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Group development in social networks. Project development with the help of groups

This material can be used as instructions for use. If you need to promote your page on a social network, just open the text and proceed in stages!

I tell you how to use an integrated approach in promoting your business based on statistics, analysis and the use of effective tools for SMM promotion. I have developed 7 steps that will help you develop a page from scratch and make it interesting for your customers.

Step 1. Defining the concept of a community

Your page should convey some concept. If this concept has already been formed within the framework of your business, this is a significant plus. The concept should represent the leading vision, the set of views of the company's management on the current customer problems, and how your business or product can solve those problems.

for instance: there is no efficient and fast pizza delivery service on the market. Our service helps restaurants deliver their goods to the consumer on time, and for the consumer provides fast and inexpensive pizza delivery, while maintaining its taste, temperature and flavor properties.

Remember that the concept determines the strategy of actions and influences further methods of promotion in social networks.

Step # 2. Goal setting

We set ourselves goals that will increase the key performance indicators of the business. Goals should be set, based on the SMART system, that is, they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and controllable.

In our case, we write goals like this:

  • Identify our competitors and analyze their activity on social networks.
  • Identify and analyze our target audience.
  • Optimize our page for the audience.
  • Develop a content plan for all segments of our target audience.
  • Identify the most effective and profitable tools for page development.
  • Test tools and analyze their effectiveness.
  • Start group lead.

Step # 3. Data collection and analytics

This can be done by an individual specialist, an agency, or yourself. This period includes the following activities:

  • Identify all possible competitors and analyze what they are doing to attract users and how effective. Based on the monitoring of key queries (wordstat), the number of users and measurement of user activity, it is possible to determine the leading market players.
  • Allocation based on SMM tools and core statistics of the audience of competitor groups (active core, medium active core, inactive core). What is Audience Core? It often happens that in a group or page, 10-15% of users from the total number of subscribers regularly conduct user activity: like posts, leave comments, repost on their pages or actively conduct discussions. If you look at the most active users, you can identify certain patterns in their behavior and preferences.
  • Conduct and collect custom requirements for each core and develop custom scripts.

For instance: Masha Ivanova, 23, works in sales in Moscow, is not married, loves smart solutions and life hacks for the home, loves beautiful interior design, cats on Instagram and short useful texts.

Of course, these scenarios will be conditional, but they will help us develop such content in the future that will take into account the maximum user preferences.

  • Revealing the effective time for posting content (daily, weekly, monthly, holiday time), using the analysis of user activity in similar communities. For example, on Saturday morning, you can publish material at 12:00, since only at this time your subscribers wake up.

Step # 4. Optimizing the page

Optimization based on custom page scenarios for all audience cores (Wiki markup, design, description, short URL, album names, discussion titles, etc.). This is where you really need to invest in a nice and nice design and if you followed the previous steps, it will be much easier for you to explain to the designer what audience he is working for.

Step # 5. Content plan development

The most interesting and difficult part of the job is developing a content plan for each core of the audience. You identify the topic, the format of the post.

Example: Monday at 18:31 the history of the creation of the gadget should be published.

You should now find your sources of content. These can be RSS feeds, public pages, blogs, news publications, opinion leaders, copywriters, videographers, photographers, artists.

Describe the content requirements for the text and title of posts. Indicate what media materials should be present in the posts and albums of the group. What topics should be raised by the group members. Ideally, you get a filled-in post format grid in your content plan, for example for a month to post. Based on these requirements, requirements can be drawn up for outsourcing performers: photographers, designers, etc.

Step # 6. Testing and identifying effective tools

At this point, you start publishing your content to the page. To determine the effectiveness of the toolkit, one should not forget about collecting statistics. For example, track the number of clicks, count the reach, attract new users per day, week, or another specific period of time.

Here, the main attention should be paid to the ROI (return of investment) - the ratio of the amount of profit or loss to the amount of investment. This indicator is expressed in% and will show you the most effective and ineffective channels of attracting an audience on the Internet (advertising exchange, banners, affiliate programs, paid publications and posts) for your page. From all these channels of attraction, you remove ineffective, time-consuming and expensive ones.

