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Tricolor tv receivers Setting up satellite equipment to receive tricolor tv broadcast

After the purchase satellite equipment Tricolor TV, first of all, the antenna is assembled and installed. The company's employees take all the care of the connection on themselves, but if the subscriber wishes, Tricolor TV can be configured independently.

The quality of the signal received from the satellite depends on the correct location of the antenna. An important condition- line of sight of the beam information signal from satellite to dish. If the option of mounting the antenna on the wall next to the window of the apartment where the satellite receiver will be installed is not possible, the rational option would be to install the antenna system on the roof of the building. It is forbidden to locate the antenna on a balcony or indoors.

Assembling a satellite dish

Relying on the enclosed instructions, it is necessary to assemble the plate, securely fasten with suitable fasteners. The receiver located in the holder connects tv cable to be attached to the bracket with cable ties.

An F-connector is screwed onto a cable stripped from insulation at both ends by 1.5 cm. Next, you need to connect the receiver to the antenna converter and make settings using the remote control.


After pressing the "Menu" key, in the section of the main menu displayed on the TV screen, go to the "Settings" line, and then to " System settings". V this paragraph required to enter right time region. The item "Satellite" will display desired name satellite. In the line "Search Type" you need to install Tricolor TV.

After the satellite is selected, confirm the selection by pressing "OK". In the case of the correct actions, two scale bars will appear on the screen, characterizing the signal level and its quality. For an excellent broadcast of channels, the parameters of the values ​​should not be lower than 70%, otherwise the picture quality will deteriorate or the broadcast will be unstable. By changing the angle of inclination of the antenna mirror, you need to achieve maximum signal characteristics. It is important to maintain a few seconds after each regulating step. This action is provided so that the signal has time to change.

After successfully installing the dish, it is necessary to securely tighten the fasteners of the antenna structure, otherwise it will move in a strong wind. Signal deterioration during precipitation is also possible. Before exiting the menu, you need to save the settings.

Receiver connection

The Tricolor TV receiver is connected in two ways:

  • high-frequency (HF) connection using an antenna cable;
  • low-frequency (LF) connection regular cable with bell or scart tips.

After selecting the RF connection, the receiver output (designated as "RF Out") must be connected to the antenna socket of the TV. Next, the receiver must be connected to voltage and turn on the power button. If everything is done correctly, the monitor will display the word "BOOT", as well as the channel number. Now you need to run automatic search channels to find the channel with the line “No Signal”. The presence of this phrase will show that the device is connected correctly.

The LF connection uses a Cinch or Scart cable. After the appearance of the same inscription on the screen, set the video mode with the "A / V" button on the TV remote control. The appearance of the message "No signal" indicates correct connection receiver.

Checking reception satellite signal the receiver is carried out by displaying any channel. Its number, time and name of the program broadcast by the satellite in this moment... Since the antenna is not tuned, the background of the picture on the screen will be blue.

After pressing the "i" key, the screen will display both signal setting scales. The cymbal needs to be adjusted to the maximum. To produce fine tuning the exact direction of the antenna to the south will help yourself. The presence of nearby neighboring antennas makes it easier right direction cymbal and its tilt.

After the most advantageous position of the antenna is found, you should press "OK" and the Tricolor TV channels will automatically be registered in the receiver's menu. They need to be saved.

In order to find free channels, as well as not included in the package, you need to select "Settings" in the menu, enter digital code 0000 and go to automatic search.

In this case, the type of search should be set to "Network" and the line "Skip coded channels" should be highlighted. Then press the "Search" button. After completing the registration of programs, you must save the list. If desired, the subscriber can sort the channels alphabetically.

Ways to troubleshoot possible setup problems

In the absence of a signal, the first thing to do is to look at the power supply to the receiver, its connection to the TV, the integrity of the cable, the tightness of the fastening in the connectors. It is recommended to press the "AV" button on the TV remote control more than once, since there is more than one input.

If the "Tricolor TV" menu appears on the screen and at the same time there is an inscription "No signal", then the connection with the satellite has not been established. Antenna tuning is required. Another option could be preventive maintenance carried out by the operator.

On some channel the message “Scrambled channel” appears, indicating that the access is not paid for or the receiver is not registered. The encoded signals are included in the general package or broadcast separately. Such channels are considered the property of the provider, and therefore require paid decoding.

