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  • Roskomnadzor began to block dozens of technical services of messengers banned in the Russian Federation.

Roskomnadzor began to block dozens of technical services of messengers banned in the Russian Federation.

Information about the blocking of websites by Roskomnadzor has long ceased to be out of the ordinary. When employees of this department discover resources with content of a truly extremist nature or propagandizing pedophilia and other similar heresy, news feeds trumpet about it. But about the much more voluminous side of the matter, when ordinary users become victims, you can find out only in the blogosphere or on the sites of the corresponding Internet communities. Their representatives and participants are de facto guilty without fault, and de jure - in the eyes of the supervisory authority - are almost the main distributors of destructive ideas and pillars of the porn industry.

Experience shows that in this case it is not necessary to appeal to the objectivity of the main domestic overseer of legality in the network. He has one comb for all. And if you have already fallen into the distribution or want to avoid it, this article is for you. Why and how sites are blocked, how the created restrictions are circumvented - we will try to objectively answer these and other questions.

Grounds for blocking

The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media can roll your resource into a cake for a huge list of reasons. Just a hint of their presence is enough. Moreover, she is not alone in her activities. The Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Tax Service, and even district prosecutors and courts of general jurisdiction successfully “bring shells” to the execution of this or that site. Here we can also single out a completely separate category - “woodpeckers” - competitors or simply disgruntled users who can stupidly and sometimes unreasonably trick you into Roskomnadzor. The result will be the same - blocking... but back to the question of its justification... Even guided by the above list, the corresponding stop list is easily determined:

  • Materials or calls of an extremist nature, including invitations to unauthorized rallies and other mass events.
  • Pornography in all its forms, especially for children, intimate services.
  • Promotion of drugs, methods of their manufacture, purchase, use, etc.
  • Provoking suicide, a description of its methods.
  • The widest range of pirated products (movies, music, books, etc.).
  • Dissemination of knowingly defamatory information.
  • Use of profanity on the resource.
  • Illegal commerce: attempts to sell cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, medicines, diplomas, certificates, forms, certificates, etc.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that one "fine" day you may suddenly find that your site is blocked. Without warning! And this is only due to the fact that you decided to meet with your former classmates at the monument to Pushkin and placed an ad on your page. In the same Prosecutor General's Office, at the request of which Roskomnadzor conducts instant blocking, in such an ad may be seen as a call for an unauthorized mass event. And it's not a fact that the Prosecutor General's Office will be the initiator. It may be the same “woodpecker” -competitor who will prepare his statement in thick colors and with scary pictures. By the way, in this unsightly perspective, from the submission of all the same competitors, the harmless and humorous post "Author, kill yourself with a run!" Can be regarded. Isn't it forced to commit suicide? Absurd, you say, and we will agree with you, but still we will give each site owner a recommendation-aphorism from Kozma Prutkov - "Bdi!"

Technical blockade methods from Roskomnadzor

It all starts with filing a lawsuit. The corresponding "cart" with the requirement to limit the possibilities of this or that resource by virtue of the materials posted on it comes from one of the above departments or "interested" users. The court considers the application and, in the event of a positive verdict, Roskomnadzor notifies the hosting provider of the need to eliminate illegal content. The provider accordingly addresses the owner of the site and, if the content continues to hang at the end of the allotted period, then the resource is blocked. Today there are two methods of blocking:

  • Block access to the domain.
  • Disable IP the address of the server hosting the resource.

The second option is used less and less, since this practice is quite pernicious and, in fact, limits the rights of other users who have nothing to do with breaking the law. In this case, their fault lies only in the fact that their domains are located on the same IP- address as the site of the offender, which means it is also blocked. And there can be up to 1000 such domains! Such an accidental obstruction was, for example, in 2013 the domain of the Yandex company, and a year later - Gazeta. ru. As it turned out, they just ended up in bad company.

Today, the first option is more popular. Roskomnadzor has established interaction with the largest domestic hosting and Internet providers who actively cooperate with Roskomnadzor and timely block access to prohibited sites.

How to find out why the site was blocked?

This is easy to do. If you have patience. First of all, send your virtual stops to the registry of prohibited domain names - Here it is enough to enter the address of the resource, after which you will immediately be given the date and reason for blocking. But prepare yourself for a lengthy answer, which will only contain information about how many pages with illegal information were found on your site.

