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Efficiency of methodical association in douikt technology. Special course for educators of the preschool educational institution "The use of ICT in the educational space of the preschool educational institution


Information and communication technologies in preschool educational institutions………….

Problems and directions of informatization of preschool educational institutions .............................................. ....................

General approaches to the development of didactic materials for direct educational activities using ICT in preschool educational institutions………………………………………………


List of used literature…………………………………



If we want to go forward, then one foot must remain in place while the other takes the next step. This is the first law of all progress, equally applicable to whole nations as to individuals.

J. Eötvös

Scientific and technological progress dictates new requirements for the content and organization of the educational process. New technologies and informatization tools are emerging, which, thanks to the priority national project "Education", are actively entering Russian educational institutions.

Today, there is not a single kindergarten in the cities that does not have a computer. Many preschools are equipped with copiers, scanners, printers, some with computer classes and interactive whiteboards. Why do educational institutions need all these technical means?

The main tasks of the preschool educational institution are to protect the life and health of children, ensure the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child, carry out the necessary correction of deviations in the development of the child, introduce children to universal values, and interact with the family to ensure the full development of the child * 1. Can technology help solve these problems?

Many readers have found the answer to this question on their own. Informatization tools are necessary for preschool educational institutions, first of all, for a better organization all activities of a preschool educational institution. After all, computer technologies can be successfully used in the administrative, financial, economic, methodological and educational activities of a preschool educational institution.

This collection highlights the issues of informatization of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the age of pupils, gives recommendations on the organization of the educational process using information technology, considers the psychological aspects of using ICT in teaching activities in preschool educational institutions, offers recommendations for creating and designing illustrative graphic material using IT tools, describes practical experience in using ICT in the methodological work of the senior educator, recommendations are given on the use of applied software and Internet resources for employees of preschool educational institutions. The reader will be introduced to various

* Model regulation on a preschool educational institution.

we use a computer in classes with preschool children, both in group and individual work.

The collection is recommended to all teachers of preschool educational institutions. It has an electronic application containing additional material for articles, examples of presentations for working with children, final works of students of the course "Information technologies for employees of preschool educational institutions" organized at the Regional Center for Evaluating the Quality of Education and Information Technologies, and additional illustrative material.


We all know that the computer enters the life of a child from an early age, having both a positive and a negative impact on the formation of his personality. In terms of the impact on the child's psyche, modern information technologies are incomparable with other means.

Increasingly, teachers of preschool institutions began to point out the use of ICT in working with children as the main achievement. And I am no exception. Having mastered the work on the computer on my own, I apply my skills in working with preschoolers. But before me, like before many teachers, there is a question. How to do it right? To use or not to use ICT in kindergarten?

Information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an actual problem of modern preschool education. On the one hand, the president has set a task for every institution of the Russian Federation: to have their own electronic representation on the Internet, on the other hand, there is a real threat to health that arises when children get used to a computer early.

If we look at the developments taking place in the country in the field of education, we can see why ICT in preschool institutions has been rapidly developing in the last five years.

Adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society;

Adoption of the Concept of socio-economic development of the country until 2020;

Implementation of the program "Electronic Russia"

Development of the National Educational Concept "Our New School"

Connecting schools to the Internet within the framework of the national project;

Adoption of amendments to the Law “On Education”;

All these events led to a change in the content, methods and organizational forms of the entire education system, and, consequently, the work of kindergartens, their relationship with higher organizations and parents.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what ICT is and in what specific work in the preschool educational institution they are needed.

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology is a set of methods, methods and means that provide storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of labor." At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects. Combining information and communication technologies, projecting them into educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in the information society.

It is absolutely clear that ICT is becoming the main tool that a person will use not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life.

The main goal of introducing information technologies is to create a single information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, pupils and their parents.

To implement this, trained teaching staff is needed, able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies.

The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities.

Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

I use my skills in my work:

With kids

With parents

With colleagues

In methodical, experimental, innovative activity.

First of all, I want to say that I do not use the direct work of children on the PC. I think that in preschool age this is not a priority. It is much more important for me to work on creating a single creative space in the framework of interaction with the families of pupils in the direction of solving the problems of child development in the modern information society. It is important to become both for the child and for the parents a guide to the world of new technologies, a mentor in the choice of computer games and to form the foundations of the information culture of the child's personality.

What are the main directions of ICT development?

Using a computer to familiarize children with modern technical means of transmitting and storing information.

ICT as a means of interactive learning that allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of children and participate in the development of new knowledge.

ICT for parents of pupils. Collaboration with the child's family in the use of ICT at home, especially computers and computer games, is the main direction of my work.

ICT aims to implement the idea of ​​network management, organization of the pedagogical process, methodological service. This technology provides planning, control, monitoring, coordination of the work of teachers and specialists. In this case, the use of ICT helps to optimize the activities of preschool educational institutions.

I will present the main forms of using ICT in my work:

Selection of illustrative material for classes, design of parental corners, groups, information material for designing stands, folders, sliders, (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation);

Selection of additional educational material for classes (encyclopedias);

Registration of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of children's development, planning, monitoring of program implementation, etc.), reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future.

Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of lesson or event plan, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson. I have created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, pedagogical councils, parent meetings. As part of the Development Program on the topic "Introducing preschoolers to Russian culture", our team set the task of creating a media library of presentations on fairy tales, fables, folklore, etc.

The use of digital cameras and photo editing programs that make managing pictures as easy as taking pictures, easily find the ones you want, edit and show them;

Using a photo frame to introduce parents to the rich and interesting garden life of children;

The use of the Internet in pedagogical activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific and methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution;

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.

Creation of e-mail, maintenance of the DOW website with links to groups. Such communication with parents of children who are at home due to illness is especially important. They need to be aware of garden life, educational activities;

For in-depth discussions of pedagogical topics with colleagues and consultations with specialists, I use forums in online pedagogical communities. I am interested in network technologies of communication.

New activities contribute to the development of new competencies. These competencies, of course, are in the field of information technology:

Free possession of ICT tools on the Internet;

The desire to explore new tools, network services;

Mastering the constantly improving communication tools of the Internet.

In my institution, I am an ICT consultant, organizer of the information educational environment. But, no matter how good and high-quality information resources are, they are effective only in the hands of a teacher who owns modern educational technologies.

The purpose of my methodological work is to teach colleagues to assess the level of integration of their pedagogical activity into the information educational environment, analyze the possibilities of the IEE of their institution, select and use ICT tools, electronic educational resources in accordance with the tasks of their professional pedagogical activity.

Also, teachers should know the FGT requirements that regulate professional pedagogical activity in an ICT-rich environment, the relevant sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN), and the main modern IEE management tools.

Thus, the use of ICT helps to improve the quality of the educational process: teachers have the opportunity to communicate professionally with a wide audience of Internet users, and their social status increases. The use of EER (electronic educational resources) in working with children serves to increase the cognitive motivation of pupils, respectively, there is an increase in their achievements, key competencies. Parents, noting the interest of children in the preschool educational institution, began to treat teachers with more respect, listen to their advice, and participate more actively in group projects.