After completing the setup, when the receiver is turned on, the subscriber is offered to download the update indicating complete list channels. The newly purchased equipment must be registered with Tricolor TV.

Registration of receiving equipment

After finishing tuning the antenna, to exit the menu, press the "Exit" button twice. On the official website of the company, you must fill in the user and receiver data. The installation of equipment can be registered by calling the company number indicated on the website.

With confident leaps and bounds it is becoming a thing of the past, and it is being replaced by IPTV systems and satellite broadcasting... All of them are in great demand among the population, as they provide excellent image quality, allow them not to depend on natural and weather factors (the weather has little effect on the signal), and also provide hundreds and thousands of additional services and subscriptions.

Of course, our consumers first of all pay attention not only to the quality of the services provided, but also to their cost. It is desirable that the latter be as low as possible. Excellent value for money of the services provided in the field of digital satellite TV the domestic company "Tricolor TV" is characterized. Surely many of your friends or acquaintances are connected to their network.

Tricolor's equipment and channel packages are very cheap, and therefore affordable for most of the potential subscribers. However, our users would not be such if they did not make any attempts to somehow save money. Today we will consider setting up the Tricolor receiver, which under normal conditions is carried out by specialists.

There is nothing particularly difficult in this, and therefore you will probably cope with it.

Assembling a satellite dish

Reassemble the antenna as carefully as possible by referring to the supplied instructions. At the selected point (preferably on an elevation), rigidly fix the base. On a loggia or balcony, the device is attached only from the outside of the wall, using On the last floors, installation on the roof is possible. If you live in a private area, do not mount the antenna under trees or massive structures that may cause Negative influence to receive a signal.

How to install?

Once you have assembled the antenna, it should be secured to a suitable base, turned in the direction of approximately 4-5 o'clock, and then tilt the device four to five degrees downward. Once again, make sure that there are no massive objects in the selected direction for at least fifty meters that could negatively affect the positioning accuracy.

The likelihood of this is not so high, but sometimes even window glass can significantly degrade the reception quality. In this case, you will not be able to tune the Tricolor receiver at all you want.

The antenna is attached to the bracket so that it can turn only under the influence of a certain force. A simple clamp can be installed under the device mount. If you do this, simply loosen the mounting bolts as much as possible: the antenna will be very convenient to rotate, leaning on the mentioned device.

Some misconceptions

You can often hear that the antenna with the receiver should only be connected copper cable as it conducts the signal better. It should be noted right away that such delusions have remained from the times analog television when the type of cable did have a significant impact on the signal quality.

The fact is that from the satellite it is transmitted digital information... it is absolutely indifferent to the cable of what quality it will be transmitted. If everything is really bad, then you simply will not see any picture on the screen. There will be no stripes, "snow" and other things, as it was in the days of analog TV towers.

How do I prepare the cable?

For the signal to pass, you need to properly prepare the cable. It is often possible to observe when users are extremely inaccurately cleaning the contacts, tearing out half of the metal braid, and then they are surprised at the absence of any reaction from the equipment. How can you avoid this?

  • Starting from the edge, gently strip 15 mm. In this case, it is very important to try not to damage the shielding layer.
  • We fill the braid, again trying not to break it.
  • Next, screw the F-connector onto the cable until it stops


However, there is one exception. If you are using a good, double-shielded copper cord with a strong center conductor, the antenna can be located 100 meters from the TV. This is especially important if you have Tricolor TV Full HD receivers in your hands, which are very demanding on the data transfer rate.

In the case when you bought a Chinese product, where the thinnest threads of an incomprehensible metal are used as a braid, and iron, slightly covered with a layer of copper, acts as a core, you will have to additionally purchase good amplifier... If this is not done, then no setting of the Tricolor receiver will help.

It is also often thought that to ensure good level the signal antenna should be raised as high as possible. This opinion also dates back to the days of homemade wire receivers, which actually performed better when attached to the very roof of the house.

Raising to an unattainable height, you do not guarantee at all good welcome... Quite the opposite: if it is closer to the ground, then the folds of the terrain can act as a prism, improving the directivity of the signal.

Getting started setting up

Before you set up the Tricolor receiver, you need to carry out certain manipulations with the antenna itself. First, connect the receiver to the converter using a cable, after which it can be configured.

