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Hello everyone again in my god!

Preparatory actions

Before installing a new OS from a flash drive or other media, you first need to take care of two important aspects.

First, these are the files you need. Reinstalling the OS will completely destroy all files on your C drive. Therefore, everything you need must be transferred either to another logical partition of the hard drive, or to a blank or USB container. This applies to directories such as the desktop, my documents (plus any subdirectories) and the " Downloads". This is done on any OS that is on windows xp , that on newer versions.

Secondly, you need to make a backup copy of the drivers. Otherwise, then you will have to search for them all over the network again, and you don’t need to waste time, do you? You can do this with a program such as Double Driver. You can download it by this link.

By the way, there you will also find instructions in Russian, which describe in detail how and what to do.

Place the saved drivers on another logical drive, for example, under the letter D, or on removable media, so that you do not download them via the Internet later.

This is almost all that needs to be done before the demolition of the operating system. On my own behalf, I would recommend that you also rewrite the saved passwords from social networks and from Wi-Fi, otherwise you will have to restore them later, and this is a waste of time.

Distribution entry

This stage is divided into two options. Or you will install windows 8, or any other version, from a USB flash drive, or from a blank. In any case, you need removable media with at least 4 gigabytes of free space. Next, you need to download the distribution itself. It is better to use beta versions. It's legal and safe. I give you link on windows 10. Also, on the network you can find other distributions using a search engine.

Now we will take the method of creating a bootable USB flash drive. Download the UltraISO program here from here. It is installed on any version of Windows, so you will not have problems during the installation process.

Open the software, click on the button " Trial period". You will see the main interface of the program. Click on the tab " file”, in the drop-down list, click “ open» and choose the downloaded distribution kit of the operating system. Then insert the media into the USB port. In the program, click the "" tab, then " recording a hard disk image". Since you are going to install the OS from a USB flash drive, choose it. Click the button " formatting". As soon as the process is completed, click on the word " write down". All you have to do is wait for the end. The bootable flash drive is ready!

If you decide to install Windows from a disk, the steps are exactly the same, but when choosing a media, you select an empty disc, which you must first place in the PC drive. If the media is empty, then you do not need to format anything, go straight to recording.

BIOS setup

This is an important aspect of the entire OS installation process. You must be extremely careful, as the BIOS is one of the most important software parts of your laptop. Now I’ll tell you how to set up booting from removable media through bios. First, you reboot your machine. As soon as the screen turns on, you need to hold and hold one key or combinations thereof. On each laptop they are different, so I give you a sign by which you can navigate.

If everything is done correctly, this window will appear in front of you.

Select the tab " Boot", then go to the line under the number 1, press" enter"And in the list that appears, select the line that begins with the letters USB-HDD. This is if you install Windows from a USB flash drive. If from a disk, then select the line CD-DVD. Next, press the F10 button. The laptop will reboot and start booting from removable media.

OS installation

If you did everything right, a black screen should appear in front of you, with this inscription.

If you see something different, repeat the BIOS setup, most likely you did not save the results of your adjustments.

If everything goes as expected, press any key. A window like this should appear.

This is if you put the seven instead of whist . In other versions, the interface will be slightly different, but the principle of all actions is absolutely the same, so you will not get confused. Check the box to the left of the inscription " I accept the agreement” and click the next button. Choose the full installation type, not upgrade. It's much smarter. I read many articles about this, experts advise to always do the installation from scratch.

A window will open to select a local drive. You click on the partition where you previously had an operating system. Next, you need to completely clean it. To do this, select the button Format". This process can take from 10 minutes to an hour. It all depends on how much space is on the local disk on which you will install the OS and how many files are on it. After formatting, it will be absolutely clean. Click " Further».

Now it remains only to wait for the completion of all processes. This takes quite a lot of time. It all depends on the power of your laptop and the speed of reading data. You can drink tea during this time, since you don’t have to do anything special yet. The whole process is automated.

As soon as the computer goes into reboot, you will need to set up booting from the hard drive through bios. I described how this is done above, only now in the line under the number 1 you substitute the value with the letters HDD. Don't forget to save your changes with the button F10. The laptop should reboot, loading from the hard drive will begin.

Completion of installation and configuration

This is the final step. After the reboot, the system will prompt you to enter a username. Write whatever you like. Then you can set a password. Decide for yourself here. I use a computer alone and I do not need it. Then choose the recommended security settings, set the date and time, set up the network and enter Wi-Fi passwords.

