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  • Registration and audit. The structure of automated control of computer facilities

Registration and audit. The structure of automated control of computer facilities

Automatic accounting is the cornerstone of computer technology management. This means that computers must automatically determine their basic characteristics, and in accordance with certain regulations, transfer them to the database. On the basis of automatic audit data, information about the company and employees, a storage of information about computing equipment (SVT storage) is formed. It is advisable to consider the SVT repository as an integral part of the enterprise's unified information repository.

Using the SVT storage, various structural divisions of the enterprise (accounting, economists, IT department) can analyze, plan and predict the performance of computing equipment. The analytical work of these departments should be organized in such a way that, on the one hand, the departments can perform the control functions assigned to them, and on the other hand, prepare up-to-date summary information for management.

Monitoring analytic reports at various levels of detail should not be limited to viewing paper reports. An effective form of presenting operational data is an interactive information board, on which information about the operation of computing equipment is graphically presented in the form of tables, graphs and on various diagrams (organizational structure of an enterprise, production process, etc.).

Based on the current summary information presented in various sections, the management can make informed and informed decisions on the computerization of their enterprise.

Automatic accounting of computer equipment

Automatic accounting of computer equipment consists in diagnostics, collection and storage of information about the characteristics of computers and peripherals.

Diagnostics (audit) of computer characteristics

Diagnostics is carried out by an auditor program that runs on the user's computer and acts as a personal electronic agent for computer technology. The auditor agent can be launched:

In the domain - when registering a user

· In a workgroup — when the operating system is loaded.

The launch of the auditor agent on the user's machines must be ensured by the administrators of the enterprise information system. Depending on its configuration, the auditor agent can be constantly launched on the user's machine, or unloaded after the audit. Detailed recommendations for administrators are provided in the Administrators Guide.

The characteristics of computing technology can be roughly divided

by the way they are diagnosed:

· Automatic (the amount of RAM, the type and frequency of the processor, the amount of hard drives, the presence and type of CD-ROM, etc.). Automatically determined by the agent-auditor.

· Custom (location, username and mailing address, possible malfunctions). They are entered by the user at the first start of the agent-auditor (location) or at the initiative of the user (malfunctions in the operation of computers and peripherals).

for the object being characterized

Processor specifications

Motherboard specifications

RAM characteristics

External storage characteristics

Graphics card specifications

Sound card specifications

Network characteristics

User characteristics

Location characteristics

· Errors and malfunctions.


Topic 4.4. Registration and audit


Objectives of studying the topic

The student should know:

  • methods of information systems security audit.
The student should be able to:

^ Key term

Key term: registration.

Key term: audit.

Secondary terms

  • log;

  • suspicious activity.
Block diagram of terms


Topic 4.4. Registration and audit

4.4.1. Introduction

Objectives of studying the topic

  • to study the essence and mechanism of implementation of "registration" and "audit" in order to increase the security of information systems.
Requirements for knowledge and skills

The student should know:

  • protective properties of the registration and audit mechanism;

  • systems audit methods.
The student should be able to:

  • use registration and audit mechanisms to analyze the security of the system.
^ Key term

Key term: registration.

Registration is based on the accountability of the security system, records all security-related events.

Key term: audit.

An audit is an analysis of the accumulated information carried out promptly, in real time or periodically (for example, once a day).

Secondary terms

  • accountability of the security system;

  • log;

  • suspicious activity.
Block diagram of terms


4.4.2. Definition and content of registration and audit of information systems

Registration is another mechanism for ensuring the security of the information system. This mechanism is based on the accountability of the security management system, records all security-related events, such as:

  • entry and exit of access subjects;

  • starting and ending programs;

  • issuance of printed documents;

  • attempts to access protected resources;

  • changing the powers of access subjects;

  • changing the status of access objects, etc.

The effectiveness of the security system is fundamentally increased if the registration mechanism is supplemented with an audit mechanism. This allows you to quickly identify violations, identify weaknesses in the protection system, analyze the patterns of the system, evaluate the work of users, etc.

Audit Is an analysis of the accumulated information, carried out promptly in real time or periodically (for example, once a day). An operational audit with an automatic response to identified abnormal situations is called active.