Creation of a unified information environment. Informatization of an educational institution is the process of introducing information technologies (IT) into all areas and types of educational activities.

The main objectives of informatization include the following:

Improving the quality of education;

· increasing the availability and flexibility of education;

Improvement of management efficiency;

· formation of information culture.

The implementation of these goals is possible only with an integrated approach to

informatization, when a single information environment (UIS) has been created in an educational institution, including material, technical, information and human resources, ensuring the automation of managerial and pedagogical processes, coordinated processing and use of information, and full-fledged information exchange. The UIS assumes the presence of a regulatory and organizational base, technical and methodological support.

In the course of directly educational activities, educational, developmental and educational tasks are solved.

Educational tasks:

training in computer skills;

· learning how to work with a particular teaching staff;

· study of new material.

Development tasks:

· development of individual creative abilities;

development of independent work skills;

· development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention, speech, other mental functions and processes.

Educational tasks: education of perseverance and diligence.

Sanitary norms and rules "Hygienic requirements for video, display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work" 1996. Approved by the Decree of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated 14.07.96 No. 14.

In more detail: "The use of applied software in the educational process of preschool educational institutions" - p. 25.15

It should be noted that only such computer programs and games that meet psychological, pedagogical and sanitary and hygienic requirements can be used in kindergarten. These requirements are set out in the instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 14, 2000 No. 65 / 23-16 “On hygiene requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education”

Using a multimedia projector and projection screen

The use of this type of equipment involves a group form of work with children and significantly reduces the risk of various types of fatigue. The duration of classes can be increased by 2-3 times compared to working at personal computers. This type of organization of classes is close to the traditional one. All the attention of the children is focused on the teacher, who, using a projector, demonstrates the materials of the lesson. These can be visual aids, videos, application software snippets, etc.

Using an interactive whiteboard. The interactive whiteboard does it all

the same functions as a projector with a screen, only the specific features of the software supplied with the device are added to them. There are many types of interactive whiteboards, and each has its own software. However, most of them have similar features:

· "smart pen", which converts objects drawn by hand into shapes of the correct form;

A curtain that allows you to hide part of the screen;

· the "photo screen" function, which allows you to take a picture of the entire screen or a selected part when watching a video, browsing the Internet;

a text recognition function that allows handwritten words to be converted into printable characters;

· image collections;

· the ability to move objects in the interactive whiteboard space;

the ability to annotate on top of any programs, documents,

To work with educational material in interactive mode, the following equipment is required: a computer, a projector and an interactive whiteboard. As educational material, you can use presentations, videos, flash animation, application software. When organizing work with the board, it is necessary to ensure that the projector beam does not shine into the eyes of preschoolers: this can cause retinal burns.

When planning to use information technologies in the educational process, it is necessary to understand that the effectiveness of the use of any means of informatization is determined by three interrelated aspects of its provision: technical, methodological and organizational. It is important to remember that even ultra-modern equipment will not provide the desired effect if IT is used ineptly, without the necessary methodological preparation and development of didactic materials, in violation of ergonomic and psychological and pedagogical requirements, with an unreasonable expansion of their areas of application, that is, methodologically illiterate. Great importance has organizational support for equipment in educational institutions - their maintenance and maintenance, modernization and timely replacement of equipment.


Directly educational activity (GCD) is the main form of organizing the education of children in kindergarten.

It is organized and conducted by a teacher who, in accordance with the chosen programs of education and training, determines the content, methodology and technology of classes with different age groups.

Any lesson with preschoolers consists of three main parts:

introduction to the topic, definition of the goal, explanation of what the children should do;

independent activity of children to fulfill the task of the teacher or the plan of the child himself;

Analysis of the task performance and its evaluation.

In working with preschool children, the explanatory-illustrative method of teaching is often used. The main goal of this type of training is the transfer and assimilation of knowledge and their application in practice. Sometimes this type of learning is called passive-contemplative. The teacher seeks to present the material using visual and illustrative materials, as well as to ensure its assimilation at the level of reproduction and application for solving practical problems.

Therefore, speaking about preparation for classes, most often they talk about the selection of high-quality illustrative material. Educators working "the old fashioned way" use didactic material on paper, which wears out over time and loses its presentable appearance. Restoring the fund of visual materials is a rather expensive and time-consuming process. In addition, demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups offered by manufacturers does not always satisfy teachers in terms of content, quantity, quality, and price. That is why the computer once again acts as an assistant. Using computer tools, the teacher can search for the necessary information, its structuring and design.

When creating and demonstrating presentations designed to work with preschoolers, their age and individual

features of perception of information.

· the background of the slides should not be too bright;

· images in presentation slides must be of high quality, fuzzy or blurry illustrations are not allowed;

· images should be large enough, well and clearly visible from any place;

· no more than 7-9 objects can be placed on each slide (objects are understood as drawings and text fragments);

· for successful assimilation of the content of the slide, the image should not be overloaded with unimportant details that clutter up the picture and distract children's attention from the main thing;

· the objects of illustrations should be depicted in their natural positions;

· the scale ratios of the parts of the illustration must be observed;

· it is necessary to take into account the proportionality of objects relative to each other while placing them on a slide (for example, a bumblebee is larger than a fly);

· captions on slides should give an idea of ​​what is shown in the frame, without disclosing its content in detail (for example, the title of the illustration);

· the use of animation must be justified;

· if a song is used as musical accompaniment, it must correspond to the theme of the presentation;

The final part of the presentation may include a short video segment on the topic as a stimulating moment (for example,


slides should be changed at the click of a mouse so that the teacher has the opportunity to control the presentation and stop it, if necessary, responding to questions from children or other situations that prevent viewing the presentation;

· the total number of slides shown in a lesson with preschoolers should not exceed 8-10.

When demonstrating a presentation, it is very important to follow the following rules:

· make sure that the presentation is clearly visible to all pupils;

· to accompany the illustrative material with explanations of the educator, since the synchronism of oral presentation and demonstration contribute to the solid consolidation of the material in the memory of children;

· strive to involve in the process of perception all the senses: sight, hearing, touch;

allocate time for physical education.

Classes can be held in many areas of educational work: familiarization with the outside world, the development of speech, fine arts, the development of elementary mathematical concepts, environmental education.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that the use of information and computer technologies in preschool educational institutions:

Contributes to the improvement of the professional level of teachers, encourages them to look for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, to show creative abilities;

Helps to increase children's interest in learning, activates cognitive activity, improves the quality of assimilation of program material by children;

It helps to increase the level of pedagogical competence of parents, their awareness of the activities of the entire institution and the results of a particular child, the cooperation of parents and preschool educational institutions.

Pre-school workers in our district in practice were convinced of the positive value of the introduction of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

We see the prospect of further use in the use of the Internet and an interactive software package.

The interactive whiteboard allows you to make learning more visual, work in real time, increase children's interest in learning, helps the teacher develop children's attention, thinking and independence.

The use of the Internet provides access to high-quality educational resources, regardless of the location of the preschool educational institution.

