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For the first time, broadband information was transmitted from the ISS to a ground station via a laser channel. Laser communication systems

At present, laser technology opens up new possibilities for improving communication, location and radio control systems. These capabilities are associated with the huge gain of the transmitting optical antennas, which makes it possible to obtain a large signal-to-noise ratio in the receiver in a wide frequency band with low-power transmitters and with the ability to use very wide frequency bands in the transmission and reception of optical signals.

Laser information transmission systems have the following advantages over radio systems.

The possibility of transmitting information at a very high speed with a relatively low transmitter power and small overall dimensions of the antenna. Today, laser communication lines can provide information transmission at speeds up to 102 Gbit / s or more. With time multiplexing of channels, it is possible to obtain a resulting pulse repetition rate of more than 100 GHz in a multi-channel communication line, which exceeds the entire band of the radio frequency spectrum in use today.

Secrecy of information transmission and protection from organized interference (due to very narrow directional patterns of transmitting and receiving antennas, which are units of arc seconds).

However, there are also disadvantages, the main of which are: the dependence of work on weather conditions and the need to use light guides (quartz, glass fibers).

Real prospects for laser communication systems open up in the space communication systems "ISZ-AIS" due to the lack of an atmosphere. In such systems, broadband and narrowband information from low-orbit spacecraft will be transmitted via laser communication lines to stationary satellites and from them to ground stations. Of great importance will be satellite communication systems "Earth-to-Earth" through a satellite relay with laser communication lines.

Calculations show that in such a communication channel an information transfer rate of more than 1 Mbps from the Mars region is feasible. For comparison, it can be said that in the existing telemetric radio links for communication with spacecraft in the region of Mars, the information transfer rate does not exceed 10 bit/s.

Before discussing the issue of choosing a system for space communications, let's evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the systems used:

with direct detection (Fig. 8, a);

with a heterodyne receiver (Fig. 8, b).

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Note that the noise immunity of both systems is approximately the same, and for the same frequency and the same level of development of laser technology, the first system has clear advantages, which are as follows:

Has a simpler receiving device;

Insensitive to Doppler frequency shift, which eliminates the need to search for a signal by frequency in the receiver (as is the case in the second system);

Insensitive to signal wavefront distortion (originated in turbulent atmosphere), so simple ground antennas with large apertures are possible. In a heterodyne receiver, atmospheric turbulence limits the size of the receiving antenna, and to increase it (antenna area), it is necessary to use an antenna array consisting of a plurality of antennas with a device for adding output signals;

It has a receiving antenna, which does not require high optical quality, which makes it possible to implement lighter and cheaper airborne antennas;

Allows you to implement more efficient methods of mutual guidance of transmitting and receiving antennas (compared to single-stage raster scanning in the second system).

The only advantage of systems with a heterodyne receiver is more effective background suppression in the receiver (compared to the former).

Let's analyze frequency suitability of lasers for space communications.

Due to the long communication range, transmitters with an average power from fractions to units of watts are required. Such lasers with acceptable efficiency are available in three main ranges:

10 μm - CO 2 gas laser with = 10.6 μm, in single-mode mode at P = 1 W = 10%, t slave = 10 thousand hours of continuous operation (suitable for on-board equipment and due to the high frequency stability it is quite can work in a system with a heterodyne receiver);

1 µm - solid-state laser on yttrium-aluminum garnet (YAG) activated by neodymium (J-Al / Nd) = 1.06 µm, = 1.5 2%, P max = n0.1 W (such a laser can successfully work on stationary satellites, since pumping is carried out by LED arrays or solar pumping devices.In the latter case, the solar energy collector through an optical filter focuses the pumping energy on the laser rod, providing its excitation.Potassium-rubidium pumping lamps provide t slave up to 5 thousand h at = 10% Resulting = 10 LEDs have a longer life, but their power is low and therefore they are suitable only for low-power transmitters up to 0.1 W);

0.5 µm - a promising Nd: YAG laser operating in the frequency doubling mode = 0.53 µm (bright green), with a converter efficiency close to unity, is promising here.

For low-speed laser communication lines, pulsed metal vapor gas lasers are promising. In the pulsed mode, the copper vapor laser has = 0.5106 and 0.5782 μm and = 5% (in the Q-switched mode) at an average power of one watt.

The possibilities of receiving equipment in these three ranges are as follows:

10.6 μm - there are photodetectors with high quantum efficiency (40-50%) when cooled to 77-100 K, but since photodetectors do not have internal amplification, they are not suitable for systems with direct detection;

1.06 µm - PMTs or avalanche photodiodes can be used for systems with direct detection. But the PMT quantum efficiency at this wavelength is only 0.008, so this range is significantly inferior to the first;

0.53 µm turns out to be a more acceptable range in the direct detection mode, because its performance due to the increase in the efficiency of the PMT is significantly higher.

So, there are two space communication systems:

With direct signal detection at a wavelength of 0.53 µm;

With a heterodyne receiver in the IR range at 10.6 µm.

Moreover, the system with = 10.6 μm has:

Lower level of quantum noise (because the spectral density of quantum noise is proportional to the value of hf, then by = = 10.6 μm it is 20 times less than by = 0.53 μm);

The efficiency of the laser transmitter in the range = 10.6 µm is higher than by = 0.53 µm.

The first two properties of the system allow the use of wider transmitter radiation patterns compared to the visible range system, which simplifies the guidance system.

The disadvantages here are the same as those of the heterodyne method.

