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The largest audience of users in the social network. Rocyte: index of digital literacy of citizens of the Russian Federation

First you will see a presentation with graphs and tables, and below I will add additional statistics that I managed to get. I confess that to collect information together on all social. networks in specific country, pretty hard. Official sources are reluctant to share statistics, and statistical agencies use different methodologies for collecting information and calculations, so I did not interfere with the numbers regarding social. networks so as not to distort big picture. For this reason, several graphs in the presentation show similar information but I think they are still interesting. Watch and decide for yourself 🙂

By the way, if you need statistics around the world, then see this article:

Overview of the most popular social media networks in Russia

Here I will only present brief information. See the presentation below for all the details and numbers.

User survey data

  • This year, as in the past, the first places in the ranking of social networks in terms of popularity among Russian users get Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. These sites are still confidently leading in Russia, and, according to an audience survey, 39% and 32% of respondents said they have accounts in these social networks. networks and use them. A little off topic, but I would like to add that the average user already has as many as 7 social accounts. networks!
  • As for the giant of the world social community facebook, then it still remains in third place (24%), although it has increased in growth rates compared to previous years.
  • In fourth place we have Skype. This, of course, is not a social network, but due to the unprecedented popularity of messaging services around the world, such sites and applications are now included in official statistics, as they are more and more drawing the attention of users to themselves.
  • Gradually dying social net Google+ still remains on the list and takes an honorable fifth place among the Russians. If we talk about global statistics, then Google + does not participate in the rankings at all due to low popularity.
  • 6 and 7 lines in the social chart. networks got whatsapp and viber, accounts in which 15% of the surveyed users have. Viber is still quite popular among Russian-speaking users, but at the global level it has lost a lot whatsapp, whose monthly audience already counts .
  • Next we have Instagram, which is ranked 8th in the list and is now ahead of Twitter. Interestingly, Instagram and Twitter compete very zealously for a global audience. Although Twitter does not want to admit it yet, Instagram managed to shift it one position, both in the world and in Russia.
  • Closes our top ten Another brainchild of Facebook -. Like it or not, messengers continue to win the hearts of users who are already tired of the informative assault on social networks. networks and try to communicate with friends in a more private setting. This year there are three messengers on the list. It will be very interesting to see how the situation will change in this 2016?! Will new players appear on the list? Wait and see! =)

Age of social media users networks

This year we don't have data for Odnoklassniki and Instagram, so only VK, Facebook, My World and LiveJournal are considered in the first graph. Based on these data, Vkontakte so far boasts the youngest audience. This social network most of the users are under 24 years old. Although, if we look at the statistics in detail, Brand Analytics in its study did not calculate the audience of 12-17 years old for Facebook and LiveJournal. For this reason, I added an additional graph with a breakdown of the Facebook audience, where you can see that there is still a young audience there (see slide number 10), and the 20-29 age category is the largest (among Facebook users).

The most adult social the network turned out to be Moy Mir, whose indicators are the highest for users 45+, in comparison with other social networks. networks.

Gender of social media users networks

I want to note right away that the gender of users is not the most accurate statistics, since the amount of accurate data varies for different social networks. networks.

This year, as in the past, women are a little more active on social media. networks than men. In terms of the number of women, Instagram and Moi Mir are still leading us - 75.7% and 60.3%, respectively. Interestingly, compared to last year, the female audience of Instagram has grown by a few percent. Apparently, our men will not fall in love with Instagram yet 🙂 Judging by the numbers, LiveJournal and Twitter are the most “male” social networks in Russia, where the male audience exceeds 50%: 56.4% and 50.6%, respectively.

In contact with


According to the statistics service LiveInternet for April 2016, the daily audience of the Odnoklassniki website is 46.9 million visitors (according to official OK data), and per month OK visit about 73 million users. Note that this is a general audience, and it is difficult to say how many Russians fall into this figure, because social media. the network is also popular in other CIS countries.

Also, according to the press service, as of December 2015, the monthly mobile audience of the social. network is 64% of total number active users. According to comScore statistics as of November 2015, the average user spends 41 minutes per day on the site.

I'll throw in some more interesting data: Odnoklassniki is the second site in RuNet in terms of video views (according to comScore), on which about 300 million videos are viewed per day!

