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  • Development of an automated information system for managing the services of a telephone operator. Information about the contract includes: subscriber code, subscriber's personal account number, contract number, subscriber number, name of the tariff or service, tariff cost

Development of an automated information system for managing the services of a telephone operator. Information about the contract includes: subscriber code, subscriber's personal account number, contract number, subscriber number, name of the tariff or service, tariff cost

In order to ensure interdepartmental information interaction and provide access to information systems and resources of the city of Moscow, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the automated information system "Monitoring system for information systems of the city of Moscow" ().

2. Establish that the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow is the operator and state customer of the creation, development, operation of the automated information system "Monitoring System of Information Systems of the City of Moscow".

3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow, Ermolaev A.V.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

about the automated information system "Monitoring system of information systems of the city of Moscow"

1. These Regulations on the automated information system "Moscow City Information Systems Monitoring System" (hereinafter - the Regulations) determine the purpose, structure, functions, rules for using the automated information system "Moscow City Information Systems Monitoring System" (hereinafter - SMIS).

2. SMIS is an automated information system of the city of Moscow, containing information, software and hardware that automate the processes of interaction between the SMIS operator, providers of information processed in SMIS, and users of information in order to manage and operationally control the quality of operation of information systems in the city of Moscow and ensure provision of communication services for the needs of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

3. SMIS is the property of the city of Moscow.

4. The tasks of the SMIS are:

4.1. Automation of the process of organizing and ensuring the continuous and high-quality functioning of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow, as well as communication services provided to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

4.2. Ensuring a single information space and organizing centralized access control to SMIS services and functionality within the corporate multiservice network of the Moscow Government.

4.3. Improving the quality of operation of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow by promptly identifying and responding to technical failures in the performance of information systems of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services for the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

4.4. Quality control, volume and timeliness of fulfillment of obligations by contractors under government contracts concluded by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow in order to ensure the operation of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services for the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

4.5. Bringing the process of quality control of the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow, as well as ensuring the provision of communication services for the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow to a new level by creating functionality for analyzing several parameters with the possibility of using criteria for selecting and aggregating data , as well as justified handling of claims work with contractors under government contracts concluded by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

4.6. Automation of the process of collecting information on the functioning of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow and increasing the efficiency of its processing in order to ensure the stable functioning of information systems in the city of Moscow and the provision of high-quality communication services for the needs of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

4.7. Improving the efficiency of the use of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow, provided for the financial support for the operation of information systems in the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

5. SMIS consists of the following subsystems:

5.1. Unified Directory Service.

5.2. Monitoring of information systems and resources of executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

5.3. Unified system of monitoring and administration of telecommunication services of executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

6. The main functions of SMIS are:

6.1. Administration of accounts and user rights for access to information systems of the city of Moscow, ensuring authorization of users at workplaces and in information systems of the city of Moscow using a single account.

6.2. Operational collection and analysis of information on the performance of information systems of the city of Moscow, informing the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow about failures in the operation of information systems and the provision of communication services.

6.3. Collection of statistical information about the functioning of information systems of the city of Moscow.

6.4. Accounting, monitoring and management of communication services provided to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow, as well as information resources used to ensure the provision of communication services.

6.5. Processing applications from the executive authorities of the city of Moscow for connection and / or disconnection of communication services, changing the conditions for their provision.

6.6. Collection and generalization of information about the incorrect operation of information systems of the city of Moscow, failures in the provision of communication services received from participants in information interaction using SMIS, which is the basis for conducting claims work.

6.7. Automated interaction with the information systems of telecom operators providing communication services in the interests of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow on the basis of state contracts concluded by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow, in order to ensure control over the quality, volumes and timing of the provision of communication services.

6.8. Formation of statistical and operational reports on the functioning of information systems of the city of Moscow and the quality of communication services provided in the interests of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow.

7. Participants in information interaction using SMIS are users and providers of information, performers of services (works) provided for the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow, communication services, and an SMIS operator.

8. The users of information are the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

9. Information providers are the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, state institutions of the city of Moscow and service providers (works) for the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services.

10. Information providers:

10.1. Place in the SMIS information about the equipment used for information and telecommunication systems and its settings, about the required communication services and their parameters, about failures that have occurred, malfunctions in the operation of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow, about the inadequate quality of the provision of communication services and then update it in order and deadlines set by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

10.2. They appoint persons authorized to perform operations for placing information in the SMIS, organize the receipt by authorized persons of identifiers (logins) and passwords for working in the SMIS.

10.3. Ensure the completeness, reliability and relevance of the information provided in the SMIS, as well as the entry of this information into the SMIS within the time limits established by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

11. The procedure for information interaction between its participants, the regulations for access and work in the SMIS, the terms for providing information to the SMIS are determined by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

12. SMIS operator:

12.1. Provides methodological guidance for the use of SMIS. including consulting users and information providers on technical support and functioning of SMIS.

12.2. Provides operation and technical support of SMIS performance around the clock.

12.3. Organizes the implementation of work on the development (modernization) and operation of SMIS.

12.4. Connects to the SMIS information systems of the city of Moscow that meet the technical requirements established by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

12.5. Provides interaction with information systems of performers of work on the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services.

12.6. Provides differentiation of access rights to SMIS, keeps records and statistics of user activity in accordance with the regulations for access and work in SMIS.

12.7. Organizes work to ensure the safety of information posted in the SMIS.

12.8. Provides consulting support to participants in information interaction on the use of SMIS.

13. Connection and interaction of information systems of the city of Moscow using SMIS is carried out in accordance with the requirements for such connection and interaction, approved by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

14. The SMIS operator is not responsible for the content, quality and reliability of information transmitted to the SMIS by information providers.

15. Separate functions of the operator may be transferred to a state institution of the city of Moscow subordinate to it or another organization by decision of the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

Document overview

The automated information system "Moscow Information Systems Monitoring System" (SMIS) was created to automate the process of organizing and ensuring the continuous and high-quality functioning of information systems and city resources, providing a single information space, improving the quality of operation of information systems and city resources, automating the collection process information about the functioning of information systems and resources, etc. SMIS consists of subsystems: a single catalog service; monitoring of information systems and resources of executive authorities; unified system of monitoring and administration of telecommunication services of executive authorities.

The functions of users of information providers, performers of services (works) for the operation of information systems, communication services, and SMIS operators are defined.

Connection and interaction of information systems of the city using SMIS is carried out in accordance with the requirements approved by the Department of Information Technology.

Document as of January 2016

For the purpose of information support for tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations, as well as the development of priority areas of tourist activity in the city of Moscow, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the automated information system "Tourist Internet portal of the city of Moscow" (appendix).

2. Determine that:

2.1. Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry of the City of Moscow:

2.1.1. It is the operator and state customer for the operation of the automated information system "Tourist Internet Portal of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as AIS TPM).

2.1.2. When creating and distributing information materials about tourist activities in the city of Moscow, including printed and audiovisual products, it places information about the AIS TPM containing a link to the AIS TPM address in the Internet information and telecommunications network.

2.1.3. In order to popularize AIS TPM among the population of Moscow and tourists, it interacts on a regular basis with organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as with organizations that transport passengers by public transport.

2.2. The Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow is the state customer for the development of AIS TPM.

3. Recommend organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations engaged in the transportation of passengers by public transport, to disseminate information about the AIS SST, including a link to the address of the AIS SST in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow, Ermolaev A.V.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin


1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the automated information system "Tourist Internet Portal of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter - the Regulation) defines the tasks and functions of the automated information system "Tourist Internet Portal of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter - AIS TPM), the rules for the formation of information resources of the AIS TPM, the composition of participants information exchange using AIS TPM (hereinafter referred to as participants in information exchange), their powers.

1.2. AIS TPM is an automated information system of the city of Moscow that provides individuals and organizations with information about tourism resources, tourism products and objects of the tourism industry in Moscow.

1.3. AIS TPM is the property of the city of Moscow.

1.4. The main tasks of creating AIS SST are:

1.4.1. Support and development of domestic and inbound tourism in the city of Moscow.

1.4.2. Dissemination of information about the tourist resources of the city of Moscow, tourist products and objects of the tourist industry of the city of Moscow in the domestic and world tourist markets.

1.4.3. Ensuring timely and prompt placement of information about tourist resources, tourist products and objects of the tourist industry of the city of Moscow in the information and telecommunication network Internet.

1.5. The functions of AIS SST are:

1.5.1. Collection, processing, storage and publication of information about tourist resources, tourist products and objects of the tourist industry of the city of Moscow in the information and telecommunication network Internet.

1.5.2. Automated information interaction with information systems of the city of Moscow in terms of providing information about tourism resources, tourism products and objects of the tourism industry in Moscow.

2. Participants of information interaction

2.1. Participants in information interaction are the AIS SST operator, information providers and information users.

2.2. The AIS TPM operator is the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which operates the AIS TPM.

2.3. Information providers - executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations that have the necessary information about tourist resources, tourist products and objects of the tourist industry of Moscow and provide it to other participants in information interaction.

2.4. Users of information - individuals and organizations that need the information contained in the AIS TPM.

3. The procedure for information interaction between participants in information interaction

The procedure for information interaction between participants in information interaction is determined by the Regulations on Information Interaction of Participants in Information Interaction using AIS TPM (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on Information Interaction), approved by the AIS TPM operator together with the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow.

4. Powers of participants in information interaction

4.1. AIS TPM operator:

4.1.1. Together with the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow, it develops and approves the Rules for Information Interaction.

4.1.2. Carries out interaction with participants of information interaction in order to implement these Regulations.

4.1.3. Carries out control over compliance by the participants of information interaction with the requirements established by these Regulations and the Rules for Information Interaction.

4.1.4. Ensures the functioning of the AIS TPM in accordance with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.1.5. Ensures the functioning of the AIS SST in a round-the-clock mode.

4.1.6. Carries out the formation and updating of information resources of the AIS SST based on its own information and information provided to it by the participants in information interaction.

4.1.7. Ensures the integrity of the information resources of the AIS SST and their availability for the participants in the information interaction.

4.1.8. Carries out accounting registration of participants in information interaction and provides them with access to the AIS TPM.

4.1.9. Provides consulting support to information exchange participants on the use of AIS SST.

4.1.10. Is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the information providers.

4.2. Separate functions of the AIS SST operator can be transferred to another executive authority of the city of Moscow or an organization by decision of the AIS SST operator in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legal acts of the city of Moscow.

shop operator base interface


1. Domain analysis

1.1 Description of the store for the provision of mobile operator services

2 Technical means

3 Description of accounting for the sale of goods and services of a mobile operator

3.1 Description of business processes

3.2 Data analysis

4 Review of existing analogues

4.2 AIS "MTS Service 1.15.45"

4.3 AIS "ETK: Personal account 1.3"

5 Rationale for the development of the automated information system "Operator"

Chapter Conclusion

2. Overview of development tools

2.1 Choosing a DBMS

1.1 Oracle Database

1.2 DBMS MS SQL Server-2008

1.3 DBMS Firebird 2.1

2.2 Choosing a database development environment

2.2.1 IBExpert 2009

2.2 Microsoft Access

2.3 Selecting a Software Development Environment

2.3.1 Delphi 2010

3.3 Microsoft Visual Studio

Chapter Conclusion

Relational database design

1 Development of the table structure

2 Table normalization

3 Design integrity constraints

4 Development of data sampling operations

5 Grant of access rights

Chapter Conclusion

Designing the client application "Operator"

1 Description of program modules

2 Delivery package and system requirements

3 Description of the user interface

3.2 Main program window

3.3 Main menu

3.4 "Reporting"

Chapter Conclusion

5. Ensuring the life safety of work in the salon-shop of a mobile operator

5.1 Organization of an automated workplace for employees of the salon-shop

2 Dangerous and harmful production factors accompanying the activities of PC users in the salon-shop

3 Ways to protect the staff of the salon-shop from industrial hazards

4 Autotechnical calculation of lighting in a showroom providing services of a mobile operator

Chapter Conclusion


List of sources used


The modern world of information technology is hard to imagine without the use of databases.

