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The role of information technology in modern society article. The role of informatics and information technology in the modern world

Among the distinctive properties of information technology, it is advisable to highlight the following seven most important.

    Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development. Experience shows that the activation, dissemination and effective use of information resources (scientific knowledge, discoveries, inventions, technologies, advanced experience) allow you to obtain significant savings in other types of resources: raw materials, energy, minerals, materials and equipment, human resources, social time.

    Information technologies make it possible to optimize and in many cases automate information processes, which in recent years have taken an increasing place in the life of human society. It is well known that the development of civilization is taking place in the direction of the formation of an information society, in which the objects and results of labor of the majority of the employed population are no longer material values, but mainly information and scientific knowledge.

    Information processes are important elements of other more complex production or social processes. Therefore, very often information technologies also act as components of the corresponding production or social technologies. Moreover, they, as a rule, implement the most important, “intellectual” functions of these technologies.

    Information technologies today play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in the systems of preparation and dissemination of mass information. In addition to the already traditional means of communication (telephone, telegraph, radio and television), electronic telecommunication systems, e-mail, facsimile transmission of information and other forms of communication are increasingly used in the social sphere. These funds are quickly assimilated by the culture of modern society, as they not only create great convenience, but also remove many production, social and everyday problems.

    Information technologies occupy a central place today in the process of intellectualization of society, the development of its educational system and culture. In almost all developed and many developing countries, computer and television equipment, educational programs on optical discs and multimedia - technologies are becoming common attributes not only of higher educational institutions, but also of ordinary schools of the primary and secondary education system.

    Information technologies now play a key role in the processes of obtaining and accumulating new knowledge. At the same time, the traditional methods of information support for scientific research through the accumulation, classification and dissemination of scientific and technical information are being replaced by new methods based on the use of the newly discovered opportunities for information support of fundamental and applied science, which are provided by modern information technologies.

    The importance of the development of information technologies, which is fundamentally important for the modern stage of development of society, lies in the fact that their use can provide significant assistance in solving global problems of mankind and, above all, problems associated with the need to overcome the global crisis of civilization experienced by the world community. After all, it is the methods of information modeling of global processes, especially in combination with the methods of space information monitoring, that can provide today the possibility of predicting many crisis situations in regions of heightened social and political tension, as well as in areas of ecological disaster, in places of natural disasters and major technological accidents. representing a heightened value to society.

The concept of technology originated in industry, where it meant a set of methods for processing materials in the process of manufacturing products. In the future, it was given a broader meaning: the technology of any business presupposes knowledge of how to do it. The English expression “know how” is often used as a synonym for the word “technology”, which literally means “know how”, that is, “know how to do”.

Concept technologies is currently used in two senses - wide and narrow. In a broad sense, it means a set of materials, methods and processes used in any field of activity, as well as their scientific description. In a narrow sense, the concept of technology means a set of organizational measures, as well as operations and techniques that are due to the current level of development of science and technology and are aimed at manufacturing, maintenance, repair or operation of a product.

The concept of technology is usually considered in connection with a specific area of ​​activity related to the production of material or spiritual benefits. Distinguish between construction technology, chemical technology, technology for obtaining a specific product, design and construction technology, social technology, metal stamping technology, money printing technology, banking and insurance technology, etc. society are information technology.

Information Technology(IT) are technologies associated with the creation, processing and storage of data using computer technology. Recently, they are most often understood as computer technologies dealing with the use of computers and software to create, process and store information. People associated with computer technology and programming are usually called IT professionals.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines information technology as a complex of interrelated scientific, technological and engineering sciences that study methods of efficiently organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information using computers, and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical application, as well as the associated social, economic and cultural problems. The main features of modern information technologies are computer processing of information, storage of large amounts of information on computer media, as well as transmission of information over any distance in the shortest possible time.