The Internet will improve the qualifications of teachers through the passage of distance courses, equip them with modern content, and master modern pedagogical technologies in everyday practice.

Kindergarten students are also given the opportunity to participate in remote competitions, trainings not only in preschool institutions, but also at home with the help of their parents. Interested parents, thanks to the Internet, can increase their competence in matters of upbringing, education and development of the child.

The use of ICT makes it possible to bring preschool institutions to a new qualitative level, update the content of the educational process, and ensure the quality of preschool education that meets modern state education standards.

List of used literature:

1. Apatova N. V. Information technologies in school education. - M., 1994

2. Bezrukikh M.M., Paramonova L.A., Slobodchikov V.I. and others. Pre-school education: "pluses" and "minuses" / / Primary education. -2006. - No. 3. - P. 9-11.

3. Ezopova S.A. Pre-school education, or Education of children of senior preschool age: innovations and traditions / / Preschool pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 8-10.

4. Zakharova I. G. Information technologies in education: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M., 2003

5. Zubov A. V. Information technologies in linguistics. - M., 2004

6. The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process: a teaching aid / Authors-compilers: D.P. Tevs, V. N. Podkovyrova, E. I. Apolskikh, M. V. Afonina. - Barnaul: BSPU, 2006

7. Korablev A. A. Information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process // School. - 2006. - No. 2. - with. 37-39

8. Robert I.V. Modern information technologies in education: didactic problems, prospects for use. - M .: School-Press, 1994. - 204 p.

9. Shaekhova R.K. Pre-school education: relevance, problems, development strategy / R.K. Shaekhova // Primary school plus before and after.-2006.-№7.-p.54-57.

The task of preschool education is the full and harmonious psychological, personal, cognitive development of a preschool child, the formation and development of leading activities, the main neoplasms of age. Therefore, new information technologies cannot be mechanically transferred to the educational environment of a preschool institution. The computer should become part of the developing environment for the child, a factor in enriching his intellectual development, creating the basis for the formation of new types of thinking.

The advantage of using computer technologies is the transfer of the center of gravity from verbal teaching methods to the methods of search and creative activity of the educator and pupils. Consequently, the role of the educator in the educational process is also changing. He ceases to be a source of information, but becomes an accomplice, an assistant.

Lesson 1. Topic: “Regulatory and legal framework for the use of ICT in the educational space of preschool educational institutions. Possibilities of using ICT in the educational process”.

At present, the Information Society Development Strategy is being implemented in our country, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. Therefore, the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education.

Modern society, which is developing on the basis of the use of new information and technical means, makes more and more demands on informatization in preschool educational institutions. Information and computer technologies began to be actively used in preschool educational institutions.

The regulatory framework for this process is a number of regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law "On Education" in the Russian Federation
  • The concept of social economic development 2020, Appendix to the letter dated 05/08/08 No. 03-946: “Computer technologies are currently designed to become not an additional “weight” in training and education, but an integral part of a holistic educational process that significantly improves its quality”
  • Information letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2001 No. 753 / 23-16 "On informatization of preschool education in Russia"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 N 1993-r (together with the "Consolidated list of priority state and municipal services provided by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in electronic form, as well as services provided electronically by institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian and municipal institutions)
  • Federal Law No. 293 of November 8, 2010 on optimizing the provision of public services in the field of education, on creating a website for educational institutions that meets uniform requirements.
  • The concept of the federal target program "Development of Informatization in Russia for the period up to 2012"
  • Federal target program "Development of a unified educational information environment"
  • The concept of the federal target program "Development of informatization in Russia for the period up to 2010"
  • Russian Pedagogical Education Development Program for 2001-2010
  • Decree of the Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation "On the approval of SanPiN dated July 22, 2010 No. 164" with amendments
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2012 No. No. 343 "On approval of the rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about OS"
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the approval of the FGT to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education dated July 20, 2011. №2151
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the approval of the FGT to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education dated November 23, 2009. No. 655".

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. The importance and necessity of introducing such technologies into the process of educational activities was noted by international experts in the "World Report on Communication and Information" prepared by UNESCO. In the conditions of a dynamically changing world, constant improvement and complication of technologies, informatization of the education sector is of fundamental importance.

This direction of development of the educational industry, as emphasized in state documents, is recognized as the most important national priority. So, for example, in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010", in chapter 2, devoted to the priorities of educational policy, the following is said: "In order to achieve a new quality of education, informatization of education and optimization of teaching methods will be carried out." “Computer technologies are now called upon to become not an additional “weight” in training and education, but an integral part of an integral educational process that significantly improves its quality” (From the “Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020”).

Despite the adoption of the priority national project "Education" (direction "Internetization of education") and the Concept of the federal target program "Development of Informatization in Russia for the period up to 2010", Russia cannot yet say that it has a coherent policy in the field of information technology implementation in the activities of institutions of preschool education. It is the introduction of ICT that will make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of the abilities of a child of preschool age.

In our country, over the past 5 years, a number of events have occurred that determine the accelerated development of Internet technologies in preschool institutions:

Adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society;
. Adoption of the Concept of socio-economic development of the country until 2020;
. Implementation of the program "Electronic Russia";
. Development of the National Educational Concept "Our New School";
. Connecting schools and kindergartens to the Internet within the framework of the national project;
. Adoption of the Law “On Education”;
. The formation of social networks, etc., required a different understanding of the role of ICT in the educational process.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what ICT is and in what specific work in the preschool educational institution they are needed.

What is ICT?

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology"- a set of methods, methods and means that ensure the storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of labor. At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects. Combining information and communication technologies, projecting them into educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in the information society.

Information Technology- this is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities.

For the successful implementation of the educational program of a preschool institution in accordance with the requirements of the state, society, family, information and communication technologies should be actively used in each preschool educational institution. And for this it is necessary for each teacher to be competent in the issue of computer literacy, the ability to use ICT in the process of teaching preschool children.

P educators who want to keep up with the times need to explore the possibilities of using and implementing new ICTs in their practical activities, to be a guide for the child into the world of new technologies, to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality. The solution of these problems is impossible without updating and revising all areas of the kindergarten in the context of informatization.

So in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 2151 "FGT to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education", they impose certain requirements on staffing. One of the main requirements is the teacher's possession of information and communication technologies and the ability to apply them in the educational process. The communicative competence of a teacher implies the ability to build communications in various formats: oral, written, discussion, visual, computer, electronic.

The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities. Therefore, in our preschool educational institution, the primary task now is to improve the computer literacy of teachers, to master their work with software educational complexes, resources of the global computer network Internet so that in the future each of them can use modern computer technologies to prepare and conduct classes with children on a qualitatively new level.

The experience of our MBDOU shows the real possibility of implementing the main tasks of informatization in management activities, since digital cameras, video cameras, printers, scanners, copiers, laminators, DVD players, TVs, mobile phones with the ability to exit on the Internet. Compared to the last academic year, the percentage of teachers who are proficient in ICT has increased by 50%, including teachers with zero computer experience.

