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Development of an information system module. Modular structure of the information system


The thesis in question was written on the basis of Donetsk OJSC Donetsk Manufactory for the Cleonelly store.

One of the leading activities of Donetsk Manufactory OJSC produces a wide range of garments, mainly bathrobes, sheets and towels. In addition, the company produces dyed cotton yarn for weaving and knitting.

The development of automated information technologies goes hand in hand with the emergence of new types of technical means for processing and transmitting information, improving the organizational forms of using computers, saturating the infrastructure with new means of communication. The development of market relations has led to the emergence of new types of entrepreneurial activity and, first of all, to the creation of firms engaged in information business, the development of information technologies, their improvement, the spread of components of automated information technologies, in particular software products that automate information and computing processes. They also include computing equipment, communication facilities, office equipment and specific types of services - information, technical and consulting services, training, etc. This contributed to the rapid dissemination and effective use of information technologies in management and production processes, to their almost universal application and great variety.

Enterprises engaged in the design and development of devices for various purposes currently widely use various means of both computer-aided design - CAD (CAD) and monitoring of production processes - ACS (SCADA / DCS). However, for devices of our own design, it is necessary to develop our own means of monitoring their performance and analyzing product quality.

The technological process of accounting for products in a warehouse in a Cleanelly store includes the stage of keeping records of products sold.

The purpose of this diploma project is the implementation of an automated workstation (AWP) that allows you to keep track of products in the store's warehouse.

To achieve the above goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

¾ analyze the business processes of the store;

¾ explore information flows arising at the stage of delivery of a product being developed;

¾ develop conceptual and logical data models;

¾ to develop software for automated workstation for accounting of products

¾ to assess the economic efficiency of the information system.

1 Development of software requirements

1.1 Analysis of existing solutions

Currently, there is a wide range of companies that combine both direct product development and the development of control systems for these products. Such systems are being developed by such well-known companies as 1: C Enterprise and Zvezda. In such systems, control and accounting of materials, and processing of the information received are carried out.

"1C: Enterprise" is a system of applied solutions built on the same principles and on a single technological platform. The manager can choose a solution that meets the current needs of the enterprise and will further develop as the enterprise grows or the automation tasks expand.

The 1C: Enterprise software system is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing dynamically developing modern enterprises. Solution of urgent problems of accounting and management The composition of the programs of the 1C: Enterprise system is focused on the actual needs of enterprises. Firm "1C" produces serialized software solutions designed to automate typical accounting and management tasks at enterprises. A distinctive feature of the 1C edition solutions is a thorough study of the composition of the functionality included in the standard solutions. Firm "1C" analyzes the experience of users using programs of the system "1C: Enterprise" and monitors changes in their needs.

The main advantages of my Wholesale Base system include the relatively low cost of implementing this system, as well as a number of other advantages:

¾ Reliability of the created applications. The software package (PC) must be resistant not only to user errors, but also to failures in the communication system.

¾ Ease of use of the interface;

¾ High level of system security, which implies not only control over the availability of certain system resources and information security at all stages of operation, but also tracking the actions performed with a high degree of reliability.

1.2 Domain analysis

The peculiarity of the analysis of the subject area is that it allows you to see the entire set of operations of the organization.

CASE is designed to analyze and reorganize business processes. All Fusion Process Modeler (BPwin) top-level tool supporting IDEF0 (Functional Model), DFD (Dataflow Diagram) and IDEF3 (Workflow Diagram) methodologies. BPwin is a powerful software product for creating models for analyzing, documenting and planning changes in complex business processes. BPwin offers a tool for collecting all necessary information about the operation of the enterprise and graphing this information in the form of a coherent and consistent model.

In terms of system functionality. Within the framework of the IDEF0 (Integration Definition for Function Modeling) methodology, a business process is represented as a set of work elements that interact with each other, and information, human and production resources consumed by each work are shown. The functional model is designed to describe the existing business processes in the enterprise (the so-called AS-IS model) and the ideal state of affairs what to strive for (TO-BE model). The IDEF0 methodology prescribes the construction of a hierarchical system of diagrams, i.e. single descriptions of system fragments. First, a description of the system as a whole and its interaction with the outside world (context diagram) is carried out, after which a functional decomposition is carried out the system is divided into subsystems and each system is described separately (decomposition diagrams). Then each subsystem is broken down into smaller ones, and so on to achieve the desired level of detail.

If in the process of modeling it is necessary to highlight the specific aspects of enterprise technology, BPwin allows you to switch to any branch of the model to DFD or IDEF3 notation. Data Flow Diagramming (DFD) diagrams can complement what is already reflected in the IDEF3 model, as they describe data flows, allowing you to trace how information is exchanged between business functions within the system. At the same time, DFD diagrams ignore the interactions between business functions.

In terms of the sequence of work performed. And an even more accurate picture can be obtained by supplementing the model with IDEF3 diagrams. This method draws attention to the order in which the events are executed. Elements of logic are included in IDEF3, which allows you to model and analyze alternative scenarios for the development of a business process.

To consider the business processes running in the store's warehouse, it is necessary to use only two methodologies IDEF0 and DFD. The process of modeling a system in IDEF0 begins with defining the context, i.e. the most abstract level of description of the system or business processes in general.

Model IDEF0... To study the business processes "Formation of a supplier's order", "Receipt of goods", "Release of goods", consider the diagrams that are presented in the form of an IDEF0 diagram. The IDEF0 system is presented as a collection of interacting activities or functions.

The IDEF0 methodology is based on four main concepts.

The first is the concept functional block (Activity Box)... The functional block is graphically depicted in the form of a rectangle and personifies some specific function within the framework of the system under consideration

Each of the four sides of a functional block has its own specific meaning (role), while:

The top side is Control;

The left side is set to Input;

The right side is set to Output;

The bottom side is set to Mechanism.

The second "whale" of the IDEF0 methodology is the concept of an interface arc (Arrow). The graphical display of the interface arc is a unidirectional arrow. Each interface arc must have its own name (Arrow Label). With the help of interface arcs, various objects are displayed that, to one degree or another, determine the processes taking place in the system. In this case, the arrows, depending on which face of the work rectangle they enter or which face they leave, are divided into:

Input arrows (included in the left side of the functional block) - represent data or objects that are changed during the execution of work;

Control arrows (included in the upper face of the functional block) - depict the rules and restrictions due to which the work is performed;

Exit arrows (exit from the right side of the functional block) - represent data or objects that appear as a result of work;

Arrows of the mechanism (included in the lower edge of the functional block) - represent resources (for example, equipment, human resources).

The third basic concept of the IDEF0 standard is Decomposition. The decomposition principle is used when breaking down a complex process into its constituent functions.

Decomposition allows you to gradually and structured represent the system model in the form of a hierarchical structure of individual diagrams, which makes it less overloaded and easy to digest.

The final concept in IDEF0 is the Glossary. For each of the IDEF0 elements: diagrams, functional blocks, interface arcs, the existing standard implies the creation and maintenance of a set of relevant definitions, keywords, narratives, etc. that characterize the object displayed by this element. This set is called a glossary and is a description of the essence of this element.

Consider the diagrams of business processes occurring in the warehouse of the OJSC DMM store, "Cleonelly":

For the general visibility of the system, it is necessary to build the context "Activity of the warehouse of the enterprise" (see Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 - Diagram "Warehouse activities of the enterprise"

After the context is established, decomposition is carried out, i.e. building the following diagrams in the hierarchy.

Each subsequent diagram is a more detailed description of one of the works in the higher diagram. An example of decomposition of contextual work is shown in Figure 1.2. Thus, the entire system is divided into subsystems to the desired level of detail, this system is divided into three levels.

Figure 1.2 - First level decomposition diagrams

Figure 1.3 - Diagram "Clearance of goods"

Figure 1.4 - Diagram "Goods issue"

Figure 1.5 - Diagram "Posting goods"

DFD. This methodology is based on the construction of a model of the analyzed IS - projected or actually existing. In accordance with the methodology, the system model is defined as a hierarchy of data flow diagrams (DFD), describing the asynchronous process of transforming information from its input into the system to its output to the user. DFD diagrams are usually built to visualize the current work of an organization's workflow system. Most often, DFD diagrams are used to complement the business process model implemented in IDEF0.

The main components of a data flow diagram are:

External entities (graphically depicted as a square) - designate a material object or individual that is a source or receiver of information. For example: customers, personnel, suppliers, clients, warehouse;

Systems / subsystems (graphically looks like a rectangle with rounded corners) - works denoting functions or processes that process and change information;

Data storage devices are an abstract device for storing information that can be put into a storage device at any time and after a while can be retrieved, and there can be any way of placing and retrieving it. In general, the data store is a prototype of the future database and the description of the data stored in it should be linked to the information model;

Data streams - defines the information transmitted over a certain connection from the source to the receiver. The flow of data in the diagram is represented by a line ending with an arrow that indicates the direction of the flow.

Consider the Issue Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Figure 1.6. This diagram shows the movement of documents when a "product requisition" arrives at an organization.

Figure 1.6 - DFD "Goods issue" diagram

Consider the following data flow diagram "Product Clearance" (see figure 1.7). It shows the process of work execution and the movement of documents during the "goods issue".