To get started, reinstall Double Driver and install the drivers from a pre-made copy. Then restart your computer. Next, you should check the system for updates. This is also an important aspect, perhaps new service packs have been released. Also, I recommend that you install anti-virus programs. Perfect fit Avast, Panda Cloud Antivirus or AVG AntiVirus FREE


That's all, you have learned how to install the operating system yourself. Everything you need can be downloaded online. The process will not cause any particular difficulties if you do everything according to the instructions. In extreme cases, you can use the numerous videos in which this process is clearly shown. Here is one of them

Most importantly, do not interrupt the installation process! Otherwise, you will have to start over. The worst option - you can damage the software part of the computer!

After installation, you will feel the difference between the previously installed OS, which was littered with unnecessary files, and the fresh version, which will not slow down. I'll give you one more piece of advice. Store all the necessary files not on the logical drive where the system is located, but on another one. This will allow you to avoid situations when information after formatting can no longer be returned.

And on the OS section, let there be drivers, browsers, archivers and antiviruses. They still have to be reinstalled after the demolition of Windows. Let it be better to delete them immediately when formatting. Otherwise, then they will have to be uninstalled manually, and this is quite a long time.

On this I say goodbye to you, my dear readers. Share the link to the article with your friends on social networks, as the information is useful and everyone may need it. Subscribe to blog updates and always be the first to know about new tips and instructions! See you soon!

When buying a brand new laptop, few people pay attention to the fact that modern models often do without a drive. It would seem that there is such a thing? True, as soon as the matter reaches the installation / reinstallation of Windows, the question begins to sound different. Do not run in the middle of the night for a new drive, just to use the licensed disk with Windows 7 bought in advance?! But it would also be foolish to refuse to buy a powerful laptop because of this trifle! Really! In this case, it's easier to figure out how to install / reinstall Windows 7 on a PC without an installation disk.

Let's just say that there are different ways to cope with this task. In particular, reinstalling Windows on a computer is real:

  1. through the System Restore utility;
  2. using the Recovery utility built into the laptop (if Windows 7 was originally installed on the computer);
  3. by installing Windows from a bootable USB flash drive.

At the same time, each method of reinstalling Windows 7 on a computer needs its own instructions, which, however, is not a problem if you are on this page. Well let's go!

Method #1: System rollback

In the event that Windows 7 not only boots up, but also responds normally to commands after restarting, you can try to reinstall it using the standard Windows rollback to the previous (working) state. How do we act? To get started, open the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", and from there to the "Recovery" section:

Then, in the window that appears, click the "Start Recovery ..." button to start the Windows Recovery Wizard and click "Next". After that, we select the option suitable for the date for reinstalling Windows 7 and click "Finish", proceeding to this step using the "Next" button:

As a result of such simple manipulations, the system will automatically update without an installation disk, without affecting the documents, media and other valuable files stored on the computer.

Method number 2: Reinstalling the system through the Recovery program

For those who are looking for a hint on how to reinstall Windows without a disk, if the system also does not boot, the Recovery utility built into the laptop software will be the long-awaited answer. It is presented on almost all modern laptops, however, under different names. For example, Toshiba laptops have Recovery Wizard installed, Samsung laptops have Recovery Solution installed, and Hewlett Packard laptops have HP Recovery Manager installed. However, regardless of the name, their purpose is the same - to help reinstall Windows without a disk, returning it to factory settings.

True, you can start Recovery only on a laptop with an unformatted working hard drive, on which Windows 7 was previously installed. To start it, in particular, you will need to reboot the system and, when starting Windows, press the corresponding hot key several times:

Further instructions will be determined by the prompts of the utility itself. For example, on Samsung, the action plan would look like this:

Method number 3: Installing the system from a bootable USB flash drive

If OS Windows 7 cannot be installed / reinstalled on a computer without a disk by any of the methods listed above (the PC does not boot, problems with the hard drive, etc.), you can use a special bootable USB flash drive to reinstall the operating system. In this case, the instruction looks a little more complicated. In particular, during the installation of Windows, you will need:

  1. prepare the hard drive for formatting;
  2. download iso image;
  3. write drivers and distribution to a USB flash drive;
  4. configure system startup from USB;
  5. install (reinstall) on a Windows 7 computer;

Ready? Then let's get started!

Step #1: Preparing the PC

Based on the fact that as a result of re-installing Windows 7 on a computer, all data stored on the hard drive will be destroyed, before installing (reinstalling) the system, it is worth transferring important information in advance to a more reliable place, for example, to an external drive.

At the same stage, it is also worth worrying about the drivers for the laptop. You can download them absolutely free from the official website of the PC manufacturer, so there should not be any problems. At the same time, before reinstalling Windows, do not forget to make sure that the drivers are not stored on the hard drive, but have successfully migrated to the flash drive.

