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Is it realistic to independently promote a channel on YouTube. How to promote a YouTube channel? Best YouTube channels: reviews

Previously, the only criterion for ranking YouTube videos was the total number of views. Many years have passed, and now YouTube is equipped with a sophisticated algorithm that measures engagement - the videos with the most views, likes and comments go to the top.

  • titles, descriptions, previews;
  • the total amount of time viewers spent watching the video;
  • likes and dislikes, comments;
  • personal preferences of the user (what people watch and what not).

It sounds simple, but when it comes to progress, difficulties and setbacks are inevitable. That is why we have compiled a list of practical tips to help you promote your channel.

1.Create content that promotes itself

It is corny, but inevitable.

You need to analyze your niche and understand what type of content your audience is looking for. If people don't like your videos, then if you spend thousands of dollars on advertising, they won't become popular anyway. Do your research and find popular channels in your niche. See what types of videos are posted there, what people like, what they don't like, what information is missing. Provide additional value to viewers and your content will promote itself. Well, we offer you some ideas for publishing to help you.

Interview, video answers

Conduct an interview with a renowned expert in your industry. Cool idea, and you don't even have to share personal experiences. All you have to do is prepare questions and learn more about the person. People will see a famous name on the title, and they will definitely click on it.

Reviews, tutorials and walkthroughs

How often do you watch YouTube videos to figure out how to do something? We think often, because video is the best way to understand how something works. Reviews are also great material: compare popular services, gadgets, products, show their advantages and disadvantages.

Entertainment content

Entertainment content is the main reason millions of people visit YouTube every day. However, this does not mean that you need to post the same collection of files all the time. There are many other ways to entertain your viewers.

2. Optimize your keywords

YouTube is a search engine that people use to search for the information they need. So you need to think about your keywords. If you have no idea what keywords to add, ask yourself a couple of questions: What is your video about? What do people type in the YouTube search bar to find you? Select keywords and include them in your video. They need to be added to:

  • title;
  • description;
  • graphic files;
  • tags.

Good keywords will also help you drive traffic from Google. If you properly optimize your video, then it will receive a high ranking in search engines. You can search for keywords using Google Keyword Planner focusing on their relevance and scope of use.

3. Catchy headline and original previews

When people see a video in related content or in search results, they look at your title and preview, immediately deciding whether to click on it or not. The headline should be catchy and informative so that people immediately understand what your video is about. Accordingly, the picture should also be appropriate and eye-catching.

How to make a competent preview?

  • Show face close-up.

Faces always attract attention and inspire confidence.

  • Choose bright colors

Add a background with a vibrant color to grab the viewer's eye.

  • Combine images with text

You can insert a main idea, a joke, or additional information. Use a graphics editor (Photoshop, Crello or any other of your choice).

  • All your designs should be consistent in style

People will start to recognize your content and watch more of your videos.

4. Use calls to action and end screens

Calls to action can sometimes seem annoying, but they actually work. Most people are passive, and to get them to take the next step, you need to talk about it directly. This is exactly what the most successful YouTubers do. At the end of your video, ask viewers to like, comment, or subscribe to your channel. Be clear about what you want people to do, and don't set too many tasks.

The end screen saver will help you nudge viewers to the next step. You can show content related to the video or ask them to subscribe to your channel and follow you on social media.

5. Promote your videos through emails and social media

If you are starting a corporate YouTube blog, then you most likely have a huge list of your clients' email addresses. Next time you create a helpful video, tutorial, or walkthrough, be sure to share it by email. Your views will grow and you will get your first subscribers. Share video content on social media and insert your channel link in your email signatures.

Try to find as many Facebook groups related to your topic as possible. Be active in these communities, post your videos, and get huge reach.

6. Collaborate with other channels

Once you have your first followers, consider collaborating with other bloggers and brands. If you have common goals, you can cross-promote each other on your channels. This is an extremely effective and free way to attract new subscribers. However, avoid advertising: conduct interviews with each other, participate in challenges - everything should look as natural as possible.

