK" catches up with him and further they walk "toe-to-toe." Moreover, at the public "Do you know?" total number there are 600 thousand more participants than MDK, but the audience is not active (maybe bots?). This proves once again that more is not always better. I advise you to pay attention to this (the relative number of online users), when buying ads in public - compare the activity of participants. There is a sharp jump from 21:00 to 0:00 hours, but we have already discussed this in the previous chart.

If you do not take into account the dynamics of users (i.e. no one leaves and no one comes), then the average coverage of the public audience per hour will be 12%, and the maximum will be 18% at 15:00 and 23:00.

Age groups

It is generally accepted that the audience of VKontakte is schoolchildren, and only they sit there. I have to upset you - it turns out that this is not entirely true. As you can see, most of the online users are in the group "From 18 to 23 years old", and the group "under 18 years old", on the contrary, showed interesting results - look at the races of this group. Apparently, the younger generation does not miss the opportunity to run on the street with friends. Audience of all ages in the same time reaches its peak and decline. At 11 am - everyone is online, and at 11 pm they start going to bed.

If we take the average temperature in the hospital (or in the office, who is closer to whom), then the best time for posts on Instagram is 12, 15, 21 hours according to your time zone on weekdays... Also, statistics services recommend the following days of the week and hours: Monday 17-18, Wednesday and Thursday 15-16.

But humans are not robots crawling Instagram on a given schedule. People live on different continents in different time zones, each work according to their own schedule and go to Instagram at different time... To collect maximum amount likes, you need to understand when it is your subscribers go to Instagram.

What do you need to do to find this best time for your subscribers?

If you don't know where to start, then look at your competitors. When do they post photos and videos? But the best thing is to find the best time for your account yourself.

  1. Who are your subscribers (target audience) and where do they live? View their profiles manually or find the geolocation of subscribers in statistics services for Instagram. For example
  2. Who are your followers (occupation)? Students, young mothers or office workers? It depends on it when they have free time for hanging on Instagram.
  3. Your subscribers flip through Instagram in their free minute - on the subway, in a traffic jam, at lunchtime, before bedtime. Think what time it is.
  4. Test it! Do by day of the week and post at different times (think about points 1-3 and pick the best time you think). Early morning, lunch, late evening, etc. And watch when there are more likes / comments.
  5. Do it and you will be able to see - the number of views under each post and the time when the most subscribers go to Instagram.

Such a simple algorithm will help you find the best time to post on Instagram just for your account.

How often to post photos on Instagram

Universal tip - 1-4 posts (photo / video) per day - every day... Break between posts - from 4 hours... But let's think about it.

If you have a blog / public about cats, then finding 4 posts for every day is relatively easy. Look for pictures on the Internet, take pictures of your own wallpaper eater.

And if you have a professional? It is necessary to take notes on topics of concern to the audience, publish sketches from the professional life of a doctor, make selling posts. And on the plus side, don't forget about high quality photos... It's not easy to do such content 2 times a day every day without sleep and rest. Unless you have a team of copywriters.

The good news is, the more “difficult” your posts are, the less often you need to post them. Because for subscribers to look at funny picture with a cat - it's three seconds, and studying a useful post from a doctor on the topic of health is already a long time and you need to focus. People will not study serious topics three times a day. Once a day or two- more than enough for meaningful posts. In this case, you can alternate between "cognitive" post and selling or entertaining.

Time for Instagram videos

You can publish videos to your account for 60 seconds (you can upload 10 such videos, for a total of 10 minutes), and for 10 seconds. What is the best time?

According to statistics, videos are best watched in the evening, after 20. But consider time zones if your subscribers are from different cities and countries. Better yet, test it. Do three related videos and post them at different times. Then you will see which video was watched more.

When to go out? Best of all - in the evening or on a weekend, when subscribers have time to watch you for an hour. Make a post about this and an invitation to Stories in advance.

Example: Best time to post photos on Instagram

Of course, I just want to find out what is the best time for posts on Instagram without any problems. But the truth is, little effort = bad outcome. And in order to get the most out of Instagram, you need to roll up your sleeves and work. Because even if you pay for promotion to the next agency, then often you will simply be turned on mass-like and will not even be consulted on such issues as the best time to post on Instagram.

