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Manual tuning of digital channels dvb t2. How to choose a digital set-top box

TV), it's time to move on to the most important part - setting up digital television... How to set up digital TV with your own hands? Read on for more details.

I will show using the example of a receiver Mystery MMP-71DT2 and like me, his software is exactly the same as Rolson's. If you have a different set-top box, the principle will be the same, but you may have to look at the instructions.

How to connect everything

First, we connect antenna to the receiver, and the receiver to the TV... Preferably through an HDMI cable, so the image quality will be as clear as possible. If there is none, then through the usual "tulips", they come complete with a prefix, as a rule. We look at the connectors in the instructions, you get something like that. If the antenna is with an amplifier, first turn it off, then you can always turn it on.

We launch all this economy, set-top box, antenna, TV. We select the required video input. If everything is done correctly, then you will see a start menu, of this type:

How to set up digital TV through "autosearch"

By default, the set-top box is not configured for anything, and you yourself will need to catch the channels that are transmitted in your region. The easiest way is to run autosearch.

After launching autosearch, the set-top box will think for a long time, and must find something in the end. Important: since everyone is transmitted on the same frequency, then you will catch channels not one at a time, but immediately in batches of ten. So be patient. If in analog TV channels are caught one by one, then it may take several minutes, and the set-top box will search. But then all 10-20 channels will pop up at once.

After the search is over, the set-top box will offer you to add the found channels. If you find all 20 pieces - congratulations, the process is complete!

List of tuned channels, "TV Guide" function

How to check the signal quality when setting up digital TV

Check that the signal is strong enough and everything is set up well.

It's very easy to do. You should have an INFO button on the set-top box, a triple press displays data on the quality and intensity of the signal. Look in the instructions, it may have a different name, but it will do the same:

The higher the signal, the better. Optimally - from 60% onwards

If both indicators are high, above 60%, everything is fine.

Check it out on both multiplexes, say, on Channel One and on TNT.

Since different multiplexes are transmitted, you can catch the first one well, and the second one bad, or vice versa. Your task is to turn the antenna so that both are well caught.

But in practice it happens a little differently. For example, you can catch takes. When the same channels will occupy several places at once. It seems not critical, but annoying. How to treat me.

What to do if you caught takes, or nothing was caught

The second option is when not everything was caught, or nothing was caught. Fine tuning and manual mode will help us here. We read about it. However, if you live in a city, and there are towers near you, then in 90% of cases, autosearch is enough for you.


As you can see, setting up a dvb t2 digital television with your own hands is not a complicated matter. And you certainly shouldn't call a master who will do the same for you for a thousand rubles)

Allowing you to watch digital television. Digital TV has many more advantages than conventional TV, which is why many are switching to it. And, of course, you need to start by choosing a receiver. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer's brand, functionality, quality and, of course, price. Finally, after purchasing a digital receiver, you need to prepare it for use. But how to do that? In this article, you will learn how to connect and configure DVB-T2 digital television. Let's figure it out together.

If you want to know how to set up your TV box, then this article is for you.

The first step is to connect all the elements together. There is nothing difficult in this, see for yourself. Connect the antenna to the receiver and the receiver to the TV. That's all - you're done! It is recommended to connect the set-top box via an HDMI cable, of course, provided that the devices have the appropriate inputs and connectors. If HDMI is not supported, please connect with regular tulips. With any model of the set-top box, there is an instruction in the kit, which clearly shows what and with what needs to be connected.

Let's start connecting the device

Please note that the setup process is the same for all digital receiver models, so it doesn't matter what brand your set-top box is. Of course, the design of the windows and some names of the menu sections may differ slightly, but the general essence does not change.

First, the connection method is selected

After connecting the device, turn on the TV and set-top box. On the TV, you need to select the video input to go to the receiver menu. If everything is done correctly, you will see a welcome window on the screen, in which you will need to select a language, region, image mode and format, as well as a search mode. Set the required parameters using the console's remote control. You can leave the settings unchanged and leave them as default. Click "OK" to go to the next window.

