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  • Roaming from MTS - tariffs and methods of connection abroad. How to enable roaming on MTS? International roaming MTS: tips, cost

Roaming from MTS - tariffs and methods of connection abroad. How to enable roaming on MTS? International roaming MTS: tips, cost

Connecting with family and friends while traveling or on a business trip is just as important as when you are in your hometown. Large operators take care of their subscribers by providing favorable conditions for calls, sending SMS and Internet access when roaming is connected. Over time, cellular communication companies have developed many packages that include this service.

What types of roaming does MTS provide?

Leaving the region in which the SIM card is registered, users try to find out about the cost of services operating at their tariff outside the region. As a rule, incoming calls, even without connecting additional options, are affordable, but to call someone on your own, you will have to pay a round sum. Those who forget to clarify how to connect roaming to MTS receive large bills upon arrival for using mobile Internet. In order not to grieve about lost money, figure out what options the company offers for travelers:

  • National - intranet roaming in Russia. When traveling to nearby cities or traveling long distances within the country, do not think that connecting special services does not concern you. Forgetting to turn them on, you risk spending 11 rubles. per minute - for both incoming and outgoing calls. The message will cost at best 4 rubles, and a megabyte of the Internet - 10 rubles. Much depends on your tariff plan and the region of the planned trip: up-to-date information is available on
  • International MTS roaming abroad. Do you know the situation when calling a friend from another country or sending him a photo to show him the sights, you instantly reset the account? Turning on roaming abroad is the first thing to do when you get off the plane. You can call, for example, from France for 115 rubles. per minute, and the same call from Fiji will cost 250 rubles. The telecommunications company offers several options to avoid such expenses.

How to connect MTS roaming for free

Provision of free services for most companies is a rarity. However, MTS has the opportunity to use the free connection of both types of service. The subscriber can request that the service be turned on before leaving, and upon returning, turn it off as unnecessary. Every year, based on the opinion of users, the operator creates new more favorable parameters and tariffs with affordable roaming.

How to activate international roaming on MTS

In order to use the phone at any time to call when traveling abroad, you need to take care of turning on a special service. This can be done at the office of the company or online. You can also connect MTS international roaming using USSD, provided for GSM networks. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Dial the combination 111, enclosing it between asterisks. Next, enter 2192 and end with a hash.
  2. Press the handset key.

The ease of free activation of the service is complemented by some conditions under which the subscriber does not have to pay:

  • The user must be connected to MTS for at least a year.
  • The subscriber must actively use the services of the operator for at least six months.
  • The owner of the number must monthly replenish the balance for any amount, so that on average per month for the current six months it exceeds 470 rubles.

How to switch to MTS roaming in Russia

Connecting services for calls within the country has become easier, but there is something to understand. Until September 2016, the service called "United Country" was successfully operating. From the name it is clear that the company offered cost-effective options, and for free. At the moment, subscribers of individual tariffs do not even have to specify how to connect roaming to MTS in Russia. For example, unlimited Smart tariffs are valid throughout the country, do not require additional payment before travel, except for a monthly subscription.

How to enable roaming on MTS - special options

If you do not like to surf the Internet while abroad, or do not plan to call up friends from Moscow during your trip, then you do not need a package of offers for long-distance or international calls. As a rule, there are enough separate services. A request for their connection can be made both from a phone and from a computer - through a personal account. The company has taken care of how to make roaming on MTS accessible to everyone, therefore it offers a wide range of special options.

Option Everywhere at home MTS

If upon arrival to visit someone or check into a hotel, it is important for you to maintain the usual level of comfort, use this option of services for communication. So you don't overpay. "Everywhere at home" - an option that operates throughout the country, allowing you to receive incoming calls for free, and call at a price of 3 rubles per minute. You can connect the service like this:

  1. In the message box, type four triples.
  2. Send this text to number 111.

The option is not available for owners of tariffs that already operate throughout Russia. The cost of inclusion is fixed, and is 30 rubles. Every day, 5 rubles will be debited from the account for use. Upon returning home, the service can be easily disabled by adding an extra 0 to the end of the message text. Until the parameter is disabled by the user, the subscription fee will be charged daily.