Figure 1.7 - DFD Chart "Clearance of goods"

In data flow diagrams, all the symbols used add up to a big picture, which gives a clear idea of ​​what data is used and what functions are performed by the workflow system. At the same time, it often turns out that the existing information flows that are important for the company's activities are not implemented reliably and need to be reorganized. *******

The organizational structure of an enterprise selling terry products is considered on the example of the company OJSC “Donetsk Manufactura M” of the Cleonelly store:

In the direction of developing control systems and accounting for materials, they can successfully solve problems:

1. This is control over the supplied and stored goods.

2. Information about suppliers and consumers

3. It also contains information information and operations on the product

4. Contains a log of the released goods report

5. Contains a directory of goods

6. Automation of warehouse functions (receipt, consumption, write-off, goods reservation)

7. Registration and storage of invoices for purchased and sold goods and services, as well as billing for prepayment, deferred payment and delivery of goods

8. Creation of invoices and accounting of issued goods

9. Carrying out an inventory of warehouses with the creation of a collation sheet, an act of shortage and surplus

10. Creation of sets of goods

As indicated, the main field of activity of this enterprise is the sale of cotton products. The design process includes many stages that are carefully worked out by the management structures of the design enterprises during the entire life of the enterprise. This process cannot be changed at the same time, since it involves many departments of the enterprise itself, external subcontractors and clients of the project enterprise. Therefore, enterprises are wary of the implementation of information systems related to design and development management processes. As a rule, Russian enterprises use their own developments in this area.

1.3 Collecting Requirements

When designing the information system (IS) of the "Workstation of the Wholesale Store", it was necessary to collect requirements that would help to create an interface in such a way that it was convenient for the end user (store employee) to work with the developed IS.

Requirements development is the process that includes the activities required to create and approve a system requirements specification document.

To implement the process of automation of accounting and control of materials, it is necessary that the information system be able to fulfill the following functional requirements:

¾ documenting the results.

¾ The information system must be implemented as a program based on the Visual Fox Pro integrated environment.

The program works in the Windows 2000 / NT / XP operating system.

There are four main stages in the requirements development process (Figure 1.8):

Analysis of the technical feasibility of creating a system;

Formation and analysis of requirements;

Specification of requirements and creation of relevant documentation;

Attestation of requirements.

The collection of requirements is an important stage in software design, since it is here that all customer requirements must be correctly and correctly formulated.

1.4 Requirements specification

Determining the correct requirements is probably the most critical step in a software project. It is very important that the format of the project matches the requirements for the software assembled by the development team, otherwise these requirements cannot be supported and presented in the software product. Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is central to the entire software development lifecycle. It is not only a derivative document that defines the specifications for a software project, but also the main document used for the purpose of conducting qualification and acceptance testing. Attestation is an assessment of the quality of the project managers' work. It determines the degree of compliance of a software product with established requirements. The SRS specification acts as a mechanism for recording system requirements that are used as criteria for attestation.

Based on the SRS, agreement is reached between customers and manufacturers of the software product. The SRS specification fully describes the functions that the developed software product must perform. This allows potential users to determine the degree to which the product meets their needs, as well as ways of modifying the product so that it is most useful in solving their problems.

Decreases development time. Various groups within the customer's organization are involved in the preparation of the SRS specification. They thoroughly investigate all requirements even before the actual development of the project begins. This reduces the likelihood of subsequent re-design, coding, and testing.

A careful study of the requirements in the SRS specification can reveal oversights, misunderstandings, and inconsistencies early in the development cycle, when problems are much easier to fix than later.

The SRS specification becomes the basis for cost estimation and scheduling. The product description is the real basis for estimating the cost of a project. In an environment where the concept of a formal proposal exists, the SRS is used to validate the estimate of a proposal or price.

With well-written specifications, SRSs at the organizational level can develop much more productive certification and audit plans. As part of a development contract, the SRS provides a reference point for assessing compliance with specifications.

The SRS specification makes it easier to transfer the software product to new users, as well as to install it on other computers. Thus, it becomes easier for customers to transfer the software product to other departments of the organization, and for developers to transfer it to other customers.

The SRS specification serves as a basis for modernization. This document deals with the product itself, not the project development process, so it can be used as an extension of the completed product.

Once the process of defining and specifying requirements has been completed, it is necessary to validate the requirements.

The specification of the requirements for the software project shall be presented in Appendix A.

1.5 Attestation of requirements

The validation must demonstrate that the requirements truly define the system that the customer wants to have. Requirements validation is important because an error in the requirements specification can lead to system rework and high costs if discovered during the development process of the system or after putting it into production.

During the requirements attestation process, various types of requirements documentation checks should be performed:

1. Checking the correctness of the requirements.

2. Checking for consistency.

3. Checking for completeness.

4. Feasibility check.

There are a number of requirements attestation methods that can be used together or each separately:

1. Review of requirements.

2. Prototyping.

3. Generation of test scripts.

4. Automated analysis of consistency.

Prototyping is the most visible for the system customer.

Before starting prototyping, you can create a user interface flow diagram. This diagram is used to study the relationships between the main elements of the user interface.

The next step in requirements validation is direct prototyping.

A software prototype is a partial or possible implementation of a proposed new product. Prototypes allow you to accomplish three main tasks: clarifying and completing the requirements formulation process, exploring alternative solutions, and creating the final product.

The prototype of the main menu of this module is shown in Figure 1.9.

1.6 Choosing an information system design methodology

The essence of the structural approach to the development of IS lies in its decomposition (division) into automated functions: the system is divided into functional subsystems, which in turn are divided into subfunctions, subdivided into tasks, and so on. The partitioning process continues down to specific procedures. At the same time, the automated system maintains a holistic view in which all the constituent components are interconnected.

All of the most common structural approach methodologies are based on a number of general principles. The following principles are used as two basic principles:

Divide and Conquer - the principle of solving complex problems by breaking them down into many smaller, independent problems that are easy to understand and solve;

The principle of hierarchical ordering is the principle of organizing the constituent parts of a problem into hierarchical tree structures with the addition of new details at each level.

Structural analysis mainly uses two groups of tools to illustrate the functions performed by the system and the relationships between data. Each group of funds corresponds to certain types of models (diagrams), the most common, among which are the following:

SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) models and related functional diagrams;

DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) data flow diagrams;

ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagrams) entity-relationship diagrams.

At the design stage of the IS, the models are expanded, refined and supplemented with diagrams that reflect the structure of the software: software architecture, program block diagrams and screen diagrams.

The listed models together give a complete description of the IP, regardless of whether it is existing or newly developed. The composition of the diagrams in each specific case depends on the required completeness of the description of the system.


2.1 Architectural design

When creating any complex information system, a critical aspect is its architecture, where it represents a conceptual vision of the structure of future functional processes and technologies at the system level and in interconnection. Typically, complex information systems of organizations are designed as a composition of high-level interacting components, which may themselves be systems. An organization's information system architecture makes the system easier to understand by defining its functionality and structure in a way that reveals design decisions and allows the observer to ask questions about meeting design requirements, allocating functionality, and implementing components.

The architecture of an organization's information system is a model of how information technology will support the main goals and development strategy of an automated object. It allows you to think critically and to articulate a vision of how integrated sets of information systems should be structured to achieve these goals. Information system architecture describes how information systems, applications, and people work throughout an organization in a uniform, unified manner.

Thus, the architecture of an information system includes a generally accepted set of components that provide the "building blocks" of an information system. These "building blocks" and their characteristics are defined at the appropriate level of detail to meet the needs of the planning decisions.

When designing modern information systems of organizations, their architecture should be developed taking into account many stakeholders, it should be understandable to users, enable developers to plan and schedule the system, allow to define key interfaces, functions and technologies, and also allow to estimate the schedule and budget of the project. This requires the responsibility of architects of modern information systems to create a satisfactory and workable concept of the system at the earliest stage of its development, to maintain the integrity of this concept throughout development, and to determine the suitability of the resulting system for use by the client. Information system architecture, on the other hand, is the process of describing information system architectures in sufficient detail to make them more useful for information system design.

The study of foreign experience shows that in developed countries, when developing an information system architecture, the following conditions must be met:

¾ focus on the mission of the organization;

¾ focus on requirements;

¾ focus on development;

¾ the ability to adapt;

¾ the need for flexibility.

Compliance with all these conditions allows you to develop the architecture of the organization's information system more perfect and efficient.

The main software architectures currently being implemented are:

¾ file-server;

¾ client-server;

¾ multi-level.

File Server... This architecture of centralized databases with network access involves the designation of one of the computers on the network as a dedicated server that will store the files of the centralized database. In accordance with user requests, files from the file server are transferred to users' workstations, where the bulk of data processing is carried out. The central server mainly performs only the role of file storage, without participating in the processing of the data itself. After completion of work, users copy files with processed data back to the server, from where they can be taken and processed by other users. This organization of data maintenance has a number of drawbacks, for example, when multiple users access the same data at the same time, work performance drops sharply, since it is necessary to wait until the user working with the data finishes his work. Otherwise, changes made by some users may be overwritten by changes made by other users.

Client-server... This concept is based on the idea that, in addition to storing the database files, the central server must do most of the data processing. Users access the central server using a special structured query language (SQL, Structured Query Language), which describes a list of tasks performed by the server. User requests are received by the server and generate data processing processes in it. In response, the user receives an already processed dataset. Not the entire set of data is transferred between the client and the server, as it happens in the file-server technology, but only the data that the client needs. A user query that is only a few lines long can generate data processing involving many tables and millions of rows. In response, the client can receive only a few numbers. Client-server technology allows you to avoid the transmission of huge amounts of information over the network by shifting all data processing to a central server. In addition, the considered approach avoids conflicts of changes to the same data by multiple users, which are typical for the file-server technology. Client-server technology implements consistent data modification by multiple clients, ensuring automatic data integrity. These and some other advantages have made client-server technology very popular. The disadvantages of this technology include high performance requirements for the central server. The more clients access the server, and the larger the amount of data processed, the more powerful the central server must be.

Based on these considerations, when designing the AWS architecture, the client-server technology was taken as a basis. Layout diagrams show the physical relationships between software and hardware components in a system.)