The first dialog box on the screen

If in the “Search mode” section there is “DVB-T + DVB-T2”, then the receiver will immediately find all the channels available for your region on its own. But this method will only work if you already have a working antenna pointing in the right direction. After completing auto search, you can close the menu and enjoy watching. Other users need to position the antenna. There is nothing difficult in this, all that is needed is to make a few settings in the receiver's menu.

The list of available channels is loaded manually or automatically

In case you did not have an antenna before and it appeared only now, together with the DVB-T2 set-top box, being in the welcome window, press the button to call the menu on your remote control. Go to the “DVBT Setting” section and select the “Channel Search” item. In the window that opens, set the "Search mode". Here you can set both "by channel" and "by frequency". There is no big difference here - choose what you like best. Next, set the search bar to "UHF".

To simplify the channel search process, visit a dedicated site with information on frequency channels for your specific city. In principle, it is not necessary to do this, you can do without it, but this approach will facilitate and speed up the setup process. Select the desired value in the "Frequency channel" item. If the direction was chosen correctly, then after a couple of seconds you will see the filled scales "Signal intensity" and "Signal quality" at the bottom of the window. If the level of the scales is good, then click "Search". The receiver will then tune in the specified frequency channel.

In the event that you do not know the desired direction of the antenna, take it and smoothly rotate it, observing the intensity and quality scales. Once they are filled to an acceptable level, secure the antenna and search. Once

Hello friends! In this note, I will continue the topic of how to set up DVB-T2. Terrestrial digital TV, 20 channels for free, how to tune the antenna and enjoy a high-quality image.

If you are wondering what types of digital television are and how to choose the right TV given this variety, then follow this link and

How to choose the right antenna for digital television, you can ask

Well, right now, about how to tune the antenna and equipment to digital channels.

Some general information for a better understanding of the case.

Currently, digital terrestrial television offers 20 television programs for viewing, and 3 radio stations for listening. Total 23 and these channels are included in two digital television packages.

But what is interesting is that the user does not need to tune separately all 23 frequency channels on his TV or set-top box, but only two.

P.S. Residents of Moscow and the region can enjoy more, they are broadcasting the third package, and this is already 30 digital television programs and the need to tune three frequency channels.

To make it clearer, let's remember how it works in an analog signal? In this case, one frequency channel is broadcasting one TV channel, for example, in my region, Channel One was broadcasting on Channel 6, Channel 12 was broadcasting the Russia TV channel, and in the UHF range, NTV channel was broadcasting at a frequency of Channel 27. And so on - One frequency channel = one television channel!

With the advent of digital broadcasting, everything has changed!

And one of its advantages is that now not one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, but ten or more at once, so to speak in a package. This is what it is called - "Package" or "Multiplex" For example, 10 television channels are transmitted from the television center in Belgorod on digital broadcasting channel 43, plus 3 radio stations, this is the first package, and on the frequency of channel 46, 10 more TV channels are the second package. Thus, only two television frequencies are involved, and not twenty-three. But keep in mind if in Belgorod these are 43 and 46 channels, then in another city these will be different frequencies.

Only one thing unites everyone, in any region it will be the frequencies of the decimeter (UHF) range, and therefore the antenna is also needed for the UHF. (ADDITION: Currently, some broadcasters are still broadcasting only one of the two packets, i.e. only ten channels.)

Find out on which channels the digital terrestrial television is broadcast in your region, where the transmitting towers are located and whether they work in full mode, broadcasting two packages. This information can be extremely useful for the successful installation of the antenna.

So, if you decide to organize digital terrestrial TV channels, you will need:

  1. A TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner or, if one is not available, then you will need a set-top box for digital television, also in the DVB-T2 format.
  2. And of course the antenna itself, the UHF range. Indoor or outdoor, depending on the proximity to the translator and the signal quality in your area.
  3. TV cable, antenna plug.
  4. Sometimes a helper will not hurt, and patience and perseverance will never hurt.

How do I know if my TV is capable of receiving Digital Terrestrial Television?

First, let's find out if your TV is capable of receiving DVB-T2 signals without a set-top box, the fact is that not all devices are able to do this, old, not flat TVs, you can not even check, and flat LCD TVs can both receive and not ... But if you know exactly what your TV is capable of, feel free to skip this part.

