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Editors for drawing on the computer. Digital Artist: What You Need to Paint on PC

Earlier I wrote that various actions on the computer are performed using the programs corresponding to them. So you already know that writing text is carried out in a program - a text editor, the simplest of which is called Notepad. On a computer, you can even draw using a program - a graphic editor. The text document that has the name is a text file. Similarly, a graphic document, such as a photograph, drawing, or blueprint, is a graphic file.
Work with this type of documents is carried out in graphics editor.

Graphic editors, just like text editors, are different. One of the famous programs is a graphic editor photoshop with great potential. This program is paid, again, far from cheap, sometimes it can be installed on a computer when buying it and, of course, included in the price. There are other free graphic editors that are not inferior in capabilities to the Photoshop editor.

The simplest program - a graphics editor that comes with the Windows operating system and installed on your computer is called Paint. For all its simplicity graphic editor Paint can do a lot of useful, interesting and beautiful things. Having mastered this editor, later you can easily use other more "cool" graphic editors.

Using a graphic editor Paint you can view photos, copy them, cut out part of the photo, put an inscription and also create your own multi-colored picture or a picture (if you have artistic ability), design a personal greeting card, draw a plan of the garden plot, etc.

Hover over the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the monitor screen, move the cursor up to the inscription "All Programs", the inscription will be highlighted in blue.
A column with a list of programs will appear on the right. Move the cursor to the right in this column and select "Standard" from the list, the inscription will be highlighted in blue.
Another column with a list will appear on the right.
Move the cursor to the right in this column and select " Paint", the inscription will be highlighted in blue. Click on this inscription.


This tutorial was previously written for a previous version of the Paint program included with the Windows XP operating system. Currently, a new version of the Paint graphics editor is included in the Windows 10 operating system. The interface (appearance) of the editor has changed, the arrangement of panels and some inscriptions have changed. The principle of the program remains the same.
I will show some changes for Windows 10 here in red text, accompanied by new pictures. Read everything else from the previous text.

A window will open, at the top of which there is an inscription "Untitled - Paint". In order to expand this window to full screen, select "View" in the top line, select "Zoom" in the drop-down menu, click "Large". Before us appeared a large white field - a space for work. When zooming in, not the entire field fit on the screen, scrolling engines appeared at the bottom and on the right. By clicking on them with the left button and holding, you can drag the sliders one to the right, the other down to view the entire image. If this seems inconvenient to you, return the previous scale.

A window will open, at the top of which there is an inscription "Untitled - Paint". In order to expand this window to full screen, select "View" in the top line, select "Zoom" in the drop-down menu, click "Zoom".
When zooming in, not the entire field fit on the screen, scrolling engines appeared at the bottom and on the right. By clicking on them with the left button and holding, you can drag the sliders one to the right, the other down to view the entire image. If this seems inconvenient to you, return the previous scale.
Then click "Home".

In the top left corner you see toolbar, and the color palette at the bottom left. Your cursor in the white field has changed to a pencil, and the pencil button is pressed on the toolbar.
Select any color from the palette with a mouse click and move the cursor over the field. The pencil will draw a line with the selected color.

A palette of colors appeared at the top right, the Tools panel appeared at the top left, the cursor took the form of a cross.
Click in the "Tools" on the pencil.
Select any color from the palette with a mouse click and move the cursor over the field. The pencil will draw a line with the selected color.
Choose a brush instead of a pencil, change the color from the palette.

Select a brush instead of a pencil, change the color from the palette, select the brush size at the bottom of the toolbar (try different ones), move the brush across the field.

Below the pencil, there is a button with a spray icon. Click on it and change the color. Briefly click on the white box, another time click and hold longer.
Depending on the duration, the spray will be less or more filled. The spot size is also selectable at the bottom of the toolbar.

Click on the arrow in the "Brushes" tools, a panel with different options will open, one of them is "Spray".
Briefly click on the white box, another time click and hold longer.
Depending on the duration, the spray will be less or more filled.

If you select one of the lines in the Thickness panel, it will determine the size of the spray pattern.
The thickness of the brush is also selected.

On the "Shapes" panel, select the "Line", "Rectangle" buttons, at the bottom of the toolbar, set the line thickness in the "Thickness" panel. To draw a line, place the cursor, click and, without releasing, drag further. To see a larger picture, click on the magnifying glass on the toolbar and click on the image. At the top of the toolbar there is an "Eraser" button, click on it, then drag along the drawn lines to erase them. The size of the eraser can also be selected in the Thickness panel by selecting the line thickness.

