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Internet marketing manager job description. Marketing Job Description

Job description Internet marketer

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. An Internet marketer belongs to the category of company employees.
1.2. Appointment to the position of an Internet marketer and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise.
1.3. The Internet Marketer reports directly to the Head of the Internet Marketing Department.
1.4. During the absence of an Internet marketer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official which acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to it.
1.5. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the position of an Internet marketer.
1.6. An internet marketer should know:
— procedures and other quality documentation relevant to its activities;
— basics of advertising and marketing of Internet projects on the Internet;
- work principles search engines, banner networks, directories of web-resources;
- rules for the preparation of materials for the conclusion of contracts;
- Possess professional skills of work and adjustment software products MS Office, means of access to Internet resources.
1.7. An Internet marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company's charter, internal labor regulations, other company regulations;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of an Internet marketer

The Internet Marketer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops strategies and plans for the development of the project.
2.2. Ensures the implementation of the project development plan.
2.3. The expansion of the customer base.
2.4. Supervises the work on the project, prepares monthly reports on the project and provides them to the head of the information technology department.
2.5. Analyzes resource attendance and work to promote the project on the Internet.
2.6. Provides responses to incoming customer inquiries.
2.7. Provides accounting for the implementation of contracts.

3. Rights of an Internet Marketer

Internet marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions within your competence.
3.2. Require management to create normal conditions to perform official duties.
3.3. Submit suggestions to improve your work.

E-commerce in our country is not very developed and this is mainly due to the lack of specialists, including Internet marketers. There is a noticeable lack of both managers and simply competent and experienced specialists. It follows from this that there are few employees in the field of Internet marketing, and, accordingly, the demand for these professions in the labor market is very high.

Without these specialists, it is very difficult for companies whose activities affect network resources. This fact provokes an increase in the wages of professionals in this field, and competition between companies to attract such valuable personnel is very fierce. Employers are willing to pay from 50 to 100 thousand rubles a month experienced craftsmen to attract them to your business.

Education requirements

Now, to get the position of an Internet marketer, studying at a university is not necessary; due to a shortage of personnel, employers rarely require potential employees to present diplomas. This is partly due to the fact that training in this area is just beginning to develop, the profession is quite new and has not really entered the main human resource market yet. In this connection, the most important thing is that the employee understands what he will have to work with, of course, there are basic requirements for the applicant, but they have not yet been very formulated.

Internet marketing training

But in general, the ideal employee should combine knowledge, both in the humanitarian sphere, and understand the technical side of the issue. And, of course, creative skills in this profession are very important. As for humanitarian knowledge, the employee is required to be able to correctly express his thoughts and ideas.

He should be able to create selling texts, taking into account human psychology and their preferences. Technical knowledge can include the need to collect and analyze data in order to understand how the market works and what is more relevant to consumers now. But creativity is necessary to create something new, meaning content, advertising, ways to promote a product, and much more.

What knowledge is needed

In our country, full-fledged faculties that train future Internet marketers have not yet been formed. Therefore, most of the specialists who have chosen this particular path to build their careers are graduates of humanitarian higher educational institutions. But employers value applicants who have received education in the field of sociology, marketing and journalism much more. This is due to the fact that the knowledge of sociology includes the theoretical side of the network and the behavior of potential consumers.

Knowing how people behave in general makes it much easier to build strategies for promoting products on the Internet. In addition, sociology includes the study of statistics, which is undoubtedly an important part of the work of an Internet marketer. Not less than useful skills and knowledge can be obtained at the Faculty of Marketing. Its classical foundations and the rules of the market as a whole will help to fulfill the duties that companies impose on their employees with high quality and efficiency. In addition, everything that is used in classical marketing is quite suitable for the network market.

It is important to understand that this work implies that the employee will constantly update his knowledge so that it remains relevant in the mode of the present moment. Therefore, apart from general education, attending conferences in this field and various courses are recommended. An Internet marketer must study network technologies, gain knowledge and certificates on passing a variety of trainings in this direction. Many employers for such a manifestation of interest in their professional level increase their employees' wages and working conditions.

