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  • The development of speech in the senior group mail. Abstract of a cognition lesson for preschoolers of the senior group

The development of speech in the senior group mail. Abstract of a cognition lesson for preschoolers of the senior group

Target: introduction to the profession of a postman.


Raise respect for the work of adults;

To consolidate children's ideas about the benefits and significance of the postman's work;

Expand vocabulary on the topic "Mail" through the words: mail, postman, newspaper, magazine, postcard, parcel, package, letter, telegram, address, index; action words: spread, lower, receive;

To improve dialogic speech, visual perception, attention, the ability to guess riddles.

Preliminary work: excursion to the post office with parents, reading the work of S. Marshak "Mail".

Lesson progress

Children, guess the riddle:

He delivers home

A pile of letters, telegrams,

And in blue envelopes -

News from friends and family.

Tell me, guys, where does the postman work? (At the post office.) That's right, at the post office. Who among you went to the post office? (Children's answers) What did you see there? What have you purchased? (Magazine, newspaper, postcard, envelope, etc.) I designed an exhibition of your photos about how you and your parents went to the post office, let's look at them.

The postman starts his working day early in the morning - parses the received mail. Children look at illustrations depicting the work of a postman.

How does a postman deliver mail? (in the bag).

What does he carry in his bag? (Newspapers, magazines, letters, postcards.)

How does the postman know exactly where he should deliver the mail? (Children's answers.) Of course, each letter, newspaper or magazine contains the index, address and surname of the recipient. Here, the postman found the right address, what will he do next? (Children's answers.) Yes, he puts the mail in the mailbox, on which the apartment number is indicated. See what different envelopes are. Let's see where you need to write the address, where you need to send the letter, and where - where the letter came from. The post office index is also indicated on the envelope so that the letter reaches the addressee faster.

Now I will give you riddles:

sheet of paper in the morning

They wear it to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news.

Side - brand and picture,

In round stamps

Chest and back.

Glue firmly,

And they sent it to me right away.

I won't pity him.

I'll get it and put it up.

(The envelope.)

I am blue

I hang on the wall.

And many hello

Stored in me.


Without wings, but flies, Without a tongue, but speaks.


And now we will play the game "I know all professions." On the tables are cards, they depict different objects. You need to select only those of them that relate to the profession of a postman.

Now we will rest. Fizminutka "What did the postman bring us?":

What did the postman bring us? He walks with a thick bag (children march in a circle with high knees). Translation, magazine, newspaper (the fingers on the left hand are bent). There are two cassettes in the parcel (squat). And a letter from Aunt Galya (jumping in place). To wait for her arrival (spread their arms to the sides).

Tell me, guys, how do they deliver mail to cities? (Children's answers.) That's right, on special mail planes, trains, cars and even steamboats. Now I will show you four pictures, and you will try to collect them from memory. Let's split into two teams. One team assembles an airplane and a steamer, the other a train and a car. Well done everyone!

Guys, can you hear someone knocking on the door? (A boy dressed as a postman comes in.) Grisha recites a poem:

"Who's knocking on my door?"

They know these lines

Certainly, all people

Adults and children.

This is a good postman

What carries the message.

He also carries letters

And the Murzilka magazine.

Lots of good news

And a postcard to mom

Telegram about guests

And a TV program...

Look, guys, what did the postman bring us? (Parcel.) A real package, the address is indicated on it, let's see! This parcel was sent to us by postal workers, let's open it. How many envelopes and a letter are in it. Let's read it: "Hello, children! We send you envelopes. We really want you to learn how to write letters to your friends and family, and how to sign envelopes correctly. We wish you success!

We will definitely learn, really, guys! Let's say thank you to the postman. Distribute envelopes to children.

Natalia Vlasova
Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the topic "Mail" senior age


senior age group"Sun"

Goals: to form elementary ideas of pupils about mail and professions in the mail; development of lexico-grammatical representations according to topic.

