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Rfid tags are interesting uses. RFID

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In this article, we will study the features, as well as the prospects for the development of the popular radio frequency identification technology today.

Thanks to the development and implementation of automated control systems, the work of modern enterprises has risen to a new level, thanks to the elimination of the human factor, which until recently was the main weak link in this area. Now the problem of the speed and correctness of the collection, input and output of information into the management system in the field of production, trade, transport, etc. has been fully resolved.

Principles RFID technology(abbreviated as RFI) were successfully used already during the Second World War. Then it made it possible to automatically identify aircraft ("friend or foe"). Thus, this technology has acquired new functions over time, but based on modern approaches. Contactless identification is convenient in that it fully meets the requirements of a computerized control system used to recognize and register objects, including user rights. The system is based on the use of barcodes and on the radio frequency principle (RFID technology), in which special tags are attached to the object, with identification and other information.

Building and functioning doesn't really seem like something special or complicated. Everything is quite simple: the system must have three basic components:

  • reader (reader), with the help of which data collection is carried out;
  • identifier - can be made in the form of a card, tag, key fob or tag;
  • computer - information system.

The reader creates an electromagnetic field in the surrounding space. The identifier receives the signal emitted from the reader and generates a response signal, which is received by the reader's antenna. The signal is processed by the electronic unit and then sent to the computer via the interface (communication channel) (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The principle of the RFID system

Reader - this component is equipped with a transceiver and antenna, with the help of which it sends a signal to the tag and receives a response, as well as a microprocessor for checking and decrypting data. The reader also has a memory for storing data, which can be re-transmitted if necessary.

Tag (tag) - has an integrated circuit and a chip in its design. The circuit allows you to control the communication with the antenna and reader. The chip is equipped with a memory that stores an identification code or other information. Catching a signal from the raider, the tag transfers the data stored in its memory back to the reader. At the same time, direct contact is not required between the tag and the reader for visibility, since the radio signal can easily penetrate various non-metallic materials. It also allows you to hide labels inside objects to be monitored and identified.

Tags are divided into two types - active and passive. Active ones operate from a built-in or attached battery. They differ in that they provide a long reading range and they require a small reader power. A passive tag can work without a power source, since it receives energy from the reader's signal. By design, they are lighter and less active, cheaper and have a long service life.

Active and passive tags can be used:

  • only for reading;
  • for reading and writing data;
  • to write data once by the user.

Sami RFID systems can be classified according to the principle of action: into interactive and passive. A simple passive system provides for constant radiation of the reader and is suitable as a power source for the identifier only. When the identifier receives the required energy level, it turns on and processes the radiation of the reader with its code, which is subsequently received by the reader. Access control systems, for the most part, work exactly according to this principle.

Interactive control systems are required, for example, in the field of logistics. In them, the reader emits modulated oscillations, in other words, generates a request. The label "decrypts" the request and, if necessary, generates a response.

Interactive systems have been designed to handle more than one tag. For example, during the receipt of goods at the warehouse, when you need to read at once all the tags located in the package with the goods. Under such conditions, it is difficult to do without an anticollision mechanism (prevention of superposition of radio waves). Thanks to it, you can perform selective sequential work with several tags located in one field of the reader. If there is no such mechanism, then the signals of the identifiers will overlap. Thanks to anti-collision, the reader can identify all tags by serial numbers, and then process them one by one.

Rewritable identifiers

For admission control systems and for counting the number of units of products on pallets, tags are sufficient, which are assigned unique numbers. But there are also such tasks when the label must contain additional data reflecting the movement of the technological process. In such cases, rewritable identifiers are used, which are equipped with additional non-volatile memory. Such tags differ in that the information in them is saved even in the absence of power. The amount of memory can vary from bits to kilobytes depending on the tasks.

Frequency bands and standards

RFID systems use identifiers classified by reading distance:

  • Proximity are cards or key fobs that provide identifiers for reading from short distances - from about 10 cm. They are used in access control systems and in some transport applications;
  • Vicinity are extended reading range identifiers (about 1.5 meters). They are used for product identification primarily in logistics applications;

If we consider the tags in relation to their operating frequencies, then the main ones are:

  • 125 or 134 kHz - low frequency range
  • 13.56 MHz - mid-frequency
  • 800 MHz - 2.45 GHz - high frequency

The low frequency range is used in most cases in access control systems and for the identification of metal objects and animals.

The most popular is the mid-range. It is ideal for transport and other similar applications where rewritable labels are required. The basic standard in such systems is ISO 14443. It is used by almost all smart cards. For tags used in this range, the EPC and ISO 15693 standards are relevant. The latter is used in the manufacture of rewritable tags with wide functionality. EPC (electronic product code) has a simpler structure and is an electronic analogue of bar codes.

The high-frequency range began to be used not so long ago, but it is interesting because the radiation power in it of passive identifiers reaches a range of up to 4 to 8 meters, which is convenient for warehouse applications. In this range, 2 standards are considered the most common: ISO 18000 and also EPC. It should be noted that the EPC standard applied in both the mid-frequency and high-frequency ranges is the most promising, especially for logistics applications.

To overcome the technical challenges associated with developing an international standard for RFID systems, major RFID system manufacturers have formed a working group within the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This group develops international standards for RFID systems for commodity management. A special subcommittee, which is part of this working group, is working on the labeling of goods with bar codes. In general, the RFID Working Group comprises 4 subgroups: Data Syntax, Application Requirement Profiles, RFID Unique Tag Identification, and Radio Interface. All of them are aimed at the development of international standards for solving general issues regarding the use of RFID systems, think over the information content of the radio frequency tag and its control system and other tasks regarding the communication and operation of the tag and the information reader. The result of the work of these subgroups will have to lead to the creation of a series of international standards that will solve the problems regarding the compatibility of components of radio frequency systems from different manufacturers.

In order to facilitate the choice RFID systems according to their functionality, the development of standards is carried out for several frequency ranges: below 433 MHz, 13.56 MHz, 860 - 960 MHz, 2.45 GHz and 135 KHz. It is expected that radio frequency identification systems based on these frequencies will be able to meet all the needs of their users. The development of international standards is carried out with the agreement of the national standardization bodies that take part in this process. The International Organization for Standardization provides six stages of harmonization at different levels. To date, the developed projects have overcome the most difficult part of their path, which allows us to take this as a sign that in the near future international standards for RFID systems will be created.

Features of modern RFID standards are given in table. one.

Table 1. General characteristics of RFID technology

Currently, the most interesting are the standards of the ISO 18000 series, the main features of which are given in table. 2.

Table 2. ISO 18000 Series RFID Standards

RFID standard Name Main content
ISO 18000-1 Part 1: Definition of parameters to be standardized. Determining the parameters to be standardized
ISO 18000-2 Part 2: Parameters for air interface communications below 135 kHz Parameters for contactless communication interface below 135 kHz
ISO 18000-3 Part 3: Parameters for air interface communications at 13.56 MHz Parameters for contactless communication interface at 13.56 MHz
ISO 18000-4 Part 4: Parameters for air interface communications at 2.45 GHz Parameters for 2.45 GHz contactless communication interface
ISO 18000-6 Part 6: Parameters for air interface communications at 860-930 MHz Parameters for contactless communication interface at 860 - 930 MHz
ISO 18000-7 Part 7: Parameters for Active Air Interface Communications at 433 MHz Parameters for 433 MHz contactless communication interface

Benefits of RFID technology:

  • to collect data from the carrier, no line of sight or contact with the reader is required;
  • RFID tags provide fast and accurate collection of information;
  • RFID tags are suitable for use in corrosive environments and can be read through paint, dirt, water, steam, wood, plastic, etc.
  • passive RFID tags have an unlimited service life;
  • RFID tags allow you to encode a large amount of information;
  • RFID tags are difficult to counterfeit;
  • RFID tags can be used not only for reading, but also for writing information.

Applications of RFID technology

For a while, RFID systems have cost more than barcode contactless identification systems. After the tags were technologically improved, they began to be used in those areas where previously only barcodes were used. However, RF systems still compete with barcode systems not only in functionality, but also in price. It should be noted that it provides solutions for working in poor visibility conditions. The RFID chip acts as a talking barcode that transmits data to the reader. The printed barcodes are readable by the laser scanner, but a line of sight is required for it to function correctly. And with RFID technology, the scanner can decode information from media, even when it is hidden (for example, sewn into clothes or built into the body of a product). Moreover, even a very small label can contain several times more information than a barcode. In addition, RFID tags can be read from a variety of packages or directly from a shopping cart.

The results of the comparative analysis of these two methods of contactless identification are shown in table. 3.