The visible range system = 0.53 µm, having a higher level of quantum noise, lower transmitter efficiency, can have significantly reduced transmitting antenna RPs. So, if the apertures of the transmitting antennas are the same (at = 0.53 and 10.6 μm), then the transmitting antenna at = 0.53 μm will have a gain 400 times greater than at = 10.6 μm, which compensates with a margin the disadvantages mentioned above. Narrower beams of transmitting antennas complicate the system of mutual guidance of transmitting and receiving antennas, however, the use of effective multi-stage search methods can significantly reduce the time of getting into communication. Moreover, in a heterodyne receiver, only simple raster scanning is possible when searching for a signal, and the search time increases significantly due to the need to simultaneously search for a signal by frequency.

An important advantage of the visible range antenna is the ability to build a satellite communication system for multiple access. In this case, several (according to the number of communication lines) simple direct detection receivers are placed on board the satellite-RRS. For systems in the 10.6 µm range, this is practically impossible due to the complexity of heterodyne receivers with bulky photomixer cooling devices.

Thus, according to the existing technical level, systems with direct detection (= 0.53 µm) have significant advantages:

for deep space communication "KA-Earth" through the atmosphere;

for satellite system with multiple access.

For a satellite communication system, when the receiving (or transmitting) beam of an artificial satellite repeater is “switched” from one subscriber to another according to the program, a communication system with a high bandwidth of = 0.53 and 10.6 μm has comparable characteristics at information transfer rates up to several hundred megabits per second. Higher information transfer rates (more than 10 Gbit/s) in a system with = 10.6 μm are difficult to implement, while in the visible range they can simply be provided due to the time multiplexing of the channels.

An example of the implementation of a communication system of three synchronous satellites (Fig. 9):

transmitter wavelength = 0.53 µm (direct detection);

modulation is carried out by an electro-optical modulator, and the modulation signal is a microwave subcarrier with a center frequency m = 3 GHz and a sideband from min = 2.5 10 9 to max = 3.5 10 9 Hz (i.e. = 10 9 Hz );

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the electro-optical modulator (crystal) operates in the transverse mode with an electro-optical coefficient r 4·10 -11 at a microwave dielectric constant = 55 0 . The maximum depth of modulation - Г m = /3;

collimating and receiving lenses have dimensions of 10 cm;

the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the amplifier following the PMT is 10

Let us determine the total power of the direct current source that the satellite must be supplied with in order to satisfy the requirements of the design task (we first determine the optical power level of the transmitted radiation, and then the modulation power required for operation).

Solution: A synchronous satellite has an orbital period of 24 hours. The distance from the Earth to the satellite is determined from the equality of centrifugal and gravitational forces

mV 2 /R ES \u003d mg (R Earth) 2 / (R ES) 2,

where V is the speed of the satellite; m is its mass; g - gravitational acceleration near the Earth's surface; R ES - distance from the center of the Earth to the satellite; R Earth - radius of the Earth.

Synchronous orbital rotation frequency (24 hours) allows you to determine

V/R ES = 2/(246060), then R ES = 42,222 km.

The distance between the satellites R = 73 12 km at a spacing of 120 O. If an optical signal with a power P T is transmitted in a solid angle T and the received aperture provides a solid angle R , then the received power

P R = P T (R / T).

The transmitted optical beam (Fig. 35) diffracts with the beam divergence angle, which is related to the minimum beam radius 0 by the expression

beam = / 0 .

Corresponding solid angle T = (beam) 2 .

If we take 0 equal to the radius d t of the transmitting lens, then

The solid angle of the receiver is equal to

R \u003d d 2 R / R 2,

R is the distance between transmitter and receiver.

From (42), (44), (45) we have

P T = P R R 22 / 22 T 2 R .

Let us write the signal-to-noise ratio at the PMT output operating in the quantum confinement mode (i.e., when the main source of noise is the shot noise of the signal itself):

s / w \u003d 2 (P R e / h) 2 G 2 / G 2 ei d \u003d P R / h,

where P R is the optical power, G is the current gain, i d is the dark current. At = 0.53 µm, = 0.2 - power conversion efficiency, = 10 9 Hz s/w = 10 3 we get P R 2·10 -6 . In this case, the required power in accordance with (46) at R = 7.5·10 4 m will be Р t 3 W.

From the middle of the 20th century, active research into microwaves began. American physicist Charles Townes decided to increase the intensity of the microwave beam. Having excited the ammonia molecules to a high energy level by heating or electrical stimulation, the scientist then passed a weak microwave beam through them. The result was a powerful amplifier of microwave radiation, which Townes in 1953 called a "maser". In 1958, Townes and Arthur Shavlov took the next step: Instead of microwaves, they tried to amplify visible light. It was on the basis of these experiments that Maiman created the first laser in 1960.

The creation of the laser made it possible to solve a wide range of problems that contributed to the significant development of science and technology. This made it possible at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries to obtain such developments as: fiber-optic communication lines, medical lasers, laser processing of materials (heat treatment, welding, cutting, engraving, etc.), laser guidance and target designation, laser printers, barcode readers and more. All these inventions greatly simplified, like the life of an ordinary person, and allowed the development of new technical solutions.

This article will provide answers to the following questions:

1) What is wireless laser communication? How is it implemented?

2) What are the conditions for the use of laser communication in space?

3) What equipment is needed for laser communication?

Definition of wireless laser communication, methods for its implementation.

Wireless laser communication is a type of optical communication that uses electromagnetic waves in the optical range (light) transmitted through the atmosphere or vacuum.