Easy roaming MTS

International communication, which is necessary when traveling abroad, is also connected using a separate service. Now the "Easy roaming" service is not available for most tariffs, the "Free travel" option has replaced it. It is extremely convenient for those who do not make calls from abroad with a total duration of 60 minutes daily. One hour of calls daily is free for the subscriber, and the time spent in excess of the limit will cost 10 rubles per minute. The subscription fee is 250 rubles. per day. How to connect cheap roaming on MTS, describes the algorithm:

  1. Complete the combination 111 enclosed in stars with the numbers 943 and complete with a lattice.
  2. Press the call button.

Connecting roaming MTS Zero without borders

Short calls are accepted free of charge with activated special services. Being in another country, with the “Zero Without Borders” option enabled, you can receive a call lasting no more than 10 minutes each without paying a single ruble. An outgoing call is charged depending on the place of stay, but the 2nd - 5th minute will cost 25 rubles for each. Roaming on MTS is connected as follows:

  1. Dial an asterisk, command 419 and again an asterisk. Then enter 1233, end with a hash.
  2. Press the call key.

How to check if roaming is connected to MTS or not

Service by any operator implies careful use of services. Returning to the home region, users, as a rule, turn off long-distance and international communication services. However, not everyone does this, especially if there is little time between trips or the tariff automatically provides for specific services. Before enabling roaming in MTS, make sure that you have not done this before. The easiest way to check this is:

  1. through a personal account;
  2. in an application on a smartphone;
  3. using the combination *111#.

Video: how to switch to roaming on MTS

If you are going on a trip, you should figure out how to stay in touch with family and friends, and if you also manage to save on calls, it’s just wonderful! How to connect roaming on Tele2 in order to be able to call or send SMS even while in another city, or even in another country?

Briefly on the topic

To enable roaming on Tele2:

  • Set up the network manually if it didn't connect automatically
  • Disable call forwarding with command ##002#
  • When traveling in Russia, activate the Zero Everywhere service. Team *143*21#
  • If you are in Crimea, connect using the command *143*61#
  • You can reduce the cost of making calls abroad by activating the "Conversations Without Borders" service. Combination *143*1#
  • You can profitably use the Internet by connecting "Internet Abroad". Connection combination - *143*31# - CIS and Europe, *143*41# - other countries

How to connect

How to connect the roaming service itself in Tele2? Once in another city or another country, many will immediately want to call home and tell them how they got there. And here's what you need to do to make it possible:

  • Turn on your phone
  • See if it has caught an available network. Usually this happens automatically, especially if the subscriber is in the Tele2 coverage area. However, not all Russian cities are included in the coverage area, and there is nothing to say about other countries. In this case, the new network sometimes does not connect automatically. To be in touch, you need to configure it manually
  • Open phone settings
  • Select "Network"
  • And then - "Search for a network manually"
  • The phone will show all available networks. In principle, you can try to connect to the first one that comes across - Tele2 has many partners both in Russia and abroad
  • If you fail to connect the first time, just try a different network.

Additionally: ? Read in another article.

  • After you managed to switch to roaming on Tele2, turn off call forwarding. are regarded according to roaming billing, and we are sure that you do not want to overpay. This can be done using the command ##002#

So, we managed to turn on the service itself - we connected to an available network. Now you can make and receive calls, but what about their rather high cost? Communicating with relatives, you don’t want to think about how much money will be debited from your account. Yes, and receiving calls is also expensive, you also have to pay for them. So how and which of the Tele2 services to connect so that incoming roaming calls are provided free of charge, and outgoing calls cost significantly less?

In Russia

By choosing inexpensive roaming (more correctly, an option for traveling) on ​​Tele2, you can activate the Everywhere Zero service.

After connecting, all incoming calls automatically become free, you can call all Russian numbers for 2 rubles per minute, and send SMS for 2.5 rubles.
The first connection is free, the second connection is 30 rubles.
Subscription fee - 3 rubles. per day.