Table 3. Comparative characteristics of two methods of contactless identification

Specifications RFID Barcode
Object identification without direct contact Yes No
Identification outside the field of view, hidden objects Yes No
Data storage over 8Kb Yes No
Possibility of re-writing data and re-using the information keeper Yes No
Identification range over 1m Yes No
Simultaneous identification of several objects Yes No
Resistance to mechanical stress Yes No
Thermal resistance Yes No
Resistance to chemical attack Yes No
Moisture resistance Yes No
Safety Yes No
Identification of moving objects Yes No
Durability Yes No
Exposure to interference in the form of electromagnetic fields Yes No
Identification of metal objects Yes No
Using hand-held terminals for identification Yes No
Using stationary terminals for identification Yes No
Automatic recording of information in Non-Stop mode Yes No
Approximate cost of 1 label, $ 1 0,01
Estimated cost of a stationary card reader, $ 64 40
Information capacity 8 Kbytes 100 bytes
Pollution sensitivity missing high
Possibility of tag forgery impossible easy
Multiple simultaneous reading maybe impossible
Reading speed low high
Maximum reading distance 0.5 m 8 m

Currently, RFID systems are used in a variety of cases when operational and accurate control, tracking and recording of numerous movements of various objects is required. Typical Applications:

  • electronic control of access and movement of personnel on the territory of enterprises;
  • management of production, commodity and customs warehouses (especially large ones), stores, issuance and movement of goods and material values;
  • automatic data collection on railways, toll roads, freight stations and terminals;
  • control, planning and management of traffic, schedule intensity and selection of optimal routes;
  • public transport: traffic management, fare and passenger traffic optimization;
  • electronic payment systems for all types of transport, including the organization of toll roads, automatic collection of tolls and transit fees, paid parking lots;
  • security (in conjunction with other technical means of audio and video control);
  • protection and signaling on vehicles.

The scope of an RFID system is determined by its frequency (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Frequency dependence of RFID system drawbacks

Considering the dependencies shown in Fig. 2, RFID systems can be roughly divided into three groups.

  1. High-frequency (850 - 950 MHz and 2.4 - 5 GHz), which are used where long distance and high reading speed are required, such as monitoring railway cars, cars, waste collection systems. For this purpose, readers are installed on gates or barriers, and the transponder is fixed on the windshield or side window of the car. The long range makes it possible to safely install the readers out of the reach of people.
  2. Intermediate frequency (10 - 15 MHz) - used where large amounts of data must be transferred.
  3. Low frequency (100 - 500 KHz). They are used where a small distance between the object and the reader is acceptable. The usual reading distance is 0.5 m, and for tags embedded in small "buttons" the reading range is usually even shorter - about 0.1 m. A large reader antenna can compensate to some extent for such a range of a small tag but radiation from high voltage lines, motors, computers, lamps, etc. interferes with her work. Most access control systems, Warehouse and Manufacturing cards use a low frequency.

Contactless information systems based on RFID technology are currently used when you need:

  • a sharp reduction in the cost of data entry and the elimination of errors associated with manual input of information;
  • high efficiency of registration information;
  • a high degree of automation of property management, warehouses, transport, people's access to premises;
  • fully automatic registration with subsequent computer processing of the results (example: a system for registering passengers of a fixed-route taxi or a bus with automatic collection of fares);
  • improving quality control in production, warehouse and transport operations;
  • reduction of accounting document flow and labor costs.

All these and many other tasks can be successfully solved using RFID systems.

Let's take a closer look at the main applications of RFID technology.

Transport applications

Most (about 80%) transport applications are characterized by the use of Philips brand Mifare cards. This type of card is also used as travel tickets on suburban trains, in the Moscow metro and for other vehicles. The cards are executed in accordance with the third level of ISO 14443 A and are complemented by a special crypto protection mechanism. This mechanism makes it possible to exclude forgery of transport cards. Such ID cards are also used in club systems, gas stations and other areas that require contactless technology, as well as protection against unauthorized use.

Warehouse and logistics

There are three main RFID standards used in this area - EPC and ISO 15693 (mid-frequency range), as well as ISO 18000 (high-frequency range). The emergence and application of the popular EPC standard in this area is due to the fact that rewritable tags of the ISO 15693 standard are not cost-effective in situations where the product only needs to be identified. In addition, their use violates the principle of privacy, which at one time led to several scandalous proceedings. As for the EPC standard, it is analogous to a bar code in terms of data format, which is relevant for a warehouse. In addition, such tags can be deactivated when they are no longer needed. In warehouse and logistics applications, high-frequency tags are also convenient, since they allow recording and reading data over a long distance - up to 10 meters, which provides additional convenience in the process of managing warehouse stocks.

Electronic documents

The use of electronic documents is considered a new, but very promising direction in the field of using RFID technology. High reading speed, high protection against unauthorized access, reliability - all these advantages became the impetus for the introduction of electronic tags in various types of documents - in driver's licenses, passports, air tickets, etc. Already today, the EEC countries have switched to passports in which RFID tags... Entry visas are issued with the same technical "stuffing". ICAO, the international association of air carriers, is also planning to start using electronic air tickets. Note that not only the usual information about the owner (full name, year of birth, etc.), but also biometric signs and digital color photographs are recorded in the memory of such a tag.

Access control systems (ACS).

RFID technology has been used in ACS systems for a relatively long time. Today, most offices and businesses use proximity plastic cards for access. Initially, this solution based on this technology was quite expensive in comparison with the then popular magnetic cards. However, due to the convenience and reliability that RFID provides, proximity cards quickly became in demand and within a few years drove out competing technologies for access control systems from the market. Most readers and access control cards operate in passive mode in the 125 kHz frequency range. There are no concretely established standards in this area yet, but the most popular and widespread are the formats of companies, HID, EM Marin and Motorola. Recently, smart cards according to the ISO14443 standard (13.56 MHz) have also begun to be used in ACS, in view of the mass of advantages they provide, and also due to the fact that in many countries these cards have already been put into mass operation.


Readers used in access control systems are mainly produced for Mifare, HID and EM Marin card formats. By design, RFID readers can be equipped with a plastic case (with or without a keyboard) or metal. By purchasing a unified reader, the user can, through simple manipulations, choose the data format he needs, as well as the way to control the indicators. Note that each reader is equipped with audible and two-color LED indicators. Also, many models support the function of prohibiting reading data from cards, which is usually used when creating gateway algorithms for passage, etc. When working with identifiers at medium and long distances, readers are made in the form of a frame (for cards such as EM Marin); also produced models for working with active tags in the 2.45 GHz band, and devices for working with transport cards, adapted to the ISO 14443 A and B formats, including Mifare.

In short, for each area of ​​application, its own technological and design solutions are produced. The modern market offers radio frequency readers of various designs - desktop, as well as frameless ones for the possibility of embedding them in equipment. For objects that were equipped with discontinued readers, the corresponding modifications are provided, which are compatible not only in terms of dimensions, and according to the exchange protocol. For those applications that are related to the identification of baggage, goods, correspondence and other various products, readers are produced with a specific set of parameters for their maximum efficiency in each specific case.

So, the main forks of RFID readers used today in various safra applications:

  • desktop readers;
  • frameless embedded readers;
  • readers with remote antennas for medium and long range;
  • hand-held readers equipped with a keypad and LCD.


In fig. 3 shows a typical design of a proximity card with contactless RFID identification.

Rice. 3. Typical RFID proximity card design


ISO 15693 and EPC labels

The labels of these standards are used to identify various items (except metal). Their maximum reading range is 120 centimeters. The standard tag is identical in size to a plastic card, but unlike it has a flexible paper base with an adhesive layer. These tags are usually supplied in rolls of 500 each. The main characteristics of such tags:

  • contain a unique serial number;
  • memory size - EEPROM 128/0/24 bytes;
  • issued in the form of a crystal Philips I-Code SLI / I-Code UID; / I-Code EPC.

Depending on the scope of application, the labels of this standard can be in the form of a plastic disc, the diameter of which varies from 20 to 30 mm. It should be noted that the smaller the tag will be in size, the shorter the reading range will be. Tags in this design are supplied as standard, 150 pieces per pack. If necessary, custom-made tags can be provided with non-standard dimensions (for example, 60x100, etc.). If the production of tags of non-standard sizes is required, then the circulation, as a rule, is carried out from 100,000 pieces. Additionally, labels, regardless of their size, can be printed with one-color or multi-color in accordance with the customer's requirements. When printed, the minimum order is 5,000 tags.

ISO 18000 labels

Tags of the specified standard are mainly used in the field of logistics and in other applications where a long reading range of identifiers is required (up to several meters). The 900 MHz tags can be specially designed to work even on metal surfaces. This capability allows them to be used for marking vehicles, containers and railway wagons.

Labels for glass and cardboard

There is also a certain group of marks designed for application on cardboard boxes and similar containers, as well as for identification of cars when applied to the windshield.

Metal labels

Labels for marking metal surfaces are produced in a plastic case. They can be attached to objects through special holes using self-tapping screws, or simply glued to the surface by applying an adhesive layer to the back of the case.