Laser communication between two objects is carried out only through a point-to-point connection. The technology is based on the transmission of data by modulated radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum through the atmosphere. The transmitter is a powerful semiconductor laser diode. Information enters the transceiver module, where it is encoded by various noise-immune codes, modulated by an optical laser emitter and focused by the transmitter's optical system into a narrow collimated laser beam and transmitted into the atmosphere.

On the receiving side, the optical system focuses the optical signal onto a highly sensitive photodiode (or avalanche photodiode), which converts the optical beam into an electrical signal. At the same time, the higher the frequency (up to 1.5 GHz), the greater the amount of information transmitted. The signal is then demodulated and converted into output interface signals.

The wavelength in most implemented systems varies between 700-950 nm or 1550 nm, depending on the laser diode used.

It follows from the above that the key instrumental elements for laser communication are a semiconductor laser diode and a highly sensitive photodiode (avalanche photodiode). Let's take a closer look at how they work.

Laser diode - a semiconductor laser built on the basis of a diode. His work is based on the occurrence of inverse populations in the region of the p-n junction during the injection of charge carriers. An example of a modern laser diode is provided in Figure 1.

Avalanche photodiodes are highly sensitive semiconductor devices that convert light into an electrical signal due to the photoelectric effect. They can be considered as photodetectors providing internal amplification through the effect of avalanche multiplication. From a functional point of view, they are solid-state analogues of photomultipliers. Avalanche photodiodes are more sensitive than other semiconductor photodetectors, which allows them to be used to detect low light powers (≲1 nW). An example of a modern avalanche photodiode is provided in Figure 2.

Conditions for the use of laser communication in space.

One of the promising areas for the development of space communication systems are systems based on the transmission of information over a laser channel, since these systems can provide greater bandwidth, with less power consumption, overall dimensions and weight of transceiver equipment than currently used radio communication systems.

Potentially, space laser communication systems can provide an extremely high data flow rate - from 10-100 Mbps to 1-10 Gbps and higher.

However, there are a number of technical problems that need to be solved in order to implement laser communication channels between a spacecraft (SC) and the Earth:

  • high accuracy of guidance and mutual tracking is required at distances from half a thousand to tens of thousands of kilometers and when carriers move at cosmic velocities.
  • The principles of receiving and transmitting information over a laser channel become much more complicated.
  • Optoelectronic equipment is becoming more complex: precise optics, precision mechanics, semiconductor and fiber lasers, and highly sensitive receivers.

Experiments on the implementation of space laser communication

Both Russia and the United States of America are experimenting with the implementation of laser communication systems for transmitting large amounts of information.

RF Laser Communication System (SLS)

In 2013, the first Russian experiment was conducted to transmit information using laser systems from the Earth to the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS RS) and back.

The space experiment "SLS" was carried out with the aim of testing and demonstrating Russian technology and equipment for receiving and transmitting information over a space laser communication line.

The objectives of the experiment are:

  • development in space flight conditions on the ISS RS of the main technological and design solutions incorporated into the standard equipment of the inter-satellite laser information transmission system;
  • development of technology for receiving and transmitting information using a laser communication line;
  • study of the possibility and operating conditions of laser communication lines "spacecraft board - ground point" in different atmospheric conditions.

The experiment is planned to be carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the system of receiving and transmitting information flows over the lines "ISS RS-Earth" (3, 125, 622 Mbit/s) and "Earth-ISS RS board" (3 Mbit/s) is being worked out.

At the second stage, it is planned to develop a high-precision guidance system and a system for transmitting information along the line "ISS RS - relay satellite".

The laser communication system at the first stage of the SLS experiment includes two main subsystems:

  • onboard laser communication terminal (BTLS) installed on the Russian segment of the International Space Station (Figure 3);
  • ground laser terminal (LLT) installed at the Arkhyz optical observation station in the North Caucasus (Figure 4).

Objects of study at stage 1 of CE:

  • equipment of the onboard laser communication terminal (BTLN);
  • ground laser communication terminal (LLT) equipment;
  • atmospheric channel of propagation of radiation.

Figure 4. Ground-based laser terminal: astropavilion with an optical-mechanical unit and an adjusting telescope

Laser communication system (SLS) — stage 2.

The second stage of the experiment will be carried out after the successful completion of the first stage and the readiness of a specialized spacecraft of the Luch type for GSO with an onboard terminal of an inter-satellite laser data transmission system. Unfortunately, information about whether the second stage was held or not was not found in open sources. Perhaps the results of the experiment were classified, or the second stage was never carried out. The information transfer scheme is shown in Figure 5.


Almost simultaneously, the American space agency NASA begins the deployment of the OPALS (Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science) laser system.

“OPALS is the first experimental site for the development of laser space communications technologies, and the International Space Station will act as a test site for the OPALS system,” says Michael Kokorowski, OPALS Project Manager and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL) - "Future laser communication systems, which will be developed based on OPALS technologies, will be able to provide the exchange of large amounts of information, which will eliminate the bottleneck that in some cases holds back scientific research and commercial enterprises."

The OPALS system is a sealed container that contains electronics connected via an optical cable to a laser transceiver (Figure 6). This device includes a laser collimator and a tracking camera mounted on a moving platform. The OPALS facility will be sent to the ISS aboard the Dragon spacecraft, which will launch into space this December. Upon delivery, the container and transmitter will be installed outside the station and a 90-day field test program for the system will begin.