Equipment. Computer presentation, TV, magazines, newspapers, letters, envelopes, package; painting "On the mail» .

Org. moment educator. – conversation - OSO

"Mystery Quiz"

caregiver: Would you like to know what our occupation? Then try to guess riddles ( goals: switch attention to occupation, develop curiosity):

I strive to travel

But not alone - with an envelope.

I'll cling to the upper right corner

And I rush to my friends with greetings. (brand)

Glued firmly with glue, And they sent me urgently. I will not regret it - I will receive it and paste it in an instant. (Postal envelope)

On the wall in plain sight

Gathers the news together

And then its residents

They will fly in all directions. (Mailbox)

sheet of paper in the morning

They bring them to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news. (Newspaper)

He brings us a telegram:

"I'm coming, wait mom!"

Brought my grandfather a pension

At least not Santa Claus.

He has been on his feet since dawn. Who is this? (Postman)

An inscription on a letter, parcel, telegram, which indicates where and to whom the letter is sent? (The address)

caregiver: Postman, newspaper, Postal envelope, brand - you guessed what we will talk about? (about mail)

1. Interesting from the history of education mail here and in different countries.

2. Mobile game "River. Coast"

3. Conversation about professions on mail by picture

"On the mail»

4. Finger gymnastics "What brings postman

5. Game "Believe - don't believe" (goals: reinforce the idea of ​​history mail, activate speech - proof using complex sentences) (Two lines are marked on the floor at a distance of about 1 meter from each other. Between these lines is a river, along the edges - a coast).

- Postmen different countries had to overcome different obstacles on their way. What should be postmen? (brave, brave, attentive, etc.) Now we will check which of the guys is the most attentive.

A game: All players stand on the banks. At the command of the leader "River", you need to jump into the water; "Coast"- jump over the lines. The one who incorrectly executed the command is out of the game. Remains the most attentive goals: develop attention switching, general motor skills, learn to rejoice in the success of others).

1. Conversation with children. During the conversation, the teacher talks about various types of correspondence, explains to the children what the work of workers is mail: sorter, postman, telegraph operator, operator for receiving parcels and parcels, head mail, driver. Further, the teacher draws the attention of the children to how they sell paper, envelopes, postcards, stamps, and receive parcels; tells the children that the letter is put in an envelope on which a stamp is stuck, the address is written on the envelope and the letter is lowered into mailbox. Then the letters are taken by car, train or plane far away, to another mail, and there they take postman, puts it in a common bag and carries it to the one to whom they are written. During the story, the teacher shows pre-prepared demonstration material (samples of postcards, an envelope with a letter, samples postage stamps, telegram).

What brought us postman? (clench, unclench fists)

He walks with a big bag (children walk with two fingers on the table)

Translation, magazine, newspaper

There are two cassettes in the parcel (for each name we bend a finger on our hands in turn, starting with the little finger)

And a letter from Aunt Valya

To await her arrival.

Now let's play another game. It is called "Believe - don't believe". For a correct answer, n- R: star. So do you believe that

In some countries there is no profession postman? (I don't believe because Postmen are everywhere) .

- Postmen paid in ancient Rome "shoe money"? (I believe because postmen walked a lot and wore out shoes).

Are there postmen on stilts? (I believe because before postmen walked through the sands and swamps on stilts).

- Sparrows helped postmen? (I don't believe there are carrier pigeons, not sparrows).

Work postman can be dangerous? (I believe, because in Africa one postman eaten by lion) etc.

6. Game "1-2-3-4-5"

One telegram, two, three, four, five…;

one parcel, two, three, four, five...;

One operator, two, three, four, five… ;

one translation, two, three, four, five,

One newspaper, two, three, four, five…;

one postcard two, three, four, five…;

one magazine, two, three, four, five…;

one envelope, two, three, four, five…;

one blank, two, three, four, five…;

one parcel, two, three, four., five ...

one seal, two, three, four, five...

