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The development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.



development of search and research activities of children through games - experiments

Software developer: O. M. Uglova

Position: Educator

Program expert: O. A. Indyukova


Explanatory note

Modern society needs a person with an extraordinary, creative thinking, broad outlook, able to set and solve extraordinary tasks. The problem of children's giftedness in our country is of national importance, therefore, it is no coincidence that today special attention is paid to various programs aimed at developing the abilities of children, at creating conditions for the development of giftedness in preschool, school, secondary specialized institutions and universities. Realization of the creative potential of an individual is an urgent need of today, a social order of our time.

Gifted children are national pride. Identifying capable children and working with them is an urgent task of the kindergarten.

The external manifestations of giftedness in various personal abilities are diverse. They are expressed in childhood, first of all, as a more rapid development (speech and thinking), as the speed and accuracy of performing mental operations, as an early passion (music, sports, drawing, etc.), as a desire for creativity, as a child's curiosity as its high cognitive activity. A gifted child is distinguished by the richness of an active vocabulary, the speed and originality of verbal associations, in terms of the level of mental development (and, above all, mental reflection), gifted children surpass not only their peers (by an average of two years), but also many adults.

Distinguished by the breadth of perception, gifted children keenly feel everything that happens in the world around them and are extremely curious about how this or that object works. They have the ability to perceive connections between phenomena and objects and draw appropriate conclusions; they like to create alternative systems in their imagination.

Excellent memory, combined with early speech development and the ability to classify and categorize, help such a child to accumulate a large amount of information and use it intensively.

The following features of the cognitive activity of a gifted child can be distinguished:

    Gifted children have a large vocabulary that allows them to freely and clearly express their thoughts.

    Along with the ability to perceive semantic ambiguities, to maintain a high threshold of perception for a long time, they are happy to deal with complex and even those that do not have a practical solution to problems, they do not tolerate when ready-made answers are imposed on them.

    They are distinguished by a long period of concentration and great persistence in solving problems.

The enthusiasm for tasks characteristic of a gifted child, combined with a lack of experience, often leads to the fact that he tries to do something that he is not yet able to do.

The Inquisitive Search Engine Program is aimed at the development of search and research activities of gifted (talented) preschoolers through games-experiments.

The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the urgent problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading activity in young children: "The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all children's activities, including play."

Children are researchers by nature. An insatiable thirst for new impressions, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of a child, he is tuned in to cognition of the world, he wants to know it. To explore, to discover, to study is to take a step into the unknown. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially relevant at the present stage, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms, on their basis, stable cognitive interests through research activities.

The introduction of the program into the educational process is advisable, because promotes the development of cognitive activity, resourcefulness, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge of the world around and thinking.

Novelty of this program lies in the fact that search and research activity is a condition for the manifestation of high abilities of gifted children.

In 2014, on the basis of our MADOU kindergarten "Rodnichok", a postcard club "Inquisitive search engine", the development of search and research activities of children through games - experiments.

The main purpose circle: To create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of search and cognitive activity in gifted children, as the basis for intellectual and personal, creative development.

Tasks Cup :

    Develop a cognitive interest in activities in the form of experimental actions and mastery of methods of practical interaction with the environment.

    Expanding the prospects of search and cognitive activity by including children in mental, modeling, transformative actions.

    Maintaining children's initiative, intelligence, independence, evaluative and critical attitude to the world.

Terms of implementation of the additional educational program

The program is being implemented for 1 year.

Participants in the implementation of the Program: - children 4-5 years old;

Teaching staff;

Parents (legal representatives)

The program provides for the training of gifted children:

    teaching together with other gifted children (in small groups).

    form of work: play, experimental activity of the educator and children, where creative tasks, problem situations are solved.

The intended output of the program:

    The development of cognitive activity, resourcefulness, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge of the world around and thinking;

    Maintain and develop in the child an interest in search and research activities;

    Participation of children in contests and festivals of various levels.

Forms and mode of training

The educational activities of children under this program are carried out once a week after lunch for 20 minutes in the form of a circle lesson. The activity is of a developmental nature, takes place in a playful way, with problem-search tasks.

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

Circle work is organized in a specially designated office equipped in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

The work is carried out in three stages:


Study of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature. Program development. (June-September)


Program approbation (October-May)


Analysis of the work done. Diagnostics (May)

II. Planning

When drawing up a long-term work plan, the following principles were observed:

· Availability of material, reliability;

· Seasonality; · Sequences;

· Presentation of material from simple to complex;

· Transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones.

Directions of search and research activities

Activity Topics

Methods and techniques for interacting with children



Experimenting with sand, clay

"Magic material"

Why does the sand flow so well?


Long-term observation

individual and group forms of work


Encourage comparative analysis of the properties of sand and clay. Reveal the features of interaction with water, the effect of water on their properties

Experimenting with water

"Let's find out what kind of water", "Making colored ice floes"

"We play with colors", "Tasty water",

"Colorful water"

individual and group forms of work, conversation, practical activities, joint activities of an adult and children

July August. December

Contribute to the establishment of properties and qualities of water, snow and ice, their comparison. Give an idea that some substances dissolve in water; the more of this substance, the more the properties of water change (intensity of color, taste, smell). Bring to the understanding that the temperature of water affects its properties (the higher the temperature, the faster substances dissolve in water, the slower it freezes. Reveal the value of water for the life of plants, animals, humans

Experimenting with air

"Dance of the Peas"

"Search for air"

Rescue Bubbles,

"Sea battle"

Joint activities of an adult and children, observation, individual and group forms of work, practical activities


Contribute to the mastery of some methods of detecting air in and around oneself. To bring to an understanding of the importance of air and its temperature for the life of plants, animals and humans. To give an idea that air takes up space, in different conditions the properties of air are not the same, about some conditions in which air becomes unfavorable for breathing (smoke, vapors of poisonous substances, etc.)

Observations of plant life

"What do plants like?"

"Where do the grains live?", "Competition", "In the light, in the dark",

"In the warm, in the cold"

Conversation, group work, practical activities, long-term observation, observation


Bring to the understanding that the plant is alive, that is, it grows, changes, it has children (seeds) from which new plants grow.

Experimenting with light

"Sunbeams", "rainbow highlights",

Paint the Rainbow, Magic Brush

Joint activities of an adult and children, observation, conversation, practical activities

October, April

Bring to the understanding that light comes from a source, that illumination depends on the intensity of the light. Expand ideas about the variety of natural and man-made light sources (sun, moon, firefly, candle, lamp, flashlight). Explain the importance of light for the life of plants and animals. Encourage to obtain new colors and shades of the same color of different saturation by mixing two colors. Give an idea of ​​the rainbow, its colors and their sequence.

Experimenting with objects

"The Secret of the Pine Cone"


"Magic Mirrors"

"Wonderful matches"


"Magic mitten"

Practical activities,

Conversation, individual and group forms of work, Observation,

Joint activities of an adult and children


December, March

To create conditions for the formation of the ability to characterize an object based on the determination of color, shape, size, weight, material, purpose. Facilitate the determination of the material from which the object is made: glass, metal, plastic, porcelain, faience, polyethylene, fabric, paper. Develop the ability to identify the characteristics and properties of these materials

III. Working with parents

A well-thought-out system of cooperation with parents is of great importance in working with preschoolers.

    Visual information is drawn up in the parent corner

- Consultation on the topic: "The role of the family in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers"

- Memo "Do's and don'ts to keep children interested in cognitive experimentation"

Registration of the folder "My discoveries"

    Parents survey


    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B., Bogoyavlenskaya M.E. Psychology of giftedness: concept, types, problems. M., 2005.

    ... “Gifted children in kindergarten and school” AI Savenkov. 2000 Moscow.

    “Organization of the work of preschoolers with talented preschoolers / author - comp. Yu.A. Afonkina, O. V. Filatov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.

    Working concept of giftedness / Ed. D.B. Epiphany. 2nd ed., Ext. revised M., 2003.

    Savenkov A.I. Psychology of children's giftedness. M., 2010.

    Dybina O.V., Poddyakov N.N., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. A child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activity of preschool children / Ed. OV Dybina.-M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

    Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old: thematic planning, recommendations, class notes / author-comp. E.A. Martynov, I. M. Suchkov. -Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

    Raviz F.V. Simple experiments. M., 1997

    Sikoruk L.L. Physics for Kids), Moscow, 1983

    Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers: Methodical recommendations / Under total. Ed. by L.N. Prokhorova. 3rd ed., rev. and add. - M .: ARKTI, 2008.

Annex 1

Parents questionnaire

Target: to reveal the attitude of parents to the search and research activity of children.

    What is your child's research activity?

    What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with?

    Does it happen that the child continues the experimentation begun in kindergarten at home? If so, how often?

    How do you participate in your child's experimental activities?

    Does the child share with you the results of the experiment (discoveries)?

Yakusheva Nadezhda Mikhailovna,

teacher of history, social studies and law of the MOU "Pokrovskaya secondary school No. 2" of the Khangalassky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


How to properly organize search and research activities at school?

Key words: research activity; the ability to see and solve a problem; lesson research activity; extracurricular research activities; stages: diagnostics, selection of a topical topic, performance of work, protection.

The one who makes the discovery Sees what everyone sees, but Thinks what does not occur to anyone

In modern society, the success and demand for an erudite person who knows how to argue, prove his point of view, who has creative potential has become obvious. Modern life makes special demands on a socially active person. In a market economy, competition in various fields of activity, we need to learn how to interact, master creative work experience, learn how to bring the planned business to its logical conclusion, and embody our wildest dreams.

It is necessary to prepare students for the fact that it is important not only to assimilate knowledge, but also to increase, creatively process, and use it in practice. Research activities at school are not only a way to broaden your horizons, deepen your knowledge of a subject, but also an opportunity to determine your ability to conduct scientific research, to test yourself in your ability to speak in an unfamiliar environment.

What is, in essence, scientific research? This is the ability to see the problem and find the best solution based on the information gathered. Isn't this what life demands of us so often? Thus, a well-formed research approach and practice of scientific activity can serve as a positive experience for students, which will undoubtedly be useful in future adult life, regardless of the chosen field of professional activity.

Today high school students are tomorrow's student, therefore, such skills obtained at school can serve well for those who want to seriously engage in science at a university. It may turn out that someone will continue to study the topic chosen at school and in the future it will result in a good term paper or thesis.

