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  • Registering ICQ without a phone number are there any ways? ICQ registration - simple steps to register.

Registering ICQ without a phone number are there any ways? ICQ registration - simple steps to register.

You will see your registration name, and by opening the "Menu" item, the "Login as" sub-item, you can see a nine-digit number next to your registration name, which will be your ICQ number, or UIN.


The password should be complex enough to prevent attackers from gaining access to your correspondence. Try to use in the password not only letters, but also numbers, as well as symbols, for example #, $% ^, etc.

Useful advice

It is not at all important for you which program to use in order to use all ICQ services. At the moment there are many third-party and equally convenient applications.
For a PC, this is, for example, QIP, Miranda.
For cell phones, this is Jimm.
For communicators, these are QIP Mobile, ICQ Mobile, Pigeon.


  • create a new number

Icq (or in common parlance "ICQ") is a special program for instant messaging. She imitates live communication. It is easy and pleasant to communicate in it. All you need to do is download the program itself and register room icq.

You will need

  • -computer;
  • -Internet access.


You can do this for free on the official website. Go to it and select the "Registration in Icq" tab. It is located in the upper right corner of the portal. Then enter your first name, last name (no more than twenty characters), date of birth, gender, e-mail address (it can be used as a login to enter or to recover a forgotten password).

Come up with a password and also enter it in the appropriate field. Then enter the code from the picture that is displayed next to the questionnaire. This is necessary for the system to make sure that you are not a robot. And press the button "". After that, a page with your room ohm (UIN) and to enter icq. Open the program on your computer and enter these details. Click "sign in". Find also by room you can communicate.

registration room and it is also possible through the icq program. To do this, open it. A window for authorization will open. Select the "" tab and a field will appear for creating a new UIN in the system. Now come up with a complex password for the asi so that it cannot be hacked. Then press the "1" button. Show new picture "and" 2. The word in the picture. " Enter the received data in the corresponding fields next to it. Then press “3. Register icq ".

In just a few seconds, a window will appear with a new username and password. Enter it in your account, save and enter your -list. Write down the received personal data for authorization in a notepad, or save it in a computer in a separate document so as not to accidentally forget it.

After confirmation, download and install the official ICQ client (follow the link Run the program and enter the e-mail address you specified during registration and the password in the connection window. Wait a while while the program connects to the server. You can find out the received icq number by opening your own profile ("Info about"). It can be used in ICQ along with an email address, or instead if you are using third-party clients. Also, this number is your unique ICQ address, which you can leave to other people to contact you using this protocol.


  • new icq number in 2019

ICQ is a program for dating and instant messaging over the Internet. Loved by many users, it has become available for mobile phones, which allows communication lovers to always stay in touch.


Before installing the ICQ program, make sure that your mobile device supports Internet access. If you have not used such applications before and the GPRS and WAP settings are not set, contact your for help in setting the settings. He will send an SMS message with an installation file that will help you activate the settings specifically for your phone.

So, the internet is installed. Now you need to find the ICQ version that matches your phone model. If you have a regular, not a communicator, you need to install the ICQ Java application. Download a program convenient for you to your computer. To select ICQ applications, you can use the sites or Enter the home page of the site and find the section for mobile phones. Select the latest Java version of ICQ and click on its icon. In the "Download" section, select the make and model of your phone, and then download the application installation file to your computer.

You can download ICQ directly to your mobile phone. To do this, enter the address in your cell phone browser. Jimm application is a convenient program for using ICQ. Choose the version of Jimm that suits your phone and download it. Install the application following the system prompts.

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Many sites offer to download the mobile version of ICQ only after sending SMS. Don't waste your money: the official websites of popular ICQ applications are free.

In the ICQ network, the user is given his UIN - this is a unique identification number registered at the entrance to the ICQ program and used in the future. Today it has long been known that ICQ is a messenger protocol used for instant messaging.


