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  • To develop an electronic textbook on the discipline: "Computer networks" in the Adobe Flash Professional CS6 environment. Creation of an electronic manual based on the tool environment, see Getting to know the program interface

To develop an electronic textbook on the discipline: "Computer networks" in the Adobe Flash Professional CS6 environment. Creation of an electronic manual based on the tool environment, see Getting to know the program interface

Adobe Flash Professional is an updated version of the well-known utility for creating Flash applications and animation. It allows you to create games, resources and various services that use Flash technology in their work.

Today this technology has become widespread. I use it in the development of applications for various popular social networks. Each user can create a game or program and post it on the social network. The program is distributed on a shareware basis, so everyone can download it and test its capabilities.

To avoid any problems during the work, you must adhere to the system requirements. The application requires a processor with a frequency of 1.5 GHz or higher, and at least 1 GB of RAM. It is also worth taking care of 1 GB of free disk space. The video card must be 512 MB with a resolution of 800x600. The program is capable of running on most Windows operating systems.

How does the utility work?

Adobe Flash Professional provides the ability to create Flash applications and documents, presentations and more. The interface of the application is a bit like Photoshop, so users who have worked with it will quickly become familiar with Adobe Flash Professional.

On the left are tools for creating and processing vector graphics. Building Flash applications is similar to working with Potoshop. The only difference is that a timeline is inserted here, where it is necessary to adjust the display of layers in the time interval. The utility supports several formats for saving.


The program is designed for mounting and processing animation and creating Flash applications. In addition, using the utility, you can draw and process vector images. In addition, when creating a Flash application, you can use video, audio and pictures. Also Adobe Flash Professional provides the ability to create presentations.

In addition, the application supports HTML. The utility can transfer
received works in high quality. In addition, using the program, you can create Flash applications for mobile devices based on the Android and iOS operating systems. Also, using the Creative Cloud service, you can co-create applications.

Advantages and disadvantages

The utility works with AIR and Flash Player technologies. In addition, the application can be installed on any OS of any bit size. Also Adobe Flash Professional is capable of handling a huge number of formats. In addition, the program has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to quickly understand its capabilities. The application is distributed free of charge.

Among the shortcomings, we can note the limited trial period of using the program, which is 30 days. Also, the application has an inconvenient installation using the CreativeCloud utility, after registering with an Adobe ID.

For a long time, Adobe has been creating software that allows you to do work with quality. This app is no exception. The utility's capabilities allow you to create any content using Flash technology.

True, Adobe Flash Professional has a limited period of free use, but during this time you can fully explore all the utility's functions. To be able to constantly use the program, you need to purchase a license key. If necessary, you can use a similar and completely free program Vectorian Giotto.


Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Collection and preparation of text and graphic information on the topic: "Computer networks"; Preparation of content, calculation of the economic part and safety measures; Direct creation of an electronic textbook. The process of creating an e-textbook is very different from the process of creating a traditional textbook. Therefore, I find it inappropriate to scan a traditional textbook.

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Flash CS3 Tutorial

Decorated as electronic self-help textbook in the format CHM(compressed hypertext). The tutorial contains 16 lessons that cover all the main features of the environment Adobe Flash CS3 ... In addition, the text of the tutorial contains practical tasks with step-by-step instructions and a detailed explanation of all actions.

The Appendix provides background information on the basics of the language ActionScript 2.0.

The proposed approach can be formulated as "From problem to theory"... All tools and techniques for working in the environment Flash are considered in the textbook not in isolation, but in the context of practical tasks that arise when creating animated videos.

The first part of the textbook (topics 1-6) is quite accessible for study by schoolchildren. 5-8 grades... For the normal development of the rest of the material, familiarity with trigonometric functions and the basics of vector mathematics is desirable.

To study the second part of the textbook, students should have some basic knowledge of the basics of programming(variables, loops, conditional operators, functions). Since the language ActionScript very similar to Si and JavaScript, proficiency in these languages ​​will greatly facilitate life and allow you to focus specifically on Flash.

Although in Adobe Flash CS3 programming language introduced ActionScript 3.0, in the author's opinion, it is inappropriate to use it in a textbook intended for schoolchildren. The new version of the language requires a more abstract approach and is of interest mainly to the professional public.

In preparing the materials, a trial was used English version programs Adobe Flash CS3, which can be downloaded for free from (you must first register on the site, this is also free).