Research work with students also places special demands on the teacher. A teacher who decides to seriously engage with students in research activities, undoubtedly, must have a positive attitude towards students, show respect for the individual and maintain self-esteem in everyone, recognize the right of each student to be different from others, the ability to provide the student with freedom of choice and respect his opinion, take into account the individual psychological characteristics of children. In addition, the teacher himself must be interested in scientific practice, have a horizons that go far beyond the scope of his professional duties.

Research activities at the school include:

1. Lesson research activity, which consists in conducting problem lessons, seminars, practical lessons, work with sources.

2. extracurricular research activities, this is abstract work, preparation of messages and reports, participation in scientific conferences of schoolchildren, for example, in the program "Step into the Future" and others.

The work consists of several stages:

Stage 1 Diagnostics. Identification of children predisposed to research work, for example, during

lesson research activities. At this stage, the interaction of the teacher and the student is most closely, the role of the teacher dominates.

Stage 2 Choosing a topical topic is the most difficult stage. The success of this stage depends on the breadth of the horizons of both the teacher and the student, the teacher's awareness of the existing scientific directions and scientific achievements in the chosen field of knowledge. At this stage, the teacher acts as a consultant, the teacher and the student act on an equal footing with some predominance of the teacher as a more experienced and knowledgeable partner.

Stage 3. Completing of the work. At this stage, the teacher is a consultant, students are given maximum independence. Nevertheless, the success of this stage depends primarily on the correctness of the actions of the teacher, who was able to promptly recommend the necessary literature to the students, discuss with them the course and emerging difficulties of the study and unobtrusively direct it in the right direction.

Stage 4. Protection. This is the finest hour of the young researcher, here the teacher should be able to fade into the background and remain in the role of an indifferent interested observer, morally support, but not suppress or interrupt the student.

Both educational and extracurricular research project can be: mono-subject (based on the material of a specific subject or branch of science); interdisciplinary (the related topics of several subjects are integrated: history and literature, foreign language and history, foreign language and literature, economics and informatics, etc. or various branches of knowledge); supra-subject (beyond the scope of a specific academic subject or scientific discipline, for example, "The house in which I want to live").

In addition, an educational research project can be: final (the assimilation of a certain educational material by students is assessed); current (only part of the training content is taken out of the curriculum for self-education and project activities).

Students choose (with the help of a teacher or independently) the topic of the project, the form of implementation (group, individual), the form of presentation (essay, conference, performance, creation of a magazine, etc.)

The teacher gives methodological recommendations or instructions, indicates where to find the necessary literature, helps to determine specific tasks at the initial stage. Assignments should be clear and feasible. It is necessary to familiarize students with the requirements for the quality of the project.

The most difficult thing for a teacher is the role of an independent consultant, as it is difficult to resist prompting. It is only necessary to answer the questions arising from schoolchildren. You can hold a consultation seminar, consider the problems that a significant number of students have.

The design is based on the independent assimilation of new information and the role of the teacher here is to help students:

Outline leading and intermediate goals and objectives;

Look for ways to solve them, choosing the optimal one if there is an alternative;

Carry out and justify the choice;

Provide for the consequences of the choice;

Act independently, without prompting;

Compare what was received with what was required;

Correct the activity with the obtained result;

Objectively evaluate the design process and result;

The work on the project and the sequence of its implementation are presented in Table 1.

The work should have the following components;

A problem is posed or a question is formulated;

Goals and objectives set

The ways of their solution are revealed;

Factual material presented

Conclusions are formulated containing the results of the research.

Table 1

Sequence of project execution

Stages Objectives Student Activities Teacher Activities

I. Purpose-setting Determining the topic, identifying one or several problems Selecting working groups Clarify information, discuss the assignment, identify problems. Motivates learners, explains goals, observes

II. Planning Problem analysis hypothesis development Put forward hypotheses substantiation of each of these hypotheses, form tasks Assists in analysis and synthesis, observes

III. Choice of methods Discussion of methods for testing the accepted hypotheses of possible sources of information. Methods for testing the accepted hypotheses are discussed, the best option is selected, the sources of information are determined. Observes, consults, advises (on request)

IV. Execution Search for the necessary information, confirming or refuting the hypothesis. Project_execution Work with information, synthesize and analyze ideas, conduct research, design a project Observe, direct the analysis process

V. Project protection Presentation of design results. Evaluation of results Protect the project, participate in the collective evaluation of the results of activities Participate in the collective analysis and evaluation of the results

The foregoing fully applies to both types of research activities, however, extracurricular research has a number of features. The scientific work presented at the conference of schoolchildren should, among other things, be relevant, research (as opposed to the lesson, which can be abstract), have practical or scientific and theoretical significance and contain scientific novelty. Here, teachers encounter a number of difficulties, some of the solutions to which I would like to consider in more detail.

The very first problem that both teachers and schoolchildren face when preparing a research paper is the choice of a research topic. First of all, it must have relevance, that is, the need for study. In works on history, one can often find an explanation of the relevance of a past or approaching significant date, personal interest, lack of information among young people, etc. According to personal observation, such formulations make an unfavorable impression on experts, since they belittle the relevance of the research topic in their eyes. To find out what scientific directions and problems are relevant in modern Russian science, acquaintance (even superficial) with scientific journals or Internet publications on the selected scientific discipline will help. For historians, for example, these are "Questions of History", "Patriotic History", electronic magazines "Sibirskaya Zaimka", "Odyssey", sites "Chronos", "", etc. An effective way to solve this problem is to seek advice from the scientific -research institutes or departments of universities according to the profile of the proposed research.

In addition, the research topic should first of all be of interest to the youngest researcher and is accessible to his understanding, since it is understanding that ensures the quality of the work itself and the student's successful performance. For elementary school students, these are, as a rule, topics about natural phenomena, animals familiar to them, known historical events. The younger student can also be entrusted with solving a narrow problem as part of a research project for high school students. For example, for the 11th grade pupils V. Lebedeva and I. Anisimov, the topic was chosen "Tombstones of the foreigners of the Khangalassky ulus of the late XIX - early XX centuries."

4 classes P. Shinkarenko on the same material - a narrower topic "The image of the anchor on the gravestones of the foreigners of the Khangalassky ulus of the late 19th - 20th centuries." accessible to his understanding. The problem statement for kids should be formulated in the form of a simple question: "why?", "Why?" etc. so that the child can try to answer it on his own. For example, for a student of the first grade, the problem in such a peculiar direction as chronology was formulated as follows: "We know that the city of Yakutsk was founded in 1632, and why is another written here (in the document - N.Ya.)?" The search for an answer to this question led the child to become familiar with the two calendar systems operating in Russia.

Thus, the successful choice of the research topic is determined by the knowledge and interests of the teacher, the interests of the student, the availability of the topic for the student's understanding, and, in addition, attention should be paid to the availability of literature and materials on the research topic.

The next step to the success of the work should be the study of the available literature on the research topic. This is necessary primarily to determine the novelty of the study - a necessary criterion for its assessment. The novelty of historical research can be not only a fundamentally new topic, which is difficult to do in school research, although it is possible, but also a new approach to an old problem, its unusual angle, a new way of solving it, a discovered document, object or photograph, any original conclusion. Unfortunately, there are cases when ignorance of literature, primarily by the teacher, leads either to the “invention of the bicycle” or to the choice of an “ungrateful” topic, into which it is extremely difficult for a child, and sometimes impossible to introduce something new. For historians, as a rule, these are works about biographies of famous people, early or European history, etc. Secondly, working with literature will help determine the methods of work necessary to solve the problem posed, obtain some factual material, broaden the horizons on the subject of research and formulate worthy conclusions.

The study of literature is the longest and most laborious stage, the role of the supervisor here is to make a list of the necessary literature available in the school or other library available to the child or his parents, as well as with all the information available to him on the research topic (Internet, press). Ensure that the student is familiar with it and understands the content and meaning of the reading. The same work with younger students requires more effort and time, since the teacher has to study part of the literature on his own and bring it to the child in an accessible form. Unfortunately, teachers, due to a lack of time, often neglect work with literature, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the research itself, a lack of novelty, a student's lack of theoretical knowledge, and understanding of the meaning of the object of his research.

The main part of the research work is the product not only of the independent intellectual activity of students, but also of the creative collaboration between the teacher and the student. At this stage, the supervisor should help formulate specific goals and objectives of the research and further monitor the process of their implementation. We must not forget that the research tasks must be age-appropriate, interest in work and feasibility largely determine success.

If the research topic is complex or involves a large amount of research, then it is advisable to conduct it collectively. Groups of students are formed taking into account psychological compatibility, while the group can simultaneously be strong

ny student, average, weak. Each student receives an independent section of work in the project. In the course of the project, students come to the conclusion that the success of the entire project depends on the success of each, therefore, each participant is actively involved in the search for new information, in the acquisition of knowledge.

By mastering the culture of performing research tasks, the student learns to think creatively, to plan his actions independently, predicting possible solutions to the tasks facing him, to realize the means and methods of work that he has learned. Constructive critical thinking is being formed, which is difficult to learn in the usual "lesson" form of education, therefore, even an unsuccessful project has a great positive pedagogical value. The students develop their own analytical view of information and the evaluation scheme set from above no longer works: “this is true, but this is not true”. Schoolchildren themselves choose the methods and types of activity, the theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during training is deepened and consolidated. We see the main task of the teacher here in the transfer of methods and methodology, methods of work, theoretical, and not specific knowledge.

In the final part of the research work, it is necessary to formulate conclusions. They should flow directly from the main material of the work and be the result of an analysis of the given facts or the results of an experiment. Conclusions should be generalized, contain a solution to the problem posed at the beginning of the study and correspond to the goal and objectives of the study. For example, if "the purpose of the work is to show the life of the Russian peasantry in Yakutia in the 2nd half of the 19th - 1st half of the 20th centuries using the example of the peasants of the villages of the Vitim volost", then the main conclusion will sound like this: "Summing up the entire research work, I came to the main I conclude that the Russian peasants in the remote outskirts of Russia retained their original faith - Christianity, traditional life and culture, at the same time, adopting the experience of the local population, played a leading role in the socio-economic development of villages and machines of the Irkutsk-Yakutsk postal tract " ... In no case is it necessary to include in the conclusions information about practical activities - the publication of brochures, the conduct of events, this, as a rule, causes criticism from experts

The last stage of the work is the preparation of the presentation of the research. It can be a paper stand and a computer presentation, the need to prepare two types at once is due to the fact that the conditions for holding conferences do not always make it possible to demonstrate computer presentations. Of course, presentations are the preferable form of demonstration of research results, as they allow to present the work brighter and more interesting. The electronic appendix contains presentations of the participants of the historical section - laureates and diploma winners of the republican stage of the "Step into the Future" program. The main requirement for registration of pre-

Any kind of presentation is a small amount of text and a predominance of illustrative material - images, photographs, diagrams, etc.