How OPALS works:

From the Earth, specialists from the Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory will send a beam of laser light towards the space station, which will act as a beacon. The equipment of the OPALS system, having caught this signal, with the help of special drives, will aim its transmitter at the ground-based telescope, which will serve as a receiver, and transmit a response signal. If there is no interference in the path of laser light beams, the communication channel will be established and the transmission of video and telemetric information will begin over it, which for the first time will last about 100 seconds.

European data transmission system (European Data Relay System abbr. EDRS).

The European Data Relay System (EDRS) is a project planned by the European Space Agency to create a constellation of advanced geostationary satellites that will transmit information between satellites, spacecraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground stations, providing faster than traditional transmission methods data speed, even in the face of natural and man-made disasters.

EDRS will use the new Laser Communication Terminal (LCT) laser communication technology. The laser terminal will allow information to be transmitted at a speed of 1.8 Gbps. LCT technology will enable EDRS satellites to transmit and receive about 50 terabytes of data per day in near real time.

The first EDRS communication satellite is to be launched into geostationary orbit in early 2016 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on a Russian Proton launch vehicle. Once in geosynchronous orbit over Europe, the satellite will lay laser links between the four Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites of the Copernicus Earth Observation Space Program, unmanned aerial vehicles, and ground stations in Europe. , Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and the northeast coast of the USA.

A second, similar satellite will be launched in 2017, with a third satellite scheduled for launch in 2020. In sum, these three satellites will be able to cover the entire planet with laser communications.

Prospects for the development of laser communication in space.

Advantages of laser communication compared to radio communication:

  • transmission of information over long distances
  • high transfer rate
  • compactness and lightness of equipment for data transmission
  • energy efficiency

Disadvantages of laser communication:

  • the need for precise targeting of receiving and transmitting devices
  • atmospheric problems (cloudiness, dust, etc.)

Laser communication makes it possible to transmit data over much greater distances relative to radio communication, the transmission rate is also higher due to the high concentration of energy and a much higher carrier frequency (by orders of magnitude). Energy efficiency, low weight and compactness are also many times or orders of magnitude better. Difficulties in the form of the need for precise targeting of receiving and transmitting devices can be solved by modern technical means. In addition, receiving ground devices can be located in regions of the Earth where the number of cloudy days is minimal.

In addition to the problems presented above, there is another problem - this is the divergence and attenuation of the laser beam when passing through the atmosphere. The problem is especially aggravated when the beam passes through layers with different densities. When passing through interfaces, a beam of light, including a laser beam, experiences particularly strong refraction, scattering, and attenuation. In this case, we can observe a kind of light spot, which is obtained precisely when passing through such an interface between the media. There are several such boundaries in the Earth's atmosphere - at an altitude of about 2 km (active weather atmospheric layer), at an altitude of about 10 km, and at an altitude of about 80-100 km, i.e. already at the edge of space. Layer heights are given for middle latitudes for the summer period. For other latitudes and other times of the year, the heights and the very number of media interfaces can differ greatly from those described.

Thus, when entering the Earth's atmosphere, the laser beam, which had previously calmly traveled millions of kilometers without any loss (perhaps a slight defocusing), loses the lion's share of its power over some unfortunate tens of kilometers. However, this, at first glance, bad fact, we can turn to our advantage. Since this fact allows us to do without any serious pointing of the beam at the receiver. For as such a receiver, or rather the primary receiver, we can just use these very boundaries between layers and environments. We can point the telescope at the resulting spot of light and read information from it. Of course, this will noticeably add the amount of interference and reduce the data transfer rate. And make it generally impossible in the daytime. But this will make it possible to reduce the cost of the spacecraft by saving on the guidance system. This is especially true for satellites in non-stationary orbits, as well as for spacecraft for deep space research.

At the moment, if we consider the connection "Earth - SC and SC - Earth", the optimal solution is the synergy of laser and radio communications. Quite convenient and promising is the transmission of data from the spacecraft to the Earth using laser communication, and from the Earth to the spacecraft by radio communication. This is due to the fact that the laser receiving module is a rather bulky system (most often a telescope), which captures laser radiation and converts it into electrical signals, which are then amplified and converted into useful information using known methods. It is not easy to install such a system on a spacecraft, since most often there are requirements for compactness and low weight. At the same time, the laser signal transmitter has small dimensions and weight compared to antennas for transmitting a radio signal.

Optical fibers and laser communication

Since antiquity, light has been used to convey messages. China, Egypt, and Greece used smoke during the day and fire at night to transmit signals. Among the first historical evidence of optical communication, we can recall the siege of Troy. In his tragedy "Agamemnon", Aeschylus gives a detailed description of the chain of signal lights on the tops of the mountains of Ida, Anthos. Masisto, Egiplanto and Aracnea, as well as on the cliffs of Lemno and Kifara, to transmit to Argo the news of the capture of Troy by the Achaeans.

In later but ancient times, the Roman Emperor Tiberius, while in Capri, used light signals to communicate with the coast.

On Capri, you can still see the ruins of the ancient "Faro" (light) near the villa of Emperor Tiberius on Mount Tiberio.

In North America, one of the first optical communication systems was installed about 300 years ago in the colony of New France (now the province of Quebec in Canada). The regional government, fearful of the possibility of an attack by the English fleet, set up a number of beacon positions in many villages along the St. Lawrence River. There were at least 13 points in this circuit, which began at Il Verte, about 200 km downstream from Quebec. Since the beginning of the 1700s. in each of these villages, every night of the navigation period, there was a sentry whose task was to observe the signal sent from the village downstream and transmit it further. With such a system, the message of the British attack in 1759 reached Quebec before it was too late.