Therefore, in order to provide assistance and support to teachers, an internship platform for teachers of preschool educational institutions of the city was created on the basis of our kindergarten, which will ensure an increase in the professional competence and information culture of teachers. When using ICT in work, the experience of teachers and education is not important, but the desire and desire to master ICT is important.

The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but a necessity dictated by the current level of development of education. The benefits of using ICT can be summarized in two groups: technical and didactic. Technical advantages are speed, maneuverability, efficiency, the ability to view and listen to fragments and other multimedia functions. The didactic advantages of interactive classes are the creation of the effect of presence (“I saw it!”), The pupils have a sense of authenticity, the reality of events, interest, a desire to learn and see more.

Possibilities of using ICT in the educational process

The task of preschool education is the full and harmonious psychological, personal, cognitive development of a preschool child, the formation and development of leading activities, the main neoplasms of age. Therefore, new information technologies cannot be mechanically transferred to the educational environment of a preschool institution.

The computer should become part of the developing environment for the child, a factor in enriching his intellectual development, creating the basis for the formation of new types of thinking. The advantage of using computer technologies is the transfer of the center of gravity from verbal teaching methods to the methods of search and creative activity of the educator and pupils. Consequently, the role of the educator in the educational process is also changing. He ceases to be a source of information, but becomes an accomplice, an assistant.

Clause 3.4 of the requirements for educational and material support contains requirements for technical teaching aids in the field of preschool education, including general safety requirements, the potential for visual support of the educational process, the possibility of using modern information and communication technologies in the educational process.

Conditions and results of ICT implementation

Improving the ICT competence of a teacher

Step by step, the development of computer technologies is becoming more and more confident. The teacher is not afraid of the computer, finds it a faithful assistant, sees the prospects for use.

Availability of free access to a computer in the institution. A stronger condition may be the presence of a computer at the workplace of the teacher.

There is an opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The teacher can conduct a lesson using a computer, prepare materials for the lesson. Children are positive about change.

Availability of ESM and methods of their use

A new source for a full-fledged work. An excessive amount of information with the possibility of choosing the necessary content for the future lesson. Opportunity to intensify independent and research activities of children.

Opportunity to share experience. Pedagogical innovations

Satisfying personal and professional ambitions, helping colleagues. Recognition of the professional community. Career growth.

Presence of an ICT consultant in an institution

In case of anxiety, failures in working on a computer, he will help, tell you who to contact. Coordinate with other teachers.

Formation of information and educational environment in an institution based on the use of ICT

There is an opportunity for the development and self-development of the teacher, the improvement of his educational and methodological activities, pedagogical creativity and information competence.

Educators of preschool educational institutions are obliged to ensure the full transition of children to the next level of the system of continuous education, to give the opportunity to become participants in the unified educational space of the Russian Federation. This requires the introduction and use of information technology in preschool educational institutions. The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on the upbringing, education and development of preschoolers. In turn, the use of various methods helps to actively influence the formation and development of listening, speaking, reading skills, improving oral speech, and educating a creative, socially active personality.

The use of computer technology helps the teacher in the work:

  • attract passive listeners to active activities;
  • make educational activities more visual and intensive;
  • to form an information culture in children;
  • activate cognitive interest;
  • to implement personality-oriented and differentiated approaches to learning;
  • to discipline the educator himself, to form his interest in work;
  • activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.)

In his work, the teacher can use the following means of information and communication technologies:

  • A computer
  • Multimedia projector
  • a printer
  • VCR, DVD player
  • TV
  • Record player
  • Camera
  • Camcorder
  • Electronic boards

It is also possible to highlight the following types of interactive materials:

  • photos;
  • videos;
  • video clips (films, fairy tales, cartoons);
  • presentations (electronic books, electronic exhibitions);
  • children's developing computer games;
  • creation of collections of digital photos and cartoons is possible.

Let's stop at benefits use of interactive materials.

These materials:

  • allow to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;
  • allow you to make adjustments during the GCD, to perform joint work of children in interaction, to carry out an interactive relationship between the child and the teacher;
  • the use of multimedia presentations provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
  • graphic, textual, audiovisual information is simultaneously used;
  • when using animation and inserting video clips, it is possible to show dynamic processes;
  • with the help of a computer, it is possible to simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show during educational activities or see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of animal sounds; the operation of transport, etc.);
  • the use of new methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in a playful way, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop voluntary;
  • direct educational activities using information and communication technologies encourage children to search and cognitive activities, including searching on the Internet on their own or together with their parents;
  • the high dynamics of direct educational activity contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.
  • selection of illustrative material for the GCD and for the design of stands, albums, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).
  • creation of educational games.
  • selection of additional educational material for the GCD, familiarity with the scenarios of holidays and other events.
  • exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
  • preparation of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future.
  • creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents. There are the following types of presentations:
    • To designate a topic or as an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation;
    • To accompany small theatrical scenes or productions of fairy tales by children;
    • To accompany a holiday for children or to control knowledge, etc.
    • To accompany a concert
    • For parent meetings.

That is why ICT should become a "penetrating" technology. In other words, the use of a computer should not become an end in itself, but be an effective tool for developing skills and abilities.

From the experience of our DOW

To prepare preschool teachers for the continuous development of ICT competence, we needed to organize advisory methodological support. In practice, Deputy head according to VMR DOE, there are various forms of work with teachers aimed at improving their qualifications and skills. Our institution uses the following forms to improve the ICT competence of teachers:

  • weeks of teaching excellence;
  • master classes;
  • pedagogical workshops and mentoring;
  • training seminars;
  • pair work;
  • thematic seminars.

The presentation of advanced experience is the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have matured in practice, quickly responding to public requests, and a changing situation. In order to promote the experience of the best teachers in preschool educational institutions, weeks of pedagogical excellence are organized. As part of the mastery week, teachers hold open demonstrations, which present the best experience in introducing information technology into the educational process.

So, at pedagogical councils, master classes, competitions, teachers of our preschool educational institution use ICT as one of the main conditions for improving the quality of the educational process. And one more important indicator of the quality of the educational process of preschool educational institutions is the participation of teachers in All-Russian Internet projects, marathons.

If we considerExpert opinion on the level of professional activity of a pedagogical worker of a preschool educational institution, then point 1.4. states “Competence in the field of using electronic educational resources (EER) in the educational process: licensed; created independently; having your own website, a page on the website of an educational institution, a blog, etc.).

This makes it possible to score the highest possible score during the certification. ICT will enable any teacher, educator to directly access the information space both with applying for methodological assistance to various service departments (there are many of them to be created), and with broadcasting their work experience. ICT will allow the educator to communicate more widely at various methodological events, such as video - master classes, webinars, etc. Communication with the parents of pupils using ICT is another reality.

One of the main conditions for the introduction of information technology in a preschool educational institution is that specialists who know the technical capabilities of a computer, have the skills to work with them, strictly follow the sanitary standards and rules for using computers, and know how to introduce preschoolers to new information technologies should work with children.

