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  • Different names for the channel on YouTube. Keyword is a required attribute in the title

Different names for the channel on YouTube. Keyword is a required attribute in the title

Modern information technologies open up many new opportunities for a person. They provide access not only to obtaining new information, but also to ways of self-development, realization of creative potential and earnings. One of the most popular and affordable methods to increase your income, many consider the publication of videos on YouTube. To do this, you will need to create your own platform for posting materials (using a computer or a mobile version of the resource). To correctly name a channel on Youtube, you can use the services of professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

How to name your channel on YouTube?

The very fact of creating a channel and its regular filling with new content does not guarantee success and achievement of the set goals. The user needs to first study the material about the promotion of their site, the rules for shooting a video, choosing a plot, and marketing. One important factor that is often overlooked is choosing the right name.

When filling out a standard form during the creation of a channel (it will be offered through a link when trying to leave a comment, create a playlist or upload a video), its name will be duplicated from the user's Google account. To change the name, you need to create a channel that will be associated with the brand account. To do this, you need to go to the "Channel List" tab in the menu of your YouTube profile, select "Create a channel" and select a brand account from the list. Then it remains to fill in the "Name + pages" field, confirm the action and click the "Finish" functional button. This will allow you to effectively use it to promote your videos using Google+, YouTube. You can change the old name in the "Channel Settings". Find detailed instructions regarding creating a channel and the procedure for naming it on the YouTube website in the "Help" section.

What to look for when choosing a name?

A beautiful and eye-catching name, of course, does not guarantee success, because the most important thing for a channel is its content and promotion strategy developed by the owner. But it largely influences the formation of a permanent audience of viewers, the authority of the author of video materials, and the growth in the number of views. In any case, the name should be easy to read and perceive, evoke positive associations, be original, and attract attention.

To create a sonorous and marketing-friendly name for a YouTube channel, you can start from several recommendations:

  1. Creating a brand account and using an already promoted name.
  2. The nickname must match the theme of the videos.
  3. The name should be interesting, original, attract attention.
  4. In the selection process, it is important to take into account popular key queries on your subject (to determine them, you can use query selection services, for example, Yandex Wordstat).
  5. Do not include numbers, symbols in the name, this complicates perception, memorability.

When choosing a name for a channel on YouTube, it is important to focus not on your preferences, favorite expressions, other people's advice, but on the subject, the purpose of uploading the video. Coming up with a good name is quite realistic, you just have to approach the selection process responsibly.

What not to do:

  • call the channel a name that is radically different from its subject matter;
  • female, male name (but they can be combined in an original way, creating your own options);
  • choose a name that is consonant with or very similar to the already known.

What is the name of the YouTube channel for boys?

The name for a boyish YouTube channel should evoke a positive image of the author, a desire to view the content. To choose a cool name, you can use popular literary techniques, create a neologism - a new word, use the keyword selection service. Name examples: PewDiePie, ALEX TOY SHOW, Fun Toyz, WWE, SUPER TEMA, I Want to Know Everything, Baby Games Toys & Songs, Hero Factory, League of Detectives, Mister Boy, IgroBoy.

What is the name of a youtube channel for girls?

The names of channels for girls should correspond not only to the theme of the site, but also to the image that viewers expect to see. To create, you can use many techniques: rhyme, word play, alliteration (repetition of identical, homogeneous consonants), oxymorons (semantic combination of incongruous), etc. The choice depends on the age of the child, the key theme of the videos, the characteristics of the expected audience. There are quite a few cool options, for example: Miss Ketty, Fairy, Best Friend, Ksenia And You, Mini Baby, Cooking You City, Lizzy Games, Tiki Taki Cook, Malinka TV, etc.