At the same time, you need to download the iso image with Windows 7 to your computer, while paying attention to its release. It must necessarily correspond to the one recorded on the purchased licensed disk with Windows, otherwise it will not be possible to activate it with the purchased key.

Step #2: Burning a Flash Drive

You can prepare a bootable USB flash drive in different ways (details and), but it's easier to burn it through the Rufus utility. Working with it is quite simple, you just need to connect a USB flash drive to your laptop and run the program. All that is required next is:

Step #3: System startup setup

You can boot a computer from a USB flash drive either by setting the appropriate parameters in the BIOS, or by pressing special hot keys at startup. The last option seems to be the easiest. The only thing we need is to press the desired button simultaneously with the system boot and set the boot option in the context menu that appears - from a USB drive. For example.

What should we have in our arsenal to reinstall windows 7?

An installation disk with the same “seven” will be quite enough. However, there are still options for reinstalling the OS not only from a boot disk, but, for example, from a USB drive (flash drive), from an HDD, or from an emergency recovery disk. But there are no fundamental differences between the process among these options. The procedure is the same, both on a desktop computer from a disk, and on a laptop without a disk (from a USB stick).

If you decide to reinstall windows 7 over the old system, then all your data will be saved. However, once again reinsured does not hurt anyone. No one is immune, for example, from a sudden voltage drop in the network, a power outage, or simply a failure in the program itself. So we still advise you to copy all valuable information to a USB flash drive or disk.

You may also need drivers (for a video card, for a motherboard, etc.). Make sure you have all the driver discs that came with your computer. If something is missing, then before you reinstall windows 7, the missing drivers should be downloaded from the Internet.

Having prepared all the drivers, saving the necessary data to removable media, we can start repairing the computer.

windows 7 reinstallation process

We do all the manipulations directly from the computer, while setting the BIOS is not required. Load the installation disk and click "install" in the window that opens.

Each user sooner or later faces the need to install an operating system. There is a myth that it is difficult to do it yourself, although in reality it is not. All that is needed is to have basic PC user skills and follow the simple instructions that will be discussed below.

Before installation

There are a number of things to take care of before starting the installation.

To do this correctly, first of all, pay attention to the following:

  • select the desired version of the operating system;
  • decide on its capacity;
  • prepare the hard drive for installation;
  • take care of the drivers.

If you are reading this article, there will be no problem choosing the OS version - it will be Windows 7. But what about its bit depth? How do you know which one is right for your PC?

You may encounter two kinds of systems:

  • x86 (32bit);
  • x64 (64bit).

What are their differences? 32-bit support up to 4 GB of RAM, and 64 - from 4 GB or more. The performance of a 64-bit system is higher, so if the technical characteristics of your PC allow it, you should choose it. Determining the amount of computer RAM is very simple - just right-click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop and the necessary technical data will be displayed in the window that appears.

Important! It should be noted that after choosing one or another bit depth, in the future, installed programs should be optimized specifically for it.

Now you need to think about where exactly the new operating system will be installed. Most often, drive C is selected for this. At the same time, you need to remember that all data on the drive (including the desktop!) Will be permanently deleted. All important files should be transferred to another drive or copied to a flash drive.

Another important item is drivers. Most often, they come bundled with equipment on special disks, but if not, download them from the Internet in advance. You can find the necessary drivers on the official websites of manufacturers of video, network cards and other PC components. Why should this be taken care of in advance? Because after installation, without a driver for a network card, it will not be possible to do this.

Video: Installing Windows 7

Disc creation

To start the installation process, you need a disk with Windows 7. If you have it, you can safely proceed to the next step. If it doesn't exist, you'll have to create it first. You will need an image of the operating system, as well as a program for recording. It is best to give preference to "pure" MSDN builds that have not been heavily modified. Recording from an image is no different from working with a regular disc. This can be done, for example, with the UltraISO program.

For this you need:

Installing Windows 7 from a disk via BIOS

Let's move on to the main process. It begins with working with the BIOS - the basic input / output system. It is the installation through the BIOS that scares novice users so much, but there is nothing difficult to handle with it. For our task, you need to perform only a few basic manipulations.

BIOS setup

First you need to get into the BIOS:

The process itself

After restarting, the system will launch the inserted disc and the actual installation process will begin:

Note! If you want to install windows 7 from a formatting disk, then take care in advance of the safety of data that may be lost during this procedure.

The installation will begin, usually taking between 15 minutes and half an hour. Upon completion, the system will prompt you to enter a username and password (optional), as well as set a hint phrase to restore them. Next, you will be prompted to enter the serial number, which is usually found in the box with a copy of the OS. If it is missing or the build does it automatically, skip this step.