Where to write if blocked by Roskomnadzor

The fact is that they will not immediately provide you with information about what specific information is being discussed and on which of the pages it is posted. You will receive this information by sending an appropriate letter toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ... The answer will take about a week. After reviewing it, as well as removing suspicious content, send a notification to the same address, and in a couple of days you are at work and outside the register of prohibited sites!

The possibility of feedback is also provided on the Roskomnadzor resource. True, the scheme is somewhat veiled here. Going to the site, you will not find the link you need. To do this, you need to click on the "Main page", which will transfer to, and only here you can find the link "Generate an appeal", by clicking on which you will finally see the form to fill out.

What to write in case of blocking? (example letter)

The page of my site was entered in the register of prohibited sites. I inform you that I have eliminated the reason for entering the site into the register, all links to prohibited sites (poker rooms, casinos and bookmakers) have been removed. In this regard, I ask you to remove the page from this register.
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

How do website owners get around blocking?

It is said that there is no reception against a scrap if there is no other scrap. So the site owners have added to the arsenal of opposition to Roskomnadzor with several tools popular in the virtual world. The latter, although they are not in the full sense an analogue of scrap, are no less effective. Let's take a look at some of them - those that have been adopted by the owners of gambling sites.

Funny lock

Roskomnadzor sometimes finds itself in curious situations. There have been such things. In their unbridled zeal to prohibit anything and everything, which sometimes resembles almost blind fanaticism, Roskomnadzor's "specialists" last year entered the IP-address on which the domain of the supervisory agency itself was located in the list of prohibited ones. Thus, the guys disconnected themselves from the Internet.

The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media was driven into a similar situation by its “masters” even when they “declared war” on the software manufacturer Comodo Group, whose services the department actively used. Another trip to yourself! What's more, Comodo Internet Security has been used by many government departments and other organizations, not to mention private users.

Another interesting incident occurred when Roskomnadzor blocked the sites YouPorn and PornHub. The unlocking conditions are the same - the elimination of illegal content. True, the department did not clarify anything, as there was no specifics in the corresponding court decision. In response, PornHub made Roskomnadzor an offer to provide a premium account in exchange for unblocking.

The data and facts presented in our review speaks for one thing. Nobody disputes the fact that it is necessary to fight against grudge and terrorism not only in reality, but also in the Internet space. However, this needs to be done somewhat more deliberately, and the principles and methods of work should not always be developed according to a single template. We are not talking about selectivity, but rather about the correct definition of goals and means to achieve them. Until a coherent and objective strategy for the work of Roskomnadzor is built on the Internet, an increasing number of ordinary Russians will fall under the roller of involuntary repression, for whom the World Wide Web has become not so much a space for entertainment as a platform for work and earnings.

Few of the Internet users have not yet heard of Roskomnadzor and the draft laws related to the worldwide computer network. Sometimes you enter the site address, but together with the expected page you see something like this:

In this article we will try to understand how the law regarding blocking sites operates, what happens on the side of the hosting provider and, most importantly, how this problem is solved.

What does Roskomnadzor do

The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media - or Roskomnadzor for short - is the federal executive body of Russia. Roskomnadzor includes several departments, in particular the Information Technology Supervision Department. In addition to state control over compliance with licensing conditions and mandatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the fields of communications, media and information technology, Roskomnadzor is also responsible for the protection of personal data. In other words, Roskomnadzor monitors how the laws of the Russian Federation are implemented on the Internet, and if it detects a violation of the law on any resource, then certain measures are taken.

Most Russians found out about this authority in mid-2012, when Federal Law No. 139-FZ was adopted: amendments to other federal laws involve filtering web resources and putting them on a kind of black list. As a result, on November 1, 2012, the Unified Register of Banned Domain Names and Network Addresses appeared - a database that contains data on sites with information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation, as well as, in some cases, on IP addresses belonging to these sites.

However, the Roskomnadzor Register is not the only resource, once in which a website or IP address will be blocked. There is also the Federal List of Extremist Materials and the Register of Resources Blocked by the Decision of the Prosecutor General's Office (as a rule, most of the sites in it coincide with sites from the Federal List of Extremist Materials). If the site is in one of these lists, it is automatically blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation by all network service providers.