Step # 7. Resource development

You have done the almost impossible! You have collected content and a systematic approach for publishing it on social media. You know your audience almost by sight and know what they like. Considering that a lot of money has been spent on the analysis, a reasonable question arises, what else can be done? Using the data from this research, you can not only improve your website, but also expand your business by offering a new product or service.

At the initial stage of community development and business promotion on social networks, fill a group with about 20-30 posts with content. A user who came by invitation or through contextual advertising will want to scroll through the community feed, and if you have 1-2 news, then most likely he will not subscribe to it.

It is better to create a group on VKontakte first (it is better to create a page on Facebook). VKontakte allows you to convert a group to a page and vice versa. The group will give you the opportunity to invite users for initial content. Invite only those users who might be interested in the group's content or your business. Do not expect high conversions at the initial stage, do a complex advertising campaign using an advertising exchange or direct placement through administrators of similar communities. Pay special attention to the advertising post, put the "shooting" picture in the context of the community in which you advertise. Here is an example -

Not so long ago we wrote about. The article aroused interest among our readers, and many of them began to ask questions related to the development of their group. After all, the basis of business promotion is a high-quality and good group, with the help of which you will sell goods, or else attract visitors to your site.
So then a logical question arises: how to develop this group, where to get subscribers, how to attract new visitors and increase their engagement. Today we will try to give answers to all these questions, talk about the subtleties of the development and promotion of our own public, pay attention to certain nuances that are very important, but which many beginners forget about.

Related article:

This article was written with the assistance and recommendations of the SMM specialist webmaster, who currently has a network of VKontakte communities with a total audience of several million people.
1. Embed widgets into your site
VKontakte groups are often used to increase traffic on the site. But you can act in the opposite direction. If the bulk of your site visitors come from search engines, then you have a great opportunity to make them subscribers to your community or group.
How to do it? Everything is simple. Vkontakte, like most other social networks, has special widgets that are embedded in the code of your site. A person who comes to the site and sees there a social network widget can easily join your community in a few clicks.
I am sure that a normal question will arise: “Why should the site visitors be“ driven ”into a social network, because they are already coming from the search, and it’s already good”. The answer is this - if a person came to your site through Yandex or Google, then, as a rule, this is a transit visitor. He will get what he was looking for, and it is unlikely that he will ever return to the site. In order to turn a casual visitor into a permanent one, you must attract him to a group where he can regularly see various updates of your site.
Another tip is to place widgets on all pages of the site, and give the user the opportunity to choose exactly the social network that he uses most often.
2. Advertising in other communities
Now it is practically impossible to imagine the development of a public or a VKontakte group without advertising in other, large communities. As a rule, beginners believe that they can do without it and leave only with a beautiful avatar, interesting posts, and reposts of their friends. To be honest, this method worked 5 years ago, when a community of 20-30 thousand people was considered large. Today, you will no longer surprise anyone with beautiful designs and cute writing on the walls.
Advertising in thematic publics is what really works. Yes, this business is not cheap, but you must understand that there is no other way out. If you are serious about creating a good selling public, then without investment it will be oh, how bad. Most likely, you will spend a lot of time and get minimal return.
How much is advertising now? It all depends on your topic and the selected sites for placing advertising posts. As a rule, in publics with millionaires, advertising will be from 1,500 rubles per post. But remember that you can always search and find cheaper and equally high quality offers. And one more thing, always pay attention to the statistics of potential advertising sites. You need quality publics, not ones filled with bots.
By the way, if you are seriously thinking about promoting your group and want to earn from 100,000 rubles a month, then we recommend listening to the free webinar “Social Revolution. Money 2.0 ”, hosted by webmaster Alexander, SMM specialist whose income from Vkontakte projects exceeds 300,000 rubles.

Related article:

3. Buy offers
I will not say that this is the best way to promote your Vkontakte group, but at first you cannot do without it. It has long been known that people are more willing to join communities with a large number of subscribers. This is the effect of the masses, when, on the subconscious, a person realizes that the more people subscribe to a given group, the more interesting it is. He also wants to become a part of something big and interesting.
So, in order to attract real people, you need to fill the group with offers to a certain value. Where can I get them? There are now many services on the network that, for money, will invite as many people to your group as necessary. As a rule, offers are real people who join your community for a certain reward. Do not expect activity from them (likes, comments, reposts, orders), because they are needed only for statistics. In the future, when the group begins to fill up with real people, you should abandon the practice of attracting offers, because this does not make sense, but only entails additional spending of money.

