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A variety of simple circuits on the NE555. Chip timer NE555 amateur radio designs

Theory and practice of using the 555 timer. Part one.

Part one. Theoretical.

Probably there is no such radio amateur ( Meow and his cat!- Here and further approx. Kota), who would not use this wonderful microcircuit in his practice. Well, everyone has heard of her.

Its history began in 1971, when Signetics Corporation released the SE555 / NE555 chip called "Integral Timer" ( The IC Time Machine).
At that time it was the only "timer" chip available to the mass consumer. Immediately after going on sale, the microcircuit gained wild popularity among both amateurs and professionals. There was a bunch of articles, descriptions, diagrams using this device.
Over the past 35 years, almost every self-respecting semiconductor manufacturer considered it their duty to release their own version of this microcircuit, including using more modern technical processes. For example, Motorola releases a CMOS version of the MC1455. But with all this, there are no differences in the functionality and location of the conclusions for all these versions. All of them are complete analogues of each other.
Our domestic manufacturers also did not stand aside and produce this chip called KR1006VI1.

And here is a list of overseas manufacturers that produce the 555 timer and their commercial designations:


Chip name

Texas Instruments

In some cases, two names are given. This means that two versions of the microcircuit are produced - civilian, for commercial use and military. The military version is more accurate, has a wide operating temperature range, and is available in a metal or ceramic case. Well, more expensive, of course.

Let's start with the body and pins.

The microcircuit is available in two types of packages - plastic DIP and round metal. True, it was still produced in a metal case - now only DIP cases remain. But in case you suddenly get such happiness, I give both drawings of the case. The pin assignments are the same in both cases. In addition to the standard ones, two more types of microcircuits are produced - 556 and 558. 556 is a dual version of the timer, 558 is a quad version.

The function diagram of the timer is shown in the figure right above this sentence.
The microcircuit contains about 20 transistors, 15 resistors, 2 diodes. The composition and quantity of components may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. The output current can reach 200 mA, the consumed current is 3-6 mA more. The supply voltage can vary from 4.5 to 18 volts. At the same time, the accuracy of the timer practically does not depend on the change in the supply voltage and is 1% of the calculated one. The drift is 0.1%/volt and the temperature drift is 0.005%/C.

Now we will look at the circuit diagram of the timer and wash its bones, or rather legs - what conclusion is needed for what and what it all means.

So the conclusions Meow! It's about legs...):

1. Earth. There is nothing special to comment on here - the output, which is connected to the minus of the power supply and to the common wire of the circuit.

2. Launch. Comparator input #2. When a low-level pulse (no more than 1/3 Vpit) is applied to this input, the timer starts and a high-level voltage is set at the output for a time that is determined by the external resistance R (Ra + Rb, see the functional diagram) and the capacitor C - this is the so-called monostable multivibrator mode. The input pulse can be either rectangular or sinusoidal. The main thing is that it should be shorter in duration than the charge time of capacitor C. If the input pulse still exceeds this time in duration, then the output of the microcircuit will remain in a high level state until a high level is set again at the input. The current consumed by the input does not exceed 500nA.

3. Exit. The output voltage changes along with the supply voltage and is equal to Vpit-1.7V (high level at the output). At a low level, the output voltage is approximately 0.25V (with a supply voltage of + 5V). Switching between low-high states occurs in approximately 100 ns.

4. Reset. When a low level voltage (no more than 0.7V) is applied to this pin, the output is reset to a low level state, regardless of what mode the timer is currently in and what it is doing. Reset, you know, it's also reset in Africa. The input voltage is independent of the supply voltage - it is a TTL compatible input. To prevent accidental resets, it is strongly recommended to connect this pin to the power plus until it is needed.

5. Control. This pin allows you to access the reference voltage of comparator #1, which is 2/3Vp.m. Usually, this output is not used. However, its use can significantly expand the possibilities of timer control. The thing is that by applying voltage to this pin, you can control the duration of the output pulses of the timer and thus drive a timing chain onto the RC. The voltage applied to this input in monostable multivibrator mode can be from 45% to 90% of the supply voltage. And in the multivibrator mode from 1.7V to the supply voltage. In this case, we get an FM (FM) modulated signal at the output. If this output is still not used, then it is recommended to connect it to the common wire through a 0.01 μF (10nF) capacitor to reduce the level of interference and all sorts of other troubles.

