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Advertising channel on youtube. YouTube channel promotion strategy

The first thousand views on YouTube or the first thousand subscribers is always difficult, exciting, and many think that it will take too long. Therefore, you should first figure out how to promote a channel on YouTube for free, and then add videos. At the very least, this approach will prevent you from making gross mistakes.

Method One - Create Viral Content

A site can be at the top of the search results thanks to a smart SEO, even if the content is weak, to put it mildly. It won't work with a video: if you artificially “wind up” the required number of views, you can still be lowered in the search results, putting downsides. In addition, employers have long learned to identify such channels. And deception is very severely punished by YouTube - right up to until the account is completely blocked.

Therefore, the content should be of high quality, causing a natural (!) Desire to watch it. A viral video often does not need to be promoted in any way. On the contrary, it draws attention to other projects. But how to shoot such a video is another question. Here it is already necessary to study the niche, the target audience, what is in demand now and why.

Method Two - Think carefully about the title, tags and description

Largely because of this point, the advice above was given to first deal with the free promotion of the channel. If you add a video without a description, then the chance that almost no one will see it increases. It is also very important to correctly select the tags and category that are suitable for the topic. And don't forget to create a unique description with keys. The title should describe what is happening as accurately as possible, but at the same time it should not be too complicated or too long.

Method Three - Make the Channel Unique

Think about a logo, splash screens, annotations ... How will it look? The result should be memorable - in a good way.

By the way, in the annotation, you can neatly beat the subscription offer. Usually, it is much more convenient for the viewer to simply click on the link in the video itself than to search for where they can subscribe to you.

And then he can be distracted, change his mind, forget. A competent annotation catches right while watching. Which is very clever: after all, a well-done work evokes vivid emotions, on the wave of which you can subscribe.

Method four - download videos as often as possible

If you are going to add one video once a month and you are not Lady Gaga, then we have bad news for you ... In general, active promotion requires at least one video every two days.... Bigger is better. Users need to be reminded of themselves, because they can easily be taken away by someone more active. It's incredibly easy to get distracted on YouTube.

Method five - use third-party resources

For some reason, YouTube channel promotion is often associated with the video hosting itself. Meanwhile, a huge number of views can be obtained through social networks or a blog.

Let's say you have a page with several thousand subscribers. Want a lot of views? Just add a video and write something interesting about it. Often the numbers begin to grow before our very eyes. The same tactic works with publics, forums, in general, with any places where you can attract attention, and where people are often.

Method six - Just ask

Surprisingly, this method has become a real discovery for many. Meanwhile, it really gives a result: in the video itself, for example, at the end (not so annoying) you can ask to like you. And if you really liked the video, then tell your friends about you. As a rule, most people do not mind making one click.

Method Seven - Comment on top video bloggers

A substantial proportion of subscribers love to exchange opinions on popular videos no less than to watch the videos themselves. And most of all attention is usually paid to the first comments. Feel free to leave comments - people will read and respond, and some will go to your channel.

By the way, you definitely need to respond to comments on your videos. Users love to be noticed. With active communication, you can get several hundred subscribers, which is already good at the start.

Method eight - mutual PR

On YouTube, you can find a very large number of channels that are close on the topic with yours and negotiate with webmasters about friendly recommendations and promotions.

On his own channel, the webmaster should go to the "friends" or "interesting" item. This section can have different names. The webmaster has to decide on it himself. Links to these channels must be provided.

It is better to negotiate an exchange with channels whose traffic and topics are close to yours.

Method nine - Annotations, hints

Not all channel visitors will watch the video to the end, therefore, in order to increase the proportion of people who will take targeted actions, use two tools inside the video editor - Hints and Annotations.

Annotations are often used to channel visitors who are watching the video for the links they want - for example, links to the main site or links to affiliate offers with pay per action (CPA). To add annotations to your videos, you need to enter the video editing mode and select the "Annotations" menu item there.

annotation Is a clickable message that appears inside the video and includes some information for the viewer. For example, it can agitate to watch a new video on the channel or download additional information from the website.

It is convenient to use tips for unobtrusive recommendations to subscribe to the channel, as well as watch additional videos on the topic.

Often video bloggers abuse annotations, they cover all videos, of course, this does not cause anything but negativity. For a softer recommendation, it is better to use a new tool in Youtube - Hints.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and make money from $ 10,000

Method ten - closing screensavers

At the end of the video, you need to offer the user a simple set of actions - use calls to subscribe to the channel, like and leave a comment.
At the end of the clip, you can insert a frame that says that if you liked the video, you need to click on the like, and at the same time show where such a button is located. This will be a good method to promote your YouTube channel.