4. Targeting advertising on Vkontakte
Another way to develop and promote your public. To be honest, we do not really like him, because this is the most expensive and not very effective method, but we must tell you about it. Perhaps in our cases it was not effective, but for you it will be perfect.
Now "Vkontakte" offers two payments for targeted advertising - payment for clicks, and payment for impressions. This is not to say which of this is more effective, because each individual case has its own characteristics. Before replenishing an advertising account for large amounts, we advise you to carry out a number of experiments, try different types of ads, images, headlines. Choose different parameters for your ads and choose the best solution. Very often, changing the title or image can either improve or worsen the effect of an ad.
Don't count on targeted ads as the only way to attract people. If you already decide to use it, then only as an addition to all other methods of promotion.

5. Understand user motivations
If you decide to create a community for your company, then you need to clearly understand why Vkontakte users need to join there. But think logically, the user goes to the community for some purpose, and if he doesn't get what he came for, then he unsubscribes very quickly. If a person unsubscribed, then consider that you have lost him forever. To prevent this, determine the motives and needs of the person. As a rule, they can be as follows:
Obtaining information about your company and the products provided.
Communication with those who have already used the services of your company. Search for reviews from other customers.
Communication with management and company representatives
Receive discounts and bonuses for participating in the community.
This is roughly what it is worth focusing on, and what must be in the company's public.

Related article:

6. Correct group design
As they say, they are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, you should design your group as beautifully as possible. What do users pay attention to in the first place? That's right, the name, logo, menu and post design. These are the four ingredients that should be the basis for the correct design of your public.
Make the logo bright, attractive, so that it reveals the essence of the community, makes it clear what it is about. If we talk about the name, then it should be laconic, and also closely related to the theme of the public itself. Also, do not try to insert advertisements like "Sale of Moscow jackets" or "Rent a car" in the title. Users have a filter automatically triggered on advertising communities, because no one likes when they are shoved with a product.
Also, spare some money and order a beautiful graphical menu, with the help of which all members of your community can quickly find the information they need. It has long been a proven fact that a graphical menu is much better perceived than a regular text menu.
And at the end, a few tips for post design. Posts should be as informative as possible and close to the theme of your public. If you have a travel company and you sell tours around the world through public, then you should not post news about politics, sports, information about business or some cute cats. I would also like to add that it is advisable to accompany all posts with beautiful pictures, audio or video materials.
7. Contests
One of the most effective ways to interact with your subscribers is by running contests and promotions. Such a move will allow solving several problems at once. First, to stir up the audience, forcing them to be more actively involved in the life of the group. If the user is involved, then he will often return to the group, follow its updates. Secondly, attract new members to the community. As a rule, all contests are based on the idea that as many people as possible know about the group. Contest participants are motivated to make reposts, tell friends about the group, share this information in other communities. And thirdly, with the help of the competition, you can fill the group with user-generated content. Very often, according to the terms of the competition, you have to write something, take a photo, shoot a video message. All this is gathered in the group, thereby increasing its value for other members.
8. Stimulate discussion
Users are lazy and won't do anything themselves. Therefore, you must stimulate their communication. Ask questions, create topics for discussion, raise sensitive and topical issues. All this will force users to join the discussion, to be involved in the life of the group. Typically, a new visitor who just came in and saw a lively discussion will understand that the community is alive and will subscribe to it.

Related article:

9. Advise participants
If the group has a topic like “Questions to an expert”, where everyone can get an answer to their questions, then this will significantly increase loyalty to the group. Many users are interested not only in standard information about the company, or beautiful posts with cute pictures, but also in more pressing problems. You must provide an opportunity to resolve these problems.
It is very important that the consultant really has to be an expert in the given topic. It is necessary to outline in advance the range of issues on which consultation is possible. The answers should not be of an advertising nature, but be objective and informative. The deadline for answering questions should be set in advance.
10. Keep the group clean
As soon as your group becomes popular, spammers and various trolls will definitely come to it. You have to keep the group clean and clean it of unnecessary and non-targeted information several times a day. If users see that there is a lot of "garbage" in the group and no one is working on it, they will start actively unsubscribing.

