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Search results for \"long tap\". What is flick, stretch, pen, swipe, tap, touch in a smartphone and tablet: mobile slang

To monitor the IT infrastructure, ensure its security or simply capture traffic for further analysis, access to communication channels is required. This issue can be resolved in different ways, and previously they mainly resorted to mirroring (SPAN port). But the number of such ports on the active network equipment limited and therefore the most correct and convenient way is a branch of traffic using a special device. Such a device is called a Test Access Point or Network TAP. The traffic tap connects to a break in the communication channel or can accept traffic from several SPAN ports and then issue a copy of it to several of its ports for connection various systems IT or IB. The use of Network TAP is provided for traffic analyzers, such a device is also used in intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and detection systems network attacks(NIDS).

The main customers of traffic taps are government agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), telecom operators, companies from the financial and insurance sectors. State structures use taps to solve the problems of providing operational search activities and combating threats to national security. Telecommunications and financial companies for network security issues, analysis of the quality of telecommunications or banking services, IT infrastructure performance monitoring, fine tuning equipment and communication channels.

Equipment from several companies is presented on the Russian market - Gigamon, NetScout, VSS Monitoring, IXIA, Datacom and begin to appear Russian manufacturers, which are supplied mainly with equipment for SORM.

Advantages of TAP taps and their types

Most popular way to solve monitoring problems, it is to use traffic mirroring technology (SPAN), BUT, as always, it is present. Different specialists need a copy of the traffic to solve their problems: security, content filtering, intrusion detection, troubleshooting, and the number of SPAN ports is usually limited to one or two. And what to do, how to provide access to traffic to everyone?

In addition, SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer) has another drawback, which is packet loss in case of port overload or if there are errors in them, for example checksum. Therefore, if we work in high-speed communication channels and are looking for exactly bad packets, then we simply will not see them. As a result " incorrect work» Specialists miss some of the user traffic, which does not allow to detect serious errors in the network, and the security specialist may miss viral traffic or an attack by an intruder.

Some "wise men" suggest using a hub, yes, yes, exactlyHub, but they don't run at 1Gbps or full duplex, so it's a solution for dummies and IT pros in a two-person company.

The traffic taps do not have the problems described above, plus they can also have intelligence, which in modern networks very helpful. We are guaranteed to capture 100% of traffic at any speed. I would like to note that the traffic coupler does not reduce the reliability of the channel, does not affect its load in any way, while passive couplers do not need power at all. Taps are simple devices for the user that do not need special setting, "plug and play". They support traffic transfer rates from 10 Mbps to 100 Gbps. With a permanently connected TAP device, you can not be afraid of a break network connection at those moments when the engineer connects and disconnects network monitoring tools.

Passive optical couplers do not need a power supply. Active couplers are equipped with their own own system power supply with redundant DC or alternating current, as well as a special relay that connects the ports directly and in the event of a disaster or lack of any power.

Consider traditional TAP devices, which are called serial. The method of using such taps is to connect such equipment between various kinds of active network devices"into a gap". Any traffic analyzers are connected to such a device. Unlike SPAN ports, such equipment copies all traffic, including “broken” packets. Implemented support for full duplex channels. These taps are quite reliable and fault-tolerant because they do not depend on external sources nutrition.

AT model range TAPs are allocated aggregation-type taps. They must be connected to the most important network points, they can copy traffic from several communication channels or SPAN ports and aggregate it into a common data stream. Several devices can be connected to such equipment at once to monitor traffic. It should be noted that aggregation taps are used in the area computer security along with IDS systems. Of course, the union function different kind traffic in one stream is an advantage of aggregation-type taps, but with large amounts of data, specialists need to filter them (by MAC address or application port, for example). To configure, manufacturers supply aggregation taps with traffic filtering accessibility, which allow you to do preliminary filtering and, for example, issue only HTTP or HTTPS traffic to the device for Web traffic content filtering.

Switching SPAN traffic taps (matrix switches) - allow you to choose between different streams of information transmitted over the network and send only the types of data that the researcher needs to the traffic analyzer. There is a significant time saving, since it is possible to analyze only a certain segment of traffic, and not its entire volume.