In 1790 a French engineer, Claude Chappe, invented semaphores (optical telegraph) placed on towers mounted within sight of one another, allowing messages to be sent from one tower to another. In 1880, Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) received a patent for a "photophone" device that used reflected sunlight to transmit sound to a receiver. The reflected light was modulated in intensity by vibrating a reflective membrane placed at the end of the tube into which Bell spoke. The light traveled a distance of about 200 m and hit a selenium cell (photodetector) connected to the telephone. Although Bell regarded the photophone as his most important invention, its use was limited by the weather. However, this circumstance did not prevent Bell from writing to his father:

“I heard intelligible speech produced by sunlight!... One can imagine that this invention has a future!... We will be able to talk with the help of light at any distance within sight without any wires... In a war such communications cannot be interrupted or intercepted.”

The invention of the laser stimulated an increased interest in optical communications. However, it was soon demonstrated that the Earth's atmosphere distorts the propagation of laser light in an undesirable way. Various systems were considered, such as gas lens tubes and dielectric waveguides, but they were all abandoned in the late 1960s when low-loss optical fibers were developed.

The understanding that thin glass fibers could conduct light through total internal reflection was an old idea known since the 19th century. thanks to the English physicist John Tyndall (1820-1893) and used in tools and for lighting. However, in the 1960s. even the best glasses had a large attenuation of the light transmitted through the fiber, which severely limited the propagation length. At that time, the typical attenuation value was one decibel per meter, meaning that after a 1 m travel, the transmitted power is reduced to 80%. Therefore, only propagation along a fiber several tens of meters long was possible, and the only application was medicine, such as endoscopes. In 1966, Charles Kao and George Hockham from the Standard Telecommunications Laboratory (UK) published a fundamental work in which they showed that if impurities are carefully eliminated in fused silica, and the fiber is surrounded by a cladding with a lower refractive index, then attenuation can be reduced to -20 dB/km. This means that when passing a length of 1 km, the beam power is attenuated to one hundredth of the input power. Although this is a very small value, it is acceptable for a number of applications.

As is often the case in such situations, intense efforts have begun in the UK, Japan and the US to produce fibers with improved performance. The first success was achieved in 1970 by E. P. Capron, Donald Keck and Robert Mayer of the Corning Glass Company. They made fibers that had a loss of 20 dB/km at a wavelength of 6328 A° (the wavelength of a He-Ne laser). In the same year, I. Hayashi and co-workers reported on a laser diode operating at room temperature.

In 1971, I. Jacobs was appointed director of the Digital Communications Laboratory at AT&T Bell Laboratories (Holmdel, New Jersey, USA) and was tasked with developing systems with high information transfer rates. Its chiefs W. Danielson and R. Kompfner transferred part of the staff to another laboratory, led by S. Miller, in order to "keep an eye" on what was happening in the field of optical fibers. Three years later, Danielson and Kompfner commissioned Jacobs to form a research team to study the feasibility of fiber-based communication. It was clear that the most economical, initial application of systems using light was the communication of telephone exchanges in large cities. Then cables were used for this, and information was transmitted in digital form, by encoding it with a series of pulses. Fibers, with their ability to transmit vast amounts of information, seemed to be the ideal replacement for electrical cables. Offices and telephone exchanges in large cities are located at distances of several kilometers from each other, and even at that time they could be connected without problems, even using fibers with relatively high losses.

So, a preliminary experiment was done in mid-1976 in Atlanta with optical fiber cables placed in tubes of conventional cables. The initial success of these attempts resulted in a system that linked two telephone exchanges in Chicago. Based on these first results, in the fall of 1977, Bell Labs decided to develop an optical system for general use. In 1983, a connection was established between Washington and Boston, although this was associated with many difficulties. This communication system operated at a transmission rate of 90 Mbps. It used multimode fiber at a wavelength of 825 nm.

Meanwhile, NTTC (Japanese telegraph and telephone company) was able to pull fibers with a loss of only 0.5 dB / km at wavelengths of 1.3 and 1.5 microns, and the Lincoln Laboratory at MIT demonstrated the operation of an InGaAsP laser diode capable of continuous operation in the range between 1.0 and 1.7 µm at room temperature. The use of low-loss fibers at 1.3 µm has led to more advanced systems. Systems were built with a throughput of 400 Mbps in Japan and 560 Mbps in Europe. The European system could transmit 8000 telephone channels simultaneously. More than 3.5 million kilometers of fiber have been produced in the US. The only part that still uses copper wire is the connection between the house and the telephone exchange. This "last mile", as it has come to be called, is also becoming the target of fiber communications.

The first transatlantic telegraph cable was put into operation in 1858. Almost a hundred years later, in 1956, the first telephone cable was laid, called TAT-1. In 1988, the first generation of transatlantic cables on optical fibers began to operate (they began to be called TAT-8). They operate at a wavelength of 1.3 microns and link Europe, North America and the Eastern Pacific. In 1991, the installation of the second generation of fiber-optic communication, TAT-9, which operates on 1.3 microns and links the US and Canada with the UK, France and Spain, began. Another line operates between the US and Canada and Japan.

There are a number of other fiber optic lines in the world. For example, the optical submarine link between England and Japan covers 27,300 km in the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and has 120,000 intermediate amplifiers per fiber pair. In comparison, the first transatlantic telephone cable in 1956 used 36 converters, while the first optical cable laid across the Atlantic Ocean used 80,000.

