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  • Video about tinkoff bank. Oleg Tinkov threatens the bloggers who filmed an offensive video about him

Video about tinkoff bank. Oleg Tinkov threatens the bloggers who filmed an offensive video about him

On September 18, the first pre-trial hearing was held on the claims of Tinkoff Bank against the authors of the YouTube channel Nemagia, and on the 19th an inquiry procedure was scheduled for Alexei Pskovitin, one of two Kemerovo video bloggers.

This is the first time in the history of Runet when apolitical bloggers come with searches on charges of libel. Before this happened only with the politician Alexei Navalny. And the most incredible thing is that because of rudeness and rudeness, one of the main rude Russian businessmen, Oleg Tinkov, is suing them.

Sekret's interlocutors at Tinkoff Bank say that its founder "cannot calm down yet." He himself did not answer the questions of the editorial board. Today, representatives of Tinkov said that they would seek compensation for moral damage in the amount of 500,000 rubles.

The videos dedicated to the scandal have already been watched by more than 10 million people. As Tinkov himself wittily noted, it's time to rename the Streisand effect to the Tinkov effect.

"Secret" restored the full chronicle of the conflict and learned from experts in the field of PR and SMM, how it is dangerous for "Tinkoff Bank".

May, 23rd

Banker Oleg Tinkov publishes a video on YouTube in which he tells how he tried to persuade video blogger Amiran Sardarov, author of the popular Khach Diary channel, to advertise Tinkoff Bank: paid what he asked. Of course, all bloggers are corrupt. It is obvious. Only fairy tales are told ... "

Chronology of one of the most resonant conflicts on the Runet, versions of the parties, arguments of their defenders

Today, Alexey Pskovitin, one of the presenters of the Nemagia YouTube channel, will appear as a witness during interrogation in the libel case against banker Oleg Tinkov. Interestingly, according to the lawyer of blogger Sokolovsky Alexei Bushmakov, this case is very similar to what happened to his client. Read more about how the attempt to "hyip" brought it to court with searches on the one hand and the wave of dislike for Tinkoff Bank on the other - in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Libel or freedom of speech?

The conflict between the bloggers "Nemagia" and Oleg Tinkov has been one of the most discussed topics on the Runet for a week now. On August 8, the authors of the YouTube channel Alexey Pskovitin and Mikhail Pechersky made a review about the banker and his credit organization, calling the video "Billionaire OLEG TINKOV (Tinkoff Bank Slavery)" with the note that it was "just humor, parody and entertainment."

The video itself looks ambiguous, filled with obscene and harsh statements. In the video, bloggers in a parody form tell what Tinkov is famous for, in addition to praising "the owner of Alfa-Bank, Mikhail Fridman." Then there are a lot of hard-hitting things both about the banker and about Tinkoff Bank, including how the organization allegedly deceives customers, and Tinkov himself disrespects his employees.

Chronology of the conflict

Soon, representatives of Tinkov demanded to remove the video itself and the material with the parsing of the video on the Kanobu website, where this requirement was not fulfilled. The editors of the site wrote about this on August 11.

On the morning of September 13, they came to Alexei Pskovitin's apartment in Kemerovo with searches. The latter was announced during the broadcast on Periscope by Pskovitin's colleague Mikhail Pechersky, who was later also searched. The bloggers were advocated by Sergei Voronin, who said that they had become witnesses in a criminal case under the article on libel (Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). What is most interesting, according to him, was carried out by officers of the "K" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who specially flew to Kemerovo from Moscow.

Alexey Pskovitin and Mikhail Pechersky. Photo

Note that before the trial, the video was supposed to be removed, but by September 18, the recording on the Internet not only "hung", but also gained 5.9 million views.

Oleg Tinkov: "You can judge who is right and who is wrong, but I could not endure further"

Of course, it's up to you to judge who is right and who is wrong, but I could not endure further. I knew about the Barbra Streisand effect when I was still studying at the University of Berkeley, you know. Public people, who, by the way, were craped by these same bloggers, asked me not to raise this hype: “No need, Oleg. This will be the Streisand effect, ”says the banker.

He goes on to say that he wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies because bloggers slandered him and that the same laws of the Russian Federation operate on the Internet as outside the Web. He urged them to be responsible for their words and not to confuse slander with freedom of speech, but concluded that if the guys remove the “slanderous and disgusting” videos and apologize to him, then he is ready to make peace and withdraw the claims.

"Surely, this is some kind of intimidation of bloggers" Nemagia "

According to Alexei Bushmakov, a lawyer for blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky, who was prosecuted for playing in the temple in Pokemon Go, searches are only possible if the grounds for them are confirmed and proven.

And in the case of libel, in fact, I have a hard time imagining what can be found there [during the searches]. The video itself really testifies to the fact that certain judgments can be evaluated in different ways. And what can prove libel is already some kind of insanity, I think. Surely, this is some kind of intimidation action by the "Nemagia" bloggers who prepared these videos - Muscovites flew in for these searches. This situation is very similar to the situation with my client Sokolovsky, who was also frightened, - says the lawyer.

