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Rating of the popularity of social networks in the world. Social network lists

In the modern Internet space, one of the key roles is played by resources that are denoted by the term "social networks". From the point of view of implementation, social networks are actually "independently developing organisms", because this development directly depends on the users of such resources: real life is in full swing inside such sites: there is communication, friendship/relationships are established, someone becomes popular, communities are organized, etc. Your attention is review of social networks in Russia and the world, which gained the greatest popularity and united millions of users under their "wing".

For your convenience, here is a list of all social networks included in our review. Links are clickable, and if you are too lazy to read everything, just click on the social network you are interested in 🙂.

So, here is our Top 11:

And, as you already understood, he was appointed to the role of a beginner overview of the social network - dating social network

The site owes its appearance in 2006, as listed in the "About us" block, to a small international group of entrepreneurs and businessmen. The birthplace of the social network is Foggy Albion, and specifically London. True, the owner of the badoo developer company, according to Wikipedia, is the Russian entrepreneur Andrey Andreev, who, like any decent Russian businessman, registered a company in Cyprus. But the point, of course, is not who owns what and where it is registered. The bottom line is that there are 311.5 million people on Badoo! This is according to the site itself - it even has a special counter that “winds up” 3-4 joined users every second. I remember that a few years ago, Vkontakte had a similar “lure” 🙂. But let's not talk about competitors now - it will come to them later.

What is the main purpose of the site? Like any social network - of course, communication. True, Badoo has a "bias". The fact is that this is not just a “social network”. Badu is, first of all, a social network of acquaintances. Well, as a result, communication and all related acquaintances.

Since the topic of dating on the Internet does not reduce either relevance or popularity, hence the above-mentioned 311 million registered users. In addition to this figure, we will give a couple more.

So statistics. The level of monthly visits to the Badoo social network "floats" within 150 million, each user spends an average of 12 minutes on the site.

Badoo is an international social network available in 46 languages. Which is quite reasonable, because "love is submissive to all ages." And nationalities 🙂. The social network is most popular among hot Brazilians - 11.42% of all visits fall on this country. According to this indicator, Russia is half as “active”, although it is also in the lead with 5.11% of the total site traffic.

The interface of the social network is convenient, simple and clear. There is a functionality that opens only for money (the so-called "premium"). Badoo definitely deserves the attention of those who want not just abstract communication, but have a specific goal: an institution (as stated on the site of the social network itself - “quick, elegant and easy”) dating, searching for a “half”, relationships, the desire in general to “have a good time time” (again, quote from Badoo). Perhaps the main limitation is age. If the user is under 18 years old, he, according to the rules of the Badoo social network, does not have the right to register in it and use its functionality. Everything else that fits into the framework of decency and copyright is allowed by the rules of the site. So if you are already 18, but there is no "soulmate" - run on Badoo! is the largest social network in the world

The next "mastodon" of the world of social networks, probably, does not even need to be introduced. 1.4 billion people around the world at the word Facebook begin to frantically check their accounts in this international social network. 1.4 BILLION! The number is simply unimaginable.

The social network has securely secured its position as the No. 1 social network in the world and is unlikely to give up this position. Rather, on the contrary, if the hyper-ambitious plans of the youngest billionaire, and concurrently the creator and director of the social network Mark Zuckerberg, for the “Internetization” of the entire 7 billion people on Earth can be realized, the figure of 1,400,000,000 users will multiply.

So, what is Facebook and what does it “eat” with.

Growing out of the student project of M. Zuckerberg, which started in 2004 under the name - a site for the interaction of American students - the social network No. 1 soon (in 2006) became available for registration by anyone who has reached the age of 16 years. Popularity among users is due to the developed functionality of the social network (in addition to the direct possibility of communication, extensive entertainment and educational functionality, thanks to a variety of applications, games, and communities), the ongoing development of the site (Facebook was a "pioneer" in terms of introducing many "chips" characteristic of social networks and that made them so popular). If the reader is interested in learning more about social network No. 1, we recommend that you refer to the following reviews published on our website:

Google+: not the most successful Google project

And now consider the brainchild of the Internet giant Google, namely social network called Google+.