Today, after 30 years of research, optical fibers have reached their physical limits. Silica fibers can transmit infrared pulses at a wavelength of 1.5 microns with a minimum loss of 5% per kilometer. These losses cannot be reduced due to the physical laws of light propagation (Maxwell's laws) and the fundamental nature of glass.

However, there is one achievement that can radically improve the situation. This is the ability to directly amplify optical signals in the fiber, i.e. without having to first extract them from the fibers. By adding suitable elemental impurities such as erbium to the fiber material and excitating them with suitable pump light through the fiber itself, a population inversion between two levels of erbium can be obtained with a transition that is exactly 1.5 µm. As a result, it is possible to obtain an amplification of the light pulse at this wavelength as it propagates through the fiber. A piece of such an active fiber is placed between the two ends of the fibers through which the signal propagates. With the help of an optical coupler, the pump radiation is also directed to this piece. At the output, the remainder of the pump radiation escapes, and the amplified signal continues to propagate through the fiber. Using this approach, intermediate electronic amplifiers can be eliminated. In older electronic amplifier systems, light exited the fiber, was recorded by a photoelectric receiver, the signal was amplified and converted into light that continued to propagate in the next section of the fiber.

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Variations on the theme of space laser communications

  • astronautics

One of the current topics in commercial astronautics, and not only today, is the topic of laser communication. Its advantages are known, tests have been carried out and turned out to be successful or very successful. If anyone knows the pros and cons, I will briefly outline.

Laser communication makes it possible to transmit data over much greater distances relative to radio communication, the transmission rate is also higher due to the high concentration of energy and a much higher carrier frequency (by orders of magnitude). Energy efficiency, low weight and compactness are also many times or orders of magnitude better. As well as the cost - in principle, an ordinary Chinese laser pointer with a power of around 1 W and higher may well be suitable for laser communication in space, which I intend to prove below.

Of the minuses, we can mention, first of all, the need for much more accurate guidance of the receiving and transmitting modules relative to radio communications. Well, the well-known atmospheric problems with clouds and dust. In fact, all these problems are easily solved if you approach them head on.

First of all, let's consider how the receiving module works. It is a specialized (not always) telescope that captures laser radiation and converts it into electrical signals, which are then amplified by known methods and converted into useful information. Communication, of course, as elsewhere now, must be digital and, accordingly, full duplex. But should it be laser in both directions? Absolutely not necessary! Why this is so - it will become clear to us, as soon as we consider how the receiving and transmitting devices for laser communication differ, and how the requirements for the weight and size parameters of communication devices on orbital spacecraft (or deep space spacecraft) and ground-based complexes differ.

As mentioned earlier, the receiving complex is a telescope. With lenses and (or) reflectors, a system for their attachment and pointing of the telescope. And this means - a heavy and bulky design - which is completely unacceptable for a spacecraft. For for a spacecraft, any device should be just as light and compact as possible. Which is quite typical for a LI transmitter - everyone has probably already seen modern PP lasers the size and weight of a fountain pen. Well, the truth is, the power for a real, non-toy laser will weigh more, well, it will weigh even more for radio digital communication systems due to its much lower energy efficiency.

What follows from all this? This means that there is absolutely no need to transmit data in both directions with a laser, it is enough to transmit them only from a satellite in an optical channel, and to a satellite (SC) - in a radio channel, as before. Of course, this means that you still have to use a directional parabolic antenna for reception, which is not good for the weight of the spacecraft. But it should be borne in mind that the antenna for reception, as well as, in fact, the receiver itself, will still weigh several times less than it does for transmission. For we can make the power of a terrestrial transmitter much more powerful than on a spacecraft, which means that we don’t need a large antenna. In some cases, a directional antenna will not be needed at all.

That. we have a reduction in the weight of the spacecraft by almost several times, as well as in energy consumption. Which is a direct road to the possibility of using microsatellites everywhere for communications, space exploration and other needs, which means a sharp reduction in the cost of space. But that's not all.

To begin with, let's consider a way to solve the problem of pointing a laser beam from a satellite to a ground receiver. At first glance, this is a serious problem, and in some cases it is completely unsolvable (if the satellite is not at the geostationary station). But the question is - is it necessary to point the beam at the receiver?

There is a known problem - this is the divergence and attenuation of the laser beam when passing through the atmosphere. The problem is especially aggravated when the beam passes through layers with different densities. When passing through the interface between media, a beam of light, incl. and the laser beam, experiences particularly strong refraction, scattering and attenuation. In this case, we can observe a kind of light spot, which is obtained precisely when passing through such an interface between the media. There are several such boundaries in the Earth's atmosphere - at an altitude of about 2 km (active weather atmospheric layer), at an altitude of about 10 km, and at an altitude of about 80-100 km, i.e. already at the edge of space. Layer heights are given for middle latitudes for the summer period. For other latitudes and other times of the year, the heights and the very number of media interfaces can differ greatly from those described.

That. upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, a laser beam, which had previously calmly traveled millions of kilometers without any loss (perhaps a slight defocusing), loses the lion's share of its power over some unfortunate tens of kilometers. However, this seemingly bad fact, we can perfectly turn to our advantage. For this fact allows us to do without any serious aiming of the beam at the receiver. For as such a receiver, or rather the primary receiver, we can just use the very atmosphere of the Earth, or rather these very interfaces between layers, media. We can simply point the telescope at the resulting spot of light and read information from it. Of course, this will noticeably add the amount of interference and reduce the data transfer rate. And it will make it generally impossible in the daytime for obvious reasons - the Sun! But how much can we reduce the cost of a satellite by saving on the guidance system! This is especially true for satellites in non-stationary orbits, as well as for spacecraft for deep space research. In addition, given that lasers, even with such a low-quality, not narrow frequency band, as Chinese lasers, it is quite possible to filter out interference using light filters or narrow-frequency photodetectors.