K.K.Kolin identifies seven properties of information technology that are strategically important for the development of society:

· Information technologies make it possible to effectively use the information resources of society (scientific knowledge, inventions, discoveries, etc.), giving significant savings in minerals, raw materials, energy and other types of resources;

· Information technologies allow to optimize information processes, with which in developed countries to one degree or another the majority of the employed population is connected;

· Information technologies often act as components of production or social technologies, realizing their most complex functions (for example, social advertising, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, information support for various categories of people in need, etc.);

· Information technologies play an important role in ensuring information interaction between people, complementing traditional means of communication with facsimile, electronic and voice messages, video conferencing and other types of telematic services;

· Information technologies have a great influence on the development of education, in which a variety of computer equipment, as well as educational programs recorded on laser, compact and other optical disks, are becoming commonplace not only for higher education, but also for secondary education;

Information technologies underlie some methods of obtaining new knowledge, which are becoming more and more widespread in modern science (for example, a computational experiment based on calculating with the help of a computer options for mathematical models of the process and choosing the most optimal one);

· Information technologies that allow predicting crisis situations in areas of increased socio-political tension, natural disasters, technological accidents and environmental disasters, play an important role in solving global problems of mankind.

Since information technologies are forms of activity, the question arises about the criteria for their effectiveness. The most general of these criteria is considered to be the savings in social time achieved as a result of the use of information technology. Social time represents the time at which human activity creates a society. Being dependent on the frequency of events, it is characterized by the possibility of acceleration or deceleration. The concept of social time was introduced by sociologists, who linked it with the time when social functions were performed.

Let us turn to the technologies associated with the most massive information processes, the optimization of which leads to significant savings in social time. One of these processes is the creation, modification and storage of text information. It occupies most of the working time of those who are associated with the information sphere, that is, various kinds of office workers, as well as specialists in the field of education, science, management, etc. for the preparation of text documents began to be used typewriters, which are devices with a set of keys, pressing of which leads to the printing of the corresponding characters on paper or other media. Back in the middle of the 20th century. without them it was impossible to imagine any office, but now they are mostly out of use, their function began to be performed by personal computers. To create and modify text documents, special computer programs called text editors... They made the process of creating, changing and storing textual information not only faster, but also relatively simple, which even elementary schoolchildren can cope with.

Another area of ​​human activity in which the use of information technology leads to the saving of social time is layout, which is the process of forming a publication layout by arranging text and graphic elements. Associated with publishing and printing, it is from the 15th century. was carried out manually. Since the manual typesetting involved working with lead, it was not only physically difficult, but also unhealthy. At the end of the last century, manual layout was replaced by computer, which is the use of a personal computer and special software to create a layout for subsequent printing in a printing house or on a printer. This software is called desktop publishing(or simply desktop publishing). It can be used to create layouts for books and magazines, as well as advertisements, packaging, exhibition stands, etc.

Control questions

1. What is a technological revolution?

2. What is the information revolution?

3. What is meant by computing technology?

4. What kind of computer technology is called digital? analog?

5. What is informatization?

6. What is a computer?

7. What is a logic machine?

8. What is a punched card?

9. What is a tabulator?

10. What is technology in the broadest sense? in the narrow sense?

11. What is information technology?

12. Who are IT Professionals?

13. What is social time?

14. What is a typewriter?

15. What is a text editor?

16. What is layout?

17. What is computer layout?

18. What is desktop publishing?

Self-study assignments

1. Explain why the information revolution lies at the heart of any technological revolution.

2. Describe the five information revolutions that were identified by A. I. Rakitov.

3. Describe the three waves in the development of society, which are identified by the American sociologist O. Toffler.

4. Indicate the American sociologist whose name is associated with the development of the concept of post-industrial society.

5. Give the definition of informatization, contained in the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" dated February 20, 1995 No.

6. Indicate the main factors that determine the informatization of society as a natural process.

7. Indicate the spheres of life of society in which the globalization processes associated with its informatization are most visibly manifested.

8. Show that the computer was the embodiment of not only technical thought, but also logical and philosophical ideas that can be found in the history of human intellectual activity.

9. Expand two meanings in which the concept of technology is currently used.

10. Explain why the most common criterion for the effectiveness of information technology is the saving of social time.

11. Give some examples of computer programs related to text editors.

12. Give some examples of computer programs related to desktop publishing.

Abstract topics

1. The history of mankind as a sequence of technological revolutions.

2. Technological and informational revolutions.

3. O. Toffler about three waves in the development of society.

4. The concept of post-industrial society.

5. Social informatics and the problem of informatization of society.

6. Informatization of society and global problems of mankind.

7. Historical preconditions for informatization of society.

8. The idea of ​​a calculating machine in the history of culture.

9. Concept and types of technologies.

10. UNESCO Information for All Program.

11. Criteria for the effectiveness of information technology.

12. The problem of optimization of mass information processes.

13. The modern world and the problem of education.

14. Challenges 21 c. and new tasks of the education system.

15. The concept of advanced education.

16. Informatization of education as a fundamental problem of our time.

17. Information support of the education system.

18. Distance education.

In the context of the development of modern society, information technologies deeply penetrate people's lives.