Website blocking procedure

Now let's talk about how web resources are blocked.

It all starts with an appeal to the court - usually it comes from an interested person or bodies authorized by law. In their appeal, they demand to close access to any website, based on the materials that are located on it. These materials may relate to extremism, drugs, sex services, gambling, profanity, suicide, distance selling of cigarettes, alcohol or medicines, as well as the sale of higher education documents and medical certificates and other topics that are prohibited by existing legislation.

Further, the court considers this appeal and makes either a positive or a negative decision. If the court makes a positive decision that access to any website on the Internet should be restricted due to a violation of the law, then, on the basis of this decision, Roskomnadzor sends a notification to the hosting provider on whose resources the website is hosted. Further, the hosting provider must take certain measures within the period specified in the notification: either convince the client to remove the prohibited content, or restrict access to the content itself.

If it was not possible to take adequate actions within the prescribed time limit, then Roskomnadzor, for its part, automatically blocks the domain or, if it fails to ban the site in this way, the entire network address of the server on which this resource is located. And then, within a short period of time, this IP address is sequentially blocked by all Internet providers, that is, the IP address becomes unavailable throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Why are several sites blocked by one IP address?

Shared hosting service implies that your site will be located on a server that hosts many other sites that are unfamiliar to you. If Roskomnadzor fails to block a site with prohibited material by domain name, it blocks the IP address of the server on which this site is located. Unfortunately, because of this, all other sites that are located on this server are blocked.

Hosting provider's perspective

Despite the fact that the rules for using Timeweb hosting services prohibit the posting and distribution of any information, the dissemination of which is prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation or other countries, some site owners ignore this point and violate the legislation of the Russian Federation. Since there are a lot of sites hosted by Timeweb - more than 300 thousand - it is not possible to quickly track the content of each of these sites. Therefore, a notification from Roskomnadzor regarding the blocking of a particular resource becomes an unpleasant surprise, which our specialists begin to deal with immediately after receiving it.

When Roskomnadzor sends an official notice signed with an electronic digital signature, our legal department specialists send a message to the site owner asking them to remove the prohibited content within 24 hours (or the entire resource if Roskomnadzor found prohibited materials on every page of the site). If the client has complied with the requirement, then an official response is sent to Roskomnadzor; Roskomnadzor conducts a check and sends a notification about the deletion of the address from the Register.

If, however, it is not possible to obtain action from the client within a certain period of time, our specialists independently restrict access to this page or the entire site. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is possible to cope with blocking at this stage - our specialists block a resource with prohibited content, and as a result, the problem is solved.

Naturally, there are situations when a client later asks to unblock his resource: in this case, we meet halfway, but only on condition that all prohibited materials have been removed from the site. In this case, an official notification is sent to Roskomnadzor, and the client's website becomes available. However, in the event of a repeated violation (as well as when some of the prohibited materials are saved on the site), the unblocking is no longer performed.

We understand how important it is to respond promptly to Roskomnadzor notifications. Entering an IP address into the Registry of Banned Domain Names and Network Addresses is an event that is highly undesirable for the hosting provider and the owners of all sites located at this network address. That is why all notifications from Roskomnadzor are of the highest priority and are processed by our specialists in the first place. Also, our hosting has a procedure for regularly checking whether any address from the Timeweb network has entered one of the Registries.

Blocking the IP address of the Timeweb server is an outrageous event that has its own unique reasons each time. Despite the isolated cases of such a turn of events, the company has clear instructions on what needs to be done in such a situation.

If the worst thing happened, and the IP address of a server was blocked, then all efforts are rushed to remove this network address from the Registry as soon as possible. As a rule, it takes about two days for all Russian providers to complete blocking of an address at the network level. Therefore, Timeweb specialists are doing everything possible to unblock the address ahead of time.

The solution to this problem requires serious teamwork: for example, in system administration department specialists are responsible for interacting with providers, setting locks at the network level and changing the main server address. Involved in the work and legal department, which controls the blocking and interacts with Roskomnadzor. Specialists technical support they also do not stand aside - they are the ones who process requests from customers and monitor the blocking situation, analyzing the number of user complaints. Naturally, in a situation where other clients suffer because of one unscrupulous user, their requests are processed first.