No less relevant could be the use of laser communication not for space, but for terrestrial long-distance communication in a manner similar to tropospheric communication. This refers to the transmission of data by a laser also using atmospheric scattering at the interfaces of atmospheric layers from one point on the Earth's surface to another. The range of such communication can reach hundreds and thousands of kilometers, and even more when using the relay principle.

Tags: laser communication, space

E. N. Chepusov, S. G. Sharonin

Today it is impossible to imagine our life without computers and networks based on them. Mankind is on the threshold of a new world in which a single information space will be created. In this world, communication will no longer be restricted by physical boundaries, time or distance.

Now all over the world there is a huge number of networks that perform various functions and solve many different problems. Sooner or later, but there always comes a moment when the network bandwidth is exhausted and new communication lines need to be laid. Inside the building, this is relatively easy to do, but already when two neighboring buildings are connected, difficulties begin. Special permits, approvals, licenses to carry out work are required, as well as the fulfillment of a number of complex technical requirements and the satisfaction of considerable financial requests from organizations that manage land or sewerage. As a rule, it immediately turns out that the shortest path between two buildings is not a straight line. And it is not at all necessary that the length of this path will be comparable to the distance between these buildings.

Of course, everyone knows a wireless solution based on various radio equipment (radio modems, low-channel radio-relay lines, microwave digital transmitters). But the complexity is not decreasing. The air is oversaturated and getting permission to use radio equipment is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. And the throughput of this equipment significantly depends on its cost.

We propose to use a new cost-effective type of wireless communication, which has arisen quite recently - laser communication. This technology was most developed in the USA, where it was developed. Laser communications provides a cost-effective solution to the problem of reliable, high-speed short-range (1.2 km) communications that can arise when interconnecting telecommunications systems across buildings. Its use will allow for the integration of local networks with global ones, the integration of local networks remote from each other, and also to meet the needs of digital telephony. Laser communication supports all interfaces necessary for these purposes - from RS-232 to ATM.

How is laser communication carried out?

Laser communication, in contrast to GSM communication, makes it possible to make point-to-point connections with information transfer rates up to 155 Mbit/s. In computer and telephone networks, laser communication ensures the exchange of information in full duplex mode. For applications that do not require high transmission speeds (for example, for the transmission of video and control signals in technological and CCTV systems), there is a special cost-effective solution with half-duplex exchange. When it is required to combine not only computer, but also telephone networks, models of laser devices with a built-in multiplexer can be used to simultaneously transmit LAN traffic and digital multicast telephony streams (E1 / PCM30).

Laser devices can transmit any network stream that is delivered to them using fiber or copper cable in the forward and reverse directions. The transmitter converts electrical signals into modulated laser radiation in the infrared range with a wavelength of 820 nm and a power of up to 40 mW. Laser communication uses the atmosphere as a propagation medium. Then the laser beam enters the receiver, which has the maximum sensitivity in the range of the radiation wavelength. The receiver converts the laser radiation into signals of the used electrical or optical interface. This is how communication is carried out using laser systems.

Families, models and their features

In this section, we want to introduce you to the three families of the most popular laser systems in the US - LOO, OmniBeam 2000 and OmniBeam 4000 (Table 1). The LOO family is the base family and allows data and voice transmissions up to 1000 m. The OmniBeam 2000 family has similar capabilities, but operates at a greater distance (up to 1200 m) and can transmit video images and a combination of data and speech. The OmniBeam 4000 family can carry out high-speed data transmission: from 34 to 52 Mbps up to 1200 m and from 100 to 155 Mbps up to 1000 m. There are other families of laser systems on the market, but they either cover a shorter distance, or support fewer protocols.

Table 1.


Ethernet (10 Mbps)

Token Ring (416 Mbps)

E1 (2 Mbps)

video image

Combination of data and speech

High speed data transfer (34-155Mbps)

Possibility of modernization

Each of the families includes a set of models that support various communication protocols (Table 2). The LOO family includes economical models that provide transmission distances up to 200 m (the letter "S" at the end of the name).

Table 2.

The undoubted advantage of laser communication devices is their compatibility with most telecommunications equipment for various purposes (hubs, routers, repeaters, bridges, multiplexers and automatic telephone exchanges).

Installation of laser systems

An important step in creating a system is its installation. The actual power-on takes negligible time compared to the installation and setup of laser equipment, which takes several hours, provided that they are carried out by well-trained and equipped specialists. At the same time, the quality of the system itself will depend on the quality of these operations. Therefore, before presenting typical inclusion options, we would like to pay some attention to these issues.

When placed outdoors, the transceivers can be installed on the surface of roofs or walls. The laser is mounted on a special rigid support, usually metal, which is attached to the wall of the building. The support also provides the ability to adjust the angle of inclination and azimuth of the beam.

In this case, for ease of installation and maintenance of the system, its connection is carried out through junction boxes (RK). As connecting cables, optical fiber is usually used for data transmission circuits and copper cable for power and control circuits. If the equipment does not have an optical data interface, then a model with an electrical interface or an external optical modem can be used.

The power supply unit (PSU) of the transceiver is always installed indoors and can be mounted on a wall or in a rack that is used for LAN equipment or structured cabling. A status monitor can also be installed nearby, which serves for remote control of the operation of transceivers of the OB2000 and OB4000 families. Its use allows diagnosing the laser channel, indicating the signal value, as well as looping the signal to check it.