Good Flash Books

  1. Official training course... Adobe CS3 Professional. - M: Triumph, 2008.
  2. Muck K.... ... - SPb: Peter, 2009.
  3. Vander Veer E.A., Grover K.... Flash CS3. Missing leadership. - SPb: BHV-Petersburg, 2008.
  4. Paknell S., Hogg B., Swann K.... Macromedia Flash 8 for professionals. - SPb: Williams, 2006.
  5. Bhangal S.... Flash. Tricks. 100 tips and tricks from a professional. - SPb: Peter, 2005.

License agreement

  1. 1) publication of materials in any form, including posting materials on other websites;
  2. 2) distribution of incomplete or modified materials;
  3. 3) inclusion of materials in collections on any media;
  4. 4) obtaining commercial benefits from the sale or other use of materials.

By downloading the materials, you signify that you have accepted the terms of this license agreement.

Elective courses

Based on the textbook, two elective courses have been developed, which actually represent two parts of one course. Their total duration is 54 hours.

Courses can be used for specialized training of students in classes of physics and mathematics, information technology and other profiles.

Application of the programming language ActionScript while creating Flash-rollers allows you to take full advantage of the capabilities of the environment Adobe Flash CS3, get absolute control over the playback of the movie and solve problems that are extremely difficult or impossible to solve without the program code. In the training course based on the second part of the textbook, it is simple and accessible, using many practical examples, outlining the basics of programming in ActionScript 2.0.


As an illustration of the possibilities Flash traditionally, a cube is often used, which can be rotated both with the mouse and with the arrow keys (by first clicking on it). Clicking on the small cube returns the large cube to its original position. The self-help tutorial has all the information you need to create such a cube.

Intensification "href =" / text / category / intensifikatciya / "rel =" bookmark "> intensification of training, development and implementation of non-traditional technologies based on the use of computer technology using active teaching methods in all their diversity and complexity.

In this way , relevance the creation of electronic teaching aids in any discipline is determined by the general orientation of modern education to the study of the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it with the help of information technologies and is associated with the need to solve the problem of presenting information in an understandable and easy-to-read electronic form.

Today, no one doubts the fact that electronic interactive teaching aids can enrich the course of study. The exceptionally high degree of clarity of the presented material, the interconnection of various components of the courses, the complexity and interactivity make the programs indispensable helpers for both the student and the teacher. Thanks to the complex of various multimedia possibilities, the learning process becomes more effective and interesting.

It is generally accepted that the electronic textbook is a new generation of literature that combines the advantages of traditional textbooks and the capabilities of computer technology. Electronic tutorial is an integrated educational software system that ensures the continuity and completeness of the didactic cycle of the learning process, provides theoretical material, provides training educational activities and control of the level of knowledge, as well as information retrieval activities, mathematical and simulation modeling with computer visualization and service functions, provided that interactive feedback.

The electronic study guide has a number of distinctive features that explain the feasibility of developing and using it as an independent teaching tool, namely:

1) the possibility of compact storage of a large amount of information;

2) a system of quick customization for a specific user;

3) easy updating of the program (supplemented and expanded);

4) broad search capabilities;

5) the ability to perform interactive exercises and tests;

6) visibility: great opportunities for building visual models, presentation of graphic and audio information;

7) structuredness (hypertext organization of information).

The design of any interactive tutorial should be based on a number of principles, namely:

· principle of distribution of educational material ;

· the principle of interactivity of educational material;

· the principle of multimedia presentation of educational information.

To create electronic interactive courses, specialized (authoring environments) or universal (programming systems) tools are used. The first are designed for "programming without programming", that is, the program is created by constructing and placing certain modules that make up a multimedia course, without the creator of the course writing complex machine code (called a programming language). To work with the latter, knowledge of the programming language is required.

The advent of modern multimedia platforms used to create vector animation and interactive applications such as Adobe Flash has largely eliminated the difference between these tools as they enable interactive design of the interface. At the same time, they do not limit freedom to ready-made solutions.

The choice of the Adobe Flash multimedia platform for creating interactive tutorials is not accidental. It has a number of significant advantages over others.

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional is used to create vector animation and interactive applications (including games), as well as to integrate videos into web pages. Flash content is played using a variety of software tools, but the dominant market position is held by Adobe Flash Player, distributed as a free plug-in for most modern browsers. Also in Adobe Flash CS3 Professional it is possible to create Flash projector applications with the. exe, playable without installing software tools.