7. Outdoor game « Mailbox»

8. Game "One is many" (with a ball)

Blue house at the gate (do "roof")

Guess who lives in it? (make a surprised face)

The door is narrow on the roof - (showing a narrow door)

Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse, (depict "Squirrel"- jumping and "Mouse"- pi-pi-pi)

Not even for a starling - (we show "Starling" arms folded back, walk back and forth with short steps, back bent)

For newspapers and letters. (we show "newspaper - draw a large square and a letter - a small square"

News is flying in through this door, "cotton" and hands out)

They spend half an hour together.

The news does not stay for a long time, (head tilts to the left - to the right)

They fly in all directions. (run to the side)

Mail - mail; a lot (what)mail.

postman - postmen; and many people? - postmen.

Operator – operators; and many people? - operators.

Letter - letters; and a lot of things? - letters.

Translation - translations; and a lot of things? - translations.

Envelope - envelopes; and a lot of things? envelopes.

Telegram - telegrams; and a lot of things? telegrams.

Parcel - parcels; and a lot of things? - parcels.

Address - addresses; and a lot of things? – addresses.

Postcard - postcards; and a lot of things? - postcards.

Newspaper - newspapers; and a lot of things? - newspapers.

Notice - notices; and a lot of things? - notices.

9. Game "Call it sweetly" (with a ball)

Letter-letter; envelope - envelope; address - address;

Telegram - telegram; postcard - postcard;

Parcel - parcel; parcel - parcel; newspaper - newspaper;

Magazine - magazine; telephone - telephone.

8. Game "What, what, what, what?" with pictures Postcard (which)- congratulatory, festive, colorful, beautiful. ….

Journal (which)– beautiful, bright, colorful, brilliant, entertaining, childish, …

Newspaper (which)- .... ; package (which) ….

9. Game "What will you tell at home?" Briefly about the most important subject mail. What games do you remember?

10. Musical pause

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Nadezhda Rodina
Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Mail"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group« mail» .


Introduce children to the profession of workers mail, with their work activity, with objects - assistants.

Expand and clarify children's vocabulary on the topic ( mail, postman, telegraph operator, letter, parcel post, parcel, etc.)

Stimulate and promote speech development.

- Develop memory, imagination, thinking.

To form the ability and skills to conduct a conversation, to express their opinion.

Learn to answer questions.

- Develop a common, fine motor skills of fingers.

To cultivate respect and interest in the work of adults, in the profession postman.

To form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, independence.

GCD progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I want to start with a riddle. Guessing it, you will know who we are going to talk about today.

He brought us a telegram:

“I'm coming. Wait, Mom."

Brought my grandfather a pension

At least not Santa Claus.

He has been on his feet since dawn.

Who is this? (Postman)

That's right, this postman.

Where does he work postman? (on the mail)

What's in his bag? (He has many letters, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Where is he in a hurry postman? (He delivers letters, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Were there always postmen?

Imagine that one day all means of communication will disappear from the earth. No more letters are brought to you, trains and ships have stopped. Senders themselves have to carry letters to recipients.

Who is the sender? (The one who wrote the letter.)

Who is the addressee? (This is for whom the letter is intended)

Just like in the stone age. Then the information was transmitted by the smoke of fires, signal drums and pipes.

Messengers were also sent with oral messages. He memorized "letter" from the words of the sender, and then retold it to the addressee.

Why is it called a messenger?

In the old days, each ruler lived with people who knew the roads not only of their own, but also of other states. It was impossible to trust such an important message as the news of an enemy attack to a person who did not even really know where to take him. These people were called messengers.

Why? (They brought news, good or bad)

They were sent not only by land, but also by sea.

Also, the messengers had to be strong and courageous people.

Why? (They had to be ready to fight the wild beast and the dashing man.)

They must also be devoted to their master, as they often had to carry secret messages.