6. Stop. This pin is one of the inputs of comparator #1. It is used as a kind of antipode of output 2. That is, it is used to stop the timer and bring the output to the state ( Meow! Silent panic?!) low level. When a high level pulse is applied (at least 2/3 of the supply voltage), the timer stops and the output is reset to a low level state. As well as on pin 2, both rectangular pulses and sinusoidal pulses can be applied to this pin.

7. Discharge. This pin is connected to the collector of transistor T6, the emitter of which is connected to ground. Thus, when the transistor is open, capacitor C discharges through the collector-emitter junction and remains in a discharged state until the transistor closes. The transistor is open when the output of the microcircuit is low and closed when the output is active, that is, it is high. This pin can also be used as an auxiliary output. Its load capacity is approximately the same as that of a conventional timer output.

8. Plus nutrition. As in the case of conclusion 1, there is nothing special to say. The timer supply voltage can be in the range of 4.5-16 volts. For military versions of the microcircuit, the upper range is at the level of 18 volts.

So, let's assume that we have applied power to the chip. The input is in a high level state, the output is low, the capacitor C is discharged. Everyone is calm, everyone is sleeping. And then BOOM - we apply a series of rectangular pulses to the input of the timer. What's happening?
The first low-level pulse switches the timer output to a high-level state. Transistor T6 closes and the capacitor starts charging through resistor R. All the while the capacitor is charging, the timer output remains on - it maintains a high voltage level. As soon as the capacitor is charged to 2/3 of the supply voltage, the output of the microcircuit turns off and a low level appears on it. Transistor T6 opens and capacitor C discharges.
However, there are two nuances that are shown on the graph by dotted lines.
The first - if after the end of the charge of the capacitor at the input a low voltage level remains - in this case, the output remains active - it maintains a high level until a high level appears at the input. The second is if we activate the Reset Low Voltage input. In this case, the output will turn off immediately, even though the capacitor is still charging.
So, the lyrical part is finished - let's move on to harsh numbers and calculations. How can we determine the time for which the timer will turn on and the RC chain values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary to set this time? The time during which the capacitor charges up to 63.2% (2/3) of the supply voltage is called the time constant, denoted by the letter t. This time is calculated by a formula that is amazing in its complexity. There she is: t = R*C, where R is the resistance of the resistor in MegaOhm-s, C is the capacitance of the capacitor in microFarads. Time is obtained in seconds.

We will return to the formula when we consider in detail the modes of operation of the timer. For now, let's look at a simple tester for this microcircuit, which will easily tell you whether your copy of the timer is working or not.

If after turning on the power both LEDs flash, then everything is fine and the microcircuit is in full working order. If at least one of the diodes is not on, or vice versa, it is constantly on, then such a microcircuit can be flushed down the toilet with a clear conscience or returned back to the seller if you just bought it. Supply voltage - 9 volts. For example, from the Krona battery.

Now consider the operating modes of this microcircuit.
As a matter of fact, it has two modes. The first - monostable multivibrator. Monostable - because such a multivibrator has one stable state - off. And we temporarily switch it to the on state by applying some signal to the timer input. As noted above, the time for which the multivibrator goes into the active state is determined by the RC chain. These properties can be used in a wide variety of schemes. To start something for a certain time, or vice versa - to form a pause for a given time.

The second mode is the pulse generator. The microcircuit can produce a sequence of rectangular pulses, the parameters of which are determined by the same RC chain. ( Meow! I want a chain. On the tail. Or a bracelet. Antistatic.)
Still, our cat is a bore.
Let's start from the beginning, that is, from the first mode.