At the heart of Adobe Flash CS3 Professional is vector morphing, that is, a smooth "flow" from one keyframe to another. This allows you to create complex cartoon scenes with just a few keyframes for each character.

Using vector graphics as the default graphics mode makes Flash an indispensable tool for developing interactive applications. Vector graphics are objects defined by mathematical equations, or vectors, that contain information about size, shape, color, border, and location.

The Flash development approach also makes it easier to create complex multimedia presentations. At the same time, when working with both graphics and presentations, file sizes remain small. Because elements such as vectors, bitmaps, and sound are typically used multiple times in the same project, Flash, thanks to its internal Symbol Conversation function, allows you to create a single instance of an object that can be reused instead of re-creating a new one each time. This approach significantly reduces the size of the project file and saves time.

In addition, this multimedia platform allows you to create a library - Library. It is a list of all used constants, which can be both drawn symbols and imported graphics and sounds. Using the library, you can refer to any element, regardless of what layer or frame it is on.

Color palettes and gradient fills can be imported (and exported) from other graphics applications (such as Macromedia Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop).

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional uses the ActionScript programming language. ActionScript is an object-oriented programming language, one of the dialects of ECMAScript (an embeddable, extensible, I / O-free programming language used as the basis for building other scripting languages) that adds interactivity, data manipulation, and more to the content of Flash applications. ActionScript is executed by the ActionScript Virtual Machine, which is part of the Flash Player. ActionScript is compiled into bytecode, which is included in the SWF file.

SWF files are executed by Flash Player. Flash Player exists as a plug-in to a web browser, as well as a standalone application. In the second case, it is possible to create executable exe-files (projector).

You can use ActionScript to create interactive multimedia applications, games, websites, and more.

ActionScript as a language appeared with the release of Macromedia Flash 5, which became the first ActionScript-programmable environment. The first release of the language was called ActionScript 1.0. Flash 6 (MX). In 2004, Macromedia introduced a new version of ActionScript 2.0 with the release of Flash 7 (MX 2004), which introduced strong typing based on programming classes. That is, new keywords have appeared:

Class (class),

Interface (interface),

Extends (setting inheritance),

· Access modifiers: private, public;

· and others.

ActionScript 2.0 is built on top of ActionScript 1.0. Type checking and working with the class hierarchy occurs at compile time, which results in the generation of ActionScript 1.0-like bytecode.

All of the above features of Adobe Flash CS3 Professional and the ActionScript 2.0 programming language allow us to consider them as the optimal technical means of creating interactive textbooks in any discipline. They are especially relevant when developing interactive courses for students of polymer institutes and faculties, since they make it possible to present the structure of polymer and composite materials in an understandable and accessible form, allowing you to visually study and model complex processes occurring in them. With their help, it is possible to implement all the principles and requirements of the system of modern education for interactive teaching aids.


1. Allatova information technologies in teaching - M .: Publishing house. MGPU, 2006.

2. Adobe Flash CS3. Self-instruction manual - M .: Williams, 2007.

3. Zainutdinov and the use of electronic textbooks: monograph - Astrakhan: TsNTEP, 1999.

4. Construction of distributed objects. Methods and tools for programming interoperable objects in OMG / CORBA, Microsoft / COM and Java / RMI architectures. - M .: Mir, 2007.


(18 hours)

Compiled by:

POLYAKOV Konstantin Yurievich ,

Doctor of Technical Sciences _____________________________


Animation - ("animating" images) is an important means of conveying information. Animated videos and videos, if used correctly, can significantly increase the effectiveness of training, as well as serve as an excellent illustration for lectures and presentations. In addition, creating animated clips is an important way to develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

Computer technology provides ample opportunities in the field of animation that were previously available only to professionals. Training course "Computer animation inAdobe Flash"Provides an opportunity to study the techniques of creating computer animated films in the environmentAdobe Flash Cs3 ... The material of all lessons is designed in the form of an electronic textbook, which includes a theoretical part and practical tasks. The main emphasis is not on mechanical execution of algorithms, but on understanding the processes occurring in this case.


"Is included in the educational field" informatics ". It includesFlash AdobeTraining course "Computer animation in18 hoursclassroom studies and (if possible) independent work of students. The course can be used for specialized training of students in the classes of physics and mathematics, information technology, social and humanitarian and other profiles.

The subject of study is the principles and methods of creating animations using the environmentAdobe Flash Cs3 , which is currently one of the most powerful authoring tools in this area.