To draw a rectangle, place the cursor, click and, without releasing, drag along the diagonal of the rectangle. Using the "Ellipse" button, you can draw both an ellipse and a circle, practice.
There is also a "Rounded Rectangle" button. When you hover over the buttons, read the tooltips. The polygon is drawn like this. Click the "Polygon" button. Place the cursor on the field, click and, without releasing, drag to the next corner of the future polygon, release, click again in the same place and drag to another corner, etc.
The resulting closed polygon (any closed contour) can be filled inside with color. Click in the toolbar on a jar of "Fill" paint, after selecting a color, and click inside the outline.
There is also a curve button. Select it. Place the cursor, click and, without releasing, drag, for example, from top to bottom vertically, release, you get a vertical straight line. Move the cursor to the line, for example, in the middle, click and, without releasing, drag, for example, to the left. Let go, you get a concave blue line.

It's time to save our experimental drawing. Click "File, Save As", double click to open the "My Documents" folder, it has a "My Pictures" folder, open it.
Place the cursor in the line "File name" and enter a name, for example, "figure_1", do not put quotes, do not make a space, put an underscore instead of a space (at the top of the keyboard while pressing the Shift key with your left hand) or a dash.
Click Save. The file name "picture_1.bmp" will appear above the white working field, the computer added a dot and the extension "bmp", which is used for this picture file in this graphic editor.

In order to view the drawing enlarged, click on the magnifying glass on the toolbar and at the bottom of the panel click on the desired magnification scale. At the top of the toolbar there is an "Eraser" button, click on it, then drag along the drawn lines to erase them. The size of the eraser can also be selected at the bottom of the panel. After you erased something, click on the top line "Edit, Cancel", everything will appear again. Thus the program allows you to undo the last three actions.

You can delete everything drawn in another way. Click "Edit, Select All", then click "Del" key on the keyboard. Give it a try, then redo the drawing using the Edit, Undo method. Click "Edit, Select All" again, the cursor looks like a cross. Put a cross on the picture, press the left mouse button and, without releasing, drag the whole picture to a free field. To remove the selection (dotted line around the picture), click on the free field outside the dotted line.

After you have erased something, click the "Cancel" arrow in the top line, everything will appear again. Thus, the program allows you to undo the last three actions.

You can delete everything drawn in another way. In the top line, open the "Select" arrow, select "Select All".

You can return the picture using the "Return" arrow

In order to delete one of the shapes, open the "Select" top, select "Rectangular area".

To delete one of the shapes, click on the "Selection" rectangle on the toolbar, place the cursor in the upper left corner above the shape and drag to the lower right corner, release. The figure is highlighted with a dotted line, press the "Del" key. Undo the last two actions: deleting and moving the picture. Save the document: "File, Save".
Now click the "View, View Picture" button. In order to restore the previous state, left-click on the picture field.

It's time to save our experimental drawing. Click "File, Save As". In the previous version, it was possible to select only the BMP format. In the new version of the Paint editor, other save formats have appeared, with other extensions. You can use any of them, there are some minor differences for you. The most commonly used JPEG format, providing a small file size.

Windows 10 doesn't have the old My Pictures folder, so click Pictures and create a new Pictures folder, double-click it and save the picture.

If you have artistic abilities and skills, you can draw a portrait of yourself, or an animal, or a flower, and then use it as an avatar, for example, in a real-time chat program. To create your own avatar (in the absence of a photo in the computer), you can draw some kind of geometric pattern or symbol.

Select your pattern with a rectangular selection, click "Edit, Copy to File", your "My Pictures" folder will open, give a name to the file, for example "avatar_1", click "Save".
The system will add a dot and the letters "bmp " to the name. You already know that these letters are called an extension and serve to tell the computer which program to open the file with. The "bmp" extension corresponds to the Paint editor.
The file "avatar_1.bmp" is in the folder. To see how it turned out, click "File, Open", click on the avatar image, then "Open". How to insert an avatar read in lesson number 10.

Select your pattern with a rectangular selection, click on the "Crop" button on top, then: File, Save As, Image in JPG format, your "Pictures" folder will open, give a name to the file, for example "avatar_1", click "Save". The system will add a dot and the letters "jpg" to the name.