The primary task at this stage is to block the site with prohibited content. Its owner receives a message with information about the blocking and its reason. Then our specialists contact Roskomnadzor and some network providers who update the lists of the Registry of Banned Sites several times a day, blocking the servers automatically - they are notified that the resource has been blocked, and the blocking can be removed. And in order to restore access to other sites located on this server, while Roskomnadzor is considering the notification, our engineers are changing the IP address.

Ultimately, Raskomnadzor removes the IP address from its Registry, and the hosting continues to operate normally.

Blocking an address at a provider by a court decision

Unfortunately, it is extremely rare, but there are situations when the hosting provider not only cannot influence the court's decision, but does not even know about it. This happens in cases when, without involving Roskomnadzor, the prosecutor's office applies directly to the court with a request to block a certain resource. The defendant is any specific network provider, in whose network, after a positive decision of the court, this site will be blocked. In such situations, the hosting provider does not receive any notifications and learns about the blocking after the fact. Naturally, our engineers start working on this situation as soon as they receive the first question or complaint from the client. And, as a rule, they quickly achieve unlocking.

Challenging the decision of Roskomnadzor

It should be remembered that the decision of Roskomnadzor can be challenged: as soon as our specialists from the legal department understand that some mistake has occurred, and the blocking of the site by Roskomnadzor was carried out illegally, we take the side of our client and send a letter to Roskomnadzor asking to clarify the information ... Also, the client himself can directly apply to Roskomnadzor and the court for the protection of his rights.

If you want to know if your site is in the Registry, then you can check it at


Blocking an IP address by Roskomnadzor is an unpleasant, but, fortunately, an extremely rare event, the consequences of which our specialists manage to cope with within the shortest possible time. We pay special attention to each of the notifications we receive from Roskomnadzor, and that is why almost all critical situations can be prevented.

Roskomnadzor is blocking my site. Changing the IP does not help, it is also blocked. If I remove the "A" entry and put ns on the cloudflare server, can I route the site through it? thereby hiding the ip of your vps?

There are two types of website blocking:

  • blocking by IP address;
  • domain name blocking;

If you have the first case, then yes, using the service to protect against DDOS helps, because Cloudflare replaces the site's DNS records with its own and all requests to the site go through their servers, as a result of which the IP address changes.

But you need to understand that Roskomnadzor does not shy away from banning the IP addresses of CloudFlare itself. This means that many other sites using the same service for protection will also be blocked.

In the end, this is not the best option, because sooner or later your site will be blocked again.

Roskomnadzor itself does not recommend using Cloudflare on this matter:

CloudFlare representatives refuse to cooperate and do not respond to official notifications from Roskomnadzor.

Due to the lack of response from CloudFlare, many bona fide Internet resources using this CDN service are blocked by telecom operators in the Russian Federation.

To avoid such situations, we recommend that you host websites at the facilities of domestic hosting providers who faithfully comply with Russian legislation and promptly restrict access to Internet resources with information the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation.

Of course, this does not stop anyone.

The easiest way to open a blocked site without anonymizers

I will allow myself a lyrical digression. I do not understand what is the point of blocking sites, since it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to do this completely. No matter how hard the authorities try, there will always be easy ways to bypass and visit blocked sites. Using VPN services and proxies, all kinds of anonymizers. They are also blocked, so I will tell everyone who stumbled upon a blocked site and cannot find the anonymizer, but wants to see its content. The easiest way is to use the Google cache for browsing.

To see search results with the desired page, just enter the link to it in the Google search field.

This, of course, will not help if the service page is blocked, or contains some kind of audio or video content. There is no need for a nickname to do without a proxy server. But if you just need to look at the text on the page, this is a trouble-free and fast way.

What to do if a site by name is blocked?

This is the second type of blocking, which is more correct, because it does not block other sites located behind the same IP. Recently, this type of blocking has been increasingly used by providers. It is much more complex and requires more sophisticated equipment on the provider's side. How this is done technically, I told on the pages of my blog,. In this case, it is obvious that changing the IP address will not help, therefore, using CloudFlare does not solve the problem. You can't do without changing the domain here.

Well, for the user Vasya, we summarize: in your case, it looks like the blocking is done precisely by the IP address. Therefore, using Cloudflare can make the site accessible. But only for a while, until Roskomnadzor bans new addresses.