7. Use ads

YouTube has great promotional offers that can help you get more views. However, advertising on Youtube is not cheap at all, so you need to plan your campaign carefully. Already the first seconds of your video should grab the audience's attention and encourage them to look further. YouTube targeting options allow you to target specific audiences by interest, age, or gender.

8. Be active

Try to post regularly - the more videos on your channel, the more people will watch them. Make a content plan and publish videos accordingly. You can post videos on certain days of the week - this will help subscribers understand what content and when to expect from you.

If you have just created a YouTube channel and started promoting it, you should know that you made the right choice. Video is one of the main trends and is only becoming more popular every year. YouTube is a very powerful social network with fantastic features, so make the most of them.

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Question from Andrey Sveridov:

Hello. I read your article a few months ago on how to make money on YouTube. After that, I got a channel on YouTube, but it is spinning up somehow slowly and weakly. Please tell me how to promote a YouTube channel? Does the speed of promotion depend on the topic? Thanks for your site!

Today, Internet business brings really good income, and many SEOs understand that targeted traffic can be received not only from search engines, but also through social networks and other sites. In addition, such traffic will be even better and more efficient than that received from search engines, and this is especially true for commercial topics. A YouTube channel is a great way to get traffic and attract attention to your product, which is why its promotion plays a very important role.

Basic principles of promotion

Before we talk about how to do it right promote a YouTube channel, you need to understand the essence of working with this site and the reasons why videos are or do not become popular.

Honesty Above All

The popularity of a channel on the Youtube site depends, first of all, on the reaction of viewers to its content. If the video initially represents an obvious deception or clearly demonstrates the purpose of capitalizing on visitors, then the situation will not be saved either by turning off comments or anything else. Only sincerity and at least some kind of return to the viewer can save from a negative reaction, even if initially the author pursues precisely commercial, even selfish goals. For example, a person selling travel packages or providing booking services should post travel-related videos on their channel. In this case, people who are interested in it will still visit the channel and watch the video, despite the purpose of maintaining such a video blog.

Money is not the main thing!

Nowadays, for a certain amount, you can get almost everything: from beautiful photographs and pertinent content to laudatory comments and reviews written by fake people. Any site for money can be promoted to the top and advertised well, even if there is an advertisement for a poor quality product at an unreasonably high price. In most cases, visitors will believe the beautiful cover and will not guess that this is all a hoax, but in the case of YouTube videos, this tactic will not work. Even if comments are closed, users can always express their attitude to an uninteresting video or a bad product by means of a dislike button or a complaint to the site's technical support service. The minimum damage that the author of the video will receive in this case is the loss of subscribers and popularity, the maximum is blocking the channel on the site.

Interesting and useful material is the key to success

Despite the fact that YouTube is becoming more and more popular, including as a commercial platform, the principle is still relevant here: an interesting channel will become popular anyway. It is not necessary to deeply understand the promotion methods or pay to promote a channel on YouTube - you just need to fill it with really unique, interesting and useful content. In this case, subscribers will appear by themselves, and the popularity will grow.

10 ways to promote your YouTube channel

Share videos on social networks and forums

Most often, users associate direct links with spam, so as an alternative, you can immediately insert the code into the video in your message. This, firstly, will increase the views themselves, and secondly, it will not be perceived as annoying spam. The main thing is to insert your videos into place and not too intrusive.

Describe and add tags to each video

As you know, the name, tags and category determine how many people and for what queries will find a video through a channel search. These aspects need to be given great attention: to make both the title and description as informative as possible, and also to include in the text as many keywords as possible. It is from this work on the promotion of the channel on YouTube that the mechanical part of the popularization of the video and the channel as a whole will depend.

Leave links wherever possible

As mentioned above, most often users will mistake direct links for spam, so this method of promotion is slightly less effective than inserting videos. Nevertheless, this technique is perfect for complex channel promotion or a single video. The main goal of this method is to acquire visitors not only directly through the site, but also through search engines such as Yandex and Google. Keep in mind that manual links are less effective than purchased links.