Google has been hatching plans to create its own social network since 2003. And the implementation of these plans was very “branched” and long: attempts were made (both successful and not entirely) to take over existing social services, create, and then abandon their projects. Disparate services merged, transformed - Google, like Frankenstein, with varying enthusiasm, but still carried out a plan to create its own social "monster". And in 2011, they still succeeded: on the basis of the Google Profiles, Google Circles projects, integration with Buzz and Picasa, a new social network Google Plus was born.

Initially, the social network was perceived in the Internet community very positively, even enthusiastically. Thanks to the developments of Google, the social network made it possible to organize the dissemination of information differently than in other social networks (“Circles” made it possible to clearly distinguish which users this or that content would be available), integration with Picasa made it possible to share photos uploaded to this service. It should also be noted that Google + was ahead of Facebook in the implementation of video chat in the social network. As a result, Google Plus was supposed to complete the formation of a “single Google space” around the user, combining all kinds of Internet services around a Google account. But... Unfortunately, this incredibly ambitious project never became a real competitor to Facebook: despite all the obvious advantages, Google Plus did not win the love of users. One of the factors for this failure was the lack of content as “rich” as Facebook and Twitter.

More than 660 million monthly visits is a very good indicator, and, most likely, this fact will not allow Google to abandon its social project. This is also indicated by the recent update of the interface - most likely, Google still has "trump cards" and Google Plus will still compete for a place under the sun in the world of social networks.

Biggest Social Networks: Instagram

This social network has been actively spread due to the bet on mobile platforms - Instagram has been actively sold as an application for Android and iOS devices. Popularity is also due to the choice of the “main idea”, if I may say so: Instagram is mainly a network for photos (and short videos), and only then for communication and other features characteristic of social networks. It is around the placement, evaluation, commenting of photos / videos that the whole scheme of the social network is built.

As of 2016, the resource is among the 10 most visited sites in the world, and in the “profile” category - social networks - it has firmly settled in 3rd place: only Facebook and Vkontakte are ahead.

Well, monthly Instagram traffic is already estimated at billions of values ​​- on average, it is visited 1.5 billion times a month. Instagram is most actively used in the USA and Russia.

If the Reader is an active user of social networks, likes to take pictures on his smartphone, then the Instagram social network will fit very organically into the “social life” of such a user, adding to the collection of tools for earning “likes” and growing subscribers. - business social network

From entertainment and photography to serious projects: social network is an example of such a resource.

This project positions itself as the largest social network for business communication. The statistics given on the site itself are quite impressive: there are more than 400 million registered users on Linkedin. And the geography of these users includes 200 countries. And, as Wikipedia suggests, over 150 business sectors are represented on this business social network.

The project was born in 2003 thanks to Reid Hoffman, a billionaire, writer, entrepreneur and just a talented person.

With Linkedin, users can develop new business contacts, maintain a list of business contacts, and this list of business contacts has a multi-purpose purpose. Already existing contacts, being an "intermediary" link, allow you to be introduced to other users, which directly affects the expansion of ties. There is a search for groups and companies according to the interests of the registered user. Also, the user can publish his resume, which, of course, may be of interest to others (employers, potential partners, etc.). Yes, you can use Linkedin to look for a job, and many do it very successfully. In a business social network, you can use the recommendation functions - recommend someone else to a user, or be “recommended” yourself.

You can post vacancies and interest groups.

According to SimilarWeb statistics, ranks 31st in the global ranking of Internet resources.

If you are interested in expanding business contacts, especially in an English-speaking environment, then the business social network Linkedin can be a good tool to implement such plans. - social network for creative people

It deserves attention, if only because it once held the title of social network No. 1 in the world! But that was back in 2003-2008. The Internet giant was crushed by its growing competitor - the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg Facebook. It happened in 2008, and since that time, the Myspace social network has not managed to even come close to the leading positions in the global ranking of Internet resources. However, despite all the difficulties, the change of leaders, owners and development concepts, still managed not to "sink into the abyss": modern Myspace is a resource that has returned to its ideological origins of a site for creative individuals, dressed in a modern , a nice looking and well functioning shell.