There are several ways: 1) (Dreary) Get the data sheet from the TV and look in the "technical specifications" section to find the presence of DVB-T2 there. Why dreary? Look in your passport! ... .. Although sometimes you get lucky.

2) (Simpler) There is a tag on the back of the TV, the model of the TV is written on it, rewrite it or take a photo. Next, you need to drive the TV model into the search bar of your browser and add the word "Specifications". See examples in the photo below.

The model has been identified, we are typing in a search engine …….

Going to the site, select "Specifications" then "Additional" And get where you need to.

As you can see, this model is capable of receiving DVB-T2, it does not need a set-top box. Further designations indicate: C - digital cable, S2 - digital satellite. But we are interested in DVB-T2 and it is present, otherwise we would have to purchase an additional set-top box for digital television.

How to tune an antenna and TV to digital TV under different signal conditions

Let's start by looking at the simplest option: You live in an area with good, reliable signal reception. We decided on the antenna, an article about this will help you. We connected the antenna to the TV and turned on the autosearch of channels, in some models, when we go into the settings menu, the TV may offer to choose whether to set up analogue or digital channels, choose digital. If everything went well, then the TV itself will save the captured channels. You can admire the excellent picture quality.

Let's complicate things a bit. On autosearch, the TV did not catch anything, or only a few channels that are snowing. If so, then these are not digital channels, but ordinary analog, digital television cannot go with snow. (the fact is that on autosearch, the TV can scan the entire range, both digital and analog).

What to do next: If autosearch did not help, then knowing which TV channels are broadcasting the first and second multiplexes in your area will greatly simplify the situation. And also where, and in what direction from you the TV tower is located in order to correctly direct the antenna. If you do not know this, then the desired direction of the antenna can also be seen by paying attention to where the neighbors' antennas are "looking". Just do not take satellite dishes as a reference point, they are directed to the satellite.

If you know the channel number, then we do the following - You need to find the manual tuning mode in the TV menu, do not forget to select "Digital" can be designated as DTV. Next, your task is to dial the channel number on which one of the multiplexes (packages) is being broadcast from the remote control. In manual mode, a scale will be displayed on the screen that visually shows the signal level received by the antenna. (Sometimes there can be two scales, for example "Level" and "Quality", be guided by the lower one)

And now, on the scale, you can see if there is a signal from the antenna, in some cases, if there is no signal, then the indicator on the scale may behave like this: It will jump, zero percent - one hundred percent - zero - one hundred ... .. etc. etc. This indicates that there is no signal. By changing the position, direction of the antenna, visually determine the best signal level, and this level should be stable, and if it changes, then within small limits, not to zero.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the result from changing the position of the antenna will not be reflected immediately, after about 5 seconds. Therefore, look for the best position in stages, each time making a short pause, observing the signal level on the scale. If the antenna is on the street, then it will be more convenient to work with an assistant here.

When we managed to find the position of the antenna at which the signal is stable, we give a command to search and save channels. We repeat the search and save procedure for the second multiplex, indicating its channel number (if there is broadcasting of two multiplexes, it is not everywhere yet)

And now a very difficult situation: You live in an area with difficult TV signal reception. This may be due to the distance from the transmitting tower, the complexity of the terrain (mountains, lowlands, wooded areas). High-rise buildings located quite close to you and at the same time standing on the way to the transmitting tower, your antenna directed to the tower, as it were, "rests" on the high-rise.

In these cases, the principle of the tuning itself is the same as described above, you need to visually determine the best position of the antenna on the scale. But the used antennas and some methods differ.

Antennas in difficult reception conditions must be used active i.e. with an amplifier, also structurally having a greater gain. Typically, the longer the antenna boom, the greater its intrinsic gain.

The methods include the following: Determine if there are other transmitting towers in a better position for you. And try to catch a signal from them (fortunately, they will be built quite tightly)

Using masts and other heights - the task is to raise the antenna higher. (Effective in lowlands and wooded areas)

In built-up areas that are not very far from the tower, it is not necessary to use a powerful antenna, try to catch the reflected signal, point the antenna not at the TV tower, but in the opposite direction, at the building behind you or on your side. If it is possible to install the antenna on the roof of a high-rise building, this will give an excellent result.