Let's take a look at how to find out the time for posts using the example of an account that sells 0-3 years.

  1. Who are your subscribers

Moms (mostly) and dads.

2. When do subscribers scroll through Instagram?

Not all mothers live according to the same schedule - some have assistants, some do not. Some are working, some are not. But we need to highlight the "core" - the "average" mother of the baby.

Such a mother does not work and she does not have permanent helpers (except for her husband when he is not at work). Her schedule is as follows: wake up early in the morning, take care of the child and husband. Then, after 8 am, the husband leaves for work, and the child is already fed and washed. This time for yourself, incl. on social networks - from 8 to 9.

After taking care of the child and the house again, you need to take a walk, and clean up, and redo a bunch of things with the child and around the house. The next "window" for social networks for mothers is between 5 pm and 8 pm, before her husband comes home from work.

What about the weekend? The best time- Saturday until 12 and Sunday after 19. The rest of the time my family and I walk, meet with relatives, go to cafes and movies. And only at the end of the weekend we begin to prepare for the next week. This means that the maximum number of likes can be collected if publications are made at this particular time.

3. How many times a day to publish?

In most cases, it's best to do no more than 2 posts a day. And on weekends, you can make one post at a time, especially if it is informational or selling posts.

If you have an online store, then you need to publish many posts at once in order to show the maximum of your products. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you will spam the entire feed to subscribers and they will begin to unsubscribe. Sometimes it's better to create a separate directory account. In the main account of the store, lay out a separate product from the category (for example, "clothes for girls under one year old"), in the description of such a post, give a link to the account-catalog and the corresponding (in our example, #girlsdogoda) - "and by the hashtag #girlsdogoda see the entire collection. " Important! You need to come up with a unique hashtag (which no one uses except you).

We hope that our example helped you figure out how to determine when to post photos and videos on Instagram. The better you learn your target audience and what more options you try different times for posts, the more effective your posts will be in the end. Will see them large quantity potential clients, which will ultimately bring you more income.

However, different social media platforms may offer you maximum reach and effectiveness at different times. For example, on Facebook and Instagram is better do not post at the same time. When you consider multiple time zones, the task of choosing the ideal post times becomes even more difficult.

When planning your publication times, be guided by where the majority of your readers and customers live.

When is the best time to post to Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram is at lunchtime from 11:00 to 13:00 and after work from 19:00 to 21:00. Most of the users of this social network access the platform from their smartphones, so they rarely go online during the working day.

When is the best time to post on Twitter?

The best time to post on Twitter is at lunchtime from 12:00 to 13:00. The hours before lunch are no less effective.

When is the best time to post on Pinterest?

The best time to post on Pinterest is between 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm. This social network is more often used by mothers, which is probably why they usually post publications late at night.

  • Saturday is the best day to post on Pinterest. Sunday is the worst.
  • Business hours are not as popular with Pinterest users. Publications at this time receive less attention.

When is the best time to publish videos to YouTube?

The best time to post a video to YouTube is between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Most viewers watch videos in the afternoon, so this is the best time to post content.

  • Thursday and Friday - better days for publishing on YouTube.
  • Many users also watch videos on weekends, the best time to post on these days is from 9:00 to 11:00.

Best time to post 2018

When is the best time to post ads or important viral posts in VKontakte communities? Even Google cannot provide an answer to this question. Seriously. I have been following publications on this topic for several months now - and none of them contains a clear answer that could be applied in practice without reservations.

The answers boil down to the following options:

  • Everything is very difficult, you need to test for a long, long time; but in general - how lucky.
  • We analyzed N communities and concluded that the maximum activity is at such and such hours.
  • The maximum audience on the social network is at 19 - 21 o'clock, it is logical to try to get into this "prime time".

All these theses are somewhat correct. But, again, it is difficult to use them in practice. It is easy to understand that:

Long-term testing- this is a waste of money and time, and by the end of the period, everything can change. Social media is dynamic and fickle.

Community averaged data Is the average temperature in the hospital. And each community is individual, even public pages that are similar in type and overlap in audience differ in their return on advertising.