And, of course, you shouldn't be limited to one way. Experiment, combine different ways, come up with your own ... Youtube loves creative!

Check out this free master class, the video quality is poor, but Sensei knows a lot about content marketing on Youtube:

Friends, guys. I AM TRYING VERY Guys. How much I read this on my channel ...

Here's a pretty typical comment

And in a personal it comes ...

Even media networks are climbing

I approve of a lot of this, because when you have a small channel, the number of comments has a small plus to the position in the SERP. Even spam. Here, of course, I cannot say for sure, but it seems to me that this is so. But in general - almost all such comments go automatically to spam... I'm not putting them there, it's just that if someone removes your comment or complains, then you fall into the category of spammers.

You can watch this video, where a person tells how all this can be done.

But personally, I approach it a little differently, however his methods are what almost everyone does, and it works.

Rule number one.

Rule number two.

Write human comments

Do not post a comment that was clearly copied from the previous one. This is immediately apparent.

Rule number three.

Write different comments. Adapt

You come to different channels, they have different audiences, different people watch them. By writing funny nonsense like AAZAZA LALKA, on a channel about nuclear physics you will definitely not attract attention and end up in spam. And by writing something long and clever on a channel where there is continuous nonsense, the effect will also be zero. See what others write, write the same, but better and more interesting.

Rule number four.

No need to write in English

Rule number five.

Don't write long comments

They rarely get a lot of likes. This is not always the case, depending on the topic of the channel and how quickly you write a comment after the publication of the video, but super-long comments with your theories are rarely needed by anyone. Brevity is the soul of wit... People flipping through the comments are looking for a short comment in essence, something caustic and funny. Something useful and interesting.

The main task is to get likes

Maybe someone does not understand this, but the whole point is in likes... Having received a lot of likes, your comment will be higher and then the chance that other people will click on it significantly increases. That is why there are so many "like if you ... X" divorced now. But this, too, is already annoying, especially the idiocy of the "like if you watch in 2016" type. I put dislike like that, idiots. You can get likes by writing something useful, funny or interesting. But more important ...

Be the first to comment

The most effective PR channel through likes is when the top channel has just uploaded its video. For example, I caught people with 800k subscribers like this several times, and then I don't even watch a 10-minute video (well, or I watch a minute or two) and write a comment very quickly. In 10 minutes (when everyone has watched this video) there will already be 500 comments! And nobody will see yours. In 12-24 hours there will already be 2-5k comments and there is practically no point in writing.

Be the first, watch the top channels and write first. Best of all - your topic. Those channels are where your potential audience is. There is not much sense from strange traffic, there will be a low conversion (chance that they will subscribe, like, etc.).

-YOUR TEXT- // Strikethrough
_YOUR TEXT_ // Bold
* YOUR TEXT * // Italic

(Did not work out)

But by the way, write something like: LIKE WHO IS LOOKING IN 2016

Everyone is already very tired, like any begging. Here's what works:

At what, mind you. Those who get the most number of likes and will hang in the top receiving traffic are very often not YouTubers, but normal people. That is, the rule is - write human comments! And people will be drawn to you. All these KIDS I AM TRYING VERY ... already got it.

I will give you two strategies that can be combined

Strategy 1

Tops in your topic. Subscribe to 10-50 channels in your topic, the largest. And that's all. Sit back and wait for them to release new videos. As you saw - run there and write a comment as quickly as possible in their style. This can be your routine. Almost any such comment will give you traffic and at least 1-5 subscribers.

Strategy 2

For small ones. Go and search for a video like yours, with the same meta data. Then sort by the newest. And you go there. If you see a new, promising channel on your topic, you can generally leave a comment under each video there. The author of the channel will be happy about this, and you will also have some traffic. If and when his channel grows, then his video will gain significantly more views and your comment will always hang there. Work with beginners and prospective ones. Work with people who are your size and your theme. Communicate, comment on each other's videos. Put each other in interesting channels. You are not competitors to each other, if both of you do it interestingly and well, then a person can watch him and you, nothing bothers.


Well, in general, you know ... I comment on videos that are interesting to me and write what I think. That's all. Just being a normal person and being active, you will already gain additional traffic, because people see when a normal person’s comment, and even he has his own channel ... But what does he do ...? Come and see :)

If you have an hour of time, this is a very good video to dedicate it to. There, including about comments.

If you want to become popular and make money on it, then you need to start promoting the YouTube channel right now. YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which has become a constant source of income for many famous bloggers, streamers and other interesting and adventurous people. But as you know, popularity does not come by itself, it needs to be earned.