The implementation of registration and audit mechanisms makes it possible to solve the following tasks of ensuring information security:

  • keeping users and administrators accountable;

  • providing the ability to reconstruct the sequence of events;

  • detection of attempts to breach information security;

  • providing information to identify and analyze problems.
The considered registration and audit mechanisms are a powerful psychological tool reminding potential violators of the inevitability of punishment for unauthorized actions, and users - for possible critical errors.

The practical means of registration and auditing are:

  • various system utilities and application programs;

  • registration (system or audit) journal.
The first tool is usually in addition to monitoring by the system administrator. A comprehensive approach to logging and auditing is provided using a log book.

^ Log

A fragment of the security log of the operating system registration and audit subsystem is shown in rice. 4.4.1.

Figure 4.4.1.

Detection of attempts at information security breaches is part of the active audit function, whose tasks are to promptly identify suspicious activity and provide tools for an automatic response to it.

Under suspicious activity means the behavior of a user or a component of an information system that is malicious (in accordance with a predetermined security policy) or atypical (in accordance with accepted criteria).

For example, the audit subsystem, monitoring the user login (registration) procedure, counts the number of unsuccessful login attempts. If the set threshold for such attempts is exceeded, the audit subsystem generates a signal that the account of this user is blocked.

4.4.3. Registration stages and methods of auditing information system events

The organization of registration of events related to the security of the information system includes at least three stages:

  1. Collection and storage of information about events.

  2. Protecting the contents of the logbook.

  3. Analysis of the contents of the logbook.
At the first stage, the data to be collected and stored, the period for cleaning and archiving the journal, the degree of centralization of management, the place and means of storing the journal, the possibility of registering encrypted information, etc. are determined.

The registered data must be protected, first of all, from unauthorized modification and, possibly, disclosure.

The most important step is the analysis of registration information. There are several methods for analyzing information in order to identify unauthorized actions.

^ Statistical Methods are based on the accumulation of the average parameters of the functioning of subsystems and the comparison of the current parameters with them. The presence of certain deviations can signal the possibility of some threats.

^ Heuristic methods use models of scenarios of unauthorized actions, which are described by logical rules or models of actions, which together lead to unauthorized actions.

4.4.4. Conclusions on the topic

  1. The effectiveness of the security system is fundamentally increased if the registration mechanism is supplemented with an audit mechanism. This allows you to quickly identify violations, identify weaknesses in the protection system, analyze the patterns of the system, and evaluate the work of users.

  2. The registration mechanism is based on the accountability of the security system, records all events related to security.

  3. Auditing system events Is an analysis of the accumulated information, carried out promptly in real time or periodically (for example, once a day).

  4. Registration and audit mechanisms are a powerful psychological tool that reminds potential violators of the inevitability of punishment for unauthorized actions, and users - for possible critical errors.

  5. ^ Log Is a chronologically ordered set of records of the results of the activities of the subjects of the system, sufficient to restore, view and analyze the sequence of actions surrounding or leading to the execution of operations, procedures or events during a transaction in order to control the final result.

  6. Registration of events related to the security of an information system includes at least three stages: collection and storage of information about events, protection of the contents of the logbook, and analysis of the contents of the logbook.

  7. Audit methods can be statistical and heuristic.

  8. For information systems certified for security, the list of controlled events is determined by the working document of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation: "Regulations on the certification of computer technology and communications equipment and systems in accordance with information security requirements."

4.4.5. Questions for self-control

  1. What is the registration mechanism based on?

  2. What security events are logged?

  3. How are registration and audit mechanisms different?

  4. Give the definition of an audit of information system events.

  5. What is related to the means of registration and audit?

  6. What is a log book? Its shape.

  7. What is suspicious activity?

  8. What are the steps involved in registration and audit mechanisms?

  9. Describe the well-known methods of auditing the security of information systems.

4.4.6. Links to additional materials (printed and electronic resources)


  1. Galatenko V.A.Fundamentals of information security. - M: Internet University

Registration is another mechanism for ensuring the security of the information system. This mechanism is based on the accountability of the security management system, records all security-related events, such as:

    entry and exit of access subjects;

    starting and ending programs;

    issuance of printed documents;

    attempts to access protected resources;

    changing the powers of access subjects;

    changing the status of access objects, etc.