Maximum audience encourages publishers to compete for it, during prime time the number of publications and their competition in the user's feed grows. The records quickly sink into depths to which they may not even be plowed.

What to do? When to publish?

Seals in amazement: in SMM you can do without them, dry analysis!

It's obvious that you need to use a method that would take into account the individual distribution of activity for a particular public, and a comparatively short period of time should be analyzed.

Not finding such a method on the Internet, I set about developing my own. The result of this work was the creation of an online service that automates the process.

The idea behind it is quite simple:

collecting a number of posts for recent times, we determine the number of likes and reposts for each post, and then we count median responses for each hour on weekdays... This is how we get the most active time.

The median is used, not the mean. This allows us to partially get rid of the effect “ average temperature in the hospital ". You can read about what the median is at specialized resources... Here, for understanding, I will give good example from Wikipedia:

Suppose there are 19 poor people and one billionaire in one room. Everyone puts money on the table - the poor from his pocket, and the billionaire from the suitcase. Each poor person puts in $ 5, and a billionaire - $ 1 billion (109). This adds up to $ 1,000,000,095. If we divide the money in equal shares by 20 people, we get $ 50,000,004.75. It will be mean arithmetic value the amount of cash that all 20 people had in this room.
The median in this case will be $ 5. This can be interpreted as follows. Dividing our company into two equal groups of 10 people, we can say that in the first group, each put no more than $ 5 on the table, in the second, no less than $ 5. V general case we can say that the median this is how much the average person brought with him.

With the theory finished, let's move on to practice.

How to use the SmmUp service: examples

Laying out the tool in general access I focused primarily on SMM specialists, who already understand everything. Therefore, the site provides data, not advice, fishing rod, not fish. However, judging by the questions that arise, it is necessary to make some explanations. Let's feed the analyzer a few links and try to understand what its answers mean in each case. All screenshots are clickable.

First, let's see some public with quotes and beautiful photos... This is an ideal, downright laboratory object for study: posts are published frequently, the content is homogeneous and arouses keen interest in its audience.

Everything is pretty obvious: the optimal placement time is 16-18 hours. Note that 17 o'clock - the interval that is exactly in the middle - was not included in the chart. This is evidence that relatively few records are posted in the community from 5 pm to 6 pm. This indirectly confirms the reliability of the analysis: fewer posts - more attention to each of them! Obviously, it is more profitable to place closer to the beginning of the interval, that is, before 17:00, and not after. The natural delay in the release of posts only plays into our hands.

Let's pay attention to the big news public.

The picture is quite expected: the most popular are the posts published in the morning: when people are watching world news (and what happened there overnight?). Expected something expected, but without the analyzer, we could have set both at 8 and 7 o'clock, and would have missed the mark.

There are also two less pronounced (since they do not coincide with reposts) bursts in the evening. It is significant that the night hours, which sometimes rank among the leaders in other publics, show average indicators here, and 15 hours are distinguished by a minimum of activity. Why is that? It's simple: the audience of RIA Novosti is more mature than in many other public places; these are people with a traditional working day. They go to bed earlier than young people, and also more often switch to TV in the evening. Well, 15 o'clock is the afternoon, office workers are trying to work a little with fresh energy.

Another news public, with a similar, but different dynamics.

V work time there are no peaks in popularity.

Let's see an entertaining public.

Clear peaks in popularity at 4 pm and 10 pm. The interval of 16 - 17 hours looks more advantageous - since there are no periods of low activity next to it.

The success of the material posted on social networks largely depends on the time of publication - different audiences have different preferences, daily routine, work schedule, and so on. There is no exact answer to the question of when is the best time to post on certain social networks. But there are numerous resources to help you arrive at the right timing for you and your goals. has put together a small guide, which we offer you in an adapted version.

Best time to post on Twitter

Since Twitter is a never-ending stream of information, choose right time for post posting here it might seem high art... The half-life of a single tweet is 24 minutes - that's 4 times less than a Facebook post - which means your window of opportunity is very narrow.

2. Be involved in social media Knowing the correct timing to tweet from your company's Twitter profile starts with engaging in social media.

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