My world

According to a study for April 2016, conducted by the TNS agency (takes into account the entire population of Russia aged 12-64 years), the audience of the social network Moi Mir has 16.1 million people per month.

Well, guys, that's all I wanted to tell you about the situation with social networks in Russia.

I wish you successful progress!

It is no secret that millions of Internet users visit social networks every day. They communicate with each other, download, view videos, pictures, photos, etc. The lion's share of activity during world wide web falls just on these sites called social networks. But which of them is the most popular and visited? Below is a list of ten of the most popular social. networks in the world.


Vine is a service and mobile application that allows you to create and publish short videos no longer than 6 seconds. The service was founded in June 2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll. However, just before the official launch, Vine acquired company Twitter, Inc for $30 million. As a free app, Vine debuted on January 24, 2013 and was initially only available for devices running IOS control. However, it later became available for Android and Windows phone. April 9, 2013 the application became the most downloaded free application in App Store. At the end of June, it already had 13 million users, and about 1 million new videos began to appear on the service daily. About 42,000,000 people visit Vine every month.


In ninth place in the ranking of the most popular social networks. networks is Flickr - a site for posting photos and videos, as well as viewing, discussing, rating and archiving. Allows you to communicate and create thematic groups. The service was launched on February 10, 2004, and in March 2005 it was bought by American company Yahoo! As of March 2013, Flickr had 87 million registered users and over 3.5 million new images uploaded per day.

In contact with

VKontakte is a social network based in St. Petersburg and owned by Mail.Ru Group. The project was launched on October 10, 2006. The site is available in several languages, but it is especially popular among the Russian-speaking audience. Like other social networks, VKontakte allows its users to exchange messages, images, audio, video, create groups, public pages and events, as well as play Flash games based on the browser. As of January 2015, the site's audience is about 71 million people a day.


Instagram- free app to share photos and short videos with the ability to distribute them through your service to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile application. The service quickly gained popularity. As of April 2012, it had 100 million active users worldwide, and 300 million as of December 2014. In April 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for approximately $1 billion.


The sixth place in the list of the most popular social networks in the world is occupied by Tumblr, a microblogging service that allows users to publish text messages, images, videos, links and audio recordings in their tumblrlog. The site was founded in 2007 by David Karp. May 18, 2013 Yahoo! acquired the service for $1.1 billion. As of 2015, Tumblr has about 220 million registered blogs.


Google+ is a social network developed and owned by Google Inc.. The service was launched on June 28, 2011. And two weeks after its launch on July 14, 2011 Google announced that social Google network+ has over 10 million users. As of September 17, 2012, the site's audience is 400 million users, and the active monthly audience has reached 135 million people.


LinkedIn is a social network designed to find and establish business contacts. It was founded in December 2002 by Reid Hoffman and launched on May 5, 2003. The site is available in 24 languages ​​and has over 380 million registered users representing 150 different business sectors from 200 countries. About half of the users are from the US, 25 million from Europe.


Third place in the list of the ten most popular social networks in the world is Pinterest - social. network, photo hosting, allowing users to add and share images. The site was founded by Ben Silberman, Paul Saerr and Evan Sharp in March 2010. As of February 2013, Pinterest has 48.7 million users worldwide.

Twitter - social a microblock network and service that allows users to create and share public short messages up to 140 characters. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and launched in July 2006. The service quickly gained popularity around the world, with over 100 million users posting about 340 million tweets a day in 2012. As of May 2015, Twitter has over 500 million registered users, of which over 302 million are active. For 2012 more than 900 employees work in the company.


Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world and is available in over 70 languages. Belongs Facebook companies, Inc is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The site was launched on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard University roommates and fellow students Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes. As of July 2014, the Facebook audience was 1.32 billion users, and the average daily audience of social. The network has 968 million users (approximately every 7th person on the planet is registered with Facebook). The site is valued at around $100 billion, making Mark Zuckerberg, at 23, the world's youngest billionaire.

Share on social networks

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube top the rankings of social networks in the world, but users from Russia (and other post-Soviet countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) often prefer regional replacements for these platforms.