Channel names for YouTube - list

The best name for your channel on YouTube will be the name chosen taking into account exactly those factors that are important for a particular owner, his audience. But the analysis of examples will help you navigate the endless stream of options, create your own unique name. Here's how to name a YouTube channel:

  • game with own names - Adam Tomas Morgan, Milena Lena;
  • a combination of words in Latin, Cyrillic - Thisis good, Forward Go;
  • expressions with an appeal or a word corresponding to the topic of the channel in a foreign language - Let's Play ("Let's play"), Spy ("Spy");
  • nickname displaying the theme - Traveler's School (travel), Supergames with Eric (games), Channel of the History (history), Blue Tractor (children's cartoons), Get Movies (video).

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The Internet has long entered into direct competition with traditional television, and every year there are more and more victories on its side. YouTube is one of the most popular video hosting sites. It makes it possible not only to view other people's videos, but to post personal materials and even earn money on it. To successfully promote your videos, you must adhere to several important rules, in particular, regarding choosing the right name for your Youtube channel.

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Hello, dear friends and readers of my blog. Surely among you there are people who are thinking of creating their own channel on YouTube. In fact, this is very commendable, but at the beginning of your journey you will encounter one problem. Many people almost bang their heads against the wall, not knowing how to come up with a name for a youtube channel. Therefore, today I will try to help you in this matter and show a few examples for clarity.

If you think that this is all simple and there is nothing to invent here, then this is far from the case. At the very least, I know that a lot of people are at least as concerned with a name for their channel as they are with buying a domain name for a website. Let's look at a few ways.

Actually, I didn’t start with this in vain, because in the end, following this list will save a little time and effort.

  • It must be a brand. You must be recognizable. Just a name like "Tops and Facts", or "Cool Video Jokes" is dull, boring and turns you into a gray mass. And who will remember you under such a brand? Anyone will come up in the search, but not you.
  • readability. The most important thing is that users can easily read the name, otherwise if there is something like “Jjjjjjjjja1968”, then such a name will fly out of your head.
  • Clarity. If the channel is thematic, then the person who got on it should immediately know what it is about, for example, “Kinomira”, “Magnificent Ten”, etc.

Well, now let's see what is more suitable for various topics.


If you decide to become a blogger who will show his face and talk about something, express his opinion, etc., then there are two best options here:

By the way, game streamers use this method. As a rule, they then bring their children's nicknames or nicknames to YouTube. Well, if you do not have a nickname, then it's time to get one. In this article, I described.

But some don’t bother at all and come up with nicknames for themselves from the bulldozer, and I fully support this method, since I used just such a method on one of my secret video publics. Here's just what comes to mind, for example: Crazy Bulldozer, Coffee Joe, Bulletproof, Pesticide, HDD, visiting Mikhalych. This is the first thing that came to mind.

Thematic title

One of the coolest ways to come up with a channel name is to just go with the topic. Just think about how you can reflect the idea of ​​your channel in the title. let's look at a few examples:

  • Interesting fights and tops— An interesting top ten, from the world in fact, 7 powerful facts, daifivetop, top 10, factorium, factopedia, etc.
  • Stories - Incredible Stories, Story Workshop, My Horrible Story, Secrets of the World, Karma of the World, etc.
  • Cinema and cartoons- multi-remote, multi-mood, cartoon parade, film building, horseman, very bad movie, Kinokasha, about a movie with pepper, etc.
  • Ways to earn money- Bitcoin money, Money Expert, Cash flow, Blacklist, Money doesn't smell, live earnings, Self-tested, Fabulous businessman, etc. By the way, it is even better to conduct income channels on your own behalf in order to increase user confidence. The main thing is that the content is suitable, and not earnings on HYIPs or surveys.
  • Travel - traveler's notes, Not a day without adventures, Come in large numbers, Motherland (if you travel within the country), etc.
  • Women's channel - in principle, the name of a YouTube channel for girls most often carries a first name, last name or nickname, since this niche is mainly dominated by blogs, such as Nastenkin's blog, Sveta Storm, Inga's dress code. But if you do not want to use personal data, then you can call your channel something like Make Up Day, Women's Council, Parental Control, Evil Doll, etc.