Almost all systems, to one degree or another, are associated with the functions of long-term storage and processing of information.

In fact, information becomes a factor that determines the effectiveness of any field of activity.

Information flows have increased and the requirements for data processing speed have increased, and now most of the operations cannot be performed manually, they require the use of the most promising computer technologies.

Any administrative decisions require a clear and precise assessment of the current situation and possible prospects for its change.

Databases reflect a certain part of the real world. This information should, if possible, be recorded in the database once, and all users who need this information should be able to work with it.

The purpose of this final qualification work is the development of an automated information system for managing the services of a telephone operator.

Automation of the salon-shop, for the provision of telephone operator services, will allow employees to get rid of many routine processes, which will provide the fastest, most complete and high-quality customer service.

Main tasks:

Conducting an analysis of the activities of the salon-shop for the provision of telephone operator services.

Development of an information database.

Program development.

Conducting an analysis to ensure the safety of the salon-shop for the provision of services of a cellular operator.

1. Domain analysis

1 Description of the salon-shop for the provision of services of a mobile operator

The main activity of the salon-shop is the provision of mobile communication services.

This legal entity has a registered trademark, brand name, settlement and other accounts in rubles in banking institutions.

Salon-shop includes administration, accounting, personnel department, management department. General management of the enterprise is carried out by the General Director. In his submission are the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance. Direct management is carried out by the General Director.

The main divisions that ensure the activity of the salon-shop are:

.accounting - calculation and issuance of salaries, tax reporting;

.management department - registration of clients and connections, reporting;

2 Technical means

Salons-shops providing telephone services use information technologies that automate administrative and commercial activities. Salons have a modern material base, including computer equipment and peripherals, as well as a local area network (LAN), which allows for centralized storage and processing of information. The network covers all departments.

The company uses the following software and hardware.


Ø Windows 7 is an operating system of the Windows NT family of Microsoft Corporation.

Ø Windows Server 2008 is an operating system of the Windows NT family from Microsoft, which is designed to run on servers.

Ø 1C: Enterprise 8.3.

Ø Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 - the program provides anti-virus protection, protection against spam and hacker attacks.


Computers with the following configuration are installed in the departments of the enterprise:

Ø Processor Intel Core i3 3240 LGA 1155 OEM

Ø Memory Module HYNIX DDR3- 2GB 1333 DIMM OEM

Ø Hard drive WD Caviar Blue WD5000AAKX 500GB HDD SATA III

All computers are united in a single local area network and have access to the Internet.

Information systems and applied software systems:

Ø 1C: Accounting 8.3 is an automated information system designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting.

Ø 1C: Enterprise 8.3 - is a set of software modules designed to develop and use solutions (configurations) for accounting and automation of business activities of enterprises, and a configuration or a set of configurations.

Ø MS OFICCE 2010 - a set of programs for the preparation of documentation.

1.3 Description of accounting for the sale of goods and services of a mobile operator

The management department performs the following functions:

client connection

organizing the acceptance of an order for connecting the services of a mobile operator from a client;

accepting payments from customers;

connection status tracking;

drawing up a report on connections and payments;

Director of the salon - manages the development and operation, conducts internal audits, analyzes their results, controls the implementation of corrective measures.

Sales manager - implements the connection of services.

1.3.1 Description of business processes

To implement the services of a mobile operator, the following business processes are required:

.Connecting a new subscriber - first, a new subscriber is registered, then data about him is entered into the database, the client selects a tariff plan, then a contract for a new connection is concluded, payment is accepted and a payment receipt is issued to the client;

.Connection of the selected service - after selecting the service, an agreement is drawn up, payment is accepted and a payment receipt is issued

.Registration of payment - after depositing funds to the subscriber's personal account, a payment receipt is issued;

.Formation of reporting documents:

Ø Formation of the report "Price list" - formation of information about prices for current tariffs and services;

Ø Formation of the report "Sales Analysis" - formation of a list of clients-debtors whose debt exceeds the specified amount;

Ø Formation of the report "Status of payment" - formation of information about payments for each client.

Business rules are a set of conditions that govern a business event so that it happens the way it should for the business or customer.

Consider the Business Rules that are necessary for the implementation of services:

.When ordering the service, the payment established by the salon-shop must be made.

.The conclusion of the contract for the connection of a new client occurs after the full payment of the cost of the selected tariff and after the client provides an identity document.

.Before crediting funds to the subscriber's account, it is necessary that the payment be made and the subscriber be registered in the salon-shop database.

3.2 Data analysis

It is necessary to determine the data that will be used in the database being designed. This information can be divided into the following types:

information about the contract;

information about subscribers;

information about tariffs and services;

payment information;

sale information.

Information about the contract includes: subscriber code, subscriber's personal account number, contract number, subscriber number, name of the tariff or service, cost of the tariff or service, date of conclusion and amount of payment.

Information about subscribers includes: full name of the subscriber, passport data, address and date of birth.

Information about tariffs and services includes: name of the tariff or service, cost.

Payment information includes: full name of the buyer, subscriber number, amount of payment, date of payment.

Information about the sale includes: information about the tariff or a separate service, full name of the buyer, passport data of the buyer, price of the tariff or service, date of sale.

3.3 Study of information flows

Only employees of the salon-shop will work with the system, namely:

Sales consultants who will register new connections, change or add subscriber data, as well as deposit funds to subscribers' accounts

A manager who will make all sorts of changes related to the catalog of services and tariffs.

The administrator, in turn, will view the list of debtors and generate reports.

The input information will be:

About clients, the following information will be entered: full name, series and number of the passport, by whom and when issued, date of birth, address.

About tariffs: the name of the tariff, the cost of incoming and outgoing calls, SMS and Internet traffic.

On the services: name, cost, description of the service and notes.

As output information, the client program will generate the following reports:

report "Price list" - this report will display a list of prices for current tariffs and services;

report "Sales analysis" - this report will display a list of sold services and connections for the year;

"Payment status" report - this report displays a list of subscribers to whose account funds were deposited by the operator over the past 2 days.

4 Review of existing analogues

To date, there are enough automated systems created for cellular operators, but in most cases they are designed for a specific operator, have limited capabilities or are part of a large set of programs.

4.1 AIS "Mobile operators"

Description: The program "Mobile operators" allows you to get information by phone number:

-mobile operator

-date of incorporation (company)


-Operator's official website

-page for free SMS sending

Thanks to such information, the subscriber will always know who and where he called or wrote SMS.

Before calling a mobile phone, we recommend that the subscriber find out with the help of this program which region and mobile operator the specified number belongs to.

Otherwise, it may happen that a call to another region will cost the subscriber too much.

In addition, in this AIS, it is quick and easy to send free SMS to any number.

The program does not require installation and can be run directly from a USB stick or CD.

The program is free, registration is not required. The appearance of the AIS "Mobile operators" is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1. "Appearance of AIS Mobile operators"

4.2 AIS "MTS Service 1.15.45"

Description: This is an application developed for iOS, with which the subscriber can quickly find out about the status of his mobile account, connect and disconnect services, change his tariff plan and much more.

The main menu and search are shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. "Main menu of AIS MTS Service"

1.4.3 AIS "ETK: Personal account 1.3"

Description: The program is a convenient tool for managing the personal account of a subscriber of the mobile operator CJSC "ETK" (Yeniseitelecom). The program consists of three modules: personal account, SMS-service, help.

A personal account allows you to manage both your personal account and others (own accounts, corporate accounts, etc.). Works only when connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi, GPRS, 3G). The following operations are available:

-changing the list of services;

-balance replenishment;

-number blocking/unblocking, etc. The service allows you to manage your personal account only with an active SIM card. Internet connection is not required. Operations such as managing the list of services and replenishing the balance are available.

Help is a quick reference guide built into the program. Internet connection is not required.

The main window of the program is shown in Figure 3.

Fig.3. "Main window of AIS ETK: Personal account 1.3"

1.5 Rationale for the development of the automated information system "Operator"

The existing analogues have the following shortcomings:

-there are no flexible mechanisms for separating access to data

-insufficient functionality

-no multi-user access

-high price

Suitable new technologies

A modern solution to the above problems is the development of AIS "Operator", because:

flexible interface

the ability to create a distributed information base

low price for the final product

Relevance - the ability to quickly reflect changes.

Completeness of information, that is, the provision of the most complete information about orders, about payment, about cars.

Convenience - clear interface.

Chapter Conclusion

The creation of this automated information system will allow taking into account all the features for the implementation of the services of a cellular operator.

Expected effect from implementation:

Ø Relevance - the ability to quickly reflect changes.

Ø Completeness of information, that is, the provision of the most complete information about the compiled estimate.

Ø Convenience - clear interface.

Ø Consistency and reliability of data.

Ø Consolidation of information in the enterprise.

2. Overview of development tools

1 Choosing a DBMS

Database management system (DBMS) a set of software tools designed to create, maintain and use a database.

According to their capabilities, two groups of DBMS are distinguished:

Fully functional DBMS the most powerful, multi-user, with data protection, copying and recovery systems (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, DB / 2), but more complex DBMS.

Personal DBMS with limited features but easier to use (Access, Visual FoxPro, Paradox, Clipper, dBase, Clarion, DataEase, DataFlex, R:BASE).

1.1 Oracle Database

Oracle is one of the most powerful modern DBMS designed to implement corporate-level databases, which imposes serious requirements on the server. It can work on most operating systems: Windows-NT, -2000, Linux, UNIX, AIX, Nowell Netware. And this, in turn, allows you to choose the most convenient server platform for corporate tasks. For example, if an organization prefers to use non-Windows operating systems, then it can easily afford it. Some organizations may look to UNIX-based solutions that are renowned for their reliability and robustness as a server platform, while still using the familiar Windows experience on client computers.

The main advantages of Oracle can be considered support for very large databases (up to 64 GB), powerful development and administration tools, support for multiprocessing and two language environments, as well as integration with the Web. At the same time, the program imposes serious hardware requirements and a high price.

1.2 DBMS MS SQL Server-2008

MS SQL Server-2008 has become widespread both in our country and abroad, as it offers a wide range of administration services and is easily scalable. This allows it to be used in information systems for medium-sized businesses and large computer information systems (CIS).

The MS SQL Server platform is based on the Windows environment.

The main advantage of the program is close integration with Microsoft software products and the ability to export / import data to most common data formats, which allows you to use MS SQL Server as a central data warehouse. 2008 Express is a free edition of SQL Server. It is ideal for database training, small server applications, and distribution by ISVs. This release includes a number of powerful features, including SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, a server platform for creating and submitting classic and interactive reports, and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, a graphical environment that simplifies database management.