There are a few more small steps ahead:

  • specify the "recommended" security settings;
  • your time zone;
  • network type.

This completes the installation and the system is almost ready for use, it remains only to configure it.

Video: Installation and setup

System Setup

The first step is to activate the operating system (if this did not happen automatically during the installation process). Do not forget about this, because after 30 days, annoying reminders will begin to appear, announcing the expiration of the registration period.

How to check if Windows is activated:

Drivers and programs

The next critical step is to install the drivers. Their absence may result in incorrect display of graphics, incorrect operation of the computer and inability to connect to the Internet. How to determine which drivers the system needs?

Often Windows 7 installs a driver for the video adapter so it won't be listed as unrecognized. Despite this, a driver for the video card is still needed, because without it it will not work at full capacity (which can be seen from the not entirely correct display of icons on the desktop). We install it from the manufacturer's disk or downloaded in advance from the official site.

Important! Do not forget to install the driver for the network adapter, because without it access to the network will be impossible.

It is worth noting that all such programs are quite effective and able to secure your system. For maximum efficiency, it is worth changing the antivirus used from time to time. After installing it, don't forget to activate and update to get the latest database versions that can protect against newly discovered threats.

Now you can start installing the browser. Its choice also depends entirely on the personal preferences of the user. When the new search engine is installed, the first step is to update Flash Player, because without it it will be impossible to watch videos or listen to music on many resources. You can do it in seconds on the official website.

Using a freshly installed browser, start filling the system with new programs that no system can do without:

  • office applications (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice);
  • archivers (WinRAR, 7-Zip);
  • programs for listening to music and watching videos;
  • useful utilities (CCleaner);
  • communication applications (Skype, Mumble);
  • other software you need.

Installing any operating system is a matter that requires a thorough and careful approach. Despite this, you should not be afraid of him. Just follow the simple instructions, and very soon your PC will be boasting a new OS.


In this article, we will explore in detail how to install windows 7. But before proceeding with the installation of Windows, ALWAYS make a backup of your important data, that is, save all your data to another partition, or to a USB flash drive, disk, etc.

All you need to install Windows 7 is a boot disk with this operating system, as well as a little free time and patience.

So, let's begin.

Windows 7 installation in pictures

1. Insert the Windows 7 disc into the DVD-Rom of your computer and, as soon as the computer starts to boot, enter the BIOS (to enter the BIOS, as a rule, you need to press the DEL key), to select boot from the DVD disc. In the BIOS, enter the menu "Boot" -> "Boot Device Priority" and for the first item "1st Boot Device" set the value to "CDROM", as in the figure below:

The second option to boot from a DVD is, as soon as the computer is turned on, press the F8 key to call up the boot option selection menu and select boot from CD-ROM / DVD-ROM.

2. As soon as you select a disk with Windows 7 to boot, its installation will automatically start:

After a few seconds, you will see the following window:

In the next window, you will be prompted to select the option to install the "seventh Windows":

I recommend installing a clean one - "Full installation". With this installation, the system disk is formatted and, accordingly, the previous version of Windows and all data, parameters and settings will be completely deleted, which will help to avoid possible failures and errors, this is the most reliable installation method.

There are times when the operating system crashes for one reason or another, either the file is missing, or something else, in which case you can try update windows by selecting the first item - "Update". With this option, all program settings, drivers and all your data are saved. But, since everything is saved, all program problems or other errors are saved with the same “success”, which can lead to malfunctions in the newly installed Windows. If the system starts, then the update is best launched from the Windows environment itself.

If the disk is new and not marked, then there will be a picture like mine above, if, then all your hard disk partitions will be presented here. Choose drive C, as a rule, be sure to format it, to do this, click on the link "Disk settings" and an additional menu will appear:

The main work is done, the installer will do everything by itself. The installation procedure will take about half an hour, during this time no intervention is required from you, so you can safely move away from the computer and go about your business.

Now you have almost succeeded in installing Windows 7, there is nothing left.

After the installation is complete, you will need to create your account. Create a username for yourself and enter in the "Username" field:

Then you will be asked to come up with a password for your account, the password is not required, and if no one else uses the computer except you or you do not have confidential information that needs to be kept secret, then the password can be omitted.

In the next window, you must enter the serial number of your copy:

Choose the Windows protection settings, in most cases the first option is suitable - "Use recommended settings":

Set the system time:

And the network option, for most users, the "Public network" option will do:

And after all these minor settings, the desktop of the newly installed operating system will load in front of you:

That's all. As you can see, installing Windows 7 is not difficult at all, no more difficult than installing any other program. And it is available to absolutely any user.

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