The teacher's job at the stage of preparing a presentation is to help students select the necessary elements for a stand or presentation. In addition, the supervisor must teach the student the technique of speaking and working with a stand (presentation). A good impression on the experts or the jury is made by speakers independently, without a piece of paper, easily navigating the materials of the stand (presentation), but not reading from it the speakers. This can be achieved not by memorizing the text (which, as a rule, is not effective), but by forming in the students in the course of work on the project a deep understanding of the subject, the ability to express the main provisions of the research in their own words. This understanding helps the student to successfully answer the questions asked to him.

Thus, the main stages of preparing a research project can be presented in the form of a table. 2.

The following forms of classes allow the results of both lesson and extracurricular research activities of schoolchildren to be presented: conferences, presentations, department meeting, exhibition of achievements, funds mass media, school press center, performances for a specific audience (classroom, parallel class, parental community).

Thus, the goal of research work at school is to develop creative abilities and improve the general level of students' training on the basis of an individual approach and strengthen independent creative activity, the use of active forms and methods of teaching. Demonstration of the scientific achievements of schoolchildren allows to increase the motivation of not only young researchers themselves, but also other students, awakening in them not only the desire for knowledge, but also healthy ambitions. Success in all forms of research activity is achieved through the joint efforts of teachers, parents, students and school administration.

For over 10 years I have been doing research with students. From my own experience, I became convinced that by involving children in this work, the teacher not only leads to success in the field of research, but "teaches" how to find a way to solve the problem at hand. And this is one of the most important competencies of a modern student.

Analyzing the further successful educational and professional activities of my pets, who were actively engaged in research in various fields, I feel a sense of satisfaction. One of the first students with whom I began my classes was Sasha Trunina. After graduating with honors from the law faculty of YSU, she became a graduate student of the Moscow Academy of Law. Now she is a member of the judiciary board of the Russian Federation.

The work of Airat Akhmenov, a 5th grade student, “The fate of my family is in the fate of the country.

table 2

Research structure

1. Choosing a research topic What topics can be? Answer the questions: What interests me the most? What do I want to do first? What do I do most often in my free time? What subjects do I get the best grades in? What from the studied at school would you like to learn more deeply? Experimental Theoretical Inventive

2. Purpose and objectives of the research To determine the purpose of the research - means to answer the question of why you are conducting it. The goal provides a general direction, and the objectives describe the main steps. Research objectives clarify the goal.

3. Research hypothesis Formulated by the words "suppose", "admit", "possible", "what if"

4. Organization of the research To independently answer the questions: What do I know about this? What judgments can I make about this? What conclusions can be drawn from what is already known about the subject of research

Browse related books Write down the important information you learn from the books.

Ask other people Write down interesting information that you learned from other people.

Using the Internet Record what you have learned with your computer

Observation Record interesting observational information, surprising facts and paradoxes

Conduct an experiment Write down the plan and results of the experiment

5. Preparation for the defense of research work 1. Highlight the basic concepts and give them definitions: 2. Classify the main objects, processes, phenomena and events. 3. Reveal and designate all the paradoxes you have noticed. 4. Rank the main ideas by importance. 5. Make conclusions and conclusions. 6. Indicate possible ways of learning. 7. Prepare the text of the report 8. Make diagrams, drawings, layouts, pick up illustrations

us. " This report was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree of the ulus tour of the NPK "Step into the Future". And, of course, I can refer to the high achievements as successful participation in 2008, 2009 at the All-Russian scientific and practical conferences in Moscow and St. Petersburg Lebedeva Varya and Anisimova Vanya.

Of course, the first steps in research should be taken from the elementary grades, and parents should be encouraged to cooperate. In our school, this work is carried out systematically, primary school teachers are actively involved in this type of activity.

Another step in solving this problem was the School symposium of information projects "From the history of the development of science, technology and technology." This year it will be held for the fourth time. This is a preparatory step in conducting

already more significant projects with a research component.

Currently, many different scientific and practical conferences are being held. All of them create conditions for the development of intellectual abilities, instilling the skills of scientific activity in students. In this regard, the teacher has an additional task: to introduce students to this type of activity. The most difficult thing for a teacher is to define a research topic. At first glance, it seems that all questions have already been investigated before us, that nothing new can be found. But in any topic there are those facets that have not yet been explored, points of view from which it has not yet been considered. Therefore, I think that one should not be afraid and boldly undertake research in any field.

Rasputina Irina Alexandrovna
Position: senior educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "DSOV No. 91"
Locality: Bratsk city, Irkutsk region
Material name: master class with preschool teachers
Topic:"Children's experimentation - the basis of the search and research activities of preschoolers"
Date of publication: 22.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 91" of the Moscow region of Bratsk

Master Class

for teachers:

"Children's experimentation -

the basis of search and research

activities of preschoolers "

Prepared by: I.A. Rasputin,

senior educator

The purpose of the master - class: presentation of the experience of working with preschool children

age for the development of cognitive activity through search and research

tel activity.


To increase the level of professional competence of the participants of the master -

class for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers through search -

research activities;

To motivate the participants of the master - class to use in

educational and educational process of an experimental

for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

Show how experiments can be used in experimental activities


Participants: educators


Master class progress:

The chairs are arranged in such a way as to make 4 companies.

1 part of the master class

Senior educator:

Dear colleagues! We are glad to welcome you to the master

- class on the topic "Children's experimentation - the basis of search and research-

tel activity of preschoolers "

“Better to see once than hear a hundred times,” says the folk

growth. "It's better to experience it once, try it, do it yourself", -

asserted by practicing teachers.

“The more the child sees, hears and experiences, the more he learns and

learns the more elements of reality he has

in their experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, will be

children of his creative activity ", - wrote the classic of the Russian psychological

science Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

The 21st century demands universality from humanity in a variety of areas

life. Explore, discover, explore means taking steps into the unknown and


And childhood is the time for searching and answering a variety of questions. Research

coaching, search activity is the natural state of a child, he is in tune

on the knowledge of the world around him, he wants to know: he tears the paper and looks that

it will turn out; conducts experiments with different subjects; measures the depth of the snow

cover on the site, volume of water, etc. All these are objects of research.

The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new

how much information the child receives, the faster and more fully his development goes.

A Chinese proverb says, “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember

give it a try - and I will understand. " This reflects the whole essence of the surrounding world.

But in practice, sometimes you come across intellectual passivity of de-

tei, the reasons for which lie in the limited impressions, interests of the child.

Children sometimes are not able to cope with the simplest task, but they quickly

perform it if it is translated into a practical activity or game. A,

it is children's experimentation that claims to be the leading activity in

preschool age. Experimentation is fundamentally different from any

other activity in that the image of the goal that determines this activity itself

not yet formed and is characterized by uncertainty, instability. V

In the course of the experiment, it is refined and clarified.

There are three levels of implementation of "exploratory learning" in modern

in pedagogy:

The teacher poses a problem and outlines a strategy and tactics for its solution,

the child will have to find the solution itself.

The teacher poses a problem, but the child is looking for a method of solving it on his own.

Specifically (collective search is allowed at this level).

Statement of the problem, search for methods of its research and development

decisions are made by children on their own.

The presented levels characterize the sequence of stages of the experiment.

mentoring in the aspect of increasing the independence of the child.

The solution of problems of an experiment or experiment can be carried out in two ways.

Children conduct an experiment or experiment without knowing its result, and so

way, new knowledge is acquired;

Children first predict the result, and then check if it is correct

whether they thought.

2 part of the master class

Senior teacher: (blows bubbles).

I blow bubbles as they fly fireworks.

What a miracle bubbles, where did they suddenly come from.

And an experiment will help us find an answer to a question.

The source of cognitive activity is the presence of a problem, therefore

We need to pay special attention to creating a problem field. For instance:

"You need to give the kitten clean water, but the water is dirty." In some cases

you can provide children with a probing field, for example, to determine from what

you can make a boat with Karkusha material, children try what materials are

chickpeas and which ones are not.

It is important that the child understands the personal meaning of the activity, that

if he could answer the question "Why am I doing this."

The presence of a problem, the creation of interest contributes to the creation of a positive

motivation in children for activity.

Fairy tale characters help to create motivation. The presenter shows toys

ku - Stepashka.

Stepashka: oh-oh, I didn't understand something. Am I motivation? I do not want to be


Stepashka, wait and help me a little.

Motivation is needed to make the activity meaningful for children.

Stepashka: Okay, I'll help you and tell you about the trick.

Yesterday a magician cat came to us and showed an interesting trick. Poured

into a jar of water, covered it with a cardboard, turned it over, and ... imagine, the cardboard is not

fell and no water was spilled. That's great. It's a shame you didn't see this.

Senior teacher: thank you Stepashka, Interesting trick? Strange, because

why didn't the cardboard fall? Do you want to become magicians and try to conduct

such a trick? What do you think, if we do everything as Stepashka described, that

will happen?

The question helps to make assumptions. And the use of transformation

in magicians facilitates the experiment in a playful way.

Piggy (toy) appears: “Stepashka, this is the magnet they gave me,

he magnetizes everything, everything, objects made of any materials. "

Stepashka: "Piggy, you are mistaken, this cannot be, I do not believe."

Piggy, Stepashka, no need to argue, can you ask our guests,

how they think. "

Stepashka: “Help us, please figure out if all the magnet attracts

giggles. Is it magnetized to everything? "

Senior educator: How can we find out which of them is right? What is for this

Senior educator: Piggy, watch how we do it. Offers

the participants take the magnets and conduct the experiment “It is magnetised - does not

is magnetized. "

The mood of the children has been created. Before starting the experiments themselves

be sure to remind the children of the safety rules (the rules of the magician

kov, rules for working in the laboratory), depending on the motive. Then comes the ex-

period and fixing it. In conclusion, it is imperative to summarize the results of the experiment.

Today we will hear everything, see and do it ourselves.