To enable this option, you can simply dial *143*21# and a call key. And check if it worked - using the command * 143 * 20 # .
The service operates on the territory of the entire Russian Federation, excluding the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
So how to save money in the Crimea, you ask. There is an option for this republic - it is called "In the Crimea at home." About you can from another article.
For 6 rubles of a subscription fee, you will get the opportunity to receive incoming calls for free. Activation of the service - 30 rubles, and the connection combination - *143*61# plus a button with a green tube.


For communication abroad, the option "Conversations without borders" is provided.

After connecting to roaming on Tele2, the cost of incoming calls is reduced and becomes only 5 p. per minute of conversation.
The subscription fee for using the service is 5 rubles. per day, connection is free.

Activation combination - *143*1# . And you can check if the option is enabled by dialing *143#
If you are traveling somewhere where there is no Wi-Fi network, you can connect the option "Internet Abroad".
In Europe and the CIS, the cost of use will be 100 rubles. per day, in other countries - 300 rubles.
10 Mb of traffic is provided daily, each Mb in excess of the package is paid additionally: 10 rubles - in Europe and the CIS, 30 rubles. – in other countries.
Connection combination: *143*31# - CIS and Europe, *143*41# - other countries.

You will learn from another article on our website.

28 Sep 2014

Roaming on MTS: how to enable or disable?

Attention! This article is outdated but will be updated soon.

The mobile operator MTS provides communication services in Russia and some CIS countries.

How to activate roaming on MTS?

At the time when the subscriber of the MTS network leaves his "home" region, his mobile phone automatically detects the MTS network and connects to it by roaming within the network. Intranet roaming within Russia and Crimea is a basic service and does not require any actions to connect. To reduce the cost of using communication in this roaming, it is recommended to activate special services, such as " ". It can be connected through "MTS Bonus".

Roaming MTS in Russia: how to connect?

If the subscriber is located in Russia, then he has the opportunity to call other Russian regions without activating any additional services. With frequent use of mobile communications for long-distance calls, it is better to connect certain options of the tariff plan, which reduce the cost of such calls.

For example, tariff plans Hometowns" And " Your country”, using which calls to other cities of Russia will be much cheaper. You can also purchase a package of minutes for interregional calls for your tariff plan.

How to make calls all over the world together with MTS?

In order to make calls all over the planet, you need to activate the additional service " International Access", or " Easy roaming and international access". Often the cost of calls abroad is quite high, so it is recommended to activate the service " Favorite country”, which reduces the cost of calls to the selected country.

International roaming MTS.

The mobile operator MTS can provide two types of external roaming, with the help of which abroad (in Ukraine, Belarus, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, etc.) you can make and receive calls to your phone number. Thanks to the tariff plan International and national roaming and international access» you can use all mobile services abroad, i.e. make and receive calls, send SMS messages and use mobile Internet. An easier version of this roaming is called " Easy roaming and international access". With it, you can only make calls, receive calls and exchange messages. You can activate roaming using several methods:

  1. Visit the MTS salon-shop and apply for connection (passport and presence of the owner of the number are required).
  2. Using the Mobile Portal service. To activate the function "International and national access" you need to dial *111*2192#. To activate the "International Access" function, dial *111*2193#. To activate the "Easy roaming" function, you need to dial *111*2157# or send a free SMS to number 111 with the text 2157.
  3. Use the "Personal Account" self-service service by going to the "Internet Assistant" tab. This method can be used if you are already abroad. After that, you need to register the phone on the network by simply rebooting it.
  4. You can connect all services by calling.

Attention! Possibility of remote connection of international roaming services, except for the service " Easy roaming”, through the “Internet Assistant” or using the contact center, appears only if your number has been registered for at least six months and during this time the average monthly expense for mobile services is at least 650 rubles. Or you have been an MTS subscriber for at least 1 year, otherwise you will have the opportunity to independently connect only the "Easy Roaming" service. To activate other roaming services, you need to contact the MTS salon.