This is what will make it possible to qualitatively and professionally build the organization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution as a modernized system in accordance with federal state requirements, to increase the professional competence of teachers of the preschool educational institution of the region and the prestige of preschool education.

Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas of the educational process, will modernize the educational process, increase efficiency, motivate children for search activities, differentiate learning taking into account individual characteristics of children.

When computers work in a room, specific conditions are created: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the amount of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage increases in the children's hands. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when the cabinet is finished with polymeric materials. The floor must be anti-static, and carpets and rugs are not allowed.

To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and the deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary: ​​airing the office before and after classes and wet cleaning - wiping tables and display screens before and after classes, wiping floors after classes.

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

Computer: Pros and Cons

Advantages of a computer:

  1. A computer can help children develop such important operations of thinking as generalization and classification.
  2. In the process of studying on the computer, the memory and attention of children improve.
  3. When playing computer games, children develop the sign function of consciousness earlier, which underlies abstract thinking.
  4. Computer games are of great importance not only for the development of the intellect of children, but also for the development of their motor skills, for the formation of coordination of visual and motor functions.

Computer Disadvantages:

  1. Excessive handling of a computer can lead to a deterioration in the child's vision, as well as adversely affect his mental health.
  2. This is especially dangerous for shy children.
  3. Excessive handling of the computer can lead to a violation of the child's posture.
  4. And most importantly, you can not rely only on the computer.A child is a small person, he can form and develop only by communicating with people and living in the real world.

The computer can enter the child's life through the game. The game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impressions, displayed in the social form of game modes of action, game signs that acquire meaning in the semantic field of games.

In the course of the game activity of a preschooler, using computer tools, he develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children

Compared to traditional forms of preschool education The computer has many advantages.:

  • presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children;
  • carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers;
  • movement, sound, animation attracts attention for a long time;
  • problematic tasks, encouraging the child with their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;
  • provides an opportunity for individualization of training;
  • the child himself regulates the pace and number of solved game learning tasks;
  • in the course of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;
  • allows you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life, unexpected and unusual effects);
  • the computer is attractive to children, like any new toy; the computer is very patient, never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

Thus, we can say with confidence that the computer is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the methodological work in preschool educational institutions.


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Irina Khantimerova
Information and communication technologies in kindergarten

Information and communication technologies in kindergarten


Significant changes are taking place in the system of preschool education. The success of these changes is associated with the renewal of the scientific, methodological and material base of education and upbringing. One of the important conditions for updating is the use of new information technologies. The educator should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also widely use them in their teaching activities. Process informatization in institutions of preschool education is due to the social need to improve the quality of education, education of preschool children, the requirements of modern society, which needs its members to be ready for work ten times more productive and creative. Information Technology significantly expand the opportunities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early education, they are able to increase the effectiveness of the interaction of the teaching staff children's kindergarten and parents in the education and upbringing of preschool children.

Use of ICT () is one of the priorities of education. Informatization The system of preschool education makes new demands on the teacher and his professional competence, to which the Federal State Educational Standard pays great attention. For implementation information and communication technologies I have highlighted the following goals:

Improving the quality of education;

Improvement of scientific and methodological literature;

Improving the management of the educational process;

- informational integration with higher authorities, teachers, pupils and their parents.

This solves a series tasks:

Implementation of directions for the development of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Using ICT to change the developmental environment in the group kindergarten.

Active use of ICT in work with children and parents.

I noticed that the study of computer technologies is an active pedagogical tool for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality and has a number of functions that influence the formation of a child's ideas about the world around him.

These are functions like:

cognitive function. Introduction to computers technologies opens up many new forms of activity, new ideas and opportunities for children to show their initiative. In addition, children form and develop interest in this type of activity, the desire to learn new possibilities of computer technologies.

Teaching function. The study of computer technologies develops the mental activity of older preschoolers, the ability to formulate the desired result, the ability to build logical chains to achieve the desired result, the ability to compare and explain. .Communicative function. Of particular importance is the study of computer technologies has to develop the ability to communicate and work in a team. The development of this function is served by work in groups, network technologies.

educational function. Working under the guidance of an educator, the need to follow his instructions disciplines children, and prepares them for schooling. Children enrich their moral experience, they develop respect for their peers and teachers.

regulatory function. Awareness of the importance, prestige of owning computer technologies forms social feelings, influences children's awareness of their usefulness to society, facilitates their acceptance of the norms of behavior in society and the laws of the state, and therefore performs a regulatory function, i.e. regulates the behavior of future active members of society, their relationship to each other.

cultural function. Developing the consciousness of children, their feelings, the ability to imagine, expanding their knowledge, studying computer technologies, contributes to the development of the ability to create, use and perceive a variety of material and spiritual values, therefore, increases their culture. Part of the culture of the future inhabitants of the new information society is information culture, the distinctive part of which is a special operational style of thinking.

Prestigious feature. Computer skills technologies is an important indicator of the status of the child in the team, affects the development of self-esteem, is a factor of prestige.

predictive function. The study of computer technologies prepares children for a meeting with the future - with a new society, new possibilities of computer technology, new discoveries in science, new activities and new people.

In my teaching activities I widely use modern information and communication technologies:

A computer

Multimedia projector

Video recorder


Record player



They help me in solving my problems. In my teaching activities, I use different forms ICT:

Preparation of questionnaires and other diagnostic forms for parents

Accommodation information on the DOE website

The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic in nature

Communication with parents via email

Making "parental corners" and information stands;

Use of books, manuals, magazines in electronic form

Using multimedia presentations in group events

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with the periodicals of other teachers of Russia

Acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays, leisure and other events

Selection of musical material for classes, matinees

Selection of musical material for classes, matinees, entertainment, recording phonograms

Organization of the process of direct educational activities in kindergarten has its own specifics, it should be emotional, bright, involving a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. Computer helps me with this. Technics with its multimedia capabilities. At the same time, the computer does not replace the educator, but complements it. My experience is that using information technologies in educational activities in kindergarten looks very natural from the point of view of the child and is one of the effective ways to increase the motivation and individualization of his education, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background.

User Experience information technologies in pedagogical practice, allows me to highlight a number of benefits:

Presentation information on the computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children;

Carries a figurative type information understandable to preschoolers;

Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time;

It has a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;

Provides the possibility of individualization of training;

In the process of their activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;

Allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

Appropriateness of use information technologies in the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers is confirmed by the work of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, E. N. Ivanova, N. P. Chudova, etc.). Scientific work on the introduction of ICT in preschool education conducted in our country, since 1987 on the basis of the center. A. V. Zaporozhets by researchers led by L. A. Paramonova, L. S. Novoselova, L. D. Chainova. In 2008, the theoretical foundations for the application of scientific information technologies in the educational work of preschool educational institutions, programs for preschoolers began to be actively created.

Thus, when properly used technical means, as well as the correct organization of the educational process, computer technologies can be widely used in practice without risk to the health of children.

My observations confirm that the use information and communication technologies in preschool education makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on the upbringing, training and development of preschoolers. In my opinion, the result of the use of ICT in preschool education is obvious.