Qualities of an employee

The Internet business is much tougher than its classical counterpart, so the most important thing in this business is to be really passionate about your work. Any manifestations of laziness and fear can destroy the whole strategy, a person must constantly move forward without fear, otherwise his brand will be lost among many others. Employers are ready to pay insane amounts for work to those applicants who have a keen interest in development, are constantly learning something new and want to always be in trend. In the network, a specialist must understand everything one hundred percent, understand every detail, and this is actually very difficult given the speed of changes taking place on the Internet and the satiety of consumers.

Technologies develop daily, new digital tools appear, and whoever manages to implement them on their website first wins the race in attracting customers. It is very important for employers that the applicant can look at the world creatively and have a creative approach to creation. Really. an experienced professional in the Internet field is well aware that only the ability to create, quickly find solutions to emerging problems and experiment, will allow you to do your job on highest level. A routine approach will not work here, everything changes very quickly, and in order not to go astray, you need to not only learn new things, but also independently come up with solutions on how best to attract customers.

other skills

Among other things, employers greatly value attentiveness, ability to analyze and perseverance in applicants for a position in Moscow as an Internet marketer. These skills are very important in order to understand the specifics of the promoted product on the network. In addition, the employee will need to analyze the audience of the site and develop advertising strategies against the backdrop of their findings.

Many people think that the work of a marketer is very simple and nonchalant, and he just turns his fantasies into reality. In fact, this specialist also has enough routine work. It is very monotonous and consists in conducting analyses, counting numbers and drawing up graphs. Thanks to perseverance, an employee will be able to process large amounts of information, and attentiveness will help him not to get confused in this data.

An Internet marketer must be sociable, since his duties include communication with colleagues and competitors. He must give tasks to contractors, explain to customers why they should purchase this product. In addition, it is this employee who is responsible for communicating with dissatisfied customers. In addition, the ability to write interesting and competent writing, perseverance, and the desire to overcome obstacles without fear are appreciated.

Professional skills

An Internet marketer, in the course of performing his job duties, performs a whole range of activities that help promote a company in the field of Internet services. He is obliged to attract new customers, bring products to a certain level. Usually this indicator is calculated by analyzing the Internet traffic of the company's website. The specialist also analyzes the market, evaluates the factors that affect the sales of goods, develops the brand and maintains the image of the company.

Main goals

Many believe that the responsibility of the employee holding this position is only to promote products in the Internet environment and attract new customers. But his tasks also include increasing the company's reputation in the network. Therefore, an employee can be entrusted with the creation and coordination of the company's website. He also develops and implements advertising campaigns and promotions. In addition, he analyzes the results of his activities and, based on the results, changes the strategy for promoting the company on the network.


Main function employee is, first of all, the development of tactics and strategies for network promotion, both of the product and of the company itself. In addition, the employee advertising companies, after which he evaluates their effectiveness and, based on the results of these results, is further engaged in promotion. He must promote not only the product or company, but also deal with its website.

The duties of an Internet marketer include monitoring site traffic, implementing strategies to increase traffic, optimization and SEO audit. An employee may be assigned to post content on blogs, forums, and in social networks. In addition, he is developing terms of reference for other professionals involved in network technologies, including programmers, designers, copywriters and more. He also analyzes the work of competitors.


Mostly, different companies make demands on their employees. This can be judged by the feedback that Internet marketers leave about their work. Large companies have a large staff, so the functions of the employee are limited, but larger than in small companies. But firms that have recently appeared on this market prefer to entrust the employee with many tasks. When considering vacancies, you can find information about the duties assigned to an employee, namely:

  • CPC, CPA, contextual, teaser and display advertising, media planning and retargeting.
  • SMM refers to the promotion of a company in social networks, forums, related communities.
  • SMO, email and SMS mailings.
  • Usage affiliate programs to attract an audience.
  • Building tasks and interacting with freelancers.
  • Web analytics, testing.

Required Experience

To get a high-paying position, employers may require applicants to have some work experience in this area. Very often it is required that an employee has a portfolio with what he has already done in practice. For example, attracted a large number of traffic, while saving on leads, created landing page, having a high convention, created and profited from Internet portals, where he attracted big traffic. Sometimes it is required that the employee has experience in creating and profiting from groups in social networks, as well as the presence of subscriber bases and the ability to make mass mailings.