Well, in general, I think that you get the gist of it. It remains only to strain the brains.

If your brain is not working

There are times when your brain just doesn't want to generate a normal idea. Well, you just can't come up with a cool youtube channel name. There is a way out - to use the services of another person.

Today, there are entire naming agencies that, for a fee, will come up with a name for your company, public and, of course, a youtube channel. Even on the same kworke you can find specialists who will offer you chic names for your brand. Just tell them the topic and they will come up with several options for you. It remains only to choose.

But in addition to the above options, I would like to give you some tips that will come in handy.

  • You don't have to use the first name you come up with. I am sure you are capable of more. Make a list of 5-10 positions and build on it, removing the worst options.
  • Consult with family and friends. Perhaps they can help you navigate.
  • Such actions are best done with a fresh mind. No need to rack your brains if you want to sleep, or just get sick at work. In addition, do this only when you don’t have extraneous thoughts that torment your soul (“Damn, she left me”, “Damn, Nastya is pregnant”, “What kind of iPhone to buy”).
  • Choose only really interesting names, and not just an incoherent set of incomprehensible things, such as qqqq, qwerty12345, etc.
  • Do not use your E-mail as a YouTube channel name. It's total bullshit
  • Don't use too many words. Better not more than two.
  • Analyze other channels with similar topics. Chances are you'll get something out of it.
  • Do not use vulgar expressions and mat. Trust me, you won't last long.
  • don't miss out on all the names that come to your mind. It is advisable to write them down somewhere so as not to lose them. Sometimes our brain generates amazing ideas.
  • Don't put your year of birth. These are signs of bad taste, and this is not mail to you!

But the most important thing is that even if you didn’t like what you came up with, you can always change the name of the YouTube channel. This is done in just a minute.

Well, I think that this information will be enough for you. I hope that it will help you in your difficult task. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates, as well as share the article materials on social networks. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

A brand starts with a name. Be it a website, a company or a channel. For example, the words Yandex or Google are not translated. These are names that are easy to remember and write! The same strategy can be applied to your channel.

How to name a channel on YouTube so that its name is simple and easy to remember? In this article, we will analyze several proven methods that will help solve the problem.

The channel is created for specific purposes:

  • Entertain
  • Teach
  • Attract new clients.

This is what we will deviate from.

Personal brand

If you want to promote yourself as an expert, then it makes sense to name the channel by its name. For example: "Sergey Smirnov".

There is only one downside. If your last name is as popular as mine, then there will be a hundred channels on YouTube with a similar name. On the other hand, don't be afraid of it. Most channels have a small number of subscribers and you can become #1 in a niche.

If the surname is not common, and there are no major bloggers with this channel name on YouTube, then create your personal brand immediately!

You can also use this option. The first word is a niche, and the second is a surname. For example: “Doctor Smirnov”, “Lawyer Ivanov”, etc. Such names increase the credibility of subscribers.

For your information, American bloggers and experts always call channels by their first and last names.

Entertainment channels

Entertainment channels include:

  • Music
  • Reviews

Here you need to show creativity and imagination to come up with an interesting name. The input can be pseudonyms from childhood, nicknames, words from jargon, etc.

If you can’t come up with anything worthwhile, then peep the name from your Western colleagues. Go to the site and watch the TOP 500 channels on various topics. Or find your niche on the menu and look there.

Ideas for the name can be taken not only from other YouTube channels, but also from Instagram and Twitch. This information can also be viewed at

Be careful! If you do not know English, then use a translator so that no funny thing happens with the meaning of the words.

Business channels

If the channel is focused on a business or firm, then, of course, it should be named like the organization itself. This will increase the credibility of the brand. With this I think everything is clear.

What name should the channel have?

Let's take a look at what the name of the YouTube channel should be so that it stands out from competitors and colleagues. Follow these simple guidelines for coming up with a name.