Her, you can proceed to the next stage. And the topic of today's publication is how to promote a group in VK without spending more on it 30 minutes a day... Please note that this publication is more suitable for those who are just starting their way in SMM and want to promote the group on their own and for free.

Among other methods that help promote a group in VK, there are the so-called "Black" methods - they are able to give a quick increase in subscribers, but most of them will be bots that will not buy anything. In addition, because of this, the community can be blocked, so it is better not to use such promotion methods.

How to promote a group in VK: yourself and for free

The promotion of the group in VK pursues certain goals:

  • Sale of goods, services companies (an indicator of efficiency is bids and sales);
  • Earnings on the group, advertising (the number of subscribers is important, involvement: likes, reposts and comments);
  • Hobbies, creativity(it may be enough that you and your mother are in the group).

Depending on the chosen goals, a plan for promoting the group is drawn up, but in general terms it consists of the following points:

  1. Determination of the target audience;
  2. Attraction of subscribers (how and from where new subscribers will be attracted);
  3. Content plan (a detailed plan is drawn up for the types of content that will be published and the time of publication);
  4. Contests (holding contests and sweepstakes to attract new subscribers);
  5. Advertising (targeted and native);
  6. Working with bloggers, opinion leaders, guest posting;
  7. Evaluation of efficiency and adjustment of promotion actions.

For effective promotion, you need to think over and implement each stage, while simultaneously tracking feedback in order to evaluate all actions. Then we either correct the ineffective actions and try again, or immediately discard them. Either we leave effective actions in the form in which they are, or we set up experiments to improve.

Determine to whom you are going to sell or who will read you. Understanding the target audience, its interests, needs, fears and desires is almost half of the success.

Let's look at the definition of the target audience in VK, using the example of the commercial community.

  1. Buyer type: individuals or companies. What segment are you going to work in, B2C or B2B?
  2. Purpose of purchase: resale or use. Why do people buy from you? For yourself or to resell your goods at a higher price in your city?
  3. Socio-demographic characteristics: gender, age, marital status etc. Even if you work in the B2B segment, you have to deal with people. Find out all about who makes the decision so you know how to get them to buy.

Of course, this is just a general idea of ​​the target audience, then you can segment customers into different types and create a description for each type (segment).

Boost subscribers

At this point, in accordance with the topic of the article, we will consider free ways to cheat VKontakte subscribers.

Content and publication plan

Let's analyze the main types of content that we can post in our group in order to attract and retain the target audience.

  • Selling posts- in them you tell about your product, how to use it, why you need to buy right now and how much it costs.
  • Entertainment content- 1-2 times a week, you can publish texts or memes, one way or another related to the topic of your activity. But don't overuse such content - the goal is sales, not entertainment.
  • Polls- do polls or polls at least once a month, this will help you get to know your subscribers better and involve them in interaction.
  • Situational posting- posts tied to any events that are happening right now (Oscar presentation to Leonardo DiCaprio) or holidays (September 1, Airborne Forces day, new year).
  • Video content- it is not necessary to hire a professional videographer to produce video content, shoot on your phone: jobs, product manufacturing process, interesting comments and comments on your product.
  • Reviews - those who bought your product or used the service, ask to write a review and post it in the group.
  • Links to the site- if there is a website, then periodically publish links to news, articles and products.

With this sorted out, let's move on. And then we arrange brainstorm and generate ideas for 20-30 posts. We write just the names and so as not to forget what the post will be in general terms. Then we distribute the resulting posts by day of the week and time of publication. Publish from 1 to 3 posts per day. This will be yours content plan for a month.

To ensure that each post comes out on the right day at the right time, we will use the deferred publications function. To do this, right under the new post, click "More", select "Timer" and set the time when the post should be published.