And Natalya Borisovna will help me today. She will first introduce you

your work experience. (The teacher presents the experience of work on the topic of self-education:





school age, a video clip of research activities is shown

Now I suggest you experiment.

Equipment for experiments is presented on the tables, on the cards age,

title and methodology for conducting each experiment. Each group thinks over the mo-

vation, the course of the experiment. After discussion in their subgroup, teachers present

an experiment for others.

Early age:

Topic: "Why is the water clear?"

Purpose: To reveal with children such a property of water as transparency.

Equipment: basins of water, 2 cups of milk, stones, buttons,

kushki, oilcloth, jars.

Children are asked to determine what is in the basins and jars (water).

Children throw pebbles into a bowl of water. Then the children examine the jar with

water and shells in it. Questions: "What is in this jar

ke with water? (seashells). How did you guess? (objects are visible in the water). Water pro

transparent ".

Children throw pebbles into a glass of milk. Questions “Where are the stones? Why

can't you see them? " (Because milk is white).

Children guess what is in the glass of milk. Adult after answers

children get shells. Question “Why were no shells visible in the milk? (It

white) Why are objects visible in the water? " (It is transparent.)

Conclusion: The water is transparent, all objects are visible in it.

Younger age:

Topic: "There is air everywhere"

Purpose: to determine if air really penetrates everywhere and is everywhere.

Material: plastic bottle, balloon.

Experience progress:

1. Invite your baby to look into the bottle and make sure it is empty.

2. Let him pull the ball on the neck of the bottle with your help.

3. And now - let him click on the bottle.

4. What caused the balloon to inflate?

5. Let the kid draw what he has done.

Conclusion: the balloon inflated the air in the bottle. When the bottle is pressed

or, air came out of it and blew out a balloon.

Average age:

Topic: "Making tracks and patterns out of sand"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the properties of sand: from dry you can draw

any pattern. From wet - no.

Experience description:

The teacher distributes to the children plastic bottles filled with dry and dry

Crimea with sand. First he shows, and then invites the children to draw a different

ny patterns. Wet sand does not come out of the bottle, while dry sand

painting with sand.

Conclusion: dry free-flowing sand, filling a bottle with it, you can draw any

pattern. Wet sand is heavy and does not come out of the bottle.

Older age:

Topic: "How to get a paper clip out of the water without getting your hands wet"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the properties of a magnet in water.

Material: Basin of water, iron objects.

Description: How to get paper clips out of the water without getting your hands wet. After

children manage to pull paper clips out of the water using a magnet, it turns out that

the magnet acts on iron objects in water too.

Conclusion. Water does not interfere with the action of the magnet. Magnets act on iron and steel

even if they are separated by water.


The main advantage of experiments, experiments that we conduct with

children, allow the child to look at the world around him in a different way.

The main advantages of experimenting in kindergarten:

Pupils get real ideas about the various aspects of the study

my object, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment

The child's memory is enriched, his mental processes are activated

processes, since constantly there is a need to perform analysis operations and

synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation;

The child's speech is actively developing;

There is an accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations that

regarded as mental skills;

Independence, goal-setting skills, the ability to

transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain


The emotional sphere of the child, creativity is developing;

labor skills are formed;

Reflection: "Plus-minus-interesting."

Teachers are invited to fill out a table of three columns.

In the column "P" - "plus" is written everything that you liked, information and

forms of work that caused positive emotions, or in the opinion of the teacher

ha can be useful for him to achieve some goals.

In the column "M" - "minus" is written everything that did not like at the event

tii seemed boring, remained incomprehensible, or information that, according to

in the opinion of the teacher, it turned out to be unnecessary and useless for him.

In the column "I" - "interesting" teachers enter all the curious facts about

whom we learned at the event and what else I would like to know about this problem

Senior Educator: I thank the groups for their productive work. Hope-

I think that within the framework of the master class you got certain ideas about




the class awakened in you a desire for creative search, aroused interest in this topic.

Irina Krivosheeva
MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 15 with. Kabansk "
A Chinese proverb says:
“Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember
give it a try - and I will understand. "
Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time,
when the child hears, sees and does it himself.
Life in all its manifestations is becoming more and more diverse and complex; it, the further, the more it requires from a person not routine, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, a creative approach to solving large and small problems. The preschool institution and parents are faced with a task of the necessary importance: to ensure that every child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - necessarily! - proactive, thinking, capable of a creative approach to any business.

The path of becoming a creative personality is difficult, difficult. But these great difficulties can also give great joys: the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity. Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives high-quality results, if at the same time the person has strong motives, bright, deep, causing the desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome life difficulties, unfavorable conditions, circumstances, to persistently move towards the intended goal.
One of these activities is experimentation. In the works of many domestic teachers Poddyakov N.N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich) Usova A.P., E.L. Panko says that "children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development," and the main feature of this cognitive activity is highlighted: the child learns an object in the course of practical activity with him. The practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orientational-research function, creating conditions in which the content of a given object is revealed.
N.N. Poddyakov identifies two main types of orienting-research (search) activities in preschoolers.
The first is characterized by the fact that activity in the process of activity comes entirely from the child himself. He acts as its full-fledged subject, independently constructing his activity: he sets its goals, looks for ways and means of achieving them, etc. In this case, the child in the activity of experimentation satisfies his needs, his interests, his will.
The second type of orientation-research (search) activity is organized by an adult who highlights the essential elements of the situation, teaches the child a certain algorithm of actions. Thus, the child gets the results that were predetermined by the adult.

Children are researchers by nature. An insatiable thirst for new impressions, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of a child: he is tuned in to discover the world, he wants to know it. To explore, discover, study means to take a step into the unknown, to be able to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express oneself.
In this regard, in order to study the conditions for organizing the experimental activity of children in the older group, diagnostics were carried out using the methodology "Choice of activity" by Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prokhorova. This technique explores the preferred type of activity, reveals the place of children's experimentation in the preferences of children.
The results showed that it is possible to distinguish 3 groups of children according to the level of development of children's experimentation.
The first group included 5 children, which is 20%. The cognitive attitude of preschoolers to experimental activity is stable. They show initiative and creativity in solving problematic problems. See the problem. Actively make assumptions. They consciously choose objects and materials for independent experimental activity in accordance with their qualities, properties, and purpose. In a dialogue with an adult, they explain the course of the experimental activity. They carry it through to the end. They formulate in speech whether the result has been achieved or not. Draw conclusions.
The second group includes 13 children - this is 52%. In most cases, the child shows an active cognitive interest in experimental activity. He sees the problem sometimes with a little help from an adult, makes suggestions with a little help from others (peers or an adult). Takes an active part in the planning of experimental activities together with an adult. Prepares material for experimentation based on qualities and properties. Can draw conclusions on leading questions.
And in the third group there are 7 children - this is 28%. Rarely show cognitive interest in experimental activity. They can only see the problem if prompted by an adult. Participate in the planning of experimental activities at the suggestion of an adult. With the help of an adult, material is prepared for the experiment. They are not always able to formulate a conclusion, they need a tip from an adult or an example of peers.
Reasons for the low level of mastery of experimental activities by older preschool children:
1. Cognitive interest is unstable;
2. Children do not always see the problem;
3. Are inactive in putting forward ideas;
4. The desire for independence is not expressed;
5. Use evidence with the help of an adult.
Researcher Pavlov I.P. believed that observation is one of the most important qualities of a researcher, without which it is impossible to make a single discovery. Observation is a very complex process and requires a huge concentration of attention, intellectual and volitional efforts.
Experimental - experimental activity is closely related to different types of activity. One of which is labor.
It may not be associated with experimentation, but there are no experiments without performing labor actions.
On the one hand, the presence of labor skills and observation skills in children create favorable conditions for experimentation, on the other hand, experimentation, which especially arouses great interest in the child, contributes to the development of observation and the formation of labor skills.
Cognitive research activity permeates all spheres of children's life, including play. Play in exploration often develops into real creativity.
In our work with children, we attach great importance to game technologies, using didactic games: "Answer quickly", "When it happens", "Kuzovok", "Who will name more objects", "What, where is growing?" Such games help to familiarize children with natural phenomena.
Word games: "What's superfluous?", "Good-bad", "Finish the sentence" ", etc. develop children's attention, imagination, increase knowledge about the world around them.
Construction games with sand, water help to solve many problem situations, for example: why does dry sand pour, but wet sand does not; where a grain will germinate faster in the ground or sand; What things are good for water, and what harm? All these questions make children think, compare and draw conclusions.
Experimentation and speech development are very closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment - when formulating the goal, during the discussion of the methodology and the course of the experiment, when summing up and verbal reporting on what he saw. The bilateral nature of these ties should be noted. The ability to express one's thoughts clearly (i.e., well-developed speech) facilitates the conduct of the experiment, while the replenishment of knowledge contributes to the development of speech. Consequently, without replenishment of knowledge, the development of speech would be reduced to a simple manipulation of words.
The connection between experimentation and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts does not require special proof. During the experiments, the need constantly arises to count, measure, compare, determine the shape and size, and perform other operations. All this gives real significance to mathematical concepts and contributes to their understanding. At the same time, mastering mathematical operations facilitates experimentation.
Also, experimentation is associated with other activities - reading fiction, with musical and physical education.
Children are interested in experiments if the result is visible immediately or after a short time. Experiments with wildlife, as a rule, are mostly long-term and require some patience from preschoolers, as a result of which interest in such activities often fades away, the goal of experimenting is forgotten by children. Therefore, to develop interest in search and research activities, we use experiments and experiments with inanimate nature, we introduce children to the properties of water, sand, earth, clay, air, etc. They are carried out both in the classroom and in free independent and joint activities with the educator. Research provides an opportunity to find answers to the questions "how?" and why?"
One of the conditions for solving problems of experimental activity in kindergarten is the organization of a developing environment. The objective environment surrounds and influences the child from the very first minutes of his life. The main requirements for the environment as a developmental tool is to ensure the development of active independent children's activities. However, in order for the objective material of the environment, which is given at the free disposal of children, to become an incentive, a source of research, search activity of preschoolers, they must have a minimum of knowledge and methods of action on which the child could rely.
In this regard, a mini-laboratory was formed, where conditions were created for joint and independent experimentation, the development of the search activity of children.
When equipping the corner of experimentation, the following requirements were taken into account:
safety for the life and health of children;
age characteristics of children
location availability

The laboratory has a variety of equipment:
Various instruments: scales, magnifying glasses, magnets, microscopes, magnifiers;
Various vessels made of various materials: glass, metal, plastic;
Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth, seeds;
Nuts, paper clips, screws, nails, wire;
Medical supplies: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons, cotton wool, bandage;
Waste material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur;
Flour, salt, soda, candles, lanterns;
Children's bathrobes, aprons;
Schemes for conducting experiments;
Journal for recording results.