Smart seals

Special radio frequency tags are produced in the form of "seals" designed to protect containers from opening. If the seal mark is broken, it will cease to function. The use of passive RFID technology in this case made it possible to apply a solution that is more advantageous in terms of price and efficiency in comparison with the active seals used.

Summing up, we can highlight the main promising areas of application of RFID technology.


Modern technologies make it possible to place the component parts (in passive devices this is an antenna, a capacitor and a semiconductor microcircuit) not only under a plastic case, but also on an acrylic substrate. Such developments allowed to reduce the cost of implementing this technology, as a result of which the manufacturer was able to apply these marks as ordinary labels. The scanner included in the automated system, designed on the basis of the principle of electromagnetic capture or inductive coupling, feeds passive tags.

In fact, the RFID system is formed by two main and interconnected elements - a tag and a scanning device.

It reads information from labels and tags by radio communication. The data goes through the reader directly to the database. An equally interesting solution is RFID chips designed to open door locks.

MyKey 2300, which became the first sample made using this technology, can be opened using a chip key or by entering a code from a keyboard similar to that of standard combination locks.

Photo 1. General view of the world's first lock MyKey 2300, the key to which is an RFID chip

So, while the real breakthrough in retail and access control systems using a radio frequency system has occurred relatively recently, RFID technology itself is by no means new. It originated and began to be used since the 1940s. It was used by radio transmitters during World War II to identify aircraft. Today, the same method is used for all aircraft, from helicopters to hot air balloons. Moreover, the technology has found new uses also since the 1980s, when government authorities were concerned about the spread of mad cow disease. Livestock identification was carried out on the basis of RFID technology and already today, rfid tags, made in the form of tags, are worn by millions of cows in their ears. RFID chips are also embedded in identification tags used in security systems, applied to goods to simplify logistics accounting; on windshields of cars for the possibility of automatic payment of road tolls, etc.

Despite the fact that RFID has been around for a long time, its mass adoption in the network of suppliers began relatively recently, but has already led to significant changes. Moreover, with the spread of radio frequency technology in this area, the production of tags and scanners has also increased, and therefore the price for them has significantly decreased. At the same time, commercial enterprises allocating funds to integrate the new system into product management were able to use it in conjunction with other applications without spending additional investments.

An example is the cell phone manufacturer Nokia. She was able to make an RFID scanner out of a regular model. Thus, pocket PCs and mobile phones have appeared on the market that support the function of scanning RFID labels on goods. This allowed consumers to have atmatic access to information contained in computer networks without typing an Internet address. The user just needs to bring his device to the RFID tag - and the information will be recognized, rolling back access to the information about the object. This can be, for example, product descriptions, detailed instructions, videos, promotion details and much more.


The RFID system has made it possible in many ways to simplify and facilitate our lives. However, she also had opponents. For example, in Europe and the United States, people are concerned that the use of RFID tags and labels on goods may also be a way for companies to track consumer preferences, from their favorite cheese to the style and size of clothing. In addition, since the information on such a label can be read at a decent distance, civil rights advocates suggest that such chips can be used unauthorized not only inside, but also outside the walls of the store by intruders. If they have a reader, they can extract information from things and then use it against their owner, for example, by providing his credit card number when hacking the store's database.

Many industry analysts remain of the opinion that the benefits of RFID technology in customer and customer service systems will outweigh privacy concerns. They also explain this by the fact that RFID has many more advantages than disadvantages. In addition, the Auto-ID Research Center located at MIT has proposed giving merchants the ability to deactivate (disable) RFID tags when leaving stores. Despite the fact that a single RFID standard has not yet been developed, some manufacturers have already begun to release such tags.

Until a certain time, the proliferation of RFID tags and chips was hampered by their price and cumbersomeness. In connection with the tasks assigned to them, smaller and cheaper devices were needed. As a result, the customers were able to get what they wanted. When the tags of the new format were developed, there were immediately reports in the media about the release of identifiers that could meet the highest requirements for radio identification chips. The first news came from Hitachi, which developed the so-called mu-chip. Its dimensions are less than a quarter of a square millimeter and at the same time it is able to exchange information at a distance of 25 centimeters. However, the short range and the mandatory use of an external antenna limit the operation of this device in trade and services.

A second message was received from the Malaysian government stating that intellectual property had been acquired relating to the development of the Manathir RFID chip from the Japanese company FEC Inc. Its dimensions are 50 cm and the price is 10 cents. It is intended for tracking goods, as well as for tracking people. Moreover, it is suitable for implantation into the human body. The range of this chip was not specified, but apparently it reaches several meters. I must say that in Malaysia for several years now, smart RFID-based ID cards have been used, and now the task is to reduce the cost of these documents using the new chip used, and also to implant Manathir in all objects that need to be tracked. It is clear that such an initiative is aimed at providing the state with full information about its citizens.

How in such a situation can you avoid total surveillance and preserve the right to privacy? To the delight of citizens, the researchers decided to consider this problem, and they still managed to find a solution, moreover, simple and at the same time quite ingenious: to develop a so-called "jammer" aimed at counteracting in relation to reading devices. Ideally, it should be made to resemble RFID chips. Thus, the "jammer" should be a device that copies the operation of the RFID microcircuit, but unlike it, it should give random information "about nothing" instead of useful information to scanners' requests.

The operation of such a blocking chip provides several important points. First, the device must be able to recognize requests from various readers. And secondly, to issue several responses to one request at once. In this case, the scanner will simply "get confused". This idea was proposed by specialists from RSA Security. They managed to bring it to a laboratory prototype and now they are striving to make test microcircuits.

Based on the results of these world news, we can conclude that RFID technology is now experiencing a period of a kind of boom, the results of which in the future can have a great impact on the development of technical progress in many directions. Below we have given examples in which RFID technology has been implemented at the moment, as well as what advantages and disadvantages have emerged in the process of its application.

RFID PLUSES USA Introduces RFID Passports for Travelers and Tourists

Tourist visas in the United States are now RFID tagged. As part of the adopted program, all foreigners arriving in the states must have tourist visas equipped with passive RFID chips with the function of multiple data rewriting. This solution is aimed at increasing the tracking of tourist movements. It also allows you to determine, if necessary, the number of foreigners leaving the country, and without the need to screen their documents. The experiment involves the introduction of chips into documents that are issued by the largest US airports. If the technology is approved by the government, then the chips will also be used in all other customs points in the country.

RFID technology entered America's passport system

The country's population passports are now also equipped with a radio frequency chip, which allows police officers and officers at control posts to quickly and easily retrieve the information recorded on it. New passports contain a number of standard personal data, as well as a photograph of the owner of the document, so that, if necessary, you can instantly identify the bearer at the points of installation of special terminals. In the future, it is planned to add fingerprints to other information, as well as the results of scanning the iris of the eyes.

Tracking expats with chips

In the United States, it is planned to use technology to track the movements and, consequently, the whereabouts of emigrants. This need is caused by the situation in America on the border with Canada and Mexico. The state plans to use special identification devices for issuing to foreigners arriving in the states by car or on foot. These devices operate on the basis of an RFID chip containing a unique code, which indicates the main data of the tourist - his full name, citizenship, date of arrival and expected departure, as well as biometric data. Similar electronic IDs have already been introduced in Nogale, Arizona, New York, and Blaine, Washington, as an experiment for a year. If this practice is recognized, then electronic documents for emigrants will be used throughout the country. According to statistics, such certificates have already been issued to more than 17.5 million foreigners who have arrived in the United States since the beginning of the experiment.

RFID Tags for the US Army

For some time, the United States had a law passed by the Department of Defense, according to which all suppliers were required to use RFID tags on all goods supplied to the country. The exceptions were bulk products and large volumes of liquid. This decision was made to be able to control and track the supply of products around the world, as well as to improve the efficiency of the transportation system. Thus, the contents of the shipping container could be identified without opening it via an RFID tag.

Tracking products and buyers

As noted earlier, RFID tags are currently used to track livestock. In America, in addition to the specified purpose, tags are also used to identify lost pets, as well as to allow commuters to drive into the city in their vehicles through the toll barrier without stopping. Also, in one of the boutiques in New York, sensors are installed in the walls of the fitting room. With their help, you can determine what clothes a customer is trying on, as well as provide information on the availability of other colors, sizes or fabrics of clothes in the store. RFID technology is also used as an anti-theft system in stores, where a regular T-shirt can cost $ 400 or more. Due to the fact that every year radio frequency tags are improving and becoming more miniature, supporters of RFID suggest that in the future this technology will be used even for dirty laundry to transmit information to washing machines about what mode is needed to wash them, and refrigerators will be able to send an order to stores when milk runs out.

Application of RFID tags in accordance with EU regulations

A decision was made and regulated by EU legislation to use identification systems for cats, dogs and ferrets traveling within and between countries (community members). The aim of this initiative is to prevent epidemics in Europe.

RFID for invaluable manuscripts

The library at the Vatican uses radio frequency identification as the backbone of the management system to monitor manuscripts and other important historical sites.

