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  • Droplet mode on the air conditioner which means. Did you know that in the ventilation mode of the air conditioner, fresh air from the outside does not come in

Droplet mode on the air conditioner which means. Did you know that in the ventilation mode of the air conditioner, fresh air from the outside does not come in

When choosing an air conditioner for our apartment, we usually look at such indicators as energy consumption, as well as minimum capabilities. Other functions of the air conditioner, for example, ventilation, the ability to dry the air, ionization and disinfection, do not become so noticeable. Although manufacturers are ready to work on their air conditioners, make them using the latest technologies, add new functions and modes to the air conditioner to make our stay at home as comfortable as possible.

Let's get acquainted with the main modes of operation of various air conditioners and their capabilities provided to customers.

Heating and cooling

Any air conditioner is designed, first of all, to operate in the "Cool" cooling mode. Cooling takes place using physical processes. In this case, the refrigerant changes its state from liquid to gaseous, taking heat from the external environment. It is here that the cooling of the air that enters the room takes place (the dehumidification effect is created, since water is removed from the air stream). To calculate the capacity of the air conditioner, which will serve for cooling, the following calculations are required: 1 kilowatt falls on an area of ​​8 to 10 square meters for the air conditioner to work correctly.

Heating mode is activated by pressing the button with the “Heat” icon. "Heat" is the supply of warm air at a sufficient temperature for heating.

Heat mode is ideal for heating, as it generates 3-4 times more heat compared to the electricity consumed. It is good for use in spring and autumn, the modes are just suitable for heating a room.

But in winter, at negative temperatures, freon and compressor oil are able to change their characteristics. The air conditioner can fail in a short time due to its improper operation. In such a situation, it is necessary to use a specially designed kit that is ready to work at temperatures up to minus thirty degrees. But then you will receive not only a heater, but your money costs for electricity will also increase significantly, since its device will need much more.

There are air conditioners that are equipped with a heating tenon. Their disadvantage also lies in the high consumption of electricity, which leads to more serious waste of money (in contrast to other types of heaters).

Ventilation (fan)

This mode of the device turns on only the fan inside, with its help air is captured from the external environment, but it cannot be heated or cooled. This function is great when a building is heated by a central heating system.

It is possible not to turn on the air intake from the street, then the air conditioner skillfully mixes different layers of air, which have different degrees of heating (warm air at the top, at the floor - it is colder).

More modern models in the technical plan have the ability to adjust the fan speed, due to which a different ventilation capacity is created.

Mode for dehumidification (dry)

It is designed for a room with very high humidity, while in this mode the moisture remains on the cold surface (condensation occurs). The air is dehumidified even during simple cooling, but this is not so noticeable.

In addition, when operating in the "dry" mode, the temperature remains practically the same, the compressor starts its work when a change occurs, at which there is a deviation from the normal temperature by at least one degree more or 0.5 degree less. Dehumidification takes place within ten minutes, then five and a half minutes - a pause, and then 2 minutes of ventilation. Then the mode is repeated over and over again.

Selecting automatic modes (auto)

This function allows the air conditioner to make a choice on its own, choosing rational modes of operation for you. The device automatically chooses which mode will achieve the user's requirements in the best quality (ventilation has several cycles, which are combined, heating and cooling, if necessary, replace each other). Working in auto mode occurs in different ways, if necessary, the system itself turns on the dehumidification of the air flow to obtain the required temperature.

Enabling comfortable sleep (Quiet, Sleep)

Operation in this mode is based on reducing the number of rotations of the fan outside to the minimum mark, with the help of which the air conditioner works silently, without disturbing sleep. In addition, the device carefully controls the temperature indicators and slowly increases or decreases the degrees, if necessary (when there are deviations from the norms).

"Comfortable sleep" significantly reduces the cost of electricity: work stops immediately after the set time has elapsed.

Timer. Using the timer, it is possible to set the temperature even before you arrive, as well as to shut down the air conditioner after the required amount of time (set by the remote control).