In the context of the development of modern society, information technologies deeply penetrate people's lives. They very quickly turned into a vital stimulus for the development of not only the world economy, but also other spheres of human activity. Now it is difficult to find a sphere in which information technologies are not used now. So, in the industry, information technologies are used not only to analyze stocks of raw materials, components, finished products, but also allow marketing research to forecast demand for various types of products, find new partners and much more.

Moreover, all accounting operations at enterprises and not only are now based on the use of information technology. As you know, the effectiveness of robots of public administration largely depends on the level of interaction between citizens, enterprises and other government bodies. Therefore, in public administration, information technologies make it possible to simultaneously use information, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other factors, which greatly facilitates the work and organization of the management process itself. Of course, the use of such technologies does not solve all problems, but they significantly speed up the robot in difficult areas of analytical activity, for example, during the analysis and assessment of the operational situation in difficult situations, the preparation and generation of reports and inquiries.

It is difficult to overestimate the use of information technologies in the scientific field and in the field of education. Now it is difficult to imagine a school that does not have a computer class. Now there are a lot of electronic libraries that you can use without leaving your home, which greatly facilitates the process of learning and self-education. At the same time, information technologies contribute to the development of scientific knowledge.

Since the speed of information exchange increases and it becomes possible to carry out complex mathematical calculations in a few seconds and much more. Information technology is one of the modern methods of communication, the main advantages of which are accessibility. Using information technology, you can easily access the information you are interested in, as well as communicate with a living person. On the one hand, this has a negative effect, since people communicate less and less “live”, with direct contact, but on the other hand, they will allow them to communicate with a person who is on the other side of the world, and this, you must agree, is of great importance.

Summing up, we can say that information technologies have penetrated deeply into our life and modern society, which cannot exist in its current form without them.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation





in the discipline Information technology management of social and cultural activities

The role of information technology in modern society

Performed by a student of group 44

Vasyatkina Alisa Sergeevna

Checked by: Dr. ped. sciences,

Redkina Natalia Stepanovna

Novosibirsk 2015


1.2 Types of information



In the history of society, it is allowed to distinguish several stages that the human society passed step by step in its formation. These stages differ in the main method of ensuring society's existence and the type of sources used by a person and playing a leading role in the implementation of this method. These stages include: the stages of gathering and hunting, agricultural and industrial. In our time, especially developed countries of the world are at the final stage of the industrial stage of the formation of society. In them, the transition to a further stage is carried out, the one that is called "informational". In this society, information plays a decisive role. The infrastructure of society is formed by methods and means of collecting, processing, storing and sharing information. Information becomes a tactical source.

Consequently, from the second half of the 20th century in the civilized world, the main determining factor in the socio-economic development of society is the transition from the "prophetic economy" to the "knowledge economy", there is a significant increase in the importance and role of information in solving virtually all problems of the world community.

This is convincing evidence that the scientific and technological revolution is slowly turning into intellectual and informational, information is becoming not only an object of communication, but also a profitable commodity, an absolute and effective modern means of organizing and managing social production, science, culture, education and socio-economic the formation of society in the aggregate.

Thus, informatization is an aggregate process of information support for the socio-economic formation of society on the basis of modern information special technologies and appropriate technical means.

And as a consequence, the informatization of society has become a priority, and its importance in society is constantly increasing.

The goal is to study the role of information technology in modern society.

Consider the concept of information technology;

Examine the types of information;

Analyze the role of information technology in modern society.


informatization society society automated

1.1 The concept of information technology

Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware tools, united in a technological chain that provides collection, processing, storage, transmission and display of information.

The purpose of the functioning of this chain, i.e. information technology is to reduce the labor intensity of the processes of using an information resource and increase their reliability and efficiency.

The effectiveness of information technology is ultimately determined by the qualifications of the subjects of informatization processes. At the same time, technologies should be as accessible as possible to consumers.