TESCO switched to radio frequency tags

Tesco, one of the largest UK retailers, is using RFID tags on its Gillete razor blades to track the movement of goods.

RFID anti-counterfeiting

RFID technology is also used to protect manufacturers' goods and brands from counterfeiting by using an electronic code.

Reducing the risk of child abduction

Eagle Tracer has proposed the use of RFID to protect children in order to reduce the risk of their abduction.

Application of RFID in healthcare

The US authorities suggest that counterfeiting of medicines could be drastically reduced if every box of medicines is supplied with an electronic “passport”.

Hotel solution

RFID technology is widely used by hotels, where it has increased security and service levels while reducing costs.

RF chips on euro banknotes

A project of the European Central Bank, which is currently under development, provides for the introduction of a radio frequency tag in banknotes.

RFID cons

Consumers Against RFID Chips

After Wal-Mart began using radio frequency tags on all its products in its supermarket chain, it was greeted with a wave of outrage from consumers, to the extent that human rights activists began to prepare a draft law. As a result, the human rights organization CASPLAN was put forward, aimed at protecting the personal rights of consumers, as well as a legislative draft, according to which all products with such tags must be labeled accordingly. The draft law also states that the use of information obtained from the tags should be limited. And while RFID has recently begun to be used in this area, consumers believe protection is better off starting now.

RFID technology does not meet all security measures

With regard to RFID, in the last months of its large-scale use, experts expressed the opinion that this technology represents an insufficient level of security. RFID tags, which are used for small calculations, marking commercial packages, and also functioning car anti-theft systems, in reality really turned out to be not so reliable against the simplest hacking techniques using cheap devices with processors. The vulnerability of RFID chips is that they can be hacked even without direct contact. An attacker just needs to be around. Therefore, until the developers of encryption standards improve RFID-tags in terms of security properties, their use in areas where hacking the system would entail significant losses is considered unsafe.

Gillette abandoned rfid-tagged items

The use of RF technology has also been unsuccessful in the Gillette experience, as consumers did not appreciate the initiative. It should be noted that in many countries, consumers have protested against the use of labels on goods. As a result, the first shipments of RFID-tagged Gilette products to Tesco's Cambridge store were subjected to a public boycott. After assessing consumer reaction, the company stopped testing and stopped supplying tagged items to the store.

There will be no RFID tags in Walmart stores

Marketers argue that RFID technology has the potential to revolutionize the retail landscape by allowing for personalized customer experiences and more efficient product inventory. But even in this area, not everyone is happy with this "innovation." Another well-known company Walmart was forced to stop experimenting with the use of radio frequency tags due to customer dissatisfaction. Walmart management announced that the large-scale application of RFID tags, which was supposed to be implemented soon, is canceled. But, nevertheless, this situation cannot be considered the ultimate victory of consumers. The labels are still planned to be used, if not in stores, then in warehouses and distribution centers. Therefore, it can be assumed that consumers will still be exposed to infringement of their private information to some extent.

Threats to reader privacy in libraries

US libraries are also suggesting the use of RFID tags instead of barcodes. When you leave the library with books, they will presumably have to be deactivated (disabled). But then it turns out that a person can be tracked down with the help of the books that are in his bag, since no one gives a guarantee that the tags cannot then be turned on again. In this regard, some US citizens are concerned about the provision of the adopted Patriot Act, according to which bailiffs now have access to data on library visits by readers.

Subcutaneous chipping

Several US corporations are considering offering subcutaneous RFID chips. In this case, they would make it possible to replace passports, usual credit cards and other documents. The main advantage is that they cannot be lost, and the disadvantage is that unauthorized tracking of the owner of the chip can be carried out through them. I must say that such a system has already been developed and is called VeriPay. It is based on the use of a miniature subcutaneous chip. The manufacturer emphasizes that this solution will solve the problem of losing magnetic cards, as well as create additional barriers to deliberate theft and generally make the user's life much easier. In response to negative statements regarding the negative aspects of using such a chip, the company assures that such a chip can be withdrawn at any time. But at the same time, the company does not provide security guarantees for such a system, since if thieves have sophisticated equipment, they will probably be able to pick up the signals from the chip so that later their devices can reproduce them. Moreover, thieves can forcefully remove the chip. To promote the "novelty", the owners of the VeriPay system offered to register those who wish to receive such a chip - for the purpose of statistics.

RFID tags - a watershed moment in technology

Currently, the use of RFID tags is approaching the status of one of the most popular technologies used in the retail sector. Its inhibition along this path is caused by several negative factors. While RFID tags are analogous to high-tech barcodes that can be read from a distance and through walls, some potential buyers believe that RFID is completely flawed and, at the same time, expensive for its release to the masses. At this stage, RFID tags are mainly aimed at marking containers and pallets, and not on each product individually.

So, in the conclusion of the review regarding the future development of RFID technology and its use at the moment, certain conclusions can be drawn.

Previously, the implementation of RFID technology was hampered by such factors as the high cost of the system, unfinished international standards, as well as negative feedback from public organizations aimed at protecting consumer rights. Currently, the RFID tag has an affordable price, which varies depending on functionality from a few tens of cents to several tens of dollars. At the same time, its mass production allows it to further reduce its price, but there is a possibility that its cost is unlikely to be able to reach the cost of a paper label with a barcode, which is supplied to every product today. In this regard, radio frequency tags are used primarily for marking those objects, the price of which significantly exceeds the cost of the tag. Also, radio frequency identification today is used to track returnable containers in the form of kegs, containers, pallets and other containers for transportation; Vehicle; garbage containers; for marking and identification of rare varieties of wines; items for hire (bicycles, books, etc.), medical records, animals and tools.

Gradually, the RFID system is also being introduced in the retail sector for labeling individual goods and inventory control. In this regard, it can be predicted that over time, the price of the rfid tag will reach a level that will allow it to be used on all types of products. The only condition for such a prospect is the existence of a single standard, since the production of RFID systems today is carried out in several countries. Therefore, the systems must be unified and compatible so that not only RFID tags, but also readers from different manufacturers, can communicate with each other without problems. These standards have already been developed and are now at the stage of adoption.

The main, and so far the only significant obstacle to the mass introduction of RFID technology is the resistance of the society, defending the rights of consumers. However, based on the experience of introducing modern technologies into our life, we always have to sacrifice something on the way to progress. Currently, the efforts of developers are thrown to find a compromise between the positive and negative sides of the application of RFID technology. Considering that thanks to its capabilities, it was possible to eliminate the weakest link - the human factor - in the environment of automated control systems, in the near future it is likely to make a real revolution in the industrial sphere, as well as in the spheres of agriculture, transport and others, including the development of a new special technology. Now, in view of the prospects for the development of RFID technology, it has no serious competitors.

And many others.

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Credit and debit cards with embedded radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are now the norm. But this is only one area in which RFID technology is used.

There are many other places where you use RFID technology, perhaps without even realizing it.

So what is RFID?

RFID is the use of radio waves to read, capture and interact with information stored in a tag / tag. Tags are usually attached to objects and can be read from a few meters away. In addition, the tag does not always have to be in line of sight to initiate interaction.

An RFID tag is an easy way to assign a unique identifier to an item. Plus, they don't need an internal power source, while the label can be as small as a grain of black pepper. This means that they are easy to implement almost everywhere - hence their popularity.

How does RFID work?

The basic RFID system consists of two parts: a tag and a reader.


The RFID tag has a built-in transmitter and receiver. The actual RFID component contained in the tag consists of two parts: an integrated circuit for storing and processing information and an antenna for receiving and transmitting a signal. The RFID tag is nonvolatile memory and can include either fixed or programmable logic to handle transmission and sensor data.

Tags can be passive, active, or passive with a battery.

Passive label is the cheapest option and does not contain a battery. The tag uses the radio transmission transmitted by the reader.

Active label has a built-in battery that periodically transmits its credentials.

Rechargeable passive tag also has a small built-in battery, but only activates with an RFID reader.

Also, the label can be accessed only for reading or read / write. The read-only tag has a factory serial number used for identification in the database, while the tag read / write may have specific user data written to the tag by the user.


The RFID reader is equipped with a two-way radio transmitter (transceiver), sometimes called an interrogator. The transceiver transmits an encoded radio signal to interact with the tag. The radio signal essentially wakes up or activates the tag. In turn, the tag transponder converts the radio signal into usable power and responds to the reader.

We usually classify the type of RFID system according to the type of tag and reader. There are three general combinations:

  • Passive Reader Active Tag (PRAT): The reader is passive; it only receives radio signals from an active tag. Since the tag is battery-charged, the transmit / receive range can be from 0 to 600m. Thus, the PRAT is a flexible RFID solution.
  • Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT): the reader is active, transmits a request radio signal, receiving responses to authentication signals from passive tags.
  • Active Tag Active Reader (ARAT): the reader is active and interacts with active or accumulator passive tags.