-The ability to develop high-performance applications that rely on the security, reliability, and scalability of the SQL Server engine.


-The tight integration of SQL Server Express with Visual Studio designers and SQL Server Management Studio allows you to develop applications faster.


-Creation of lightly coupled applications that can work without a network connection and automatically synchronize with a central database.

Key areas of use:

-Entry-level databases, training databases

-Build Powerful Desktop Applications

-Free distribution rights for independent software developers.

1.3 DBMS Firebird 2.1

Firebird (FirebirdSQL) is a compact, cross-platform, free database management system (DBMS) that runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows and various Unix platforms.

The advantages of Firebird include multi-version architecture (parallel processing of operational and analytical queries: reading users do not block writers), compactness (distribution kit 5Mb), high efficiency and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers. It is used in various industrial systems (warehouse and household , financial and public sector) since 2001. This is a commercially independent project of C and C ++ programmers, technical advisors and developers of multi-platform database management systems, based on the source code released by Borland Corporation on July 25, 2000 as a free version of Interbase 6.0. supports SQL-92 Entry Level 1 and implements most of the SQL-99 standard with some very useful additions. This includes DML/DDL expressions, FULL/LEFT/RIGHT JOIN syntax, UNION, DISTINCT expressions, subqueries (IN, EXISTS), built-in functions (AVG, SUM, MIN, MAX, COALESCE, CASE, ..), integrity constraints ( PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY), and all common SQL data types. Supports many access methods, including: native component sets for C/C++, Delphi, classes for ADO, ODBC, JDBC (Jaybird), drivers for Python, PHP, OLE DB driver, dbExpress, .NET data provider, and direct access using the server client library (fbclient.dll or GDS32.dll) supports large databases. Databases can be located in multiple files, the size limit of which depends on the operating system. The theoretical limit is currently 64TB for a single database file, so the main limits are imposed by the file system and hard disk space. is the database server. A single Firebird server can handle several hundred independent databases, each with many user connections. It is completely royalty free even for commercial use.

2 Choosing a database development environment

2.1IBExpert 2009

IBExpert is a GUI shell designed for developing and administering InterBase and Firebird databases, as well as for selecting and modifying data stored in databases.

As the main advantages of IBExpert, the developers indicate:

Ø support for InterBase versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x; Firebird 1.x, 2.x, 3.x; Yaffil 1.x;




Ø SQL code completion (names of tables, fields, etc.)


Ø search in metadata;



Ø metadata reports;


Ø data export in various formats. it has many components that make it easier to work: a visual editor for all database objects, an SQL editor and script executor, a debugger for stored procedures and triggers, a region builder, a tool for importing data from various sources, its own scripting language, and also database designer.

2.2 Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a relational DBMS of Microsoft Corporation. It has a wide range of features, including linked queries, links to external tables and databases. Thanks to the built-in VBA language, you can write applications that work with databases in Access itself.

Ø Main components of MS Access:

Ø table builder;

Ø screen form builder;

Ø SQL query builder (the SQL language in MS Access does not comply with the ANSI standard);

Ø printable report builder.

They can call VBA scripts, so MS Access allows you to develop applications and databases almost from scratch or write a wrapper for an external database. Jet Database Engine (Microsoft Jet Database Engine), which is used as the MS Access database engine file-server DBMS and therefore applicable only to applications that work with small amounts of data and with a small number of users simultaneously working with this data. Access itself lacks a number of mechanisms needed in multiuser databases, such as triggers, for example.

The built-in means of interaction between MS Access and external DBMS using the ODBC interface remove the limitations inherent in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine. The MS Access tools that allow such interaction are called "linked tables" (connection with a DBMS table) and "queries to the server" (a query in a dialect of SQL that "understands" the DBMS).

To build full-fledged client-server applications based on MS Access, Microsoft recommends using MS SQL Server DBMS as a database engine. At the same time, it is possible to combine database management tools and development tools with the inherent simplicity of MS Access.

There are also known implementations of client-server applications based on the Access 2003 bundle with other DBMS, in particular, MySQL.

3 Selecting a Software Development Environment

3.1 Delphi 2010

Delphi is an integrated software development environment for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android in Delphi (formerly known as Object Pascal), originally created by Borland and now owned and developed by Embarcadero Technologies. Embarcadero Delphi is part of the Embarcadero RAD Studio package and comes in four editions: Starter, Professional, Enterprise, and Architect.

The environment is designed for rapid (RAD) development of application software for operating systems Windows, Mac OS X, as well as IOS and Android. Due to the unique combination of simplicity of the language and generation of machine code, it allows you to interact directly, and, if desired, quite low-level with the operating system, as well as with libraries written in C / C ++. The created programs are not dependent on third-party software, such as Microsoft .NET Framework, or Java Virtual Machine. The allocation and release of memory is controlled mainly by user code, which, on the one hand, tightens the requirements for code quality, and on the other hand, makes it possible to create complex applications with high requirements for responsiveness (real-time operation). Cross compilers for mobile platforms provide automatic counting of object references, which makes it easier to manage their lifetime.

Eclipse is a free IDE for developing modular cross-platform applications. Developed and maintained by the Eclipse Foundation.

The most well-known applications based on the Eclipse Platform are the various "Eclipse IDEs" for developing software in multiple languages ​​(e.g. the most popular "Java IDE", which was supported natively, does not rely on any proprietary extensions, uses a standard public API to access the Eclipse Platform )

Initially, Eclipse was developed by IBM as a successor to the IBM VisualAge development environment, as a corporate IDE standard for developing in different languages ​​for IBM platforms. According to IBM, the design and development cost $40 million. The source code was fully open sourced and made available after Eclipse was released to the IBM-independent community for further development.

In Eclipse 3.0 (2003), the OSGi service platform specifications were chosen as the runtime architecture. Since version 3.0, Eclipse has moved from being a monolithic IDE that supports extensions to being itself a set of extensions. It is based on the OSGi framework and SWT / JFace, on the basis of which the next layer is developed - RCP (Rich Client Platform, a platform for developing full-fledged client applications). RCP serves as the basis not only for Eclipse, but also for other RCP applications such as Azureus and File Arranger. The next layer is Eclipse itself, which is a set of RCP extensions - editors, panels, perspectives, a CVS module, and a Java Development Tools (JDT) module.

Since 2006, the Eclipse Foundation has been coordinating the annual Simultaneous Release, which takes place in June. Each release includes the Eclipse platform as well as a number of other Eclipse projects. It serves primarily as an extension development platform, which is what has made it popular: any developer can extend Eclipse with their modules. There are already Java Development Tools (JDT), C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) developed by QNX engineers together with IBM, and tools for Ada languages ​​(GNATbench, Hibachi), COBOL, FORTRAN, PHP, etc. from various developers. Many extensions complement the Eclipse environment with managers for working with databases, application servers, etc. JDT (Java Development Tools) is the most famous module aimed at group development: the environment is integrated with version control systems - CVS, GIT in the main distribution, for other systems (e.g. Subversion, MS SourceSafe) plugins exist. Also offers support for communication between the IDE and the task (error) management system. The main distribution includes support for the Bugzilla bug tracker, and there are also many extensions to support other trackers (Trac, Jira, etc.). Due to its free and high quality, Eclipse is the corporate standard for application development in many organizations. It is written in Java, therefore it is a platform-independent product, with the exception of the SWT library, which is developed for all common platforms (see below). The SWT library is used instead of the standard Java Swing library. It relies entirely on the underlying platform (operating system) for a responsive and natural looking user interface, but sometimes causes compatibility and application stability issues across platforms.

The basis of Eclipse is the rich client platform (RCP). It consists of the following components:

Ø Platform core (loading Eclipse, running modules);

Ø OSGi (standard bundle delivery environment);

Ø SWT (portable widget toolkit);

Ø JFace (file buffers, text manipulation, text editors);

Ø Eclipse workspace (panels, editors, projections, wizards). Eclipse is written using the SWT toolkit. The latter, unlike Swing (which emulates graphical controls on its own), uses the graphical components of this operating system. The Eclipse user interface also depends on a GUI middleware called JFace that makes it easy to build a user interface based on SWT.

The flexibility of Eclipse is provided by plug-ins, which makes it possible to develop not only in Java, but also in other languages, such as C / C ++, Perl, Groovy, Ruby, Python, PHP, Erlang, Component Pascal, Zonnon and others.

2.3.3 Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is a line of Microsoft products that includes an integrated software development environment and a number of other tools. These products allow you to develop both console applications and applications with a graphical interface, including those with support for Windows Forms technology, as well as websites, web applications, web services in both native and managed code for all platforms, supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, Xbox, Windows Phone .NET Compact Framework, and Microsoft Silverlight.Studio includes a source code editor with IntelliSense technology and easy code refactoring. The built-in debugger can work as both a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other embeddable tools include a form editor to simplify the creation of an application's GUI, a web editor, a class designer, and a database schema designer. Visual Studio allows you to create and connect third-party add-ons (plugins) to extend functionality at almost every level, including adding support for source code version control systems (such as Subversion and Visual SourceSafe), adding new toolkits (for example, for editing and visual code design in domain-specific programming languages ​​or tools for other aspects of the software development process (for example, the Team Explorer client for working with Team Foundation Server).

Chapter Conclusion

Among the vast number of existing DBMS, Firebird 2.1 was chosen. because one of its advantages is support for many access methods, including: native component sets for/C++ and Delphi. Firebird also supports large databases that can span multiple files. Another advantage of Firebird is its multi-version architecture, which provides parallel processing of operational and analytical queries (this is possible because reading users do not block writers), compactness (5Mb distribution), high efficiency and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers.

The IBExpert 2009 shell was chosen as the database development environment, as it has a number of advantages, such as:

Ø support for InterBase versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x; Firebird 1.x, 2.x; Yaffil 1.x;

Ø work simultaneously with several databases;

Ø separate editors for all database objects with syntax highlighting;

Ø powerful SQL editor with query history and background query execution;

Ø debugger of stored procedures and triggers;

Ø search in metadata;

Ø full and partial extraction of data and metadata;

Ø database object dependency analyzer;

Ø metadata reports;

Ø managers of users and user privileges;

Ø data export in various formats. It has many components that make your work easier: a visual editor for all database objects, an SQL editor and script executor, a debugger for stored procedures and triggers, a scope builder, a custom scripting language, and a database designer, etc.

Delphi 2010 was used as a software development environment, as it has the following advantages:

Ø Application development speed.

Ø High performance of the developed application.

Ø Low requirements of the developed application to computer resources.

Ø Extensibility by embedding new components and tools into the Delphi environment.

Ø Ability to develop new components and tools using Delphi's own tools (existing components and tools are available in source codes)

Ø Successful elaboration of the object hierarchy

Ø De facto, a huge number of third-party visual components are already available, some of which are freeware, some shareware, and some are commercial.

3. Designing a relational database

This database is designed based on the role model.

Role-based access control is a development of a policy of selective access control, while the access rights of system subjects to objects are grouped taking into account the specifics of their application, forming roles.

Role-based access control makes it possible to implement flexible access control rules that change dynamically during the operation of a computer system.

This approach is used in DBMS protection systems, and individual elements are implemented in network operating systems. The role-based approach is often used in systems where users have clearly defined roles and responsibilities, as in this database.