"Defrosting" the heat exchanger

With the help of the system electronics, when the unit is turned on, the temperature of the refrigerant contained in the outdoor unit is measured. When the heating mode is turned on, the refrigerant collects the cold obtained from the air masses of the external environment, this leads it to defrosting.

This feature is useful when operating systems in low temperatures.

Air filtration and purification

Today air conditioners have multi-stage filters that can exclude large amounts of dust and dangerous microorganisms from entering the air. Filters are cleaned in 3 stages. In the first degree, the air flow is roughly cleaned using a fine metal grate, in the second, microbes and plant pollen are removed using an electrostatic filter, in the third, elements of tobacco smoke and other unpleasant odors are removed. These are very important cleaning steps that remove visible and invisible microorganisms and odors that are hazardous to health.

1. Air conditioner function "Sleep mode" provides a comfortable temperature drop during sleep. This function lowers the temperature setpoint during the sleep timer program. The fan speed of the air conditioner is reduced to the required minimum, which significantly reduces the noise level during the operation of the indoor unit. When this mode is enabled, the temperature decreases by 2 ° C and is maintained at this level for the entire period of time set on the timer. When the time set by the timer has elapsed, the air conditioner turns off.

The function of the air conditioner "Sleep mode" is present in almost all models of modern air conditioners and allows you to significantly save energy.

2. Air conditioner function "Swing" is designed for uniform supply and better mixing of warm air from the room and cooled air from the air conditioner. This effect is achieved by self-oscillating air conditioner blinds (up and down) when the additional "Swing" function is turned on.
An additional function of the air conditioner "Air Flow Direction" allows you to fix the air dampers in the desired position.
These functions of the air conditioner are activated on the control panel using the buttons of the same name. As a rule, these buttons on the remote control are marked with an explanatory picture (icon).

The air flow control functions of the air conditioner "Swing" and "Air Flow Direction" are present in almost all models of modern air conditioners.

3. Air conditioner function "On / off timer" intended for delayed on / off of the air conditioner. This function of the air conditioner allows you to turn on the split system at a time when the owner is not in the house. This is quite convenient, since by the time the room arrives at the appointed time, it will already be cooled (heated) to the specified temperature. Most often, the "On / Off Timer" function of the air conditioner has a timer with a range of 24 hours, but there are models with a 12-hour timer. Rarely enough, there are models of air conditioners that have two timers (separately for on and off).

An additional function of the air conditioner "On / Off timer" is present in almost all models of modern air conditioners.

4. Air conditioner function "Turbo mode" ("Jet Cool", "Powerful", "Turbo") necessary to speed up the cooling of the room. This function of the air conditioner will be very useful if, for some reason, the room was not cooled in advance, but there was a need to cool it as soon as possible. The "Turbo mode" function allows you to increase the air conditioner performance by 10-20% and, as a result, reduce the cooling time of the room. In this (accelerated) mode, the air conditioner can work for no more than half an hour.

It should be noted that in inverter air conditioners, the "Turbo mode" function is automatically activated when the split system is turned on.

5. Air conditioner function "I Feel" it is used when there is one person in the room or a small group is concentrated locally in one place. The specificity of the additional function of the "I Feel" air conditioner is that in this case the temperature is measured and maintained exactly for the place where the remote control is located, and in standard mode the temperature is measured in the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

It should be noted that when the additional function of the air conditioner "I Feel" is turned on, the temperature near the indoor unit will be lower than that set on the control panel. In this case, the direction of the air flow does not change.

6. Air conditioner function "infrared presence sensor" ("Smart Eye", "Intelligent Eye") an innovative additional function that allows the split system, using an infrared motion sensor, to register the presence of people or pets in the room. In case of motion detection in the room, the split-system works in the standard, established mode. But if there is no movement in the room for a certain period of time, which indicates that there are no people in the room, the air conditioner switches to an economical mode of operation. In this mode, the temperature is maintained with a certain deviation of ± 2 ° C.