How to check if roaming is enabled on MTS or not?

To check the activity of the roaming service, send a free SMS with the text 0 to 8111.

How to disable roaming on MTS?

If for some reason you need to stop using the international, national or intranet roaming service, but you don’t know how to do it, you can use this instruction:

  • To disable the "International roaming and international access" service using the "Mobile Portal" function, enter *111*2150#. You can also deactivate roaming functions using the My Services service. To do this, send an empty message to 1118.
  • To stop using the "Easy Roaming" service, you can also use the "Mobile Portal" service by dialing the combination *111*2158# or sending an unpaid SMS with the text 215 to 111. You can also disable this service using the "Internet Assistant" .
  • Another way to disable roaming services is to call the MST support service, or you can contact the MTS salon.
  • Disabling roaming services in Russia and abroad by any means is possible in any tariff plans of the MTS mobile operator, including the “Your Country” tariff.
  • In order to disable Internet services in roaming, you need to activate the "GPRS Roaming Ban" service.

When moving around the territory of Russia or the world, in addition to roaming services and international access, it is useful to use additions to tariffs that reduce the cost of services and allow you to receive calls free of charge in the roaming zone. MTS has one of the most popular services for travelers abroad - "Zero Without Borders", and on the territory of the Russian Federation - "Hometowns". On most tariff plans, these services can be activated free of charge and without a monthly fee for bonuses under the MTS Bonus program.

Using mobile Internet in roaming territory is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, to use the Internet, it is better to buy a SIM card from a local operator. To prevent accidental access to the Internet. It is recommended to block the mobile Internet by activating the "GPRS Roaming Ban" service. Or you can simply use only the "Easy Roaming" service.

There is no need to additionally activate the SMS-roaming service in the MTS network. You can activate SMS packages in roaming to reduce the cost of messages.

You can call the MTS support service from your number absolutely free of charge from anywhere in the world by calling +7-495-766-01-66.

Abroad, the MTS number in the network of the partner operator can be registered for quite a long time, so if you are tired of waiting, you can use the manual search and select another operator.

In the roaming zone, telephone numbers are dialed in the international format, i.e. in order to call to Russia you need to dial not 8, but +7.

Thanks to the capabilities of modern mobile communications, MTS allows you to make calls throughout Russia, even if the subscriber is in a foreign region. That's just the cost of calls in this case increases significantly. Therefore, before going on a trip or a long trip around the country, you should first activate the MTS roaming option in Russia so that you do not pay exorbitant prices for communication while away from home.

You can check the status of connection to MTS networks through the settings menu of the mobile device - select the MTS network. One of the available connections should be displayed: RUS, RUS 01, MTS, MTS RUS, RUS MTS - they all belong to MTS and can work in other regions. If there is none of the above connections with a cellular operator, then you will need to manually set up the desired connection - select from the list and activate the "Connect" option.

At the moment, MTS provides favorable conditions for making calls throughout Russia using the “Everywhere at home” tariff option. The offer is distinguished by the most optimal rates for voice communication and messages.

Important! The service does not affect the mobile Internet, only the cost of calls and SMS messages change. If you need Internet in roaming, connect the SuperBit option, which is described below.

What's included in the option:

  • Free incoming calls throughout Russia.
  • Reduced cost of outgoing roaming calls. One minute of telephone conversations costs 3 rubles.
  • A package of 100 SMS messages that can be sent throughout Russia.

How to activate roaming Everywhere like at home? To do this, the user must use one of the following methods:

  • Put your phone in dialing mode. Enter USSD request * 111 * 3333 # and press "call".
  • Use the short number 3333, to which you need to send SMS with the code 111.
  • Go to your personal account on the operator's website and use the "Internet Assistant" section to connect the service.

The cost of connecting the option is 30 rubles, but the amount of the daily subscription fee depends on the region in which the number is registered, for example, for Moscow it is 7 rubles.