Despite the fact that a Role is a set of access rights to objects of a computer system, role-based access control is by no means a special case of selective access control, since its rules determine the procedure for granting access to subjects of a computer system, depending on the roles it has (or does not have) in every moment of time, which is typical for mandatory access control systems. On the other hand, the rules of role-based access control are more flexible than with the mandatory approach to access control.

Since privileges are not assigned directly to users, and are acquired by them only through their role (or roles), managing a user's individual rights is essentially reduced to assigning roles to him. This simplifies operations such as adding a user or changing departments by a user.

3.1 Designing the table structure

The structure of the database for the AIS "Operator" is shown in Figure 4.

The database consists of 6 entities such as:

Ø Abonenti - This entity stores information about subscribers and includes the following attributes: subscriber code, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport data, residential address.

Ø Uslugi - this entity includes the following attributes: service code, description, note, cost.

Ø Tarifi - this entity includes the following attributes: tariff name, cost of incoming calls within the network, cost of outgoing calls within the network, cost of incoming calls from another operator, cost of outgoing calls to another operator, cost of incoming calls from a landline phone, cost of outgoing calls to a landline phone the cost of SMS and the cost of Internet traffic.

Ø Abonentskie_uslugi - this entity includes the following attributes: service code, contract number, connection date, expiration date of this service.

Ø Licevoi_schet - this entity includes the following attributes: id, personal account number, date, time, amount, contract number

Ø Zakluchenie_dogovora - this entity includes the following attributes: subscriber code, contract number, date of conclusion, subscriber number, tariff, personal account number.

3.2 Table normalization

Normalization is the process of checking the structure of tables for anomalies, if any, the tables are broken into smaller tables. The normalization structure is shown in Figure 5.

Anomalies are situations when working with a database that can lead to ambiguous interpretation of data or inconsistent data. Anomalies occur in tables containing redundant data

Rice. 5. "Table normalization structure"

At the initial stage of database design, the first normal form (1NF) is built: A table is in 1NF if there is an atomic value at the intersection of each row and column.

A relation is in 2NF if and only if the relation is in 1NF and there are no key attributes that depend on part of the complex key. In order to eliminate the dependence of attributes on a part of a complex key, it is necessary to decompose the relation into several relations. In this case, those attributes that depend on part of the complex key are taken out in a separate relation.

A relation is in 3NF if and only if the relation is in 2NF and all non-key attributes are mutually independent.

Attributes are said to be mutually independent if none of them is functionally dependent on the other.

A table is in BCNF (Bayce-Code Normal Form) if the determinants of all functional dependencies are potential key tables

A relation is in 4NF if the relation contains 2 multivalued dependencies.

A multivalued dependency is such a logical relationship between the values ​​of columns A and B in which for the value A we can determine the set of values ​​of column B.

NF is applied to tables that have several multi-valued dependencies, and the attributes included in these dependencies are semantically related, that is, they are dependent on each other.

A relationship is in DKNF (Domain Key Normal Form) if every integrity constraint placed on that relationship is a logical consequence of the definition of domains and keys.

Let's normalize the tables of the "Operator" database.

To do this, we select functional dependencies for each table and check for normal forms, as shown in Figure 1. Functional dependency (FC) between columns means a "Many to One" logical relationship between the values ​​of these columns.

Subscriber table:

Functional dependencies:

.Kod_abonenta → (Familiy, name, otchestvo, data_rogdeniy, seriy_pasporta, nomer_pasporta, kem_vidan, kogda_vidan, address)

.(seriy_pasporta, nomer_pasporta) → (Kod_abonenta ,family, name, otchestvo, data_rogdeniy, kem_vidan, kogda_vidan, address)

3.(Familiy, name, otchestvo, data_rogdeniy, address) → (Kod_abonenta, seriy_pasporta, nomer_pasporta, kem_vidan, kogda_vidan)

Checking for normal forms (NF):

NF passed, 2NF passed, NFBK passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Services table

Functional dependencies:

.Kod_uslugi → (Description, primechanie, stoimost)

Subscriber_services table

Functional dependencies:

.Kod_uslugi → (Nomer_dogovora, data_podklucheniy, data_okonchaniy)

.Nomer_dogovora → (Data_podklucheniy, data_okonchaniy)

.(Nomer_dogovora, data_podklucheniy → (Data_okonchaniy)

NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Tarifi table

Functional dependencies:

.Nazvanie_tarifa → (St_vh_vn_s, st_ish_vn_s, st_vh_dr_op, St_ish_na_dr_op, st_vh_s_gor_tel, st_ish_na_gor_tel, st_sms, internet_trafic)

NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Table Licevoi_schet

Functional dependencies:

1.Id → (Nom_licevogo_scheta, data, vremya, summa, nomer_dogovora)

2.Nom_licevogo_scheta → (Id, data, vremya, summa, nomer_dogovora)

.(Nom_licevogo_scheta, data) → (vremya, summa)

NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Table Conclusion_dogovora

Functional dependencies:

.Kod_abonenta → (Nom_dogovora, data_zaklucheniy, abonents_nom,tariff, nom_licevogo_sheta)

.Nom_dogovora → (Kod_abonenta, data_zaklucheniy, abonents_nom,tariff, nom_licevogo_sheta)

.Subscribers_nom → Nom_licevogo_sheta

NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Thus, all detected anomalies of the update are eliminated. The relational model, which consists of relations in third normal form, is adequate to the described domain model.

3 Design integrity constraints

Table 1

Имя столбцаТипNull/not nullPrimary key/uniqueCheckForeign keyПримечанияKod_abonentaIntegernot nullPrimary keyКод абонентаFamiliyVarchar (25)not nullФамилия абонентаNameVarchar (15)not nullИмя абонентаOtchestvoVarchar (25)not nullОтчество абонентаData_rogdeniyaDatenullДата рождения абонентаSeriya_pasportaIntegernot nullСерия паспортаNomer_pasportaIntegernot nullНомер паспортаKem_vidanVarchar (35)not nullКем выданKogda_vidanDatenot nullКогда выданAdressVarchar (85)nullАдрес абонента

Table 2. "Services"

Column nameTypeNull/ not nullPrimary key/uniqueCheckForeign keyRemarksKod_uslugiIntegernot nullPrimary keyService codeDescription of the service, its namePrimechanieVarchar(150)nullNotes,StoimostFloatnot nullService cost

Table 3. "Subscriber_services"

Column nameTypeNull/ not nullPrimary key/uniqueCheckForeign keyNotesKod_uslugiIntegernot nullForeign keyService codeNomer_dogovoraIntegernot nullForeign keyContract numberData_PodklucheniyDatenot nullService connection dateData_okonchaniyDatenullService end date

Table 4

Column nameTypeNull/ not nullPrimary key/uniqueCheckForeign keyNotesKod_abonentaIntegernot nullForeign keySubscriber codeNom_dogovoraIntegernot nullPrimary keyContract numberData_zaklucheniyDatenot nullDate of agreementAbonents_nomIntegernot nullSubscriber numberTarifVarchar (45)not nullForeign keySubscriber account number nullForignenotgo subscriber number

Table 5. "Licevoi_schet"

Column nameTypeNull/not nullPrimary key/uniqueCheckForeign keyNotesIdIntegernot nullPrimary keyOrdinal numberNomer_licevogo_schetaIntegernot nullPersonal account numberDataDatenot nullDateVremyaTimenot nullTimeSummaFloatnot nullAmountNomer_dogovoraIntegernot nullContract number

Table 6. "Tarifi"

Имя столбцаТипNull/ not nullPrimary key/uniqueCheckForeign keyПримечанияNazvanie_tarifaVarchar (45)not nullPrimary keyНазвание тарифаSt_vh_vn_sFloatnot nullСтоимость входящих вызовов внутри сетиSt_ish_vn_sFloatnot nullСтоимость исходящих вызовов внутри сетиSt_vh_dr_opFloatnot nullСтоимость входящих вызовов с другого оператора сотовой связиSt_ish_na_dr_opFloatnot nullСтоимость исходящих вызовов на другой оператор сотовой связиSt_vh_s_gor_telFloatnot nullСтоимость входящих вызовов с городского номера телефонаSt_ish_na_gor_telFloatnot nullСтоимость outgoing calls to a landline phone numberSt_smsFloatnot nullSMS costInternet_traficFloatnot nullInternet traffic cost per megabyte

3.4 Development of data sampling operations

The development of the data sampling operation is presented in Table 7.

Table 7. "Development of data sampling operations"

No. Action description Input parameters (name, type) Output parameters (name, type) Execution algorithm1 Adding a new subscriber (ADD_NEW_ABONENT procedure) , NOMER_PASPORTA integer, KEM_VIDAN varchar(35), KOGDA_VIDAN date, ADDRESSvarchar (85)Error code - integer: 0- error a new line with data about the new client in the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the output with code 1 ,NOMER_PASPORTA integer,KEM_VIDAN varchar(35), KOGDA_VIDAN date,ADDRESSvarchar(85)Error code - integer: 0- errorCheck whether a person with t exists in the Abonenti table with the same subscriber code, then change the required data and exit with parameter 1, if not, exit with error code o.3Deleting a subscriber (DELETE_ABONENT procedure)KOD_ABONENTA integer Error code - integer: 0- errorCheck whether a person with the same number exists in the Abonenti table subscriber, if yes, then delete the line with his data, if not, then exit with error code 0.4Adding a new contract (ADD_DOGOVOR procedure)KOD_ABONENTA integer, NOM_DOGOVORA integer, DATA_ZAKLUCHENIY date, ABONENTS_NOM bigint, TARIF varchar(45), NOM_LICEVOGO_SCHETA integerError code - integer: 0- errorCheck if there is a contract number in the Zakluchenie_dogovora table that matches the entered one, if yes, then exit with error code 0, if not, then add a new row with all data to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the exit with code 15Deleting the contract (DELETE_DOGOVOR procedure)NOM_DOGOVORA integerError code - integer: 0- errorCheck if the contract number exists in the Zakluchenie_dogovora table a, matching the input, if yes, then delete the row from the table, if not, then exit with error code 0.6 Adding a new tariff plan (ADD_NEW_TARIF procedure) NAZVANIE_TARIFA varchar(45), ST_VH_VN_S float, ST_ISH_VN_S float, ST_VH_DR_OPfloat, ST_ISH_NA_DR_OP float, ST_VH_S_GOR_TEL float, ST_ISH_NA_GOR_TEL float ST_SMS float, NTERNET_TRAFIC float Error code - integer: 0- error значения выходных параметров на выход с кодом 17Изменение данных о тарифе (процедура UPDATE_DANNIE_O_TARIFE)NAZVANIE_TARIFA varchar(45), ST_VH_VN_S float,ST_ISH_VN_S float,ST_VH_DR_OPfloat,ST_ISH_NA_DR_OP float, ST_VH_S_GOR_TEL float, ST_ISH_NA_GOR_TEL float ST_SMS float, NTERNET_TRAFIC floatКод ошибки - integer: 0- ошибкаПроверить существует Is there a tariff with the same name in the Tarifi table, if yes, then change the data and send the values output parameters to the output with code 1, if not, then exit with error code 08Deleting a tariff (DELETE_TARIF procedure) NAZVANIE_TARIFA varchar(45) Error code - integer: 0- error Check if there is a tariff with the same name in the Tarifi table, if yes, then delete the row from the table, otherwise exit with error code 0. 9Adding a new service (ADD_NEW_USLUGA procedure)KOD_USLUGI integer, OPISANIE varchar(150), PRIMECHANIE varchar(150), STOIMOST float,SPOSOB_PODKLUCHENIY varchar(200)Error code - integer: 0-error Check if a service with the same service code exists in the Uslugi table, if yes, then exit with error code 0, if not, then add a line with information about the service to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the output with code 110Change of information about services (UPDATE_DANNIE_OB_USLUGAH procedure)KOD_USLUGI integer, OPISANIE varchar(150), PRIMECHANIE varchar (150), STOIMOST float,SPOSOB_PODKLUCHENIY varchar(200)Error code - integer: 0- error no, exit with error code 0 11Deleting a service (DELETE_USLUGA procedure)KOD_USLUGI integerError code - integer: 0- errorCheck if a resource with the same code exists in the Uslugi table services, if yes, then delete the data line, otherwise exit with error code 012 Adding a personal account (ADD_NEW_LIC_SCHET procedure)ID integer, NOM_LICEVOGO_SCHETA integer, DATA date, VREMYA time, SUMMA float, NOMER_DOGOVORA integer Error code - integer: 0- error in the Licevoi_schet table, the client with the requested id, if yes, then exit with error code 0, otherwise add data to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the exit with code 113Deleting a personal account (DELETE_LIC_SCHET procedure)ID integerError code - integer: 0- errorCheck whether it exists in the Licevoi_schet table, the client with the requested id, if yes, then delete the row with data, otherwise exit with error code 0 with the requested id, if yes, then change the amount and send the value 1 to the output, otherwise we exit with an error code of 0 3.5 Grant of access rights