2.2 Designing the information system interface

The user interface is often understood only as the appearance of the program. However, in reality, the user perceives the entire system as a whole through him, which means that such an understanding of him is too narrow. In reality, the user interface includes all aspects of design that affect the interaction between the user and the system. It is not only the screen that the user sees. The user interface consists of many components, such as:

a set of user tasks that he solves using the system;

system controls;

navigation between system blocks;

visual design of program screens.

Here are some of the most significant business benefits of a good user interface:

reducing the number of user errors;

reducing the cost of maintaining the system;

reducing the loss of productivity of employees during the implementation of the system and faster recovery of lost productivity;

improving staff morale;

reducing the cost of changing the user interface at the request of users;

availability of system functionality for the maximum number of users.

AWP wholesale base is developed as an application using client-server technology.

2.2.1 User interface of the control program

The main module of the "AWP Wholesale Base" is the Luck.exe module, which provides the implementation of the main functionality of the use case diagram presented in Figure 1.9 of Section 1.4.

When developing an information system, one of the main tasks is to create the most simple and not loaded interface. It is the interface of the software product that helps users "communicate" with the information system, acting as a dialogue between the user and the system.

Program interface, administrative part:

1. starting form of the program. This form is launched when the software product is launched, thus forming the beginning of a user dialogue with the system (Figure 2.3);

2. admin form. In this form, the complete management of the information system is carried out, i.e. adding, deleting, changing data in the database, as well as, if necessary, viewing and printing reports (Figure 2.4);

3. "Customers" form, thanks to this form you can see complete information about the customers of the enterprise (Figure 2.7);

4. "Suppliers" form, thanks to this form you can see complete information about the customers of the enterprise (Figure 2.8).

The user interface of the program:

In the window for the arrival of goods, the registration of goods is in progress. When choosing this tab of the form, the user must first

In the expense menu, there are operations carried out by the warehouse employee for the release and sale of goods.

In the menu balances, the goods are counted, the names of the items stored in the warehouse.

In the cashier menu, information on credit orders and cash outflow orders is stored here. (Screenshots)

2.2.2 User Interfaces of Control Components

Fig 2.0 Main menu of the program

The main window of the program is shown in Fig. 1.9. As you can see from the figure, in addition to the main menu, already described above, it will also contain a control panel (buttons "Income", "Consumption", "Access", "Balances", "Cashier", "Revaluation", "Analytics", " Directories "," Service "and" Exit the program ").

Figure 2.1 Menu window of receipt or receipt at the warehouse.

Figure 2.2 Consumption menu window

Figure 2.2 Menu window regulating access rights to the program.

Figure 2.3 Menu window of the remainder of the goods.

Figure 2.4 Cash register menu window.

Figure 2.4 Revaluation menu window.

2.3 Database design

ERwin 4.0 from Computer Associates Int was used to design the database.

ERwin is a powerful and easy-to-use database design tool that has gained wide acceptance and popularity. It provides the highest productivity when developing and maintaining database-driven applications. Throughout the entire process - from the logical modeling of information requirements and business rules that define the database, to the optimization of the physical model in accordance with the specified characteristics - ERwin allows you to visually display the structure and basic elements of the database.

ERwin is not only the best database design tool, but also a tool to create one quickly. ERwin will optimize the model according to the physical characteristics of the target database. Unlike other tools, ERwin automatically maintains logical and physical schema consistency and translates logical constructs such as many-to-many relationships into physical implementations. Facilitates database design. To do this, it is enough to create a graphical E-R model (object-relationship) that meets all data requirements and enter business rules to create a logical model that displays all elements, attributes, relationships and groupings. Erwin has two levels of model presentation - logical and physical. The logical layer is an abstract view of data, on it the data is presented as it looks in the real world, and can be called as it is called in the real world, for example, "Loyal customer", "Department" or "Employee surname". Model objects that are represented at the logical level are called entities and attributes. The logical level of the data model is universal and has nothing to do with a specific implementation of the DBMS. There are three sublevels of the logical level of the data model, which differ in the depth of presentation of information about the data:

Entity Relationships Diagram (ERD);

Key Based model (KB);

Fully Attributed model (FA).

Entity diagram - Relationship includes entities and relationships that reflect the core business rules of the domain. Such a diagram is not too detailed, it includes the main entities and the relationships between them that satisfy the basic requirements. Entity diagram — A relationship can include many-to-many relationships and not include key descriptions. Typically, ERD is used for presentations and discussion of data structure with subject matter experts. A key-based data model is a more detailed view of data. It includes a description of all entities and primary keys and is intended to represent the data structure and keys that correspond to the subject area.

A logical model is the most detailed representation of a data structure: it represents data in third normal form and includes all entities, attributes and relationships (see Appendix B).

Physical data model on the contrary, it depends on the specific DBMS, in fact, being a display of the system catalog. The physical layer of the model contains information about all objects in the database. Since there are no standards for database objects (for example, there is no standard for data types), the physical layer of the model depends on the specific implementation of the DBMS. Consequently, several different physical levels of different models can correspond to the same logical level of a model. If at the logical level of the model it does not matter much what specific data type the attribute has (although abstract data types are supported), then at the physical level of the model it is important to describe all information about specific physical objects - tables, columns, indexes, procedures, etc. ... Dividing the data model into logical and physical levels allows you to solve several important problems.

The physical data model is presented in Appendix B.

2.4 Rationale for choosing a platform for creating an information system

Visual FoxPro is a visual relational database management system currently available from Microsoft. The latest version is 9.0. Uses the FoxPro programming language. System version 7.0 can run on Windows 9x operating systems and NT kernels, versions 8.0 and 9.0 - only on Windows XP, 2000, 2003.

FoxPro is one of the dialects of the xBase programming language. It is mainly used for the development of relational DBMS, although it is possible to use it for the development of other classes of programs. As noted above, the VFP language is a strongly augmented and extended xBase language. In Visual FoxPro, a programming language, that is, the basic construction of a language is the concept of a class. The original version of xBase is a purely structured language, with a basic concept of procedures and functions. Thus, the modern programming language Visual FoxPro allows you to combine both the "old-fashioned" programming by describing a mass of procedures, and in the OOP style, creating a complex class hierarchy.

I chose this programming language because it contains a number of the following advantages:

¾ A well-known database table format that makes it easy to organize the exchange of information with other Microsoft Windows applications.

Modern organization of relational databases that allows you to store information about database tables, their properties, indexes and relationships, set referential integrity conditions, create local and remote views, server connections, stored procedures that are executed when more than 50 different types of events occur (VFP 7.0-9.0).

High speed of work with large databases.

High visibility of working with databases: the multifunctional Data session window allows you to see the list of open database tables, their relationships, filters, index order, buffering modes, switch to structure modification modes, to work with table information, etc.

High speed of application development using Wizards, Designers, Builders, IntelliSense hints mode when writing program text, a system for debugging and testing programs.

Ability to develop client-server applications with data hosted on Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database servers and with other Microsoft Windows applications using ODBC and OLE

The VFP system is intended for use by professional programmers, so there is no point in Russifying its menu and language - for any programmer, the English syntax of an algorithmic language is more familiar than Russian.

2.5 Designing modules

Let us dwell in more detail on the design of one of the program modules and consider, using its example, the steps necessary to create a project.

As an example, I will consider the design of a module that implements the use case "Issues an application for admission".

First, let's describe the streams of events that occur in this use case.

A precondition for a use case is the receipt of a request from a client.

5. The use case starts when the customer submits the application.

6. The manager opens the Receipt form.

7. The manager sets the date of the application.

8. The manager puts the name of the product.

9. The manager enters the quantity of the goods received.

10. The manager enters the amount of the application.

11. The manager closes the form.

12. The use case ends.

The postcondition for the use case is the registration of an application in the system and the appearance of a new client in the journal of the main form.

Consider a sequence diagram for this use case. As you can see from this diagram, the manager, opening the Arrival form, causes the execution of several actions - automatically (from the manager's point of view) the date of the application is filled in. When placing an application, the list of clients is filled out from the base with primary information. After that, the manager enters all the necessary data and clicks the "Accept" button. In this case, the following actions are performed. All data is passed to the stored procedure.

3 Implementation and validation of the information system

3.1 Application implementation

The implementation of the application, in its essence, is one of the laborious stages for the developer of the information system, because the requirements put forward by the customer must be clearly and correctly integrated into the system. So far, there are no software products that could "adjust" to the requirements of the so-called customer and provide a certain set of functions for the implementation of the system that would meet these requirements. Therefore, each developer must choose the optimal environment for developing the system, but it should be noted that when implementing an application, one cannot do without writing program code. It is when writing the program code that certain functions that the system must perform will be implemented. Depending on the selected environment for the implementation of the system, the program code will look different, in such an environment as Microsoft Visual FoxPro there will be one program code, in Visual Basic another, etc.

In this case, the application was implemented in Microsoft Visual FoxPro.

The main functions of the system will be described below:

1. The starting form of the system. This form is a button form and, accordingly, each button performs its own function. The administrator registration button is shown in Figure 3.1. This button will perform the function that opens the administrator panel, if the user has such rights to this system.

2. Menu button arrival. This button allows you to keep track of incoming goods to the store's warehouse. Figure 3.2.

3. In the button of the menu, the expense is kept records of the goods released from the warehouse. Figure 3.3.

4. In the button of the access menu, the rights to use this program are regulated. Figure 3.4.

5. In the button of the menu "leftovers" is stored information about the materials stored in the warehouse of the store Fig. 3.5.

6. The cash desk menu button stores information about incoming cash orders and outgoing cash orders. Figure 3.6.

7. In the menu button revaluation, the price changes for the new price of the goods are carried out Fig.3.7.

Figure 3.1 - The starting form of the system

Figure 3.2 - Form of accounting for goods receipts to the warehouse.

Figure 3.3– Form of accounting for released goods.

Figure 3.4– Form regulating access rights to the program.