According to Bushmakov, it is not so easy to initiate a criminal case in the police.

And then look, at once all the means of criminal repression were literally brought down on these guys. This, of course, raises questions and doubts, ”comments the lawyer to Realnoe Vremya.

According to Aleksey Bushmakov, searches are possible only if the grounds for them are confirmed and proven. Photo by Vladislav Burnashev (

The interlocutor of the edition did not give an assessment of the information voiced in the video "Nemagia", explaining that he was not familiar with the specifics of the issue, since he was not a client of "Tinkoff Bank". In turn, he has no questions about the manner of presentation of the material - he calls it adequate to the environment for which the video was made. However, he immediately notes: even if their language was really rude, is this a reason to initiate a criminal case?

Bloggers defending their "colleagues"

The community of bloggers stood up to support "Nemagia". Of the most popular bloggers, Nikolai Sobolev stood up for them, who has more than three million subscribers on YouTube. Pavel Durov, who has a long-standing difficult relationship with Tinkov, called for the Nemagia video to be circulated before it was removed.

Oppositionist Alexei Navalny did not stand aside either, who called the issue of the conflict between the two sides "at the right place." He says that in the case of libel, the search is taking place for the second time in the history of Russia - the first time he was near Navalny himself. The oppositionist is convinced that the searches of the bloggers were ordered.

Blogger Ilya Varlamov also supported Nemagia. True, there were some incidents here. In a video specially filmed on this occasion, he says that he gave a comment to the federal channel, which, according to him, cut the phrase out of context, as a result of which Varlamov allegedly criticized his colleagues on the air. The blogger makes it clear that in fact he does not see anything bad in the activities of the guys, but he has questions about the work of the media, which distorted the meaning of his comment.

"I fully admit that someone gave these guys a bucket of slop that was poured over a famous businessman."

However, some suspected, on the contrary, the order in relation to Oleg Tinkov himself. This is how businessman Alexander Lebedev expressed his opinion, who said that at one time he also applied to law enforcement agencies with a statement of libel and demanding to block websites, but no action was taken in response to his statements.

I fully admit that the bucket of slop that was poured over the famous businessman was given to these guys by someone, and not free of charge. However, when tons of much more lethal dirt was poured on me every day (for example, they accused me of poisoning the population with radioactive potatoes, raped a girl from a Vyatka village, laundering drug mafia money in a bank, being an agent of British intelligence, etc.), I diligently applied to law enforcement agencies with statements of libel and wrote to Roskomnadzor with a request to block the corresponding resources on the Internet. In response, there was only deathly silence, sometimes - replies. And here - a criminal case, searches and blocking of the video, and without any court decision, the businessman wrote.

Among those who sided with Tinkov was Evgeny Chichvarkin. Photo by Natalia Ilyina (

Among those who, on the contrary, condemned the actions of bloggers and sided with Tinkov, was the entrepreneur Yevgeny Chichvarkin. He posted on his Instagram a photo with the banker, in which both of them have halos over their heads. Chichvarkin outlined his position in six points.

"1. It’s hard to believe that it’s not an order. Protracted, while flying to Siberia, if these slums, of course, Siberia.
2. Vile socialist run about credit slavery, etc. The essence of business is denied. In Budennovki in 2017. NedoKorbins such or nedoSanders.
3. Tinkov is arrogant. We all know that. This is unpleasant, but not a crime.
4. Guys do not know one of the 22 immutable laws of marketing. Any mention other than the obituary ... but.
5. Reputation is capital, and damage to reputation is easily considered. It's the same as crashing a taxi driver's car. Direct temporary damage.
6. Direct insults and questionable infa. As they say, the battle is not based on facts. I really want a court decision with a hefty fine. Oleg, please *** them in court. "

In the meantime, netizens continue to develop this topic, Alexey Pskovitin is preparing for interrogation in Moscow, which will take place on September 19. The blogger was summoned as a witness.

In addition, a court session is scheduled for October 31 in the Moscow Arbitration Court, where the claim of JSC Tinkoff Bank and a certain Smirnov I.A. will be considered. on the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The defendants are both bloggers and Razvitie LLC, which owns the electronic newspaper, which posted the Nemagia video in its text. The amount of the claim is 500,000 rubles.

Maria Gorozhaninova

Photo: Sergey Konkov / TASS

Representatives of the founder of "Tinkoff-Bank" Oleg Tinkov demand to remove the offensive video about the banker. This is reported by the site "Kanobu", where the material with the analysis of the video was published.

We are talking about the video "Video Review # 3 - Billionaire OLEG TINKOV (Slave Tinkoff Bank)", which was published on the Nemagia video bloggers channel on August 8. The video dedicated to Tinkov has already gained 1.9 million views.

The authors of the "revelatory" review criticize the banker himself and his business. They call the companies he founded "the marketing bubble." Bloggers argue that Tinkov does not treat his employees and clients well enough, he is rude and lies. As arguments, the authors of the video use excerpts from the businessman's public statements and his interviews. “The review was created for artistic purposes, all characters are fictional, any coincidence is accidental. This is just humor, parody and entertainment!) ”, - says the description for the video.