When installing laser transceivers internally, it must be remembered that the laser radiation power drops when passing through glass (at least 4% on each glass). Another problem is water droplets running down the outside of the glass when it rains. They play the role of lenses and can lead to beam scattering. To reduce this effect, it is recommended to install the equipment close to the top of the glass.

To ensure high-quality communication, it is necessary to take into account some basic requirements.

The most important of them, without which communication will be impossible, is that the buildings must be within line of sight, while there should be no opaque obstacles in the path of the beam. In addition, since the laser beam in the receiver area has a diameter of 2 m, it is necessary that the transceivers be above pedestrians and traffic at a height of at least 5 m. This is due to safety regulations. Transport is also a source of gases and dust, which affect the reliability and quality of transmission. The beam should not propagate in the immediate vicinity of power lines or cross them. It is necessary to take into account the possible growth of trees, the movement of their crowns during gusts of wind, as well as the influence of precipitation and possible malfunctions due to flying birds.

The correct choice of transceiver guarantees stable operation of the channel in the entire range of climatic conditions in Russia. For example, with a large beam diameter, the probability of failures associated with precipitation is reduced.

Laser equipment is not a source of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). However, if it is placed near devices with EMI, then the electronic equipment of the laser will pick up this radiation, which can cause a change in the signal in both the receiver and the transmitter. This will affect the quality of communication, so it is not recommended to place laser equipment near EMI sources such as powerful radio stations, antennas, etc.

When installing a laser, it is desirable to avoid the orientation of laser transceivers in the east-west direction, since several days a year the sun's rays can block the laser radiation for several minutes, and transmission will become impossible, even with special optical filters in the receiver. Knowing how the sun moves across the sky in a particular area, you can easily solve this problem.

Vibration can cause the laser transceiver to shift. To avoid this, it is not recommended to install laser systems near motors, compressors, etc.

Figure 1. Placement and connection of laser transceivers.

Several typical ways to turn on

Laser communication will help solve the problem of short-range communication in a point-to-point connection. As examples, consider several typical options or methods of inclusion. So, you have a central office (CO) and a branch (F), each of which has a computer network.

Figure 2 shows a variant of the organization of a communication channel for the case in which it is required to combine the F and the CO, using Ethernet as the network protocol, and coaxial cable (thick or thin) as the physical medium. The CO hosts the LAN server, and the PC hosts the computers that need to be connected to this server. With the help of laser systems, for example models LOO-28/LOO-28S or OB2000E, you can easily solve this problem. The bridge is installed in the CO, and the repeater in the F. If the bridge or repeater has an optical interface, then an optical minimodem is not required. The laser transceivers are connected via dual optical fiber. Model LOO-28S will allow you to communicate at a distance of up to 213 m, and LOO-28 - up to 1000 m with a "confident" reception angle of 3 mrad. The OB2000E model covers distances up to 1200 m at a "good" reception angle of 5 mrad. All of these models operate in full duplex mode and provide a transfer rate of 10 Mbps.

Figure 2. Connecting a remote Ethernet LAN segment based on coaxial cable.

A similar option for combining two Ethernet networks using a twisted pair (10BaseT) as a physical medium is shown in Figure 3. Its difference lies in the fact that instead of a bridge and a repeater, hubs are used that have the required number of 10BaseT connectors and one AUI or FOIRL for connecting laser transceivers. In this case, it is necessary to install a laser transceiver LOO-38 or LOO-38S, which provides the required transmission rate in full duplex mode. The LOO-38 model can communicate up to 1000m and the LOO-38S up to 213m.

Figure 3. Connecting a remote twisted-pair Ethernet LAN segment.

Figure 4 shows a variant of combined data transmission between two LANs (Ethernet) and multicast digital stream E1 (PCM30) between two PBXs (in CO and F). To solve this problem, the OB2846 model is suitable, which provides data and voice transmission at a speed of 12 (10 + 2) Mbps over a distance of up to 1200 m. 75 ohm coaxial cable via BNC connector. It should be noted that the multiplexing of data and speech flows does not require additional equipment and is performed by transceivers without reducing the throughput of each of them separately.

Figure 4. Unification of computer and telephone networks.

An embodiment of high-speed data transmission between two LANs (LAN "A" in the CO and LAN "B" in the F) using ATM switches and laser transceivers is shown in Figure 5. The OB4000 model will solve the problem of high-speed short-range communication in an optimal way. You will be able to transmit E3, OS1, SONET1 and ATM52 streams at the required speeds over a distance of up to 1200 m, and 100 Base-VG or VG ANYLAN (802.12), 100 Base-FX or Fast Ethernet (802.3), FDDI, TAXI 100/ 140, OC3, SONET3 and ATM155 at the required speeds up to 1000 m. The transmitted data is delivered to the laser transceiver using a standard dual optical fiber connected via an SMA connector.

Figure 5. Aggregation of high-speed telecommunication networks.

The examples given do not exhaust all possible applications of laser equipment.

What is more profitable?

Let's try to determine the place of laser communication among other wired and wireless solutions, briefly evaluating their advantages and disadvantages (Table 3).

Table 3

Estimated cost

copper cable

Optical fiber

radio channel

Laser channel

from 3 to 7 thousand dollars. per 1 km

up to 10 thousand dollars per 1 km

from 7 to 100 thousand dollars. per set

12-22 thousand dollars. per set

Time for preparation and installation

Preparation of works and laying - up to 1 month; installation of HDSL modems - several hours

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