Information technology can be classified from different perspectives. For instance:

Information technology can be distinguished by the type of information processed. The division is rather arbitrary, since most information technologies allow supporting other types of information as well. For example, in word processors, simple computational activities are possible, and spreadsheet processors process not only digital information, but can also generate graphs. However, each of the types of technology is mainly focused on working with information of a certain type. Modification of the elements that make up information technology makes it possible to form new technologies in various computer environments.

Information technologies can be divided into supporting (OIT) and functional (FIT).

Supporting technologies are information processing technologies that can be used as tools in various subject areas. At the same time, they can provide a solution to set a different plan and varying degrees of complexity. ITU can be divided into classes of tasks, depending on the class of ITU use different types of components and software. When combining ITUs by subject matter, the problem of system integration arises, i.e. bringing various technologies to a single standard interface.

Functional information technology (FIT) is a modification of supporting technologies for the tasks of a certain subject area, i.e. subject technology is being implemented. Subject technology and information technology influence each other. For example, the emergence of plastic cards as carriers of financial information has fundamentally changed the subject technology. At the same time, a completely new information technology had to be created. But, in turn, the opportunities presented by the new IT have influenced the subject technology of plastic media (in the field of their protection, for example).

1.2 Types of information

Information can be divided into the following types:

Scientific information. This is natural information that correctly reflects the unbiased validity of the nature of the thinking society.

Scientific information is divided into areas of acquisition or implementation (technical battle, political, and so on); by appointment: group and special; by type of media: on paper - documentary, on magnetic tape, in computer memory.

Technical information. It is used and sometimes noticed when solving the latest problems (design, scientific and technical processes, and so on).

Scientific and technical information is the community of the first two.

Scientific and technical information - it circulates in the field of material and technical production.

Planning and financial information has integral data on the course of production, financial features.

Knowledge is considered the top tier of information. Mastery arises as a result of theoretical and practical work. Information repeating the type of skills is distinguished by the highest level of structuredness. As society develops, information as a community of technological knowledge is transformed into the base of information service of society in all forms of its work.

On a par with energy, usable fossils, etc. information is the source of society. As scientific and technological progress moves, the information informant becomes an unusually primary government source. The effectiveness of the industrial exploitation of information sources describes the financial strength of the state.

The computer industry makes the scientific and technical base for the formation and operation of information sources. However, the transfer of labor sources from the spheres of physical production to the informational one leads to the era of "information collapse".

Now the amount of information entering the industry, management, science comes to restless values. This can lead to an "information explosion", in other words, such a crazy rise will stop very quickly. It is permissible to demonstrate approximations to collapse:

The time for doubling the size of information, selected scientific skills - 2-3 years.

The physical costs of storing, transmitting and processing information are higher than energy costs.

The tier of radio emission in some areas of the territory approaches the tier of radio emission from the sun.

In this informational state of society, the effective use of information sources is very valuable. 3 leading branches are responsible for the use of information sources: computer technology, industrial electronics and interconnection play the same role for developed countries, in fact, a difficult industry was played before.

Active information informants - there is that part of state information sources, which in one form or another is available to users on a commercial basis. The ratio of the size of active information sources to the total size of state information sources is one of the essential financial characteristics of the state of the state.


2.1 Informatization of society and properties of information technologies

Informatization of society is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant type of activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, processing, storage, transmission, use, production of information, carried out on the basis of modern means of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as various means of information interaction and exchange.

Information technology can be viewed as an element and function of the information society, aimed at regulating, preserving, maintaining and improving the management system of the new network society. If for centuries information and knowledge were transmitted on the basis of rules and regulations, traditions and customs, cultural patterns and stereotypes, today the main role is assigned to technologies.

Information technology streamlines information flows at the global, regional and local levels. They play a key role in the formation of the technostructure, in enhancing the role of education and are actively being introduced into all spheres of socio-political and cultural life, including home life, entertainment and leisure.

Information technology properties:

Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development.

Information technologies make it possible to optimize and in many cases automate information processes, which in recent years have taken an increasing place in the life of human society.

Information processes are important elements of other more complex production or social processes.

The formation of an information society in the country is inextricably linked with education in this society. There have been at least two revolutions in the history of mankind to improve the quality and expand the accessibility of education. The two previous revolutions simultaneously expanded the possibilities of education as a system, adding new tools and changing its structure.