No. 1. Avoid difficult names

The name should be simple and easy to remember. Do not use complex and long words. People quickly forget such channels. The simpler the better. If possible, use single-word names.

No. 2. Ease of writing

When people know the name of the channel or the name of the brand, or have heard something about it, they write the name in the search bar and find the desired channel. In order not to make it difficult for them to write, consider the complexity of the words. Especially if the title is in English. As an example, look at the screenshot below. Such a name is difficult to remember and pronounce.

No. 3. Use keywords

In order for the channel to be found not only by name, but also by the keywords you need, do not forget to enter them in the name. This is done in the channel settings. In the “first name” field, write the main name of the channel, and in the “surname” field, a keyword. Put a dash or colon before the keyword, it will look prettier. For example, as shown in the screenshot below.

When a visitor gets to such a channel, he will immediately understand what is at stake here and are more likely to subscribe to it. This is a proven method that works 100%. It will be especially useful for those people who do not have a budget for promotion.

No. 4. Focus on your audience

Name the channel for a topic or niche. If the channel is dedicated to games, then it can be called: “GAMES - PS4”. When users search YouTube for channels dedicated to games, they will enter the word “Games” into the search. The same can be done with other topics, for example: humor, movies, reviews, cars, etc.

No. 5. Avoid special characters and numbers in the name

This advice also applies to simplicity. Numbers are hard to remember. Use them only when you really need to. But asterisks, emoticons and other symbols should definitely not be used. This makes it difficult to remember and search.

No. 6. Use a keyword search service

Don't come up with keywords out of your head. Check everything through a special service from Yandex. The numbers will show the real popularity of certain words.

Go to the site, enter words and see the statistics of requests per month. The bigger, the better. The right column will contain tips on related topics. This approach will allow you to attract free traffic from YouTube to your channel. In this example, you can see that the words “Children's songs” are searched for 1,736,677 times a month. Great name for a kids channel!

How to check how many channels have the same name?

Let's check the competition and see how many channels already exist with this name. I repeat that if there are a lot of channels and few subscribers, then you should not back down. If you are serious, then just become number one in your niche!

  1. Go to youtube
  2. Enter the title
  3. Click the "Filter" button
  4. Select "Channels"

scroll through the feed and see how many channels there are and how many subscribers they have. Draw conclusions and make a decision, or continue the search.


There is no single answer to the question: how to come up with a name for the channel. But there are simple guidelines that will help you make the right choice.

The name should be simple, sonorous and clear, it should be easy to pronounce out loud.

Do not rush to immediately name the channel. Perhaps after a while you will want to change your name to a new one, and YouTube allows you to change your nickname 2-3 times. Then there will be restrictions.

First, write down all the name options on paper and see how they look visually. Read them aloud, show them to your friends, let them express their opinion.

And finally. When you come up with a name, think not about yourself, but about people. After all, the channel is created primarily for the acquisition of fans and admirers. Don't make life difficult for them with your complicated nickname!

If you have more ideas for a name, please share them in the comments! The more ways, the faster the name selection process will be.

Hello dear readers!

YouTube is considered the most popular and demanded video hosting portal. You can promote your own products, services or brand on it.

The originally invented name of the YouTube channel may become irrelevant over time. It ceases to correspond or fully convey the essence of the project. That is why the owners of youtube channels sometimes think about changing the inappropriate name of their project to a new one. The procedure is real and not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

It should be noted right away that the main channel of the account cannot be renamed. Why? Because this is a kind of business card that displays the name and surname of the owner (you can change them).

Even an inexperienced user can carry out simple but important work. You ask how to do it? Follow the step by step instructions and you will succeed.