The circuit for switching on the microcircuit is shown in the figure. The RC circuit is connected between the plus and minus of the power supply. Pin 6 - Stop is connected to the connection of the resistor and the capacitor. This is the input of comparator #1. Pin 7 - Discharge is also connected here. The input pulse is applied to pin 2 - Start. This is the input of comparator #2. A completely simple circuit - one resistor and one capacitor - much easier? To improve noise immunity, you can connect pin 5 to a common wire through a 10nF capacitor.
So, in the initial state, the output of the timer is low - about zero volts, the capacitor is discharged and does not want to charge, since the T6 transistor is open. This state is stable and can continue indefinitely. When a low-level pulse is received at the input, comparator No. 2 is activated and switches the internal trigger of the timer. As a result, a high voltage level is set at the output. Transistor T6 closes and capacitor C begins to charge through resistor R. All the while it is charging, the output of the timer remains high. The timer does not respond to any external stimuli, if they arrive at pin 2. That is, after the timer is triggered from the first pulse, further pulses have no effect on the state of the timer - this is very important. So what's going on with us? Yes, the capacitor is charging. When it is charged to a voltage of 2 / 3V supply, comparator No. 1 will work and, in turn, switch the internal trigger. As a result, the output will be set to a low voltage level, and the circuit will return to its original, stable state. Transistor T6 will open and discharge capacitor C.

Let's move on to the second mode.

Another resistor has been added to this circuit. The inputs of both comparators are connected and connected to the connection of the resistor R2 and the capacitor. Pin 7 is connected between the resistors. The capacitor is charged through resistors R1 and R2.
Now let's see what happens when we apply power to the circuit. In the initial state, the capacitor is discharged and the inputs of both comparators have a low voltage level close to zero. Comparator #2 toggles the internal trigger and sets the timer output high. Transistor T6 closes and the capacitor begins to charge through resistors R1 and R2.

When the voltage on the capacitor reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage, comparator #1 in turn switches the trigger and turns off the timer output - the output voltage becomes close to zero. Transistor T6 opens and the capacitor starts to discharge through resistor R2. As soon as the voltage on the capacitor drops to 1/3 of the supply voltage, comparator No. 2 will switch the trigger again and a high level will appear at the output of the microcircuit again. Transistor T6 will close and the capacitor will start charging again ... fuuu, even my head is spinning already.
In short, as a result of all this shamanism, at the output we get a sequence of rectangular pulses. The pulse frequency, as you probably already guessed, depends on the values ​​of C, R1 and R2. It is determined by the formula:

The values ​​of R1 and R2 are substituted in Ohms, C - in farads, the frequency is obtained in Hertz.
The time between the beginning of each next pulse is called the period and is denoted by the letter t. It consists of the duration of the pulse itself - t1 and the interval between pulses - t2. t = t1+t2.
Frequency and period are concepts inverse to each other and the relationship between them is as follows:
f = 1/t.
t1 and t2, of course, can and should also be calculated. Like this:
t1 = 0.693(R1+R2)C;
t2 = 0.693R2C;

Well, the theoretical part seems to be finished. In the next part, we will consider specific examples of turning on the 555 timer in various schemes and for a wide variety of uses.
If you still have questions, you can ask them.

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The NE555 microcircuit is an analog integrated circuit that is a universal timer, that is, a device designed to form (generate) single or repetitive pulses with stable characteristics over time. The NE555 microcircuit is widely applicable in the technologies for building time relays, generators, modulators, threshold devices and other functional units of electronic equipment. On the basis of this microcircuit, devices for pulse-width regulation, devices for recovering a distorted digital signal, pulse voltage converters, etc. were built.
The chip was first released in 1971 by Signetics. The twin version of the NE555 is produced with the designation 556, and the quad version with the designation 558.

The topology of the NE555 chip consists of 2 diodes, 23 transistors and 16 resistors. The output current of the microcircuit is 200 mA, while the current of its consumption is only 3 mA more. The microcircuit is powered by voltage in the range 4.5 to 18 volts. However, the accuracy of the NE555 timer is not affected by changing the supply voltage. The error is only about 1% of the calculated value.

NE555 block diagram

Pin assignment of the NE555 chip

Output No.





Common wire, minus power

In the event that the voltage at this output reaches a level below 1/2 of CTRL, a high-level voltage appears at the output of the microcircuit (pin 3) and the countdown begins.

Q or without

One of two voltages is formed at this pin, approximately corresponding to a low level - 0.25V and a high level V CC - 1.7V, depending on the state of the timer. The switching time from one level to another takes about 100 ns.

Reset (launch permission)

When a voltage of less than 0.7 V is applied to this input, the microcircuit output is forced to go low (switches to GND). This happens regardless of the state of the other inputs, i.e. this input has the highest priority. In other words, a high voltage level at this input (more than 0.7 V) allows the timer to start, otherwise the start is disabled.