UPDATE 10/22/2016:

Over the past year, the situation has changed significantly, which can be traced from the comments to this article. But still I will clarify by updating the post.

How and why is RKN blocking sites now?

At the moment, Roskomnadzor is blocking sites through a hoster. Hosting in Russia or another "tolerant" country like Germany is a 99% potential blocking hazard if you can dig into the content. Moreover, the sites are blocked not only with explicit chernukha-porn. Blocking gambling sites - casinos and betting. Blocks sites, online stores that sell ordinary things like clothes, shoes, medicines.

The initiative, most likely, comes from competitors - by knocking on you, ILV begins to "act". He starts a case, a court takes place without your knowledge, you are already informed about the fact that you have been included in the register of prohibited sites.

How to check your site - is it added to the registry?

In this report, it will be seen by redirects to stubs or simply by inaccessibility - where which provider is blocking. Somewhere the blocking is configured without a stub, immediately at 403. Where there is nothing in the redirect field, and the page size matches yours.

What to do if the site is blocked by providers?

Change domain.

  1. Place a 301 redirect to a new domain.
  2. Change domain in CMS
  3. Move the site in the webmaster's panels in google and yandex.

What if the new domain gets blocked?

Then the procedure should be repeated if it suits you. And so it is possible ad infinitum.

Will weight, trust, positions, traffic be transferred when redirecting to a new domain?

Usually partially. The sooner a domain change is made, the theoretically painless it should be, while maintaining traffic and positions in search engines. If the old domain is already partially or completely inaccessible, then you need to wait until the search engines glue and re-index. There will most likely be losses of traffic and positions.


IT specialist with a higher technical education and 8 years of experience in system administration. ... I give free consultations on information technology, the operation of computers and other devices, programs, services and sites on the Internet. If you did not find the information you need, then

  • Dear sites.
    I would like to bring to your attention a TelegramBot that monitors the blocking of your site (domain name). The bot was developed by programmers tired of blocking by our beloved RosKomNadzor. We tested the Bot on many resources and got good results and stable work, every day the Bot is analyzed and updated, supplemented with different functionality. Constant checking by the Bot on the site will not let you waste precious time to transfer the WEIGHT of your site from the blocked domain to a new domain, after the domain is blocked by RosKomNadzor you will have about a week to move to a new domain. Twice a day, your domain is checked at What you get - consultation, setting, dedicated chat with the Bot, which will report information about your domain, as soon as the domain is entered in the registry, you will receive a notification in Telegram within 24 hours. By sending commands to the Bot, you will be able to delete and add sites for verification, view their list, it is very simple and easy to keep up to date. You will not need to go to RosKomNadzor and check every day, week, month, your domain in the registry, the Bot will do everything and send you messages, you just have to buy a new domain on time, make a move to it and add it in one message to the check for RosKomNadzor website. For confirmation, I attached screenshots of the Bot.
    The amount of the service is 1000 rubles per month, the purchase of the service for six months or a year comes with a discount. It is possible to make individual settings according to your requests.

    For advice on Telegram, write @HelpBotRKN Sincerely Sergey

The trends that are now clearly visible in the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation do not please many Russian citizens, limiting the usual freedom on the Internet. There are more and more sites blocked by censorship and prohibited categories of Internet resources, and not every user knows how to get around such prohibitions by Roskomnadzor.

Fortunately, in today's information space, there are many tricks, tricks and workarounds that can successfully solve most virtual problems. This article will show you several ways to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban and will allow you to freely visit sites from the "Register of Prohibited Internet Resources".

1. Activities of Roskomnadzor on the Internet

Initially, the Internet was declared as a free space, but now there are many censorship bans - Roskomnadzor easily blocks entire domains because of one suspicious site and, often, is completely incompetent.

As a result of ill-considered actions, not only pornographic and violent sites are blocked, but also absolutely harmless Internet resources. Roskomnadzor looks less and less like a servant of the law and more and more like a clumsy elephant on the dance floor of a modern disco.

Screenshot from the main page of Roskomnadzor:

I have not seen this “interview with obscene language” with my own eyes, but I am almost sure that we are talking about one or two words that can be heard in any place where there is more than one person. In addition, the Maxim magazine positions itself as an entertainment publication for men. Is it any wonder that it contains quite candid photos of beautiful women and a strong word slips? Probably not.