However, despite this, about 15.5 million users visit the site every month, which, in principle, is an impressive figure. - social network for business

This social network is very specific in terms of functioning. You can compare it, perhaps, with Instagram, since photos (and animation) are also used here as “key figures”. In Pinterest terminology, each uploaded image is called a pin, and these pins are attached to "boards", i.e. groups that the user forms based on some considerations known to him. It looks something like this:

Pins can be shared and discussed with friends. The Pinterest platform is considered by many as an excellent platform for business - the presentation of the product and the dissemination of information about it, for example. As the inscription on the social networking site itself says, “Pinterest is the place to find interesting and useful business or hobby ideas.”

The popularity of Pinterest is obvious - about 100 million users are registered in this international social network.

The site is on the 39th line of the global rating of Internet resources, and on the 9th place among the world's social networks.

The site receives more than 760 million monthly visits, with the majority of visits coming from the United States.

For those who are trying to be in the trend of modern Internet technologies, who prefer to work with graphics rather than text, acquaintance with the social network is definitely shown. Moreover, according to analysts, the social network has recently become more and more popular in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

Largest social networks:

In a review of social networks, it would be strange to bypass a super-popular project called Twitter. This social network, along with Facebook and Instagram, has long become an integral part of the "social life" of many Internet users. The social network owes its popularity to the format of publications: according to the rules of Twitter, posts, messages, links, etc. are left. must not exceed 140 characters. The name of the social network largely conveys its character in translation from English "Twit" means "twitter, tweet". And there are more than 500 million tweeters on this site.

Twitter was implemented in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, an American programmer and entrepreneur, and grew out of an "internal use" SMS service by Odeo employees. The meaning of the service, conceived by Dorsey, was as follows: the user leaves a short message on his page, and all "friends" subscribed to it instantly see it. The first twitter message was the line left by the creator of the social network: “Just setting up my twttr”. This was followed by a triumphant presentation of the service at the SXSW festival, during which the number of Twitter users jumped from 20,000 to 60,000 in a day, and then on the rise.

So, 2 "pillars" of the social network Twitter - short messages and subscribers (followers). It is from the messages of those to whom the user is subscribed that his “feed” on the social network will be formed; Posts will be posted in reverse chronological order.

Twitter has received the greatest distribution on mobile devices, which is quite expected: on small screens, short and informative (though not always) messages are much easier to digest than long footcloths of someone else's articles, for example, on some blog.

Thanks to this social network, the technology of hashtags has received active, perhaps even too much, development: as a rule, this is a word or phrase that succinctly characterizes the content of the entire post, preceded by the “#” symbol (an octotorp sign, if in an abstruse way). The symbols “d” used also have specific functionality - setting it before the user's nickname allows you to send a private message, and “@” - also placed before the user's name and allows you to send him a response / notification.

At the moment, Twitter ranks 11th in the global ranking of world Internet resources, and 5th in the social networking segment.

Familiarization with this social network can be recommended to anyone who is interested in new events in the world, country or any particular area, who wants to receive information in the fastest way or share it. By the way, Twitter is also very useful for business: it is a great tool for getting feedback, reviews and other types of operational interaction with the world. is the largest Russian social network

It's time to remember the largest Russian project in the field of social networks. Of course, we are talking about the well-known Vkontakte.

By the way, the name of the Russian social network No. 1 could have been different - at first, going through the options, we almost stopped at “”. However, the founders of Vkontakte realized in time that this name has a “niche” character and is not suitable for reaching a larger audience. As a result, at the suggestion of Pavel Durov, the project received a name known to everyone at the moment.

The social network was launched in October 2006. Already in 2007, more than 3 million users were registered on the site, and Durov said that the resource had bypassed its main Russian-speaking competitor,, in popularity.

