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  • The safest email address for your business. Google Inbox Review: Here It Is, The Email Of My Dreams

The safest email address for your business. Google Inbox Review: Here It Is, The Email Of My Dreams is the domain name of the mail service company This email address space is provided to all interested network users for free. The @inbox mail, like @mail, supports POP / SMPT protocols, has a spam filter and offline virus protection.

Login and registration in is carried out on the official website of the company - When you try to follow this url, the browser automatically redirects to


To create an email with an inbox address, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of, under the login fields, click on the link "Registration in the mail".

2. In the form that opens, enter your first and last name, date of birth (use the values ​​in the drop-down lists), city and country, gender.

3. In the line "Mailbox", click the second field "@ ...". In the drop-down list, click "@".

4. Click on the first field (on the same line) and select one of the addresses generated by the service. If they do not suit you, dial your own unique version.

5. Make a complex key 10-14 characters long. Enter it 2 times in the corresponding fields of the form.

Attention! Use passwords with numbers and English letters.

6. Indicate one of the proposed means of profile verification:

  • Mobile: set the code of your country (select the state flag from the list), enter the number, and then the received code from SMS;
  • Additional email: click on the option "I don't have a mobile ...", type in the address of the backup mailbox.

7. Click "Register".

8. Enter the captcha (sequence of characters from the picture). Click Finish.

Page design

After creating an account, the service will prompt you to perform quick profile settings:

1. Click "Upload Photo" to upload an avatar from your computer. Click "Save".

2. Click to select a theme for the profile, and then save the setting.

3. If you do not want to install the mobile application, select “Finish”. To go to the App Store or Google Play, follow the corresponding link.

Access to the settings and account data in is carried out through the control panel: click in the upper right corner of your email address and select the required option.

For a long time, Gmail was considered the most advanced product for working with email, until Google itself suggested trying the new product Inbox by Gmail.

People have a hard time accepting new things, they do not want to study additionally or understand something. Once he was like that. Now I'm trying to approach new products from an objective point of view, consider the pros and cons, and then draw conclusions.

It took fifteen minutes to understand and make a decision - Inbox by Gmail will forever replace the old Google mail. For the modern rhythm of life, simply correspondence and filtering are no longer enough. You can get confused figuring out which applications and settings to expand the functionality of Gmail. What Inbox offers is how the post of a modern person should look like.

Inbox by Gmail features that can improve the efficiency of the modern person

Convenient format for reading letters

The realities of the modern digital world - we no longer want to waste time on an extra click that opens mail. Before we open an email, we want to know if it's worth our extra click.

In Inbox, letters are displayed in such a way that you can see:

  • the author of the letter
  • subject line
  • summary
  • files attached to the letter

If the first two points are standard types of any mail, then the last two open up new opportunities for us, without opening the letter, to perform the actions we need:

  • complete
  • postpone
  • delete
  • etc.

The letter can be completed as a task

Gmail called this "task archiving." In the new service, letters can be completed as tasks using the "completion checkmark". As a result, the messages are not deleted, but moved from the inbox to the Completed folder.

If you develop a clear algorithm for working with mail, then you no longer have to clean up the blockages of letters or lose sight of the order sent to you by mail.

For example, my algorithm for working with mail based on the standard GTD:

  1. Do I need this letter? If not - immediately NAX! Sorry DEL!
  2. If I need this letter: is action required?
  3. If yes, I used to forward all letters to MyLifeOrganized and process them there. Now there is a choice - either I send it to MLO, or I post a reminder (postpone) immediately in the mail service for the desired date (tasks related to replies, sending letters and other work with mail)
  4. If no action is required, but the information may be useful, I used to send everything to Evernote. There is now an additional option to leave an email in the Inbox marked for reading.

The most important thing is not to leave in the inbox read letters with which "it is not clear what to do."

Email in Inbox by Gmail can be snoozed or set to reminder

To do this, we set the parameters in the settings, which days are days off for us and what time we count in the morning, afternoon or evening.

Having configured these functions, we can postpone (postpone) any letter to "next week's morning" or "until tomorrow evening." The postponed letter is removed from the inbox. At the appointed time, it appears in the inbox as new. A notification is triggered on the mobile gadget.

The function of deferred letters allows you not to forget about the mentioned questions and postpone the decision (answer) until a convenient time.

There is no need to create another list of tasks from e-mail! Always aim for Zero Inbox - a completely empty inbox!

The service has the ability to quickly create reminders

Quickly create reminders that were previously recorded in MyLifeOrganized.

What reminders do I put in MLO, and what do I put in Inbox?

For myself, I determined that if I work with mail and I need to “just remind something at the right time,” there is no point in making a lot of body movements to go and record a reminder in the MLO.

Examples of reminders that consist of one action and which I write directly to the Inbox:

  • reply to letter
  • call to clarify
  • send data
  • to write an answer

What I especially like about Inbox reminders - if I create a reminder "Call someone" - the person's number from the phone book is linked and you can call directly from the reminder window. A trifle, but nice!

You can save your favorite pages to Inbox

What I used to send to Evernote or Pocket can now be saved to Inbox and read when the time is right.

Again, the question is - what information to send to Evernote, and what to Inbox?

With one click we send by mail a link to the page you like

The function of sending by mail the links I liked was implemented in Gmail using third-party applications.

In Inbox, this is solved with one keystroke on the service extension icon.

Impression of new mail Inbox by Gmail

This is definitely a mail option that expands my capabilities and matches the rhythm of life.

I recall a story from an audiobook I listened to about basketball players, when the coach set the task for each player to improve their performance in all areas by 1%. It was real! As a result, the team became 40-60% more efficient.