The use of combined traffic taps is justified for solving very challenging tasks when the functionality of sequential TAPs is not enough and traffic aggregation functions and SPAN technology are needed. In this case, due to the combination of various functions, a wide variety of options for capturing and copying traffic are possible.


On one of our projects, we copied the traffic in a 10 Gbps channel to an application performance evaluation system and, taking into account that the channel was loaded at 60% and the traffic was "full duplex", we got an overloaded monitoring system, and it could not fully control over the operation of applications. The solution was found using a traffic coupler with intelligence. We set up filtering of the application we needed on it and were able to solve the client's problem, plus we saved money for him, since one monitoring system was able to control additional business applications.

That is why in modern networks the use of traffic taps is vital and with the help of modern solutions we can create a separate branch level of the traffic of interest with the functions remote control. Thus, if we need to analyze traffic from remote office, then we can easily get a copy of it at the main office and analyze it with the available tools. Competently applying different kinds taps and traffic analyzers can be built really intellectual system for monitoring and analyzing traffic of any kind.

See also:

  • Choice of network traffic, network and application performance analyzer
  • Traffic, network and application performance analyzers

Material prepared
specialists of the company "SvyazKomplekt"
together with the project

Google, as you know, plans to give Android users a special surprise in the near future, which some knowledgeable citizens have already called "the most innovative mobile feature" in the past few years. Moreover, they say that Microsoft, having learned about this sensational new product at the stage of its development, tried to release something similar, but earlier, and they even succeeded, but earlier does not mean better. In general, almost a detective ...

As you probably already guessed, we are talking about new feature Now on Tap, which will become, figuratively speaking, one of the highlights next version Google's mobile operating Android systems 6.0 Marshmallow. In short, with Now on Tap, literally with one click of a button, the user receives detailed information about any person, organization, institution, any place and any thing that is displayed on the screen of his smartphone or tablet.

Now on Tap works and voice assistant, therefore it will be possible not to press anything, but simply to voice a question about something on the screen after the standard “OK Google”. And what is most interesting, the Now on Tap function will be built into any application (by the way, about applications, look at

In the Now on Tap test mode, you can already try it out, but only which, as of now, is also available in the form of a test build on mobile devices ah the Nexus family. But, according to rumors, literally just about the “probe” of Android 6.0 will be opened for flagship Samsung Galaxy, HTC One series and LG G series, and then Now on Tap, again, according to those who are already familiar with this feature, will simply blow up the mobile world.

How does Now on Tap work?

Well, about the “incredibly simple and intuitive interface” - this goes without saying, but it’s better to evaluate it live than by ear. Therefore, let's just say that Now on Tap is launched really simply - with one click on home button smartphone or tablet (provided that it has Android version 6.0 and higher and the corresponding freshness google apps, of course) and then - to the "start" button, after the system clarifies whether it is necessary to enable the Now on Tap service.

But then it will be interesting. Google will examine the content on the screen of the device for the presence of keywords and then on them it will issue a selection of data from its famous Knowledge Graph database, plus a list of similar topics keywords, a full-scale search option on Google, as well as the so-called Quick links to relevant pages in other popular online services like Twitter, YouTube, etc. This is, so to speak, the first benefit, that is, the first fundamental element of Now on Tap.

The second benefit of Now on Tap, as we said, is the ability to use the context-sensitive function voice search. Simply put, we open access to the OK Google assistant to all screens and get the opportunity to interact with a smartphone and / or tablet without any buttons at all. Said the duty “OK Google” and you can ask about everything that is in this moment time is displayed on the screen. Moreover, you don’t even need to specify anything, since the system itself already sees the “keys”.

For example, having received Viber message from friends with an invitation to join some gatherings in a cafe, we formulate something like “OK Google, how to get there?” and then we teach the exact route, and the smartphone automatically switches to navigation mode.

So, in Android 6.0, innovation (in the correct, not marketing sense of the word) actually takes place. The idea is good, especially when you consider that to implement something similar, the “owners” of competitive mobile operating systems simply do not have the resources available to Google - the largest search system in the world.