Also, this process can be automated, for example, using the service SMMplanner... It provides up to 100 free posts per month, plus the same post can be published in several social networks at once. networks (Facebook, Instagram).

How to make a VKontakte selling post

As an example, let's take a look at the structure and design of a selling post.

1. Attractive heading.
2. Disclosure benefits and the uniqueness of the proposal.
3. Appeal to the target audience (or to specific segments) for which the post is written.
4. Deficit(there are only 5 pieces left in the warehouse, free time for today, etc.).
5. Call to action. A clear and most simple action that the user must perform: leave + in the comments, call right now, go to the site to find out more.

Image for the post.

In the photo that will be attached to the post, you can duplicate the main theses and add an image of the product or the process of use. Make sure there is a slight indentation between the edges of the image and the text.

Contests and sweepstakes

You can attract new visitors, subscribers and customers using contests and sweepstakes, in which a prerequisite is to join the group and repost with the terms of the competition. In order not to spend money on the prize fund, you can offer your product or service as the main prize. and then more people will learn about your group. And also new members will be added, and some of them will become clients.

The mechanics of the competition, you can imply several options for determining the winner.

  1. Participants will do this. Winning who has more likes.
  2. Selected by the group administrator.
  3. Independent jury.
  4. Random choice (random number generator).

Advertising on VKontakte

When you have your first customers and money, you can think about advertising. On VKontakte, you can run 3 types of advertising:

Using simple options, you can set who will advertise your group or publication. But since our manaul implies free promotion of the group, we will not focus on this point.

Working with bloggers

Another direction of advertising on VK is working with bloggers. At the same time, it is quite possible to negotiate with bloggers on barter - you give them your product / service, they give you advertising. Bloggers who will place ads must meet certain criteria:

  • your target audience must be subscribed to them;
  • they must have authority or expertise to be listened to;
  • depending on the type of business and the required coverage, the number of subscribers is from 1000.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of promotion

Be sure to collect feedback on each tool you use and track all possible metrics.

  • Do you receive calls after posting?
  • What time does a post get more likes and comments?
  • Do the giveaways attract customers or only collect freeloaders?
  • What are the best / worst ways to attract subscribers?
  • Is there any negativity in your address? Constructive?
  • What actions are driving traffic spikes?

In the community settings, there is a special statistics section where you can get even more accurate data.

  • Attendance(the number of unique visitors and views).
  • Coverage(the total number of users who viewed the group or entries in the news feed).
  • Activity(number of likes, reposts and comments).
  • Recordings(detailing the reach and activity for each individual post.

for instance, in the first week you ran a contest, spent 3000 rubles on gifts and attracted 1000 new subscribers. It turns out that each new subscriber cost 3 rubles. In the second week, you launched targeted advertising, spent 5,000 rubles and, due to this, attracted 100 new subscribers (50 rubles / subscriber). At first glance, it seems that the second method is ineffective and costly, but with a deeper analysis, it turns out that in the first week there were no sales, and in the second week there were 5 sales through the VK group. But even this is not a reason to draw a final conclusion.

Is it possible to promote a VKontakte group from scratch by devoting only 30 minutes a day?

If you are just starting to promote your business on social networks, then at this stage it is quite possible to independently promote the VKontakte group from scratch. At the same time, spend on it on average 30-40 minutes a day.

To do this, you need to draw up a work plan for a month according to the points listed in this article, break it up into 30 small tasks (1 task per day) and distribute it by day. Then you can easily cope with the promotion of the group and in the future you will be able to hire someone who will administer the community under your strict guidance. And you can allocate the free time to explore other ways to promote on social networks.

In social networks, public pages and groups have become an integral part of the service. Any registered user has the opportunity to create and maintain his own public. Each community needs subscribers to the Vkontakte group, otherwise there will be no point in maintaining it. To get them, you need to properly advertise the public.

What is group promotion in VK

The goals of building a community can vary. For example, some people are going to make money on them. To do this, you first need to promote it well. Earnings directly depend on the number of participants, and you need to maximize the audience, actively publish posts. The more people joined, the higher the cost of the advertisements on the wall. Promotion can be done independently for free or you can spend some budget on it, but it is better to combine both methods.