1. Promotes an increase in interest in learning, its effectiveness, and the comprehensive development of a preschooler.

2. Computer programs involve children in developmental activities, enrich the culturally significant experience of preschoolers.

3. Computer technologies are a new way of mastering knowledge that allows the child to gain experience with interest, bring up independence and responsibility when gaining new experience.

Thus, the use of ICT contributes to improving the quality of educational process:

Teachers get the opportunity to communicate professionally with a wide audience of Internet users, their social status increases;

The cognitive motivation of pupils is increasing, respectively, there is an increase in their achievements, key competencies;

Parents' interest in the activities of the preschool educational institution is increasing, respectful attitude towards educators, they more often listen to the advice of teachers, participate more actively in group projects.

List of used literature.

1. Drakhler, A. B. Network of creative teachers: manual / A. B. Drakhler - M., 2008.

2. Management of innovative processes in preschool educational institutions. - M., Sphere, 2008

3. Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5

4. Kalinina T. V. Management of preschool educational institutions. "New information technology in preschool childhood". M, Sphere, 2008

5. Ksenzova G. Yu. Promising school technologies: educational - methodical manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000

6. Motorin V. "Educational possibilities of computer games". Preschool education, 2000, No. 11

7. Bosova, L. L. Explanatory dictionary of terms of the conceptual apparatus informatization of education / L. L. Bosova -

8. Gorvits, Yu. M. New information Technology in preschool education. / Yu. M. Gorvits, A. A. Chainova, N. N. Poddyakov. - M., 1998.

1. Ivshina G.V., Azim S. Tehnologii "elektronnogo obucheniya - mul" timedia v professional "nom samorazvitii studentsov // Sovremennye koncepcii i tehnologii garantirovannogo kachestva vysshe-go obrazovaniya. Kazan", 2014. S. 95-99.

2. Timerbaev R.M., Shurygin V.Yu. Aktivizaciya processa samorazvitiya studentsov pri izuchenii kursa "Teoreticheskaya mehanika" na osnove ispol "zovaniya LMS MOODLE // Sovremennye koncepcii i tehnologii garantirovannogo ka-chestva vysshego obrazovaniya. Kazan", 2014. S. 243-246.

3. Akol "zina E.A. Ispol" zovanie elektronnyh obra-zovatel "nyh resursov v processe obucheniya: dos-toinstva, nedostatki // Gaudeamus. Tambov, 2013. No. 2 (22). S. 95-97.

4. Makarova L.N., Sharshov I.A. Kompetentnostno-razvivayuschaya model "povysheniya kvalifikacii pedagogicheskih kadrov // Obrazovanie i ob-schestvo. Orel, 2011. No. 4. S. 14-17.

5. Sharshov I.A. Professional "no-tvorcheskoe samo-razvitie sub" ektov obrazovatel "nogo processa v vuze: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra ped. nauk. Belgorod, 2005.


Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Russia, Tambov. e-mail: [email protected]

Formation of informational culture of specialists is connected with implementing electronic-educational resources (EER) in the system of education, self-education and consequently in the process of self-development of personality. In the article the stages of the stated experiment on defining entry level of self-development of students of middle-level are reviewed. Criteria, indices and methodics of estimation of indices of level of self-development of students are formulated. The results of control and experimental groups are compared. Similarity of participants of both groups was proven on the basis of use of Student t-criterion. It was concluded, that to establish if the change of level of self-development is going at the expense of use of EER, it is necessary to make additional criteria selection of electronic devices of education and induce the selected resources in the process of self- development of students.

Key words: self-development, electronic-educational resources, criteria of estimation of self-development of personality, levels of self-development of personality.


SOUTH. Stavtseva

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7", Russia, Orel, e-mail: [email protected]

The article is devoted to topical issues of the use of information technology in a preschool educational institution. The main directions of ICT development and areas of their application in preschool educational institutions are revealed, the conditions for their effectiveness are analyzed. The advantage of information and communication technologies over traditional means of teaching preschoolers is proved. Particular attention is paid to the issue of protecting the health of the child when working with a computer.

Key words: educational space, preschool education, information resources, information and communication technologies, kindergarten, interactive learning, game technologies.

If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from our children.

John Dewey

In accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (2012), preschool education, which is one of the levels of general education, must meet modern requirements for the implementation of the educational process. Therefore, informatization in kindergarten has become a necessary reality.

Computers in school classes today are no longer perceived as something rare, exotic, but in kindergarten they have not yet become a well-mastered tool for teachers. But every year modern information technologies are becoming more and more active in the life of preschoolers. Therefore, a preschool educational institution, as a carrier of culture and knowledge, also cannot stand aside: it is impossible to imagine the work of a preschool teacher without the use of modern information

resources. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) makes it possible to enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what ICT is and in what specific work in the preschool educational institution they are needed. The phrase ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

Information technology - a set of methods, methods and means that provide storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of labor. At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects. Combining information and communication technologies, projecting them into educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in the information society.

Information and communication technologies in education are a set of educational and methodological materials, technical and instrumental means of computer technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists in educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists), as well as for education (development, diagnostics, correction) of children. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, i.e. everything that can provide ample opportunities for cognitive development.

Of course, the use of information and communication technologies in children

in the garden is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. On the one hand, the president has set a task for every institution of the Russian Federation: to have their own electronic representation on the Internet, on the other hand, there is a real threat to health that arises when children get used to computers early. If we look at the developments taking place in the country in the field of education, we can see why ICT has been rapidly developing in preschool institutions over the past five years:

Adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society;

Adoption of the Concept of socio-economic development of the country until 2020;

Implementation of the program "Electronic Russia";

Development of the national educational concept "Our new school";

Connecting schools to the Internet within the framework of the national project;

All these events led to a change

Visual-figurative thinking prevails in preschool children. The main principle in organizing the activities of children of this age is the principle of visibility. The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic, allows preschool teachers to quickly achieve their intended goal during direct educational activities and joint activities with children.

Proper use of modern information technologies makes it possible to make the educational process information-intensive, spectacular and comfortable, significantly increase the motivation of children to learn, recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound, which contributes to the widest

covering the abilities of preschoolers, enhancing mental activity.

Today, ICT allows:

Show information on the screen in a playful way, which is of great interest to children, as this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - the game;

In an accessible form, vividly, figuratively present material to preschoolers, which corresponds to their visual-figurative thinking;

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation, but do not overload the material with them;

To promote the development of preschoolers' research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents;

Encourage children to solve problems and overcome difficulties.

In addition, the use of ICT in preschool education makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher himself, which has a positive impact on the upbringing, education and development of preschoolers.

There are certain advantages of using information and communication technologies in comparison with traditional teaching aids:

1. ICTs provide an opportunity to expand the use of e-learning tools as they transfer information faster.

2. Movements, sound, animation attract the attention of children for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provide visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. This includes three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the outside world, the observation of which causes difficulties: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, rain.

5. You can also simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature, the operation of transport, etc.).

6. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching on the Internet on their own or together with their parents.

7. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

What are the main directions for the development of ICT in a preschool educational institution?

1. Using a computer to familiarize children with modern technical means of transmitting and storing information, which is carried out in various gaming technologies. These are various computer "toys": entertaining, educational, developing, diagnostic, network games. In working with preschoolers, teachers mainly use developing, less often educational and diagnostic games.

Among educational games, one can single out games for the development of mathematical concepts: “Baba Yaga learns to count”, “Arithmetic Island”, “Luntik. Mathematics for kids"; games for the development of phonemic hearing and learning to read "Baba Yaga learns to read", "Primer"; games for musical development, for example, The Nutcracker. We play with the music of Tchaikovsky.

The next group of games is aimed at developing the basic mental processes: "Animal Album", "The Snow Queen", "The Little Mermaid", "Save the Planet from Garbage", "From the Planet to the Comet", "Little Seeker".

The third group is applied tools created for the purpose of the artistic and creative development of children: “Mouse Mia. Young designer”, “Learning to draw”, “Magic transformations”. As educational games, you can give an example of the games “Form. Secrets of Painting for Little Artists”, “The World of Informatics”.

Currently, the choice of computer game software for preschoolers is quite wide, but, unfortunately,

Unfortunately, most of these games are not designed for the implementation of program tasks, therefore, they can be used only partially, mainly for the purpose of developing mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. The main manufacturers of developing and educational computer games are Novy Disk, Media House, Alisa Studio and 1C.

2. ICT as a means of interactive learning, which allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers and participate in the development of new knowledge. We are talking about games created by teachers that meet the program requirements. These games are designed for use in educational activities with children. Interactive game tools allows you to create a program PowerPoint.

3. Development of technology with the inclusion of ICT, which is based on complex (integrated) classes (leisure). The technology is developed for any of the educational areas (music, fiction, knowledge). Classes include a variety of productive activities for children based on federal state requirements.

4. ICT as a means of an automated control system. This technology is implemented in a preschool institution in order to implement the idea of ​​network management, organization of the pedagogical process, methodological service. This technology provides planning, control, monitoring, coordination of the work of educators, specialists, physicians. In this case, the use of ICT helps to optimize the activities of the preschool educational institution, increase its effectiveness in terms of inclusive education and upbringing of preschoolers, expand the boundaries of the educational space through the active inclusion of parents and children who do not attend kindergarten.

It is quite obvious that teachers should keep up with the times, become a guide for the child into the world of new technologies. The communicative competence of a teacher implies the ability to build communications in various formats: oral, written, discussion, visual, computer, electronic. teacher

should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities.

Educators of preschool educational institutions are obliged to ensure the full transition of children to the next level of the system of continuous education, to give them the opportunity to become participants in the unified educational space of the Russian Federation. It is very important that teachers are able and, most importantly, have the opportunity and desire to use ICT in their work. One of the main conditions for the success of the informatization of the educational process is the mastery of new forms of work for teachers. Before a kindergarten teacher who has mastered ICT, there are endless opportunities for effective creative work with children and self-realization.

Consider the areas of application of ICT by teachers of preschool educational institutions.

1. Maintaining documentation. In the process of educational activity, the teacher draws up and draws up calendar and long-term plans, prepares material for the design of the parent corner, conducts diagnostics and draws up the results both in printed and electronic form. Diagnosis should be considered not as a one-time conduct of the necessary studies, but also the maintenance of an individual diary of the child, in which various data about the child, test results are recorded, graphs are built and, in general, the dynamics of the child's development is monitored. Of course, this can be done without the use of computer technology, but the quality of design and time costs are not comparable. An important aspect of the use of ICT is the preparation of a teacher for certification. Here you can consider both the preparation of documentation and the preparation of an electronic portfolio.

2. Methodical work, professional development of the teacher. In the information society, network electronic resources are the most convenient, fast and modern way of disseminating new methodological ideas and didactic aids, available to methodologists and teachers, regardless of their place of residence. Information-

methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used during the preparation of the teacher for classes, to study new methods, in the selection of visual aids for the lesson. Network communities of teachers allow not only to find and use the necessary methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share pedagogical experience in preparing and holding events, using various methods and technologies.

The modern educational space requires the teacher to be especially flexible in preparing and conducting pedagogical events. The teacher needs regular professional development both in the traditional form and with the help of remote technologies. When choosing such courses, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of a license, on the basis of which educational activities are carried out. Distance advanced training courses allow you to choose the direction of interest to the teacher and study without interrupting the main educational activity.

An important aspect of the work of a teacher is participation in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, quizzes, olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem of both the teacher and pupils. Face-to-face participation in such events is often impossible due to the remoteness of the region, financial costs and other reasons. Remote participation is open to everyone. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of the resource, the number of registered users.

Undoubtedly, it is important to use ICT for record keeping, and for more efficient methodological work, and for improving the teacher's qualifications, but the main thing in the work of a preschool teacher is to conduct an educational process.

3. The educational process includes:

Organization of direct educational activities of the pupil;

Organization of joint developmental activities of the teacher and children;

Project implementation;

Creation of a developing environment (games, manuals, didactic materials).

However, with all the invariable advantages of using ICT in preschool education, the following problems arise:

1. The material base of the preschool educational institution. As noted above, to organize classes, you must have a minimum set of equipment: a PC, a projector, speakers, a screen or a mobile class. Not all kindergartens today can afford the creation of such classes.

2. Protecting the health of the child. Recognizing that the computer is a powerful new tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment "DO NO HARM!". The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regimen in general, in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations. During the operation of computers and interactive equipment, specific conditions are created in the room: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the amount of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage increases in the area of ​​children's hands. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when the cabinet is finished with polymeric materials. The floor must be anti-static, and carpets and rugs are not allowed. To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and the deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary: ​​airing the office before and after classes, wet cleaning before and after classes. Classes with older preschoolers should be held once a week in subgroups. In his work, the teacher must necessarily use sets of exercises for the eyes.

3. Insufficient ICT competence of the teacher. The teacher should not only have a perfect knowledge of the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics, the user interface of each program (the specifics of the technical rules of action with each of them), but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in the main applied

programs, multimedia programs and the Internet.

If the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution manages to solve these problems, then ICT will become an excellent assistant to the learning process.


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2. The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process / ed. D.P. Tevs, V.N. Podkovy-rova, E.I. Apolskikh, M.V., Afonina. Barnaul, 2006.

3. Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education. M., 2003.

4. Bezrukikh M.M., Paramonova L.A., Slobodchikov V.I. Pre-school education: "pluses" and "minuses" // Primary education. 2006. No. 3. S. 9-11.

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8. Shaekhova R.K. Pre-school education: relevance, problems, development strategy // Primary school plus Before and After. 2006. No. 7.

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5. Ezopova S.A. Predshkol "noe obrazovanie, or Ob-razovanie detej starshego doshkol" nogo vozrasta: innovacii i tradicii // Doshkol "naya pedagogika.