Gradually, with the help of parents, we replenish the "laboratory" with new materials for experiments, support the interest of children, allowing them to reproduce the experience again, to establish themselves in their ideas.

When organizing experimental activities with children, we use the following forms of work:

* educational activities;
* conversations;
* didactic and developmental games and exercises;
* role-playing games;
* experiments and experiments;
* use of multimedia, video slides;
* photoshoot;
* card index of experiments;
* contests, holidays and entertainment.

The implementation of the tasks in full is possible only under the condition of close interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
Forms of work with parents you see on the screen, one of which is a questionnaire

group parenting meetings;
"Doors open days";
involvement of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays, entertainment, open events;
The heading in the parent's corner “Ask! We answer! ";
Card file "Experiments"
organization of thematic exhibitions of joint creativity with children;

Parents questionnaire:
1. Is your child's research activity shown? What is it?
2.What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with?
3. Does the child continue to experiment with the kindergarten at home?
If so, how often?
4. Do you take part in your child's experimental activities?
If so, which one?
5. If the child achieves any result of the experiment, does he share with
your discoveries?

This is what the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of our work is based on. We have developed the project "Children's Experimentation - Young Researcher"

Project "Children's Experimentation - Young Researcher"
Project forms: elementary search activities, experiences, experiments
Means: search actions
Project type: Group
Conditions: gradual complication - from simple to complex, the organization of conditions for independent and educational activities, the use of problem situations.
Relevance: Throughout preschool childhood, along with play activities, search and cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of a child's personality, which we understand not only as a process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, but mainly as a search and acquisition of knowledge independently by a child or under the tactful guidance of an adult, carried out in the process of interaction, cooperation, co-creation.
The purpose of our project:
- To develop the cognitive abilities of children through experimental and experimental activities.
- Develop your own cognitive experience.
- Arouse desire for search activity.
Provision methods:
Search and research observations and experiments:
random observations and experiments, planned observations and experiments.
Experiments (practical).
Conversations (constructive).
Preparatory stage:
Preparation of material for children's activities
Selection of children's and scientific literature.

Experiments are the main form of children's experimental activity, which we actively use. We conduct them both in the classroom and in joint activities with children in regime moments.
When acquainting children with objects of inanimate nature, we developed a long-term plan, which we divided into seven blocks:
1. Stones.
2. Soil.
3. Sand, clay.
4. Water.
5. Air.
6. Paper
7. The world of fabric
A number of lessons were conducted to get acquainted with the stones. One of which is the cognitive "Amazing stones", where children remembered the plot of Bazhov's fairy tale "The Malachite Box", watched a slide show about the location of the stones, conducted experiments. At home, together with their parents, they made various handicrafts from stones.
In the Soil block, we examined the ground through a magnifying glass, talked about how it affects plant growth, and in the group organized a mini-vegetable garden, where we watched the growth of plants.
In the block "Sand, clay" - examining them through a magnifying glass, they found that the sand consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability. And wet clay has properties - viscosity.
When familiarizing with the following blocks "Water", experiments were carried out: "Pour - pour out", "Paint over the water", "Turn water into ice," "Sink - does not sink", etc.
In the process of conducting the experiments, all children take an active part. It was revealed that water is a liquid, has no smell, color, shape, and can freeze.
These experiments somewhat remind the children of magic tricks, they are unusual, and most importantly, the children do everything themselves. Thus, we develop in children curiosity, observation, the ability to communicate and find ways to solve problem situations.
The expected result of our project:
Thus, familiarizing preschoolers with the phenomena of inanimate nature occupies a special place in the system of various knowledge about the environment. By including it in the process of searching for the cause of a particular physical phenomenon, we create the prerequisites for the formation of new practical and mental actions in them. The result of the implementation of the project "Children's Experimentation - Young Researcher" is the experience of seeing objects and phenomena, peering at them, developing attention, visual and auditory sensitivity, expanding vocabulary and enriching verbal communication based on cultural norms, acquired by children.

“The more the child saw, heard, experienced,
the more elements of reality
he disposes in his experience,
the more significant and productive with other equal
conditions will be his creative activity "
L.S. Vygotsky

Introduction Before giving knowledge, one must teach to think, perceive, observe. V. Sukhomlinsky From the very birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. And especially a preschooler. A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." So the child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does himself. With the active action of the child in the process of cognition, all the senses act. Scientists have proven that the more sense organs are simultaneously involved in the process of cognition, the better a person feels, remembers, comprehends, understands, assimilates, consolidates the material being studied. Consequently, the more actively the child touches, sniffs, experiments, explores, feels, observes, listens, discusses, analyzes, compares ..., that is, actively participates in the educational process. The faster his cognitive abilities develop, and his cognitive activity increases. Let's clarify what an "experiment" is and what a "cognitive activity of a personality" is. The term experiment (from the Latin experience, test) is a sensory-objective activity in science; in a narrower sense, experience, reproduction of the object of knowledge, testing hypotheses. And the cognitive activity of a person: -the state of a person, which is characterized by the desire for learning, volitional exertion of mental efforts in the process of mastering knowledge (IF Kharlamov); - readiness and striving for energetic mastering of knowledge (N.A. Polovnikova); - the manifestation of the transformative, creative attitude of the individual to the object of cognition (L. Aristova) The surrounding reality appears before the child in all its diversity: nature, man, man-made world, etc. Children of preschool age are capable of mastering such fundamental concepts as space and time , action and rest, change and development, living and nonliving, structure, purpose of materials of objects. At each age level, cognition of the world is carried out in its own specific ways. Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active cognitive - research activity, the child, on the one hand, expands his ideas about the world, on the other hand, he begins to master the fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, spatial and temporal relationships that allow to link separate ideas into a holistic picture. The desire to comprehend the world is inherent in the child at the biological level, but this desire needs to be developed. And that child will be lucky if the adults living next to him awaken in him a cognitive interest in the world around him. If not, then the child will develop at a lower level. Unfortunately, the possibilities of preschool childhood in solving these problems are still underestimated. At the same time, preschool age has a number of features (receptivity, emotionality, responsiveness, imitation), which make it possible to perceive the phenomena of nature most sensibly. “Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does himself” (R. Emerson). But the problem is that very often ready-made truths, ready-made conclusions and generalizations are presented in kindergartens. And instead of the child himself examining, observing, experimenting, comparing, creating, getting any result, he is forced to listen to ready-made information and reports from teachers about how other people learned about the world, and what they once learned about what they studied. object. Such learning can be called passive, that is, the child passively listens, remembers, but does not participate in the active study of the object. By means of passive learning, the child has no chances to develop high cognitive activity. Consequently, in the future he will not be taught, study independently, and independently acquire knowledge. Humanity has stepped far along the path of cognition of the surrounding world. But this path is difficult, and it is still very far from the end. To move forward, we need inquisitive people with a tireless thirst for knowledge and discovery. Of course, an individual person, no matter how smart and educated he is, cannot know everything about everything. But to preserve in oneself the joy of one's own discoveries, a keen interest in everything that happens in the world, the desire to expand the boundaries of one's horizons is simply necessary. First of all, this applies to us educators! We will be one of the first to introduce babies into our world, reveal its secrets and laws to children, lay a cognitive attitude towards the world. Indeed, in the origins of knowledge lies a certain attitude



"Search and research activities as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children"


Before giving knowledge,

need to be taught to think

perceive, observe.

V. Sukhomlinsky

From the very birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. And especially a preschooler. A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." So the child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does himself. With the active action of the child in the process of cognition, all the senses act. Scientists have proven that the more sense organs are simultaneously involved in the process of cognition, the better a person feels, remembers, comprehends, understands, assimilates, consolidates the material being studied.

Consequently, the more actively the child touches, sniffs, experiments, explores, feels, observes, listens, discusses, analyzes, compares ..., that is, actively participates in the educational process. The faster his cognitive abilities develop, and his cognitive activity increases.

Let's clarify what an "experiment" is and what a "cognitive activity of a personality" is. The term experiment (from the Latin experience, test) is a sensory-objective activity in science; in a narrower sense, experience, reproduction of the object of knowledge, testing hypotheses. And the cognitive activity of a person:

The state of a person, which is characterized by the desire for learning, volitional exertion of mental efforts in the process of mastering knowledge (I.F. Kharlamov);

Willingness and striving for energetic mastering of knowledge (N.A. Polovnikova);

The manifestation of the transformative, creative attitude of the individual to the object of knowledge (L. Aristova)

The surrounding reality appears before the child in all its diversity: nature, man, man-made world, etc. Children of preschool age are capable of mastering such fundamental concepts as space and time, action and rest, change and development, living and non-living, structure, the purpose of the materials of the items. At each age level, cognition of the world is carried out in its own specific ways.

Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active cognitive - research activity, the child, on the one hand, expands his ideas about the world, on the other hand, he begins to master the fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, spatial and temporal relationships that allow to link separate ideas into a holistic picture.

The desire to comprehend the world is inherent in the child at the biological level, but this desire needs to be developed. And that child will be lucky if the adults living next to him awaken in him a cognitive interest in the world around him. If not, then the child will develop at a lower level. Unfortunately, the possibilities of preschool childhood in solving these problems are still underestimated. At the same time, preschool age has a number of features (receptivity, emotionality, responsiveness, imitation), which make it possible to perceive the phenomena of nature most sensibly.

"Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does himself"(R. Emerson).

But the problem is that very often ready-made truths, ready-made conclusions and generalizations are presented in kindergartens. And instead of the child himself examining, observing, experimenting, comparing, creating, getting any result, he is forced to listen to ready-made information and reports from teachers about how other people learned about the world, and what they once learned about what they studied. object.
Such learning can be called passive, that is, the child passively listens, remembers, but does not participate in the active study of the object. By means of passive learning, the child has no chances to develop high cognitive activity. Consequently, in the future he will not be taught, study independently, and independently acquire knowledge.