Vkontakte absorbed the most popular and sought-after ideas in the world of social networks, while managing to maintain a certain balance in terms of ease of perception and interface management, unlike Facebook, whose interface is oversaturated with functionality and in which an inexperienced person will need time to figure everything out, get comfortable.

If the Reader has a desire to get acquainted in detail with the features of the social network Vkontakte, its interface and main features, we recommend reading the article:

The statistics provided by SimilarWeb definitely pleases the eyes of the management of the social network Vkontakte: 1st place among all web resources in Russia, 2nd in the global ranking of social networks, and 4th among all world sites in general! is the main competitor of Vkontakte

Considering Vkontakte, we remembered its closest competitor in Runet - the social network Odnoklassniki. So the next few lines are about her.

The project started almost simultaneously with Vkontakte - in 2006. If Vkontakte is called a clone of Facebook, then are identical twins of, a popular social network in America. Citizen A.M. Popkov, who worked in London, had experience in developing similar projects for European countries, and realized in time that in Russia this niche is a service for finding and communicating with classmates / classmates, etc. - still free. And, as expected, the Odnoklassniki social network quickly gained a lot of users and popularity in Runet: in less than a year of its existence, 1,500,000 users registered on the website.

Unlike the same Vkontakte, the management of Odnoklassniki quickly decided that it was necessary to earn money from users: in the history of the social network there was a stage of paid registration, and a time when the user received full functionality for an additional fee, and other points that negatively affected rating of the social network, but, obviously, had a positive effect on the wallets of the site owners. However, over time, obviously unsuccessful decisions were corrected, so the site is still one of the most popular and visited Internet resources.

In global terms, this translates into 1.3 billion monthly visits. And, apparently, there are no prerequisites for a decrease in popularity and the number of visits yet.

Chinese social network

Yes, it's a Chinese social network. And it ONLY works in Chinese. Which does not prevent her from being the most numerous in terms of the number of registered users: Wikipedia shows a figure of 160 million. Yes, it is not surprising - why invent translations into other languages, if your potential users are 20% of the entire earth's population?!

Initially, the social network was called, and was, in fact, a copy of Facebook in Chinese. She got life in 2005, and already in 2008 she gained the title of "China's largest university online community." In August 2009, there was a “renaming”, after which the modern name appeared.

However, in terms of the number of visits, it is still among the "millionaires" with its 22 million monthly visits.

At the same time, you can understand where in the world the Chinese brothers who do not live in China settled to a greater extent 🙂.

The social network can be recommended, firstly, to those who understand Chinese, and secondly, to those who want to establish contacts and start communicating with Chinese youth (the majority of users are students of Chinese universities).

This review of social networks can be considered complete. Yes, there are several million-dollar resources left behind, which many also call social networks (for example, Livejournal and Youtube). This was done for the following reason: if such sites belong to social networks, then only indirectly, their main tasks are other areas: blogging, video hosting, etc. So, they deserve a place in a separate thematic selection.

Social networks began to gain popularity in 1995, when the website appeared on the Internet platform. Such a project was to the liking of users, and like a mushroom rain, more and more new projects fell down. The main “BOOM” came in 2003-2004, when social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. were invented. Most people can hardly imagine their life without social networks. With such uncomplicated and simple applications, people have endless possibilities. Every day, more than a million photos are posted on social networks, more than a billion messages are written, videos are shot, blogs and discussions are maintained. Sometimes it seems that the social network is the whole life. Given the fact that users voluntarily publish their data on social networks, marketers can easily determine the market for a particular product, but some unscrupulous people can use this information for their own bad purposes. Also in history there are cases of dependence on social networks, and cases of mental disorders from dissatisfaction with the sensations of one's own demand.

Social media rating for 2016

10th place. myspace

The site was created in 2003 by Chris DeWulf. About 42 million people use this social network.

9th place. In contact with

Pavel Durov created this social network with the aim that students and graduates could communicate with each other. But later the site was recognized as “The fastest and most convenient”. This social network has about 70 million registered users.