Let's consider the procedure by which you can connect to the Bonum 1 satellite. To do this, you need to enter the data of the transponder into the device with which you are going to find the satellite.

The data is as follows:

  • The frequency is 12226.
  • Polarization parameters - horizontal.
  • The flow rate is 27500.

Basic receiver settings

So how is the Tricolor TV receiver set up? First, we go to the menu by pressing the corresponding button on your model of the remote control. We go to the item "Installing the antenna" or "Search for a transponder", then enter the data that we provided above in the appropriate fields. If you do not know where and which menu item is located, simply study the instructions for your equipment.

It is very important to know what specific type of converter you have set in the settings. We select the "Single" parameter. Enter 10750 in the LO settings field.

Watching TV without a receiver

Is it possible to watch Tricolor without a receiver? Oddly enough, but it is possible. The fact is that modern TVs often have tuners that support DVB-S2. They will receive a signal from the satellite. But! Only accept, decoding is out of the question.

Most likely, you can watch Tricolor without a receiver on such a TV if it comes about basic free channels... However, even this is highly doubtful.

Adjusting satellite signal levels

Further settings should be based on the item "Signal level" (Scan). Almost all modern models tuners display two positions. Pay attention to the "Level" scale, as it displays the parameters of the inverter at the input. Accordingly, the "Quality" parameter displays the level of the desired signal (frequency, speed and FEC). In the first case, it displays full signal, which includes on-air noises, "white noise" and other "husks" that negatively affect the quality of reception.

Before connecting the converter, the signal level on the first scale will be is zero(most often). Many tuner models have only one scale. If a mixed signal is displayed, it is gray. In the case when the equipment tunes to the satellite, the color will change to green or yellow. Here is such basic setup receiver "Tricolor TV".

We start searching for a satellite

First, we look for a satellite on the "garbage" signal. The higher the desired object, the more noticeable the indicators. To find what you are looking for, you should scan the sector in which it is hypothetically located. Note that a tall tree, shed or other obstruction can increase the signal level on the first scale. Of course, you should be guided only by the moment when the “Quality” scale starts to react or the color of the graph in the first column changes (as we talked about above).

"Thin" search

More exact search, as you might guess, is kept by the level on the second scale. Important! If you have some other firmware of the Tricolor receiver, or it belongs to some other lineup, all the menu items we have named can be located in different places, and the levels on the scales can be horizontal or vertical. Be sure to check if the " LNB power supply”, Otherwise the equipment will show a complete lack of signal. Scanning must be started from the same position in which the antenna was installed.

To achieve better result, in the process of searching, it must be turned 10-15 degrees in different directions.

Note that the antenna should be rotated as slowly as possible, since digital signal processed by the receiver with a decent delay. Look at the level of the second scale: when you catch the required frequency, it will color. In this case, use the utmost care and care to rotate the plate until the reception level is at its maximum. Once again, we warn you that the receiver for Tricolor (HD-quality) is picky about this parameter, so pay close attention to this.

If you did not manage to catch the satellite right away, try to move the antenna up or down a little along the mast on which you have it fixed. It is quite possible that you will have to make several runs at once. Of course, the most obvious proof of the success of the setup will be the picture on the TV screen.

Once you achieve maximum level reception, it is necessary to carefully tighten the fastening nuts. They need to be twisted very carefully, since the slightest displacement of the antenna up or down, as well as scrolling along the axis, can provoke a sharp deterioration in the signal level from the satellite.

Here's how to connect the Tricolor receiver.


For many amateurs who tried to put the antenna "by eye", nothing good came of this venture. So, you should be extremely careful about setting up. In addition to all of the above, we offer you a couple of others. useful tips... Firstly, in no case do not rush: you should turn the antenna literally by a millimeter, constantly monitoring all the indicators.

For setting, it is preferable to choose only a clear and sunny day. Since the Tricolor TV dish can be found even in the most remote village in the forest, look at where the converters on the neighboring equipment are directed.

You can do a little trickier: on a sunny day, look at where the converter's shadow focuses. As practice shows, such a simple technique can reduce the setup time to 10-15 minutes. But people sometimes fiddle around for days, unsuccessfully trying to target the satellite! Unfortunately, you can only pay attention to the shade from the converter in autumn and winter, when the sun is low. The representatives of "Tricolor" themselves say that when setting up it is necessary to focus on the southern direction.