6. Kalinina T.V. Upravlenie DOU // Novye informacionnye tehnologii v doshkol "nom detstve. M.,

7. Komarova T.S., Komarova I.I., Tulikov A.V. Informacionno-kommunikacionnye tehnologii v doshkol "nom obrazovanii. M., 2011.

8. Shaehova R.K. Predshkol "noe obrazovanie: ak-tual" nost", problemy, strategiya razvitiya // Na-chal" naya shkola plyus Do i After. 2006. No. 7.


Municipal Budget Preschool Educational Institute "Kindergarten No. 7", Russia, Orel e-mail: [email protected]

The article is devoted to relevant questions of the use of informational technologies in preschool educational institute. The basic directions of development of ICT and the sphere of their implementation in preschool educational institutes are revealed, the conditions of their efficiency are analyzed. The advantage of informational and communication-al technologies comparing to traditional means of education of preschool children is proven. The attention is paid to the question of protection of health of a child during work with the computer.

Key words: educational space, preschool education, informational resources, informational and communica- tional technologies, kindergarten, interactive education, game technologies.

Azhishcheva Tatyana Alexandrovna, educator,

MDOU "Raysemenovsky kindergarten combined type "Spring"

We all know that the computer enters the life of a child from an early age, having both a positive and a negative impact on the formation of his personality. In terms of the impact on the child's psyche, modern information technologies are incomparable with other means.

Increasingly, teachers of preschool institutions began to point out the use of ICT in working with children as the main achievement. And I am no exception. Having mastered the work on the computer on my own, I apply my skills in working with preschoolers. But before me, like before many teachers, there is a question. How to do it right? To use or not to use ICT in kindergarten?

Information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an actual problem of modern preschool education. On the one hand, the president has set a task for every institution of the Russian Federation: to have their own electronic representation on the Internet, on the other hand, there is a real threat to health that arises when children get used to a computer early.

If we look at the developments taking place in the country in the field of education, we can see why ICT in preschool institutions has been rapidly developing in the last five years.

Adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society;

Adoption of the Concept of socio-economic development of the country until 2020;

Implementation of the program "Electronic Russia"

Development of the National Educational Concept "Our New School"

Connecting schools to the Internet within the framework of the national project;

Adoption of amendments to the Law “On Education”;

All these events led to a change in the content, methods and organizational forms of the entire education system, and, consequently, the work of kindergartens, their relationship with higher organizations and parents.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what ICT is and in what specific work in the preschool educational institution they are needed.

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology is a set of methods, methods and means that provide storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of labor." At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects. Combining information and communication technologies, projecting them into educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in the information society.

It is absolutely clear that ICT is becoming the main tool that a person will use not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life.

The main goal of introducing information technologies is to create a single information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, pupils and their parents.

To implement this, trained teaching staff is needed, able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies.

The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities.

Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

I use my skills in my work:

With kids

With parents

With colleagues

In methodical, experimental, innovative activity.

First of all, I want to say that I do not use the direct work of children on the PC. I think that in preschool age this is not a priority. It is much more important for me to work on creating a single creative space in the framework of interaction with the families of pupils in the direction of solving the problems of child development in the modern information society. It is important to become both for the child and for the parents a guide to the world of new technologies, a mentor in the choice of computer games and to form the foundations of the information culture of the child's personality.

What are the main directions of ICT development?

Using a computer to familiarize children with modern technical means of transmitting and storing information.

ICT as a means of interactive learning that allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of children and participate in the development of new knowledge.

ICT for parents of pupils. Collaboration with the child's family in the use of ICT at home, especially computers and computer games, is the main direction of my work.

ICT aims to implement the idea of ​​network management, organization of the pedagogical process, methodological service. This technology provides planning, control, monitoring, coordination of the work of teachers and specialists. In this case, the use of ICT helps to optimize the activities of preschool educational institutions.

I will present the main forms of using ICT in my work:

Selection of illustrative material for classes, design of parental corners, groups, information material for designing stands, folders, sliders, (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation);

Selection of additional educational material for classes (encyclopedias);

Registration of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of children's development, planning, monitoring of program implementation, etc.), reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future.

Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of lesson or event plan, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson. I have created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, pedagogical councils, parent meetings. As part of the Development Program on the topic "Introducing preschoolers to Russian culture", our team set the task of creating a media library of presentations on fairy tales, fables, folklore, etc.

The use of digital cameras and photo editing programs that make managing pictures as easy as taking pictures, easily find the ones you want, edit and show them;

Using a photo frame to introduce parents to the rich and interesting garden life of children;

Use your camcorder and related software (a completely new way to view, store and share all your video footage, you can quickly create simple movies by adding titles, scene transitions, background music or voice over in Movie Marker to your video). Parents especially like this direction of work. They watched with pleasure the films created by me with the participation of children "Hare-coward", with the participation of parents "Zayushkina hut";

The use of the Internet in pedagogical activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific and methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution;

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers. Many journals have an electronic version on the Internet, after downloading them, we have created a media library of articles in the areas of educational work;

Design of booklets, electronic portfolio of the group, materials in various areas of activity;

Creation of media libraries that are of interest to both teachers and parents;

Creation of e-mail, maintenance of the DOW website with links to groups. Such communication with parents of children who are at home due to illness is especially important. They need to be aware of garden life, educational activities;

The use of a computer in the office work of the preschool educational institution, the creation of various databases.

For in-depth discussions of pedagogical topics with colleagues and consultations with specialists, I use forums in online pedagogical communities. I am interested in network technologies of communication.

I use distance learning to improve my skills. Our institution works on the OS "School 2100". This program has an excellent website where methodologists post relevant materials for use in their work. They organize their communication in the form of webinars, where you can communicate with the authors of the program, authors of technologies, methodologists of the UMC. By participating in a webinar, communicating with colleagues in forums and completing assignments, we undergo remote professional development and receive certificates.

New activities contribute to the development of new competencies. These competencies, of course, are in the field of information technology:

Free possession of ICT tools on the Internet;

The desire to explore new tools, network services;

Mastering the constantly improving communication tools of the Internet.

In my institution, I am an ICT consultant, organizer of the information educational environment. But, no matter how good and high-quality information resources are, they are effective only in the hands of a teacher who owns modern educational technologies.

The purpose of my methodological work is to teach colleagues to assess the level of integration of their pedagogical activity into the information educational environment, analyze the possibilities of the IEE of their institution, select and use ICT tools, electronic educational resources in accordance with the tasks of their professional pedagogical activity.

Also, teachers should know the FGT requirements that regulate professional pedagogical activity in an ICT-rich environment, the relevant sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN), and the main modern IEE management tools.

Thus, the use of ICT helps to improve the quality of the educational process: teachers have the opportunity to communicate professionally with a wide audience of Internet users, and their social status increases. The use of EER (electronic educational resources) in working with children serves to increase the cognitive motivation of pupils, respectively, there is an increase in their achievements, key competencies. Parents, noting the interest of children in the preschool educational institution, began to treat teachers with more respect, listen to their advice, and participate more actively in group projects.


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