Control (divider control)

Connected directly to the internal voltage divider. In the absence of an external signal, it has a voltage of 2/3 of V CC. Defines the stop and start thresholds.

When the voltage on this pin exceeds the voltage on the CTRL pin, the output goes low and the interval ends. Stopping is possible if no start signal is received at the TRIG input, since the TRIG input has priority over THR (except for the KR1006VI1 microcircuit).

? or ¤<

An open collector output is typically used to discharge the timing capacitor between intervals. The states of this output repeat the states of the main output OUT, so it is possible to connect them in parallel to increase the load capacity of the timer for the incoming current.

Plus food.

Operating modes of the NE555 chip

Monostable generator

A low-level input signal at the INPUT input (pin 2) switches the microcircuit timer to the timing mode, while a high signal level is observed at the microcircuit output (OUTPUT - pin 3). This timer position lasts a specified period of time, which is equal to t=1.1*R*C . Then the timer returns to a stable state, which determines the low signal level at the output of the microcircuit (OUTPUT - pin 3).

Astable Generator

The voltage at the output of the microcircuit (OUTPUT - pin 3) changes periodically. Thus, at the output of the microcircuit, a signal in the form of a meander is observed, which can be described by the following equations:
High Level Duration: t1 = ln2*(R1+R2)*C = 0.693*(R1+R2)*C
Low Level Duration: t2=ln2*R2*C2 = 0.693*R2*C2
Period: T=ln2*(R1+2*R2)*C = 0.693*(R1+2*R2)*C
Frequency: f=1/(ln2*(R1+2*R2)*C)

You don't need a controller, they said. Do everything on NE555 timers, they said. Well, I did - it seems, just to make sure that the result is a construction that is amazing in its crushing effect on my fragile psyche.

The review, if this text can be called that, will not be too long. Since it is only a statement of my complete and unconditional failure in the assembly of elementary circuits and a demonstration that at least six of the twenty chips are quite functional.

Also note that the store seems to have recently changed the rules, as now they have a minimum order with free shipping - from $6, and if less, they will charge $1.5 for delivery. When I bought, they only wrote off the purchase price, that is, $ 0.59, and that's it.

There are exactly twenty pieces in two blisters. On the one hand, each blister is wrapped with tape, on the other, it is closed with a rubber stopper:

In general, I originally bought timers to make a simple generator to search for a short circuit in the wiring - my friends became interested. The essence of the device, if I understand correctly, is that the circuit to the short circuit is an antenna, the signal from which can be heard with a conventional MW / LW receiver.

Where the squeak stopped - approximately there is a short circuit. This is how it looks in practice with a friend, in whose footsteps I planned to follow:

But then those familiar with the need decided that they didn’t really need everything. Or they decided something else, but I did not insist. And to be upset too: you saw how much timers cost (a little more than half a dollar for 20 pieces) - what a disappointment?

Ordinary DIP8:

Therefore, I decided to have fun in a different way and looked at what they generally do with NE555. And they do, as it turned out, a lot of everything. All kinds of alarms, voltage indicators, indicators of missed pulses. In general, I was impressed.

Well, since everyone describes about the same thing, here are a couple of RadioCat links for you: and. Schemes - in the second.

It is assumed that the popularity of the NE555 is due to the fact that it is a proven design for years (more precisely, already 45 years) that is discouragingly easy to configure and quite accurately observes the characteristics regardless of the supply voltage, which can be in the range from 4.5V to 16V for the regular version. (but there are options). That is, the voltage walks, and the frequency is more stable than not.

In fact, to get the timer to work, you need a couple of parts and any suitable power supply - very attractive to make some crap without much hassle.

As for me, the microcontroller is even less of a hassle, but in the comments to the story about the "Pishchal" I got and lost peace. I realized that I had to try at least in order to calm down.

So, the idea was simple - a cat feeding timer. Which, having lost all shame, began to demand food almost every half an hour, and after eating three crackers, they dispersed satisfied. According to the veterinarian, this is not very useful (and in our opinion it is also extremely troublesome), so it was necessary to return their diet to their place. Well, as in place: feed at least no more than once every five to six hours.