If you want to draw a picture or draw a sketch of the layout of your garden plot, but in the process of working you are afraid of spoiling everything already drawn, I recommend that you save intermediate work options under different names from time to time, for example, "plan_1, plan_2, plan_3" etc. The final result of the site plan can be called "plan_done", and after review, when you are sure that the sketch is finished and correct, delete all intermediate options.
To delete an unnecessary intermediate file, enter the "My Documents, My Pictures" folder, select the file, click on it, then press the "Del" key.

A program for drawing on a computer is a very necessary thing for both creative people and for those who work with images for work.

Few people think that in addition to regular Windows graphic editors, as well as, there are other computer drawing programs that are no worse, and in some places even outperform eminent competitors.

Another interesting free representative from the graphic category. Using the program, you can change and edit ready-made files or draw your own, fortunately, there are enough tools.

In addition to the standard tools that almost everyone has, there are also their own features.

It's no wonder why SmoothDraw has so many useful gadgets with a professional twist. The fact is that this project was originally conceived to create files from scratch.

This computer drawing program for kids is just right. There are no complicated elements here, and the menu is intuitive even for a beginner.

The lack of Russian support for packages with files is a little overshadowing, but the interface itself is so simple that you can ignore this shortcoming.

In addition, SmoothDraw does not have an installation file, being a portable version. In other words, you can transfer the folder with the editor to your flash drive, and then activate the product anywhere.

The application opens with equal ease on both older Win98 and Win8 machines.


The editor's workspace is quite archaic, which does not prevent it from being as informative as possible.

In addition to the classic panel, there are several floating windows that are configured in the menu and carry informative and auxiliary functions.

In addition, they are translucent, which will not interfere with drawing or editing any object.

This editor, by the way, has good support for layers, as well as the ability to import external files.

At the same time, you can vary the transparency, data blending, and also change the names of these layers. Useful feature, isn't it?

Hotkeys are available. To see the full list of supported commands, just click on the Window menu.

In most cases, all functions are activated by pressing F1-F12, although alternatives are possible.

The main advantage of the editor lies in the availability and pleasant appearance. And “in the depths” lies a good functionality that will appeal to many.


A good program, designed to compete with the eminent competitor from Adobe. Of course, it cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for Photoshop, but the functionality here is no less interesting.

In addition, products are produced under an Open Source license, i.e. completely free (non-commercial version). It is somewhat reminiscent of Corel PhotoPaint in its capabilities.

If you look at the workspace interface, you can see many similarities with the same competitor of version 7 and below.

At the same time, there are all the necessary windows required for a raster editor, whether it is a toolkit, navigation, a list of layers, or a sequence of actions performed.

The main tool is, oddly enough, a brush. Firstly, this is the most popular tool, and secondly, the developers have endowed this function with an abundance of settings and fine-tuning “for themselves”.

Even cropping was given attention, providing it with horizontal and vertical proportions.

As for a free program, working with layers is implemented perfectly.

You are free to group them, set opacity, blend types, and even fix scaling and moving. But what is really useful is the duplication of a separate layer.

It even has its own format - awd. Layers can only be saved in it, but the list of supported ones includes jpg, png, psd, tiff and more. Full set.

A good choice for those who just decided to get comfortable.

Text: Viktor Bespaly

The computer has changed its role more than once during its evolution. If earlier it was bought in order to create, now it has turned into a multimedia entertainment center. On a computer, you can watch movies, listen to music, play games - and for most people this is enough. But not for those who want to create. Today we will talk about how you can draw on a computer - and at the same time draw beautifully.

A real designer is unthinkable without art education, he must be fluent in the technique of drawing (pencil, charcoal), graphics (watercolor, gouache, pencil, ink, etc.), painting (gouache, watercolor, tempera, acrylic, oil). But everyone can master computer graphics. A computer in the hands of an ordinary person can turn into an obedient tool for the embodiment of his artistic thought - the very one that he cannot translate on paper.

The first thing to remember is that there are two types of graphic files: vector and raster. The set of tools and programs you need will depend on which graphics you prefer. In vector files, the picture is formed by a set of curves and shading functions. Each time you open this picture, the editor program draws the image from scratch. In raster files, a picture is a set of dots with a color parameter, and the picture is universal, but takes up more space.


One of the most important parameters of a computer is the amount of RAM.