Humanity has stepped far along the path of cognition of the surrounding world. But this path is difficult, and it is still very far from the end. To move forward, we need inquisitive people with a tireless thirst for knowledge and discovery. Of course, an individual person, no matter how smart and educated he is, cannot know everything about everything. But to preserve in oneself the joy of one's own discoveries, a keen interest in everything that happens in the world, the desire to expand the boundaries of one's horizons is simply necessary. First of all, this applies to us educators! We will be one of the first to introduce babies into our world, reveal its secrets and laws to children, lay a cognitive attitude towards the world. Indeed, in the origins of knowledge lies a certain attitude of a person to the object of knowledge. Therefore, we, kindergarten teachers, constantly demonstrate to children our interest in the surrounding objects and the desire to learn their properties. With all our behavior we prove and show to children that we have not lost the ability to be surprised and rejoice at everyday things, familiar and unknown events, phenomena.

We cannot tell and explain to the child everything that concerns the numerous and varied objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. But we are obliged to lay a good beginning in relations with the world, the need for knowledge (the world is huge, beautiful and interesting).

“This is wisdom, this is happiness - captivating, captivating. Light it up and at the same time sparkle with light itself.

Carrying away, carried away is the wisdom of my heart,

By this I can achieve too much - everything! "

(Konstantin Dmitrievich Baltman)


Children are explorers by nature, discovering the world around them with joy and surprise. They are interested in everything. And this is confirmed by their curiosity, constant desire for experiment, the desire to independently find a solution to a problem situation.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, under other equal conditions, will be his creative, research activity,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological Science Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky.

The task of the teacher is not to overwhelm the child with the load of his knowledge, but to create conditions for independently finding answers to his questions "why" and "how", which contributes to the development of the cognitive competence of children. Therefore, it is very important to organize research and experimental-experimental activities in such a way as not only to present them with ready-made knowledge, but also to help them acquire this knowledge by themselves using play methods, experimentation, research.

Currently, work on the cognitive development of children through research activities is very relevant, i.e.As an experiment is a "trial", "experience».

As the Chinese proverb says ... “For a child it is more natural and therefore much easier to comprehend new things by conducting their own research - observing, setting up experiments, making their own judgments and conclusions on their basis, than to receive knowledge already obtained by someone in a“ ready-made form ”(A. I. Savenkov).

Experimentation is a universal type of mental activity. Children's experimentation is characterized by a general focus on obtaining new information about a particular subject. Obtaining new knowledge and information acts as the main motive of activity. At the same time, children have a pronounced attitude to receive something new, unexpected.

In the process of research activities, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, because constantly there is a need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison

and classification, generalization.

The need to formulate patterns and draw conclusions stimulates the development of speech.

Entertaining experiences, experiments encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, and the manifestation of creativity. The own activity of children, in one way or another, is associated with the activity coming from an adult, and the knowledge and skills learned with the help of an adult become the property of the child himself, since he perceives and applies them as his own. Namely, the presence of these qualities in a child indicates his curiosity.

The modern educational process is unthinkable without the search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote the development of children's creative abilities, the formation of skills for self-development and self-education. These requirements are fully met by experimental activities based on the increased requirements for the universality of knowledge.

The experimental activity of preschool children received a new impetus in development with the introduction of the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education.

The following integrative qualities are highlighted in the requirements for a kindergarten graduate: “Interested in new, unknown in the world around(the world of objects and things, the world of relationships and your inner world).

Asks questions to an adultlikes to experiment

- ... Able to act independently (in everyday life,in various types of children's activities). In cases of difficulty, he turns to an adult for help.

- Takes a lively, interested participation in the educational process».

By the time of entering the first grade, the child should be able to solve such complex problems as:

Be able to see the problem and ask questions;

Be able to prove;

Draw conclusions;

Make assumptions and make plans to test them.

With the introduction of federal state requirements in the preschool education system, the requirements for the educator himself, for the methods of teaching and educating preschoolers, are changing. In our difficult and contradictory time, the question is especially acute: “How to raise a child today as a person of tomorrow? What knowledge to give him on the road tomorrow? " The comprehension of this issue should take place through the realization of a sharply changed social order: yesterday a performer was needed, and today - a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking.

Therefore, it is necessary for the child to be “taught to doubt,” that is, to teach the child to doubt the truth of knowledge as such, in the means of obtaining it. A child can hear and remember, or he can observe, compare, ask about something incomprehensible, make a proposal.
Knowledge, not gleaned from books, but acquired independently, is always conscious and more solid.

Cognitive activity with the correct pedagogical organization of the pupils' activity and systematic and purposeful educational activity can and should become a stable personality trait of a preschooler and has a strong influence on his development.

All this causedrelevance of the topic

When studying psychological and pedagogical literature, I found contradiction between the urgent need to develop the cognitive activity of preschoolers and the insufficient use of the opportunity to improve this process in a preschool institution.

The revealed contradiction made it possible to designate

research problem: search for the most effective means of developmentin children, cognitive activity, curiosity, the need for mental impressions of children, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection through research activities.

This problem made it possible to formulate the topicwork "Search and research activities as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children"

Object of study- experimentation of preschoolers with objects and materials in a modern preschool educational institution.

Subject of study- search and research activity as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children

Purpose of the study- to theoretically identify and through experimental work to check the effectiveness of experimentation as a means of forming the cognitive activity of older preschool children.

Hypothesis: it is assumed that the cognitive activity of older preschool children can be realistically and significantly increased if in the process of teaching preschoolers various forms are purposefully and comprehensively usedprospecting and research and experimental activitiesunder the following conditions:

  1. if there is a real interaction with a real developing environment;
  2. if the environment is diverse and contains factors of uncertainty and novelty;
  3. if the child purposefully forms an idea of ​​relativity, the inconsistency of knowledge.
  4. if children acquire skills in constructing experimental activities;
  5. if an idea is formed about the close connection between the two ways of cognition, theoretical and empirical, about their capabilities and limitations.

Research objectives.

1 To identify the features of the manifestation of research activity in preschool children in experimentation, to determine and characterize the levels of research activity.

2. To master and implement new problem-search technologies and design technologies that form the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.

3. Create and implement a development process modelsustainable cognitive interest and research activity in the search and research activities of preschoolers.

4. Creation of a common research and creative environment for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each child.

5. To form in children the skills and abilities of research search: set a goal, find ways to solve it and generalize the result;

6. Development of cognitive abilities in children:

  • thinking abilities analysis, classification, comparison, generalization;
  • ways of knowing through sensory analysis.
  • word creation, evidence-based speech of preschoolers, the ability to experiment with words;

7. Development of the child in a social and personal direction:

  • development of communication;
  • improving independence, observation;
  • development of elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions.
  • development the ability to use research and communication skills in everyday life.

8. Promote the competence of parents in organizing work to develop the cognitive activity of preschoolers in the process of experimenting at home.

Expected results:

for children:

  • positive dynamics of the intellectual competence of preschoolers;
  • increasing the level of development of curiosity;
  • possession of research skills (to see and define a problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential signs and connections, compare various facts, put forward various hypotheses, select funds and materials for independent activity, carry out an experiment, do certain conclusions and conclusions);
  • increasing the level of development of cognitive processes;
  • speech development (enriching the vocabulary of children with various terms, consolidating the ability to grammatically correctly construct their answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, follow the logic of their statements, the ability to build evidence-based speech);
  • personal characteristics (the emergence of initiative, independence, the ability to cooperate with others, the need to defend one's point of view, coordinate it with others, etc.);
  • psychological readiness for school;
  • ability to present and defend a project.

- in relation to parents:

  • expanding the involvement of the family in the development of the exploratory behavior of children - as an internal resource for the disclosure of their abilities and giftedness.
  • increasing parental responsibility for the process and results of personal development of one's own child.
  • increasing the involvement of parents in the upbringing and educational process.

Methodological and theoretical basisThis work consists of the ideas of folk pedagogy in connection with the development of cognitive activity among preschoolers (pedagogical heritage of L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, moral and didactic innovations of V.A. ideas for the development of cognitive activity in preschoolers (works by A.K. Markova, V.S.Mukhina, G.I.Shchukina).

To solve the tasks and test the hypothesis, the following were used methods : theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, observation of the educational process, pedagogical experiment, method of analysis of pedagogical experiment, statistical methods of data processing.

Stages of work:

Stage I. Preparatory (Organizational):

Study and analyze the methodological literature on the topic

Drawing up the planning of children's experimental activities

Selection of the main equipment and material for equipping the center of experimental activity

Stage II. Implementation

Carrying out work with children on experimental activities

Involvement of parents in experimental activities of children

Stage III. Generalizing

Determine the effectiveness of the work done

Analyze the results

Summarizing the results of innovative activities at pedagogical councils, conducting a master class for educators, etc.

Practical significanceis that this development can

be used by other teachers for working with children because the work quite presupposes the variability of its use in connection with the specific tasks of the teacher.

Theoretical substantiation of the experience

Currently, certain aspects of children's experimentation are reflected in the works of N.N. Poddyakova, A.N. Poddyakova, O. V. Dybina, I.E. Kulikovskaya, N.N. Sovgir, A.I. Savenkova, O. V. Afanasyeva.

It is a pity that for a long time this was not taken into account by the preschool education system. The only way out here, according to teachers and psychologists, is the widespread introduction of the method of organized and controlled children's experimentation - at home and in kindergarten.

Not every senior preschooler can perfectly master all experimental skills, but certain successes can be achieved as a result of the efforts and conditions that experimental activity can build in this situation.

According to N.G. Chernilova, who considers experimental learning as developing, it consists in creating conditions under which children:

They independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources;

Learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

Acquire communication skills by working in different groups;

They develop their research skills (the ability to identify problems, collect information,

observation, experiment, analysis, hypothesis, generalization);

Develops systems thinking.

His work on the development of the cognitive activity of children through

I built experimental activities on the basis of the following


1.The principle of scientific character:

- involves the reinforcement of all means of cognition with scientifically grounded and practically tested methods;

2.Principle of accessibility:

It involves the construction of the process of teaching preschoolers in age-appropriate forms of working with children, and since one of the leading activities of preschool children is play, then learning takes place in a playful way;

Provides for the solution of program tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of pupils;

3. The principle of systematicity and consistency:

Provides the unity of the upbringing, developmental and teaching tasks for the development of experimental and experimental activities of preschoolers;

Assumes the repetition of topics in all age groups and allows

for children to apply what they have learned and learn new things at the next stage of development - it forms dynamic stereotypes in children as a result of repeated repetitions.