It is the specialists in the social sphere that should be the first to respond to these changes in society. Social educators and social workers, as specialists of various social services, complement and develop the multifaceted activities of educational institutions, health care, culture, sports, public organizations, interact with them, performing an integrative function in the relationship between state and public structures with the family and the individual. The emergence of such specialties as "social pedagogy" and "social work" makes it possible to solve several interrelated problems: the formation of a worldview adequate to this stage of social and economic development of our country and the world as a whole, the awareness of each person of his place in life, including professional self-determination; implementation of social adaptation based on the ability to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty; development of communication skills and abilities to build their relationships with various social structures. A social teacher has to work with a wide variety of categories of the population: children, disabled people, the elderly, which makes high demands on his professional training. In this case, modern information technologies can provide significant assistance, without which he simply cannot do today. And the sooner the social teacher and the computer become friends, the more effective his pedagogical activity will be.

The ability to apply modern information technologies in their activities is becoming one of the main components of the professional training of any specialist, including a specialist in the social sphere.

Information technologies have entered all spheres of our life. The computer is a means of increasing the efficiency of the learning process, participates in all types of human activity, is indispensable for the social sphere.


The functioning and development of the social sphere is impossible without the exchange of information. The introduction of modern computer information technologies into the social sphere is determined by the complication of socio-economic processes in society, their increasing dependence on information and organized information flows, the impossibility in modern conditions to solve social, economic, managerial and other tasks when processing information manually. Automated processing, storage and dissemination of social information using modern computer and telecommunication means improves the quality of social information, its accuracy, objectivity, efficiency and, as a consequence, the ability to make effective and timely management decisions.

The emergence, development and functioning of information technologies is accompanied by the process of informatization, which is “an organized socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations based on formation and use of information resources ".

Analyzing the role and importance of information technologies for the current stage of development of society, it is possible to draw well-grounded conclusions that this role is strategically important, and the importance of these technologies in the near future will grow rapidly. It is these technologies that play a decisive role today in the field of technological development of the state. The arguments for these conclusions are a number of unique properties of information technologies, which put them on a priority place in relation to production and social technologies.


1. Grinevich N.D. "Informatics and Information Technologies", BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2003

2. Emelyanov S.V., "Information technologies and computing systems", Editorial URSS, 2004

3. Levin VI, "History of Information Technologies" BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Internet University of Information Technologies -, 2007