And this difference in popularity may have great importance for companies that use such sites for advertising, as this can completely change marketing strategy(which is used in other parts of the world). In addition, social networks, whose rating in Russian-speaking countries differs from the global one, can give huge opportunities for international communication. Currently, eight social networks are the most popular.

"In contact with"

VK (formerly known as VKontakte) is now the most widespread social network in Russia, with over 46.6 million monthly visitors. Undoubtedly, this resource leads the rating of social networks in the post-Soviet space.

There are many interesting opinions about this site, but it can best be described as a combination between Facebook and a data sharing service. Like Facebook, each user has a profile and can search and friend other users to see their status updates, new photos and videos.

Along with these traditional features, users can also upload audio and video files of any kind and share these resources with other people. This used to be scrutinized as it crossed legal boundaries from time to time, however latest reports show that VK is now working with major record labels. This made it possible to launch a subscription service that allows you to legally share media files. That is why VKontakte has been leading the rating of social networks in Russia for several years.


While VKontakte may be the most popular service among younger users (aged 18-35), more commonly preferred among OK social networks (originally Odnoklassniki). This service has over 31.5 million monthly visitors, with higher percentage(69%) are women. This platform, by the way, was the first in Russia and, one might say, gave rise to such a phenomenon as social networks. The rating of sites in this category will always remain incomplete without mentioning it.

Like VK, OK allows users to create profiles, search for friends, and share status updates and pictures. The main purpose of creating the platform is to communicate with classmates and friends with whom users could lose touch many years ago, so the search parameters are quite detailed.

In addition, the site has a feature that provides information about who visited your page (regardless of whether you are their friend). To view the profiles of other users, there is an anonymity feature that you must pay for (to enable "Stealth Mode").

"My world"

Perhaps the best universally recognized analogue of the Russian "My World" is Google+. Both of these services are an extension of the ISP Email(in the case of "My World" - My World has struggled to find its own unique niche on a broader level, but the popularity of the network is not that great. At the same time, more than 16.6 million people use this service every month to share images, music and videos, as well as to play games and meet new friends, which is why it is included in the social network rankings. The My World web search strategy contains several options that are not available in other platforms.


Social networks, whose rating is high all over the world, have not bypassed the post-Soviet space either. Although Facebook is not the most popular site in Russia, its popularity has definitely begun to grow - now it receives more than 21.6 million Russian-speaking visitors per month. This is not surprising since Facebook is constantly changing its platform to better suit user needs.

Analysts believe that one of the reasons why Facebook is becoming increasingly popular in Russia is business communication. According to some sources, more than 30% of business discussions in Russia take place on Facebook. Therefore, it would not be surprising if this platform over time will top the rankings


Livejournal is a blogging platform that has been around since 1999 but has not been used in most of the world since then. This trend is far from true in Russia, where over 15.1 million users visit LiveJournal every month. This figure is more than half of total traffic site.


Twitter is another classic social media site that does well in Russia. While it doesn't get as many unique monthly visitors as the other services on this list (around 7.7 million visitors per month), it boasts a following for every user. So while Twitter may not be a mainstay for most Russian social media users, those who choose to use it do so on a large scale.

Rutube and YouTube

Rutube is essentially Russia's answer to YouTube, a social media platform focused on video sharing for content of all types. Even though this service has not reached the same reach as YouTube, it has collected a lot of content from a wide variety of users.

Rutube hosts both licensed content and user uploads. The vast majority of downloads are in Russian. This high percentage of Russian content makes the platform an incredibly valuable resource for those trying to learn the language.


First platform social media on this list - Instagram - has become extremely popular in the last few years, and its popularity in Russia is no exception. Instagram is rapidly moving up the rankings, and today has 12.3 million users per month (of which 77% are young women).

This shift in popularity is largely due to the cross-posting between Instagram and other platforms where users can use great photo editing tools. This allows you to enhance and capture a photo and then post it to both Instagram and other popular social media sites.

While the core features of Instagram continue to be easy to access and use, there are several options for tools and third party applications which most users don't even know about. It is expected that this platform will soon lead the popularity of social networks in most countries.

Concluding this review, it is worth noting that the success of such unique social networks as VK and OK in Russia and neighboring countries may surprise those who are used to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which have a complete monopoly in the world.