Step by step

Before you change the name of the channel on YouTube, open the main page of the resource and log into your account. After logging in, you can immediately correct your account information (for example, if you need to change the name of the main youtube channel). So we change the name:

Phone instruction

You can change the name of the YouTube channel both on the android device and on the iPhone. The circuit is approximately the same as on a computer, even a little simpler. If you have the YouTube app installed, then follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your "Account".
  2. Click on the icon of the youtube channel you want to rename.
  3. Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner (gear).
  4. Select Edit (pencil image).
  5. Change the name and click OK.

Manipulations are extremely simple and will not cause difficulties even for beginners. Especially if you have step-by-step instructions before your eyes.

In addition to the name, you can change the icon of the YouTube channel, and its description, and other important settings. I think you will succeed.

Do not forget to share news and useful links with friends and acquaintances on social networks. Subscribe to the blog newsletter and be the first to know interesting facts from the world of the World Wide Web. See you soon on my blog pages!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Correctly naming a channel on YouTube is the primary task of any blogger. It takes a lot of time to think, but these efforts will be rewarded with the attention of viewers and subscribers. The name is not just a set of characters. It should contain the idea of ​​the channel, its main mission. In addition, the name should be clear, censored and original.

Knowledgeable bloggers will say that not only uniqueness and consonance should matter. Another factor is how often the name is driven into the search bar of the most popular search sites. The more popular and in demand the name, the more likely it is that the channel will be noticed.

To choose the best name for your channel, you can contact the experts. But it will be much more interesting and economical to come up with it yourself. This will be discussed further.

Top YouTube channels that match the topic will help you get inspired and choose the best name. This does not mean that you need to plagiarize. They just show what ideas can be winning.

The ideal name for the channel - what is it?

The name of the channel is the first thing a YouTube visitor sees. If it is attractive, he will make the transition. It must have a meaning. A simple set of incomprehensible characters will not lead to a user channel, so it will be difficult to find it by search phrases.

One interesting name is not enough, the content of the channel should be at its best, the quality and semantic load of the video should also be excellent.

Everyone decides what the name should be, but there are several parameters that can help in choosing:

  1. Clarity and certainty. It should be dedicated to one specific idea, be non-ambiguous, precise and understandable to a person in any corner of the planet.
  2. Uniqueness will allow you to distinguish the channel from the background of many others. This is not an easy task, because video hosting includes thousands of options.
  3. The name should stick in memory. Then it will not be forgotten as soon as the page is closed. It is important to observe the measure here: the name should be remembered thanks to creativity, and not normative vocabulary, etc.
  4. There is no need to include well-known brands in the name. This is a direct violation of copyright. When the channel gains popularity, copyright holders have the right to demand a change of name. YouTube always supports such a policy and protects authors.

The ideal scheme for choosing a channel name: conciseness - accuracy - originality. If you adhere to these principles, you can come up with the best option in a short time.

You can not deceive visitors and give the channel a false name. This will characterize its owner not from the best side.

The first step is to make a list of the most suitable options. The list should be impressive and consist of 20 - 50 items.

We must try to keep the ideas varied, as little as possible repeated, but adjacent to each other.

A few tips that have been developed based on the experience of developing the most popular channels will help you decide.

The name is the continuation of your business

If the creator of the channel has his own business and wants to develop it with the help of the YouTube channel, then it must be indicated in the title. Your author's brand will help to attract attention, stand out from many other channels. Thus, you can not only create a popular channel, but also “promote” your business well.

A related topic may also be involved - give a name based on your first or last name. This is ideal if the reviews will relate to the personal life of the channel creator.

If we are talking about a professional field of activity, then it can also be indicated by adding the word "channel".

No need to come up with something similar to famous brands such as Apple or Nike.

Topics should be covered

If the channel will not talk about personal life, but about some kind of occupation, hobby, idea, then its name must contain several key phrases.

For example, if the main topic is interior design, then "Interior design by..." will fully characterize the channel and point to its creator.

Keyword is a required attribute in the title

When YouTube users want to find something on a resource, they type in a phrase in the search bar. This phrase is the key to a better name. With its help, you can always find a channel, it will be determined as one of the first in the list and eventually get into the top most visited.