Analyzing this profession, we can safely say that the school of Internet marketers produces specialists who are developed in almost all industries. This is at the same time a strategist, analyst, psychologist, writer, creative, mathematician, designer and communicator. Of course, in large companies, all these responsibilities are distributed among several employees. But in general, network marketers are very versatile individuals, and for this they are paid a lot of money.


Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. An Internet marketer belongs to the category of company employees.
1.2. Appointment to the position of an Internet marketer and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise.
1.3. The Internet Marketer reports directly to the Head of the Internet Marketing Department.
1.4. During the absence of an Internet marketer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the position of an Internet marketer.
1.6. An internet marketer should know:
— procedures and other quality documentation relevant to its activities;
- basics of advertising and marketing of Internet projects on the Internet;
- principles of operation of search engines, banner networks, directories of web-resources;
- rules for the preparation of materials for the conclusion of contracts;
- have professional skills in working and setting up MS Office software products, means of accessing Internet resources.
1.7. An Internet marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the charter of the company, internal labor regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of an Internet marketer

The Internet Marketer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops strategies and plans for the development of the project.
2.2. Ensures the implementation of the project development plan.
2.3. The expansion of the customer base.
2.4. Supervises the work on the project, prepares monthly reports on the project and provides them to the head of the information technology department.
2.5. Analyzes resource attendance and work to promote the project on the Internet.
2.6. Provides responses to incoming customer inquiries.
2.7. Provides accounting for the implementation of contracts.

3. Rights of an Internet Marketer

Internet marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions within your competence.
3.2. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
3.3. Submit suggestions to improve your work.

4. Responsibility of the Internet Marketer

The Internet Marketer is responsible for:

4.1. Unclear and untimely performance of their functional duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Incorrect communication with clients.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the head of the Internet marketing department and the director of the organization.
4.5. Violation of the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
4.6. Disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret of the organization.
4.7. Failure, damage to material assets, if failure, damage occurred through the fault of an Internet marketer.

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Internet marketer - one who is fully responsible for promoting a company, product, service in global network. Such a specialist controls the work of copywriters, layout designers and designers, checks the results of their activities, selects optimal channels promotions - SEO, contextual advertising, teaser networks, PR on third-party sites.

An Internet marketer often develops a comprehensive promotion strategy, and specific tasks- for example, setting up advertising - delegates to specialists. Then it monitors performance indicators and adjusts the strategy. But if necessary, he can do search engine promotion or advertising settings.

The profession of an Internet marketer arose when the first sites appeared - that is, in the middle of the last century. All this time it has been actively developing, and today it has good prospects. For example, only on in June 2018 in the Moscow region there were 383 current vacancies for Internet marketers. And according to the same site, the profession is in the TOP-10 most in demand in Russia.

Other professions:

The list of duties of a specialist varies greatly depending on the specifics of the project he is working on and the requirements of the employer. The most common responsibilities of an Internet marketer include:

  • SEO- search promotion site, bringing it to the TOP for certain positions.
  • : creation, promotion of groups and communities of the company.
  • Contextual, targeted, teaser and others - a specialist must configure it himself or delegate duties to professionals.
  • Working with web analytics systems - for example, with Yandex.Metrica, tracking user behavior on the site.
  • Project and staff management - a good internet marketer easily manages a team and implements new ideas to promote projects.
  • Development of technical specifications for performers - designers, typesetters, authors, contextologists and others.
  • Development and implementation of PR campaigns - for example, posting publications on relevant sites
  • SERM - timely response to negative reviews in the global network and competent processing of negative feedback.

The list of responsibilities is long. Basically, it is management of other specialists and analytics. Therefore, the profession is well suited for sociable people with an analytical mindset.

Screenshot of one of the vacancies on 23 duties for 120-150 thousand per month


The main requirement of most employers is experience in the field. Someone requires 1 year of experience, someone - from 5-6 years. The more experience, the more a specialist is willing to pay. There are those who are ready to hire a beginner, but usually the salary of such specialists is much lower compared to professionals.