Try to follow the official route. On the site download the ICQ program. She . Then follow this link and fill in all the fields provided for registration. Before installing the program, you must enter your email address. This is in the event that you do not have it. An e-mail box can be registered on any mail server. Next, you get your unique identification number - UIN. This is the number you will give to your friends and acquaintances so that they can enter you.

Use the Russian-speaking service if you have difficulties with the English language. Follow the link to the site and you can start a mailbox on Rambler. In addition, you will be given the opportunity to create an ICQ account. You can also use ICQ on Rambler. In this case, the number and password obtained as a result of registration will be the same for both the mailbox and ICQ.

Install ICQ on your cell phone. Mobile internet has become cheaper. This led to the fact that it became easier and cheaper for users to use ICQ on mobile. JIMM has become one of the most common variants of such a program. You can download it from the link With JIMM, you will pay your mobile provider for data services. However, before you start ICQ, you need to check with your mobile operator. Very soon you will not be able to do without this wonderful program created especially for communication.

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What is ICQ and how to start ICQ? ICQ is a diminutive name for the ICQ Internet service used to exchange short messages between Internet users. It is so convenient that about 400 million users around the world are registered in this service, and about 15 million use it daily.

Useful advice

To start ICQ, you must first download the ICQ client. The client is a program through which communication in the ICQ network will take place. To start communicating, you need to have your ICQ number. To obtain a number (UIN), register on the registration page or register on the official website of the program (it is, unfortunately, English).


  • How to register ICQ in 2019
  • how to start ICQ in 2019

ICQ is a well-known messenger on the Internet. Such a program allows users to communicate with each other. To exchange messages with each other, you need to add room ICQ of the interlocutor to the contact list.


Install ICQ on your computer if it is not already installed. You can find the latest version of the program on the Internet. Just enter the query "download ICQ" in the search box. As soon as you download the installation client to your PC, you need to double-click on it with the mouse. During the installation period, you can designate the installation path and change other parameters, for example, the default search setting. After installing the application, you need to launch it. Select the "Register" button. It is necessary to fill in all the fields in the proposed window.

Come up with a strong password for authorization. After filling out the registration form, a letter with the specified activation link will be sent to your email address. By clicking on the link, you will register your account. Launch the app and enter ICQ. Then press "Menu". Select "Add New". You need to click on it and wait for a new window to open.

In the window that appears, enter room ICQ of yours and click the "Find" button. if you room ICQ is unknown, you can use other data. It could be a nickname. You can search by real name and surname, if the person of interest is under his own name. Perhaps additional data will help you: country, age, city, language, and more.

But remember that the user can make up information about himself. You can start your search with the "Online only" checkbox checked if you want to find people. You can do a simple search to get broader results. You will see contacts that match your specified parameters. The search time will take a few seconds. When the program finds the desired user, you must click the "Add" button opposite his nickname. The new friend has now been added to your contact book.

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ICQ (ICQ) today is one of the most popular programs that allows users to communicate on the Internet. But to start chatting with any of your friends in the messenger, you need to add the interlocutor's ICQ number to your contact list.


Install ICQ on your computer. You can find the software package on the Internet. Just enter the search query "download ICQ". After installing the messenger, double-click on it. Install the program on your PC and select the "Register" button. You need to fill in the fields that appear, come up with a strong password to enter.

Activate your account. A message will be sent to your email address with a link. Follow it.

Now enter ICQ and find "Menu". Select "Add New". Click on it. In the window that appears, enter the known room friend and click "Find". When the program finds the desired result, that is, it finds the person you are looking for, then click "Add". Your friend will now appear in your contact list.

Indicate education, interests, gender, age, place of residence, email address, etc. The web resource contains a large number of visitors and registered persons. Therefore, you can detect almost any person.

Click on the found user. Perhaps, on the page that opens, first of all, in the contact information, you will see room ICQ. Rewrite it or copy it. Add data to the messenger and enjoy chatting with a new virtual friend.