To select a keyword, you need to follow the algorithm:

  • decide on the topic of the channel;
  • choose the best keyword or phrase;
  • enter a keyword in the search and look at the list of returned results.

There are a few tips to help you choose:

  1. You need to type in a word in a search engine and see how the system will continue it.
  2. Scroll down the page and analyze the search column associated with the key phrase.
  3. Use special programs that check the relevance of a word in a search engine.

This little trick will allow you to find an option that will attract visitors in large numbers.

Symbiosis of several directions

In this case, the name or surname of the creator of the channel and his type of activity are immediately used. So he immediately "kills two birds with one stone" - reveals the theme of the channel and makes himself an advertisement.

A mixed title is usually longer due to the fact that you need to fit a lot of information. Visually, this may look out of place, so you need to try to make it concise and accurate.

Give a name based on the interests of visitors

Another win-win option. If you find a name that will embody the general interest of visitors, then you can be sure that the channel will become very popular.

The catch is that it can be very difficult to identify this. It is important that the interest is long-term, not temporary. For example, some kind of toy has become popular. If you create a channel dedicated to her, then only for the first time will he collect the attention of the public. When the glory of a newfangled toy dries up and it's the turn to admire another one, the channel will be empty.

Specialists or someone who, by occupation, is connected with the demand of the population, will help in this.

It is better to choose classic hobbies and highlight them, they will never go out of style.

Focus on competitors

If there are no ideas at all, then you can be inspired by the ideas of others. To do this, you need to drive in the desired phrase in the YouTube search to see how others called their offspring.

Thinking about the future

When choosing a name, it is important to think not only about popularity, but also about future trends. How will it be perceived in a few months or years, will the new generation have a desire to click on the name.

Another nuance is that it will take a lot of time to promote the channel. If during this period the name becomes obsolete or becomes irrelevant, then all the work will go down the drain.

It is important that the title matches what the author wants to do in the future.

You should also pay attention to the fact that over time skills improve, new technologies, ideas and ideas appear. How the channel is named determines whether it will have scope for growth and improvement. A narrow focus is detrimental to a blogger.

Set off rhymes

Rhymes will help to make the name consonant - a sure trick that has been tested for millennia. Not everyone has the talent to compose poems, so you can ask for help from outside.

It is important that the rhyme is not banal. To do this, avoid boring phrases, and think creatively.

Pun - an idea for the perfect name

If it didn’t grow together with rhymes, then you can make up a name using a play on words. The advantage of this method is the presence of humor and the location of the visitor in a cheerful way.

Getting words right is not an easy task. You need to have resourcefulness, an interesting outlook on life and a sense of humor. An example of a name - a pun - "Not your body: fitness - classes for those who are over 50."

Character repetition

Often visitors remember information visually, so a catchy name, which will consist of repeating letters, is what you need.

The main thing is to choose such a word, because it should not be absurd, it should also have a semantic load. An example of such a YouTube nickname is "Mr. Banana - Bananana".


Another trick that will allow you to find "your" name. It means finding the phrase - contradictions. "How can this be?" - the visitor's brain thinks and remembers the name.

This trick allows you to find witty options and show that the author can surprise.

Humor will attract visitors

If the previous methods did not help and the name has not yet been found, then you can resort to humor. It is always in fashion and will be relevant in any situation.

One limitation - it should be moderated if the channel is devoted to a serious topic. Also, do not joke on generally accepted topics - taboo - politics, religion and sexual relations. Otherwise, humor will border on vulgarity, hurt the feelings of others, which will negatively affect attendance.

Building your brand

This tip will come in handy for those who want to start a personal blog. Then the task of the author is to make a brand out of his name or pseudonym. This is not an easy task, but it promises great benefits. If all goes well, the name will become a permanent advertisement, attract third-party advertisers, and become a household name.