Figure 3.5– Form of the remainder of the goods in the warehouse.

Figure 3.5 — Form about cash receipts and cash receipts.

Figure 3.6 – Form of operations on goods.

Testing the application

Testing is the process of executing a program in order to detect errors. Testing provides:

Error detection;

Demonstration of the compliance of the program functions with its purpose;

Demonstration of the implementation of the requirements for the characteristics of the program;

Display of reliability as an indicator of program quality.

Figure 3.2 shows the information flows of the testing process.

There are three streams at the entrance to the testing process:

Program text;

Initial data for starting the program;

Expected results.

Tests are performed and all results obtained are evaluated. This means that the actual test results are compared with the expected results. When a mismatch is found, an error is recorded and debugging begins.

After collecting and evaluating the test results, the display of the quality and reliability of the software begins. If serious errors that require design changes are regularly encountered, then the quality and reliability of the software are suspicious, and the need to strengthen testing is stated.

The results accumulated during testing can be assessed in a more formal way. For this, software reliability models are used that predict reliability based on real data on the error rate.

There are 2 principles of software testing:

Functional testing (black box testing);

Structural testing (white box testing).

When testing the "white box" method, the internal structure of the program is known. The object of testing here is not the external, but the internal behavior of the program. The correctness of the construction of all elements of the program and the correctness of their interaction with each other are checked.

Black box testing (functional testing) allows you to obtain combinations of input data that provide a complete check of all functional requirements for the program //. A software product is considered here as a "black box" whose behavior can only be determined by examining its inputs and corresponding outputs.

The black box principle is not an alternative to the white box principle. Rather, it is a complementary approach that detects a different class of errors.

Black box testing searches for the following error categories:

Incorrect or missing features;

Interface errors;

Errors in external data structures or in accessing an external database;

Characteristic errors (required memory capacity, etc.);

Initialization and completion errors.

Unlike white box testing, which is performed early in the testing process, black box testing is used in the later stages of testing. When testing the black box, the control structure of the program is neglected. Here, attention is focused on the information area of ​​the software system definition. Testing during this phase focuses on the suitability of the solution for a live production environment. The main focus is on fixing bugs and determining their severity, and preparing the product for release.

At the testing stage, two main tasks are solved:

Solution Testing - Test plans created during the planning phase and extended and tested during the development phase are executed;

Pilot operation - deployment of the solution in a test environment and testing with the involvement of future users and the implementation of real scenarios of using the system. This task is performed prior to the start of the deployment phase.

The purpose of the testing phase is to reduce the risk arising when the solution is put into commercial operation.

For the testing phase to be successful, there needs to be a change in attitude towards the project and the developer switch from developing new features to ensuring the proper quality of the solution.

At this stage of development of the information system, the following types of testing should be carried out:

Basic testing is low-level technical testing. It is carried out by the developer himself in the process of writing the program code. The "white box" method is applied, high risk of errors.

Usability testing - high-level testing performed by the tester and future users of the product. The "black box" method is applied.

Alpha and Beta Testing - In MSF terms, alpha code is basically all the source code created during the development phase of the MSF process model, and beta code is the code that was tested during the testing phase. Therefore, the alpha code is tested during the development phase of the MSF process model, and the beta code is tested during the testing phase.

Compatibility Testing - The solution being developed is required to be able to integrate and interoperate with existing systems and software solutions. This form of testing is focused on testing the integrability and ability of the developed solution to interact with existing systems. In this particular case, the correct operation of the application on the user's equipment and the software used by the user will be checked.

Performance testing - focused on checking whether the application meets the performance requirements and the level of comfort in terms of speed.

Documentation and Help System Testing - All developed supporting documents and help systems are tested.

Pilot operation is testing a solution in an industrial environment. The main objective of the pilot operation is to demonstrate that the solution is capable of stable operation under industrial conditions and meets the business requirements. During pilot operation, the solution is tested in real conditions. Pilot operation allows users to provide feedback on product performance. Guided by this opinion, the developer eliminates all possible problems or creates an action plan in case of unforeseen circumstances. Ultimately, pilot operation allows a decision to be made whether to initiate a full deployment or postpone until issues that could derail the deployment are resolved.

The plan of the pilot operation process for the developed information system is shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Pilot operation plan



1. Choice of criteria for success

The developer and the test takers define the success criteria and agree on them.

2. Choice of users and installation location

A team of participants in experimental testing from the side of users and developers is being formed. The location of the pilot process deployment is determined.

3. Preparing users and installation sites

Training of users - participants of the trial is being carried out. The installation site is being prepared.

4. Deploying a development version

An experimental version is installed and included in the work.

5. Support and monitoring of the prototype version

Monitoring the work of users and the system, providing assistance in operation, collecting information about the operation of the system

6. Feedback from users and evaluation of results

Users express their opinion about the operation of the system, point out shortcomings and errors.

7. Introduction of changes and additions

Errors are corrected, design or process changes are made. Corrected results are provided for users to work and evaluate.

8. Deployment decisions

If the results of the pilot testing work satisfy the users, a decision is made to deploy the system.

3.2 Application deployment methodology

At this stage, the developer (or team) deploys the technologies and components necessary for the solution, the project moves to the maintenance and support stage, and the customer finally approves it. After deployment, the team evaluates the project and surveys users to determine their satisfaction.

Deployment Phase Objectives:

¾  to transfer the solution to an industrial environment;

¾  acknowledgment by the customer of the completion of the project.

Deployment of site-specific components involves several stages: preparation, installation, training, and formal approval.

The results of the system deployment stage are maintenance and support systems, a document repository where all versions of documents and code developed during the project are located.

To deploy the system under development, an action plan was drawn up, which is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Application deployment plan


Description of action

1. Backup

The user data is backed up with his participation and approval by transferring information to removable media (CD, DVD)

2. Installation of basic components of the solution

The use of technologies that ensure the operation of the solution. In this case, installing the Visual FoxPro component

3. Installing the client application

Transfer to the user's computer and installation of the final version of the developed IS and database

4. Training

Users are trained to work with the system, the developer is convinced of the correctness and understanding of the work of IP by clients

5. Transfer of the knowledge base of the project to the client

All project documentation is handed over to the customer

6. Closing the project

A project closure report is prepared. The customer signs the acceptance certificate.

For the normal functioning of the AWP, the operating system Microsoft WindowsXP is required.

4 Information project management

4.1 Choosing a development lifecycle

One of the basic concepts of the IS design methodology is the concept of the life cycle of its software (life cycle software). The life cycle of software is an ongoing process that begins from the moment a decision is made on the need to create it and ends at the moment it is completely withdrawn from service.

The main regulatory document that regulates software lifecycle is the international standard ISO / IEC 12207 (ISO - International Organization of Standardization - International Organization for Standardization, IEC - International Electro technical Commission - International Commission on Electrical Engineering). It defines the structure of the life cycle, containing the processes, actions and tasks that must be performed during the creation of software.

ISO / IEC 12207 does not offer a specific lifecycle model and software development methods. The life cycle model can be understood as a structure that determines the sequence of execution and the relationship of processes, actions and tasks performed during the life cycle. The life cycle model depends on the specifics of the IS and the specifics of the conditions in which it is created and operates.

Today there are many models of the software life cycle, but the most popular and widespread are two models:

Spiral model (see figure 4.1);

Iterative model.

Figure 4.1 - Spiral model of software lifecycle

To create an information system, i.e. "Automated workplace of warehouse employee wholesale warehouse", iterative was chosen. A distinctive feature of the iterative model is that it is a formal method, it consists of independent phases, performed sequentially, and is subject to frequent review (Figure 4.2). The iterative approach has worked well for building ISs, for which, at the very beginning of development, all the requirements can be formulated accurately and fully enough in order to give developers the freedom to implement them as best as possible from a technical point of view.

Advantages of the iterative model:

the model is well known to non-software consumers and end users.

Convenience and ease of use, because all work is performed in stages (according to the phases of the model);

Stability of requirements;

The model is understandable;

Even poorly trained personnel (inexperienced user) can be guided by the structure of the model;

The model handles complexity in an orderly manner and works well for projects that are reasonably understandable;

The model facilitates the implementation of strict control of the project management;

Facilitates the job of the project manager to plan and assemble the development team.

Figure 4.2 - Iterative model of software lifecycle

Model phases:

At the analysis stage, they define the functions that the system should perform, highlight the most priority ones that require elaboration in the first place, describe information needs;

At the design stage, the processes of the system are considered in more detail. The functional model is analyzed and, if necessary, corrected. System prototypes are being built;

The system is being developed at the stage of implementation;

At the stage of implementation, the finished product is introduced into the existing system of the organization. User training is in progress;

At the maintenance stage, the software product is serviced (any addition or change for more functional operation of the product).

Choosing a software development lifecycle model is an important step. Therefore, for a project, the choice of a software development life cycle model can be carried out during the use of the following processes.

Analysis of the distinguishing categories of the project, placed in the tables.

Answer the questions for each category, highlighting the words "yes" and "no".

Rank by importance the categories or questions related to each category in relation to the project for which an acceptable model is being selected.

Development team... Based on the possibilities, the selection of personnel for the development team takes place even before the moment the model of the software development life cycle is chosen. The characteristics of such a team (see Appendix G, Table G.1) play an important role in the process of choosing a life cycle model, which means that the team can provide significant assistance in choosing a software product life cycle model, since it is responsible for the successful implementation of the developed life cycle model. ...

User team... At the initial stages of the project, you can get a complete picture of the team of users (see Appendix AND Table I.1) who will work with the developed software, and its future relationship with the development team throughout the project. Such a view helps in choosing a suitable model, since some models require increased user participation in the development and study of the project, since the requirements can be slightly changed by the user during the development process, then the developer needs to know these changes and how to represent these changes in the software.