It's not hard to keep track of the clock. However, firstly, the situation is complicated by the fact that if during the day the feeding by the hour passes more or less, then at night it’s not quite, because one cat, let’s say, has a difficult character. Exactly - he goes and scratches the battery with his claws, and even if I decided not to pay attention to this musical experiment of dubious quality, I feel sorry for the neighbors.

That is, at night you have to get up and time again, and in a semi-conscious state, this is a little difficult.

Secondly, not all cats are so scandalous, so some simply do not come along with that troublemaker. And it turns out that the intervals are different for everyone, and in fairness it would be nice to feed those who missed an extraordinary meal after a set time.

Therefore, I came up with the idea of ​​making a bunch of independent timers for a fixed time - one per cat. And so that like this: the cat comes, you give him food, you press the button, the light comes on. As the light went out, the cat can be fed again.

As you might guess, this is one of the main options for the timer. You can call it in different ways: you can use tracing paper from - monostable, you can - a single vibrator, you can - a waiting multivibrator.

The essence of this does not change: the NE555 is required, in fact, to issue only one pulse of the required duration.

Therefore, as a basis, I took the timer circuit from:

But I simplified it a little, getting rid of the trimmer resistor (since I have a fixed interval) and the second LED - as unnecessary. At the same time, I changed the values ​​​​of the timing chain, checking everything with the same documentation, which says that to calculate the approximate pulse duration, you should use the formula y t = 1.1RC.

After playing with the fonts and denominations of the parts available in the Chip-and-Dip boutique, I found that a 3300 uF capacitor and a 5.1 MΩ resistor are quite suitable for a five-hour interval that suits everyone:

T \u003d 1.1 * 0.0033 * 5100000 \u003d 18513 seconds \u003d 5.14 hours.

The reality, however, turned out to be slightly different from the theory. The timer assembled according to this scheme and with these ratings continued to work even after five hours. I did not have the patience to wait for it to finish, so I assumed that the NE555 did not work very well with high denominations.

A cursory googling showed that yes - it is possible, but there should have been no problems (theoretically) with a resistance up to 20 MΩ at a supply voltage of 15 V. So I continued the experiments and found out that in my case the formula turns out something like this:

And he turned out to be very grateful to himself that he bought not only 5.1 MΩ, but also, just in case, the nearest denominations - 4.7 MΩ and 3.9 MΩ. The latter, fortunately, just fit the required interval.

With these ratings (3300 uF and 3.9 MΩ), I assembled a block of timers with bulbs and buttons. I connected everything with a common power line, they no longer have common ground (well, at least I tried not to). And since I assembled the canopy, I checked myself with a multimeter at each step and was almost calm when I started the first of the timers.

It turned out like this (I warned at the very beginning):

It turned on as it should, so I unsoldered the remaining buttons and bulbs, turned it on. He pressed the buttons. The LEDs turned on exactly as they should: you press the button - it turns on, and that's it.

And then I made a big mistake. I didn’t do a few more test runs, but I was just upset that I didn’t solder the wires to the buttons very well, and decided to resolder them. Therefore, I still don’t know what exactly happened: either I did something wrong initially, or I managed to spoil something at the time of soldering the wires.

But it turned out funny. When you turn it on again (with soldered wires), three LEDs immediately light up. And pressing the buttons revealed complete chaos: you press one button - its LED lights up (i.e., in theory, the timer turns on), you press another - the first LED goes out, the second one lights up. And so on.

Empirically found out that there is some combination of button presses, in which all the LEDs light up. But while the hands do not reach, check the circuit for short circuits where they should not be.

Bonus track - playing minesweeper:

Summing up, I want to say that I had fun with the timers. In practice, I checked that you can buy them in China - workers come.

And although the cat timer could not do it, he received the puzzle “Light all the bulbs” as a bonus. And at the same time, the understanding that the NE555 is clearly not for me. And that's why:

Minimum supply voltage 4.5V
- high current consumption

Of course, these shortcomings can be overcome by ordering a CMOS version of the chip, which is much more economical and works starting from 1.5V. But regular ones cost $0.59 for twenty pieces, and CMOS costs about $10. That is, about twice as expensive as the controller, and if two or more timers are used in the design, then the benefit disappears altogether.