Tuning the antenna through a digital set-top box

Using a digital set-top box, everything is the same as described above, it is better to set up in manual mode in order to see the signal level. The only difference is that the TV plays the role of a monitor connected to the set-top box via an HDMI or RCA cable (tulips). And this means that all the settings need to be made on the set-top box, and not on the TV. Just do not forget to switch the TV to the appropriate VIDEO or HDMI mode (It depends on which connectors you used to connect)

To do this, you need to find the corresponding button on the TV remote control, in different models it can be designated differently, here are some examples, through an asterisk: AV * AV / TV * VIDEO * SOURSE * HDMI * RECTANGLE ICON WITH AN ARROW INTO THE INSIDE * INPUT * In some SONY TVs the order is - HOME - Settings-External inputs.

All further configuration steps are performed using the console from the console, through manual or automatic search.

Do not forget that in this case we connect the antenna to the set-top box, and not to the TV.

Read about what you need to know when choosing a digital set-top box in

Well, I hope this article can help you in connecting digital broadcasting to your home.

P. S I decided to add them below in this article as interesting cases related to antenna tuning come in. If you also have such, write in the comments and they will definitely be in the feed.

  1. In my practice, it is very rare, but there were cases when the antenna did not receive the signal absolutely, but it was worth moving it literally a meter to the left or to the right, everything went fine, we return it a meter back, again everything disappeared.
  2. Today I ran into another incident. I will describe in detail. The situation is this: An old TV is on the floor, it works great through a set-top box, the indoor antenna is on the windowsill nearby, the signal level is about 70-80%. In this case, there is the following task.

You need to adjust the digit on the new LG LCD. I put it on the windowsill, next to the antenna which I connect to it, so what? LG does not see a signal at all, not a single gram. Maybe it doesn't support DVB-T2 - I thought! I checked it by model, no, it supports everything in order. What's wrong with the antenna? No, the old TV set works through a prefix. I'm at a loss!

I connect a set-top box to the new LG (What if!) ...… .. There is a signal through the set-top box, but below 10% - It's a mystery why everything is fine with the old TV, but with a new one, which even when in monitor mode is connected through the set-top box, - the TV signal drops completely. 😯

After a short "Dancing around, and about" It turned out!

The power supply unit of this LG was external and it was connected to the outlet in the same place, on the windowsill, (there was a tee of the extension cord) So, the OH-power supply unit emitted such radio interference that being near the antenna it jammed the signal completely.

As soon as we spread the antenna and the power supply unit of the LCD TV in different directions, by several meters, everything returned to normal at once. Bringing it close to the antenna again, the signal disappeared!

3. If you are using an indoor antenna and your window is covered with metal shutters, then they can also seriously interfere with the signal. Keep this in mind!

After the advent of digital television, many users wanted to switch to it. It's not just about frequent discussions and the desire to try a new product. Signal quality is an order of magnitude higher, and ease of access increases attractiveness. It is possible to connect digital TV to outdated CRT models using additional devices, and to modern TVs.

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Digital television

Digital signal reception methods

There are several ways to connect a high-quality TV signal:

  1. Cable TV. Reception is carried out via a common cable. The disadvantage is the subscription fee and not ubiquitous availability;
  2. Satellite television. Signal transmission is carried out via satellites, and reception - using an individual dish. You also need a subscription fee plus the purchase of special equipment;
  3. Broadcast television. The digital TV signal spreads from terrestrial repeaters, you can receive it from an antenna, indoor or outdoor. This is a completely free method of watching TV in a modern format. It has drawbacks: often a low signal level, the quality of the picture can be affected by the weather, the location of the tower, etc.

The least expensive way is to receive digital television through an antenna installed and configured by the user.

How does digital television work

The transmission of picture and sound for digital television is performed by encoding the video signal and sound over digital channels. Digital coding differs from analog coding by immunity to interference (external obstacles). A blurry, indistinct picture, stripes are impossible here. The image is either clear or completely absent.