There are definitely a number of advantages to sites targeting a specific user base, whether it be geographically (as in these examples) or based on demographics (age of users).

According to recent studies of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, about 90% of all network users regularly visit social networks. At the same time, many of them quite comfortably use not one, but several social networks at once. Right Understanding What contingent of Internet users is focused on a particular resource is the main guarantee of successful site promotion in social networks.

Who are we looking for?

To get started, pick up a pencil and try to characterize the people you see as potential visitors to your site and your future customers. This is your target audience. Designate a list of key parameters for it, for example:

    Geographical position;

  • The presence of children;


    Social status;


Don't take it given example like a template. Your definition criteria target audience may differ radically from those proposed. The bottom line is to describe the circle of users you need as accurately as possible. Is the list ready? Then we sit down at the microscope and carefully look at what the user of a particular social network is like. Getting acquainted with the audience of social networks, we immediately compare it with our own potential clients. We systematically compile for ourselves our own rating of "professional suitability" of social networks according to your criteria. Go!

In contact with

One of the most popular social networks covers the entire Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, while being fairly well represented in the regions. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about the childhood age of the average user, in Lately The audience of VKontakte has matured noticeably. The average age of the "backbone" is estimated at 20-30 years.

People come here mainly for communication, actively sharing music, photos and various links. Groups of various topics are created for communication “by interests”. The most promoted of them have over 5,000,000 subscribers, among which the number of regular visitors reaches 200,000.

By gender, VKontakte retains almost perfect balance, and the average time spent by the user on this resource is 30 minutes.


No matter how Odnoklassniki tries to rejuvenate their users, the social network continues to be the main Runet platform for communication of “former” classmates, classmates, colleagues, etc. The audience is mostly female (70%), and the average age of users is around 30-40 years old. It is this social network that is preferred by the most aged network users, and for many it is associated with a meeting place for housewives.

Of the more than 40 million Odnoklassniki army, more than half of the “fighters” are identified as Muscovites, and the rest are approximately equal in proportion to foreigners or representatives of other Russian cities. Users are divided into groups (common interests) and communities (places of work, study, etc.), and the average time spent on the site by a user, according to various estimates, is about 25 minutes.

How to succeed?

Odnoklassniki, like VKontakte, is a fairly versatile platform, but here it is very important for successful promotion constant contact with your audience. More than anyone else, there will be successful promotion services and goods that do not require high solvency from the audience, as well as services localized in a particular region. Provide up-to-date information, please with promotions, answer questions in a timely manner and respond to criticism and success is guaranteed to your company!


The Facebook audience is basically the most professionally advanced part of the population. As a rule, these are serious specialists covering a wide field professional activity. It is not difficult to meet individual entrepreneurs, Internet figures, IT specialists, as well as representatives of the creative class, designers, advertisers here ... The age of the main visitors to this network ranges from 25-50 years. And from the point of view of the geographical location of users, residents of large cities are more represented here. Facebook's main audience is characterized by social status and not below average income. At the same time, despite the apparent seriousness of the average user, many of them are by no means alien to various tests, flash games and other entertainment that social networks often use to gain popularity.

Unlike domestic VK and OK, Facebook has access to an international audience, as well as a list of tools for promoting business pages, including finely targeted advertising (it’s not cheap, but if used correctly, very effective).

Who is going to be successful?

The most promising in terms of promotion here will be services and products targeted at a serious solvent audience. Conferences, business trainings and seminars will definitely be in demand here. Also, companies providing services in the field of design will feel at home. If you are planning to expand your activities outside of Russia, you should definitely focus on promotion on this social network. Read our tips on how not to go broke.


Twitter has a special format that makes this resource more dynamic. The average Twitter user covers a wider age range from 20 to 40 years old, with the representation of the male part slightly prevailing over the fair half. Excellent social media integration mobile devices led to the fact that about 75% of its users come here through their gadgets. Here you will find many business people who know the value of their time and will not waste it. The 4 minutes a day that a Twitterer spends online is a perfect confirmation of this.

Lots of people have Twitter accounts. famous people, politicians, athletes, show business stars and public figures.

Who will suit?