4.2 Determining the purpose and scope of the software project

The developed software product for accounting of goods in the warehouse will automate the process of receipt, structuring and storage of data about goods in the warehouse, as well as simplify the process of issuing reports.

The objectives of the software project will be - the creation and deployment of a system for accounting for goods. This system is intended for internal use by Cleonelly staff, mostly employees of the company's warehouse.

To determine the scope of the software product, it will be described below what should or should not be a software project.

The software project must be:

For internal use in an organization;

A project for the implementation of multi-user access;

A project that has the ability to enter, change and store information about the company's product;

A project that has the ability to enter, change and store information about system users;

A project that has the ability to enter, change and store information about customers and suppliers of the organization who are the subjects of transactions to be concluded;

A project that will carry out the formation of external reporting.

4.3 Creating a structure for a step-by-step list of works

To create a unique product or service (project result), you need to carry out a certain sequence of work. The task of project planning is to accurately estimate the timing and cost of these works. The more accurate the assessment is, the higher the quality of the project plan. To give an accurate assessment, you need to have a good understanding of the scope of the project, that is, to know what kind of work needs to be done to get its result. Only after a list of design works has been drawn up, the duration of each of them is estimated, and the resources necessary for their implementation are allocated. And only then you can estimate the cost and timing of each task and, as a result of the addition, the total cost and duration of the project. This is why defining the scope of work is the first step in project planning. Determining the scope of design work begins with defining the stages (or phases) of the project. For example, in the project to create a system "Accounting for goods in stock" the following phases can be highlighted:

Development of software requirements;

Information system design;

Implementation and certification of the information system;

System implementation.

After the composition of the phases and their results are determined, it is necessary to determine the sequence of these phases relative to each other and the deadlines for their implementation. Then you need to determine what works the phases consist of, in what sequence these works are performed and in what deadlines you need to meet when they are completed.

The step-by-step work list (Figure 4.3) was designed using a software product such as MS Project 2003.

Figure 4.3 - Step by step list of works

4.4 Estimating the duration and cost of software development

Estimation of duration. It is determined after the construction of a step-by-step list of works (Figure 4.3, paragraph 4.3). This estimated duration can be seen using the Gantt chart (Appendix K).

Diagrams are a graphical means of displaying information contained in a project file. From charts, you can get a visual idea of ​​the sequence of tasks, their relative duration, and the duration of the project as a whole.

The Gantt chart is one of the most popular ways to graphically represent a project plan and is used in many project management programs.

In MS Project, the Gantt chart is the main visualization tool for the project plan. This chart is a graph with a horizontal timeline and a list of tasks vertically. In this case, the length of the segments denoting tasks is proportional to the duration of the tasks.

On the Gantt chart, next to the bars, additional information can be displayed (next to the tasks, the names of the resources involved in them and their loading when the task is completed are displayed).

Cost estimation

The project consists of tasks , that is, activities aimed at achieving a certain result. In order for the task to be completed, resources .

An important property of resources is the cost (Cost) of their use in the project. There are two types of resource costs in MS Project: time-based rate and cost-per-use.

The time-based rate (Rate) is expressed in the cost of using the resource per unit of time, for example, 100 rubles per hour or 1000 rubles per day. In this case, the cost of participation of the resource in the project will be the time during which it works in the project, multiplied by the hourly rate.

In this case, the time rate was used (Figure 4.4). The total cost of using resources can be seen in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.4 - Time rate in resource use

In this figure, you can see that the system developer receives 50 rubles per hour when executing a project; a business analyst receives 45 rubles an hour, a tester 38 rubles an hour. Overtime rates are not included.

Figure 4.5 - Total costs of using project resources

4.5 Allocating Project Resources

A fragment of the distribution of resources for the "Inventory Accounting" system can be seen in Figure 4.6

Figure 4.6 - Fragment of the distribution of project resources

For each work performed in the project, a resource is assigned that will perform this work. The figure shows the total amount of labor for each resource and the specific number of hours spent on a specific day.

4.6 Assessment of the economic efficiency of the project

Calculation of the economic efficiency of the project is an important step. This is where the economic efficiency of the project will be calculated. This calculation will show how profitable a project or a completely unprofitable project is. When calculating the economic efficiency of the project, it will be necessary to calculate the payback period of the project. The payback period will show the period over which the project will pay off.

Input data.

Additional profit from project implementation (DP) = 38,000 rubles. Additional profit was predicted by the company's experts.

Initial investment (IC) = 39396.47 rubles. Initial investments correspond to the total costs of using the project resources (Figure 4.5, clause 4.6)

Discount rate (i) = 12%.

The period for which the project is designed (n) = 2 years.

Additional profit from project implementation (DP) = 38,000 rubles.

Annual project implementation costs (Z 1) = 15,000 rubles.

Annual costs of the project (Z 2) = 10,000 rubles.

Annual cash receipts (R 1) = 23,000 rubles.

Annual cash receipts (R 2) = 28,000 rubles.

When evaluating investment projects, the method of calculating net present value is used, which provides for discounting cash flows: all income and costs are brought to one point in time.

The central indicator in the considered method is NPV (net present value) - the present value of cash flows. This is a generalized final result of investment activity in absolute terms.

An important point is the choice of the discount rate, which should reflect the expected average lending rate in the financial market.

Net present value (NPV) is calculated using the formula 4.2


R k - annual cash receipts for n years.

k - the number of years for how long the project is designed.

IC - start-up investment.

i - discount rate.

According to the calculations of this formula NPV = RUB 3,460.67

NPV is an absolute increase because it estimates how much the present income overlaps with the present costs. Since NPV> 0, the project should be accepted.

The return on investment (ROI) is calculated using the formula 4.3


Calculated (ROI) = 108.78%

Table 4.1  Auxiliary table for calculating the payback period of the project

= 1,84

Payback period n ok = 1.84 years (1 year and 11 months)

Since ROI => 100% (namely = 108.78%), the project is considered profitable.


Thus, the profitability index is (PI) = 1.2

Interrelation of enterprise information subsystems

How are Information Systems within the enterprise? The usual path for a medium-sized Russian company is to start implementing information technology by automating the work of the accounting department, HR department and workflow. The data of these systems are the most formalized, the processes are easily automated. Widespread packages "1C: Accounting", "Boss: Personnel officer", "LanDocs", "LanStaff", "Salary" and others allow you to build yourself up with any applications and, thus, integrate them into the general information system of the enterprise. Rice. 7.1 shows how the modules of the company's information system are related to each other. The TPS module serves the main production and support processes, and is usually the main source for other information modules. ESS is the main recipient of data and internal systems from the external environment.

Rice. 7.1.

Other systems also exchange data. And here one of the most difficult questions for a leader arises - search for the optimal degree of integration... It is tempting to have a completely integrated system, but such integration is extremely time consuming and costs a lot of money. And it's better not even to say what it costs to maintain such a system. Therefore, the need for integrated systems must be weighed against the difficulty and cost of large-scale ICs. There is no standard level of integration or centralization - each leader must independently(or with the help of a consulting firm) to solve this difficult problem.

Links between DSS and TPS, KWS,


1. Analytical part

1.1 Organizational structure of the company

2 Analysis of the software and hardware of the customer service department and the work department

Project part

2.1 Description of the subject area

2 Feasibility study of design and implementation methods

3 Database design

4 Conceptual data model in the Chen standard

5 ER diagram in ERwin environment

6 Model analysis

7 Physical Design Phase

8 Implementation of basic requests


List of information sources


Numerous firms and enterprises require the services of cleaning companies.

A cleaning company is a company that provides comprehensive cleaning services. A set of measures designed to clean and maintain cleanliness in residential, commercial and industrial premises, including activities for cleaning facades, washing shop windows and other external surfaces of buildings, is a very complex process, consisting of many different stages, where a large number of participants are involved. The effectiveness of the organization of cleaning requires a clear coordination of actions in relation to all its employees.

The advantage of specialized companies is determined by the following factors:

· High quality of services;

· The cost of services is not higher than the cost of maintaining your own cleaning service;

· Expenses for the services of cleaning companies are deducted from taxable profit;

· Specialists of cleaning companies perform exclusive and complex specialized work (for example - crystallization of marble coatings);

· Efficiency - cleaning is done at a time when it is convenient for the Customer.

Today cleaning is one of the most dynamically developing and stable branches of business in Russia. More and more companies are interested in purchasing high-quality and reliable cleaning services, which makes great demands on competent and balanced work with clients.

All of the above advantages require the use of modern information technologies in the work of cleaning companies, such as specialized information systems, for example, CRM systems.

Customer relationship management system (CRM, CRM system, short for Customer Relationship Management) is an application software for organizations designed to automate strategies of interaction with customers (clients), in particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service by storing information about customers and the history of relationships with them, establishing and improving business processes and then analyzing the results. CRM system is applicable in any business where the client is personified, where there is high competition and success depends on providing the most favorable conditions for the client - an interaction model that believes that the center of the entire business philosophy is the client, and the main areas of activity are measures to support effective marketing, sales and customer service. Supporting these business goals includes collecting, storing and analyzing information about customers, suppliers, partners, as well as about the internal processes of the company. Functions to support these business goals include sales, marketing, and customer support.

The "heart" of any CRM system is a database of both individuals and legal entities that interact with your company within the framework of the enterprise. These are not only customers, but also branches of the company, partners, suppliers, competitors. A customer database is a valuable asset in itself, and intelligent data management in a CRM system allows you to use information in your work with maximum efficiency. The customer base is consolidated, the organization receives complete information about its customers and their preferences and, based on this information, builds a communication strategy.

A single database of customers and a complete history of relationships with them, combined with powerful analytical CRM tools, allows you to retain and develop existing customers, identifying the most valuable ones, as well as attract new customers.