If the reception is not sure, then perhaps the picture will disintegrate into squares, from time to time disappear and reappear. It depends on how you tune the antenna. Alternatively, you can install a different antenna or raise and unfold the existing one, pointing it at the TV tower.

Necessary equipment for viewing

  1. Antenna;
  2. A separate set-top box with a DVB T2 tuner that supports the MPEG 4 standard and can operate in Multiple PLP mode.

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Viewing equipment

The antenna can be used with a conventional analog antenna. If a TV is released relatively recently, then it may have a built-in tuner of the required format (the outdated DVB T format is no longer supported). Then you do not need to acquire anything else.

To find out if there is a built-in DVB T2 tuner, you can look at the data in the data sheet. It is even easier to find a TV model on the Internet and get a comprehensive answer.

Choosing a digital tuner

At first glance, all set-top boxes are the same. The main thing is not to be mistaken in the main technical characteristics. But there are other features that affect the further operation of the equipment and the breadth of the covered functions:

  1. The absence of buttons on the external panel of the set-top box will oblige you to use it only with the help of the remote control, which is not always convenient;
  2. If the tuner does not have a USB port, this technique cannot be used as a media player. If available, you can record TV shows and play photos and videos.

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Digital tuner

Important! A box with a separate power supply is a good choice. It is usually built inside. The most common reason for a tuner failure is a defective power supply. If it breaks down, you need to repair or replace the entire set-top box, and the removed power supply unit must be replaced separately without problems.

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Set-top box with power supply

Many people hang the TV on the wall, and quite high. Then it is inconvenient to use the usual construction of the attachment. There are equipment modifications - compact set-top boxes that are attached to the back of the TV with adhesive tape. The strength of the fastening must be considered. Such a receiver is controlled by a remote control through a separate sensor attached to the same tape on the outer panel of the TV. Power is supplied via a wire from the USB port of the TV.

The set-top box can also be used in conjunction with a computer monitor (if there is an HDMI port). Then you can watch digital TV from a conventional antenna. If the built-in TV tuner fails, it can be easily replaced using the receiver.

What channels are available for viewing

To watch free digital channels through a regular antenna, the 2017 list contains two multiplexes:

  • first RTRS 1 - frequency 546 MHz, channel 30;
  • second RTRS 2 - frequency 498 MHz, channel 24.

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List of available channels

The technical data are valid for Moscow and the region. They may differ in other regions. A total of twenty television channels and 3 more radio programs are available.

Important! The TV does not catch additional channels. Antenna tuning will not affect the number of received channels, but only their quality.

How to locate a TV tower

Users living in the city, in the area of ​​reception of the signal from the TV tower, are not puzzled by such questions. But for the inhabitants of remote towns and villages, the information is relevant. What knowledge is required for the best choice and correct tuning of the antenna:

  1. The exact location of the tower and the distance to it;
  2. Technical parameters (channels and broadcasting frequencies), using which you can catch a digital signal in a given area. This is necessary in order for the user to manually tune the TV channels on the set-top box;
  3. Whether the entire list of channels is available for reception. There may be one or two packages.

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TV tower location map

Full information about TV towers is on the official website of the RTRS. There are maps where you need to enter the name of a specific settlement in the search line. A map of the area will immediately open, on which all transmitting TV towers are indicated (green - operating, black - under construction). If you click on the cursor hovering over the selected village, information will be available about where and for how many kilometers operating transmitters are installed, channel numbers (TVK), broadcasting frequency, number of packets).

The active menu includes a function, by activating which you can find out the coverage areas of individual repeaters.

Now, armed with knowledge, it is necessary to determine whether it is enough to install an indoor antenna or an outdoor, more powerful one is required.

Antenna types

An analog signal is received by the MV antenna. DVB antennas are more compact. There are combined samples that can accept both ranges. From such a combined design, unnecessary elements can be removed, and you will get an excellent UHF antenna. For example, if there is a long mustache (an element for the MB signal), they can be removed.

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Combined antenna

All antennas are divided into:

  • active;
  • passive.

Active are those in which amplifiers are used. An antenna with an amplifier must be connected to a power source. If you are using a receiver, 5-volt power for the amplifier is supplied through the receiver. This is done in the menu settings. The option is called "Antenna Power".