There was a system for the delivery of hasty messengers. On all roads were arranged post stations on which there were 300-400 horses. The messenger, having arrived at the station, abandons the tired horse and takes a fresh one. Horse messengers carried letters day and night, overcoming long distances.

Most often, the services of messengers were used by rich people.

Why? (they could pay the messenger.)

What were letters used to write on?

Princes and nobles usually wrote letters on birch bark.

What is birch bark? (A piece of birch bark written by a man.)

Also used to deliver letters. carrier pigeons.

The messengers had special insignia.

For what? (So ​​that they can be recognized from afar.)

They were given special plates, original certificates, which were hung around the neck and over the shoulder with the help of yellow ribbons.

Later began to appear postal carriages. About your approach postman blew the horn loudly.

Finger gymnastics


What brought us postman? (Clench and unclench fists)

He walks with a thick bag. (Step fingers on the table)

Translation, magazine, newspaper, (bend fingers)

In parcels - two cassettes

And a letter from Aunt Valya

To await her arrival.

Everything changed with the advent of railroads, shipping companies and aircraft.

What did it change? (Increased speed postal items, it became possible to install postal communications between the most distant countries.)

Tra-ra-ra! Hurry, hurry

The carriage is flying through the fields!

Dust swirls from all sides,

trumpet merry postman!

The horn sparkles like fire -

Blow louder postman.

Tra-ra-ra! Hurry, hurry

Fly the carriage through the fields!

Do not rush! Give it all away

Carry letters home

And letters and packages

Parcels and newspapers.

name me the species mail?

1. Air (airmail, dove)

And before the advent of the aircraft, an ejection was used mail. It was a small plane that catapulted from the deck of a ship within certain limits from the coast in the direction of the ship's movement towards land.

3. Postal trains.

4. Ship.

5. Urban.

6. Abroad.

7. Special or urgent mail.

8. Polar mail.

In the north there is a dog mail.

Why doggy? (Since there is a lot of snow and no equipment will pass, dogs harnessed to sleds are used.

9. Electronic mail.

What postman brings to our homes? (.)

1. Letters.

And what is the letter? (in an envelope)

What is an envelope? (A paper bag in which a letter is enclosed, a document to be sent.)

What is on each envelope?

BUT) mailing address

B) postcode

D) printing

Another test WWII brought to postmen. Front by mail the task was to ensure uninterrupted communication between the front and the rear. With a sharp increase in the volume of correspondence, there was a shortage of envelopes and postcards. In this situation, the famous "soldier's triangle" was born. Up to 70 million letters were delivered monthly to the active army. Postal the wagons were attached to the most urgent military echelons. mail transported by planes, cars, steamships - by all possible means. Letters - triangles came to the fighters thanks to a well-established organization postal services and, of course, thanks to the field postmen who, in search of the addressee, went to the front line at the risk of their lives.

What's happened Postage Stamp? (This is a payment sign postal and some other fees.)

That is, if there is no stamp on the envelope, then it will not reach the addressee.

What are people who collect stamps called? (Philatelists)

2. Postcards.

Since it is very inconvenient to use an envelope, they came up with postcards.

Why is it inconvenient? (A lot of time wasted with paper selection, paper folding, envelope insertion, sealing, stamping, etc.)

3. Parcel (small postal shipping in special packaging)

4. Magazines and newspapers.

For little money mail various printed publications are available.

5. Package (a packaged thing sent to someone by mail)

6. Telegram (message sent over the phone)

What is the name of the person who sends and receives telegrams? (telegrapher)

7. Translation

What do we need to do to send a letter, postcard? ((Lower in mailbox located in many places.)

What if I want to send a package? (Go to mail.)

Actually postal many specialties. Each district of the city, village, has its own branch mail- special rooms in which employees work mail.

There are people who accept parcels and letters from the hands of people; there are people collecting letters from mailboxes; there are people who bring all parcels and letters to the main mail -« main post office» ; there are people who spread postage, etc. d.