The additional function "infrared presence sensor" allows you to save up to 30% of energy, but is not present in all models.

7. GSM air conditioner function allows you to control the air conditioner remotely (remotely), it will be very useful for people with an unpredictable schedule. This additional function allows using a mobile phone to control a split-system, a method of transmitting remote commands generated in an SMS message.
Currently, the GSM control function is used in the "elite" and "VIP" class models.

When developing modern air conditioners, one of the most important areas of design thought is to reduce the noise level during the operation of climatic equipment. In order to reduce the noise level of the air conditioner, the designers had to increase the overall dimensions of the indoor unit in order to accommodate a fan with an increased diameter in it. Modern air conditioners during operation produce a noise level not exceeding 28dB.

Modern air conditioners are devices that can cool indoor air, as well as many other functions. That is why this equipment is called multifunctional and, most importantly, it is quite in demand. It is hardly possible to find offices, shopping centers, clinics or any other premises that do not have such household appliances. Among the most popular functions are: Dry, Heat, Fan. Each operating mode of the air conditioner has a specific purpose and is turned on at a specific time either manually or through an automated system.

The translation into Russian of this operating mode is very simple and it is a banal heating of the air in the room. As a rule, it activates on its own when the operating temperature in the room begins to drop from a predetermined level. It is worth noting that not every air conditioner, according to the instructions, has an indication of the minimum temperature value at which the air conditioner can be operated.

For example, there are models that can only work at temperatures not lower than:

  • -5 about C;
  • -10 o C;
  • -15 o C.

If the model of the device has limitations and it is impossible to turn on at a temperature lower than indicated in the instructions, then there is a high probability of damage to the product. That is why when buying equipment, you need to pay attention not only to the equipment itself, but also to the conditions in which the operation will be carried out. There are products that can operate at the lowest temperatures.

Air conditioner modes: icons and labels on the control panel

There are certain icons on the control panel that represent the modes of the air conditioner.

Each of them is necessarily signed and has a specific meaning.:

  • ON / OFF - on. and off. devices;
  • TEMP SET - selection of temperature level;
  • FAN SPEED - the speed at which the fan rotates;
  • TAIMER - delay to turn the device on or off;
  • SLEEP - setting the sleep mode;
  • SWING - a button that controls horizontal blinds;
  • RESET - reset of the specified parameters;
  • MODE - the button responsible for setting the operating mode of the device;
  • SWING - vertical blinds control;
  • TURBO - acceleration of the device.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to decide on the desired action and press the appropriate button.

Fan: translation into Russian in the air conditioner

The operating modes of the air conditioner are a function that will be performed by the devices when you press the button with the corresponding icon.

It could be:

  • Drying;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Ventilation.

In this case, we are talking about ventilation, which means turning off the cooling equipment and turning on the fans. The peculiarity of the function is that air is taken from the street. And it gets inside, but without additional cooling or heating.

This function is an advantageous option for those installations where central heating is installed.

There are models in which you can turn off the air intake from the outside and simply connect the ventilation of the space in the room. On more modern air conditioners it is possible to regulate the fan speed.

The main modes of the air conditioner and their designations

In general, the air conditioner is used for: dehumidification, cooling and heating. It is worth familiarizing yourself with each mode in advance in order to have an idea of ​​the capabilities of this equipment. Heating or cooling functions are extremely important when purchasing an air conditioner as these are the main modes. Cooling is carried out through a physical process, or to be more precise, the state of the refrigerant changes from liquid to gaseous, due to which warm air is drawn from the room.

In heating mode, on the contrary, warm air is supplied to the room. This feature is required from autumn to late spring and is most commonly used in public areas.

As for the operation during the winter period, you need to carefully study the equipment instructions and determine the maximum permissible level of negative temperature at which it is possible to use the device. There are models of air conditioners that are used to heat the air from the room in which they are installed, and the work is carried out through the operation of the heating element, which heats the air passing through its cavity.