The main function of a CRM system is to help managers plan sales, organize transparent deal management and optimize sales channels. The system stores a complete history of communication with customers, which helps sales departments analyze customer behavior, formulate offers that are suitable for them, and gain loyalty. The rest of the capabilities of CRM systems are presented below:

· Planning and coordinating contacts with clients;

· Collection and typing of all possible information about customers;

· Control over the conduct of long-term or complex transactions;

· Analysis of each stage of the implementation of projects or the conclusion of transactions;

· Formalization of all processes focused on interaction with customers.

This type of software is most suitable for those organizations that have long-term and multi-stage projects that involve a large number of employees or several departments. Since the number of concluded contracts per unit of time is small, each transaction takes many days and even months. This means that each project requires an exclusively individual approach. In such conditions, it is necessary to take care of customer loyalty. To do this, it is necessary not only to provide an individual approach, but also to strictly adhere to the designated deadlines, the terms of the contract, as well as the coordinated work and punctuality of all employees involved.

1. Analytical part

The group of companies "MAKS" was founded in 2000. The main activity is a multidisciplinary complex service sector. Since the establishment of the MAKS Group of Companies, the range of services offered has been constantly expanding. Today the MAKS Group of Companies offers the following types of services (Fig. 1):

· Security of objects, rapid response teams, control room security, private detective services;

· Ensuring the most efficient and uninterrupted operation of the serviced real estate objects;

· Preliminary analysis of existing security systems;

· Complex cleaning of premises.

Rice. 1. Areas of services of the Group of Companies "MAKS"

"MAX PROTECTION" developed together with the sphere of non-state security. Security of objects, rapid response teams, control room security, private detective services, all this is included in the standard package of services. The department employs IT infrastructure specialists who are involved in emergency assistance to foreign citizens and know all the nuances of escorting goods and valuables.

Practice shows that security is not just uniformed guards, but a whole range of measures aimed at preventing and averting potential threats. These measures are included in the "MAX PROTECTION" integrated security system, developed by experts with many years of experience.

For customers, an integrated approach to security means that communication with all security services goes through a single contractor. The company removes the need for customers to coordinate the work of several unrelated organizations. The presence of a single operational center allows you to instantly and efficiently respond to any emergency situations.

"MAKS PROKHRANA" is constantly improving and developing new security concepts. Advanced foreign technologies are introduced into our work and we develop our own solutions for specific tasks. However, even the most advanced automated security systems cannot completely supplant a person. Therefore, special attention is paid to improving the professionalism of the staff of "MAX PROTECTION". Specialists regularly attend refresher courses, and their level of training is tested during internal audits. Rigorous selection of personnel allows to minimize the influence of the human factor in the services of "MAX PROTECTION".

The management staff of "MAX PROTECTION" is aimed at an individual approach to clients. Experts carry out a multilevel analysis and, based on its results, offer the most effective solutions to ensure the client's security. At the same time, the scope of activity of "MAX PROTECTION" is not limited to private clients. The employees are familiar with the protection of public facilities and have proven themselves well in this area.

The division's approach to integrated security services is unparalleled and guarantees maximum efficiency in any situation.

The MAKS Ekspluatatsiya division has been operating on the market for over ten years. The main task is to ensure the most efficient and uninterrupted operation of the serviced real estate objects. At the same time, the limitation period for the commissioning of the facility and the significance of the level of equipment complexity does not play a role.

The complex service offered by "MAKS EKSPLUATATSIA" includes technical support for equipment and engineering systems, as well as security proposals. This list includes maintenance and other planned and unscheduled work; design and installation of fire alarm and video surveillance systems, as well as a range of repair and construction services. Clients of "MAKS EKSPLUATATSIYA" receive a full package of services from one contractor, which can significantly reduce costs and facilitate interaction between services.

The specialists of this division are always ready to offer several options for working with the object, depending on its specifics and the wishes of the client. An individual approach allows the customer to count on complete mutual understanding with the contractor and, as a result, obtaining the highest quality result.

In the modern world, the equipment and equipment of modern buildings is becoming more diverse and complex. The main goal of this division is to provide comprehensive building management services. All employees understand the most modern achievements of science and technology and use them in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the manufacturers. This is the only way to guarantee the maintenance of the performance and safety of an object of any complexity at the proper level.

The MAX CONSULTING division has been consulting and auditing in the field of security for over 10 years. The main task of the department is a comprehensive analysis of the situation, as well as a miscalculation of development prospects, taking into account the existing problems of the company, as well as the individual characteristics of the business.

Employees of "MAX CONSULTING" carry out a preliminary analysis of the existing security systems. Naturally, such work is carried out in close cooperation with the customer's employees, who will bring up to date and help to take into account all the features.

An audit of the company's activities is carried out by highly qualified specialists who will not only be able to identify critical points in an already used system, but also offer ways to eliminate them. All consultants at one time served in law enforcement agencies and have significant experience in Russia and abroad.

Also, the specialists of "MAX CONSULTING" provide assistance in the elimination of crisis situations, increase the efficiency of business processes and carry out effective management of information systems and IT-risks of the company.

The division's consultants set themselves the task of building mutually beneficial relationships in order to continue cooperation with the client on a long-term basis. "MAX CONSULTING" offers its clients audit services, legal services in the field of criminal, labor, tax, and other types of law.

The scope of services provided by the "MAX CLEANING" company is cleaning of premises. In Russia, the first cleaning companies were established in 1992-1994. along with the emergence of the first joint ventures, which at that time were the only consumers of their services. During 2012, the growth in the volume of the cleaning services market in Russia in monetary terms amounted to about 9 billion rubles - in 2011 its volume was 45 billion rubles, and by the end of 2012, the cleaning market was already estimated by them at 54 billion rubles. During the past, 2014, the volume of the Russian market of cleaning services has grown, according to analysts, by about 10-11 billion rubles, and amount to about 65 billion rubles at the end of last year.

The largest regions for the provision of cleaning services include Moscow, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Tyumen Region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, St. Petersburg, and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Moscow accounts for $ 100-150 million of the domestic cleaning market.

According to experts, there are more than 300 cleaning companies operating in the capital market. By the size of the business, they can be roughly divided into 4 large categories.

· Largest operators (more than 500 employees) ~ 67%;

· Large operators (headcount up to 500 people) ~ 15%;

· Medium-sized operators (headcount up to 200 people) ~ 7%;

· Small operators (headcount up to 50 people) ~ 11%.

The range of standard services rendered by almost all market players without fail includes daily complex cleaning, as well as washing of vertical surfaces. Further, about 93% of all cleaning companies offer services for grinding and polishing granite, marble, porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles, as well as cleaning of adjacent territories and services for specialized cleaning of premises after construction work and fires. About 87% of the companies participating in the study provide additional services and personnel, for example, packers, loaders and others, and 80% of the cleaning services market players also provide their clients with greening services for adjacent and internal territories, garbage and snow removal. The main clients of cleaning companies are supermarkets and shopping centers, manufacturing enterprises, transport and warehouse companies, medical and sports institutions, office and business centers, large international and Russian companies, banks, government agencies, hotel complexes, entertainment facilities (cinemas, clubs , casino), train stations and airports.

Rice. 2. Segmentation of consumers of cleaning services

The most lagging segment of the market, as shown by many studies, is cleaning in healthcare institutions. This state of affairs is explained by established habits, more stringent standards that exist in organizations of this kind and the specific requirements adopted by them for cleaning performed by the staff of a cleaning company.

The criteria for choosing a cleaning company are: authority on the market, the cost and range of services provided, the level of equipment, technologies and chemicals used in the work, personnel qualifications, and a cleaning control system.

Cleaning of premises is an industrial necessity in the modern business world. Daily cleaning on a contract basis is a fairly developed area of ​​this company. The ability to order both a one-time cleaning and draw up a contract for cleaning premises with a fixed frequency, with a convenient work schedule for the client is a very common activity today that requires a large amount of data and is the best fit for an example of designing an information system. The employees of the company pay great attention to the control and quality of the cleaning performed. Openness is also an important part of the company's work. The client has the right to know what, how and with the help of what this company "MAX CLEANING" is doing. All chemical products have hygienic certificates, partners and customers can visit the production base and get acquainted with the technological capabilities and work organization at the enterprise.

Cleaning is a modern and highly demanded service provided by various companies specializing in cleaning premises. This cleaning is carried out by specially trained workers and is evaluated according to high European standards.

Cleaning appeared in Russia in the early 1990s and, first of all, began to be in demand among large Western companies, accustomed to professional cleaning in their homeland. The service combines a full range of activities designed to clean and maintain cleanliness in residential, commercial and industrial premises, including activities for cleaning facades, washing shop windows and other external surfaces of buildings. The list of services usually also includes garbage removal and snow removal from roofs and adjacent territories.

Currently, all services are carried out by qualified personnel using modern cleaning technologies, using the latest tools, specially selected for each surface separately, taking into account its physical, chemical and technical characteristics. The Russian cleaning market has expanded significantly and has great prospects for further development. After a couple of decades, people will forget what self-cleaning is and will turn to a company that provides these services. Indeed, not only the appearance itself, but also the health of the owner depends on the cleanliness of the room.

The leaders of many large and small companies have already managed to make sure that the cleaning offered by specialized companies is much superior in quality to cleaning in the usual sense. Professional cleaning involves bringing the premises to an impeccable condition, such cleaning, ultimately, allows you to save time, increase the service life of finishing materials and increase the prestige of the company.

Employees and managers of the company work as a single mechanism, highly appreciate not only the high quality of the services offered, but also analyze the ordered services, forecast the situation on the service market, and, as a result, offer constructive solutions to emergency situations and the most effective solutions to the client's needs.