2. Summing up.

As they used to call postman?

How was information shared before?

Name the species mail?

What postman brings to our homes?

What occupations do people work for? mail?

Well done! Guys, you have completed all the tasks.

Summary of the lesson for preschoolers of the senior group "Unusual letter"

Educational area: knowledge
Chapter: familiarization with the environment, design.

Subject: Unusual letter (communications)

Target: Expand ideas about the means of communication, about the purpose of the phone. Familiarize yourself with some simple rules of use. Form a representation of the work of the mail. children's ideas about how to send and receive information. Develop constructive abilities, learn how to make an origami envelope. Develop horizons, attention. Cultivate an interest in learning.
Bilingual component: letter-hat, polite words.
Equipment: envelope, phone, laptop.
1. Motivation-incentive stage
Game situation: Someone forgot their things in our group! Look, guys, whose bag and cap are these? You don't know... Let's see together. What is in this bag: maybe something important and necessary was forgotten in our group?! Children examine the bag, items from the bag. (The teacher takes out letters, newspapers, magazines from the bag. Children name all these items)
The teacher offers to count how many newspapers, magazines, envelopes.
Exhibits a picture of the postman and an unusual envelope (bright with the names of children).
Children name the number of items, compare what is more, talk about the work of the postman.
- The postman has a letter for us, but he does not want to give it right away.
Invites the children to play with the postman. Children want to get an envelope
2. Organizational and search stage
1. Riddle
The teacher makes riddles about the mailbox.
The problematic question is how the letter gets there. Children build a logical chain (to help the educator arranges to watch the film "The Journey of Letters".
2. "Game exercise"

The teacher suggests considering the items: do they all belong to the postal service? Find an extra item! The game is played with the ball in a circle.
- Newspaper, letter, book, telegram;
- plane, train, car, submarine;
- telephone, money, scales, bread;
-envelope, newspaper, notice, watch.
Well done, children. You did the right job!
If necessary, the children explain their choice.
3 Construction. Riddle
I am a house. But only completely without storeys.
I am a thin, painted paper house.
Though my door is not locked,
They just licked her with their tongue.
But no one is allowed inside without asking:
Greetings, answers, questions live there.
Orders and requests, curled up, lie.
Stamps with seals guard the exercise. (letter)
Children guess, tell what can be written in a letter.
The teacher organizes the work of making paper envelopes by folding.
Children approach the tables, choose the color of their envelope, fold in a simple way according to the model. The teacher pays attention to the correctness of the folds, all folding is based on a fairy tale about how the prince and princess met, but they had to part, they decided to write a letter.
It is necessary to deliver a letter, imitation, car, train, plane.
5. Unusual letter.
Children receive a letter, guess who it is from. The teacher reports that he was sent by children from another country who want to make friends with them. The teacher organizes a conversation, how else can you communicate? Children offer to call by phone, get in touch via the Internet.
6. From the history of the envelope.
The teacher's story about wartime triangle letters, showing a presentation.
Summing up the lesson, reflection.
- You are happy children, take care of the world, the world is more important than anything in the world, children of all the children on our planet are friends.
There are black children
There are white children
There are yellow children on our planet
Our whole Earth is like a big kindergarten,
Where everyone is each other's sister or brother.
Children draw the world to the music about friendship, about the world, prepare their letter of friendship for sending. The teacher praises the children, asks if they liked the lesson, what interesting things they learned.

Organization: GBOU School No. 1368, structural unit No. 2 (kindergarten No. 2589)

Location: Moscow

Program content:
To expand children's ideas about the profession of a postman.
To continue to form the ability of children to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, to observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game.
Develop game dialogue, game interaction. Activate and expand vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: parcel, parcel post, telegram, postage stamp.