Well, setting up the Tricolor receiver is complete! Enjoy your views!

The satellite TV operator Tricolor TV is the leading one with several million subscribers. Setting up the receiver of the Tricolor TV provider is subject to independent work, which we will consider.

Analog TV with confident steps goes into the distant past, which is being replaced by satellite broadcasting. The package of channels of the operator Tricolor has already gained widespread use and veneration, and in general, it is well received by the consumer.

To use the services of the provider, you should purchase standard set equipment. The list of a standard set of satellite equipment consists of the following components:

  • Satellite antenna;
  • Receiver;
  • Converter;
  • The correct length of the coaxial cable.

Purchase this equipment will not be difficult at any certified dealer, as well as in retail sales in retail chains... In addition to purchasing the necessary kit, it is worth knowing how to install an antenna and catch a satellite signal on this antenna... It is possible to connect the antenna yourself, as well as choose the correct direction for its installation, and learn how to tune the TV and antenna to receive a signal.

Devices for receiving digital satellite signal Tricolor TV

Tricolor TV is known to bind own maps access to certain devices... Not many subscribers have the opportunity to choose the devices that they like, because in addition, the company recommends to use not only certain receivers, but also CAM modules.

  • GS-8306S
  • GS-8307
  • GS-8305
  • GS-8306
  • GS-8305
  • HD-9303 and other devices.

To receive support from the operator Tricolor TV, you must pass full registration and a service acceptance contract was signed. Cardsharing service provides typical services with more reasonable prices, but registration is also required. At the same time, registration on the portal and receipt of the service occurs within a matter of minutes, also with the support of operators who are always online.

Nevertheless, in this publication it is worthwhile to consider a specific example of setting up the broadcasting of the satellite TV operator Tricolor. By the way, it is permissible to watch the TV operator Tricolor without a receiver.

Virtually everyone modern TV can be equipped with a tuner that supports DVB-S2, but we are talking exclusively about receiving free base channels... So it is unnecessary to talk about decoding.

Activating satellite broadcasting: setting up equipment

Before connecting the receiver to the TV and setting up the receiving device, it is worthwhile to qualitatively install the antenna itself. Next, connect the receiver to the converter using a cable, and then connect the equipment to the TV. Of course, the receiver connects to the network and starts up.

Below you will find instructions on how to set up the Tricolor receiver. Instructions will be provided on specific example receiver GS-8307. Connecting the device to a TV should be done using the SCART or HDMI output. It should be noted that the picture from this device is displayed exclusively through one output. That is, if the connection is made via SCART in the device settings, and the TV is connected with an HDMI cable, then the screen will display the absence of a signal.

Information about the connector used is displayed on the display of the device. It is permissible to switch the output:

  • Using the button on the receiver's remote control: "input. signal. ";
  • Or in its menu in the item "Setting AV outputs-video inputs".

Setting up the operator's receiver Tricolor TV: manipulation instructions

In order to activate the receiver, it is turned on and the operator card is inserted into it. When connecting to the card sharing service, the device should be registered on the sharing portal.

Often, when the device is sold, Tricolor TV channels are scanned, but if this did not happen, or a receiver that was already in use is used, then the first time you turn it on, the "Installation Wizard" is launched. It is worth going through three steps of the provider settings:

  • Choice of location region;
  • Operator selection;
  • Scanning TV channels.

The first step is to select an operator, which is done using the remote control using the up / down and left / right buttons. In this section, the language used is selected.

When selecting the main region, all the operator's TV channels are subject to scanning in automatic mode.

The process is not complicated and takes a minimum of time.

Firmware for satellite receivers of the Tricolor TV operator

In order to flash the receiver, you need the following list of additional devices:

  • RS232 - null modem cable;
  • Personal Computer;
  • GS Burner - a program designed for copying and downloading software and databases of GS devices:;
  • Firmware for certain model receiver.

Each presented firmware is supplied inside the file with auxiliary instructions for a specific Tricolor TV receiver:

- - firmware for Tricolor TV receivers: DRE-5001, DRS-5000, DRS-5003, GS-7300;

- - firmware for HD9305B;

- - software for DRS-8300 device;

- - firmware for Tricolor TV device: GS8300 M \ N;

- - software for satellite receiver GS8302.