In addition to the type of RFID system, RFID uses a set of adjustable frequency bands.

What is OPID?

Optical RFID (OPID) is an alternative to RFID that uses optical readers. OPID operates in the electromagnetic spectrum between 333 THz and 380 THz.

How much data?

The amount of information stored in the RFID tag changes. For example, a passive tag can only store up to 1,024 bytes of information — that's just one kilobyte (KB). Ridiculous in terms of modern storage capacity, but enough to store full name, ID, birthday, SSN, credit card information, and more. However, the aerospace industry is using passive ultra-high frequency RFID tags with 8KB storage to track the history of parts over time. They can store vast amounts of personal data.

General use of RFID

RFID tags are everywhere. Since they easily attach to almost anything, have no need for energy, they are used in all areas of life, including:

  • Item management and tracking
  • Observing people and animals
  • Contactless payments
  • Travel documents
  • Barcodes and security labels
  • Health data management
  • Timing

RFID is also creating waves in the ever-growing intelligent domestic market. In 2010, the cost of RFID has dropped significantly. At the same time, RFID reliability has increased due to the global transition to RFID standards. Suddenly, an extremely reliable yet cost-effective tracking or identification system has emerged.


The sudden surge in RFID has also caused security concerns. More recently, RFID-tagged contactless payment cards have emerged. Unscrupulous people hacked contactless cards using portable payment terminals while the RFID-enabled card was in the target's pocket or wallet.

In the UK, another example involves RFID tags stored in passports. When first entered, the password for the new UK passport was cracked within 48 hours. In addition, there were reports that criminals were stealing mail containing a new passport, scanning RFID tags for data, and then sending them further along their path.

RFID is here to stay

RFID is a huge industry. We use it almost every day. The package that arrived at your home, the card you paid for your lunch, the key card that opens the door, the smart home, the manual implant and more, all use RFID technology.

What are you using RFID for? Do you use it in your smart home? Have you bought an RFID blocking wallet? Let us know in the comments below!

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is still quite expensive for the domestic market and works only in large warehouses. But the leaders of companies that have already implemented the methodology have already appreciated the advantages of radio frequency identification of goods. The technology allowed to solve a number of problems related to storage and accounting of products.

How does RFID work?

System RFID Reader pretty easy to use. A special label is applied to each unit of goods, in which all data is encrypted: weight, volume, date of loading or unloading, basic storage parameters. At the exit from the warehouse, a metal frame with sensitive RFID sensors is mounted. They scan the tags on every package they bring through the gate and send the information to a shared database.

The program can be configured to identify personal cards of employees or be combined with a video surveillance system. This will not only simplify the accounting and tracking of goods movements, but also reduce the number of violations in warehouses.

Examples of using

In the world there is a practice of using systems based on RFID technology. RFID tags are used in various fields:

At one of the Toyota factories located in the USA, RFID helps monitor the fullness of trailers during loading. Similar technologies have been introduced at Shevrolet factories and in major Asian ports. Labels are applied to large-capacity containers, and loading equipment is equipped with readers. This made it possible to increase the turnover, since there was no longer the need to recount and verify large volumes of goods manually. With such a tracking system, the number of human-made errors is reduced.

At Sony Electronics factories use rewritable RFID tags. They are applied to picture tubes on the production lines of the final stages of production. By scanning the tag, the system transmits the data to a central database, and the operator receives information about testing and the location of a specific unit of production.

In a number of European countries, radio frequency tags have relieved car owners from having to use the checkout every time they refuel. Electronic readers are mounted directly on fuel pumps. The system starts delivering fuel after receiving a signal from the scanner.

Transport companies have also adopted the technology. ... Labels are placed at the bottom of the windshield of trucks. At each control point and at the end point, radio frequency scanners are located. Not only the date and vehicle number are read, but also all information on the goods: waybills, waybills, etc. During the movement of the car, paper work is completely eliminated, data transfer is carried out through a central server.

In our country, RFID technologies appeared about ten years ago and are mainly used in warehouses. But manufacturers of radio frequency equipment have already started serial production, as they are confident in its active implementation.

RFID application in warehouses

The use of RFID technology for a warehouse is justified from an economic and practical point of view, especially when it comes to terminals with a large turnover. The purchase of equipment for large companies pays off rather quickly.

Advantages of the RFID system:

Specialists who deal with RFID devices at an enterprise should pay special attention to the tasks that will be assigned to the system. It is necessary to determine the optimal reading range, adjust the antennas accordingly, study the specifics of technological processes in the warehouse. It is important to understand the principle of moving commodity items. For example, packaging carried through RFID-reader does not have to leave the warehouse. It can be transported to another site, so the system does not need to mark it as shipped.

Prospects for RFID

Similar chipping technologies are already used in Russia, for example, in new passports. But the system is not yet working as actively as in developed countries. Experts predict a great future for RFID, right up to the complete replacement of modern computers. Of course, this will not happen soon. While technologies are being finalized in order to expand functionality and increase efficiency. One of the most promising areas of development is working in all kinds of online stores. Given the daily turnover, their warehouses require particularly strict accounting of goods, tracking movements.

The positive experience of using RFID in this capacity was presented by Paxar. Its specialists created the Magicmirror program, based on radio frequency technologies. This is a kind of electronic mirror. A visitor to a Paxar clothing store can choose any model with an RFID tag from the collection and bring it to the mirror. The display will show detailed information about the composition of the fabric, available colors and sizes. Based on the scanner data, the program will also suggest accessories suitable for this garment. With the help of a radio frequency reader, the buyer can call a sales assistant from the dressing room.

The technology is good, especially when applied to warehouses. However, today system designers are faced with some difficulties. Solutions to the problems should be found over time, but so far the technology has given users some concerns.

Difficulties in using RFID technology for a warehouse

So, what are the developers and end users of RF scanners afraid of:

  1. Price... The first equipment using RFID technology was rather bulky and expensive. It was inconvenient to use and required financial investments that were unbearable for small firms. The engineers were able to gradually make the units more compact. Small and lightweight scanners are cheaper and easier to use. The cost of the RFID tags themselves is not dropping as quickly as we would like. Not every company can afford to equip the entire warehouse with microchips worth 10 euro cents. Experts are confident that as soon as the cost of tags falls to 1 euro cent, the demand for them will increase significantly.
  2. Computer threats are viruses. The average memory size of a microchip is only 2 kb. Initially, it was believed that the tag was simply impossible to infect with a virus, but Amsterdam scientists proved the opposite. They not only infected the microchip, but also analyzed the possible consequences of this situation. A faulty tag gives false information or stops working altogether. Radio frequency data transmission also infects the scanners through which the chip passes. This disrupts the central database and can completely shut down the warehouse, which means huge losses for the company. What's even more dangerous is that the virus can spread via radio channels and other tags, causing chaos. When applied to hypermarkets and other large facilities, the consequences are completely unpredictable.
  3. Hacking possibility ... Actually, we are not talking about hacking, because the chips are not protected. The scanner is able to read information from a long distance, which gives a large field for the activities of criminals. Anyone who receives a tagged product can use the reader and access the database. This includes credit card information of customers and other confidential information.
  4. Stealing data from electronic documents ... For example, when reading passports, the scanner automatically sends the data to a central computer. In Germany, England and the United States, RFID technology has long been used in the defense and healthcare sectors. But recent research has shown that data from chips can be copied from a distance of 100 meters with a special scanner. That is, a criminal can gain access to the most important information, the dissemination of which is completely unacceptable.

All of these concerns apply to the use of RFID in warehouses. Experts are actively looking for methods of "breaking" the chip after the item is handed over to the buyer, but so far all of them are ineffective. Programs for deactivating the tag only cause it to be put to sleep, not disable it.

Here are some ways that consumers themselves have invented who want to keep their privacy:

  • cutting off the antenna. In some cases, this cannot be done. For example, removing a tag from a garment will ruin the fabric;
  • processing things in the microwave. The radiation causes the explosion of the chip, which also does not pass without leaving a trace for the purchased product.

German engineers have been working for many years to create a device capable of causing irreversible deactivation of an RFID tag. The technology is based on the strong effect of an electromagnetic pulse. But while the device is being tested and not found in the public domain.

Data protection systems

If it was impossible to disable the tag, scientists decided to develop ways to protect it. Today there are several of them:

  1. Password protection of data. The chip sends correct information to the scanner only after entering the secret code. Other code can start the chip self-destruct program, for example, after purchasing an item. The technology turned out to be vulnerable to hackers, so it was not widely used.
  2. Hardware and network protection. The system locks all tags in the warehouse and opens the required one only upon request. The program constantly scans the air, providing information about an unauthorized reading attempt. This technology is applicable to chips of any complexity and size. It is quite effective and protected from hacker attacks.
  3. Broken antenna. When buying a product, the buyer simply breaks off the tip of the antenna, which is responsible for transmitting data at a distance. When returning an item, the seller can identify the item by holding the scanner close to the tag.
  4. Installation of "jammers". The device works on the principle of the RFID tags themselves, copying the algorithms of the microcircuits. The difference is that the "jammer" gives inaccurate information to scanner requests - digital garbage. The design of such an interfering chip is complicated by the fact that it must recognize different readers and give a stream of unnecessary information to unregistered devices.