How to quickly promote a group in VK

If you are thinking of how to promote a Vkontakte group quickly, you need to arm yourself with different ways of attracting members. There are several methods that do not require money. The quality of the audience will be average or below average due to the large number of bots. The same methods of development, for which you have to pay, work more purposefully and are designed to attract real, "live" participants. Find out the rules for combining them.

Targeted advertising on Vkontakte

Paid option, how to promote a Vkontakte group - targeted ads. Many have seen contextual advertising for Google or Yandex search. The social network itself offers something similar, but there is a block to the left of the wall on the page, under the main menu. The main advantage of the promotion method is its precise orientation. Through the settings of an advertising campaign, you can set restrictions on which audience of users it will be shown. The filter can be configured according to the following indicators:

  • region of residence;
  • age;
  • marital status;
  • interests (communities, etc.);
  • education;
  • additional settings.

Use of services of promotion services

There are many sites on the network that offer to bring a huge number of subscribers to the community for a relatively modest price. This is a quick way to increase the public's audience, but users from such services in most cases turn out to be bots with hacked pages. After 2-3 days, you will have more than half of them with a "doggy" avatar (temporarily blocked). Advertisers try to avoid groups that do not provide real conversions from ads, so this method should be used with caution. Can be used:

  • Sarafanka;
  • VKTarget;
  • SOC-srvice;
  • Qcomment.

Promotion using advertising exchanges and agencies

Another paid way to attract people to the Vkontakte group is to use the services of an exchange or agency. This is a more efficient method than the one described above. Typically, companies provide less subscribers, but they are all “live” people who can create activity in the group. Such services recruit people to work with their personal pages. If a person leaves the group after a paid entrance to the group, a fine is imposed on him, the opportunity to earn further is closed, so the participants remain in the public.

How to promote a group in VK yourself

If you are just starting the difficult path of developing your community, then there are options for how to promote a group in VK for free. This method cannot be called fast: it will be possible to recruit 20-30 people per day, but the costs will be equal to 0. You will have to spend time creating interesting content, properly optimizing it for search queries, inventing and making a beautiful design. It is more difficult to promote a group in this way, but the process will be more controlled.

Invite your friends

The first thing you should do is invite your friends to the community. They are unlikely to refuse you (at least out of politeness), but issue the invitation correctly, otherwise they may think that you have been hacked and are sending spam from the page. They may not be the most active users, but they will consistently be among the subscribers. The network has recently put a limit on the number of requests to join, so no more than 30 people can be invited per day.

To promote the group faster, make a nice picture with the name of the community and a link to it. Do not hesitate to ask your friends to invite their friends to the public, so you can increase the number of invitations per day significantly. If at least 10 subscribers send invitations to their contacts, then instead of 30 applications you will have 300 per day. Use the feature within the Invite Friends group itself. It displays information about the promoted public in the news feed, which has a positive effect on increasing your online audience.

Sending invitations to thematic groups

Not entirely honest, but an effective way to promote a Vkontakte group for free is to send newsletters to thematic groups. You go to the community of competitors and invite its users to join your public too. You can offer "friendship" to general groups, exchange guards on mutually beneficial terms for audience growth.

SEO-promotion of the Vkontakte group

Seo means setting up the Vkontakte community for search engines that will display your public for certain requests. Recently, links to groups in social networks began to appear in the TOP-10 in Google and Yandex, which was not the case before. For promotion, you need to use popular queries in the texts of your news and posts, which can be collected from Wordstat Yandex or AdWords from Google.

To promote a group, it is important to decide on the type of community. At the moment it is possible to create a public page - this option should be chosen. The advantage of this format is that subscribers have a special section "Interesting Pages", where they will show you absolutely free. This is an additional opportunity to quickly develop the public.

Optimization of the VK community for search

Do not forget about the option of promoting a Vkontakte group for free. Optimizing for search on the web itself helps to increase the number of clicks. People often search for communities through VK, but they can get to your public only if the request contains matches by name. The more precisely, the more correctly you formulate the title, the more likely it is that you will be found and joined the community. If you have dedicated a group to making money on YouTube, then you should call it “Earning on YouTube”.