An amplifier does not always mean the best reception; in some cases, using it will even harm:

  1. In the area next to the TV tower, turning on the amplifier can lead to the complete disappearance of reception due to a too strong signal;
  2. The amplifier is the weakest element of the antenna, often failing. Plus a power supply unit and additional wires, which also require repair and replacement;
  3. The intensity of the TV signal itself is provided by the design of the antenna. And the amplifier in parallel increases the level of noise and interference;
  4. If you want to connect another TV to a passive antenna, this is easier to do.

Passive designs do not have additional amplification; they are usually used in areas with a stable signal.

Antenna selection and installation

An old antenna may be suitable for receiving a digital signal if it consists of short elements or a combined one. In the presence of working serviceable antennas, it remains only to find out whether they will effectively catch the "digital" in local conditions.

The decimeter signal does not have a wide coverage area. Therefore, for its distribution, it is necessary to build a network of transmitters. The surrounding landscape, the presence of high-rise buildings, mountains, forests, and the power of the repeater strongly affect the signal quality. Antenna installation should be done with all these factors in mind.

Zone of confident reception

A stable and reliable signal zone is considered to be an area within a radius of no more than 10 km from a television tower. Here, a simple indoor antenna will do a great job of receiving reception. If you have an amplifier, you do not need to use it.

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Indoor antenna with amplifier

If the signal disappears, the image breaks, then it is necessary to connect the existing amplifier through the attachment, using the corresponding menu item. Power will be supplied via the antenna cable.

Multi-storey buildings can be a problem due to the reflection of decimeter waves. But the same reflection can be used. Let's say the antenna does not catch when it is oriented towards the TV tower. Aim it at nearby tall buildings, reception of the reflected signal will probably be much more effective.

It is necessary to check the presence of electrical appliances (third-party power supplies, etc.) near the room antenna, as well as metal blinds on the windows. They can significantly attenuate the signal.

Short circuit

There are times when the set-top box suddenly stopped responding to the use of the remote control, buttons, the image and sound disappear, and “Antenna short” is displayed on the screen. The problem does not mean that digital television is not working. There is simply a short circuit in the antenna cable or in the receiving device itself.

Why did the short circuit happen? There may be several reasons:

  1. The presence of a short circuit in the cable associated with careless installation, in all likelihood, at the points of connections. The antenna plug can only be damaged by a factory defect;
  2. An active receiving device is in operation, power is supplied to the amplifier. The amplifier is sensitive to lightning discharges and can be damaged during bad weather;
  3. A passive antenna is connected, and the amplifier's power is turned on in the receiver menu. Passive devices are often short-circuited.

In the latter case, you need to disconnect the receiver from the mains, separate the antenna from it, then turn on the power again, on the connected tuner in the menu settings, set the “Antenna Power” to the “Off” position.

Important! The search and elimination of the causes of the short circuit is carried out after the attachment is separated from the mains.

Area remote from the TV tower

The distance is considered to be more than 30 kilometers from the repeater. With a powerful transmitter and line of sight, we install a small receiving device such as a wave channel or log-periodic. You need to direct the antenna towards the TV tower. In such conditions, it is even possible to use a room unit with an amplifier.

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Powerful decimeter antenna

With an increase in distance and when a settlement is in low places, the requirements for the antenna increase. More powerful samples are needed. A good receiving device necessarily includes an amplifier, and its boom is quite long. There are samples with multiple arrows, but they will only be needed in extremely bad conditions.

Polish antenna

Many users have a Polish antenna, since in the recent past it was popular due to its democratic cost. Its other name is lattice. Can this design be adapted for digital TV?

It is fully functional, but a number of changes are required. Antenna amplifier does not help, but interferes with signal reception. Therefore, it must be taken out of work. Simply disconnecting the power supply is often ineffective. It is safer to dismantle the television cable on the amplifier board and connect it there to the two upper bolts: to one - the central core, to the other - the shielding braid. Thus, the amplifier is excluded from the circuit, and the antenna becomes passive.

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Polish antenna

Antenna and TV Tuning

There are several ways to properly tune a digital signal. The choice depends on the conditions of admission.