Tricolor Company occupies a leading position in the satellite TV market in Russia and some other countries of the former USSR. More than 250 channels are available to subscribers digital television and 46 radio stations. Thanks to the use of satellites to relay the signal, confident reception is carried out even in the most remote corners of the country.

Tricolor receivers - why are they needed

To decode the signal, use special equipmentsatellite receivers... They are devices that receive and convert the signal received from the dish into a digital stream that is transmitted to the TV.

The signal from the satellite is broadcast in a special encrypted form. The receiver decodes it using special algorithms and decryption keys. To determine which channel package is available to the user, a special identifier is used - a smart card or, in latest models receivers - a chip. They contain information about the receiver ID. In accordance with this, the device will decode only those channels for which the owner of the receiver has paid for the subscription.

In use by subscribers there are quite a few models of receivers that have been produced for work with Tricolor TV for several years. They differ greatly in their hardware and capabilities.

Tricolor company is constantly expanding the list of channels, adding support for HD and UltraHD channels. Outdated equipment can no longer be used to receive signals in the new broadcasting standards.

Exchange program for old equipment for new

To enable users not to buy new model receiver instead of the outdated one every few years, Tricolor offers a program for the exchange of old equipment for new. According to its rules, the client can exchange, with a surcharge, his old device, through the Tricolor dealer network, for a new model. Thus, the client can save a significant amount of money, since the purchase of a new kit is significantly more expensive.

To take advantage of this opportunity, the subscriber must first check on the website or by calling the support service whether his receiver model falls under the terms of the program. In case of a positive answer, he contacts old model receiver and a passport to an official dealer who is engaged in the exchange of receivers, pays the cost of the exchange procedure. The dealer draws up the Agreement for the provision of services, and the subscriber receives new equipment. In this case, the current subscription is transferred to the new equipment.

How to set up the Tricolor TV receiver yourself

Despite the fact that some models have certain features, in principle all receivers are configured in the same way.

First you need to install satellite dish correctly orienting it for reliable signal reception. Then the cable from the converter is connected to the antenna input of the receiver and the equipment setup procedure is performed using commands from the remote control. At the first stage, you should select the Time zone, in the next window in the operator's list - Tricolor TV. Then a window appears with the choice of the Region. Here you need to select your region of residence. The automatic search for TV and radio channels will start.

After the channels are found, you should click and select the "Save" command. If everything was done correctly, it turns on Information channel Tricolor. The rest remain unavailable for some time, while an inscription is displayed that the channels are encoded. We need to wait for the keys to update. To do this, leave the receiver turned on for several hours. After a while, all channels are decoded. Information about self-configuration is available on the official website of Tricolor TV.

How to set up the receiver box 500

The Box 500 has some customization features for displaying images on two screens. To connect an additional device, follow these steps:

  • Open the main menu of the receiver;
  • Find point Ethernet 0;
  • Select the type of connection;
  • Then select the command "turn on the server";
  • Search for channels on TVs. First on the main, then on the additional.

What to do if the GS 8306 receiver does not show HD channels

For the GS 8306 receiver to be able to decode HD channels, you need to update the firmware - the firmware on the device's internal flash memory that controls its main functions. This can be done in service center or by yourself.

V the latter case first you need to download the corresponding firmware file from the official website This file must be written to a USB flash drive previously formatted in FAT32 format. The receiver must be turned off by inserting the USB flash drive into the USB connector, then turned on again. A warning message will appear on the screen stating that firmware is in progress equipment. After completing the software update and a message about the end of the procedure appears, you will need to remove the USB flash drive and restart the device again. Then search for channels. HD programs will then work.

During the firmware process, remember that you cannot turn off and disconnect the device. This will cause the firmware update to fail. It will be much more difficult to fix it yourself.

The receiver does not turn on

If the receiver does not turn on, i.e. after pressing the power button, the indicators do not light up at all, most likely, the power supply has failed. It should be replaced.

When the indicators on the receiver light up, but there is no picture on the TV, or it does not find channels, you should check all the cables and the antenna connection. If this does not help, the problem may be in the firmware or motherboard apparatus. You can try to update the software yourself. For more serious problems, it is better to contact service centers.

Setting up a receiver is a rather difficult task, requiring the subscriber to be careful and attentive. But, despite the apparent complexity of the process, anyone can cope with this task, even the most inexperienced user... The main thing is to be patient, and then setting up the Tricolor receiver will go smoothly and will not require the help of a telemaster who takes money for his services.