Many are interested in the meaning of the word - dehumidification. In general, not everyone uses a dehumidifier, but it is required to remove moisture and dampness from the room. When cooling, turning on dehumidification means providing more comfortable air to the room. The dehumidifier can be switched on automatically, but this is only in those models that are equipped with a humidity level sensor. As soon as there is a deviation from the norm, the Dry function is activated, which allows drying the space in a minimum amount of time.

If you buy an air conditioner in which there is a button for automatic selection of the operating mode, then you can take off a lot of worries. By clicking on the inclusion of such a mode, you can simply enjoy the pleasant atmosphere and nothing more. In other words, the required functions are automatically selected depending on the environmental conditions. Such products cost a lot, but they are of better quality and allow you to control the temperature and humidity of the air, even without being in the room. The peculiarity of this function is to save energy, since when certain predetermined levels are reached, the air conditioner will automatically turn off.

By setting the sleep mode, you can also save electricity. For example, if the operation of the air conditioner is required only during the preparation for bedtime, and after that it is not, then you need to set the sleep mode and the timer, when triggered, the equipment will turn off. This will allow you to sleep in silence and avoid oversaturation of the air with heat or vice versa with cold. On some models, this feature is called Comfort Sleep. The timer can be used at any time. For example, if you set it a few hours earlier, in time, before people appear in the room, then by their arrival the optimal temperature will be formed for a comfortable stay.

The defrost function of the heat exchanger is a mode that allows the air conditioner to be kept in normal working condition for as long as possible. In other words, when the cooling operation mode is carried out, then inside there is a collection of cold in the refrigerant, and the presence of the defrosting function reduces the load on this part.

A very popular mode is the process of filtering and purifying the air. Today there are air conditioners with step filters capable of removing fine dirt and dust from the conditioned air, including microorganisms. Due to these filters, the air is purified in three stages, in particular, the process of rough cleaning is carried out, the removal of microbes and pollen from plants and the removal of unpleasant odors. This allows you to maintain in the room not only a pleasant atmosphere in terms of temperature and humidity, but also to exclude odors that can accumulate and cause discomfort. These functions are especially important for homes with pets, allergy sufferers and retail outlets.

What is DRY for an air conditioner: translation into Russian (video)

It is not at all difficult to understand what an air conditioner is, since this is the equipment with which ventilation, cooling, heating and air purification is carried out. The device is extremely useful and far from whimsical, provided that a high-quality installation and selection of the device has been carried out.

The modes set in the air conditioner predetermine the capabilities and "talents" of this climatic technology prescribed by the manufacturer. Each model has a set of basic (common) settings for this kind of devices, but there are additional options. The modes of any air conditioner are aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Any control is carried out using the remote control, with the exception of window models, which have a push-button control panel. However, some of the indicated commands require translation into Russian. For the convenience of the user, graphical icons are shown next to the buttons on the remote control.

The main operating modes of the air conditioner are present in every standard device. Among them, the following are distinguished:

  • cool (translated as "cooling") - indicated by a snowflake;
  • heat (for heating) with a sun icon;
  • dry mode (dehumidification mode in any air conditioner) with a drop image;
  • fan (ventilation) with a fan icon;
  • sleep (night mode) with an asterisk;
  • timer with a clock image;
  • swing - the value is to change the direction of the curtains;
  • lock - blocking the remote control from children;
  • led - the backlight of the remote control for working with it in the evening and at night.


This is the main mission of any air conditioning device. The air conditioner mode is implemented as follows: the refrigerant poured into the device gradually turns into gaseous, taking heat from the room. This is how the air entering the room is cooled.

The following formula will help to correctly calculate the air conditioning power of the purchased device: for one kilowatt there is an area from 8 to 10 square meters. If these conditions are met, the device will provide optimal cooling in the apartment.

Important recommendation: when starting this function, the split system is set to a temperature of about 16-18 degrees. If it is not enough, a fan is connected. The temperature can vary within 0.5 degrees (higher and lower).