Access rights to database objects are shown in Table 8. Horizontally - database objects. Vertical - users or roles. In cells - a combination of letters indicating access rights: - the right to read (select); - the right to add lines (insert); - the right to edit lines (update); - the right to delete lines (delete); - the right to run stored procedures (execute).

Table 8. "Issuance of access rights"

Объект БДРоли:Adnin manager Prodavec Таблица abonentisiudssuidТаблица UslugisiudsuidsТаблица Abonentskie_uslugisiudssiud Таблица TarifisiudsuidsТаблица Licevoi_schetsiudssiudТаблица Zakluchenie_dogovorasiudssiudПроцедура Add_dogovoreeПроцедура Add_new_abonenteeПроцедура Add_new_lic_scheteeПроцедура Add_new_tarifeeПроцедура Add_new_uslugaeeПроцедура Delete_abonenteeПроцедура Delete_dogovoreeПроцедура Delete_lic_scheteeПроцедура Delete_tarifeeПроцедура Delete_uslugaeeПроцедура Update_dannie_ob_abonenteeeПроцедура Update_dannie_ob_uslugaheeПроцедура Update_dannie_o_tarifeeeПроцедура Update_summaee

Chapter Conclusion

The developed database is designed to record data about the clients of a salon - a store that provides services of a mobile operator, as well as store information about the tariffs and services of the operator.

This database provides the ability to search, add, delete and edit data.

There is a differentiation of access rights for different user groups.

4. Designing the client application "Operator"

This automated information system (AIS) is designed to record data about the subscribers of the salon-shop that provides mobile services, as well as about the services themselves and the tariffs provided by this operator. Work with AIS "Operator" will be only employees of the salon - shop. It will be operated in the salon - store on a local computer and have the following features:

Ø Registering a new connection

Ø Connecting a separate service

Ø Switching to another tariff

Ø Ability to edit data about tariffs and services, as well as about subscribers

Ø Possibility of depositing funds to the subscriber's personal account

Ø Report generation

1 Description of program modules

Description of AIS "Operator" modules is presented in Table 9.

Table 9 "Description of program modules"

File nameDescriptionSizeMenu.pasThe main module that calls other modules and contains the main menu of the program6 716 bAbonenti.pasThe module is designed to add, delete and edit data about cellular subscribers1 644 bUslugi.pasThe module is designed to add, delete and edit data about services1 104 bAbonentskieUslugi. pasModule designed to connect the service1 009 bDogovori.pasModule designed to conclude, modify and delete an agreement with a subscriber1 465 bPrice_List.pasModule designed to generate a report with a list of prices 1 059 bProdagi.pasModule designed to generate a sales report754 bDolgniki.pasModule designed to for generating a report with a list of debtors835 bPassword.pasAuthorization module860 bTarif.pasModule for adding, deleting and editing tariff information2 766 b LicevoiSchet.pasModule for depositing funds to the subscriber's account2 330 b

2 Delivery package and system requirements

The distribution package of this software tool includes: the OPERATOR.exe executable file, the program source code, which is a set of software tool modules (described above), the OPERATORSOTSV.FDB table data file, and the Config.ini configuration file.

Minimum system requirements: "Pentium166MHz", Operating system - Windows 98 and above, Microsoft Office application (Excel) when working with reports.

The required amount of memory for the program to work is determined by the following components:

-Executable file size (1593Kb);

-Database size (2928Kb);

-Configuration file size (1Kb).

Thus, the required amount of memory is 4522Kb, that is, about 5 Mb.

3 Description of the user interface

The user interface is very important for the program, as it significantly increases productivity, and the user's work becomes much more productive.

To run the program, run the OPERATOR.exe executable file.

After launching the application, you need to go through authorization. To do this, you need to enter a username and password.

This AIS will be operated by the following user groups:

.Sales Consultant who will:

ü Connecting new subscribers;

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Hosted at

shop operator base interface


1. Domain analysis

1.1 Description of the store for the provision of mobile operator services

1.2 Technical means

1.3.1 Description of business processes

1.3.2 Data analysis

1.3.3 Study of information flows

1.4 Overview of existing analogues

1.4.1 AIS "Mobile operators"

1.4.2 AIS "MTS Service 1.15.45"

1.4.3 AIS "ETK: Personal account 1.3"

Chapter Conclusion

2. Overview of development tools

2.1 DBMS choice

2.1.1 Oracle Database

2.1.2 DBMS MS SQL Server-2008

2.1.3 Firebird 2.1 DBMS

2.2 Choosing a database development environment

2.2.1 IBExpert 2009

2.2.2 Microsoft Access

2.3 Selecting a Software Development Environment

2.3.1 Delphi 2010

2.3.2 Eclipse

2.3.3 Microsoft Visual Studio

Chapter Conclusion

3.2 Table normalization

3.3 Design of integrity constraints

3.5 Grant of access rights

Chapter Conclusion

4. Designing the client application "Operator"

4.1 Description of program modules

4.2 Delivery package and system requirements

4.3 Description of the user interface

4.3.1 Authorization

4.3.2 Main program window

4.3.3 Main menu

4.3.4 "Reporting"

Chapter Conclusion

5. Ensuring the life safety of work in the salon-shop of a mobile operator

5.1 Organization of an automated workplace for employees of the salon-shop

5.2 Dangerous and harmful production factors accompanying the activities of PC users in the salon-shop

5.3 Ways to protect the personnel of the salon-shop from industrial hazards

5.4 Autotechnical calculation of lighting in a showroom providing services of a mobile operator

Chapter Conclusion


List of sources used


The modern world of information technology is hard to imagine without the use of databases.

Almost all systems, to one degree or another, are associated with the functions of long-term storage and processing of information.

In fact, information becomes a factor that determines the effectiveness of any field of activity.

Information flows have increased and the requirements for data processing speed have increased, and now most of the operations cannot be performed manually, they require the use of the most promising computer technologies.

Any administrative decisions require a clear and precise assessment of the current situation and possible prospects for its change.

Databases reflect a certain part of the real world. This information should, if possible, be recorded in the database once, and all users who need this information should be able to work with it.

The purpose of this final qualification work is the development of an automated information system for managing the services of a telephone operator.

Automation of the salon-shop, for the provision of telephone operator services, will allow employees to get rid of many routine processes, which will provide the fastest, most complete and high-quality customer service.

Main tasks:

- Conducting an analysis of the activities of the salon-shop for the provision of telephone operator services.

- Development of an information database.

- Program development.

- Conducting an analysis to ensure the safety of the salon-shop for the provision of services of a mobile operator.

1. Domain analysis

1.1 Description of the store for the provision of mobile operator services

The main activity of the salon-shop is the provision of mobile communication services.

This legal entity has a registered trademark, brand name, settlement and other accounts in rubles in banking institutions.

Salon-shop includes administration, accounting, personnel department, management department. General management of the enterprise is carried out by the General Director. In his submission are the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance. Direct management is carried out by the General Director.

The main divisions that ensure the activity of the salon-shop are:

1. accounting - calculation and payment of salaries, tax reporting;

2. management department - registration of clients and connections, reporting;

1.2 Technical means

Salons-shops providing telephone services use information technologies that automate administrative and commercial activities. Salons have a modern material base, including computer equipment and peripherals, as well as a local area network (LAN), which allows for centralized storage and processing of information. The network covers all departments.

The company uses the following software and hardware.


Windows 7 is an operating system of the Windows NT family of Microsoft Corporation.

Ш Windows Server 2008 is an operating system of the Windows NT family from Microsoft, which is designed to work on servers.

Ш 1С: Enterprise 8.3.

Ш Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 - the program provides anti-virus protection, protection against spam and hacker attacks.


Computers with the following configuration are installed in the departments of the enterprise:

W Processor INTEL Core i3 3240 LGA 1155 OEM

Ш Memory module HYNIX DDR3- 2GB 1333 DIMM OEM

Ш Hard drive WD Caviar Blue WD5000AAKX 500GB HDD SATA III

All computers are united in a single local area network and have access to the Internet.

Information systems and applied software systems:

Ш 1С: Accounting 8.3 is an automated information system designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting.

Ш 1С: Enterprise 8.3 - is a set of software modules designed to develop and use solutions (configurations) for accounting and automation of business activities of enterprises, and a configuration or a set of configurations.

Ш MS OFICCE 2010 - a set of programs for the preparation of documentation.

1.3 Description of accounting for the sale of goods and services of a mobile operator

The management department performs the following functions:

- client connection

- organizing the acceptance of an order for connecting the services of a mobile operator from a client;

- accepting payments from customers;

- monitoring the status of connections;

- drawing up a report on connections and payments;

Director of the salon - manages the development and operation, conducts internal audits, analyzes their results, controls the implementation of corrective measures.

Sales manager - implements the connection of services.

1.3.1 Business Description - processes

To implement the services of a mobile operator, the following business processes are required:

1. Connection of a new subscriber - first, a new subscriber is registered, then data about him is entered into the database, the client selects a tariff plan, then a new connection agreement is concluded, payment is accepted and a payment receipt is issued to the client;

2. Connection of the selected service - after selecting the service, an agreement is drawn up, payment is accepted and a payment receipt is issued

3. Registration of payment - after depositing funds to the subscriber's personal account, a payment receipt is issued;

4. Formation of reporting documents:

Ш Formation of the report "Price list" - formation of information about prices for current tariffs and services;

Ш Formation of the report "Sales Analysis" - formation of a list of clients-debtors whose debt exceeds the specified amount;

Ш Formation of the report "State of payment" - formation of information about payments for each client.

Business rules are a set of conditions that govern a business event so that it happens the way it should for the business or customer.

Consider the Business Rules that are necessary for the implementation of services:

1. When ordering a service, the payment established by the salon-shop must be made.

2. The conclusion of the contract for connecting a new client occurs after the full payment of the cost of the selected tariff and after the client provides an identity document.