This method is the simplest, but it requires a strong, stable signal. The equipment is installed, included in the work, digital channels are selected in the settings menu, and auto search is turned on. The TV automatically finds and stores the entire list of channels.

Manual mode

For example, in autosearch mode, the TV cannot catch anything. Or noisy channels were found. These pictures are not digital. Perhaps the TV at the same time went through the entire frequency range and caught several analog channels.

Now it will be useful to know the numbers of TV channels (TVCs) through which the signal is transmitted for each multiplex. Information about the location of the TV broadcaster will also come in handy for directing the antenna in the right direction. If the house is surrounded by other residential buildings, you can navigate by neighboring receivers, but not by satellite dishes that "look" at your satellite.

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Manual signal search

  1. In the menu, you need to enter manual tuning, having previously selected DTV (digital television);
  2. Enter the channel number or its frequency by dialing from the remote control;
  3. Two indicators will appear at the bottom of the menu, displaying the strength of the TV signal and its quality. Sometimes there is one indicator;
  4. When even a small signal is present, you can begin to rotate and move the antenna to achieve its amplification. It is not worth waiting for an instant reaction when changing the position of the receiving device. It will appear in a few seconds. The search should be carried out stepwise, with pauses. When the antenna is outdoor, it is difficult for one to do this, it is better to take an assistant;
  5. Immediately after the appearance of a stable signal with a good level, you can start searching for channels and saving;
  6. The channels of the second multiplex are tuned in the same way, if its reception is technically possible in the given area.

Important! If the signal disappeared, then it reappeared with the filling of the scale at 100%, and so it continues in turn, this means no reception.

Complete lack of signal reception

This situation is typical for particularly unfavorable conditions, in low places, closed by mountains, next to high-rise buildings, with far-away low-power towers.

The search for a TV signal must be manual. At the same time, for its initial display on the indicators, you need to show patience and endurance, having tried different methods:

  1. Purchase a powerful active antenna;
  2. If there are other towers nearby, you can sometimes try manual search on a TV set to alternate repeaters. Perhaps the signal transmission conditions will be better;
  3. A good effect is given by raising the antenna to a height using a mast;
  4. When the TV tower is located close, and the house is in the center of an area densely built up with high-rise buildings, you should not rush to buy an expensive powerful receiving device. It is better to experiment with the reflected signal, alternately pointing the antenna in different directions at neighboring buildings, or position it on the roof.

Tuning through the receiver

Older TVs, models without built-in tuners with DVB T2 support, require tuning through the receiver.

CRT TVs are connected to a digital set-top box with RCA cables, LCD models - with an HDMI cable. In the first case, when setting up, the AV mode is selected, in the second - HDMI. The mode is selected from the TV remote control. On the consoles, the choice of modes is located under different buttons: INPUT, SOURCE, VIDEO, just a rectangle with an arrow.

Subsequent configuration is performed using autosearch or manual using a set-top box. The antenna must be connected to the set-top box.

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Taking into account the fact that in Russia broadcasting in the digital standard has been conducted since 2012, the article is belated. But taking into account the time I spent on the roofs of my neighbors in the country, the material is quite relevant, since most consumers understand the essence of the matter superficially, believing that it is enough to acquire a digital TV receiver (tuner) of the DVB-T2 standard and an antenna for digital TV.
As usual, it's not that simple!

The landmark decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 985

On December 3, 2009, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 985, the Federal Target Program (FTP) "Development of TV and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015" was approved, which determined the stages and terms of the country's transition to digital technologies in television broadcasting.

We read in detail.

Now let's see what I have. I have a Delta H311A.02 antenna.

"Delta N311A.02" is essentially two antennas, combined into one structure, consisting of a meter range antenna made in the form of two vibrators (whiskers) and a log-periodic antenna of the decimeter range. The antenna has a built-in amplifier. That is, in principle, there is everything that we need to receive DVB-T2. But the soul of a radio amateur will not rest until all the juices are squeezed out of the device.

Break off the Delta's horns!