Articles and Lifehacks

Distribution of mobile devices with touch screen brought another cloudy wave of Anglicisms into our language.

What is all these flick», « stretch», « peng», « tap», « swipe», « touch' and how do they differ from each other?

We bring to your attention a short dictionary of jargon associated with touch screens.

Scrolling (scrolling, from scroll- scroll) - scrolling the screen in one way or another. The term appeared on desktops, where the mouse wheel was used for scrolling. In gadgets, it is carried out by vertical movement of the finger on the display.

Screenshot (screenshot, screen- screen, shot- shot) - the so-called. screenshot of the current image being saved to graphic file. To create screenshots, appropriate applications are used, as well as "cloud" services.

Gestury , gestures (gestures) - certain movements on the screen of the pointer, in this case- finger or , allowing you to replace certain commands or their sequences. Significantly speed up and simplify the work with mobile devices.

touchscreen (touch screen, touch- touch) - a touch screen that responds to touch. In addition to mobile devices, it is used in terminals and ATMs.

Tap and double tap – (tap- press) - a short press on an element of the touch screen interface, akin to clicking a mouse. Respectively, double tap - double click.

Touch - longer than tap, pressing, has no analogue in desktops.

Touch-n-hold (touch and hold- touch and hold) - appears from the translation: pressing and holding a finger or stylus for a long time.

Swipe , slide (swype, slide- slide) - a long sliding movement of the finger across the display, for example, when opening the camera shutter.

"Swipe" has another meaning - a special way of typing without lifting your finger from virtual keyboard used in popular app Swipe Keyboard.

flick (flick- light blow, click) - a click on the display of a smartphone or tablet obliquely, after which the screen begins to move in the specified direction.

Peng (pan- panning, and not at all a "frying pan" or "toilet", as some might think) - moving around the screen of an enlarged image, allowing you to see the parts hidden behind the edge of the screen.

Pinch (pinch- pinch) and stretch (stretch- stretching) - "squeezing" and "stretching" movement of the fingers, allowing, respectively, to reduce or increase the scale of the picture.

Someone may not like the dominance of such slang words in the modern lexicon.

Well, no one is forced to use them: just try to come up with a Russian equivalent for each of them and try to use it in everyday communication on the net.

You may be able to pass for the so-called true Gramar Nazi, but most likely you will simply look like a noob in the eyes of the interlocutor, i.e., a stupid beginner.

It became that with a long press on the name of the product, a card for this product is displayed. Such a long press is called a long tap. We operate our touch screen devices mechanically and often have no idea what it is. double tap or swipe. Let's try to understand the terminology. What can you do with the object you see on the touch screen?
Tap is a single short touch on the screen. With it, we, for example, launch applications, confirm actions. In fact, this action is comparable to pressing the left mouse button.

Long tap - touch with a delay of more than a second (until the result appears). This action is comparable to pressing right button mice. AT latest update app Cloudshop:POS , which was released last Friday, when you long press on the name of the product, its card is displayed.

double-tap double touch with one finger with a short interval between touches. Most often used to open, zoom in and out - you need to click on the area you want to view in detail.

Tap & drag - touch with movement. Tap with one finger to immediately start moving your finger across the screen. Thus, scrolling through desktops, pages in the browser, the list of goods is carried out. Also, this gesture serves to move various controls - volume, brightness.

Swipe - swipe. The action is similar to the previous one, but does not require a long movement around the screen and resembles a quick brush stroke on paper. At the same time, the contents of the screen continue to move with a gradual slowdown even after taking your finger off the screen.

Pinch/spread (zoom). To perform this action, you must touch the screen with two fingers slightly apart and pinch them together. Reception is used to smoothly reduce the scale of the image on the screen. To zoom in, use the reverse gesture - you need to touch the screen with two connected fingers and spread them apart.

Rotate - rotation. This technique is used quite rarely to rotate the image on the screen. After touching the screen, two fingers move each along an arc of a circle in the same direction - clockwise or counterclockwise. Or one finger stands motionless at the center of rotation, while the other moves in an arc around this center.