In the long term, the use of RFID technologies in organizing the work of a warehouse should increase the speed of goods turnover and the efficiency of the entire warehouse system. If there is a serious data protection program, or the information on chips is not of particular value to third parties, then RFID tags are an excellent solution for any business.

It was actively used by the allies during the Second World War to determine whether an object in the sky was their own or not. Such systems are still used in both military and civil aviation.

Another milestone in the use of RFID technology is the work of Harry Stockman ( Harry stockman) under the title "Communication via the reflected signal" (eng. "Communication by Means of Reflected Power" ) (IRE reports, pp. 1196-1204, October). Stockman notes that "... significant research and development work was done before the main problems in echo communication were solved, and also before the applications of this technology were found."

The first demonstration of state-of-the-art RFID (backscattered) chips, both passive and active, was held at the Los Alamos Research Laboratory. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory ) in 1973. The portable system operated at 915 MHz and used 12 bit tags.

The first patent related to the RFID name itself was issued to Charles Walton ( Charles walton) in 1983 (US patent No. 4,384,288).

RFID tag classification

There are several ways to organize RFID tags and systems:

By power source

By the type of power source, RFID tags are divided into:

  • Passive
  • Active
  • Semi-passive


RFID antenna

Passive RFID tags do not have a built-in power source. The electrical current induced in the antenna by the electromagnetic signal from the reader provides sufficient power for the CMOS silicon chip located in the tag to operate and transmit the response signal.

Commercial implementations of low frequency RFID tags can be embedded in a sticker or implanted under the skin (see VeriChip).

The compactness of RFID tags depends on the size of external antennas, which are many times larger than the chip and, as a rule, determine the dimensions of the tags. The lowest cost RFID tags, which have become the standard for companies such as Wal-Mart, Target, Tesco in the UK, Metro AG in Germany and the US Department of Defense, is approximately 5 cents per firm tag. SmartCode(when buying from 100 million pieces). In addition, due to the variation in antenna sizes, the tags have different sizes - from a postage stamp to a postcard. In practice, the maximum reading distance of passive tags varies from 10 cm (4 inches) (according to ISO 14443) to several meters (EPC and ISO 18000-6), depending on the selected frequency and antenna size. In some cases, the antenna can be printed.

Manufacturing processes from Alien Technology entitled Fluidic Self Assembly, from SmartCode - Flexible Area Synchronized Transfer (FAST) and from Symbol Technologies - PICA are aimed at further reducing the cost of tags through the use of massive parallel production. Alien Technology currently uses FSA and HiSam processes for the manufacture of tags, while PICA is a process from Symbol Technologies- is still under development. The FSA process produces over 2 million IC wafers per hour, and the PICA process over 70 billion tags per year (if further developed). In these technical processes, ICs are attached to tag plates, which in turn are attached to antennas to form a complete chip. Attaching ICs to wafers and subsequently wafers to antennas are the most spatially sensitive elements of the manufacturing process. This means that when the size of the IC is reduced, the assembly (eng. Pick and place) will be the most expensive operation. Alternative manufacturing methods such as FSA and HiSam can significantly reduce the cost of tags. Production standardization (eng. Industry benchmarks) will ultimately lead to a further drop in the price of tags when they are introduced on a large scale.

Non-silicon tags can be made from polymer semiconductors. Currently, they are being developed by several companies around the world. Lab-made tags operating at 13.56 MHz were demonstrated in 2005 by companies PolyIC(Germany) and Philips(Holland). In an industrial setting, polymer tags will be rolled-printed (similar to magazine and newspaper printing), making them cheaper than IC-based tags. Ultimately, this could end up with labels becoming as easy to print as barcodes for most applications, and just as cheap.

Active tags usually have a much larger reading radius (up to 300 m) and memory capacity than passive ones, and are capable of storing a larger amount of information for sending by a transceiver.


Semi-passive RFID tags, also called semi-active tags, are very similar to passive tags, but are equipped with a battery that powers the chip. At the same time, the range of these tags depends only on the sensitivity of the reader's receiver and they can operate at a greater distance and with better characteristics.

By the type of memory used

By the type of memory used, RFID tags are divided into:

  • RO(eng. Read Only) - data is written only once, immediately during production. Such labels are only suitable for identification. No new information can be written into them, and they are almost impossible to forge.
  • WORM(eng. Write once read many) - in addition to a unique identifier, such tags contain a block of write-once memory, which can be read many times later.
  • RW(eng. Read and Write) - such tags contain an identifier and a memory block for reading / writing information. The data in them can be overwritten many times.

By operating frequency

LF band labels (125-134 kHz)

RFID tag 125 kHz

Passive systems of this range have low prices, and due to their physical characteristics, they are used for subcutaneous tags when chipping animals, humans and fish. However, due to the wavelength, there are problems with reading over long distances, as well as problems associated with the appearance of collisions during the reading.

HF band markers (13.56 MHz)

13MHz systems are cheap, have no environmental and licensing problems, are well standardized, and have a wide range of solutions. They are used in payment systems, logistics, personal identification. For a frequency of 13.56 MHz, the ISO 14443 standard (types A / B) has been developed. Unlike Mifare 1K, this standard provides a key diversification system, which allows creating open systems. Standardized encryption algorithms are used.

On the basis of the 14443 B standard, several dozen systems have been developed, for example, the toll system for public transport in the Paris region.

For the standards that existed in this frequency range, serious security problems were found: there was absolutely no cryptography for cheap card chips Mifare ultralight introduced into use in the Netherlands for a fare collection system for urban public transport OV-chipkaart, later, a card that was considered more reliable was hacked Mifare classic.

As with the LF band, systems built in the HF band have problems with reading over long distances, reading in high humidity, metal, and problems with read collisions.

UHF band labels (860-960 MHz)

The tags of this range have the longest recording range; many standards of this range contain anti-collision mechanisms. Initially oriented for the needs of warehouse and industrial logistics, UHF tags did not have a unique identifier. It was assumed that the identifier for the tag will be the EPC number ( Electronic Product Code) goods, which each manufacturer will enter into the label independently during production. However, it soon became clear that in addition to the function of the carrier of the EPC product number, it would be good to assign an authenticity control function to the tag. That is, a requirement has arisen that contradicts itself: at the same time ensure the uniqueness of the tag and allow the manufacturer to write down an arbitrary EPC number.

For a long time, there were no chips that would satisfy these requirements completely. Released by the company Philips the Gen 1.19 chip had an unchangeable identifier, but did not have any built-in functions for passwording the memory banks of the tag, and the data from the tag could be read by anyone with the appropriate equipment. The chips of the Gen 2.0 standard developed subsequently had the functions of password protection of memory banks (password for reading, for writing), but did not have a unique tag identifier, which made it possible, if desired, to create identical clones of tags.

Finally, in 2008, NXP released two new chips that today meet all of the above requirements. The SL3S1202 and SL3FCS1002 chips are made in the EPC Gen 2.0 standard, but differ from all their predecessors in that the TID ( Tag ID), into which the code of the tag type is usually written during production (and it does not differ from tag to tag within the same article), is divided into two parts. The first 32 bits are reserved for the tag manufacturer's code and its brand, and the second 32 bits are for the unique number of the chip itself. The TID field is immutable and thus each tag is unique. The new chips have all the advantages of Gen 2.0 tags. Each memory bank can be protected from reading or writing with a password, the EPC number can be written by the manufacturer of the goods at the time of marking.

In UHF RFID systems, compared to LF and HF, the cost of tags is lower, while the cost of other equipment is higher.

Currently, the UHF frequency range is open for free use in the Russian Federation in the so-called "European" range - 863-868 MHz.

Near-field UHF RF tags

Compared to portable, readers of this type usually have a larger reading area and power and are capable of simultaneously processing data from several dozen tags. Stationary readers are connected to a PLC, integrated into a DCS or connected to a PC. The task of such readers is to gradually record the movement of marked objects in real time, or to identify the position of marked objects in space.


They have a relatively shorter range and often do not have a permanent connection with the control and accounting program. Mobile readers have an internal memory into which data from read tags is written (then this information can be downloaded to a computer) and, like stationary readers, are able to write data to a tag (for example, information about the control performed).

Depending on the frequency range of the tag, the distance of stable reading and writing of data in them will be different.

RFID and Alternative Methods of Automatic Identification

In terms of functionality, RFID tags, as a method of collecting information, are very close to barcodes, which are most widely used today for marking goods. Despite the reduction in the cost of RFID tags, in the foreseeable future, the complete replacement of barcodes by radio frequency identification is unlikely to take place for economic reasons (the system will not pay off).