Listening is an important part of creating a sonorous name

It is important that the nickname of the channel on YouTube is not only semantic, understandable and original. It should be made in such a way that the name pleases the ear, it sounds like a song.

For this, a few simple tricks will come in handy:

  • rhyme selection - perfect if you can find it. Important - it should be witty, unbanal, interesting;
  • marketing tricks - a name that will invite you to visit the channel. Here, psychological tricks can also come into play. The correct construction of the phrase will also be important;
  • sound repetition that attracts attention, both visually and aurally;
  • playful phrases that will collect the incompatible. Such a semantic "vinaigrette" can become a winning ticket and attract serious attention.

If you can’t come up with a name on your own, you can resort to outside help. To do this, on your page on the social network, you can give a call asking you to come up with the perfect nickname for YouTube. From the proposed options, choose the most consonant, interesting and semantic.

Titles are taboo: what to avoid in a title

There are many nuances that should be avoided when choosing a nickname for a YouTube channel. Rating of the most significant of them:

  1. Complete nonsense. The name should not contain a set of obscure characters, numbers and letters. Such a nickname cannot be found by searching and specifying key phrases, it is impossible to remember it. Another similar thing will lead to the absurdity of the content of the channel, which will turn away visitors.
  2. Obscene language, open insults, hurting the feelings of others, including religious ones. Such a name can immediately attract attention, but site administrators can also quickly block it. If we are talking about the long term, then it is better to avoid such a technique.
  3. If the name is long and consists of several words, then it is better to write each of them with a capital letter. Then part of the name will remain in memory and visually it will look more appropriate.
  4. You can not choose a name already known in this area and add a couple of new strokes to it. For example. "Miss Ketty 2018" is a plagiarism with a set of numbers. Such a name is not only a copyright infringement, but it will immediately suggest another channel, and will advertise it specifically.
  5. Titles are too long. Nobody wants to read titles - memoirs consisting of 4 - 5 or more words. This is tedious and inappropriate. We must strive to fit in a couple of words the whole purpose and idea of ​​the channel. Brevity will always be valuable.
  6. Too much "black" humor, negative information. The purpose of creating a YouTube channel is to entertain visitors. A negative gloomy mood will not contribute to this, therefore such names are best left unclaimed.
  7. Promotion of unhealthy lifestyles and bad habits. It is not fashionable and irrelevant. Now at the peak of popularity is sports, a healthy lifestyle, healthy thinking and positive.

Consequences of choosing the wrong name for your YouTube - brainchild

As you know, "What do you call the ship ...", therefore you need to take this task seriously. Nick is the face of the channel, his business card and the opportunity to stand out from the others.

The main consequence of an unsuccessful name is low attendance, invisibility of the channel, its ignoring by visitors. In this case, the main goal will not be achieved, all forces will go in vain. This is especially deplorable when the channel was supposed to become a launching pad for its business.

Another consequence is the blocking by the YouTube administration. If the name contains profanity, it promotes violence, drugs, and the like, then the creators of the video hosting have the right to block the channel.

In the event that the nickname meets the standards, but does not attract much attention, you should not be upset. It is better to "pull up" the content of the channel, shoot a lot of interesting videos and come up with a witty description for them. Then visitors will thank with their attention, despite the boring nickname.

The procedure for choosing a nickname for a YouTube channel is a long and laborious task. It is important not to rush, but to think through all the nuances. First of all, you need to start from a single idea, semantic content and features of what will be broadcast on it.

You should never deceive visitors. If the title says "Cook delicious in 5 minutes" you don't need to post a car repair video, for example.

You should also be careful about any propaganda, especially an unhealthy lifestyle, violence. So you can not only not win your audience, but also get into the list of blocked channels.

Copyright infringement is another important point to pay attention to. YouTube takes this issue seriously and punishes the worst offenders. The task of the author is to create his own brand, and not to take someone else's.

A good name is only part of the story. It is also important to make an excellent "stuffing" of the channel, its image, to find a "zest".

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