8th place. Classmates

About 44 million users visit this site per day, and in general about 100 million are registered. It was created by Albert Popkov, and initially it was just a hobby of the creator, but when the site began to gain popularity, it became a job.

7th place. Instagram

This social network is very popular with many Internet users. Millions of photos and “selfies” from all over the world pour into it every day. This site was created by a couple of Mike Krieger and Kevin Systr. The number of registered is about 110 million people.

6th place. Tumblr

This network was invented in 2007 by David Karp. More than 110 million people visit the site every month. Unfortunately, this site is not very popular among the post-Soviet countries.

5th place. Google Plus+

4th place. LinkedIn

The network was created in 2002, it is very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its creator is Rudy Hoffman, and the site traffic is about 225 million people per month.

3rd place. pinterest

This network has been gaining popularity since 2010, when it was invented by Ben Zilberman. At the moment, the attendance of the Pinerest social network is about 250 million people a month.

2nd place. Twitter

Despite the fact that this social network is considered quite young, created in 2006, it is proudly ranked second, as the site's monthly traffic reaches 350 million people. The invention was made by Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey. The purpose of creating this network was to post news and action.

1 place. Facebook

To date, more than 900 million people have registered on the social network Facebook. She rightfully comes first. The web was invented by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. Initially, the site was available only to Harvard students, which was Mark himself. Since 2006, access to the network has been opened to the whole world.

In Russia, the rating of social networks is slightly different from the world. The reason is that Russians have their own vision of this world, and individual ways of perceiving the world around them. The population of the Russian Federation prefers the Vkontakte website to the Pinterest website, the Odnoklassniki website to the Tumblr website. This is how the ranking of Russian social networks in 2016 looks like:

  1. Tumblr
  2. pinterest
  3. Google Plus+
  4. myspace
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Classmates
  7. Instagram
  8. Twitter
  9. Facebook

Continuing the topic of social networks that I raised the other day (by the way, if you haven’t read the post about Russian social networks), I offer you a translation of the article “33 places to hang out in the era of social networks”, published on the blog. The article is an impressive list of foreign social networks and gives a good idea of ​​this booming market. Over the past two years, the popularity of social networks has increased markedly. Everyone can find a network to their liking, there are networks for dogs, parents, book lovers and shopaholics. In social networks, in my opinion, it is very useful and interesting to spend time. It is because of the growing interest in social networks that I created this list. I think that it will come in handy for those who, despite existing profiles in MySpace or Bebo, are ready to look for something new and interesting.

Please note - I did not include in the list services focused on social bookmarking, as well as systems "with a hint" of social networks (YouTube or Flickr). I also divided the list into two categories - general and special. The list covers only those services that are available to a wide range of users (no private beta by invitation).

MySpace is the largest social network in the world. She conquered the United States with great speed, now MySpace has about 80 million users. In 2005, it was bought by Newscorp for $580 million. MySpace continues to develop rapidly and at the moment it is she who determines the development of social networks.

Bebo - Unlike the Americanized MySpace, Bebo is designed for other English-speaking countries such as England, Australia and New Zealand. Functionally, Bebo is very similar to MySpace. Initially, Bebo was created in order to communicate between friends, but later the network has grown and currently has about 40 million users.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Tagworld was founded in autumn 2005. Direct competitor to MySpace. It stands out for its excellent implementation of Web 2.0 (tagging, AJAX). Tagworld also has a search engine for music and an IM client with video chat capabilities.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Orkut is a product created by a Google programmer in his spare time (You know, every Google programmer has the right to spend 20% of his working time on his own projects). Orkut began its development in the USA, but subsequently became widespread in Brazil (about 65% of users).
Recommended: Brazilian youth.