For information systems certified for security, the list of controlled events is determined by the working document of the FSTEC of the Russian Federation: "Regulations on the certification of computer technology and communication equipment and systems in accordance with information security requirements".

The effectiveness of the security system is fundamentally increased if the registration mechanism is supplemented with an audit mechanism. This allows you to quickly identify violations, identify weaknesses in the protection system, analyze the patterns of the system, evaluate the work of users, etc.

Audit Is an analysis of the accumulated information, carried out promptly in real time or periodically (for example, once a day). An operational audit with an automatic response to identified abnormal situations is called active.

The implementation of registration and audit mechanisms makes it possible to solve the following tasks of ensuring information security:

    keeping users and administrators accountable;

    providing the ability to reconstruct the sequence of events;

    detection of attempts to breach information security;

    providing information to identify and analyze problems.

The considered registration and audit mechanisms are a powerful psychological tool reminding potential violators of the inevitability of punishment for unauthorized actions, and users - for possible critical errors.

The practical means of registration and auditing are:

    various system utilities and application programs;

    registration (system or audit) journal.

The first tool is usually in addition to monitoring by the system administrator. A comprehensive approach to logging and auditing is provided using a log book.

Log Is a chronologically ordered set of records of the results of the activities of the subjects of the system, sufficient to restore, view and analyze the sequence of actions surrounding or leading to the execution of operations, procedures or events during a transaction in order to control the final result.

A fragment of the security log of the operating system registration and audit subsystem is shown in rice. 4.4.1.

Figure 4.4.1.

Detection of attempts at information security breaches is part of the active audit function, whose tasks are to promptly identify suspicious activity and provide tools for an automatic response to it.

Under suspicious activity means the behavior of a user or a component of an information system that is malicious (in accordance with a predetermined security policy) or atypical (in accordance with accepted criteria).

For example, the audit subsystem, monitoring the user login (registration) procedure, counts the number of unsuccessful login attempts. If the set threshold for such attempts is exceeded, the audit subsystem generates a signal that the account of this user is blocked.

If you need to register, make changes or liquidate an organization, then you are on the right track. The specialists of the AIP group of companies will register the organization you need in the shortest possible time, select the most optimal and painless method for liquidation, competently make the changes you need, and also give professional advice on your problem.

Registration. Where to begin?

To understand the theoretical aspects of the official creation of your own business, you have to familiarize yourself with the content of the Federal Law No. 129, which has the appropriate name - "On the registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs."

In practice, the registration procedure is a rather tedious and boring exercise that requires certain knowledge, as well as a decent amount of time and patience.

That is why, instead of experimenting with filling out paperwork and standing in queues at the relevant authorities, entrepreneurs increasingly shift this task to those who have already repeatedly carried out a similar procedure.

The audit and consulting group "AIP" provides services for the registration of both commercial and non-commercial organizations. Our specialists have thoroughly studied all the stages of registration and can skillfully bypass the "pitfalls". All you need to do is contact our specialists, we will take care of the rest.

Our advantages:

  • Registration in 10 working days (1 day preparation of documents, 1 submission to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 46, 7 days registration, 1 day statistics reference, printing, inquiries to funds)
  • We do turnkey registration, including receiving certificates from extra-budgetary funds and notifying about the opening of an account.
  • If there is a question about the minimum price, we can offer various packages from 3000 r. with varying degrees of our involvement
  • We accompany you when submitting to the 46th Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. Our representative will meet you and lead you to the registration window. The submission time will take no more than 30 minutes. We receive it by power of attorney, you do not need to come to the tax office again.
  • We have our "own" notary for filing documents without a visit to the 46th Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. It is enough to arrive at the time of the appointment and the whole procedure will take 20 minutes.
  • We will select a legal address for you from the owner at any tax office. Postal and secretarial services are possible.

Liquidation of a company will save you from problems in an absolutely legal way

Do you want to liquidate the company yourself? A long time ago it was quite real, but now it is out of the realm of fantasy. Especially if there are “sins”. Tax officers receive their salaries for a reason. Nowadays, "the sovereign's people" vigilantly monitor every fact of liquidation. And they may refuse you at any stage of this very complex process, setting the reason, for example, to a "wrong" comma. Vain vanity and money wasted ... Is this what you wanted?