At the same time, barcode technology itself continues to evolve. New developments (for example, the two-dimensional Data Matrix barcode) solve a number of problems previously solved only by the use of RFID. Technologies can complement each other. Components with invariable consumer properties can be marked with permanent marking based on optical recognition technologies, carrying information about their release date and consumer properties, and information subject to change can be recorded on the RFID tag, such as information about a specific recipient of an order on returned reusable packaging.

Benefits of RFID

  • Rewritable... RFID data can be rewritten and supplemented many times, while the data on the barcode cannot be changed - it is written immediately when printed.
  • No need for line-of-sight... An RFID reader does not need a line of sight to a tag to read its data. The mutual orientation of the tag and the reader is often irrelevant. The labels can be read through the packaging, making them concealed. To read the data, it is enough for the tag to enter the registration area at least for a short time, moving, including at a fairly high speed. In contrast, a barcode reader always needs a line of sight to read the barcode.
  • Longer reading distance... An RFID tag can be read at a significantly greater distance than a barcode. Depending on the tag and reader model, the reading radius can be up to several hundred meters. At the same time, such distances are not always required.
  • More storage capacity... An RFID tag can store significantly more information than a barcode.
  • Support for reading multiple tags... Industrial readers can simultaneously read many (over a thousand) RFID tags per second using the so-called anti-collision function. The barcode reader can only scan one barcode at a time.
  • Reading tag data at any location... In order to ensure automatic barcode reading, standards committees (including EAN International) have developed rules for the placement of barcodes on commercial and transport packaging. These requirements do not apply to RFID tags. The only condition is that the tag is within the range of the reader.
  • Resistant to environmental influences... There are RFID tags that are more durable and withstand the harsh working environment, and the barcode is easily damaged (for example, moisture or dirt). In applications where the same object can be used an unlimited number of times (for example, when identifying containers or returnable containers), an RFID is a more acceptable means of identification, since it does not need to be placed on the outside of the package. Passive RFID tags have an almost unlimited lifespan.
  • Intellectual behavior... An RFID tag can be used to perform other tasks besides being a data carrier. The barcode is not programmable and is only a data storage medium.
  • High degree of security... The unique unchangeable identifier number assigned to the tag during production guarantees a high level of protection against counterfeiting. Also, the data on the tag can be encrypted. The RFID tag has the ability to password-protect the data read and write operations, as well as to encrypt their transmission. One label can store both public and private data at the same time.

Disadvantages of RFID

  • Label health lost in case of partial mechanical damage.
  • System cost higher than the cost of a barcode-based accounting system.
  • The complexity of self-manufacturing... The barcode can be printed on any printer.
  • Interference susceptibility in the form of electromagnetic fields.
  • Mistrust users, the possibility of using it to collect information about people.
  • Established technical base barcode reader significantly outperforms RFID solutions.
  • Insufficient openness of the generated standards.

Technology characteristics

Compiled from the book by Sandip Lahiri “RFID. Implementation Guide "
Technology characteristics RFID Barcode
Need for line-of-sight labels Reading even hidden tags Reading without line of sight is not possible
Memory 10 to 10,000 bytes Up to 100 bytes
Data rewritable and tag reusable There is Not
Registration range Up to 100 m Up to 4 m
Simultaneous identification of several objects Up to 200 marks per second Impossible
Resistance to environmental influences: mechanical, temperature, chemical, moisture Increased strength and resistance Depends on the material to be applied
Label lifetime Over 10 years Depends on the printing method and the material of which the marked object consists
Security and anti-counterfeiting Counterfeiting is almost impossible It's easy to fake
Work when the tag is damaged Impossible Complicated
Identification of moving objects Yes Complicated
Exposure to interference in the form of electromagnetic fields There is Not
Identification of metal objects Possible Possible
Use of both stationary and hand-held terminals for identification Yes Yes
Possibility of introduction into the human or animal body Possible Complicated
Dimensional characteristics Medium and small Small
Price Medium and high Low


RFID and human rights

Debra Bowen, California Senator, 2003 Hearing

The use of RFID tags has caused serious controversy, criticism and even boycotting of goods. The four main problems with this technology are as follows:

  • The buyer may not even be aware of the presence of an RFID tag. Or can't delete it
  • Data from the tag can be read remotely without the knowledge of the owner
  • If the tagged item is paid for by credit card, it is possible to unambiguously associate the tag's unique identifier with the customer.
  • Marking system EPCGlobal creates or involves the creation of unique serial numbers for of all products, although this creates privacy concerns and is completely unnecessary for most applications

The main concern is that sometimes RFID tags remain in working order even after the item is purchased and taken out of the store, and therefore can be used for surveillance and other nefarious purposes not related to the inventory function of the tags. Reading from short distances can also be dangerous if, for example, the read information accumulates in a database, or a burglar uses a pocket reader to assess the wealth of a potential victim passing by. Serial numbers on RFID tags can provide additional information even after disposal. For example, tags on resold or donated items can be used to establish a person's social circle.

Security experts are opposed to using RFID technology to authenticate people based on the risk of identity theft. For example, the attack "Man in the middle" makes it possible for an attacker to steal an identity in real time. At the moment, due to resource limitations of RFID tags, it is theoretically not possible to protect them from such attack patterns, since this would require complex data transfer protocols.


Negative attitudes towards RFID technology are compounded by gaps in all current standards. Although the process of improving the standards has not ended, there is a tendency in many to hide some of the tag teams from the public. For example, the command Authentication in proprietary technology Philips MIFARE, which uses the ISO / IEC 14443 standard, after which the tag must encrypt its responses and accept only encrypted commands, can be neutralized by some team that the developer keeps secret. After executing this command, it is possible to successfully use ReadBlock fictitiously encrypted on a constant (which is used to calculate the CRC in the ISO / IEC 14443 standard). Thus, you can read the MIFARE card. Moreover, analyzing the current consumed by the card, the circuit engineer can read all the passwords for accessing all blocks of the MIFARE card (due to the relative gluttony of the EEPROM cells and the circuitry implementation of reading the memory in the chip). So, the most common RFID cards may initially contain a bookmark.

Part of the suspicion about RFID can be removed by developing complete and open standards, the absence of which raises suspicion and distrust of the technology.

The use of microwave labels in the Russian Federation is currently regulated by SanPiN 2.1.8 /, approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 135 dated 09.06.2003. Despite the widespread misconception that this equipment does not meet standards, in real calculations the strength of the electromagnetic field or the power flux density emitted by the equipment is taken into account, and not the output power of the device, as it was established in SanPiN 2.2.4 /, which have become invalid since 30.06.2003; the actual values ​​for calculating the maximum permissible level in UHF equipment actually existing in Russia are approximately 10-20 times lower than those established by sanitary and hygienic standards.

RFID market development

According to experts, the RFID systems market in Russia is still in its infancy, so the supply in this segment significantly exceeds the demand. Because of this lag, the domestic market is developing at a faster pace - the compound average annual growth rate in the period from 2010 to more than 19%. Whereas the average annual growth rate of the global RFID market (CAGR) exceeds 15%.

According to market participants, the volume of the world market for RFID products in 2008 amounted to $ 5.29 billion. It is expected that by 2018 it will grow more than 5 times. The volume of the Russian RFID market is just over one percent of the world market, and amounts to $ 69 million.

All RFID systems are being introduced in Russia for the first time. A company installing an RFID system does not need to pull outdated equipment and frequencies, adjust existing equipment at the facility to the task; it is possible to introduce the most advanced developments.

Due to its high cost, RFID in Russia is used mainly for logistics operations, in the metro of large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan) and in library systems. However, according to the general director of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, in the coming years, a transition to nanochips for bank cards with RFID is possible, with the help of which the technology will be widely used in retail.


Station for issuing books in the library of St. Petersburg State University

At the moment, RFID technologies are used in a wide variety of areas of human activity:

  1. Medicine - monitoring the condition of patients, monitoring the movement around the hospital building.
  2. Libraries - automatic loan stations, quick inventory.
  3. Baggage management system
  4. Object Localization System in real time

First of all, the following RFID functionality is used:

  • Information about the object, its properties, qualities, etc.
  • Information about the position of the object.

RFID is just starting to be used in retail - in logistics and warehouse management, as well as in the trading floor to prevent theft.

In April 2012, the electronics and household appliances retailer Media-Saturn Russia (Media Markt and Saturn networks) announced that, together with the Metro Group Innovation Center (Germany), it was working on a pilot project to implement RFID technology in the company's stores. Testing will begin at the end of the 2nd - the beginning of the 3rd quarter of 2012 and will take place on the basis of the Multimedia department of one of the Moscow Media Markt stores. Thus, Media-Saturn Russia will become the first retail company in the segment of household appliances and electronics in the Russian market to begin testing RFID in logistics, warehouse control and at the sales floor level.