So thank you all, I'm going back to the ATmega328p, which I'm obviously going to be doing the feeding timer on.

Ps. And now can I also write about the screen from ITEAD Studio? By the way, my conscience torments me, because, on the one hand, here these screens were already above the roof, and on the other hand, one must keep the promise.

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The history of the creation of a very popular microcircuit and a description of its internal structure

One of the legends of electronics is integrated timer chip NE555. It was developed back in 1972. Not every microcircuit and not even every transistor can be proud of such longevity. So what is so special about this microcircuit, which has three fives in its marking?

Serial production of the NE555 chip started by Signetics exactly one year after designed by Hans R. Camenzind. The most surprising thing in this story was that at that time Kamenzind was practically unemployed: he quit PR Mallory, but did not have time to get anywhere. In fact, it was "homemade".

The microcircuit saw the light and gained such great fame and popularity thanks to the efforts of the manager of Signetics, Art Fury, who, of course, was a friend of Camenzind. Previously, he worked at General Electric, so he knew the electronics market, what was required there, and how to attract the attention of a potential buyer.

According to the memoirs of Camenzind A. Fury was a true enthusiast and lover of his craft. At home, he had a whole laboratory filled with radio components, where he conducted various studies and experiments. This made it possible to accumulate vast practical experience and deepen theoretical knowledge.

At that time, Signetics products were referred to as "5 **", and A. Fury, who had an uncanny sense of the electronics market, decided that marking 555 (three fives) would be most welcome for the new microcircuit. And he was not mistaken: the microcircuit went like hot cakes, it became, perhaps, the most massive in the entire history of the creation of microcircuits. The most interesting thing is that the microcircuit has not lost its relevance to this day.

A little later, two letters appeared in the marking of the microcircuit, it became known as NE555. But since at that time there was complete confusion in the patenting system, the integrated timer rushed to release all and sundry, naturally, putting other (read your) letters in front of the three fives. Later, based on the 555 timer, dual (IN556N) and quad (IN558N) timers were developed, naturally in more multi-output packages. But the same NE555 was taken as a basis.

Rice. 1. NE555 integral timer

555 in the USSR

The first description of 555 in the domestic radio engineering literature appeared already in 1975 in the journal Electronics. The authors of the article noted the fact that this microcircuit will be no less popular than the widely known operational amplifiers at that time. And they weren't wrong at all. The microcircuit made it possible to create very simple designs, and, moreover, almost all of them began to work immediately, without painful adjustment. But it is known that the repeatability of the design at home increases in proportion to the square of its "simplicity".

In the Soviet Union in the late 80s, a complete analogue of 555 was developed, called KR1006VI1. The first industrial application of the domestic analogue was in the Electronics VM12 video recorder.

The internals of the NE555 chip

Before we grab the soldering iron and start assembling the structure on the integral timer, let's first understand what's inside and how it all works. After that, it will be much easier to understand how a particular practical circuit works.

Inside the integral timer contains more than twenty, the connection of which is shown in the figure -

As you can see, the circuit diagram is quite complicated, and is given here only for general information. After all, you still can’t fit into it with a soldering iron, you won’t be able to repair it. As a matter of fact, this is exactly what all other microcircuits, both digital and analog, look like from the inside (see -). Such is the technology for the production of integrated circuits. It will also not be possible to understand the logic of the device as a whole according to such a scheme, therefore, a functional diagram is shown below and its description is given.

Technical details

But, before you deal with the logic of the microcircuit, you should probably give its electrical parameters. The supply voltage range is quite wide 4.5 ... 18V, and the output current can reach 200mA, which makes it possible to use even low-power relays as a load. The microcircuit itself consumes very little: only 3 ... 6 mA is added to the load current. At the same time, the accuracy of the timer itself practically does not depend on the supply voltage - only 1 percent of the calculated value. Drift is only 0.1%/volt. The temperature drift is also small - only 0.005%/°C. As you can see, everything is quite stable.

Functional diagram of NE555 (KR1006VI1)

As mentioned above, in the USSR they made an analogue of the bourgeois NE555 and called it KR1006VI1. The analogue turned out to be very successful, no worse than the original, so you can use it without any fear or doubt. Figure 3 shows the functional diagram of the integrated timer KR1006VI1. It is fully consistent with the NE555 chip.