3. Before crediting funds to the subscriber's account, it is necessary that the payment be made and the subscriber be registered in the salon-shop database.

1.3.2 Data analysis

It is necessary to determine the data that will be used in the database being designed. This information can be divided into the following types:

- information about the contract;

- information about subscribers;

- information about tariffs and services;

- information about payments;

- sales information.

Information about the contract includes: subscriber code, subscriber's personal account number, contract number, subscriber number, name of the tariff or service, cost of the tariff or service, date of conclusion and amount of payment.

Information about subscribers includes: full name of the subscriber, passport data, address and date of birth.

Information about tariffs and services includes: name of the tariff or service, cost.

Payment information includes: full name of the buyer, subscriber number, amount of payment, date of payment.

Information about the sale includes: information about the tariff or a separate service, full name of the buyer, passport data of the buyer, price of the tariff or service, date of sale.

1.3.3 Research of information flows

Work with the system there will be only employees of the salon-shop, namely:

Sales consultants who will register new connections, change or add subscriber data, as well as deposit funds to subscribers' accounts

A manager who will make all sorts of changes related to the catalog of services and tariffs.

The administrator, in turn, will view the list of debtors and generate reports.

The input information will be:

About clients, the following information will be entered: full name, series and number of the passport, by whom and when issued, date of birth, address.

About tariffs: the name of the tariff, the cost of incoming and outgoing calls, SMS and Internet traffic.

On the services: name, cost, description of the service and notes.

As output information, the client program will generate the following reports:

- report "Price list" - this report will display a list of prices for current tariffs and services;

- report "Sales analysis" - this report will display a list of sold services and connections for the year;

Report "Status of payment" - this report displays a list of subscribers to whose account funds were deposited by the operator over the past 2 days.

1.4 Overview of existing analogues

To date, there are enough automated systems created for cellular operators, but in most cases they are designed for a specific operator, have limited capabilities or are part of a large set of programs.

1.4.1 AIS "Mobile operators"

Description: The program "Mobile operators" allows you to get information by phone number:

mobile operator

Date of incorporation (company)

Operator's official website

Free SMS page

Thanks to such information, the subscriber will always know who and where he called or wrote SMS.

Before calling a mobile phone, we recommend that the subscriber find out with the help of this program which region and mobile operator the specified number belongs to.

Otherwise, it may happen that a call to another region will cost the subscriber too much.

In addition, in this AIS, it is quick and easy to send free SMS to any number.

The program does not require installation and can be run directly from a USB stick or CD.

The program is free, registration is not required. The appearance of the AIS "Mobile operators" is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1. "Appearance of AIS Mobile operators"

1.4.2 AIS " MTS Service 1.15.45 "

Description: This is an application developed for iOS, with the help of which a subscriber can quickly find out about the status of his mobile account, connect and disconnect services, change his tariff plan and much more.

The main menu and search are shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. "Main menu of AIS MTS Service"

1.4.3 AIS " ETK: Personal account 1.3 "

Description: The program is a convenient tool for managing the personal account of a subscriber of the mobile operator CJSC "ETK" (Yeniseitelecom). The program consists of three modules: personal account, SMS-service, help.

- Personal account allows you to manage both your personal account and others (own accounts, corporate, etc.). Works only when connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi, GPRS, 3G). The following operations are available:

Changing the list of services;

Replenishment of the balance;

Blocking / unblocking a number, etc.

The SMS service allows you to manage the personal account of an active SIM card only. Internet connection is not required. Operations such as managing the list of services and replenishing the balance are available.

Help is a quick reference guide built into the program. Internet connection is not required.

The main window of the program is shown in Figure 3.

Fig.3. "Main window of AIS ETK: Personal account 1.3"

1.5 Rationale for the development of the automated information system "Operator"

The existing analogues have the following shortcomings:

There are no flexible mechanisms for restricting access to data

Lack of functionality

No multi-user access

High price

Suitable new technologies

A modern solution to the above problems is the development of AIS "Operator", because:

Flexible interface

Ability to create a distributed infobase

Low price for the final product

Relevance - the ability to quickly reflect changes.

Completeness of information, that is, the provision of the most complete information about orders, about payment, about cars.

Convenience - clear interface.

Consistency and reliability of data.

Chapter Conclusion

The creation of this automated information system will allow taking into account all the features for the implementation of the services of a cellular operator.

Expected effect from implementation:

Ш Relevance - the ability to quickly reflect changes.

Ш Completeness of information, that is, the provision of the most complete information about the estimate.

Ø Convenience - clear interface.

Ш Consistency and reliability of data.

Ш Consolidation of information at the enterprise.

2. Overview of development tools

2 .1 Choosing a DBMS

Database management system (DBMS) ? a set of software tools designed to create, maintain and use a database.

According to their capabilities, two groups of DBMS are distinguished:

1. Fully functional DBMS? the most powerful, multi-user, with data protection, copying and recovery systems (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, DB / 2), but more complex DBMS.

2. Personal DBMS? with limited features but easier to use (Access, Visual FoxPro, Paradox, Clipper, dBase, Clarion, DataEase, DataFlex, R:BASE).

2 .1.1 Oracle Database

Oracle is one of the most powerful modern DBMS designed to implement corporate-level databases, which imposes serious requirements on the server. It can work on most operating systems: Windows-NT, -2000, Linux, UNIX, AIX, Nowell Netware. And this, in turn, allows you to choose the most convenient server platform for corporate tasks. For example, if an organization prefers to use non-Windows operating systems, then it can easily afford it. Some organizations may look to UNIX-based solutions that are renowned for their reliability and robustness as a server platform, while still using the familiar Windows experience on client computers.

The main advantages of Oracle can be considered support for very large databases (up to 64 GB), powerful development and administration tools, support for multiprocessing and two language environments, as well as integration with the Web. At the same time, the program imposes serious hardware requirements and a high price.

2 .1 .2 DBMS MS SQL Server-2008

MS SQL Server-2008 has become widespread both in our country and abroad, as it offers a wide range of administration services and is easily scalable. This allows it to be used in information systems for medium-sized businesses and large computer information systems (CIS).

The MS SQL Server platform is based on the Windows environment.

The main advantage of the program is close integration with Microsoft software products and the ability to export / import data to most common data formats, which allows using MS SQL Server as a central data warehouse.

Server 2008 Express is a free edition of SQL Server. It is ideal for database training, small server applications, and distribution by ISVs. This release includes a number of powerful features, including SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, a server platform for creating and submitting classic and interactive reports, and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, a graphical environment that simplifies database management.


The ability to develop high-performance applications that rely on the security, reliability, and scalability of the SQL Server engine.


The tight integration of SQL Server Express with Visual Studio designers and SQL Server Management Studio allows you to develop applications faster.


Creation of lightly coupled applications that can work without a network connection and automatically synchronize with a central database.

Key areas of use:

Entry-level databases, training databases

Build Powerful Desktop Applications

Free distribution rights for independent software developers.

2 .1.3 Firebird 2.1 DBMS

Firebird (FirebirdSQL) is a compact, cross-platform, free database management system (DBMS) that runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, and various Unix platforms.

The advantages of Firebird include multi-version architecture (parallel processing of operational and analytical queries: reading users do not block writers), compactness (5Mb distribution), high efficiency and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers.

Firebird has been used in various industrial systems (warehouse and utility, financial and public sectors) since 2001. It is a commercially independent project of C and C ++ programmers, technical advisors and developers of multi-platform database management systems, based on source code released by Borland Corporation on July 25 2000 as a free version of Interbase 6.0.

Firebird fully supports SQL-92 Entry Level 1 and implements most of the SQL-99 standard with some very useful additions. This includes DML/DDL expressions, FULL/LEFT/RIGHT JOIN syntax, UNION, DISTINCT expressions, subqueries (IN, EXISTS), built-in functions (AVG, SUM, MIN, MAX, COALESCE, CASE, ..), integrity constraints ( PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY), and all common SQL data types.

Firebird supports many access methods, including: native C/C++ component sets, Delphi, classes for ADO, ODBC, JDBC (Jaybird), drivers for Python, PHP, OLE DB driver, dbExpress, .NET data provider, and direct access using server client library (fbclient.dll or GDS32.dll)

Firebird supports large databases. Databases can be located in multiple files, the size limit of which depends on the operating system. The theoretical limit is currently 64TB for a single database file, so the main limits are imposed by the file system and hard disk space.

Firebird is a database server. A single Firebird server can handle several hundred independent databases, each with many user connections. It is completely royalty free even for commercial use.

2 .2 Choosing a database development environment

2 .2.1 IBExpert 2009

IBExpert is a GUI shell designed for developing and administering InterBase and Firebird databases, as well as for selecting and modifying data stored in databases.

As the main advantages of IBExpert, the developers indicate:

Ø support for InterBase versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x; Firebird 1.x, 2.x, 3.x; Yaffil 1.x;

SQL code completion (names of tables, fields, etc.)

Ш search in metadata;

Ш reports on metadata;

IBExpert has many components that make your work easier: a visual editor for all database objects, an SQL editor and script executor, a debugger for stored procedures and triggers, a scope builder, a tool for importing data from various sources, its own scripting language, and a database designer.

2 .2.2 Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a relational DBMS from Microsoft Corporation. It has a wide range of features, including linked queries, links to external tables and databases. Thanks to the built-in VBA language, you can write applications that work with databases in Access itself.

Ш The main components of MS Access:

SH table builder;

Ш builder of screen forms;

Ш builder of SQL queries (the SQL language in MS Access does not comply with the ANSI standard);

Ш builder of reports to be printed.

They can call VBA scripts, so MS Access allows you to develop applications and databases almost from scratch or write a wrapper for an external database.

Microsoft Jet Database Engine (eng. Microsoft Jet Database Engine), which is used as the MS Access database engine, is a file-server DBMS and therefore is applicable only to applications that work with small amounts of data and with a small number of users simultaneously working with this data . Access itself lacks a number of mechanisms needed in multiuser databases, such as triggers, for example.

The built-in means of interaction between MS Access and external DBMS using the ODBC interface remove the limitations inherent in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine. The MS Access tools that allow such interaction are called "linked tables" (connection with a DBMS table) and "queries to the server" (a query in a dialect of SQL that "understands" the DBMS).

To build full-fledged client-server applications based on MS Access, Microsoft recommends using MS SQL Server DBMS as a database engine. At the same time, it is possible to combine database management tools and development tools with the inherent simplicity of MS Access.

There are also known implementations of client-server applications based on the Access 2003 bundle with other DBMS, in particular, MySQL.

2 .3 Selecting a Software Development Environment

2 .3.1 Delphi 2010

Delphi is an integrated software development environment for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android in Delphi (formerly called Object Pascal), originally created by Borland and now owned and developed by Embarcadero Technologies. Embarcadero Delphi is part of the Embarcadero RAD Studio package and comes in four editions: Starter, Professional, Enterprise, and Architect.

The environment is designed for rapid (RAD) development of application software for operating systems Windows, Mac OS X, as well as IOS and Android. Due to the unique combination of simplicity of the language and generation of machine code, it allows you to interact directly, and, if desired, quite low-level with the operating system, as well as with libraries written in C / C ++. The created programs are not dependent on third-party software, such as Microsoft .NET Framework, or Java Virtual Machine. The allocation and release of memory is controlled mainly by user code, which, on the one hand, tightens the requirements for code quality, and on the other hand, makes it possible to create complex applications with high requirements for responsiveness (real-time operation). Cross compilers for mobile platforms provide automatic counting of object references, which makes it easier to manage their lifetime.