As "Kanobu" reports, the day before the editorial office received a letter from the CERT-GIB company, which is engaged in ensuring information security. Representatives of the organization said that the video, which was published by the publication, denigrates the honor and dignity of Oleg Tinkov.


“The video on the Nemagia channel mentioned in the article causes significant reputational and financial damage to Oleg Tinkov and Tinkoff Bank. The facts stated in it are distorted or did not take place. The disseminated information also violates a number of copyrights by unlawfully using intellectual property objects. "

It also follows from the letter that they are preparing to bring charges of violations against the bloggers under three articles of the civil code. "Kanobu" refused to remove material from the site with the analysis of the video.

According to Meduza, after the publication of the video, blogger Druzhe Oblomov (Oleg Grigoriev) refused to cooperate with Tinkoff Bank. Grigoriev said that he would no longer cooperate with Tinkov because of his words about "corrupt bloggers", which were drawn to the attention of Nemagia.

« jellyfish"

“Then Grigoriev wrote in the description of the video that Tinkov's quote was taken out of context and that he meant a specific blogger Sardarov, and not all video bloggers in general, and hid the entry from the page of his channel (she available by direct link). Nevertheless, the description of the video still says that Grigoriev is suspending cooperation with Tinkoff Bank. "

A week earlier, Oleg Tinkov "Rocketbank" and his clients were hipsters. So he commented on the technical malfunctions in the bank, which, as it became known later, were caused by damage to the cable. Users drew attention to his tweets, considering them too rude. In "Tinkoff-Bank" in response to the claims of users, said that "there are no ethical standards on such issues."

Oleg Tinkov accused Russian YouTube bloggers of corruption. "They'll sell their own mother for the grandmother," he said during the broadcast on Periscope, spicing up his speech with foul language.

The statement of a fellow countryman (Tinkov hails from Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Kemerovo region) attracted the attention of "Nemagia". Bloggers considered the words of the eccentric entrepreneur to be hypocrisy and on August 8 released a semi-satirical video "Billionaire OLEG TINKOV (Tinkoff Bank Slavery)", which hinted that the clients of Tinkov's bank fell into bondage to the entrepreneur. They also made fun of bloggers who advertise bank cards. For example, they recalled the autoblogger AcademeG, who, as they claim, sold Tinkoff to the bank for a new Range Rover.

Bloggers went through the biography of the banker. In particular, they stated that, as a student, Tinkov speculated with vodka at night and weighed buyers in the market. Later, according to Nemagia, the businessman profited from the “marketing bubble” companies that he sold as soon as they stopped bringing in money. Those bubbles were the Tinkoff brewing company, the Darya convenience food company and the Technoshock home appliance store, bloggers said.

Bloggers pissed off Tinkov

Immediately after the appearance of the video, representatives of Tinkoff Bank turned to other popular bloggers with a request to release a reciprocal exposure of Nemagia. Blogger Mikhail Sovergon said that he was offered to tell “as natively as possible” about “how everything really happened”.

At the end of August, the bank filed a lawsuit against Pechersky and Pskovitin. According to a bank representative, bloggers undermined the dignity and business reputation of the financial institution.

“We don't like it when unscrupulous bloggers throw mud at the company, employees, its founder and his family and our clients. We will do everything so that lovers of cheap hype and slander will answer according to the law, ”a representative of Tinkoff Bank promised.

In early September, by decision of the Kemerovo court, he decided to block the video, but so far this has not happened. The video is available on the Nemagia channel, and has received over 4 million views in a month.

They came for grandmother

On September 13, it became known that a case was opened against Pechersky and Pskovitin under the article "Slander". Unlike "protection of honor, dignity and business reputation", this article is criminal.

This became clear after the security forces came to Pskovitin's apartment with a search. Upon learning of this, his partner Pechersky promptly went to Periscope, where he said that law enforcement officers literally broke into his friend's apartment. A lawyer working with "Nemagia" noted that the operatives flew to Kemerovo from Moscow.

The Mash Telegram channel reports that the search at Pskovitin was carried out by employees of the "K" department, a unit engaged in the fight against crimes in the field of information technology, as well as with the illegal circulation of radio-electronic and special technical means. It is not known what exactly they were looking for, but the blogger's computer, phone, camera and hard drive were seized.

The operatives did not ignore the blogger's grandmother. According to Mash, they spent several hours with her.

Explained for the porn actress

It is not the first time that the heroes of the Nemagia videos have accused the Kemerovo bloggers of carelessness in their statements. In 2016, internet stars angered the rapper by comparing his mother to a pornographic actress.

The musician admitted that his mother was very upset by this and promised to deal with the offenders. First, he published a tweet in which he promised 30 thousand rubles for an "extreme" video or photo with the participants of "Nemagia". Later he flew to Kemerovo and left a note at the entrance of one of the tandem participants. Then Basta talked to the wife of one of the bloggers. As a result, "Nemagia" apologized to Vakulenko's mother, explaining that people who have nothing to do with the Internet should not suffer from haters.

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