4. Fedorova N., "Information Systems" Academia, 2010

5. Poisons G.B. Information and Society // Around the World. - 2004. - No. 2.

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The role of informatics and information technology in the modern world
Turbin Anatoly MOU Secondary School No. 8, 11 "S"
Information technology is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transferring and using information. It includes disciplines related to the processing of information in computers and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, for example, the development of programming languages. The term computer science originated in the 60s in France for the name of the field of automated processing. information as a fusion of the French words information and automatique (F. Dreyfus, 1972). The concept of computer science is relatively new in the vocabulary of modern man. Despite its widespread use, its content remains unclear due to its novelty. Intuitively, it is clear that it is associated with information, as well as its processing on computers. This is confirmed by the existing legend about the origin of this word: it is believed that it is composed of two words - INFORMATION and automatics (as a means of transforming information). Research topics in computer science are questions: what can and cannot be implemented in programs and databases (the theory of computability and artificial intelligence), how it is possible to solve specific computational and information problems with maximum efficiency (the theory of computational complexity), in what form should information of a specific type (structures and databases) be stored and restored, how programs and people should interact with each other ( user interface and programming languages ​​and knowledge representation), etc.
Basic concept of computer science
Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as creating data, including using computer technology. computer technology understands everything. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information. Specialists in computer technology and programming are often called IT specialists. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of efficiently organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems. IT itself requires complex training, high upfront costs, and knowledge-intensive technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of software, the formation of information flows in the systems of training specialists. The main features of modern IT: computer processing of information according to specified algorithms; storage of large amounts of information on computer media; transmission of information over long distances in a limited time.
The basic concept of information technology
We can no longer imagine life without a computer, without a mobile phone, without the Internet. Everything that we see around us is more and more created with the use of information technology. In the context of the rapid development of modern society, global computerization is an integral part of people's lives. Information technologies have become the main component of both the world economy as a whole and other individual spheres of human activity. Industry, education, healthcare, public administration: everything is based on the use of information technology. With an increase in the speed of information transfer, a lot of opportunities arise, without the help of which it is already difficult to imagine your life. With each century, decade and year, the volume of information accumulated by humanity increases, and its role in human life also grows. A person creates devices that allow him to receive information that is inaccessible to him in direct sensations (microscopes, telescopes, thermometers, speedometers, various sensors, etc.). Receiving information is called input. In a personal computer, special input devices are responsible for entering information: a keyboard, a scanner, a digitizer, a microphone, a mouse, and much more. A person stores information in his own memory (internal operational information) and on external media: paper, magnetic tape, disks, etc. Our internal memory is not always reliable. A person often forgets something. Information on external media is stored longer and more reliably. It is with the help of external carriers that people pass on their knowledge from generation to generation. To be able to reuse information in the future, so-called external (in relation to human memory) information carriers are used. In the modern world, databases on electronic media (servers of companies, enterprises, etc.) are an integral part of information storage.
Receiving, accumulating and storing information
The need of a person to communicate with the people around him, that is, to express and convey information, led to the emergence of language - the most ancient information technology. This was followed by the invention of writing, libraries, printing, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, television and, finally, computers and the Internet. Especially the importance of information technology has increased with the invention of the computer - a machine for receiving, processing, storing and issuing information. The widespread use of computers has provided a person with new opportunities for searching, receiving, accumulating, transferring and, most importantly, processing information. Initially, the computer was created as a tool for automating computations. However, gradually, the functions of almost all previous means of communication were added to its computing capabilities, turning it into the main tool for building a modern information society. The next milestone in the development of information technology was the possibility of creating computer networks. And as their highest manifestation - the Internet, the global computer network, which makes it possible for each user to have the information capabilities of the entire network and simultaneously transmit his information to all its users. This made it possible for any owner of a personal computer to join the information resources of all mankind and even contribute to them, create one common bank of information for all users of this network. However, there is a negative side to the emergence of a global computer network - people communicate less and less “live”, but on the other hand, users who are at a great distance from each other can communicate, and this is a huge advantage in the modern world.
Information technologies in the life of a modern person
In the context of the development of modern society, information technologies have penetrated deeply into all spheres of human activity. So, in industry, information technologies are used not only to estimate stocks of raw materials, components, finished products, to carry out new developments, but also to reduce marketing research to track demand for various types of products, find new partners. As you know, the efficiency of office management robots largely depends on on the level of communication between citizens, businesses and other governing bodies. Therefore, in the office management information technologies allow the simultaneous use of information, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other indicators, which makes it easier for the robot and the organization of the management process itself. The use of such methods significantly speeds up the robot in difficult areas of analytical work, for example, during the period of assessing the situation in difficult situations, preparing and generating reports and inquiries. Moreover, all accounting transactions at enterprises are based on the use of information technology. Due to the increase in the speed of information exchange, it became possible to carry out heavy mathematical calculations in just a few seconds. We see the widest application of IT in industry on the example of using a computer-aided design (CAD) system. CAD is an automated system that implements information technology for performing design functions, is an organizational and technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a complex of technical, software and other means of automating its activities.
The importance of information technology in industry