Preparing the channel for promotion

To quickly promote a YouTube channel from scratch, you need to use paid and free promotion methods in combination. But before you start optimizing and advertising a channel, you need to create and design it correctly.

To create a promising channel you need:

  • Decide on the topic and niche that the channel will occupy on YouTube. Choosing a topic is a very important step. The fact is that it is much more difficult to promote a channel in popular and profitable niches. But if this is still possible to do, then the earnings there will be appropriate. The best thing to do is do what you really understand. And it doesn't matter whether it is entertainment, children's, game or scientific content. Passion and dedication always attracts viewers.
  • Watch videos of popular bloggers and come up with your own individual "trick". Every popular blogger on YouTube has its own "trick". This makes the personality memorable, which does not allow it to be confused with anyone else.
  • Create a memorable image. The creation of the image should be focused on the target audience. The closer the presenter is to the viewer, the more attractive he will seem.
  • Shoot a few videos with high-quality equipment. Good video quality in 2017 is an integral part of a popular channel. Therefore, the light, equipment, sound should be, though not of ideal quality, but no worse than the standard one.
  • Before publishing, find out the opinion of friends and acquaintances and bring the image to perfection. The help of friends and acquaintances at first will help to identify all the shortcomings and work out all the weak points. Therefore, you need to try to connect as many people as possible, because in return you can get really valuable advice.

Types of promotion

When the user already has his own account, which has collected a small collection of videos, it is not clear what to do next. Wastely draining videos that no one is watching is a very dubious occupation. Therefore, you need to put the camera aside and tightly engage in promotion.

Channel promotion is of two types:

  • paid;
  • free.

The question of money is always relevant, but in order to achieve the goal, you need to be guided by other characteristics of the available promotion methods, namely, their effectiveness. Otherwise, instead of quickly gaining subscribers, time will be spent on meaningless and useless activities.

Channel promotion - do I need to pay?

Some sincerely believe that for popularity on YouTube, it is enough to shoot a spectacular video, put it online and a new trend is ready. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple. Even the most charismatic and ambitious blogger can go unnoticed.

Benefits of paid channel promotion:

  • quick recruitment of "live" subscribers;
  • minimum expenditure of time and effort;
  • result guarantee.

Most of the sites and applications that are offered for free are lying. After all, bots are their main contingent. They, in turn, are of no value to the owner of the YouTube channel.

Competent promotion can be much cheaper if you first take a short course on the basic basics of Internet marketing. But this takes time. Training includes working with Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, the basics of SEO optimization, viral marketing and much more. If you plan to make work on the Internet your main field of activity, then such skills and knowledge will not hurt.

Paid ways of promotion

If at the start there is at least a small budget that can be spent on promotion, then the chances of professionally promoting the channel on YouTube are significantly higher than without it. But you need to invest money wisely, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of paid channel promotion.

Paid methods include:

  • buying subscribers on specialized exchanges;
  • services of freelancers and professional promotion agencies;
  • buying advertising.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But in general, their effectiveness has long been confirmed in practice. Many, not understanding the essence of each of these methods, hastily give money to just anyone, and get nothing in return. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Services for buying followers, likes and comments

The purchase of subscribers is in demand among "newbies" on video hosting. Some sincerely hope that after acquiring a couple of thousand subscribers, the channel will immediately reach the TOP and advertising prices will rise to exorbitant amounts. It should be said right away that this is not the case.

No matter how many users were attracted through the exchange, they will not be able to make the channel popular. The point is that the goal of such subscribers is to get money. They are not interested in the published content, therefore, there is little value from such viewers.

But for a growing channel, a large number of subscribers make it more attractive to "live" users. It is noticed that people, before starting watching a video, look at how many users are interested in it and how many liked it. And only then they decide whether it is worth spending their time watching. Therefore, the larger the purchased audience of the channel, the more “live” users it will attract.

On specialized services you can buy:

  • subscribers;
  • comments.

To promote a channel on YouTube, subscribers alone will not be enough. The number of views and likes are the main parameters for raising a channel to the TOP. And for the administration of the video hosting, it will be obvious that a large number of subscribers without activity on the channel is the result of cheating. And this, in turn, can lead to their massive write-off and blocking of the account. Therefore, to create the appearance of real promotion, you will need not only to wind up subscribers, but also to create imaginary user activity.

Also, you can see a selection of YouTube promotion services broken down into categories on the blog of the EPICSTARS blogger service.

All operations for the purchase of viewers are carried out remotely. The channel owner simply selects the required package of subscribers (500, 1000, 5000 and more people) and pays for it from a bank card or e-wallet. There are no guarantees, except for the reviews of previous buyers, and cannot be. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant so as not to run into scammers.