Look for friends in ICQ in another way. If you don't have friends, then find them on the Internet. To do this, just type in the search box a set of any numbers room and add the user you like -list. Perhaps you will make friends with him. Explain the situation to him and try to start communicating. The main thing is not to be intrusive.

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Often users ask questions about how you can register a new icq room in the Internet. It is not difficult to carry out this operation, the main thing is to have an email address and an Internet connection.


Previously, the system allowed registering new room and directly from the program and use right there icq room... Not so long ago, everything was redone, and now registration is available only on the official website of the developers. Go to The browser will automatically switch to the Russian-language version of the site if your ip-address belongs to a provider from Russia. Click the "Register" button. You will need to fill in all the data that will be requested by the system.

Please fill in your email address and password carefully. Try to use the most complex combinations of symbols and numbers so that your room ok could not be hacked with a brute. You will need to enter a verification code to register a new one. room... This allows you to protect the system from automatic registration in search of unique combinations. room ov. If the site requires you to enter room phone, then you need to enter a valid one, as it will receive a message with a verification code.

Next, the system will send you a notification of the new registration to your e-mail box with a request to confirm the operation. Follow this link. To complete the registration, you need to download and install the ICQ 7 instant messaging program. Use antivirus software when downloading files from the Internet. Install the utility to the system local drive.

A shortcut appears on the desktop. Double-click on it with the right mouse button to start the program. A window will appear in which you need to enter the data sent to your e-mail. Check the box next to "Sign in automatically." If you are sure that your computer is fully protected, then check the box next to "Save password". When you connect to the Internet, the program will automatically connect.

The ICQ application is one of the most popular tools for communicating with people around the world. The program is very simple and easy to use. ICQ also allows you to create chats for round-the-clock communication and unite people in special groups.


Download and install the Jimbot application on your computer. This is one of the most convenient tools for creating ICQ-based chats. You can also use the jArt Group version. Run the program. In the window that opens, select the "Chat module" menu item.

Register SEMIZNAK instantly

You can get 7-digit
1320 with text 869000

~ 20 rubles

This article will show you how.

To communicate in the ICQ instant messaging system, each ICQ user must have a special identification number, called the ICQ UIN. ICQ registration is available to any user and takes no more than 10 minutes.

Registration process in ICE

2) Going to the ICQ registration page, you will see the standard fields that you will need to fill in and then click the " registration". For successful registration, you will have to fill in all the fields. We recommend that you pay attention to the tooltips on the right - they are quite useful in case of difficulties.

  • name, surname - up to 20 characters in each field;
  • the email address can be used to log in or recover a forgotten password;
  • Password - most of them have problems choosing it when registering. This happens due to the fact that the ICQ service has set some frames for the entered password - it cannot be shorter than 6 and longer than 8 characters inclusive. It can consist of uppercase and lowercase Latin letters and numbers;
  • Date of birth - this information is necessary for the greater security of your ICQ UIN, it will be available only to your friends (you can change this rule in the ICQ privacy settings);
  • Protection against robots - 5-6 digits, usually 2-3 times it turns out to be recognized.

After filling in all the fields, press the button " registration".

3) If all the fields were filled in correctly, you will see a page on which it is written that to complete the registration of the ICQ number, you need to click on the link in the letter and just below the button to go to your mailbox - click it.

4) A new letter from ICQ Support should appear in your inbox, open it and click the link in this letter. It usually comes within 10 minutes. If the message is still not in your Inbox, look for it in the Spam tab.

What to do after registering ICQ?

6) It remains only to find out which ICQ number you have registered. To do this, click "Download" in the upper menu of the site and on the page that opens in the upper right corner you will see your last name and first name - in our case it is "Vasily Pupkin". Click on this inscription and you will see what ICQ number you just registered.

7) After successful registration, in order to use the new ICQ number, you need to download free ICQ.

Can't register with ICQ?