Instead of restricting access to the children's magazine, as is done in all civilized countries, Roskomnadzor applies sanctions, so far - in the form of a warning, but blocking this Internet resource is quite possible. Who will be fined or blocked next, the Hermitage website for publishing obscene images?

That is why getting access to the site bypassing the blocking can be safely considered justified for any adult. And the likelihood of punishment for such a violation is negligible, if not completely excluded.

2. Unified register of prohibited Internet resources

The full "black list" of sites blocked by Roskomnadzor can be found on this resource. In addition, here you can get some recommendations on how to bypass the blocking of prohibited sites:
- establish a VPN connection (paid service);
- download and configure the TOR browser.

However, these options are not suitable for everyone, the first service is paid, and the second has a number of disadvantages. For example, even if the TOR browser is configured correctly, it can work slowly and very often require the user to enter "captcha" (blocking using scripts for automatic input and cheating visits).

3. How to bypass the blocking of sites prohibited by Roskomnadzor

There are many ways to get around blocking Internet resources, some of them require some effort and time. But they all make it possible to achieve a positive result even for users who are not very well versed in IT technologies.

3.1. How to configure Opera browser to bypass blocking

When trying to get to a prohibited site, users often see this inscription:

This resource was blacklisted and it is impossible to get access to the blocked site in the usual ways. If Opera is the main browser, you need to properly configure the application, which will bypass the blocking. The "Turbo" function is turned on with just one click of the mouse, creating a tunnel between the computer and the Opera server. The option is located in the browser menu,

and in older versions, its settings are placed in the lower left corner of the application window. Other browsers do not provide similar opportunities for visiting forbidden Internet resources, but there you can use other, equally effective techniques.

3.2. How to bypass Roskomnadzor restrictions: browser plugins

A lot of plugins have been written for all known browsers, among which there are free libraries that allow you to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban.

3.2.1. How to bypass restrictions on Chrome browser: friGate plugin

You can download it on the Web Store, there will be no linguistic problems, since the official website and the application itself exist only in Russian.

The principle of operation of the friGate plugin for Chrome is based on redirecting requests with addresses of blocked Internet resources to their servers. The exact information on the content of the list of such sites is closed, but the developers promise that over time it will include all domestic Internet resources with multimedia content that are blocked by Roskomnadzor for "piracy".

3.2.2. Get to Banned Sites: ZenMate VPN FireFox Plugin

A small and free plugin ZenMate VPN will help FireFox users get to prohibited sites.

In order to get started, after installing the ZenMate VPN plugin, enter your email address, to which a notification about registration in the system will be sent. The app also generates a login password that can be changed.

ZenMate VPN creates an encrypted tunnel through which all traffic is transmitted, guaranteeing not only the ability to bypass the bans of Roskomnadzor, but also maintain your anonymity when visiting Internet resources.

3.3. How to access a blocked resource: alternative networks

Setting up your system (this article is about Windows) is easy enough. To do this, you need to use the Control Panel (or by double-clicking on the network connection icon in the lower right corner) and select Network Connections. After that, in the settings of the TCP-IP protocol and substitute the DNS values ​​specified in the list in the appropriate fields.

The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of configuring computers at work if they are connected to the Internet through the company's proxy server. However, there is a way out, the alternative is even simpler, since it does not require software configuration.

3.5. How to access prohibited sites through an anonymizer

The use of anonymizers is quite common due to its extreme ease of use. The question "how to get around the Roskomnadzor ban" disappears right away - you just need to copy the link into the address bar of the anonymizer and in a few seconds the blocked Internet resource will be loaded. No special knowledge is required, and you can find a suitable site with an anonymous redirect (redirect) in any search engine. As an example, we can recommend one of the simplest anonymizers located outside of Russia.

4. Conclusion. The easiest way to get around the Roskomnadzor ban

Summarizing and analyzing all of the above, it may seem that the most convenient and fastest way is to use the services of an anonymizer. This is not entirely true - the easy paths are rarely the best. Practice shows that to bypass the blocking of Internet resources, it makes sense to configure a VPN using a separate application or browser plug-in. Yes, you will have to spend some time looking for the most effective program, but after that the system will work in automatic mode and the user will forget about this problem forever.

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