2 . 3 .2 Eclipse

Eclipse is a free IDE for developing modular cross-platform applications. Developed and maintained by the Eclipse Foundation.

The most well-known applications based on the Eclipse Platform are the various "Eclipse IDEs" for developing software in multiple languages ​​(e.g. the most popular "Java IDE", which was supported natively, does not rely on any proprietary extensions, uses the standard public API to access Eclipse platform)

Initially, Eclipse was developed by IBM as a successor to the IBM VisualAge development environment, as a corporate IDE standard for developing in different languages ​​for IBM platforms. According to IBM, the design and development cost $40 million. The source code was fully open sourced and made available after Eclipse was released to the IBM-independent community for further development.

In Eclipse 3.0 (2003), the OSGi service platform specifications were chosen as the runtime architecture. Since version 3.0, Eclipse has moved from being a monolithic IDE that supports extensions to being itself a set of extensions. It is based on the OSGi framework and SWT / JFace, on the basis of which the next layer is developed - RCP (Rich Client Platform, a platform for developing full-fledged client applications). RCP serves as the basis not only for Eclipse, but also for other RCP applications such as Azureus and File Arranger. The next layer is Eclipse itself, which is a set of RCP extensions - editors, panels, perspectives, a CVS module, and a Java Development Tools (JDT) module.

Since 2006, the Eclipse Foundation has been coordinating the annual Simultaneous Release, which takes place in June. Each release includes the Eclipse platform as well as a number of other Eclipse projects.

Eclipse is primarily a platform for developing extensions, which is what made it popular: any developer can extend Eclipse with their own modules. There are already Java Development Tools (JDT), C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) developed by QNX engineers together with IBM, and tools for Ada languages ​​(GNATbench, Hibachi), COBOL, FORTRAN, PHP, etc. from various developers. Many extensions complement the Eclipse environment with managers for working with databases, application servers, and more.

Eclipse JDT (Java Development Tools) is the most famous module aimed at group development: the environment is integrated with version control systems - CVS, GIT in the main distribution, there are plug-ins for other systems (for example, Subversion, MS SourceSafe). Also offers support for communication between the IDE and the task (error) management system. The main distribution includes support for the Bugzilla bug tracker, and there are also many extensions to support other trackers (Trac, Jira, etc.). Because it's free and of high quality, Eclipse is the corporate standard for application development in many organizations.

Eclipse is written in Java, so it is platform independent, with the exception of the SWT library, which is developed for all common platforms (see below). The SWT library is used instead of the standard Java Swing library. It relies entirely on the underlying platform (operating system) for a responsive and natural looking user interface, but sometimes causes compatibility and application stability issues across platforms.

The basis of Eclipse is the rich client platform (RCP). It consists of the following components:

Ш OSGi (standard delivery environment for bundles);

W SWT (Portable Widget Toolkit);

Ш JFace (file buffers, working with text, text editors);

Ш Working environment Eclipse (panels, editors, projections, masters).

The GUI in Eclipse is written using the SWT toolkit. The latter, unlike Swing (which emulates graphical controls on its own), uses the graphical components of this operating system. The Eclipse user interface also depends on a GUI middleware called JFace that makes it easy to build a user interface based on SWT.

The flexibility of Eclipse is provided by plug-ins, which makes it possible to develop not only in Java, but also in other languages, such as C / C ++, Perl, Groovy, Ruby, Python, PHP, Erlang, Component Pascal, Zonnon and others.

2 .3.3 Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is a line of Microsoft products that includes an integrated software development environment and a number of other tools. These products allow you to develop both console applications and applications with a graphical interface, including those with support for Windows Forms technology, as well as websites, web applications, web services in both native and managed code for all platforms, supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, Xbox, Windows Phone .NET Compact Framework, and Microsoft Silverlight.

Visual Studio includes a source code editor with support for IntelliSense technology and the ability to easily refactor code. The built-in debugger can work as both a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other embeddable tools include a form editor to simplify the creation of an application's GUI, a web editor, a class designer, and a database schema designer. Visual Studio allows you to create and connect third-party add-ons (plugins) to extend functionality at almost every level, including adding support for source code version control systems (such as Subversion and Visual SourceSafe), adding new toolkits (for example, for editing and visual code design in domain-specific programming languages ​​or tools for other aspects of the software development process (for example, the Team Explorer client for working with Team Foundation Server).

Chapter Conclusion

Among the vast number of existing DBMS, Firebird 2.1 was chosen. since one of its advantages is support for many access methods, including: own sets of components for

C/C++ and Delphi. Firebird also supports large databases that can span multiple files. Another advantage of Firebird is its multi-version architecture, which provides parallel processing of operational and analytical queries (this is possible because reading users do not block writers), compactness (5Mb distribution), high efficiency and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers.

The IBExpert 2009 shell was chosen as the database development environment, as it has a number of advantages, such as:

Ø support for InterBase versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x; Firebird 1.x, 2.x; Yaffil 1.x;

Ø work simultaneously with several databases;

Ш separate editors for all database objects with syntax highlighting;

• powerful SQL editor with query history and background query execution;

Ш debugger of stored procedures and triggers;

Ш search in metadata;

Ш full and partial extraction of data and metadata;

Ø database object dependency analyzer;

Ш reports on metadata;

Ш managers of users and user privileges;

• Export data in various formats.

IBExpert has many components that make your work easier: a visual editor for all database objects, an SQL editor and script executor, a debugger for stored procedures and triggers, a scope builder, a custom scripting language, and a database designer, etc.

Delphi 2010 was used as a software development environment, as it has the following advantages:

Ш Speed ​​of application development.

Ш High performance of the developed application.

Ш Low requirements of the developed application to computer resources.

Ø Extensibility by embedding new components and tools into the Delphi environment.

Ш Ability to develop new components and tools using Delphi's own tools (existing components and tools are available in the source code)

Ш Successful study of the hierarchy of objects

Ш De facto, a huge number of third-party visual components are already available, some of which are freeware, some shareware, and some are commercial.

3. Designing a relational database

This database is designed based on the role model.

Role-based access control is a development of a policy of selective access control, while the access rights of system subjects to objects are grouped taking into account the specifics of their application, forming roles.

Role-based access control makes it possible to implement flexible access control rules that change dynamically during the operation of a computer system.

This approach is used in DBMS protection systems, and individual elements are implemented in network operating systems. The role-based approach is often used in systems where users have clearly defined roles and responsibilities, as in this database.

Despite the fact that a Role is a set of access rights to objects of a computer system, role-based access control is by no means a special case of selective access control, since its rules determine the procedure for granting access to subjects of a computer system, depending on the roles it has (or does not have) in every moment of time, which is typical for mandatory access control systems. On the other hand, the rules of role-based access control are more flexible than with the mandatory approach to access control.

Since privileges are not assigned directly to users, and are acquired by them only through their role (or roles), managing a user's individual rights is essentially reduced to assigning roles to him. This simplifies operations such as adding a user or changing departments by a user.

3.1 Designing the table structure

The structure of the database for the AIS "Operator" is shown in Figure 4.

The database consists of 6 entities such as:

Ш Abonenti - This entity stores information about subscribers and includes the following attributes: subscriber code, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport data, residential address.

Ш Uslugi - this entity includes the following attributes: service code, description, note, cost.

Ш Tarifi - this entity includes the following attributes: tariff name, cost of incoming calls within the network, cost of outgoing calls within the network, cost of incoming calls from another operator, cost of outgoing calls to another operator, cost of incoming calls from a landline, cost of outgoing calls to a landline phone cost of SMS and the cost of Internet traffic.

Ш Abonentskie_uslugi - this entity includes the following attributes: service code, contract number, connection date, expiration date of this service.

Ш Licevoi_schet - this entity includes the following attributes: id, personal account number, date, time, amount, contract number

Ш Zakluchenie_dogovora - this entity includes the following attributes: subscriber code, contract number, date of conclusion, subscriber number, tariff, personal account number.

3.2 Table normalization

Normalization is the process of checking the structure of tables for anomalies, if any, the tables are broken into smaller tables. The normalization structure is shown in Figure 5.

Anomalies are situations when working with a database that can lead to ambiguous interpretation of data or inconsistent data. Anomalies occur in tables containing redundant data

Rice. 5. "Table normalization structure"

At the initial stage of database design, the first normal form (1NF) is built: A table is in 1NF if there is an atomic value at the intersection of each row and column.

A relation is in 2NF if and only if the relation is in 1NF and there are no key attributes that depend on part of the complex key. In order to eliminate the dependence of attributes on a part of a complex key, it is necessary to decompose the relation into several relations. In this case, those attributes that depend on part of the complex key are taken out in a separate relation.

A relation is in 3NF if and only if the relation is in 2NF and all non-key attributes are mutually independent.

Attributes are said to be mutually independent if none of them is functionally dependent on the other.

A table is in BCNF (Bayce-Code Normal Form) if the determinants of all functional dependencies are potential key tables

A relation is in 4NF if the relation contains 2 multivalued dependencies.

A multivalued dependency is such a logical relationship between the values ​​of columns A and B in which for the value A we can determine the set of values ​​of column B.

5NF applies to tables that have several multi-valued dependencies, and the attributes included in these dependencies are semantically related, that is, they are dependent on each other.

A relationship is in DKNF (Domain Key Normal Form) if every integrity constraint placed on that relationship is a logical consequence of the definition of domains and keys.

Let's normalize the tables of the "Operator" database.

To do this, we select functional dependencies for each table and check for normal forms, as shown in Figure 1. Functional dependency (FC) between columns means a "Many to One" logical relationship between the values ​​of these columns.

Subscriber table:

Functional dependencies:

1. Kod_abonenta > (Familiy, name, otchestvo, data_rogdeniy, seriy_pasporta, nomer_pasporta, kem_vidan, kogda_vidan, address)

2. (seriy_pasporta, nomer_pasporta) > (Kod_abonenta ,familiy, name, otchestvo, data_rogdeniy, kem_vidan, kogda_vidan, address)

3. (Familiy, name, otchestvo, data_rogdeniy, address) > (Kod_abonenta, seriy_pasporta, nomer_pasporta, kem_vidan, kogda_vidan)

Checking for normal forms (NF):

1NF passed, 2NF passed, NFBK passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Services table

Functional dependencies:

1. Kod_uslugi > (Description, primechanie, stoimost)

Subscriber_services table

Functional dependencies:

1. Kod_uslugi > (Nomer_dogovora, data_podklucheniy, data_okonchaniy)

2. Number_dogovora > (Data_podklucheniy, data_okonchaniy)

3. (Nomer_dogovora, data_podklucheniy > (Data_okonchaniy)

1NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Tarifi table

Functional dependencies:

1. Nazvanie_tarifa > (St_vh_vn_s, st_ish_vn_s, st_vh_dr_op, St_ish_na_dr_op, st_vh_s_gor_tel, st_ish_na_gor_tel, st_sms, internet_trafic)

1NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Table Licevoi_schet

Functional dependencies:

1. Id > (Nom_licevogo_scheta, data, vremya, summa, nomer_dogovora)

2. Nom_licevogo_scheta > (Id, data, vremya, summa, nomer_dogovora)

3. (Nom_licevogo_scheta, data) > (vremya, summa)

4. Nomer_dogovora > Nom_licevogo_scheta

1NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Table Conclusion_dogovora

Functional dependencies:

1. Kod_abonenta > (Nom_dogovora, data_zaklucheniy, abonents_nom, tariff, nom_licevogo_sheta)

2. Nom_dogovora > (Kod_abonenta, data_zaklucheniy, abonents_nom, tariff, nom_licevogo_sheta)

3. Subscribers_nom > Nom_licevogo_sheta

1NF passed, 2NF passed, 3NF passed. There are no multivalued dependencies. The table is in DKNF.