Contrary to many claims, a very fast processor is not needed to draw on a computer. A real frequency of 1.5-2 GHz is quite enough, it will be Intel or AMD - it doesn't matter, it all depends on the means and preferences you have. The most important parameter of a computer working with graphics is the amount of RAM; the more it is, the better. Our working applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas (or even 3DS MAX), are very fond of having a lot of RAM. And if you are going to create complex multi-layer compositions (and you are definitely going to?), then you can’t get away with standard 512 MB DDR. You can recommend to put at least 1 GB; the speed of RAM affects performance less noticeably.

An ultra-modern video card is not needed for drawing, the brand also does not really matter. However, there is an established opinion that the best cards for drawing and graphics are produced by Matrox.

Now the main thing: the periphery. And we'll start with the good old scanner- without it, the artist will have a very difficult time, but he is needed, first of all, to enter background blanks into the computer. For example, you have drawn a palm tree, and now you need to place it on an island by the sea. Take a similar illustration on paper, scan it, style it like a painting and place it as a layer under a palm tree. A digital camera can compensate for the lack of a scanner, but in this application it will cope with the task with a C grade. You can make sketches by hand on plain paper, and then correct them on the computer, having previously scanned them. A decent scanner will cost you 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

And finally, the main peripheral device for a computer artist - digitizer or tablet. They come in two main types - drawing and graphic. Drawing tablet designed for CAD applications such as AutoCAD, 3DStudioMAX and their analogues. Such tablets have a pen without a degree of pressure - it is either pressed or not, details are not provided here. The main advantages of these tablets are high resolution and positioning accuracy; an old model with a large area will cost about 1,800 rubles.

Graphics tablet differs in the following: a small platform (the areas of the graphics are small compared to the drawings); it positions the point rougher, but it feels pressure on the pen, and this is a big plus. If you use Adobe Photoshop, then working with chiaroscuro and brushes of different thicknesses will be much easier. Additionally, you can use the function that makes the stroke brighter or paler, depending on the force of pressing - as a result, we get the opportunity to draw a lighter or darker "spot" without changing the brush.

For our case, graphic tablets are best suited. Prices for non-professional models start at 800 rubles; as you understand, the more expensive the tablet, the better it is and the more convenient it is to work on it. However, even on a small A6 matrix, everything can look quite tolerable.

Another useful device uninterruptable power source. Better to play it safe than later grieve over the loss of a brilliant creation, over which you pored over for a week. Estimated price depends on the desired capacity and the number of connected devices. In order to have time to save the drawing at the right time and turn off the computer correctly, a UPS worth 1,000 rubles is enough.

Mice are ordinary

A rather exotic input method is trackball- an inverted mouse with a big ball. The user rotates this ball with his fingers. The advantage of the trackball over the mouse is the high accuracy of cursor movement at low speeds. For everyday use, the trackball is inconvenient.

In choise mice everything is quite simple: whether it sits comfortably in the hand, whether there is scrolling or a 3rd button, etc., all this is entirely up to your taste. A separate conversation about rugs, carpets must be bought specifically, and not use those that come as a bonus to a new computer.

A mechanical mouse pad needs to be slippery and grippy at the same time. This means that the mouse should not stick to the carpet, but the ball should literally bite into it. For optics, it is better to choose such a rug so that the mouse does not jerk the cursor while standing still. The size of the rug should also be optimal - too large ones take up a lot of space on the table, and too small make the user often move the mouse away from the edge of the carpet.

You can also draw with a regular mouse. But not necessary.


There is a whole range of software tools - from simple tools for drawing on a computer to professional packages. The Windows shell includes one of the simplest packages - Paint. On the example of working with this package, you can get an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to create graphic files. There are also more serious packages, for example, Adobe Photoshop. Let's try to briefly go through the main programs and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Painter is one of the best drawing software.

painter- the best program for computer artist. Version 8 is now out, called Corel Painter. Don't be fooled by phrases like "Procreate Painter is better than Corel Painter" - it's the same program. Painter easily imitates all currently known real materials for drawing and painting, and even the styles of individual well-known artists. The interface is intuitive, the only drawback of the program is that it is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- a package focused more on photo processing than on drawing. However, it contains many essential tools for an artist. Painting in it is not very convenient, but coloring pictures of comics is the very thing, and applying various styles and filters to them is even better. The great advantage of Photoshop lies in the fact that a huge number of filters, brushes and other add-ons have been created for it. You can easily convert all sketches into a single gallery with a recognizable style. Photoshop is paid and expensive, but it's worth it.