To save you from reasonable doubts, the specialists of the AIP group of companies will come to the rescue, who for 16 years have thoroughly studied all the pitfalls of the liquidation procedure of companies. A confidential conversation with them at the start will push you towards an unambiguous choice - with their help you can get rid of your "sins" in the safest and least problematic way.

  • We offer 4 methods of liquidation:
    • Bankruptcy
    • Voluntary liquidation
    • Liquidation without verification
    • Forced liquidation
  • We simulate individual liquidation options in order to minimize risks, taking into account changing legislation.
  • We do not offer an option to close the company until we find out the details of the company for a risk assessment.
  • We are a specialized organization in the field of liquidation of companies, crisis management
  • Financial guarantee in the contract - payment only for an impeccable result
  • The amount of payment is fixed - there are no additional fees
  • Your personal manager, who is always in touch and in the "topic"
  • Over 16 years of experience in the liquidation of companies
  • There are always discounts and special offers - you can save a lot.
  • Only we organize round tables and conduct author's seminars on the liquidation of companies
  • Nearby there is "own notary"
  • Urgent preparation of documents is possible.

Have you changed something? Register!

It is rare that a company does not undergo any changes throughout its entire activity, because a business is a dynamic structure. Someone changes the legal address, someone changes the name, someone opens branches, and someone has the opportunity to increase the authorized capital.

There are other cases when changes occur that do not entail the revision of the constituent documents. For example, changing the passport data of the members of the company, changing the head or introducing new types of activities.

In all these cases, the company is obliged to register the changes made, which means that it again expects to apply to the relevant authorized bodies. If by this time you have not re-registered the company, as required by Law No. 312-FZ "On Amendments to Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", it’s time to do it.

What does cooperation with "AIP" give? You get answers to all your questions and save your time for a very reasonable price.

We are waiting for your calls and questions. Take action!

One of the most demanded services of a law firm today is accounting services for organizations. There are several reasons for the popularity of this service:

  • A guarantee of the professionalism of a specialist who will provide services to the organization.
  • Ensuring business continuity: you will not be left without an accountant at the most crucial moment, because he is sick or went on vacation.
  • Optimization of accounting.
  • Substantial savings on the creation of additional jobs and salaries for accountants.

The provision of legal services to legal entities in this area involves a comprehensive service, full support of the organization and at the same time is more economical than the maintenance of permanent accountants in the state.

What is included in the range of accounting legal services for organizations?

We provide a full range of accounting services for legal entities, namely:

  • Creation of financial and fiscal reporting with its transfer to the relevant government agencies.
  • Fulfillment by experts and auditors of regular requests of the client company.
  • Solving any organizational issues related to the work of the accounting department.
  • Checking accounting documentation and accounting work for compliance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.
  • Consulting support for the client, including online consultations to quickly resolve current issues.

Professional services of a law firm in the field of accounting and auditing are timely qualified assistance both in regular and atypical situations. Our experts will help to establish document flow and financial operations of the company, identify and promptly eliminate the causes of penalties, minimize costs and reduce any financial risks to the possible minimum. Leave a request on our website, and we will tell you more about all your opportunities within the framework of our future cooperation.

Legal services center: we care about your prosperity

We are engaged in the competent provision of legal services to legal entities, creating a reliable and solid platform for the development of your business. We offer the most effective and profitable solutions to help your company grow.

Unfortunately, in recent years, the level of qualification of accountants has noticeably decreased, which naturally affected the quality of accounting. Unfortunately, not all accountants are well aware of the Tax Code and regularly follow the latest changes in tax legislation. In practice, many of them have fragmentary knowledge even with a specialized diploma. Of course, such employees will make a lot of mistakes in keeping records, and this will result in fines and financial losses for the organization. Right - we do not want that either.

Therefore, we offer the optimal solution: the services of experienced professionals who constantly improve their qualifications, study and study all the latest changes in legislation. Timely contacting the specialists of our law firm in Moscow for advice is a guarantee that accounting in your company will be built as efficiently as possible. Even if you are confident that your accountant is doing well, it is better to consult and make sure everything is in order than to regret the missed opportunities and problems arising from incorrect accounting in the future.

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