In 2003, in order to improve the quality of customer service, it was decided to open a new division, which will provide additional professional cleaning services. MAKS CLEANING took its first steps in Moscow. The experience gained in the capital was used to enter the regions. And although at first there were enough problems, the company managed to cope with all the difficulties. In 2005, the company signed a contract with the METRO supermarket chain, becoming one of the first companies to provide cleaning services to supermarkets and hypermarkets. By 2010, the staff of the company totaled more than 400 people. The staff works at facilities throughout Moscow. By 2012, MAX CLEANING is entering the regions of Russia. The first branches were opened in Krasnoyarsk and Kazan. The quality of professional cleaning of offices and shopping centers exceeds the expectations of regional clients. The company has already approached its 10th anniversary with a staff of 700 people. All further experience provided unique knowledge in the field of cleaning.

The reputation of the MAX CLEANING company, which has been established in recent years, is of great importance. It requires taking into account the attitude of each of the employees to their work.

Interaction and communication with customers are essential ingredients for success. It is very important to keep a record of contracts with customers, all orders of customers that reflect their needs.

Flexible pricing policy, the professional level of training of employees, the use of a variety of equipment and chemicals, allows us to occupy a leading position in this field of services.

The cleaning company provides its services throughout the Russian Federation. The main part of the service area is the central part of the Russian Federation. The company works with many large legal entities, shown below in the figure:

Rice. 3. Companies-clients of "MAX-CLEANING"

.1 Organizational structure of the company

The MAX CLEANING company consists of different divisions that perform different functions and tasks, the organizational structure of the MAX CLEANING company is shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4. Organization structure

The General Director and his deputy manage the MAKS-CLEANING company, which consists of many departments, including:

· Department for work with clients;

· Department of works.

Customer service department

The scope of work with clients of the company "MAX-CLEANING" is extensive: its main task is long-term cooperation and service of legal entities, analysis of their needs, level and focus. Negotiating with client companies, familiarization with the terms of sale of services provided by MAKS-CLEANING, control over the execution of work - all this is an integral part of the work of this department.

The client company can contact "MAX-CLEANING" and use the services of complex cleaning of premises. The company manager will help you conclude a long-term cooperation agreement or place a one-time order. He is also obliged to find out all the necessary information from the client, namely:

Information about the company he represents;

Data on property (premises) in need of complex cleaning;

The client's desire to choose a cleaning class;

Terms of service;

Special comments on working with the premises (All information received is processed by the manager and is strictly confidential).

In the event of a successful conclusion of a contract or order, the performance of the service will go to the work department, the function of which is the timely and high-quality provision (execution) of cleaning services.

Work department

This department consists of a senior foreman and janitors who form separate teams. After the transfer of the contract (order) by the company manager to the senior foreman, the stage of distributing the cleaning work between the cleaning team leaders follows.

Cleaning of the client's premises is carried out on time, prescribed in the previously drawn up contract (order). A report on the performance of the service is provided to the chief foreman, who assesses the work of each cleaner who is in the brigade that performed this cleaning. In addition, the senior foreman undertakes to notify the account manager of the status of this order.

After that, the quality of the work is checked by the client himself. In case of an unsatisfactory assessment, the manager informs the company's management for making appropriate decisions.

In the course of the analysis of the activities of the above-described departments of the company "MAKS-CLEANING", a diagram of the business process was built, shown below in Figure 5.

Rice. 5. Business process "MAX-CLEANING"

Both departments need prompt customer service and transactions, through the automation of document flow, as well as the rapid receipt of reporting data and analytical information to provide timely and quality services.

1.2 Analysis of the software and hardware of the customer service department and the work department

Each account manager has a personal computer, telephone, and various peripherals to handle the information they need. The company has Internet access to which all MAKS-CLEANING employees have access. All PCs are equipped with Windows 7, the required Microsoft Office package including Access, and drivers to work with numerous HP DesktJet peripherals. The software and hardware of the customer service department and the work department is shown in Figure 6.

Rice. 6. Software of the company "MAX-CLEANING"

The company uses a network based on the client-server concept. For modern DBMSs, the client-server architecture has become the de facto standard.

The basic principle of the "client-server" technology is to divide the functions of a standard interactive application into four groups:

· Functions of data entry and display;

· Applied functions specific to the subject area;

· Fundamental functions of storage and management of resources (databases);

· Service functions.

The advantages of this system:

· No duplication of the server program code by client programs.

· Since all calculations are performed on the server, the requirements for computers on which the client is installed are reduced.

· All data is stored on a server, which, as a rule, is much better protected than most clients. It is easier to organize authorization control on the server so that only clients with appropriate access rights can access the data.

The client provides information to the company manager, who records it on his PC using Microsoft Word 2010, prints out the contract (order) and stores the document in paper form. Thus, there is a risk of losing all the necessary information, the problem of further search for information about the client, his premises and contacts is created. In addition, the manager does not have the ability to automatically calculate not only the cost of cleaning, depending on its class, the size of the room and the service period of the contract, but also the number of teams required for timely and high-quality cleaning of the room.

The basic idea is to split a network application into several components, each of which implements a specific set of services. The components of such an application can run on different computers, performing server and / or client functions. This improves the reliability, security, and performance of network applications and the network as a whole. The information system module I have developed for the MAKS-CLEANING company will help to increase the profitability of the enterprise through in-depth analysis of information about its customers, sales systems, will allow the company's management to track key quality indicators of work performed under the contract, which is necessary for making strategically important business decisions and effective evaluating the work of each employee.

The purpose of my final classification work is to develop an information system module for accounting for complex cleaning of various premises.

To achieve this goal, you must complete the following tasks:

Analyze the activities of the company "MAKS" for cleaning premises;

Create a list of requirements for database development;

Develop a database using the ER-diagrams method and Erwin CASE-tools;

Implement queries to manipulate data in the database.

The developed module of the information system must meet the following requirements:

· Create and store data on contracts with automatic calculation of the cost of service for the period of the contract;

· Create and store data on orders with automatic calculation of the cost of cleaning depending on the size of the room and the class of cleaning;

· Log data about each cleaning;

· Store information about the quality of cleaning for each employee of the brigade;

· Calculate the assessment of the brigade for the manager of the company;

· Automatic calculation of the number of teams required to clean the premises.

I suppose that the introduction of such a system will increase the speed of processing all the necessary documents for the services of a cleaning company, as well as reduce the number of errors when working with clients.

To solve the assigned tasks in the final classification work, the following are used:

· Method of database design - ER modeling. It is a graphical description of the subject area in terms of "object - property - relationship". The use of ER-modeling provides many advantages: it makes the analysis of the subject area more focused and specific; allows you to design AIS without reference to a specific target DBMS and to select the latter at any time; when changing the used DBMS, you do not need to carry out the design again, you just need to take a step to transfer the ER-model to the target one (if the target DBMS you have chosen is supported by this CASE-tool, then such a transition will be performed automatically);

· CASE - Erwin tool. The advantage is the ability to create diagrams of the structure of the database, which automatically resolve issues related to the preservation of its integrity, as well as the independence of the logical model from the used DBMS, which makes it possible to use universal methods for exporting it to specific DBMS.

· MS Access DBMS is selected as the target DBMS. Access is a relational database management system that includes all the necessary tools for creating a local database, a shared database on a local network with a file server, or a database on a SQL server, as well as for creating user applications that work with these databases. Access DBMS includes various and numerous relatively stand-alone software tools focused on creating database objects and user applications. The graphical designer allows the user to create database objects and application objects using numerous graphical elements without the need for programming.

2. Design part

.1 Description of the subject area

The company has its own vehicle fleet in Moscow, which includes 5 VOLVO vehicles, as well as drivers assigned to each vehicle by 6 people. Teams (3), performing complex cleaning of premises, in the amount of 3 people each.

Company Services:

· Complex cleaning of premises (trade, industrial, warehouse and industrial);

The client, which can only be a legal entity, applies to an employee of the MAKS company in the position of a manager for receiving orders. The company provides its services, both at the request of the client himself, and over a long period (from 7 days and more).

The client discusses the following with the order manager:

The client provides data on the premises in need of service (type of premises, area, location);

The price, measured in rubles, is determined in the contract (100% prepayment):

Ø At the request of the client (one-time) - depends on the area of ​​the room, the type of cleaning and the number of teams involved.

Ø Over a long period - depends on the period of service, frequency and area of ​​the room.

Personal data of the client

Room data

Service term

Number of teams involved

The quality of service will be checked by the client and the company employee, who monitors the result of the team's work. In the event of a matching, unsatisfactory assessment of the client and the employee, the working group will be reprimanded, up to and including termination.

The selection of cars available to the company's fleet will be carried out by a specialist in the selection of transport. He will assess the required number of crews to service the premises and vehicles needed to transport the working group to the destination. The selection of machines is carried out immediately after the provided data on the premises by the client before the conclusion of the contract.

.2 Feasibility study of design and implementation methods

To design the database of the service center, it was decided to use the ER - diagram method. This design method was chosen by me based on the following factors:

The method of ER-diagrams was taught to us in the discipline of the Database.

The design method using ER - diagrams has a number of advantages, namely, clarity; the ability to design a database with a large number of objects and attributes;

ER diagrams make it possible to analyze the subject area more specifically;

Requirements for knowledge of the SQL language are reduced.

The ER-model is based on three elements:



I chose ERwin Data Modeler as a computer-aided database design system.

Microsoft Access was chosen as the DBMS. This DBMS was chosen by me based on the following factors:

Microsoft Access was taught to me during my studies;

Access makes it quick and easy to create table queries;

When processing data, Access uses the SQL query language, which was also taught to me in the Databases discipline.

.3 Database design

Conceptual design phase

Description of entities.

Selection of entities.

Description of connections.