AIM pages - The youngest social network among the most popular. This is AOL's attempt to push MySpace into the social networking market. It was believed that AIM Pages would be a real breakthrough, but she still has a long way to go.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Hi5 - has about 40 million users. You have to pay to participate in this social network. One of the distinguishing features of the system is that you can download music from iTunes for money and add it to your profile. On a free account, you can upload photos up to a whole gigabyte. Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, Tira Banks have profiles on Hi5.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Panjea is a social network with an economy founded this year. Offers several ways to get paid for your creative work. There is a unique points system.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Cyworld originated in Korea and has grown to phenomenal proportions. The daily income of this network is about 300,000 dollars. Now Cyworld is gradually spreading to the US. The network has its own currency (acorns), and each user has his own "minihompy" (profile). Users can decorate their "minihompy" and keep in touch with each other.
Recommended: Teenagers, young adults, Koreans

Tagged is intended mainly for teenagers. The main idea is to be tagged, create tagging teams and earn points in order to become the coolest tagging team. Tagged is slowly gaining popularity among teenagers in the US, but compared to MySpace, it is always secondary.
Recommended for teens

Popist is very similar to MySpace, both in interface and focus. Offers users a large number of open features, such as the ability to integrate with other social networks.
Recommended for teens

Friendster, one of the first networks launched as a “social experiment”, has recently acquired a patent for “social networks”. The network has grown very quickly, but by today it has completely fallen and currently occupies less than 1% of the social network market.
Recommended for teens

Tribe - not so long ago this network was acquired by NBC. The main task of Tribe is not so much in dating and communication, but in uniting users' own social networks. Provides the ability to create so-called “clans”, and is also very well localized due to these same clans.
Recommended for teens

Facebook is a start-up from Silicon Valley. Widespread among colleges and universities in most English-speaking countries. It is the second most popular network after MySpace in the US. This network is not yet available in many countries, but is steadily developing and growing.

ConnectU is very similar to Facebook. It is also designed for students of colleges and universities. ConnectU, unlike Facebook, covers a much smaller number of colleges and universities around the world.
Recommended for: college and university students

Yahoo! 360 - Launched in early 2005, a Yahoo product that provides the ability to combine blogs and photo albums. Only for those over 18 years old - this significantly reduces the list of potential users.
Recommended: adults

PeopleAggregator is Marc Canter's attempt to carve out a niche in the social media space. Based on open standards and functionalities. One of the distinguishing features is that this is just a demo version of the software, which can be purchased later.
Recommended: adults

MommyBuzz - Launched just a couple of months ago, MommyBuzz is designed to enable moms to connect online and share and exchange thoughts and ideas with other moms. A wonderful place for such a target group.
Recommended: moms

MuslimSpace - Created by a former computer science student at the American University of Sharjah, MuslimSpace lives up to its name - MySpace for Muslims. Today, the site has about 15,000 users, and its goal is to be a cleaner and more secure site than MySpace and, of course, only for Muslims.
Recommended: Muslims

Stardoll - Would you like to dress celebrities like paper dolls? Originally called Paperdoll Heaven, Stardoll does exactly that. With a strong social network at its core and almost a million users, Stardoll is gaining mega popularity in the world of kids and teens much like Neopets did a few years ago.
Recommended for: children/teenagers

Imbee – There are a lot of sites for teens, but what about kids? Imbee's goal is to provide a safe and secure social network for kids. So now if your big brother is bragging about his MySpace profile and teasing you can't get one, go to Imbee!
Recommended: children

Dogster is a place where dogs (and their owners) can meet and socialize. On Dogster, each dog has its own web page. The subtitle reads: post pictures of dogs, tell dog stories, make new friends(dogs)!
Recommended for: dogs and their owners

Catster is practically the twin brother of Dogster, developed by the same people, Catster is Dogster for cats. Post photos of cats, tell cat stories, make new friends (cats)! Does anything else need to be explained?
Recommended for: cats and their owners

Fuzzster - Being somewhat of a combination of Dogster and Catster, Fuzzster is the place to be for your cats, dogs and other furry pets. Launched in early 2004, it has grown into a fairly large community of animal lovers.
Recommended for: furry animals and their owners