A similar situation with the mail service Inbox:

  • added new functions
  • somewhere it became a little more convenient
  • somewhere you need to click the mouse less times
  • etc.

As a result, Inbox is more efficient than the old Gmail.

Thank you Gmail! You were as reliable as the Nokia 3310, but the era of new technologies has arrived ...

Inbox ( is a new email service from Gmail. It looks like the product is still in beta testing: there is no sign of Google trying to promote it; there are no ads in the interface at all.

If so, then it will simply take your breath away from what the full version will be. I have been using Inbox for several days now and am still in a state of complete delight. This is the case when the advertising slogan is absolutely true. Inbox is really not just a service for receiving and transmitting messages, but a real assistant in your work.

Why is Inbox good?

The main features are shown in the official video:

However - I know from my own experience - the video is perceived rather abstractly.

Uh-huh, sort of convenient. So what. A bit new interface. All the same letters. I’m not bad at all.

To be imbued, you need to try.

The main difference between Inbox is that it is designed with several important facts in mind:

  1. Email, much more than other means of communication (social networks, instant messengers), is aimed not only at reading and sending messages. Emails are often related to important matters and require an offline response. Electronic tickets, notifications from online stores, requests from customers, bank statements - you can go on for a long time. The action may not be required immediately after reading, but a little later, which forces you to keep in mind (or somewhere else) the newly appeared task.
  2. A person can receive many emails every day. Lots of. They threaten to stick together into a large lump and crush the desire to do something.
  3. Different messages - varying degrees of urgency and importance. Something can be safely ignored altogether - without even reading it. And others should not be missed in any case.

For each item, Inbox does everything to make life as easy as possible for the user.

Instead of a bundle of stuck together letters - an inbox

By default, each email is considered a task to be responded to. If in "regular" mail the letter has two main states: "read / not read", then in the Inbox de facto there is also the status "all related matters are completed / the letter is waiting for a reaction."

Of course, any mail has the ability to delete / archive, which can be considered an analogue of this status. But - remember! - we receive a lot of letters. And in order to remove each one that does not require attention, you need to perform quite a lot of body movements.

And in Inbox, thanks to the "smart" grouping and well-thought-out interface, archiving letters is very easy and even pleasant!

As a reward, we get a pristine case box:

This view is already making me happy - all tasks for today are completed and you can relax.

Making to-do lists and plans on the fly

We often receive letters with notifications of events that need to be taken into account in your schedule. If you use services for compiling to-do lists, then you just need to enter such letters into your schedule - manually.

Inbox, which itself is the source of such notifications, takes care of the entire routine:

I just postpone the letter in accordance with the time of the event - and at the right time it will pop up in my inbox. There is no need to leave the interface anywhere, there is no need to be interrupted while reading mail - not only time is saved, but also attention.

You can do the same with tasks that you do not want / cannot do right now. As a result, a full-fledged to-do list is formed, which can be supplemented with regular events. A minimum of body movements, there is no feeling that you plan more than you work.

This list can be viewed not only in the corresponding section of the Inbox, reminders are also pulled up in Google Calendar:

And dozens of other little things that make life easier

For instance:

1. You can choose which folders and when will be shown in the inbox. For example, lower the priority of the "Promotions" tab so as not to be distracted by advertising during business hours. Or filter out the "Social" tab. This will make the one I recently described even more effective.

2. New interface for working with files - you can comfortably download them without opening a message; when you attach something to a letter yourself, the system unobtrusively offers options from recent attachments, photos from your phone, new files on Google Drive, often guessing the needs.

3. With the help of the Chrome extension, it is convenient to bookmark - save articles that you want to read later.

How is it better than any other bookmarks? The fact that these links obscure my beloved virgin screen !! This means that I will either read them, or I will understand that it is not worth wasting time and I will delete them. Ordinary “read later” bookmarks tend to accumulate and turn into fossils.

Whether to use? You also ask!

Inbox is imbued with GTD ideology and healthy minimalism. Knows how to guess your next step and in every possible way helps to sort things out. Moreover, it remains a thing in itself, just a working tool. It even looks a little old-fashioned in our era of personalized news feeds and ads that track every sneeze.

Bottom line: incredibly cool service. What the doctor ordered is for those who working with mail.


The postal service site can be used by all owners of registered domains, regardless of where it is registered.

We offer free and premium versions. Try it! Nothing can be more convincing than a personal acquaintance with a product.

3 free users. The cost of the paid version is 1 Euro per user per month with a mailbox of 20 Gb.

Learn more about the benefits of the "Premium" version

Your benefits

1. Fast installation, no maintenance required

Focus on achieving your goals and let us solve technical issues such as server support, software support, data backups, and more. Forget about maintaining mail servers, administrative costs and saving space.

2. Guaranteed safety and reliability

All information is backed up and encrypted. We protect your data and at the same time ensure their accessibility only to you. Rest assured - everything is confidential.

3. Experience in mobile applications

The mobile application is available on google Play and the apple iTunes store absolutely free. Just install the app and enjoy a convenient mobile version of your email.

4. Simple document management

Use the Files service site to store and exchange documents at any time and place convenient for you. Just create a link to the file and send it to anyone, both inside and outside the company. Support for any type of file, without temporary restrictions on storage and exchange.

5. Continuous updates

Our email does not require you to install the latest versions or download the latest updates. Forget this headache - we will do everything for you.

6. Substantial savings in IT costs

Save up to 90% of your costs for IT infrastructure, maintenance of e-mail systems and free up IT resources for other more important purposes.

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