Photoshop is the most powerful graphic editor for all occasions.

OpenCanvas- a completely free program for artists, very easy and convenient, but in terms of functionality it is very inferior to expensive counterparts. In many ways it repeats the flagships, but greatly simplified. The project is developing, new updates are released periodically. Would recommend to all budding artists.

OpenCanvas is free and functional - that's what it's good for.

Ambient Design ArtRage- a special program that allows you to draw almost artistic works using a tablet computer or tablet. You can draw either yourself, or use any digital photo as a substrate; you can draw not only on a tablet computer, but also using an ordinary mouse or tablet. Very useful and absolutely free program.

Ambient Design ArtRage is designed specifically for tablet computers.

Corel Draw- vector graphics editor. For a long time it was considered a toy for amateurs, professionals disdained the program, preferring Adobe Illustrator. But the Canadian company Corel did not stand still - the situation changed after the release of the 10th series. The program has grown so much that today we can already recognize it as a very serious vector graphics tool. Everyone will like it - from a green beginner trying to draw “in Corel” for the first time, to a pro who, in no time, makes some fashionable trademark or label for a new beer with it.

Corel Draw is a powerful vector editor.

Combining these editors together, you can achieve almost any result. The only thing to remember is that the vector editor is always primary, and the raster editor is secondary. That is, having edited the file in a raster editor, it can no longer be converted to vector format, it will only be possible to overlay the next layer.

Summarize. The required set of a computer artist is Painter or Photoshop. Optional - Flash, Corel Draw, OpenCanvas. A vector editor will allow you to create an image from scratch, while a raster one works better with blanks. This, of course, does not mean that in the same Photoshop it is impossible to draw something decent, or even brilliant. But it is more convenient to draw in vector programs.

Options for practical application

Budget. Mouse, pad, bitmap editor.

If you invested a little more than the standard $ 10 in a mousepad and mouse, and if you have a lot of patience and no less time, then, of course, you will draw something. Sadly, drawing with a regular mouse is very difficult. At best, drawings are obtained in the style of children's primitivism.

Minimum. Scanner, sheet of paper, pencil, mouse, raster or vector editor.

This method is quite laborious, but allows you to get good results. The meaning is simple - you make a sketch on paper, scan it and process it in a graphics editor. The better the software, the better the drawing will be.

Comfortable. Mouse, scanner, Corel Draw, quality mouse pad.

It is very convenient if the mouse polling frequency is high, and with the help of vector editors you can draw any curved lines correctly. But this method is good only for vector editors.

How to. Graphics tablet, scanner, trackball, Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop.

With this set you can draw at a high level, you are limited only by your skills and imagination.

Graphics tablet

A tablet is the perfect drawing device.

Probably, almost everyone who has ever picked up an electronic pen and tried to draw something on a graphics tablet has experienced bewilderment and disappointment. It looks so much like a regular pen, but the feeling of drawing is completely different. And the results, frankly, are not brilliant. Perhaps the result will be better if you understand the principle of operation of these wonderful plates.

A special grid is installed inside the tablet. These are conductors made of the thinnest copper strips. Each of them can be compared to a receiving antenna that receives a signal from an electronic pen. They allow special microcircuits to track the position of the pen on the tablet and transmit its coordinates to the chip. Further, the driver and the drawing program are included in the work.

When we draw a pen over the active area of ​​the tablet, then on the screen, if we have a graphics editor loaded and a drawing tool selected, a trace remains. Many tablets have a transparent plastic cover that can be removed and you can put a picture or photo under it. This will allow you to trace the image while copying it. At the pen itself, one end is for drawing, the other is for erasing. The device and principle of operation of all tablets are almost the same.

Successful work!

We have considered the most common applications that act as full-fledged complexes for drawing, as well as processing various graphic images.

Which utility you choose depends on your goals.

Corel Painter will be highly appreciated by digital graphics professionals. This is the best choice when you want to download the drawing tool to your computer to work with your tablet. Eminent developers offer a developed, but rather complex product. To learn how to use all the benefits of the package, you will have to spend a lot of time.

Autodesk SketchBook Pro is a quality drawing program for all categories of users. It allows you to both process images and create cool art, comics, sketches from scratch. An accessible interface in Russian will be a nice bonus, but in order to work with the utility at the highest level, it is advisable to think about purchasing a professional monitor with good color reproduction.