4. The principle of individual-personal orientation of education:

It involves the implementation of the idea of ​​the priority of self-valuable childhood, which provides a humane approach to the integral development of the personality of a preschooler and ensuring the readiness of the personality for its further development;

Provides psychological security of the child, emotional comfort, creation of conditions for self-realization based on the individual characteristics of the child.

5.Principle of Integrity:

It is based on the complex principle of constructing the continuity and continuity of the process of experimental and experimental activity;

Provides for the solution of program problems in the joint activities of teachers, children and parents.

6. The principle of active learning:

It presupposes not the transfer of ready-made knowledge to children, but the organization of such experimental children's activity, in the process of which they themselves make "discoveries", learn new things by solving available problem problems;

Provides the use of active forms and methods of teaching preschoolers, contributing to the development of children's independence, initiative, creativity.

7.Principle of creativity:

Provides for the "cultivation" of preschoolers' ability to transfer previously formed skills in a situation of independent activity, to initiate and encourage the needs of children to independently find solutions to non-standard tasks and problem situations.

8.Principle of performance:

Provides for obtaining a positive result of the work carried out on the topic, regardless of the level of intellectual development of children.

Essence, efficiency and novelty of experimentation

Currently, the process of qualitative renewal of education is actively taking place, its culturological, developmental, personal potential is increasing. Various forms of research activity are being actively introduced into the educational process.

Preschool education is designed to ensure self-development and self-realization of the child, to promote the development of research activity and initiative of the preschooler (N.N. Poddyakov, A.N. Poddyakov, O.V. Dybina, O. L. Knyazeva). The scientific search for effective means of developing the research activity of preschoolers is an urgent problem that requires a theoretical and practical solution.

It is well known that an essential aspect of preparing a child for school is the upbringing of his inner need for knowledge, manifested in cognitive interest.

A preschool child is by nature inherent in an orientation towards cognition of the surrounding world and experimentation with objects and phenomena of reality.

At an older age, many children think about such physical phenomena as the freezing of water in winter, the propagation of sound in the air and in the water, different colors of objects in the surrounding reality, and the ability to achieve the desired color on their own in fine arts classes, etc. The verbal-logical thinking of children of the seventh year of life is formed based on visual-effective and visual-figurative methods of cognition. An experiment independently conducted by a child allows him to create a model of a natural scientific phenomenon and generalize the results obtained in an effective way, compare them, classify and draw conclusions about the value significance of physical phenomena for a person and himself.

In the process of experimenting, the child needs to answer not only the question of how I do it, but also the questions why I do it this way, and not otherwise, why I do it, that I want to know what to get as a result.

Having studied the theoretical material on this issue, I concluded that it is necessary to deepen knowledge and study experimental techniques in more depth, since at present, in connection with the revision of the priority forms and methods of teaching in preschool education, it is precisely the methods that develop in children the abilities for the initial forms of generalization, inference, and abstraction that prevail. And that method is experimentation.

The analysis of the program "Basic general educational program of preschool education FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL". / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva: it shows that the question of the method of organizing children's research activities remains open, since it concentrates only on creating a card index of experiments and experiments. Research activity presupposes the emergence of a motive, setting a goal, planning, implementing a process to achieve it, obtaining a result and analyzing it with reflection. The use of elementary experiments takes into account only the elements of planning and performing the experiment, the analysis of the results and, in some cases, elementary reflection. The goals, as a rule, are set by the teacher, as a result of which there is no awareness of the problem. Thus, there is no research activity. Children form a general idea of ​​some phenomena and effects, but there is no systemic understanding of their essence, which is based on the ability to establish causal relationships and draw conclusions and conclusions based on them.

In order to systematize developmental work with children in the direction, she developed a long-term plan for working with children to develop cognitive activity through experimental activities for the senior and preparatory groups.

The plan was developed on the basis of the following programs: "Experimental activity of older preschool children" G.P. Tugushev., Chistyakova A.E; "Unknown nearby" (experiments experiments for preschoolers) OV Dybina; What are objects made of (Games-activities for preschoolers) OV Dybin; "Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers" edited by Prokhorova; Lesson notes, card indexes.


This development can also be used by other teachers to work with children, because the work quite presupposes the variability of its use in connection with the specific tasks of the teacher.

Teachers can always use the parameters of the developed diagnostics, and the practical material presented in the section

The "application" will help teachers diversify activities with children, bring children joy and surprises.


I started my work with monitoring: in order to study the conditions for the development of the cognitive activity of children through the experimental activity of children in the older group. Carried out diagnostics

According to the results of diagnostics, 22% of children gave preference to experimental activities. She identified the reasons for the low level of mastery of experimental activities by older preschool children:

Cognitive interest is unstable;

Children do not always see the problem;

Are inactive in putting forward ideas;

The desire for independence is not expressed;

Use evidence with the help of an adult.

Diagnostic data clearly showed that children do not have a stable interest in experimental activity. Children experienced difficulties in many ways: they could not see and highlight the problem, accept and set a goal, etc.

In my work, I adhere to the following requirements for the content of training in the system of experimental activity:

1. Children should have a feeling of dissatisfaction with the existing ideas.

2. New ideas (concepts) should be such that children clearly understand their content.

3. New ideas must be believable in the perception of children; they should perceive these ideas as potentially admissible, combined with the existing ideas about the world.

4. New concepts and ideas should be fruitful; in other words, serious reasons are needed for preschoolers to abandon their more familiar notions. New ideas should clearly be more useful than old ones. New ideas will be perceived as more fruitful if they help to solve an unsolved problem, lead to new ideas, and have wider possibilities for explanation or prediction.

Requirements for the educational process.

1. Encourage children to formulate their ideas and ideas, to express them explicitly.

2. To confront pupils with phenomena that are in conflict with existing ideas.

3. Encourage children to put forward alternative explanations, assumptions, guesses.

4. Give preschoolers the opportunity to explore their assumptions in a free and informal environment, especially through small group discussions.

5. Give children the opportunity to apply new concepts in relation to a wide range of phenomena, situations - so that they can appreciate their applied value.

I build my work on the development of experimental activity with children in three interrelated directions:

nature (characteristic features of the seasons, the variety of living organisms, as an adaptation to the environment, etc.). Identifying the plant's need for air, they tried to understand how the respiration process occurs in plants: they smeared one side of the leaf with petroleum jelly, observed and concluded that those leaves that were smeared with petroleum jelly on the bottom side died. We observed the state of the plants depending on the watering and concluded that plants cannot live without water. In February, we conducted a series of experiments "Sowing and germinating seeds", "Do plants need light?"

inanimate nature (air, water, soil, light, color, warmth, etc.).

In entertaining experiments and experiments, the properties of water were revealed: transparent, shapeless, odorless, tasteless. They tried to detect air in the surrounding space using a plastic bag, a straw and a can of water, a rubber pear and other objects. Identified materials that interact with magnets, children tried to identify the properties of the magnet. Interesting experiments were carried out with snow and ice, for example "Protective properties of snow": water in three vessels is buried in snow at different depths, where the water will freeze faster and why? Children like to conduct experiments with sand: how can you make a sand cone? Are dry sand tunnels made?

Person (the functioning of the organism; the man-made world: materials and their properties, the transformation of objects and phenomena, etc.). Consolidated children's ideas aboutsense organs, their purpose (ears - to hear, recognized various sounds, nose - determined the smell, fingers - determined the shape, surface structure, tongue - determined by taste).

All topics are complicated in terms of content, tasks, ways of their implementation (informational, efficient-thinking, transformative). When choosing a theme, I observe the following rules:

1. The topic should be interesting to the child, should captivate him.

2. The topic must be doable, its solution must bring real benefit to the research participants (the child must reveal the best sides of his intellect, gain new useful knowledge, skills and abilities).

3. The theme should be original, it needs an element of surprise, unusualness. In a kindergarten, I only use elementary experiments and experiments.

Their elementality is:

First, in the nature of the tasks being solved: they are unknown only to children.

Secondly, in the process of these experiments, scientific discoveries do not occur, but elementary concepts and conclusions are formed.

Third, they are practically safe.

Fourthly, such work uses ordinary household, gaming and non-standard equipment.

When conducting experiments, I adhere to the following structure:

Formulation of the problem;

Finding ways to solve the problem;

Testing hypotheses, assumptions;

Discussion of the results seen;

Formulation of conclusions;

Such an algorithm of work allows you to activate mental activity, encourages children to independent research.

Of no small importance in the development of children's activity is a well-equipped, saturatedsubject-spatial environment, which stimulates the independent research activity of the child, creates optimal conditions for enhancing the course of self-development.

For the development of children's cognitive activity, it is important that the "Information" embedded in the environment does not reveal itself completely at once, but encourages the child to search for it. Every child should feel comfortable in the world around them. But the subject environment should not be a "dead" combination "of various equipment and materials. The objective world should ensure the realization of the child's need for active and diverse activities.

It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, open system, capable of change, adjustment and, most importantly, development. In other words, the environment should be not only developing, but also developing. Practice suggests; that it is difficult to completely replace the subject environment in a group. But still, under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated. Only then will the environment contribute to the formation of cognitive and motor activity.
"Cognition" is based on feelings of surprise, admiration for the world, desire and ability to seek, experiment. In solving each problem, symbolic images of research methods help: read in a book, ask another person; to conduct an experiment, to observe. These methods stimulate the activity of children, develop logical thinking, active and passive vocabulary, observation, curiosity.

Working with children involves the use of development tools such as a museum, model and collection zones.

I try not to give the children ready-made answers, but together with them to get information, exploring the world around them, developing inquisitiveness in children.

Observing the children, I realized how important it is to provide them with a "zone of proximal development."

Therefore, my activity to enrich the environment took place in front of the eyes of the children and with their feasible participation. This was accompanied by conversations, discussions, observations, reading "books".

Each corner in the group carries certain information, helps the children to understand, learn, acquire new information and knowledge.

The existing mini-laboratory in the group creates conditions for the development of cognitive interest in children, interest in research activities and contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview. At the same time, it is the basis for the specific play activity of the child. Working in the laboratory involves the transformation of children into "scientists" who conduct experiments, experiments, observations. This is a small corner in the group, which allows the child to carry out a variety of research activities, including independent ones. The design of the laboratory did not require large additional costs. Secondary materials are used as equipment and materials for conducting experiments, in particular, packaging materials (boxes, cups ...) It should be noted that children are looking forward to classes in the laboratory with great interest.Together with the children, we create schemes of experiments and experiments.