Attracting users from other social networks and resources

To promote Vkontakte, you can use other social networks. You need to create an account, add acquaintances or strangers and repost from your public. In the profile, you can place a link to the group. Payment for this method is not required, PR can be carried out on such popular services:

In many ways, the likelihood of successfully promoting a group depends on the content. If the owner does not regularly publish interesting posts, receive reposts, interest subscribers in something, soon all people will simply leave the community. To maintain the audience's interest in the public, you should devote a lot of time or pay a copywriter (SMM) for content.

Conducting contests

One of the most effective methods of keeping the audience interested, active and attracting new participants is to conduct contests. This method cannot be called free, because you will have to splurge on a gift for the winner (it must be required). The essence of this promotion method is that you announce a competition, which necessarily involves joining the community and reposting a record from the public wall. Friends see this message through their news feed and may want to participate. This is called viral advertising.

Any suitable service can be used to determine the winner, Contestant is a good example. He will do all the necessary work for you and will not give an opportunity for someone to fraudulently win. This method also excludes your personal influence on the results of the competition: the results will be fair. With a small budget for a gift, you will get a good influx of people into the group. In the future, they can talk about other sweepstakes in the community.

Using programs and scripts to promote the Vkontakte group

You can delegate the need to invite people to the group for special programs. Mailing can be done by:

  • VKInviter;
  • FvCheat;
  • VKBot.

This is the easiest way to promote a group without much action on the part of the owner. The script itself will conduct all mailings according to a predefined template. The main disadvantage of this method is the high probability of earning a ban for automated actions. Many people may perceive such messages as spam, refuse to join the public.

Video tutorial: how to promote a Vkontakte group

In this article, I continue to cover the topic of social media. Not so long ago I talked about publics, how they differ from groups and how they can be created. In today's issue I will try to help you figure out how to promote a group in VK with your own efforts. Well, and, of course, I will not forget to reveal the topic of paid development of VKontakte communities.

Why promote a VKontakte group at all?

The promotion of a Vkontakte group implies a set of a large target audience that will be active (like, repost, write comments). If there are many subscribers and their actions: tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, then the owner of the public will be able to start monetizing and earn good money.

So, how can you monetize:

  • The main way to make money on your own VKontakte group is to publish posts with ads;
  • A less effective way to advertise is by placing links in the right pane of the community;
  • Mediation in the organization of various events. VKontakte has built-in tools for attracting people to various events in real life through advertising in groups;
  • Partnership programs. Selling someone else's goods. They come to your group, see the link, follow it and make a purchase. A set percentage is transferred from each single sale;

To be able to receive such advertising offers, you should start by recruiting subscribers. The main thing is not to engage in cheating participants, comments, etc.

There are two options to attract an audience: the first option is with money, and the second involves all kinds of free ways.

Do not forget to design the community with high quality. Attractive appearance plays an important role in the development of many projects. Make or order easy navigation so that users will enjoy spending more time within the walls of the community.

How to promote a group in VK with your own efforts and completely free

Developing a group in contact is similar to promoting a website, only with communities it is much easier. But this does not mean that it will be easy. You can advance quickly enough if you have a clear plan and money in service.

For a beginner, I advise you to start recruiting subscribers without investment. It will take some knowledge, a lot of time and patience.

What to focus on when creating a group?

First of all, it is important to understand what kind of audience are you targeting? This is necessary in order to sell your goods or services with high efficiency in the future. As it became clear, the promotion should not be so "the main thing is more", but so "we need to find our audience." That is, there should be high-quality traffic, consisting of potential customers.

Who are these members that you read about all the time? These can be people who are united by interests: copywriters, collectors, fishermen, entrepreneurs.

1.send invitations

Of course, you won't be able to collect exclusively interested users, but you can try. To do this, find thematic communities or use the usual Vkontakte search and send invitations to join your public in private messages. Select potentially interested parties. Do not try to spam and send an invitation to everyone! Define your audience by age, interest ...

You can invite your friends through special tools in the group. Do not forget about the possibility of burnout due to the struggle of network moderators with spammers. For a long time you will not be able to do such a thing.