When the outside temperature is below zero, it is important to observe the following nuances:

  • reduce the power of the device from time to time;
  • observe the drainage of water;
  • take into account that the restructuring of regimes takes more time.

It is best not to run this feature in winter.


Many air conditioners can operate in heating mode, which is best run off-season when the heating has not started yet. However, in winter, using this option is undesirable - it will lead to a drop in the performance of the device.

In autumn and spring, in the heat mode, 3-4 times more heat is generated in comparison with the consumed electricity. But in the winter season, negative temperatures change the properties of freon and compression oil - that is why the device may even fail. Of course, you can purchase a special low-temperature (winter) kit or initially buy a model with a heating element for heating, but electricity bills will also increase with their use.

What is dehumidification for?

This function of the air conditioner removes excess moisture from the room. Drying helps to tolerate heat more easily and prevents the formation of mold... As a result, the stuffiness disappears and it becomes easier to breathe.

The dehumidifier works as follows:

  • the first 10 minutes the air conditioner dries the air;
  • the device does not work for the next 5 minutes;
  • then enhanced ventilation occurs within 2 minutes.

It is very important that there are no additional open sources of moisture in the room - for example, a pool. The possibilities of dehumidification will not help here, the use of other specialized equipment is necessary.

The device works in cycles: from dehumidification to cooling. As soon as the required temperature is established in the room, the device begins to dry the air again.

Reinforced blowing

The ventilation mode in any air conditioner is an indicator of the blowing speed. There is a distribution of air flows throughout the room, while not cooling or heating it.

In modern models, the fan is regulated - for this there is additional TURBO mode. When it is turned on, air currents begin to race around the room at a greater speed. And if you turn off the air intake from the outside, then when ventilating the device will mix different air layers with different degrees of heating (the air will be warmer upstairs, and the floor will remain cooler).

Silent night settings

Another name is night mode: it provides for a reduced noise level at night. Actually the fan just starts rotate at a slower speed, it turns out almost silently. And the required temperature remains unchanged, fluctuations are possible within one or two degrees.

Another name for the night mode is Quiet, comfortable sleep. It also features lower power consumption.


Another must-have feature that will allow you to set the temperature even before the user arrives home. She also shuts down the split system after the required amount of time.


This feature helps even distribution of air volumes throughout the room. By the way, the flaps can be fixed in one position. And for a more understandable picture of what is happening with the equipment, the corresponding movements of the blinds are displayed on the control screen.

Special abilities

They are not implemented in every model. However, many of them turn out to be very interesting and useful for verification.

How to choose the function you want

After the information received, it remains only to find out how to choose one or another function. It's simple:

  • the corresponding button is selected on the remote control;
  • if it is not there, then you can select the current mode with MODE, turning over until we decide what we need;
  • the current temperature is set using the plus and minus buttons;
  • the user will not feel the given action immediately, but after about 5 minutes.

The most popular air conditioners of 2018

Split system Haier AS12NS4ERA / 1U12BS3ERA

Split system Haier AS09NS4ERA / 1U09BS3ERA

Split system Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-LN25VG / MUZ-LN25VG

Split system Electrolux EACS / I-09HSL / N3

Split system Electrolux EACS-07HAT / N3

Split system Electrolux EACS-12HSL / N3

When choosing an air conditioner for home, we most often pay attention to its energy consumption and basic capabilities. Other functions of the air conditioner, such as ventilation, dehumidification, filtration and disinfection, remain outside our attention. But manufacturers are making more and more efforts to introduce new developments and useful engineering ideas into their devices that can make our life an order of magnitude more comfortable.

Consider the main modes of operation of air conditioners and the possibilities that they provide to users

Cooling and heating

Cooling has always been and remains the main purpose of any air conditioner. It occurs through the use of a physical process in which a refrigerant, passing from a liquid to a gaseous state, absorbs heat from the environment. This leads to cooling of the air flow entering the room (accompanied by the effect of dehumidification due to the removal of moisture from the air). It is necessary to calculate the capacity of the air conditioner for cooling as follows: for every 8-10 square meters of area, 1 kW of power is required for the normal operation of the device.