Materials in the corner of experimentation are divided into sections: "Sand and Water", "Sound", "Magnets", "Paper", "Light", "Glass", "Materials". They are in a place accessible for free experimentation and in sufficient quantity. Also in the mini laboratory there is equipment:

1. Transparent and opaque vessels of various configurations and volumes (plastic bottles, glasses, ladles, bowls, etc.)

2. Measuring spoons.

3. Sieves and funnels of different material and volume.

4. Rubber pears of different sizes.

5. Soap dish halves, ice-making molds, plastic bases for sets of chocolates, container for eggs.

6. Rubber or plastic gloves.

7. Pipettes with rounded ends, plastic syringes without needles.

8. Flexible and plastic straws, cocktail straws.

9. Hygienically safe foaming substances (baby shampoos, bath foams), soluble aromatic substances (bath salts, food additives), instant products (salt, sugar, coffee, tea bags), etc.

10. Natural material: (pebbles, feathers, shells, cones, seeds, nut shells, pieces of bark, bags or containers with earth, clay, leaves, twigs), etc.

11. Waste material: (paper of different textures and colors, pieces of leather, foam rubber, fur, wire, corks, various boxes), etc.

12. Magnifying glasses, microscope, spirit lamp, test tubes.

13. Containers with sand and water.

14. Roulette, tailor's meter, ruler, triangle.

15. Hourglass clock.

16. Paper for notes and sketches, pencils, felt-tip pens.

17. Glued aprons, oversleeves (both can be made from ordinary plastic bags), a broom, a scoop, and other cleaning items.

In each section, rules for the safe handling of materials are developed. Together with the children, prohibitory and permissive signs are invented and hung out.

The material in the Experimentation Corner is intended for intermediate children. There are also materials and equipment for more sophisticated experiments designed for gifted and highly developed children.

In addition to the mini laboratory, located in a specially designated place, materials for research are located in the entire developmental environment of the group. These are various maps: political, population, flora and fauna, a globe, road signs, posters, drawings, photographs, all kinds of collections in the center of cognitive development.

A competent combination of materials and equipment in the corner of experimentation contributes to the mastery of children by means of cognitive activity, methods of action, examination of objects, and the expansion of cognitive experience.

It is easier for a child to learn about the world "by traveling on maps, the globe." With their help, children get acquainted not only with history, with fauna and flora, in which natural zone they are located and why exactly there. The map and the globe help children to clearly see how huge its territory is, how varied the relief is.
Working with an atlas, a map, we introduce children to the protected areas of Russia, which are called reserves. We find the largest ocean, the largest desert "Sahara", we talk about the climate, the wealth of mineral resources. So gradually the magician by step, reading books available to children, working with maps, the globe, we get to know history, find out how many countries there are on Earth.
The work I am doing is not intended to provide children with detailed geographical and historical information. The main thing is to interest children, to create integral living images of different parts of the Earth in the child's imagination through bright symbols, icons, color ...
The layout of the kindergarten is also located here; group plan. Materials change in the course of children's mastery of spatial representations and orientation in the surrounding space. A variety of materials are used - cars, different secrets for "searching", "traveling". Classes are planned and conducted, games - travels using plans, layouts of a kindergarten. “Where is the place of the“ secret ”on the territory of the kindergarten or group, and after a full verbal report I give the opportunityfor the child to act - find the "secret".
It is very important that the "information" embedded in the environment does not reveal itself completely at once, but encourages children to search for it. For this purpose, periodically changing visual material (labyrinths, puzzles, poster ...) hangs on the wall in the group. Children stand around them with interest, examine, reason, ask questions: how? why? For what? ... In such conversations, joint affairs, the children's vocabulary expands, new knowledge is acquired, new impressions are acquired, observation and curiosity develop.

At different moments of joint work activities with children, I use the partner position. First of all, this is an invitation to activities that are optional, unconstrained. "Let's today ... Who wants to, make yourself more like this ..." I will be Who wants to join ... "I try to be always with the children, on the carpet, in a circle or around several common tables with material for work, experimentation. I invite you to equal participation in work, discussion, research.
Everyone knows with what passion a child disassembles mechanical devices ... to see how they work, or manipulate various objects in order to cause any effect. For this purpose, a box of "Adult things" appeared in the group - disassembling, manipulating with objects; conducting conversations - discussions - the child ultimately satisfies his curiosity.
Together with the children, they created the "Science Center", where cognitive literature and encyclopedias were placed.

There is a vegetable garden on the window. The vegetable garden allows you to organize long-term observations of the process of plant growth, plant growth conditions.
On the shelf is the "Collection Zone". This zone is intended for acquainting children with various objects, subjects, for developing their classification skills according to various signs and sensory skills. The collection material also serves as a visual material. Collections include those objects, items that preschoolers themselves can collect and their parents.

Seed collections "Zernyshko"

Herbarium "Amazing Plants"

Collection of paper "Workshop of the artist"

Fabric collection "Cinderella's Atelier"

Collection "Magic Button".

Collection of seashells "Sea Wonders"

Collection of stones "Pantry of the Earth"

Our collections will be replenished with materials that children will bring from various places that they will visit during their holidays. Any such object will serve as an occasion for conversation, discussion.

Organization of joint educational activities of the educator

With children and parents.

Methodological recommendations for conducting GCD using experimentation are found in the works of various authors N.N. Podyakova, F.A. Sokhina, S.N. Nikolaeva. These authors propose to organize the work in such a way that children can repeat the experience shown by the teacher, they can observe, answer questions using the results of the experiments. With this form, the child masters experimentation as a type of activity and his actions are reproductive in nature. Experimentation does not become an activity of value in itself, as it arises at the initiative of an adult. In order for experimentation to become a leading activity, it must arise on the initiative of the child himself.

After five years, the stage begins when children's activities diverge in two directions: one direction turns into play, the second into conscious experimentation.

An experiment independently conducted by a child allows him to create a model of a phenomenon and generalize the results obtained in an effective way, compare them, classify and draw conclusions of these phenomena for a person and himself.

From all of the above, we can conclude that for preschool children, experimentation, along with play, is the leading activity.

Experimental - experimental activity isintegratingwith other types of children's activities type of activity. Observationis one of the forms of experimental activity, since with its help the perception of the course of work and its results is carried out. However, the observation itself can take place without experiment.

Integration between experiment and labor, at first glance, seems to be not visible: labor (for example, service) may not be associated with experimentation, but there are no experiments without performing labor actions.

These links are two-way. On the one hand, the presence of labor skills and observation skills in children creates favorable conditions for experimentation, on the other hand, experimentation, which especially arouses great interest in the child, contributes to the development of observation and the formation of labor skills.

The development of cognitive activity in older preschool children through experimental activitypermeates all spheres of children's life, including play activities. Play in exploration often develops into real creativity. In my work with children, I attach great importance to play technologies, using didactic games: "Guess by the smell", "Guess who called?", "Wonderful bag", "Light", and others.

Word games: "What's superfluous?", "Good-bad",and others develop children's attention, imagination, increase knowledge about the world around them.

Construction games with sand, water help to solve many problem situations, for example:why dry sand pours down, but wet sand does not; where a grain will germinate faster in the ground or sand; What things are good for water, and what harm?All these questions make kids think, compare and draw conclusions.

The games develop the ability to analyze, identify relationships and interdependencies between objects and their features.

Entertaining games - experiments and games - experiments encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, manifestation of creativity "Name the clay", "Make a rainbow", "Games with a straw", "What's in the box?", "When does it happen?", "Magic rays", "We are magicians", "Box with a secret", and others.

Experimenting and communication are very closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment -when formulating a goal, during a discussion of the methodology and course of experience, when summing up and verbal reporting on what he saw.The bilateral nature of these ties should be noted.

The ability to clearly express one's thoughts (i.e. sufficiently developed speech) facilitates the conduct of the experiment, while the replenishment of knowledge contributes to the development of speech. Consequently, without replenishment of knowledge, the development of speech would be reduced to a simple manipulation of words.

The following combinations are possible: reading a small piece of fiction, introducing into a specific topic, then, actually, experiments and experiments;

Experimentation is also associated with other types of activity - reading fiction, since in the process of experimentation, the artistic word is of great importance, which helps to organize, interest children, and replenish vocabulary.

The connection between experimentation and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts does not require special proof. During the experiments, the need constantly arises to count, measure, compare, determine the shape and size, and perform other operations. All this gives real significance to mathematical concepts and contributes to their understanding. At the same time, mastering mathematical operations facilitates experimentation.

The connection between children's experimentation and artistic creation is also two-way. The more the child's visual abilities are developed, the more accurately the result of the experiment will be registered. At the same time, the deeper the child studies the object in the process of acquaintance with nature, the more accurately he will convey its details during the visual activity. For both types of activity, the development of observation and the ability to register what they see are equally important.

Thus, the more sense organs are involved in cognition, the more properties the child selects in the object under study.

Consequently, his ideas expand, allowing him to compare, distinguish, actively reflect and doubt.

Forms of work on the development of cognitive activity in older preschool children through experimental activities.

Specially organized educational activities in the educational field "Cognition" to form a holistic picture of the world with included experiments on a given topic (GCD);

Joint activities of an adult with children, as well as a child with a peer;

Free independent activity of children.

When conducting GCD in children, interest arose in the studied content in order to induce the child toindependent activity.

In progress independent activityit is necessary to involve children in methods of cognitive activity. How to find out? What do you need to do to make sure? What if?

And then in joint activities- consolidated the previously received ideas.

I propose to dwell in more detail on each of the forms of work in more detail.

Block of organized training in the form of GCD.

The program of children's experimentation involves the long-term planning of GCD once a week, with experiments and experiments, opening up a new world of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature for preschoolers. During the GCD, 3-4 experiments are carried out, depending on the complexity in the form of an experimenting game in the "Children's Laboratory", always with a surprise moment, or with the unusualness of the object, etc.

The main form of children's experimental activity, which I actively use, are experiences ... Children perform experiments with great pleasure.with objects of inanimate nature: sand, clay, snow, air, stones, water, magnet, etc. For example, I pose a problem:mold a figurine from wet and dry sand.Children talk about what kind of sand is molded, why. Examining the sand through a magnifying glass, they find that it consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability.

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