2.advertising in other groups

You can contact the officials of other communities and agree to publish your post free of charge in their feed or post a link in the right panel. Of course, popular publishers will not even answer you, since they advertise something, exclusively for money, this is their earnings.

The developing publics (1000-5000 members), which are open for interaction with other communities, will be contacted. Some will be genuinely interested in your content, others will want to exchange ads, which is quite possible.

3. contests

Perhaps the competition is not a free way to promote, but I enroll it in the ranks of budget methods of group development, since the approach here is mostly not monetary, but creative.

If someone asks you how to promote a group in VK, then the answer will be very original and correct: hold a competition!

In the terms of your competition, write down: to take part, subscribe to our community and repost this entry. The winners will receive prizes, and in that spirit.

Such contests, if carried out correctly, give very good results. You will be able to gain the first thousand subscribers, and even more in the future.

In order to understand how such contests work, look at the different communities that periodically do this.

4.Working with forums

On thematic forums and sites, unobtrusively post a link to the community. There's a possibility. that the links will not work, but you can still try. optimization

As mentioned above, publics are similar to full-fledged websites. Based on this, it can be argued that it works in VKontakte groups. This is why you should work to optimize your community feed content. This is required in order to increase the position in the SERP of the social network. You should place emphasis on the titles of posts, their descriptions, as well as on the musical compositions posted in the feed.

Search engines Yandex and Google actively index many VK pages. Therefore, there is an opportunity to attract those who are looking for information in search engines. In general, take SEO optimization seriously. This is one of the most effective ways to promote your group in contact.

What is required for this?

First, form the semantic core. This is a set of phrases, keywords for which you want to be in the first lines of search results. Then use the collected keywords.

Let's say you are selling sneakers in Volgograd. In our case, we select the query "buy sneakers in Volgograd". It is desirable that the request is mid-range. If novice site owners are advised to use low-frequency queries, then in our case it is better to work with medium-frequency ones.

You put the main, basic phrase in the name of the group. In the description, "description" write the second key, and set the third key request in the status.

Having competently worked through all these points, you can be in the top of search and social results.

The advantage is that Vkontakte is a very popular resource that has proven itself in search engines. Its credibility helps promote optimized publics. As a result, the promotion of the group on VK will not be long in coming.

Promotion of a group on VKontakte for money

Paid ways to promote a group on VKontakte may become necessary at any time. It happens that a person promotes his group for free and eventually realizes that he is standing still or advancing extremely slowly. We have already spoken about contests and advertising in other unpopular communities. So we do not take into account these ways of development. But it is worth noting that the mentioned promotion methods are very effective.

group purchase

The easiest way to have a group of followers is to buy a growing community. A regular group with up to 10 thousand subscribers will cost several thousand rubles. If you want to change the theme and customize the public for yourself, then you should think it over carefully. Perhaps the audience will quickly unsubscribe if they see something new that does not suit their taste. The best option is to buy a group of relevant topics.

VK will be engaged in promotion

Anyone who is used to working on a machine does not want to invest his soul in projects. Such guys can take advantage of the automatic group promotion. You pay money to VKontakte employees, and they, in turn, promote your community. You create and publish posts yourself, and VK will advertise you. Below the left menu bar there is a button "Advertising", details can be found there. Under the avatar in your group, open the drop-down menu and click "Community Advertising".

How to advertise on VK? Where are the ads placed?

The first thing you need to do is go to the ad page. Next, click "Create ad". Now let's get started!

The "New listing" page opens. You need to choose one of six options.

Select "Community" and write down its name.

Let's move on to the design.

Setting up the target audience.

Setting the price and location.

It is advisable to make a high-quality image at the very beginning so that it is conspicuous, but do not overdo it.

What do you pay for and how much?

YOU pay for impressions or clicks. Vkontakte has a huge audience, so it does not take money for the time it takes to advertise. Money is withdrawn for every 1000 impressions, that is, if someone visits the page and your ad is posted there, then this is one impression. As for the clicks, a certain amount is withdrawn for each click. When creating an ad, VK will offer you a recommended price. To avoid spending too much of your funds, you can set a budget cap. As soon as the money runs out

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