The most common requirements for an Internet marketer:

  • Experience in SEO, preferably - bringing one or more sites to TOP positions in search results
  • Experience in SMM, often - attracting subscribers at a relatively low cost
  • Experience in setting up or monitoring settings different types advertising - media, contextual, retargeting and others
  • Leading a department or several freelancers
  • Experience in integrated promotion one or more sites

Employers often require qualification confirmation - successful cases, certificates from search engines, "crusts" from different courses. If you study at a prestigious institution, you may be hired without experience. By the way, in many requirements there are such as communication skills, an analytical mindset or the ability to work with negativity.

To understand if you have necessary qualities, evaluate your behavior objectively. If you easily converge with different people, then you are sociable. If you are distinguished by a great craving for the exact sciences and can easily decide logical tasks It means you have an analytical mind. If it is difficult to quarrel with you, then you know how to work with negativity.

The level of income of an Internet marketer depends entirely on his competencies. The more a specialist can do, the more the employer will appreciate him. The more effective projects a marketer shows, the more he gets paid.

In the region Moscow and the middle region wage Internet marketer, judging by the vacancies on, is about 100,000 rubles. In other regions, it ranges from 20,000 to 90,000 rubles, depending on the population in the city, the level of salaries in it and the requirements of the employer. But if an Internet marketer works really well and runs several projects at the same time, and does not sit on the staff of one company, the amount of his income can easily exceed 150,000 rubles.

Good positions with normal salaries can be found:

  • In Internet marketing agencies - find them in the search, view current vacancies, send your resume. The first few months, most likely, you will work as an intern, but then you will have the opportunity to move up the career ladder.
  • On sites with vacancies - Avito, and others. There are many ads for the search for employees - it remains only to choose the appropriate conditions.
  • In social networks. Many private clients - for example, individual entrepreneurs - publish their ads there. Jobs can be found by hashtags or search in news feed or in special communities.

On the screen from - the company's willingness to pay 100,000 rubles in the hands of a competent marketer


You can learn a profession online without leaving your home - many companies offer this opportunity. For example, you can take courses in:

  • Netology - this large educational company periodically conducts training that suits everyone - beginners, offline marketers, specialists from other related professions
  • Geekbrains and Adventum agency. They jointly teach beginners everything they know themselves. Taught by real internet marketers with 5+ years of experience.
  • Completo. The company offers free course which can be taken at any convenient time and remotely.

There are many good deals on the market. If you are a beginner, choose courses for those who have just entered the profession: they tell in detail about all the nuances of work. For example, Netology provides a good practical basis. If you already have little experience, it is better to study individual areas of Internet marketing - those that are unfamiliar to you in order to fully master the situation, or those in which you have already worked in order to pump up your competencies.

Instead of a conclusion

  • The profession of an Internet marketer is interesting, multifaceted and complex.
  • An Internet marketer has many responsibilities - from bringing a product to market to monitoring the work of employees.
  • Employers often make demands on the experience of specialists, and those who are looking for newcomers usually pay little.
  • The average earnings of an Internet marketer in Moscow is 100,000 rubles per month: you can earn more or less
  • You can get training in the profession remotely, for a fee and free of charge, for people with different levels training

While writing this article, I myself wanted to become an Internet marketer. Do you want to get into the profession? Share your opinion about it in the comments!

An Internet marketer is a specialist who carries out a set of marketing activities in the field of network technologies in order to promote goods and various services on the market.

Internet marketer is a specialist who carries out a set of marketing activities in the field of network technologies in order to promote goods and various services on the market.

In other words, marketing strategies and tactics used in real business are transferred to the world of network technologies. The package of marketing actions includes the following:

  • market research;
  • attracting and retaining customers;
  • improving the quality and attractiveness of products to a certain level;
  • creating a positive image of the company.

A good Internet marketer is not only a professional in Internet technologies, but also a person who understands psychology potential clients.

The profession of an Internet marketer, despite its novelty, is in great demand, especially in the CIS markets. With the growing popularity of online stores, the demand for specialists who create and maintain sales sites is also growing. Moreover, the trend is such that the growth in the number of online stores does not keep pace with the emergence of the required number of Internet marketers, despite the fact that Internet marketing as a new discipline is developing rapidly. And it already has its own rules and laws. Properly used Internet marketing methods, such as contextual advertising, E-mail marketing, SEO optimization, web analytics, allow you to create successful online stores and auctions where you can buy absolutely everything. Among the most famous are AliExpress, Ebay and many others.