By analogy with the use of RFID tags in hospitals, in the future it is possible to implant such a tag in a person at a certain age for unambiguous identification. This will allow replacing many paper documents with a small chip, for example: passport, individual tax number, birth certificate, driver's license, medical contraindications, blood type, and others. The advantage of this technology is compactness, reliability (it is more difficult to lose an implant than a document), and the convenience of identifying a dead person or a person who is unconscious in the event of injury, accident, accident, or other unfavorable events for life.

In addition, it will allow you to eliminate the tags on the body in the morgue.


Main article: RFID standards

International standards for RFID, as an integral part of automatic identification technology, are developed and adopted by the international organization ISO jointly with IEC. Preparation of projects (development) of standards is carried out in close cooperation with proactive interested organizations and companies.

Standards Development Organizations


AIM Global is an international trade association representing providers of automatic identification and mobile technologies. The Association actively supports the development of AIM standards through its own Technical Symbology Committee, Global Standards Advisory Groups and RFID expert group, as well as through participation in industrial, national (ANSI) and international (ISO) development groups.

In Russia, the development of RFID standards has been entrusted to the UNISCAN / GS1 Russia Association.


  • ISO 11784 - "Animal RFID - Code structure"
  • ISO 11785 - Animal Radio Frequency Identification - Technical Concept
  • ISO 14223 - Animal RFID - Advanced Transponders
  • ISO 10536 - “Identity cards. Contactless chip cards "
  • ISO 14443 - “Identity cards. Contactless chip cards. Short reading distance cards "
  • ISO 15693 - Identity cards. Contactless chip cards. Medium Range Cards "
  • DIN / ISO 69873 - "Data carriers for tools and clamping devices"
  • ISO / IEC 10374 - Container identification
  • VDI 4470 - "Goods security systems"
  • ISO 15961 - RFID for Product Management: Control Computer, Tag Functional Commands and Other Syntactic Capabilities
  • ISO 15962 - RFID for Commodity Management: Data Syntax
  • ISO 15963 - "Unique identification of RFID tags and owner registration for management of uniqueness"
  • ISO 18000 - RFID for Commodity Management: Wireless Interface
  • ISO 18001 - "Information Technology - RFID for Product Management - Recommended Application Profiles"

see also

  • Smart Store

Notes (edit)

  1. RFID section of the site. EFF. Archived
  2. Retelling of the content of the Appeal of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to the authorities of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic states of October 6, 2005 (Russian). Official site of the Moscow Patriarchate (October 17, 2005). Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2008.
  3. Hacking Exposed Linux: Linux Security Secrets & Solutions (third ed.). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 2008. pp. 298. ISBN 978-0-07-226257-5.
  4. RFID technologies at the service of your business = RFID Field Guide: Deploying Radio Frequency Identification Systems / Troitsky N .. - Moscow: "Alpina Publisher", 2007. - P. 47. - 290 p. - ISBN 5-9614-0421-8
  5. google books - links to Stockman's work
  6. History of technology (Russian). Scale Company. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2008.
  7. google books - search by patent number
  8. ISBN 5-91136-025-X chapter 1, paragraph 1.2.1 "Label" and its subparagraphs
  9. Klaus Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook, 2008, 496 pp, illustrated, ISBN 978-5-94120-151-8, Dodeka-XXI Publishing House, 2008
  11. Hitachi Unveils Smallest RFID Chip. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011. Retrieved January 30, 2011.
  12. Hitachi has developed the smallest RFID chips (Russian). CNews (February 21, 2007). Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2008.
  13. Manish Bhuptani, Shahram Moradpur RFID technologies at the service of your business = RFID Field Guide: Deploying Radio Frequency Identification Systems / Troitsky N .. - Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2007. - P. 70. - 290 p. - ISBN 5-9614-0421-8
  14. Mark roberti A 5-Cent Breakthrough. RFID Journal. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2008.
  15. Polymer technology opens up new fields of application for RFID in logistics. PRISMA press release (26 January 2006). Archived
  16. Daniel M. Dobkin RFID Basics: Backscatter Radio Links and Link Budgets. The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID in Practice... (February 10, 2007). Archived from the original on August 23, 2011. Retrieved February 5, 2010.
  17. Manish Bhuptani, Shahram Moradpur RFID technologies at the service of your business = RFID Field Guide: Deploying Radio Frequency Identification Systems / Troitsky N .. - Moscow: "Alpina Publisher", 2007. - P. 65. - 290 p. - ISBN 5-9614-0421-8
  18. Locating, Responding, Optimizing in Real Time. RFID System for the Locating (eng.). Siemens. - in this case, in terms of power, this system is rather a radio transmitter with a radiation power atypical for active RFID tags. In the usual case, active tags emit up to 10 mW, work at a distance of about 100 m. The mentioned system in a building works at the same distance. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011. Retrieved November 26, 2008.
  19. Kiwi Bird Little secrets of big technologies (Russian). Computerra (February 17, 2008). Retrieved February 13, 2009.
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  21. Kiwi Bird And thunder struck (Russian). Computerra (28 March 2008). Retrieved February 13, 2009.
  22. Tao Cheng, Li Jin Analysis and Simulation of RFID Anti-collision Algorithms (pdf). School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 5, 2010.
  23. Ivan Boenko Uniqueness or versatility? (Russian). magazine "Information Security" No. 3 for April-May 2008. Archived
  24. On April 28, chaired by the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation L.D. Reiman hosted a meeting of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (GKRCH) (Russian). Archived
  25. Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) (Russian). - On amendments to the decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of 07.05.2007 No. 07-20-03-001 "On the allocation of radio frequency bands for short-range devices" (decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies No. 08-24-01-001). Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 16, 2009.
  26. Claire Swedberg A Shift to UHF Near-Field Predicted for Pharma. RFID Journal. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2009.
  27. EPCIS and RFID have been proven to be effective for European pharmaceuticals (Russian). UNISCAN / GS1 RUS (09.02.2009). Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2009.
  28. Sandeep Lahiri. RFID. Implementation Guide = The RFID Sourcebook / Dudnikov S. - Moscow: Kudits-Press, 2007. - 312 p. - ISBN 5-91136-025-X chapter 1, paragraph 1.2.2 and its subparagraphs
  29. ideas international 2/2007 pp. 12-13. ISSN 1619-5043 Publisher: Siemens AG
  30. Alorie Gilbert, Staff Writer Privacy advocates call for RFID regulation. CNET News. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved November 26, 2008.
  31. "Anti-theft"... Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2009.
  32. Open letter. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2009.
  33. In - the whole truth about the victims
  34. Leonid Volchaninov IT in commerce: RFID will go mainstream after all. CNews. Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2009.

RFID is a radio frequency identification technology. RFID technologies penetrate deeper into our daily life every year. Sometimes, we do not even realize that there is an RFID tag hidden under the barcode of the price tag of jeans in a clothing store. The size and thickness of the mark can be so insignificant that it is simply difficult to find it with the naked eye. Despite its modest size, an RFID tag (or in the English version - rfid tag) can do a lot, and allows you to solve a wide range of tasks in the automation of a sales area of ​​a store, warehouse or industrial production. This "crumb" can store a lot of specified data about the product: the identifier of the tag itself (TID), article, weight, price, production date, size, storage location and other information are unique.

Depending on: the area (size) of the antenna, its contour and the type of installed chip in the tag, information from it can be read at a distance of up to 20 meters, even on the product in the package. The anti-collision function allows you to read tags in bulk, up to 200 pieces in one place. This allows you to make an inventory almost instantly or find the right product in the warehouse among the mass that is not needed at the moment.

In addition, RF transponders can be used as anti-theft tags, which allows optimizing the budget of sales areas and introduces a new function for warehouses.

  • low frequency (LF) - 125 or 134.2 kHz;
  • high frequency (HF) - 13.56 MHz
  • ultra high frequency (UHF) - 868-956 MHz.

Also, share active and passive RFID tags... Active tags are quite expensive and large in size, since they have their own power supply. The same power supply built into active tags also limits their service life. But at the same time, they have unique characteristics in terms of read range. Passive RFID tags do not have their own power source, and operate on the energy of radio waves from the reader. The price of passive RFID tags is minimal.

The most widespread in the field of retail, warehouse and industrial logistics, control systems and access control (ACS) are ultra-high frequency tags. Their advantage is: in a long distance of reading and writing information - up to 17 meters, in the possibility of simultaneously reading a large number of transponders, and buying RFID tags of this standard is much cheaper - since the price of UHF tags is much lower in comparison with tags of other frequency ranges. Therefore, when it is required to mark a large number of units of goods, the minimum cost for marking the commodity stock will be exactly at the UHF range tags.

If you have not found the tags you need in this catalog - most likely, we have it in stock, but we did not have time to place this product in our online store. Please make a request for the tag you need by e-mail or through the feedback form.

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