The popularity of YouTube in RuNet is steadily growing every year and today the monthly audience of this video hosting is estimated at no less than 50 million people. In general, this platform has localizations in 75 countries, which presents an incredibly wide opportunity to win an audience at the international level. However, in terms of getting visitors to your site, you should not expect outstanding achievements from YouTube. Even a hundred thousand views with ten thousand "likes" can bring a small number of visitors to your site.

How best to use?

Given the high popularity of YouTube, search engines simply cannot ignore it. multi-million audience. Therefore, the videos posted on your channel will certainly have positive influence to rank your brand in search engines(for similar reasons, by the way, do not forget about

All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), in December 2017, social networks used almost daily by 45% Russians surveyed aged 18 and older. Another 25% log into their accounts, but not as often.

About a third are completely excluded from social media (20% due to the fact that they do not have access to the Internet and another 10% do not have a single account).

The maximum level of involvement is among young people - in the group of 18-24 years old, 91% use social networks almost daily, among the respondents aged 25-34 such 69%, 35-44 years old - 50%, 45-59 years old - 31%, in the older group 60 years - only 15%.

The most popular network is VKontakte - among all respondents, 28% said they visit it daily, Odnoklassniki (19%) is in second place, Instagram is third (14%); the share of the daily Google+ audience was 7%, Facebook and My World got 4% each, Twitter and LiveJournal got 1% each.

Any number of answers could be given to this question, the question was asked only by Internet users.

VKontakte and Instagram can be attributed mainly to youth communities. VKontakte - 40% of the audience is made up of people aged 25–34. Among Instagram users 38% - aged 18-24, 37% - aged 25-34.

Among the daily audience of Odnoklassniki, the most common group is 25-34 years old (28%). In social Facebook networks and My World is dominated by an older audience. Facebook is most often used by Russians aged 35 to 44 (28%) and 45 to 59 (26%), the core of the Moi Mir audience is 45-59 year olds (39%).

According to a GfK study, in August 2017, 93% of Russian Internet users aged 14 and over used social networks. This is more than 78 million people. Social media accounts for 32% of all time spent online.

According to a poll by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) *, in January 2016, 87% of Internet users use social networks, of which 51% have accounts in several online communities. 13% do not use social networks, only 2% among 18-24-year-olds, and 28% among those aged 50 and older.

66% of Internet users (of those who use social networks) access social networking sites on a daily basis. 12% of respondents admitted that almost all of their time is spent online only on social networks (87% of respondents answered, one answer).

The Top 3 in terms of using social networks, in all age groups, included the following activities: chatting with friends and acquaintances, learning news and events, and it turned out that this topic is more in demand among the youngest age group (18-24 years old), watching videos and listen to audio files.

* Poll weekly audience of Internet users. January 15–19, 2016. 104 settlements, 53 subjects of the Russian Federation, 1000 respondents. Interview at the place of residence. The statistical error does not exceed 4.3%.

11 years old on 10.10.2017 social network "In contact with". Its founder is Pavel Durov. At the end of January 2014, he sold his stake in the social network and started Telegram messenger. Now VKontakte belongs to Mail.Ru.Group.

78% of small business entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation consider social networks effective channel attract customers, and 50% of companies already have their own pages.

Almost half of entrepreneurs use VKontakte in their work. The second place is occupied by Odnoklassniki - 22% of surveyed companies maintain their accounts in them, Facebook is in the third place with a share of 11%. (, July 2015)

According to the VTsIOM poll conducted in March and June 2015, the most visited online services for communication are "Vkontakte" - 55% (in 2012 - 51%) and "Odnoklassniki" - 54% (in 2012 - 61%).

At the same time, VKontakte can be called rather a youth resource (85% of those aged 18-24 use it, and only 30% of those aged 45-59), while Odnoklassniki is more often preferred by middle-aged people (59% - from 35 to 44 years old) than the student audience (48% - from 18 to 24 years old).

19% visit My World, 16% have Facebook accounts, 8% post and view photos on Instagram, and 7% write and read messages on Twitter. They visit Livejournal (3%), (3%), LiveInternet (2%), My Circle, etc. less frequently.

70 million - the number of users per day on VKontakte. "These are people of all ages. We do not have a target audience. More and more users go to mobile. Now there are 50% of them," Georgy Lobushkin, press secretary of the social network, said on 04/15/2015 on air of the radio station

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