The "warm" version of the air conditioner (with the heat pump function) allows producing 300-400% more heat compared to the consumed electricity. In this regard, its use in the spring-autumn period is energetically expedient, and the regimes justify their presence.

However, in winter, when the temperature drops significantly below "zero", compressor oil and freon in air conditioners change their properties. This can lead to early breakdown of the device due to operation in unsuitable conditions. The solution to the problem is the use of a special "winter kit" (serving for additional heating of the entire system), which allows you to expand the range of "operating" temperatures to -30 C. However, in addition to converting the air conditioner into a heater, you will receive a device that shamelessly "consumes" electricity (from - for low efficiency) and your money.

There is a separate class of air conditioners equipped with a heating ten. They also use a lot of electricity and are not profitable (compared to other types of heaters).


This air conditioner mode (fan) uses only the fan in the indoor unit, which draws in air from the outside without heating or cooling it. The use of this function is especially important if the room is heated with a central heating system.

It is possible to turn off the supply of street air by turning the air conditioner into a "mixer" of air masses in the room, where the lower and upper layers are heated with different intensities (warm air collects closer to the ceiling and colder air below).

More technically advanced models have the ability to adjust the fan speed, so you can set different ventilation rates.

Dehumidification mode (dry)

This mode is suitable for waterlogged rooms, it uses a physical phenomenon in which moisture from warm air falls on a cold surface (condensation). The air dehumidification process also occurs with conventional cooling, but not so intensively.

In addition, when the "dry" mode is activated, the temperature in the room practically does not change, and the compressor turns on only when it deviates 1 degree above the norm (or half a degree lower). The dehumidification time lasts 10 minutes, after which there is a pause of 5.5 minutes and a two-minute activation of the normal ventilation mode. Upon completion of all stages, the cycle provided by the "dry" program is repeated again.

Automatic mode selection

This function allows the air conditioner to independently select the most optimal operating modes. The automation of the device itself determines how the user's instructions can be achieved in the best way (achieved by combining ventilation, heating or cooling modes, replacing each other as needed). The system can independently start the dehumidification process if this helps to achieve the required temperature.

Comfort sleep function

Activation of this mode reduces the fan speed in the external unit to a minimum, due to which the device becomes silent and does not interfere with sleep. In addition, the air conditioner begins to closely monitor the temperature and gradually increases or decreases it if necessary (if it deviates from the set “comfort” zone).

The "sleep" mode allows you to significantly save energy: the device will stop working after a specified period of time.


With this function, the air conditioner will be able to adjust the temperature in advance, before your arrival, or stop working after a certain time interval (indicated by the remote control).

"Defrosting" the heat exchanger

The split-system electronics constantly measure the temperature of the refrigerant contained in the outdoor unit during operation. When the air conditioner uses the heating mode, the refrigerant accumulates in itself the cold (“removed” from the air in the room), which inevitably leads to its freezing.

When the sensors detect a drop in the temperature of the outdoor unit circuit below -6 degrees, the first defrost starts. It usually takes 10 to 12 minutes to complete, after which the heating of the circuit is stopped, and the refrigerant again acquires the ability to accumulate cold.

The presence of such a function will be useful when operating air conditioners in the cold season.

Air purification and filtration

Modern air conditioners are equipped with multi-stage filters that can prevent both large dust particles and harmful microorganisms from entering the room. The filter system has three degrees of purification. The first is represented by a fine metal grate (for rough air purification), the second - by an electrostatic filter that "attracts" microbes and pollen. The final cleaning step removes tobacco smoke particles and other sources of unpleasant odor from the stream.

Panasonic has developed a special catechin filter that can not only absorb dust, smoke particles and pollen, but also deactivate bacteria and viruses that enter it. Catechin disrupts the ability of viruses to attach to healthy cells in the body by coating microscopic "spikes" on the surface of harmful agents.

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