Adobe Photoshop allows you to apply a wide variety of effects and filters. Creating images will seem very comfortable and quite simple. You can enjoy an accessible Russian-language interface and a large number of training video tutorials and materials on the Internet.

Working with Tux Paint is aimed at high-quality training for inexperienced users. The interface of the utility will be convenient for any user, and the presence of sound and animation effects will attract the attention of a children's audience whose parents want to teach their child the art of drawing on a computer.

Paint.NET will bring a lot of positive impressions, the program engine is able to remember all user activity and return more than a dozen completed actions, excluding the errors present in the editing process and applying all kinds of effects. Paint has a familiar Russian-language interface, it effectively edits vector graphics.

Pixbuilder Studio is distinguished by high performance indicators, the rest of the utilities from the above selection demonstrate a lower speed of launching and opening images. The program contains rich professional-level functionality and is available for download absolutely free of charge.

Fans of various brushes will appreciate the Artweaver Free program, which has a lot of useful filters and effects. It is worth noting that the application allows you to create your own brushes, which will become difficult for competitors.

Paint Tool SAI is a serious utility designed for professional artists and designers to create stunning illustrations as well as digital paintings. The utility supports graphic tablets, giving creative people all the necessary resources for artistic activities. Moreover, some studios use Paint Tool SAI as a cartoon drawing program. Its functions are too good.

Graffiti Studio is difficult to compare with full-fledged painters and even drawing games for children, since the purpose of this application is to entertain the user. You can fulfill your teenage dream and feel like a master of street graffiti. True, the range of tools is scarce - only a marker and spray cans, but a huge selection of colors and shades, line thicknesses will be a significant plus.

Also, the wonderful programs MyPaint, Medibang Paint, SmoothDraw, Affinity Designer, the Paint graphic editor built into Windows and the Inkscape raster graphics editor were not included in the review. You can always find their detailed descriptions on our website.

Even in ancient times, people began to draw. First they carved drawings on stones, then on parchments. For all the time, a large number of drawing tools have appeared. Nowadays, this tool is a computer. There are a large number of programs for working with graphics. This article will tell you how to draw on a computer.

Each Windows operating system has built-in ones. As a rule, this is Paint. If you do not know how to find it, then you should go to the "Start" menu, and in the "Find programs" field, write the word "Paint". Next, to open the program, just click on its name. Paint has all the necessary tools like an eraser, a pencil, a fill, etc. If your Internet is turned off, or you are just bored, then you can pass the time by drawing various pictures.

If you are determined to create serious landscapes or other paintings, then the Paint program will not work. You need to use more serious tools.

Computer graphics can be divided into two types: vector and raster. The latter is a grid of pixels of a certain size. How to draw on a computer using this You can do this using the Adobe Photoshop image editor. This program is rightfully considered one of the most popular and effective for drawing. In addition, Photoshop is used by many professionals to work with graphic elements.

There are also programs that are not as advanced as Adobe Photoshop, such as Gimp. Despite its simplicity, it has a large number of functions, many argue that this is a very good alternative to Adobe. With Gimp, you can easily understand how to draw on a computer.

Vector graphics are based on the use of geometric objects: points, polygons and lines. Its advantage is that you can enlarge the image, while the image quality does not deteriorate.

The best option for processing vector graphics is the graphic editor Adobe Illustrator. These programs are considered the best. When you are wondering how to draw on a computer and which program to choose, it is worth paying attention to these ones. After all, they are used by professional designers, artists and other specialists in this field.

You can also use Inkscape for vector graphics. This graphics editor is not as popular as the programs described above, but it is good for drawing.

You can also draw with graphics tablets. Are they designed to create images from a computer using a graphics tablet? This tool comes with a pen that you use to draw on its surface, while the touches of the pen are transferred to the computer screen. The best program for drawing with a graphics tablet is Paint tool SAI. It simulates drawing on real paper. Drawing on a tablet is much more convenient than on a PC, since the mouse does not produce very smooth lines, the hand is constantly shaking. Using the pen, you can draw straight and clear lines. True, a quality graphics tablet costs a lot of money (from

So you have learned the answer to the question of how to draw on a computer. To do this, you only need a drawing program and desire. So that the result does not disappoint, you can buy a special graphics tablet.

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