To do this, you need to follow some rules:

  • The official site may contain fake reviews, so before buying, you need to study the site's reputation on third-party resources.
  • Before buying, you need to analyze the prices of the sellers.
  • The first costs should be minimal to ensure the quality of the services provided. Better to buy packages of 100 or 500 subscribers.
  • Exchanges and services that promise to wind up subscribers in a couple of hours should be treated with distrust. After all, a sharp increase in subscribers can be a reason to block a channel on YouTube.
  • After the purchase, you need to closely monitor the activity on the channel.

User activity shows how many subscriptions, unsubscriptions, likes and comments were left over a certain period of time. If after the purchase of subscribers the number of subscriptions increased sharply, and after a week it gradually decreased by the same number, and during this time not a single like or comment was placed, then you should no longer return to the services of the exchange that clocked them.

Professional channel promotion

The services of professionals in the field of online promotion can completely save the owner of a YouTube channel from any hassle. You can order a full promotion of the channel either in a special agency or from a freelancer. However, the cost of such services is rather big, to put it mildly.

The secret of specialists in the field of Internet marketing is a tried and tested promotion strategy, using techniques, competent SEO-optimization and proper setup of advertising campaigns. An ordinary user will need more than one month to master all these skills. Therefore, the price for the services of specialists is appropriate.

When choosing a suitable specialist to whom you can entrust your channel, you should make sure that he uses only "white" promotion methods in his work. Otherwise, the published videos may be banned, views may be written off, and the channel may be blocked altogether.

YouTube channel advertising

  • On forums and social networks. Of course, posting videos on forums and social networks is free. Only the owners of communities and forums will remove such "ads" in a few minutes, so there will be little benefit from this. You can officially promote the channel either through social media advertising exchanges, or directly through the administrators of the sites of interest.
  • Using Google AdWords. Google AdWords is a powerful advertising tool with which you can publish video ads on YouTube. Ads posted in this way are published either on the video hosting pages, or are broadcast during the video playback. All the advertiser needs to do is shoot a commercial, determine the budget for the advertising campaign and set the parameters of the target audience.
  • On video blogs of other authors. Many of the popular bloggers offer their own PR services for growing YouTube channels. When choosing the right person, you need to see how many subscribers he has, whether there are fake accounts among them and how many there are. If a large part of the audience of a supposedly popular blogger is clocked by a cheap program, investing in such advertising will be pointless. Bloggers set prices themselves and, as a rule, they depend on the format of the advertisement. This can be adding the advertiser's video to your favorites, holding a joint competition, a promotional video at the end of the video, or a joint release that is published simultaneously on two channels.

Paid promotion of a YouTube channel will not necessarily take the last money out of its owner. If you analyze all the available paid methods and combine them with free ones, you can inexpensively and at the same time quickly gain treasured popularity. Therefore, you should not stop halfway and abandon the intended target. The sooner you start working, the sooner this very goal will be achieved.

Want to promote a YouTube channel, but the number of subscribers is stagnant?

In this article, I will tell you about the main methods of attracting subscribers to the YouTube channel.

You can also watch a video on this topic:

7 basic principles (methods) of how to promote a YouTube channel

The first principle of YouTube channel promotion. Make useful and quality content.

You should only post useful videos that will be of interest to your target audience. It is desirable that each video solves some problem that the user faces.

Give all the information that you know on the topic of the video. Don't hide anything. After all, otherwise the viewer will sooner or later find what you have hidden from another author and go to him.

The more useful the video, the more subscribers will come from it to your YouTube channel. So quality content is always the key to success.

The second method is how to promote a YouTube channel. Encourage your subscribers to take action.

A call to action should be in every video you post on YouTube. Have you had such a situation that after watching one video you want to go to the next one in the "similar" tab, then to the next and so on for several hours in a row?

I think this happens to everyone. This is a very clever YouTube marketing ploy that allows you to delay the user. But for youtubers, the problem is that after watching the first video, you will go to another channel and forget about the previous videos and their authors.

With a call to action, specifically to subscribe to the channel, you must keep the viewer and prevent him from moving to the next video. You need to motivate him to subscribe to your channel. Attracting subscribers to the YouTube channel helps promote videos in search.

A call to action should have two parts:

  • What should be done? - subscribe to the channel.
  • Why do you need to do this? - there can be a lot of options.

For instance:

  • Subscribe to the channel not to miss the next videos
  • Subscribe to the channel and get a discount on all products in our store (if this channel belongs to the online store)
  • Subscribe to the channel to avoid being a radish.