You can get 7-digit without registration and tedious input of information about yourself.
To register, send an SMS to the number 1320 with text 869000
In the reply SMS you will receive a seven-character with a password.
The service is available for all Russian subscribers. SMS cost - ~ 20 rubles

To get uin - ICQ number and communicate via icq, you must be sure to register.
Previously, problems with registration were mainly due to the fact that the icq site was in English, now it is much easier to register, but there are still a lot of problems for dummies, because to register, they need to have their own registered mailbox.
Therefore, before continuing to read, on the Yandex mail or

So, if you already have a mailbox, proceed to registering icq on the official website, for free.
1. Go to the site and click on the link "Registration icq"

or immediately go to the registration page using the link -
2. Now fill in the fields:

E-mail address- we enter our mailbox address, tk. later you will receive a letter containing a link to activate your account.
Password - enter in Latin characters and numbers, for example, NEnr843 - 6-8 characters
Password repeat - NEnr843 i.e. the same as the password.
Date of birth - of your choice - if you want everyone to know, enter according to your passport).
Paul is a madame or a gentleman, or rather a man or a woman.
Robot protection- enter the number from the picture opposite. If the number is hard to see, refresh the picture by clicking on the button with arrows behind the picture.

3. Click on the "Register" button
4. If an error occurs, then go back and look - perhaps there are no checkmarks in front of some fields, or an icq number has already been registered in your mailbox. Maybe like mine - a crash on the site, with a picture of a cow.
5. Go to the mailbox and open the letter, follow the link.

6. If an error occurs during activation, follow the link again or click Submit.

7. I didn’t get a number, but it’s not scary either. instead of the number for entering ICQ, in the settings, you can enter the address of the post box, and after entering, you can see your number.

It turned out not as short as I expected, but this is for the best, because now I understand why many people want to get a number for free, however, a password usually comes with the number, and if you take yourself a free icq number, then be sure to change your password. no one knows who and for what purpose gives you the number.
It's no secret that ICQs often hack and send spam to everyone on the list, so it's better to learn how to register on your own so as not to go around forever with an outstretched hand, or change the password to protect everyone who communicates with you.
An old topic about icq registration, with questions and comments, is here -
If you have any questions, I will answer.
See you on the pages of the site for dummies - active people mastering the computer.

ICQ ideally replaces communication by SMS or chat.

Its main advantages:

Installation on a phone allows you to constantly be online, and therefore communicate. Further details.

What is ICQ for?

ICQ is a world-famous and easy-to-understand program. Everyone who is online can instantly correspond.

In addition to its direct purpose, it performs the functions:

If the interlocutor is not online, he will still see the message immediately upon his return. To appreciate the pros and cons of the program, you must first register.

Registration methods

There are two main registration methods:

  1. using the installed client;
  2. through the ICQ website.

Registration consists of the following steps:

  1. clicking on "Register";
  2. filling in the required columns;
  3. clicking on - "Send with the subsequent transition to the user's mailbox";
  4. confirmation of the application.

Client authorization window

First, you need to install an ICQ client from a trusted source on your computer.


  1. fill empty columns with data:
  • surname, name, patronymic, gender;
  • address, email, password;
  • date of birth and symbols from the picture.
  • then click - "Send";

After that, go to your personal Account:

  1. if the computer user is the only one, then it can be marked with a checkbox - Remember. You no longer need to enter this data every time you log in;
  2. Button - Forgot Password - useful for recovering it;
  3. the "Connection settings" tab allows you to set the required parameters;
  4. indicate your status, then click - Login.

The program will start connecting to the server:

  • if the data is entered incorrectly, the color of the icon will turn red;
  • the icon remains yellow - then there is no Internet connection;
  • the connection is established when the sign turns green.

Video: registration in ICQ

Official site

To start registration without e-mail, you need to go to the siteICQ:

  1. click - Receive an SMS with a code. It should be entered in the appropriate field to continue registration;
  2. click - Next. The installation is now complete. The program will start automatically. The UIN will be displayed in the upper right corner of the client window. Now for each entrance to ICQ you will need to enter your phone number.