BookCrossing - In the real world, bookcrossing (book exchange) is carried out like this: someone leaves a book in a public place for others to take and read and then do the same. The goal of the BookCrossing website is to run the same process in the virtual world.
Recommended for: book lovers

Boompa is a site for car enthusiasts, and there are certainly a lot of them on the Internet. The purpose of the network is to become your online garage. Car enthusiasts can show off their “cars” here, find recommendations for their improvement, meet other car enthusiasts, view videos and photos, and much more.
Recommended for: car enthusiasts

Spout is a database of over 250,000 movie titles, Spout is a social network for cinephiles. Here you can find reviews and recommendations, meet other moviegoers. Spout is a good place to visit before you are going to rent a movie.
Recommended for movie buffs

MOG is a Silicon Valley startup whose goal is to connect music lovers with the same interests. A very interesting way to meet new people, also here you can discover new musical directions that you did not know about before.
Recommended: for music lovers

Gusto. There are websites about cars, movies, music, books, animals, but what about travel? Gusto is just a place that brings travelers together based on their lifestyle (expressed in preferences). Here you can also find tons of information, recommendations and travel reviews. combines a social network and shopping. The goal of is to provide a sustainable online shopping experience. The "cash back" system is used, when, if one user helps another or vice versa, both users have the opportunity to receive CashBack. Interesting way to shop.
Recommended for: lovers of (online) shopping

Yelp (from the creators of PayPal) is a site similar to Yub in many ways, designed to help shoppers make decisions by showing them reviews from other users. However, unlike Yub, Yelp is more focused on commercial activities and services than on a consumer-oriented product. Currently only available in the US.
Recommended: Any U.S. Resident (Especially in Big Cities)

- according to surveys, the most popular business network, LinkedIn's goal is to unite colleagues and business partners, to help find new ones. With close to 5 million users, LinkedIn remains popular with business audiences.
Recommended: Mercenaries and businessmen

biddingBuddies - often on auction sites like eBay you have to deal with many people. BiddingBuddies will help you with this. It is the only social network exclusively for eBay users. Now, if you are participating in the auction, why not make friends with the opponents.
Recommended: eBay users (buyers and sellers)

Faqqly - There are so many things you would like to know about your friends, so why not ask them through Faqqly? Faqqly creates an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for each user and allows friends to ask each other anything they want.
Recommended for: curious – teenagers, youth

The most popular social networks in Russia: 2018

    The social network is available in 90 languages ​​or more, is highly popular among the Russian-speaking audience, and is the largest in all of Europe. The headquarters is located in St. Petersburg. VKontakte allows you to send messages and images, share video and audio recordings, tags, create your own groups and communities, and relax with browser games. The social network strives to remain the fastest and most modern way to communicate on the Internet. It is the most popular social network in Russia (2018).

    This domestic social network belongs to Mail.Ru Group and was established in March 2006. In terms of popularity this year, it ranks 3rd in Armenia, 4th in Azerbaijan and Russia, 5th in Kazakhstan, 7th in Ukraine, 27th in the world.

    According to a December 2017 survey, 19% of the domestic audience use the Odnoklassniki website almost every day or every day.

    A free social network that allows you to share photos and videos. It contains elements of a social network. Instagram allows you to take photos and videos, use filters, share them through your account or other social networks. At the moment, both from the point of view of the user, and in terms of promoting their services and products

    A popular video hosting in the world that hosts a lot of videos. A unique social network in which everyone can find both and make it their main one.

    This is the most famous social network in the world, which appeared on February 4, 2004. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University. The first name is Thefacebook, only university students had access to it. After that, students from Boston universities got access, then students from all American universities with an .edu email address. Since the fall of 2006, anyone can register on Facebook.

    The emphasis in this social network is on personalization and ease of use. Content is divided into several categories - video and audio, chat, link, quote, photo and text. People subscribe to blogs that are interesting to them, the entries of which appear in the news feed. They also tag the posts they liked using the corresponding button and reblog to their page to comment on them.