It seems that there is nothing to squeeze out. The antenna is self-sufficient. But let's think ... Without delving into the jungle, we can assume that the amplifier works on both ranges at the same time, respectively, together with the signal, it pulls out the noise of both ranges. In the model range of Delta antennas, there are antennas with an amplifier only for UHF. It seems to me that the receiver still has a harder time in the presence of a wider signal.

So I decided to try to make life easier for the antenna amplifier and the receiver - to break off the Delta's horns! I turn off the vibrators of the meter range.
Here is such a "tamed Delta" now ...

Let's try. Yes, the result has improved by 5-7%. In addition, the antenna has become more directional.

A couple of weeks later, my antenna friend called and informed that he had brought the promised. I come to him and am surprised! He gives me my almost hornless Delta. The geometry is one-to-one, only the amplifier is located at the point where the signal is picked up. Well, let's try, suddenly the amplifier will be better here. I tried it. No, it didn't get better. Even a little worse. So I left my Delta.

You will chase two multiplexes ...

No, I haven't quit yet. After all the upgrades, I decided to turn my eye again to the second multiplex from commercial channels. One is good, but two is better! Unfolded the antenna, tried to tune in, a signal appeared, twitches, but there is.
We start the search for channels - we found something that was not there before.
Saved the settings. However, the picture still disappears from time to time.

OK, turn it back and watch the first multiplex for now. For now, because I decided to make my own antenna, with the best KU. I hope that, together with my own, higher gain and signal amplifier, I will still be able to catch two birds with one stone - the first and second multiplexes. If the experiment is successful, I will definitely inform you.

Method for setting up DVB-T2 outside the city

Now, for the most patient ones, a brief method of setting up the points, developed by me during all this time. It is assumed that you have a set of equipment and everything is connected correctly.

1. Gathering information. We go to, we look at the location of the nearest broadcasting stations and on which channels are broadcasting.
2. Determine the azimuth of the station (see below).
3. We direct the antenna.
4. On the set-top box, in a manual search, set the broadcast channel known to us. If after two or three seconds you see a signal on the power and quality scales, then you are on the right track. At this stage, you can still try to correct the direction of the antenna for more confident reception.
5. Start searching for channels.
6. We are saved. We watch digital TV and enjoy.

So how can we, comrades surveyors, determine the azimuth of the station? What is azimuth anyway? And this is just the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to any given object. Azimuth is usually measured in the direction of apparent movement of the celestial sphere (clockwise on maps) and is measured in degrees.

There are several ways to determine the azimuth.
1) As I said, I used a satellite navigator.

Everything in one bottle - compass and map, modern and fast.

2) You can do it the old fashioned way. We take a paper map, put a compass oriented to the north on it, set the azimuth.

3) And one more way - virtual, advanced. You need a computer and internet. Azimuth and distances can be determined using the Google Earth program. Download and install the program "". We launch. We find ourselves on the map and the location of the broadcasting station.

The azimuth must be memorized / written down immediately. The drawn line can be saved. I have several saved at once.

In this case, the distance data is saved, but the azimuth is not, so we will write the azimuth in the comments ourselves. Now we know the azimuth and distance, in place we only need a compass to orient the antenna. Additionally, in the program you can see the elevation profile along our line.

This can also help us in terms of whether we have a chance of success or not.


While I was dealing with all these antennas, tuners and azimuths, I gained good experience in the field of digital television, which I could successfully apply in another settlement 230 km from my dacha. There I installed antennas in two houses, and they were directed to different stations. Everything was tuned for one or two.
I hope my experience will work for you too.

In total, I have visited 3 digital TV tuners in active operation. The first attachment I purchased was Rolsen 512... I do not recommend this model in particular and this company in general. Second tuner Oriel 314- a normal set-top box, it receives well, but slows down a little when switching channels. Third tuner Oriel 793- an excellent set-top box, it receives a signal perfectly, does not slow down when switching channels, the most convenient remote control from the listed ones. So far I have stopped at this console.
Date of birth: 09/13/1977.
I work in the company "Nordinkraft", an electrician part-time in my HOA.
With a soldering iron from 12 years old.
Interests: soldering iron, work, photography, forest.
Since 2007 I have been dealing with AVR microcontrollers.

A lot of things have already been soldered, I can’t remember everything.

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