To register without a phone number, you should select the appropriate item. Further:

Comment. The password must be at least six characters long, taking into account the language and case;

If all steps are passed without errors, then nothing else is needed. To log in, you must specify your mailbox and password.

Of course, this method is not suitable for every user. After the company bought ICQ, the entrance to the program has changed. But this does not prevent the use of UIN. You need to click on your account, and at the top left you can see your number.

How to register in ICQ on the phone

To register in ICQ, you first need to download the application to your phone.

Important! It should be noted that there are several of them. It depends on the type of operating system.

Installing Messenger forAndroid:

  1. create a Google account and activate;
  2. if the Internet is available, go to GoogleMarket. Find and download an Android app;
  3. the second way is to visit the Messenger website and download it from there;
  4. hover the cursor over it, choose which OS the program is needed for;
  5. after downloading, download to your mobile phone;
  6. make settings for ease of use.

Registration is the same as in the PC program:

  • entering personal data and password;
  • getting your number.

Social networks

To register via VK:

  1. click the network icon. It is located under the button - Register;
  2. enter login and password data from your Vkontakte page;
  3. view the list of contacts, which will display friends from the specified social network.

Note. All VK users will see you online while ICQ is on.

To make sure the data is correct, click - Check account:

  1. to synchronize both, you need to put a checkbox in the corresponding column. If this is not done, you will have to connect to such an account by manually selecting the status;
  2. you can improve security by using an encrypted connection.

Important! When communicating with friends from VK, transferring files, creating conferences, calls, games are not available.

Configuring the program on the computer

For correct configuration, you first need to import contacts:

  1. press Menu and select "My profile". Next, select an avatar:
  • standard;
  • taken from a webcam;
  • downloaded from your phone or computer.

There are a lot of settings. Here are the main ones:

The second recovery method is through the Messenger website:

It is important to remember that a custom number cannot be recovered. It should be written down.

ICQ allows you to communicate from anywhere in the world. There are enough ways to register. It all depends on what is more convenient for the subscriber to use: a computer or a telephone.

For some reason, the user may be interested in how to register in ICQ without a phone. After all, as you know, today, as in many other messengers, the registration of a new account takes place by linking it to the user's mobile phone number.

How to register in ICQ without a phone

If we talk about the traditional way of registration, then it means:

  • user input of a telephone number;
  • receiving a special registration access code to the specified number;
  • entering the code into a special ICQ field.

If everything is done correctly - the program is loaded, you can start using it. But sometimes the user does not want to provide his phone number. At the same time, on the ICQ website, or through the application itself, it seems that it is not possible to bypass its input. Nevertheless, there is still a way to register a new account.

It involves downloading an outdated version of the program, when registration via a phone number was not yet provided. Subsequently, it will be possible to download the latest version of ICQ - and log in through the received UIN and password.

So, when you start the program, the system will offer to register a new account. The user will need to come up with a username and password, as well as tell ICQ their email address. Now an activation link will be received at this address, by clicking on which, and you can activate a new account.

In addition, in older versions of ICQ, it was allowed to log in from accounts in social networks. However, you can do this even today - if you download ICQ QIP - this is a multifunctional client for ICQ with a bunch of additional features.

However, she herself knows not so little. Of course, first of all, this is text-mode correspondence. Moreover, in group and individual chats. It is also worth noting free calls from one messenger to another - by video or voice. The so-called live chats are also interesting. Here everyone can find an interlocutor for themselves and communicate with many people at once.

ICE offers users a lot of funny free stickers and emoticons that can and should be used during communication. In a word, there are still ways to register ICQ without a phone number. True, albeit not quite standard. However, it is possible that in the future, developers will leave only the "telephone" method available. Still, it is faster, easier and safer.

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