The expediency of studying this course is determined by the rapid introduction of digital technology into everyday life and the transition to new technologies for information processing. Students receive the basic skills in making animated films, which are necessary for their successful implementation in the modern world.

Course objectives:

  • to acquaint students with modern principles and methods of creating animated films based on the use of vector graphics;
  • develop students' creativity and design skills.

Objectives of the course: teach schoolchildren

  • create vector drawings in the environmentAdobe Flash Cs3
  • use environmentAdobe Flash Cs3 for creating animated films

This course has a pronounced practical focus, which determines the logic of building the material of training sessions.

The main form of training is a workshop. For normal operation, a personal computer is required (one for each student) and an environmentAdobe Flash Cs3 ... For most tasks, it is sufficient to use an older version of the environment:Macromedia Flash 8 ... Test version of the environmentAdobe Flash Cs3 (time-limited) can be downloaded for free from Web site of the company Adobe:

To support the course, the author has developed an electronic study guide in the format CHM , which contains theoretical material and tasks for practical work. It is used during self-study lessons and as a reference. This makes it possible to successfully organize classes in groups in which there are students with different rates of assimilation of the material.

The knowledge gained during the study of the course "Computer animation inAdobe Flash Cs3 ", Students can apply to prepare high-quality illustrations for reports and multimedia developments in various subjects - mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Videos created in the editorAdobe Flash Cs3 , can also be used to create Web-pages. The acquired knowledge and skills are the basis for the subsequent study of three-dimensional modeling, video editing, and the creation of virtual reality systems.

Expected results

As part of this course, students acquire the following knowledge and skills:

  • understand the principles of vector and raster encoding of graphic information in computer technology;
  • understand the principles of working with the timeline;
  • know how to work with multi-layered documents;
  • know how to create animation videos;
  • know how to use sound files to accompany animation.

Summing up forms

The current control of the level of assimilation of the material is carried out according to the results of the implementation of practical tasks by students at each lesson. At the end of the course, each student completes an individual project as credit work. In the last lesson, a conference is held at which students present their work and discuss it.


Section 1. Introduction

Topic 1. Getting to knowAdobe Flash CS3 download unzip-run index

another small tutorial

Methods of encoding graphic information in raster and vector formats are compared. Examines the layout of the environment panels Adobe Flash Cs3 and basic techniques for working with the finished film. Work through the topic in the tutorial introduction to flash

Section 2. Drawing

Topic 1. Contours

Students become familiar with basic path drawing tools. The panel is being examined Color, principles of contour editing with tools Selection and Subselection.

outlines (before filling)

Topic 2. Fills

Studied fillings and techniques for working with them, tools Brush and Eraser.

Study the topic according to the textbook outlines (fill)

Topic 3. Geometric shapes

Geometric shapes are studied - rectangle, oval, polygon, shapes with customization. Special attention is paid to the difference between the merge mode and the drawing mode of objects.

Study the topic according to the textbook Geometric figures,

Section 3. Animation

Topic 1. Frame-by-frame animation

Learn how to create and edit time-lapse animation. Students get acquainted with the transformations of objects on the stage, in the practical part they create an animation video using all the previous material. Follow the tutorial on frame animation. do the practice-bear

Topic 2. Shape animation

Learn how to animate shapes for fills and paths. The concept of a layer and multilayer documents is introduced. The simplest techniques of using sound, text effects are studied.

Study the topic according to the textbook Shape animation


    Introduction - changing the square

    Control points - circle to square

    Contour optimization - square to butterfly

    Color and movement - two rectangles

    Layers - rectangle and oval


    Text-URA, St. Petersburg

    Layers-masks-all tasks in the tutorial

Topic 3. Animation of motion

Students become familiar with the concept of a symbol and use examples to master motion tweens. Raster images and sound effects are used in practice exercises.

Study the topic according to the textbook Symbols, motion tweens


  1. Symbols - ball
  2. Motion animation - ball movement
  3. Change symbol on animation change ball on bounce
  4. Guides - ball to basket
  5. Rotation - the ball rotates
  6. Raster drawings typewriter
  7. Orientation along the path - car on the grass
  8. Nested animation car over the mountains
  9. Change animation speed
  10. Animating text - as instructed in the tutorial

Section 4. Project Execution

During 4 lessons, students carry out a project on a chosen topic. This could be, for example,

  • ads
  • presentation of a book or film
  • possible results:

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