The essence

The essence





Need (included)







Make out


Performed by




2.4 Conceptual data model in the Chen standard

2.5 ER diagram in ERwin environment

.6 Model Analysis

Composite attribute: - no

Multivalued attribute: Phone (company, representative)

Derived Attribute:

Order - cost = Type of cleaning (cost) * Premises (area)

Agreement - price = Agreement (service period / frequency) * Premises (area)

Recursive links: - no

Relationship 1: 1: Order requires Cleaning

Redundant connections: yes

The entity of the Company Representative appears:

The client consults with the Employee

Customer rates Cleaning

· The client signs the Agreement

The client places an order

Premises are served by Employees

Premises are being cleaned

Employees execute the Order

Employees supervise cleaning

The contract obliges Cleaning

Link m: n: yes

Employees are cleaning

Rice. 8. Final model in Erwin

7 Physical Design Phase

Data schema in the environment of the selected DBMS

Rice. 9. DB data schema

2.8 Implementation of Basic Requests

cleaning database manipulation

Rice. 9. Implementation of basic requests

· Displaying a list of contracts of the company's managers

This request will allow you to view, by the personnel number of the manager, who will enter the user, the list of contracts issued by him. Such a request will allow you to quickly view information about the work of a particular company manager.

Employees.Tab_Number, Employees.Full Name, Employees.Phone, Employees.Position, Employees.Department_Number, Contract.Contract_Number FROM Employees INNER JOIN Contract ON Employees.Tab_Number = Contract.Tab_Number WHERE (((Employees.Tab_Number) = [Enter the manager :]));

View the assessment of the work of the janitors-foremen

This request will be directed to review the performance rating of the cleaning team leaders. According to the assessment given by the client and the manager of the company, comments and measures to prevent further errors in the work of the cleaners can be put forward.

SELECT Employees.Full Name, Employees.Position, Cleaning.Evaluation_Client, Cleaning.Evaluation_Manager, Employees.Nom_Brigade FROM Cleaning INNER JOIN (Employees INNER JOIN Delete_Cotr ON Employees.Tab_Number = Delete_Working_Tab_Number Cleaning.Cleaning_Nom) = [Enter cleaning number]));

· Displaying a list of orders for the entered type of cleaning

This request will allow you to view the order data made by the client.

SELECT [Cleaning type]. [Cleaning class], [Cleaning type] .Cost, Order.Order_number FROM [Cleaning type] INNER JOIN Order ON [Cleaning type]. [Cleaning class] = Order. [Cleaning class] WHERE (([ Cleaning type]. [Cleaning class]) = [Enter cleaning class:]);

Search for a company - a client in the database

This request will allow the employee to enter the name of the client's company and display a list of previously executed contracts and orders, if any. Thanks to such a request, it will be possible to avoid re-entering information about the client's company.

SELECT Client. [Company name], Client.Your_address, Client.Company_telephone, [Company representative]. Full name, [Company representative]. E-mail FROM Client INNER JOIN [Company representative] ON Client.CL = [Company representative] .CL WHERE ( ((Client. [Company name]) = [Enter company name:]));

Search for un / completed orders

This request will allow you to display a list of completed and unfulfilled orders according to the status entered by the user.

SELECT Order.Order_Number, Order.Status, Order.Reception_Date, Order. [Cleaning class], Order.Completion_Date FROM Order WHERE (((Order.Status) = [Enter order status:]));

List of premises by type

This request will allow you to display a list of premises for the entered

by the user to the type of premises.

SELECT Rooms.Address, Rooms.Area, Rooms.Type, Rooms.CL FROM Rooms WHERE (((Rooms.Type) = [Enter the type of room:]));

List of contracts, the term of service of which is more than 30 days

This request will allow you to display a list of contracts, the service period of which exceeds 30 days.

SELECT Contract.Nom_contract, Contract.Order_Date, Contract.Address, Contract. [Term of service (Days)] FROM Contract WHERE (((Contract. [Term of service (Days)])> 30));

Calculating the value of orders

This request will allow you to display the cost of the order by the number entered by the user. Thanks to such a request, it will be possible to avoid errors when calculating the value of orders.

SELECT Order.Order_number, ([Cleaning type]. [Cost] + [Cleaning type]. [Number of brigades per unit area]) * [Premises]. [Area] AS Order_value, Order. [Cleaning class], Order.Status FROM Rooms INNER JOIN ([Cleaning type] INNER JOIN Order ON [Cleaning type]. [Cleaning class] = Order. [Cleaning class]) ON Rooms.Address = Order.Address WHERE (((Order.Order_number) = [Enter order number :]));

Rice. 6.2.
  • (Enterprise Information System)
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    (Outsourcing and outstaffing: high technologies of management)
  • Integration patterns of corporate information systems
    Information systems integration patterns represent the upper level of the classification of design patterns. Similarly to the patterns of lower levels of classification, a group of structural patterns is distinguished among the patterns of integration. Structural patterns describe the main components of a single integrated ...
    (Introduction to Software Architecture)
    The meaningful meaning of the concept of a module implies a comparison of functional subsystems, functional tasks with a functional task-based approach with the main modules of modern Rice. 6.2. Comparison of functional tasks with the main modules of modern ICISP information systems of an enterprise, ...
    (Enterprise Information System)
    The concept and classification of information systems change in the process of their historical development. However, the goal remains constant and is associated with the achievement of enterprise management efficiency. The efficiency of enterprise management depends on the interaction of many factors, among them: philosophical, historical, ...
    (Enterprise Information System)
    MODERN TECHNOLOGIES FOR ORGANIZATION OF DATA ENTRY IN CORPORATE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Information about business transactions should be timely entered into the operational database from any sources of its origin. This will make it possible to effectively organize further data processing in information ...
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  • 1. Relevance and necessity of research

    With the recent emergence in the Russian Federation of a new form of real estate management in the form of a homeowners association (HOA), homeowners assotiations (HOA) and condominiums (hereinafter - real estate management organizations), tenants (owners) of housing have an opportunity to influence the quality of maintenance of real estate, for the improvement of the adjacent territory and to some extent for the cost of utilities.

    In accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management of an apartment building must ensure favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, solving issues of using this property, as well as providing public services to citizens living in such a building.

    b) educational process

    Development of scientific and educational courses, as well as popular science materials

    Course name/ material

    Brief description of the course/ material

    Scientific and educational courses


    "Information systems for the management of apartment buildings"

    The functional capabilities of information systems for real estate management used in the Russian Federation and abroad are presented. The functional capabilities are compared, recommendations are given on the choice of an information system.

    It is intended for teaching students in the directions 080100.62 "Economics" and 080500.62 "Business Informatics"

    Laboratory workshop

    "Management system for business rules of an organization for managing MKD"

    Provides step-by-step instructions for building a business rule management module using IBM ILog. An algorithm for managing HOA business rules is presented. It is intended for teaching students in the direction 080500.62 "Business Informatics"

    Laboratory workshop

    "Multi-agent modeling of the activities of a real estate management organization"

    Provides step-by-step instructions for the formation of agents and the formation of a model for the organization of real estate management using AnyLogic. It is intended for teaching students in the direction 080500.62 "Business Informatics"


    "Development of a database for an apartment building using MS Access 2010"

    Provides step-by-step instructions for creating database tables, establishing links between them, building forms, queries, reports and macros using the capabilities of the MS Access 2010 DBMS.

    Laboratory workshop

    "Analysis of business processes of a real estate management organization"

    The diagrams developed using the object-oriented modeling language UML are presented. It is intended for teaching students in the directions 080100.62 "Economics" and 080500.62 "Business Informatics"

    Popular science materials


    "Factorial and cluster analysis of regional organizations in the field of real estate management"

    Recommendations are given for the factorial and cluster analysis of the parameters characterizing the HOA in the selected region. Provides information about real estate management organizations with the same sets of business processes and identifies the main factors affecting their activities


    "Algorithms for information exchange in a real estate management organization"

    The general algorithm of the IS operation, algorithms for the operation of IS software modules that implement information services for subscribers, and algorithms for the interaction of software modules are presented. Information system user interfaces. Features of the development of program code of modules using the MS Visual 2010 development environment


    "Classification of subscribers and information systems in organizations for managing MKD"

    The patterns of information exchange within the real estate management organization, the expected composition and volume of data during information exchange, the expected data transformations during information exchange, and the forms of presentation of input and output data are determined.


    "Development of a multi-agent simulation model for modeling the activities of homeowners' associations"

    Approaches to the formation of agents for the subject area, as well as the development of a simulation model are given. The results of modeling the activities of homeowners associations with different sets of initial data are presented.


    "Formation of a set of business rules for HOAs"

    Approaches to the formation of a set of business rules are given. Possibilities of implementing a business rules management system using IBM ILog are considered. An example of using business rules for decision making is given.


    "Formation of algorithms for the information system of a real estate management organization"

    The structure of the algorithm of the information system, the structure of the algorithms of software modules that implement information services and information exchange with the organization's database are considered.


    "Application of a holistic approach to form a complex of key performance indicators of HOA activities"

    The article considers the application of the provisions of a holistic approach to form a set of indicators that allow the creation of a system for assessing the achievement of strategic and tactical (operational) goals of a real estate management organization, assessing the state of the organization and monitoring the business activity of subscribers of the information system in real time.


    "Information services for the management of apartment buildings"

    The information services provided by foreign information systems to owners (tenants) of real estate in apartment buildings are considered.


    "Formation of a database for the information system of the HOA"

    Considered are data models, data storage and processing technology, data composition, data formats for reflection in user interfaces and output documents, data types, the proposed composition of tables, as well as a diagram of relationships between tables.


    "Organizational analysis and business process model of HOA"

    The development of a set of models is considered: a strategic goal-setting model, an organizational-functional model, a functional-technological model, a process-role model of a quantitative model, a data structure model (in what form HOA regulations and external environment objects are described), business process models

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