If you no longer need this roaming tariff, then you need to know how to disable roaming on MTS. This is done in the same way as turning on roaming. We reviewed them above. That is, the same combination of numbers is used, the service number for sending SMS or the functionality of a personal account.

Internet in roaming in Russia

Not all Internet options from MTS can work correctly in roaming. For example, the "BIT" option will not work in another region. Therefore, depending on the device used, before the trip you need to connect the MTS Internet in roaming in Russia. In this case, as mentioned above, everything directly depends on the device used - a smartphone or a tablet computer.

For smartphone

If the Internet will be used on a smartphone, then you need to activate the SuperBit service. It provides the user with 3GB of traffic at maximum speed, which can be used throughout the country.

To connect the service you need:

  1. Put your phone in dialing mode.
  2. Enter USSD request * 628 # .

The cost of the monthly subscription fee depends on the region. For example, in Moscow it is 350 rubles.

For tablet

If the Internet will be used on a tablet, then a special tariff called "MTS Tablet" is provided for this case. Thanks to this tariff, the user receives not only high-quality Internet within the network, but also mobile TV.

To activate the tariff, you need to send a request from your device * 835 #. To disable * 111 * 628 * 2 # .

Monthly subscription fee - 400 rubles. The amount of available traffic at maximum speed is determined by the region of the SIM card, for Moscow - 4 Gigabytes.


If there are any problems with connecting roaming or its operation, they can always be solved by using the hot number of the MTS subscriber support service - 7 495-766-01-66.

Recently, MTS provides customers with the opportunity to activate roaming on their own. This will save time and, instead of visiting the operator's office, once again check whether all documents are ready for the trip and whether all things are packed. So, if you decide that you want to be able to make outgoing calls, send SMS, also receive incoming and SMS at affordable prices, then you have several options.

1. Activate the "International and national roaming" service for free.

Unfortunately, it will only allow you to receive calls and receive SMS. You cannot make an outgoing call. In addition, it is impossible to connect it yourself; you must definitely contact the MTS salon store. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately pay attention to the second option.

2. Activate "International and national roaming" plus "International access" service.

This can be done from the comfort of your home, also for free, using the command: *111*2192# and challenge. Or through the official website of MTS, using the "Internet Assistant".

That is, from another country you will be able to use communication services, according to the local tariffs established for them (by country) and according to international tariffs (if you call from this state to the Russian Federation). You can specify the exact cost of calls and other communication services for any region of the world on the official MTS website in the "Tariffs and Geography" section. But no matter where in the world you go, the payment for calls will be charged starting from the first minute of the call, and the end time will be rounded up. For example, if your call time is 1 minute 32 seconds, then the amount will be debited as for 2 full minutes.

Please note that these two services are available for you to connect if:

  • you have been connected to MTS for at least six months;
  • your spending during this time on communication exceeds 650 rubles;
  • every month you put some amount into the account. That is, even if in one month you didn’t deposit anything into your account, even if you didn’t go into the red, then you won’t be able to connect roaming to MTS in these ways.

3. Activate "Easy roaming and international access 2012" service.

It is available if you have a federal number. Connection / disconnection operations are free of charge. The service will allow you to make and receive calls, actively communicate via SMS, while in another country. A complete list of countries whose mobile operators have become MTS partners and signed CAMEL roaming agreements can be viewed on the official MTS website by opening the "Traveling around the world" section, then going to "Before the trip" and then clicking on "MTS partner networks in countries" (located at the bottom of the page in the "Easy Roaming" drop-down tab).

When you make sure that the country you are going to is on the list, then type the command: *111*2157# and challenge. Via SMS: text 2157 to number 111 . You can also connect easy roaming to MTS through the "Internet Assistant" or your personal account by logging in to the official website.

How to disable international roaming on MTS

To refuse the above services (free of charge), after returning to the Russian Federation, you must first check whether the service has already been disabled. See what plan you have: *111*59# and challenge. If roaming is still enabled and your old tariff has not returned, then use the operation to change the tariff to the previous one. To do this, send an SMS with the numerical value of the tariff to number 111.

How to control roaming costs

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