Choose the appeal in accordance with the audience for which your videos are designed. But remember: a call to action should be in every video you make. The number of subscribers largely depends on this.

The third principle of YouTube channel promotion. Take care of the design of the channel.

The design of the channel is very important. The channel icon and its banner are the first things that the viewer sees when meeting you.

Let's say you are an information business, selling personal growth trainings, consulting, and so on, and you have some ladybugs flaunting on your channel banner. Naturally, an image is formed that this channel will not bring much benefit. And users will just pass by, not paying attention to your channel.

Therefore, do not be stingy, order a banner from the same freelancers. It will cost you only 100-200 rubles for a simple but neat design. It's worth it.

If you are a blogger or information businessman and you want your face to be remembered by people, place your photo on the banner.

And remember, the banner should reflect the theme of your YouTube channel.

Fourth principle. Use music videos.

Videos with soft background music are much more enjoyable to watch than videos without. Especially if you make podcasts, shoot video from the screen, explain something. Be sure to use soundtrack. The YouTube Music Library will help you with this.

Music, firstly, relaxes a little and helps to better perceive the content. Secondly, on a psychological level, it evokes a more loyal attitude towards you in the viewer.

But don't make the music too loud. In this case, users simply will not hear you. =)

The fifth principle of effective YouTube channel promotion is the regularity of the video release.

Content needs to be released regularly. This is due to several factors.

Everyone already knows that YouTube loves it when videos are regularly uploaded to the channel. He sees that some actions are taking place on the channel, the channel is being watched, and videos are being released. This is due to his (YouTube) algorithms, I will not go deep.

The second factor has to do with your subscribers. If you upload videos regularly, then subscribers begin to watch them regularly. They develop consistency, this increases views.

It is very important to let your subscribers know which days of the week you are releasing your video. For example, I upload videos every Tuesday and Thursday. As practice shows, the best effect is given by the publication of 1-3 videos per week.

At least one video per week must be uploaded to YouTube.

Sixth principle. Use annotations.

Do not be lazy to make a subscription button from annotations in each video. This button works well:

  • First, it grabs attention, is a hidden call to action.
  • Secondly, it helps those users who watch videos not on YouTube itself, but on other resources, to subscribe to your channel. Since there is no “subscribe” button for the video on other resources.

Also use annotations for your other videos and playlists. The more your videos a user views, the more likely he will subscribe to your YouTube channel.

Seventh principle of how to promote a YouTube channel. Optimize your video.

Video optimization is one of the most important principles and methods of YouTube channel development.

Now on YouTube, you can reach the top for low-frequency queries without any investment by properly optimizing the video,

Of course, the traffic on low-frequency queries is not very high. But if you shoot not one, but 10-20 videos, then the increase in users will be quite tangible. Therefore, video optimization must be taken seriously.

And at the end I want to remind you. There is no single correct strategy for channel development. Everything depends on you.

In this article, I described only those methods that I use myself and that helped develop my YouTube channel:

I wish you success in developing your channel! If you have questions about promoting on YouTube, be sure to ask them in the comments under this post or under the videos on my channel at the link above.

In this installment, we'll tell you which services are best to use to promote your YouTube channel and videos. The list includes only proven and reliable services.

Even if you have very high quality and interesting content, it needs to be nudged. We especially advise young channels on YouTube to conduct advertising campaigns. Because without it, many people may never know about your channel. But for those who already have several thousand or tens of thousands of subscribers, but they don't go further, start advertising.

Register on several sites at once to determine exactly which one is right for you. The functionality is similar, the differences are not big, each service has its own advantages. But it's worth trying each of them in action.

Vktarget - cheat subscribers and likes

  • Site:

Despite the fact that the name of the site contains VK, you can buy a markup on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.

Bosslike - wind up and earn

  • Site:

On the Bosslike service, you can not only promote your videos, but also earn money by completing various tasks. There are 6 social networks in total: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox is a major promotion exchange

  • Site:

Large and professional exchange for social media promotion. Low prices will allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a video on YouTube for only 10 kopecks.

LikesRock - a new generation of promotion tools

  • Site:

A relatively young, but very promising service with its own promotion philosophy. Contests and promotions are often held.

Epicstars is an epic awesome promotion service

  • Site:

You can read how effectively you can promote your YouTube channel from our friends from ★ EPICSTARS in their article -

How to effectively launch a YouTube ad campaign?

Watch the video to find out which ad format is most effective - pre-rolls, post-rolls, mid-rolls, single videos, or in-video ads.

We wish you a successful marketing campaign and get new subscribers to your channel!

Write in the comments, would you like to see detailed reviews on each service on our website?

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