Preliminary work:
- reading the work of S. Marshak "Mail", "Military Mail", guessing riddles;
- a conversation about the work of a postman, postal operator, head of the post office;
- production of invitations for parents to the Autumn Festival for sending by mail.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: telegram forms, postal register, parcel notices, envelopes, greeting cards, newspapers, magazines, stamps.
Postman's bag, postman's cap, mailbox.

Game progress:

“Guys, today we will play an interesting game. But first, listen to the poem:

Walks with a leather bag and a pile of newspapers

And letters and postcards, which is just not there!

And in the rain and frost in any weather

Postmen rush to deliver to the people:

To whom-notifications and TV programs,

To whom-transfers, to whom telegrams.

Can you guess what game we are going to play? (mail).
- And which of you was at the post office?
- Let's remember what we saw there. (Mailbox, showcases with envelopes, stamps, postcards, etc.)
- And who will tell me why people come to the post office? (Send a letter, telegram, parcel, parcel, subscribe to newspapers, magazines)

Guys, let's think, when we come to the post office to send a letter, what should we do first. (buy a postal envelope and stick a postage stamp on it, write on the envelope the address of the person to whom we want to send the letter).
- Right! After all, even if we live in the same city, then all the same, everyone has different streets and houses. In order for the letter not to be lost, it is necessary to indicate the correct address. What to do next with the letter? (put in the mailbox).

And if we need to send a parcel or parcel, then we must first fill out a notice, in which, as well as on the envelope, you must indicate the address of the person to whom we are sending the parcel and your home address. Then you need to contact the postal worker, who will weigh the parcel, and put it in a box or wrap it in paper. And be sure to put the stamp of the post office on it.

Work at the post office is interesting and very responsible. After all, it is necessary to carefully monitor that all letters, parcels, newspapers reach the right address.

The postman comes to work early in the morning, sorts out letters and postcards, puts them in bags and delivers them to addresses. There are not simple letters, but registered ones, which are very important. Such letters must be recorded by numbers in a special register of postal items.

Postal operators are responsible for sending and issuing parcels. They can also subscribe to magazines and newspapers, and then the postman will bring them straight home. To do this, you must fill out a special form, which indicates the address. Both letters and parcels must be stamped by the post office.

The most important person at the post office is the head of the post office. This is a very responsible job. After all, a lot of letters, newspapers, parcels, magazines pass through the post office every day.

And now let's look at what we have with you in order to start the game: a postman's bag, it is large and roomy; stamps of our post office; parcel notices, envelopes, postage stamps, telegram forms. Here is our mailbox. And this is the mailing list, in which the postman will write down the most important letters.

Before we start our game, we need to assign roles. Which one of you wants to be a postman? And the operator in the parcel department? And who will deal with the sale of envelopes, stamps, registration of subscriptions to magazines? And let's decide who will be the head?

Choice of roles. The children take their places.

The post office opens.

Game progress.
The child postman parses letters, magazines, newspapers; he registers some letters in a journal, puts a stamp on letters, postcards. After that, he puts everything in a mail bag and goes to carry it to the addresses. (for the guys who are "at home" at this time).

Another postal worker sells envelopes, stamps. In the parcel department, the operator draws up and packs parcels, parcels, and also issues parcels and parcels to visitors upon notification.

Visitors to the post office buy envelopes, stick stamps on them and put letters in envelopes. Then the letters are dropped into the mailbox; send and receive packages. The game continues until the last visitor.

Summing up the game:
1. Did you enjoy the game?
2. Did you like our postmen? Were the operators polite? Did you enjoy receiving letters and parcels? (yes or no, why).
3. Did the child himself enjoy being the postman?

Agree, it's nice to receive letters from friends, parcels, interesting magazines. Mail is very necessary and important.

1. Vinogradova N.A., Pozdnyakova N.V. Role-playing games for older preschoolers. M. IRIS PRESS, 2008.
2. Gubanova N.F. Game activities in kindergarten. Mosaic Sintez, M., 2009
3. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008.

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