Add as many videos as possible

A large number of videos are directly related to the popularity of the channel on Youtube. Obviously, a channel with a thousand videos will spin up faster than a channel with ten or a hundred. That is why, while promoting the channel, it is necessary to update it as often as possible, not forgetting that the videos should be interesting and useful to visitors. Of course, these do not have to be long videos, they can be diluted with short, but capacious and relevant videos. This approach will suit a wide variety of tastes and attract more visitors.

Make video responses to other videos

The promotion of the channel on YouTube can also be carried out at the expense of other, more popular videos. By filming video responses to them, you can draw attention to your channel and acquire additional subscribers. The main thing is to create such answers competently and thoughtfully and remember that praise or continuation of the author's thought is preferable to swearing and provoking a conflict.

Create viral videos

There are well-known cases when accidentally filmed videos in a matter of hours were scattered throughout the network like a virus, and gained enormous popularity. This method still remains very, very effective, however, to create a competent viral video, you will most likely need the help of a professional.

Encourage viewers to take action

According to statistics, those video bloggers who directly ask for it at the end of their videos receive a greater number of likes and subscribers. It may sound surprising, but simple phrases like “put your thumbs up and subscribe to my channel” have an almost magical effect. In practice, it almost always turns out that it is not at all difficult for a visitor to like and even subscribe.

Make friends with other video bloggers

Connections always play a defining role in any business, real or virtual. You can draw additional attention to yourself by mentioning other video bloggers in your videos. Most likely, reciprocal mentions and links to the channel will not keep you waiting, provided that the author's videos are really interesting.

Answer questions and communicate with subscribers

Contact with subscribers is another important part of YouTube channel promotion. The more a video blogger is open to communication, the more popular his channel will become. You can not only communicate with visitors in the comments, but also create a separate section for answering questions that are asked in the comments or on social networks. Such videos not only increase the popularity of the author, but also do not require a lot of preparation, script writing, etc.

To keep up with the times

Last but not least, the rule of promoting a channel on YouTube is that you should always be aware of the latest events and create truly unique videos. The channel that monitors the Iphone 4 when the Iphone 6 is out, or posts a blog about the hottest sales of the past summer at the end of November, will never be popular. An author who follows the news and timely chooses topics for videos will certainly succeed in promoting his channel.

Advertising campaign in AdWords for video can help you increase the number of views and attract new subscribers to the channel. You can create ads to appear before the video or next to the video (on the YouTube watch page).

Your job boils down to preparing your ads, setting a budget, and using marketing tools to identify the right consumer group.

Campaign spending has no bottom line - you can pay as much as you want. You can change your ad, targeting and budget settings at any time. Plus, you can end the campaign at any time.

Prepare interesting call-to-action ads

YouTube videos It is best to promote with unique ads that will inspire viewers and allow them to get to know your channel.

Here are some useful strategies:

  • Keep your ad short... Try to keep within 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Show viewers what your films are about... For advertising, you can take clippings from your most popular films. Remember, your ad should resemble the rest of your content.
  • Try to make the most of the first five seconds... After this time, viewers will be able to skip all ads, so you should use this time creatively to convince them to watch the rest of the ad.
  • ... A call to action is a marketing term. They represent messages that explicitly tell the viewer what to do. If the text is not understandable, then the viewer may not click and subscribe to the channel, even if he likes the ad. Remember to use clear calls to action eg “Click and subscribe to our channel” or “See more offers from channel X”. Use clues to help you place an effective call to action in your video.
  • Give the viewer some time to act... If your movie is unusually entertaining, the viewer may not realize that in a minute they will lose the chance to click on an important link. When the ad is over, the viewer will switch to watching something else, so at least the last ten seconds of the movie should give them a chance to perform the action. For example, you can insert static calls to action in your ad.
  • Give your ad a name that will appeal to viewers... Think about it for a while, because it will not only be visible in your dashboard - viewers will see it too. "Advertise my channel" is probably not a good idea. If you give your ad a “Subscribe to my channel” title, that title will be an additional call to action.
  • Place your ad on the channel you intend to promote... Upload it there as a public movie.