TV self-connection is important process allowing you to save money and learn how to independently manage connected services. Especially great importance has the latter, since regular calls to a specialist and constant calls to the support service will definitely not cheer up any of the clients of the satellite company.

The most important part correct setting equipment - installation satellite dish... This process can be divided into several important main parts:

  1. antenna assembly;
  2. fastening the cymbal to the bracket;
  3. connection of the receiver, antenna and TV;
  4. turn the plate in the desired direction.

To turn the signal receiver in the right direction, the elevation and azimuth must be specified in advance. This information can be found on the official website of the provider or check with the support operators. In the most difficult cases, you should focus on neighbors who have already connected satellite TV.

The final fixing of the plate must be carried out after completion primary settings receiver when it is aimed at receiving a signal from the desired satellite.

How to tune Tricolor TV channels yourself on the gs 8300n receiver

To figure out how to set up the Tricolor TV receiver yourself, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills. This process requires the accuracy and attentiveness of the user, who will only have to follow the available prompts. In general, subscribers will have to:

  • open the menu by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control;
  • select desired language interface;
  • leave the choice of the connection mode automatic;
  • point out exact time and the current date;
  • clarify the search area by stopping at Tricolor TV;
  • clarify the broadcasting area (west or Siberia);
  • adjust the angle of rotation of the antenna, focusing on the settings scales offered to users;
  • start a TV channel search;
  • save your changes.

It should be noted that different receivers have their own setups. But in general outline this process follows the points above.

Setting up the gs u510 Tricolor TV receiver yourself

A little harder normal customization receiver will connect and search for channels using the module remote access... To connect the TV yourself, you need to do the following:

  1. you should start with the correct, accurate installation of the antenna;
  2. the second step will be to open the menu;
  3. then you need to open the satellite selection section and check the box with the correct option;
  4. in the transponder parameters, you will have to specify the levels equal to 10750 and 12226 MHz;
  5. the next step is to configure the transponder (usually, after filling in the first line, the rest are filled in automatically);
  6. the final touch will be the search for TV channels and the saving of the selected parameters.

If everything is done correctly, subscribers will be able to watch their favorite programs and films almost immediately after the activation of the Smart card and decoding of the channels is completed.

Setting up the Box 500 receiver for the Tricolor

Separate attention should be paid to setting up the Tricolor TV receiver independently for 2 monitors. To connect additional device, you will need:

  • open the menu;
  • select sub-item Ethernet 0;
  • specify the desired connection method (wired or wireless);
  • then you need to activate the item "turn on the server";
  • and make a sequential search on both TVs (first, you should catch the TV channels on the main monitor, then repeat the procedure on the additional TV).

If you have problems or difficulties, you should check for updates software receivers. The check should be carried out through the client receiver. Extra attention should be paid to the reliability of the connections if the wired connection method was used.

Setting up favorite lists

For quick turn on favorite channels almost every receiver has the function of creating favorite lists... Initially, each set has 4 base list which includes music, sports, news and radio channels. But each user has the ability to edit them by adding to the lists additional TV channels and excluding unnecessary ones. This requires:

  1. enter the STB menu and enter the access password (by default, you need to dial 0000);
  2. select an item related to ordering or changing lists;
  3. as a result, two lists of channels will open on the screen, in the first of which there will be available channels and in the second the programs are already included in the list;
  4. to make changes, you should be guided by the prompts of the system;
  5. Once the distribution is complete, you should save the changes and engage the desired gears much faster.

The described actions allow you to control access to the connected TV channels, making it extremely simple and convenient.

Parental control

Equally useful is the function parental control restricting access to individual TV channels... To set restrictions, you will need:

  • find the "parental control" section in the TV settings;
  • open the options parameters by pressing Ok and entering the pin code (0000);
  • select the required age restrictions by setting the desired age (usually 18 fits);
  • confirm your choice;
  • then you should find the section for changing the pin code in the menu and create a new combination so that the settings made cannot be changed.

It is important to treat the last point especially carefully so as not to face difficulties later. It is better to write the new pin code on separate sheet so that you can freely change settings without losing access to control of equipment and television. If the new digits are lost or forgotten, it will not be easy to fix the problem, so simple combinations should be set, for example 2019 (year of connection).

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