Internet marketing requires a variety of skills:

  • ability to analyze the market, sites;
  • organize advertising campaigns;
  • track traffic channels;
  • supervise specialists (SEO, SMM, E-mail marketers).

At present, the traditional intrusive adware in real business is on the decline and annoying consumers. While online advertising is gaining momentum, especially in social networks, where the population of the country spends a lot of time. There is also all the information about consumers that Internet marketers analyze and can make forecasts of consumer behavior, while also introducing their advertising on social networks. Promotion in social networks can double the sales of goods of an online store.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities of an Internet marketer are extensive and combine, as in the name of the profession, the skills of a marketer and a specialist in Internet technologies, namely:

  • classical marketing research on the Internet - analysis of competitors and the position of your company in the market;
  • creation marketing strategies and tactics to attract potential buyers- Internet users;
  • active promotion of the company's brand, creation of its attractive image and promotion among communities in social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.;
    creation advertising campaigns through traffic from paid sites in browsers (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.) and social networks;
  • optimization of CPL, CTR, CPC;
  • management of SEO-promotion of the site, filling the content of the pages;
  • development of an email marketing strategy - setting up triggers and creating mailing layouts, regular analysis their effectiveness;
  • direct mailing to the address base of interesting offers of the company - direct-marketing;
  • facilitating the growth of organic traffic in search engines for key queries;
  • conversion of traffic into leads;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, web analysis, usability and A / B testing;
  • development advertising materials— banners, posts, landing page;
  • creation of advertising budgets and media plans;
  • constant monitoring and optimization of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • mobile marketing with site optimization for mobile devices;
  • retargeting setup.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • High demand and appropriate pay
  • The need to constantly develop
  • Lots of creative work
  • Possibility remote work and combination of several projects
  • The opportunity to get a profession without studying at a university, but on short-term courses


  • On the early stages work - low wages
  • Possible customer dissatisfaction with the results of work
  • A lot of routine and monotonous work related to monitoring and statistics
  • When working as a freelancer, the possibility of dishonest payment by the employer

Place of work

Internet marketing is a universal profession that allows you to work both in the IT field and in retail: electronic commerce, new media, games, web portals. It is possible to work as a freelancer, which is provided by sites for specialists of any level:,,,

Important qualities

  • Creativity
  • analytic mind
  • constant striving to learn new things
  • special flair for fashion trends on the Internet
  • the ability to work ahead of competitors and find a way out of deadlock situations
  • initiative
  • a responsibility
  • perseverance, patience
  • ability to negotiate
  • ability to work with large amounts of information
  • the ability to switch from creative work to routine
  • perseverance in overcoming difficulties
  • sociability
  • leadership skills

Training for an Internet marketer (education)

Successful Internet marketers can be graduates of marketing, journalistic and sociological areas of universities who are accustomed to working with information and statistics, familiar with the behavior of mass Internet users.


Salary as of 03/26/2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 30000—108000 ₽

Working as a freelancer, you can combine several projects. An experienced Internet marketer can receive a salary at the level of top managers. But even a mid-level specialist has a much higher salary than traditional marketers in a real business. Remuneration is based on the specific results of the work of an Internet marketer: an increase in sales to specific numbers, an increase in profits, etc.

Career steps and prospects

An aspiring internet marketer can start their career as an intern or marketing assistant in an industry of interest while still studying. As a rule, he will have to deal with routine work— statistics and monitoring. The next step is a junior Internet marketer, then an Internet marketer, a senior Internet marketer, and then to the head of the marketing department (marketing director).

Interesting facts about the profession, terminology

The processes of attracting and retaining customers can be divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Lead generation is to attract a client to the site and convince him to make the first purchase.
  2. Lead management or work with "leads" (lead management) - a set of actions to turn potential customers into leads who are ready to buy a product or service.
  3. Lead conversion, or closing deals (lead conversion) is an action aimed at eliminating customer objections during the closing of a deal.
  4. Repeat sales (account management) - work with existing customers, encouraging them to make repeat purchases, customer service.

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