Thus, all detected anomalies of the update are eliminated. The relational model, which consists of relations in third normal form, is adequate to the described domain model.

3 .3 Design of integrity constraints

Table 1

Column Name

Primary key/unique


Subscriber code

Surname of the subscriber

Subscriber name

Middle name of the subscriber

Subscriber's date of birth

Passport Series

Passport ID

Issued by

When issued

Subscriber's address

Table 2. "Services"

Table 3. "Subscriber_services"

Column Name


Primary key/unique


Service code

Number of contract


Service activation date

Service end date

Table 4

Column Name


Primary key/unique


Subscriber code

Number of contract


Date of conclusion of the contract

subscriber number

Tariff plan

Nomer_Licevogo scheta

Subscriber's personal account number

Table 5. "Licevoi_schet"

Column Name

Primary key/unique


Serial number


Account number

Number of contract

Table 6. "Tarifi"

Column Name


Primary key/unique



Tariff name

Cost of incoming calls within the network

Cost of outgoing calls within the network

Cost of incoming calls from another mobile operator

Cost of outgoing calls to another mobile operator

Cost of incoming calls from a landline phone number


Cost of outgoing calls to landline phone number

SMS cost

Internet traffic cost per megabyte

3.4 Development of data sampling operations

The development of the data sampling operation is presented in Table 7.

Table 7. "Development of data sampling operations"

Action Description

Input parameters (name, type)

Output parameters (name, type)

Execution algorithm

Adding a new subscriber (procedure ADD_NEW_ABONENT)

KOD_ABONENTA integer FAMILIY varchar(25) NAME varchar(15), OTCHESTVO varchar(25), DATA_ROGDENIYA date, SERIY_PASPORTA integer, NOMER_PASPORTA integer,

KEM_VIDAN varchar(35), KOGDA_VIDAN date, ADDRESSvarchar

Check if there is a person with the same subscriber code in the Abonenti table, if so, exit with error code 0, if not, add a new row with data about the new client to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the exit with code 1

Editing subscriber data (UPDATE_DANNIE_OB_ABONENTE procedure)

KOD_ABONENTA integer FAMILIY varchar(25) NAME varchar(15), OTCHESTVO varchar(25),DATA_ROGDENIYA date, SERIY_PASPORTAinteger,NOMER_PASPORTA integer,KEM_VIDAN varchar(35), KOGDA_VIDAN date,ADDRESSvarchar(85)

Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a person with the same subscriber code in the Abonenti table, then change the necessary data and exit with parameter 1, if not, exit with the error code o.

Deleting a subscriber (DELETE_ABONENT procedure)


Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a person with the same subscriber number in the Abonenti table, if yes, then delete the line with his data, if not, then exit with error code 0.

Adding a new contract (ADD_DOGOVOR procedure)


Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a contract number in the Zakluchenie_dogovora table that matches the entered one, if yes, then exit with error code 0, if not, then add a new row with all the data to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the exit with code 1

Deleting a contract (DELETE_DOGOVOR procedure)


Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a contract number in the Zakluchenie_dogovora table that matches the entered one, if yes, then delete the row from the table, if not, then exit with error code 0.

Adding a new tariff plan (ADD_NEW_TARIF procedure)

NAZVANIE_TARIFA varchar(45),

ST_VH_VN_S float,ST_ISH_VN_S float,ST_VH_DR_OPfloat,ST_ISH_NA_DR_OP float, ST_VH_S_GOR_TEL float, ST_ISH_NA_GOR_TEL float ST_SMS float, NTERNET_TRAFIC float

Error code - integer:

Check if there is a tariff with the same name in the Tarifi table, if yes, then exit with error code 0, if not, add a line with information about the tariff to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the output with code 1

Changing tariff data (procedure UPDATE_DANNIE_O_TARIFE)

NAZVANIE_TARIFA varchar(45), ST_VH_VN_S float,ST_ISH_VN_S float,ST_VH_DR_OPfloat,ST_ISH_NA_DR_OP float, ST_VH_S_GOR_TEL float, ST_ISH_NA_GOR_TEL float ST_SMS float, NTERNET_TRAFIC float

Error code - integer:

Check if there is a tariff with the same name in the Tarifi table, if yes, then change the data and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the output with code 1, if not, then exit with error code 0

Deleting a tariff (DELETE_TARIF procedure)


Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a tariff with the same name in the Tarifi table, if so, then delete the row from the table, otherwise exit with error code 0.

Adding a new service (procedure ADD_NEW_USLUGA)

Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if a service with the same service code exists in the Uslugi table, if yes, then exit with error code 0, if not, add a line with information about the service to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the output with code 1

Changing service information (UPDATE_DANNIE_OB_USLUGAH procedure)

KOD_USLUGI integer, OPISANIE varchar(150), PRIMECHANIE varchar(150), STOIMOST float,SPOSOB_PODKLUCHENIY varchar(200)

Error code - integer:

Check if there is a service with the same service code in the Uslugi table, if yes, then change the data and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the output with code 1, if not, then exit with error code 0

Deleting a service (DELETE_USLUGA procedure)

KOD_USLUGI integer

Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a resource with the same service code in the Uslugi table, if so, delete the row with the data, otherwise exit with an error code of 0

Adding a personal account (procedure ADD_NEW_LIC_SCHET)

ID integer, NOM_LICEVOGO_SCHETA integer,


VREMYA time, SUMMA float,


Error code - integer:

Check if there is a client with the requested id in the Licevoi_schet table, if so, exit with error code 0, otherwise add data to the table and send the values ​​of the output parameters to the exit with code 1

Deleting a personal account (DELETE_LIC_SCHET procedure)

Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a client with the requested id in the Licevoi_schet table, if so, delete the row with the data, otherwise exit with an error code of 0

Changing the deposited amount (UPDATE_SUMMA procedure)


Error code - integer: 0 - error

Check if there is a client with the requested id in the Licevoi_schet table, if so, change the amount and send the value 1 to the output, otherwise exit with an error code of 0

3.5 Grant of access rights

Access rights to database objects are shown in Table 8. Horizontally - database objects. Vertical - users or roles. In cells - a combination of letters indicating access rights:

s - the right to read (select);

i - the right to add rows (insert);

u - the right to edit lines (update);

d - the right to delete lines (delete);

e - the right to run stored procedures (execute).

Table 8. "Issuance of access rights"

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A system (from the Greek ueufzmb, “composed”) is a set of interconnected objects and resources organized by the process of system genesis into a single whole and opposed to the environment.

The definition of an automated system is given by GOST 34.003-90: a system consisting of personnel and a set of means for automating its activities, implementing information technology for performing established functions. That is, an automated system can exist only where there is personnel engaged in a certain activity. As a rule, we are talking about activities, the results of which are useful to someone, regardless of the tools used.

An automated information system (AIS) is an organizational and technical system, which is a set of software and hardware designed to automate activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. That is, the information system is an information service system for employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information.

For example, if we put a computer and a printer on the cashier's desk, and the cashier's boss issues an order for her to type tickets and reports in a text editor and print them on the printer, then we get an automated system. According to modern ideas, it is very primitive, formally it will satisfy the Gost definition. It is necessary to be able to formulate the goals, functions and objectives of IS.

The goal is a situation or area of ​​situations that must be achieved during the functioning of the system for a certain period of time. The goal can be set by requirements for performance indicators, resource intensity, efficiency of the system, or for the trajectory of achieving a given result. Typically, the goal for a system is determined by the superior system, namely the one in which the system in question is an element of .

The objectives of the activity that determine the purpose of the AIS are formulated in one of two ways:

  • 1. The goals of the activity as a result of the introduction of an automated system do not change, only the way to achieve them changes. What used to be done “just like that” is now done within the framework of an automated system.
  • 2. A modern approach to the implementation of AIS is business process reengineering (BPR) of an enterprise. The purpose of introducing an information system can be a qualitative change in current activities. That is, the improvements possible with the introduction of AIS are not only quantitative, but also qualitative.

There can be several specific goals of one type of activity, their automation in general is illustrated by Deming's law.

In GOST 34.003-90, the term purpose of the activity is used to designate it. Whenever the next spectator moves away from the window with a ticket in his hands, and the theater becomes a little richer, this goal of activity is achieved.

A qualitatively new opportunity (to keep track of which seats in the auditorium are actually occupied and which are free) can be provided by the use of bar-coding technology for tickets and scanning of the ticket number at the entrance to the auditorium. This will allow the theater to work more profitably: sell tickets for standing places (according to the number of unoccupied seats) and prevent the possibility of making a second ticket for a occupied seat.

AIS goal is a measurable result that is expected to be achieved in the short term in order to realize the strategic (long-term) goal. Goals determine how the strategy will be carried out - what results and when should be achieved. Goals, as a rule, refer to one of the prospects for the development of the company. Thus, any useful result outside the activity itself can be considered its goal. So, if the cashier not only sells the ticket, but also prepares a sales report for the authorities at the end of the working day, compiling a daily report can be considered as another activity goal.

The functions of the automated system are formulated as follows.

The set of actions of an automated system, aimed at achieving a specific goal, according to GOST 34.003-90, is called its function. A function is an action or a set of actions performed on a source object (document, goods and materials, etc.) in order to obtain a given result.

The function of an automated system is a fundamental concept in GOST 34. An automated system is considered, first of all, as the sum of its functions and only then as a bunch of "software" and "iron". The most important thing is what the system does, and what it consists of is secondary.

When describing the purpose of solving the problem, emphasis should be placed on the list of those management functions and data processing operations that will be automated during the implementation of the proposed project. Each goal of activity in an automated system corresponds to one or more functions. Not always activities are fully automated. Some goals, even after the introduction of an automated system, have to be achieved manually. On the other hand, since the same result under different conditions can be achieved in different ways, several functions can be directed to the same goal of activity in an automated system, for example, selling a ticket at the box office and selling a ticket on the Internet. In addition, any automated system requires certain maintenance, so we have to introduce the concept of an auxiliary function. A typical example is backing up data.

Tasks of the automated system.

In the general case, when performing a function, part of the work is done by the staff, and part of the work is done by the equipment, for example, the ticket is printed automatically, and handed out to the buyer by the cashier manually. To achieve the function, one or more tasks can be defined, and each of the tasks is formulated either for manual, or automated (with the use of a computer), or automatic (without operator participation) execution.

In GOST 34.003-90, a task is a sequence of automatic actions that leads to a result of a given type.

A task is the most clearly formalized part of an automated activity. One can imagine a function performed completely automatically, such as the backup mentioned above. In this case, the function is reduced to one task. The same task can be solved by performing different functions. For example, if an automated system has several functions for selling a ticket, then the execution of each of them may at some point require the output of a ticket print.

automated information software

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