Take full advantage of TrueView formats

Paid Channel Promotion with AdWords for Videos enables several YouTube-specific ad formats known as TrueView ads.

To get started, answer the questions how you are going to pay for ads, what types of ad formats you have, and how you want to drive viewers to your channel. When you choose a format that will suit your goals, create an ad campaign.

TrueView In-Stream Ads resemble commercials - they are played before the film, on which its creator earns. Specially prepared advertising clips are ideal for this format.

After five seconds of viewing such an advertisement, viewers get the opportunity to skip ad... This format allows you to calculate the cost of full views. You pay only when the viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds.

  • As a TrueView In-Stream advertisement, you can use a video in which you explain to the viewer why it is worth watching your channel.
  • If you would like to make better use of your new TrueView In-Stream ad, you can place it on your channel as an official trailer (video intro).

TrueView In-Display Ads appear on YouTube watch pages as thumbnails and text. Displayed to the right of suggested and recommended movies.

This format allows you to calculate the cost of views. You only pay when a user clicks on your ad and starts watching your video on the watch page. In-Display ads are ideal for promoting video from a channel.

However, if you choose to use this format, make sure your videos are optimized accordingly:

  • Use annotations to indicate additional materials: Annotations can encourage viewers to jump to playlists or other movies.
  • Create an attractive thumbnail: Use a prominent, engaging and original thumbnail to encourage users to click through to your video.
  • Use calls to action: Make sure the movie you are promoting encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel, watch new movies, or do other things.

Reaching new audiences

Paid advertising with AdWords for video can be a great option for developers who are struggling to build a community. It allows you to attract new viewers to your channel by appropriately managing your ads.

Several methods are available targeting advertising:

  • Placement targeting- Ads appear on other channels where viewers may find your video interesting. Start by identifying the channels you want to attract audience for. Then add them as destinations in your campaign settings.
  • Interest categories targeting- allows you to reach viewers who have interests in accordance with the channel profile. For example, if you have a feed with cooking tutorials, you might want to target your ad to viewers who are interested in the topic of food. Start by identifying which topics might interest your audience, and then add the appropriate categories to your campaign targeting settings.

Ask viewers to subscribe

Despite the many video views, few people subscribe to your channel? AdWords for Videos has a feature video remarketing, which allows you to show specially prepared ads to those viewers who have already got acquainted with your materials, but have not yet subscribed to the channel.

Collaborate with another channel

Are you currently collaborating with a YouTube channel or are you using the opportunities to promote films for each other? If yes, then using the function adwords remarketing for video, you can easily target your ads to the audience of your partners' channels.

Affiliate channel owners will have to link your YouTube account to your AdWords account.

  • Select your video campaign targeting preferences:
    • Create a remarketing list that includes all viewers or subscribers of your channel.
    • Create a list of your current subscribers.
    • Then, create a list of all viewers or subscribers of the running channel who have not subscribed to your channel.
  • Create ads to be used for mutual promotion within the campaign:
    • Prepare an in-stream ad or channel trailer showing both channels.
    • Explain why the audience on the second channel might be interested in your content.
    • Do not forget to add a call to subscribe to your ad.

Use the URL of playlists and subscription pages

Remember that it is important to choose an address that will fully match the goals of the campaign:

  • Attracting new subscribers: If the goal of in-stream advertising is to increase the number of subscribers on the channel, it is worth sending them to the subscription page... For the target URL, enter: [insert your feed here].
  • Increase the number of views of certain videos: If you want the selected films to be watched more often (for example, to generate more income), refer viewers to specific videos in the playlist(not on the viewing site). For the target URL, enter:

The first thousand views on YouTube or the first thousand subscribers is always difficult, exciting, and many think that it will take too long. Therefore, you should first figure out how to promote a channel on YouTube for free, and then add videos. At the very least, this approach will prevent you from making gross mistakes.