These are the basic gestures for controlling a touch screen device. Difficulties can only lie in the fact that the same actions can be called completely differently in various sources- what action should be taken if you are required to flick? Fortunately, the interface modern applications most often intuitive.

I'm completely obsessed with books. Yes, I am that same fossil who does not have a TV, but there is an electronic reader for books, a mad desire to fill up his one-room book with books, and on the computer in the list of frequently used programs - Ice Book Reader ..

And yet I read most of the books with "bespectacled letter A" on the phone. Why?


✔ phone with you all the time and you can continue the book with right place at a party, toilet (yes, yes, and it’s not embarrassing to admit it 😋) or queues at the clinic;

✔ the design reminds me of Ice Book Reader, from which I like to read on the computer;

home wifi facilitates the download of books, unlike the reader;

✔ for the lazy, there is auto-scroll text.

For me, this program has only one drawback: the inability to read pdf files.

Very often in the reviews I see how this reader is scolded for the inconvenience of work. I don't think so. And now I will explain why!

Tap zones and how to set them up?

This reader has nine short and nine long tap zones for the convenience of users:

If in Russian, the tap zone is the area on the screen where, when you touch your finger, some kind of specified action(calling the menu, turning pages, etc.) That is, in reading mode, without leaving the program menu, you can change the font or add screen brightness, for example.

And if they are annoying, you just need to remove the extra zones in the settings and you will get the most the best reader customized especially for you!

To do this, you need not be too lazy, and go through the chain:

Menu➡Settings➡Advanced (tap zones, gestures and buttons).

And leave, for example, a long press on the screen on the left - to open the menu, and short pokes to the right and left - to scroll through the text.

And in all other tap zones, set the absence of action:

I did not discover these settings right away and have long been accustomed to using all action zones. And I love it! I do not consider anything from this list superfluous.

Bookmarks and quotes

For those who like to take notes while reading, the program has the ability to highlight quotes with a colored marker. But I think that for this purpose it is more convenient to make bookmarks. Moreover, they are done in approximately the same way:

✏ select the desired piece of text and click on the quote symbol (a square with red lines) at the bottom right of the page:

✏ in the menu that opens, select the action "Add quote" or "Add bookmark":

Why do I say that bookmarking is more convenient? Because I didn’t find a list of quotes anywhere, but we can easily get bookmarked.

To do this, you need to call the main menu and go through the chain: Menu➡Transition➡ Bookmarks:

Now we poke in the right one and voila - we are in the place of the book where you need to copy the quote!

Copying and editing

No doubt, the Word reader will not compete with Word. But if somewhere in an amateur translation an error hurts the eye, it can be corrected.

Search and Interest/Page Mode

I rarely use both. If I'm reading a book, I usually keep it in background or bookmark.

But if you need to find something specific in the book, then the magnifying glass tool is also on the menu. quick select, in the same place as the bookmarks:

And for those who like to look at the end of the book, on the subject: "isn't the gardener a murderer?" there is a page transition (function call - lower central tap zone):

Reading modes and brightness

For the convenience of users, there are two reading modes: day (left) and night (right):

to me night mode absolutely did not like it. I'm out of the dark! It hurts my eyes and I can't concentrate on what I'm reading. So I just increase the brightness of the text during the day and decrease it at night. More or less like this:

The right edge of the screen is responsible for this: if you stretch it up - you will add it, if you pull it down - you will decrease it, if you pull it straight - you will lose your horse ..

I really love this feature in Ice Book Reader, but here our relationship did not work out .. The implementation option chosen by the developer annoys me:

New page here it unwinds like wallpaper over the old one.

About the font and other settings

To be honest, there are so many settings in this application that sometimes it’s not clear, but why are they needed at all? But everything is cheerfully mastered by the method of scientific poke.

For myself, I singled out two more convenient things:

✔ the application allows you to rotate the screen;

✔ You can change the font with the same gesture as the size of the photo.

If you have read to the end, thank you! Plaid on your feet, cocoa in a mug and the most best books phone!💞

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