The importance of information technology in industry
The main goal of CAD development is to increase the efficiency of engineers' labor, including: reducing the labor intensity of design and planning; reduction of design time; reducing the cost of design and manufacture, reducing operating costs; improving the quality and technical and economic level of design results; reducing the cost of full-scale modeling and testing. Achieving the goals of creating a CAD system is ensured by: automation of documentation; information support and decision-making automation; use of parallel design technologies; unification of design solutions and design processes; reuse of design solutions, data and developments; strategic design; replacement of full-scale tests and prototyping by mathematical modeling; improving the quality of design management; application of methods of variant design and optimization. At the moment it is already impossible to imagine the functioning of most enterprises without the use of CAD. These are industrial enterprises in such industries as aircraft construction, shipbuilding, automotive, foundry, heavy, medium and light engineering, construction, precision instrument making, nuclear industry, etc.
In medicine, the term IT is used in a narrower sense, implying the use of a certain computer system to solve these problems. Currently, such a computer system, as a rule, includes a computer itself, a program (or a set of programs) that registers, processes and provides information to a doctor, a database that stores information about examinations, means for receiving and transmitting the accumulated information to another user.
Automation allows: to reduce the labor intensity of work on the management and control of resources by reducing the performance of people with routine duties; create the prerequisites for the rational organization of the production process at the enterprise; increase the speed and quality of patient care; improve the efficiency and culture of work; increase the efficiency of management; increase the efficiency of operational decision-making; expand the range of services provided to the patient; improve the possibilities of long-term planning and forecasting.
It should also be noted such an effect as reducing the time spent on making managerial decisions due to the reduction of a large number of paper flows. Improving the quality of managerial decisions from the point of view of accuracy, the depth of analysis of a controlled phenomenon, process or subject, and the presence of informative feedback.
The role of information technology in medicine
The use of the latest equipment in medicine made it possible to give the most accurate diagnosis of a patient in a short period of time. A wide range of manufactured equipment is used in all areas of medicine.
Here are some examples: The universal diagnostic ultrasound cardiology system ACUSON Sequoia 512 with a set of sensors allows you to see the anatomy and physiology of the patient with a completely new look and provides early diagnosis of pathological changes. The high-tech and compact CARDIOVIT AT-101 electrocardiograph can be used both in polyclinics and in hospitals. The ability to work in a network with uploading of data in XML format allows it to be integrated into medical systems. In cosmetology, the Thermage machine has revolutionized the idea of ​​modern methods of rejuvenation. Many patients want to tighten their skin without resorting to surgery. This can now be done in 30 minutes, which previously required many hours of plastic surgery and months of recovery. The CLINOMAT TIETON X-ray machine (Italray) is designed to perform all traditional fluorographic examinations. A wide range of anatomical programs (more than 600 programs) allows the operator to automate the selection of parameters when examining various departments.
The role of information technology in medicine
In connection with the increase in the speed of information exchange, it became possible to transmit a large amount of information, including a television stream. A little time has passed since the beginning of the first broadcasts of Internet television. However, for a short period of using Internet television, a large audience has appeared. And now it is difficult to imagine the Internet without television broadcasting. The use of a satellite dish is not an obligatory equipment for watching TV programs, for this it is enough to use a laptop connected to an Internet access point. With the implementation of wireless access, the dependence on the Internet connection point has decreased. At the moment, television can be transmitted from almost anywhere in the world. According to forecasts of experts, by 2013 the total share of audio and digital video transmitted to the network online will be about 98% of the total flow of information sent. Digital TV broadcasting is gaining momentum and over time, this dynamic becomes more and more distinct. The flourishing of commercial television channels that appeared for the first time was a rather significant stage in the formation of the domestic television industry, but a noticeable leap took place in recent years. Development took place immediately with the introduction of high-speed Internet access. Since that time, the high-speed channel to the global network has become accessible to all, the rapid progress of online TV broadcasts was no longer held back. And the development of the Russian-language network at the same moment reacted to the expansion of opportunities with the emerging in large numbers, online television equipment. Well-known television channels have become even more convenient for viewing, and web TV broadcasts also delight the Russian-speaking audience living in other countries. You can watch online TV almost everywhere. This has become possible thanks to the development of digital web television technologies.
The role of information technology in the formation of online television
All domestic secondary educational institutions have recently been equipped with computer labs, which make it possible not only to conduct full-fledged computer science lessons, but also to use various types of modern technology in the process of teaching and testing knowledge. Multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboards installed in classrooms make it possible to more clearly present the studied material to students. The main sign of the development of information technology at school is the intensive use of those. teaching aids of a new generation in methodological recommendations for conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, the desire of teachers to master new equipment. This direction in increasing knowledge is called "Information and communication technologies" (ICT). It is quite possible to use this technique when studying any school subject.
The use of information technology in teaching
The experiment shows that the competent use of ICT by the teacher significantly increases the interest of students in the subject. The transmission of visual aids on the screen using a multimedia projector helps the teacher to better present the process and the results of the experiments, to use virtual excursions in different geographic zones and the best museums in the world. Students have every chance to see with their own eyes how rich the flora and fauna of the country is by seeing panoramic shots, shots of a living creature or natural phenomenon, as well as observing astronomical objects.
The use of information technology in teaching
Here are some examples of the use of ICT. It is possible to show children how day and night exist on Earth at the same time by using the output of images from webcams in the appropriate time zones. You can show the passage of chemical reactions on the screen with the participation of the substances used in them by linking the scales and the interactive whiteboard to each other. The use of ICT is very active by technology teachers. Now students have every chance to see clear drawings, high-quality slides and films about the history of fashion, styles, and interiors. For training in various fields, the Internet offers a huge number of master classes that arouse sincere interest in children.

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