    • Method one. Create viral content
    • Method two. Think carefully about title, tags and description
    • Method three. Make your channel unique
    • Method four. Download videos as often as possible
    • The fifth method. Use third party resources
    • Sixth method. Just ask
    • Method seven. Comment on top video bloggers
    • Method eight. Mutual PR
    • Method nine. Annotations, hints
    • Method ten. Closing screensavers

Method one. Create viral content

A site can be at the top of the search results thanks to a smart SEO, even if the content is weak, to put it mildly. It won't work with a video: if you artificially “wind up” the required number of views, you can still be lowered in the search results, putting cons. In addition, employers have long learned to identify such channels. And deception is very severely punished by YouTube - up to the complete blocking of the account.

Therefore, the content should be of high quality, causing a natural (!) Desire to watch it. A viral video often does not need to be promoted in any way. On the contrary, it draws attention to other projects. But how to shoot such a video is another question. Here it is already necessary to study the niche, the target audience, what is in demand now and why.

Method two. Think carefully about title, tags and description

Largely because of this point, the advice above was given to first deal with the free promotion of the channel. If you add a video without a description, then the chance that almost no one will see it increases. It is also very important to correctly select the tags and category that are suitable for the topic. And don't forget to create a unique description with keys. The title should describe what is happening as accurately as possible, but at the same time it should not be too complicated or too long.

Method three. Make your channel unique

Think about a logo, splash screens, annotations ... How will it look? The result should be memorable - in a good way.

By the way, in the annotation, you can neatly beat the subscription offer. Usually, it is much more convenient for the viewer to simply click on the link in the video itself than to search for where they can subscribe to you. And then he can be distracted, change his mind, forget. A competent annotation catches right while watching. Which is very clever: after all, a well-done work evokes vivid emotions, on the wave of which you can subscribe.

Method four. Download videos as often as possible

If you are going to add one video once a month, and you are not Lady Gaga, then we have bad news for you ... In general, for active promotion you need at least one video every two days. Bigger is better. Users need to be reminded of themselves, because they can easily be taken away by someone more active. It's incredibly easy to get distracted on YouTube.

The fifth method. Use third party resources

For some reason, YouTube channel promotion is often associated with the video hosting itself. Meanwhile, a huge number of views can be obtained through social networks or a blog.

Let's say you have a page with several thousand subscribers. Want a lot of views? Just add a video and write something interesting about it. Often the numbers begin to grow before our very eyes. The same tactic works with publics, forums, in general, with any places where you can attract attention, and where people are often.

Sixth method. Just ask

Surprisingly, this method has become a real discovery for many. Meanwhile, it really gives a result: in the video itself, for example, at the end (not so annoying) you can ask to like you. And if you really liked the video, then tell your friends about you. As a rule, most people do not mind making one click.

Method seven. Comment on top video bloggers

A substantial proportion of subscribers love to exchange opinions on popular videos no less than to watch the videos themselves. And most of all attention is usually paid to the first comments. Feel free to leave comments - people will read and respond, and some will go to your channel.

By the way, you should definitely reply to comments on your videos. Users love to be noticed. With active communication, you can get several hundred subscribers, which is already good at the start.

Method eight. Mutual PR

On YouTube, you can find a very large number of channels that are close on the topic with yours and negotiate with webmasters about friendly recommendations and promotions.

On his own channel, the webmaster should go to the "friends" or "interesting" item. This section can have different names. The webmaster has to decide on it himself. Links to these channels must be provided.

It is better to negotiate an exchange with channels whose traffic and topics are close to yours.

Method nine. Annotations, hints

Not all channel visitors will watch the video to the end, therefore, in order to increase the proportion of people who will take targeted actions, use two tools inside the video editor - Hints and Annotations.

Annotations are often used to channel visitors who are watching the video for the links they want - for example, links to the main site or links to affiliate offers with pay per action (CPA). To add annotations to your videos, you need to enter the video editing mode and select the "Annotations" menu item there.

annotation Is a clickable message that appears inside the video and includes some information for the viewer. For example, it can agitate to watch a new video on the channel or download additional information from the website.