    There is support for automatic export of messages to Facebook and Twitter, using the RSS protocol.

Social photo hosting, whose users upload images to their respective collections, share photos with other people. The added images are called "buttons" and the collections are called "boards".

Other most popular social networks in Russia

    A popular portal where users create their own electronic diaries and communicate with each other. There are also counters for sites.

    Russian-language social site, which is a collective blog. There are elements of a news site. Habrahabr is intended for publishing analytical articles and news. Topic - Internet, business, modern information technologies. A few years ago, a number of topics were separated into separate resources.

    A popular platform where users create their blogs, communicate with people. Popular social networks in Russia include it in their list.

    The largest music catalog that creates individual and general charts for each user.

Not the most popular social networks and portals

    This social network is designed for users to communicate with each other. With its help, you can find friends by interests and similar entertainment, create an individual design of a personal page, start a diary, become a member of communities or create your own by interests, communicate on blogs, share videos, audio and images. About 300,000 users blog on

    This is a popular web service designed for blogging and communication with like-minded people.

    Social service of Russian information channels, which was launched in the spring of 1998. Designed for organizing and maintaining electronic mailing lists.

Specialized social networks

    A business social network that brings together entrepreneurs and specialists on certain grounds (geography, profession, industry). It appeared in the summer of 2008, and today it has about 7 million registered users. The social network is designed to discuss professional problems, search for partners and investors, self-educate and get new ideas. More than 2 million people participate in the largest communities of the network.

The number of social media users is growing exponentially. Some services are more popular than others. However, everything changes, and it is quite possible that while you are studying this rating, some previously unknown social network will break into the lead.

Facebook with the number of accounts exceeding 1.2 billion. The network, founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, has been holding the first place in the world TOPs since its inception.

Google+, whose number of users is approaching the 600 million mark. The social network, founded in 2001 by Google, moves up and down the rankings, however, it is consistently among the top ten most successful projects.

Twitter with half a billion users. The presence of a mini-blog in this social network has become a real trend, because the most influential people on the planet have Twitter accounts.

Sina Weibo with over 500 million accounts. This is perhaps the only social network from our rating that does not have a Russian-language interface. However, she does not need this, since she is designed for friendly residents of the Middle Kingdom who want to communicate exclusively with each other and have been successfully doing this since 2009.

In contact with is a social network created in Russia in 2006 and is one of the most successful domestic projects to date. The number of VKontakte users is rapidly approaching the mark of 300 million, which means that the social network is used not only in our country.

Badoo with almost 230 million followers is an international dating site with a full set of social networking features.

Tumblr- a social network for those who like to blog, as well as read and comment on the blogs of other users. Created in 2007, this social network today has about 220 million users.

Classmates- Another notorious Russian project that has become a world leader. Since 2006, the number of Odnoklassniki users has increased from 0 to 210 million people.

Instagram is a social network that went out into the world in 2010 and quickly moved to the top of the rankings thanks to the ability to share photos and videos with many users.

pinterest is a social network whose 200 million users can share with each other a wide variety of ideas, from innovative business solutions to recipes for a festive cake.

flickr. Almost 70 million users of this social network share a huge number of photos every day.

myspace, created in 2003 has about 50 million accounts and is a social network in its classical form. Exchange of messages, opinions, photo and video materials, dating, a blog platform, in a word, everything that is required for a pleasant pastime.

MeetUp- a social network, the purpose of which is to unite people into groups for real communication. More than 40 million users have found friends of interest here and have a great time with them without the Internet.

Tagged. Almost 40 million users of this social network can get acquainted and communicate with each other.

Askfm- a place where you can get an answer to any question, because from more than 38 million answers you can definitely choose the right one.

ClassMates- An English-language prototype of Russian Odnoklassniki, created back in 1995, but did not achieve the same impressive results. The audience of the project is about 15 million people.

Orkut- Another project from Google, which did not become a hit in the US and Europe, but is very popular among residents of Latin America, India and a number of other countries. Currently, the project is closed and rebased on the Hello social network platform.

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