It is convenient to use tips for an unobtrusive recommendation to subscribe to the channel, as well as watch additional videos on the topic

Often video bloggers abuse annotations, they cover all videos, of course, this does not cause anything but negativity. For a softer recommendation, it is better to use a new tool in Youtube - Hints.

Method ten. Closing screensavers

At the end of the video, you need to offer the user a simple set of actions - use calls to subscribe to the channel, like and leave a comment.

At the end of the clip, you can insert a frame that says that if you liked the video, you need to click on the like, and at the same time show where such a button is located. This will be a good method to promote your YouTube channel.

And, of course, you shouldn't be limited to one way. Experiment, combine different ways, come up with your own ... Youtube loves creative!

Watch this free workshop and learn how to build a brand and generate sales and traffic with Youtube content marketing:

You can earn quite normally on the Internet. In principle, this is what very, very many people are doing. Now the mass business is moving to the Internet, where some entertainment channels and communities on social networks have learned to correctly publish ads (not intrusive, interesting and with a call to action), many large corporations are hiring freelancers and remote employees, people are used to shopping on social networks .. And this is not a complete list confirming that there is money on the Internet. You just need to be able to earn them correctly. It is precisely to earn by their own labor, and not to hope for easy money without investments.

Monetizing video content

Video content is also being monetized today. Videos have become a trend, and a very large audience is concentrated on video hosting. YouTube, as the largest video hosting service and the second most searched in the world, is keeping up with the trends.

You can make money on video for a long time - connect ads, recommend various products to subscribers, use an affiliate program. But uninteresting videos of dubious quality will not attract an active and loyal audience. But it is the large number of subscribers, their activity in the form of comments, likes and reposts on social networks that is the core of stable and high earnings on YouTube, as well as promoting your own or corporate brand. This is where the promotion of the YouTube channel comes to the rescue.

Channel topic

If you still have nothing to promote, it doesn't matter, you can create and properly design a channel in just a few hours. First, you need to decide on the topic. It can be anything. It's great if the topic is on the list of relevant topics. And, of course, the topic of the channel should be close and interesting to its creator - otherwise it will be boring to shoot a video and promote the YouTube channel. When choosing a topic, it is important to immediately imagine what audience it will be designed for. Narrowly specialized topics, most likely, will be of interest to a small number of Internet users, so they will not collect many likes.

Most often on video hosting there are entertainment channels, game reviews, letplays (shooting gameplay), various educational videos (DIY), videos about construction and repair, including mobile phones, small and large household appliances, computers, and so on. Further. Selections of films on topics, games, goods, reviews and reviews (the so-called unpacking), beauty channels, videos on the topic of motherhood, culinary channels are relevant. For a long time, videos with a description of earning strategies have attracted the attention of users.

Publishing "all at once" will not work - you need to clearly define the topic. Videos about everything can only be afforded by well-known media persons, who will have subscribers in any case.

Creation and design

To create a channel, you need to have a Google account. The registration process is standard, you will need to enter the desired username (it will also be your email address), gender, date of birth, phone number and alternate email address. On YouTube you need to go to the "Creative Workshop", where there will be a "Create Channel" button. The service will ask you to decide on the name and add a picture - the channel's logo. The latter can be done later. It is advisable to add a channel icon and cover in the same style - it is difficult to imagine effective YouTube channel promotion without branding. On the cover, you can specify links to profiles on social networks, your own website.

Record and publish videos

High-quality and interesting content is a guarantee that the promotion of the YouTube channel will go like clockwork. Videos should be uploaded regularly, preferably at the same time, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19:00 Moscow time. This is a convenient time, since many come home from work, free themselves from household chores and sit down at the computer. Therefore, there is a high probability that subscribers will quickly notice and watch the new video. You can publish something every day, regularity here is one of the keys to success.

Content must be copyrighted. Even small fragments from other videos that do not belong to the creator of the channel cannot be used. This will incur fines from YouTube and possibly even a complete blocking of the channel. Plus, the videos should be helpful. The promotion of the YouTube channel TVgoods is a good example, the team publishes live broadcasts of television programs - although the video is not copyright, it gets a good response, user activity and many views.

The optimal length of videos is about 3-5 minutes. You can, of course, make videos for 15-20 minutes, but users must watch such content to the end. Otherwise, such length of video does not justify itself. With long videos, you can use a trick so that users watch them: promise a contest at the end, or come up with something else that will keep the attention.

Principles of Successful Work

There are three critical principles to successfully promoting your YouTube channel. First, put up videos that will be interesting to viewers, do not sell or recommend obviously low-quality products. Secondly, money is not at all the main thing in SEO-promotion of a YouTube channel. It all depends on how high-quality content you offer viewers. Third, a good channel with interesting videos advertises itself. Some videos become popular as soon as they appear on the web. It is worth striving to create such content.

YouTube channel promotion

Promotion is the next step, without which channel monetization will give absolutely no results. There are many promotion options. Among them, you can list white, gray and black methods (the latter, and ideally the penultimate, should not be used), paid and free, the most and least effective. Although the latter, of course, depends on many factors. For an entertainment channel, for example, promotion through social networks will be quite effective, and for a corporate video blog - less.

Seo video optimization

Even if the video itself is of high quality and interesting, but its description and title do not make you want to watch the video, then there can be no question of any effective and fast promotion. Seo concerns the title, description, tags, and the correct indication of the category. Be sure to use high, medium, and low keywords. To find the most suitable ones, use Yandex.Wordstat.

By the way, even the name of the video file that will be uploaded to the hosting must be optimized. A video with a title from a disjointed set of Latin letters and numbers will be less "trusted" by YouTube than a video with a clear and understandable title that reflects the content.

Create playlists with related videos or videos united by a common theme. For example, define in one playlist all the reviews of the most powerful phones, all the most productive models or new items. This will increase the likelihood that a user interested in the same topic will continue watching the video on the same channel and become a subscriber.

Be sure to fill in all the video settings when uploading to the hosting: language, location, video embedding option.

An example of a good SEO, but not so much for the channel as for the main site, is the promotion of the YouTube channel TvGoo. The service provides itself with a boost in the citation index due to the fact that under each video with a live broadcast of television programs it leaves a link to itself.

Attracting new subscribers

Attracting the first hundred or one thousand subscribers is the main task of the owner of a "young" YouTube channel. There are paid and free ways. Among the free ones: mutual subscription (exchange of subscribers), manual publication of channel advertisements on social networks, on forums and in any open sources. There is no need to spam - this is from the black methods and will not lead to anything good. Free promotion is longer, but that's why it's free.

Free and paid advertising

It is worth dwelling in more detail on paid and free promotion methods. In addition to optimization, you can also attract subscribers through third-party services. They are free due to the fact that first the channel owner needs to perform certain actions (subscribe to someone else's channel, watch a video, like, repost to one of the social networks, and so on), and then order the promotion of his channel for the points earned on the internal account ... Examples of such services:

  • BigLike.
  • YTuber.
  • Like4you.
  • Socgain.
  • Pumput.

Paid methods are advertising on other people's channels (then they encourage their subscribers to subscribe to your channel or watch a video), promotion services, contextual advertising, publications on popular thematic groups on social networks, and so on.

Paid promotion

Paid ads can be purchased from Vibum, SeeDr, or VideoSeed. It is better to order YouTube channel promotion (complex) from an smm specialist working remotely or in the state (for large companies that enter the Internet market).

Paid methods also include “buying” active or passive subscribers. A hundred subscribers can be purchased for only 140 rubles, a thousand - for 1190 rubles. There are also sites for promoting your YouTube channel. On many resources, you can order views, likes, subscriptions and reposts (QComments, Vlike, VkTarget, SocialTool and so on) or first subscribe to several publics and communities yourself, and then use the earned money to promote the channel.


Creating and promoting a YouTube channel is an interesting and profitable business. You just need to competently approach the matter and then everything will work out. For information: it takes about a year to promote a channel by white methods until the first tangible income is received, even if the content is high-quality, interesting and useful.

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