Figure 3. Functional diagram of the integrated timer KR1006VI1

The microcircuit itself is not so big - it is available in an eight-pin DIP8 package, as well as in a small-sized SOIC8. The latter suggests that 555 can be used for SMD mounting, in other words, the developers have retained interest in it to this day.

There are also few elements inside the microcircuit. The main one is DD1. When a logical one is applied to the R input, the flip-flop is reset to zero, and when a logical one is applied to the S input, of course, it is set to one. To form control signals at the RS inputs, it serves, which will be discussed a little later.

The physical levels of a logical unit depend, of course, on the supply voltage used and practically range from Upit/2 to almost full Upit. Approximately the same ratio is observed in CMOS logic circuits. The logical zero is, as usual, within 0 ... 0.4V. But these levels are inside the microcircuit, you can only guess about them, but you can’t feel them with your hands, you can’t see them with your eyes.

Output stage

To increase the load capacity of the microcircuit, a powerful output stage on transistors VT1, VT2 is connected to the trigger output.

If the RS - flip-flop is reset, then the output (pin 3) has a logic zero voltage, i.e. open transistor VT2. In the case when the flip-flop is set, the output also has a logical one level.

The output stage is made according to a push-pull scheme, which allows you to connect the load between the output and the common wire (pins 3.1) or the power bus (pins 3.8).

A small note on the output stage. When repairing and adjusting devices on digital microcircuits, one of the methods for checking the circuit is to apply a low-level signal to the inputs and outputs of the microcircuits. As a rule, this is done by shorting these same inputs and outputs to a common wire using a sewing needle, while doing no harm to the microcircuits.

In some circuits, the power supply of the NE555 is 5V, so it seems that this is also digital logic and can also be done quite freely. But actually it is not. In the case of the 555 microcircuit, more precisely with its push-pull output, such “experiments” cannot be done: if the output transistor VT1 is in the open state at that moment, then a short circuit will occur and the transistor will simply burn out. And if the supply voltage is close to the maximum, then the deplorable ending is simply inevitable.

Additional transistor (pin 7)

In addition to the transistors mentioned, there is also a transistor VT3. The collector of this transistor is connected to the output of the microcircuit 7 "Discharging". Its purpose is to discharge the timing capacitor when using the microcircuit as a pulse generator. The discharge of the capacitor occurs at the time of reset trigger DD1. If we recall the description of the trigger, then at the inverse output (indicated by a circle in the diagram) at this moment there is a logical unit, leading to the opening of the transistor VT3.

About reset signal (pin 4)

You can reset the trigger at any time - the "reset" signal has a high priority. For this, there is a special input R (pin 4), indicated in the figure as Usbr. As can be understood from the figure, a reset will occur if a low-level pulse is applied to output 4, not more than 0.7V. In this case, a low-level voltage will appear at the output of the microcircuit (pin 3).

In cases where this input is not used, it is driven to a logic one level to get rid of impulse noise. The easiest way to do this is to connect pin 4 directly to the power rail. In no case should you leave it, as they say, in the "air". Then you will have to wonder and think for a long time, why does the circuit work so unstable?

Notes on trigger "in general"

In order not to completely get confused about the state of the trigger, it should be recalled that in reasoning about the trigger, the state of its direct exit is always taken into account. Well, if it is said that the trigger is “set”, then the state of the logical unit is on the direct output. If they say that the trigger is “reset”, then the direct output will certainly have a state of logical zero.

At the inverse output (marked with a small circle), everything will be exactly the opposite, therefore, the trigger output is often called paraphase. In order not to confuse everything again, we will not talk about this anymore.

Anyone who has carefully read up to this point may ask: “Excuse me, because this is just a trigger with a powerful transistor cascade at the output. Where is the actual timer? And he will be right, since the matter has not yet reached the timer. To get the timer, his father, the creator of Hans R. Kamenzind, invented an original way to control this trigger. The whole trick of this method lies in the formation of control signals.

Formation of signals on the RS - inputs of the trigger

So what did we get? The trigger DD1 runs the whole thing inside the timer: if it is set to one, the output of the microcircuit is high, and if it is reset, then pin 3 is low and, in addition, the transistor VT3 is open. The purpose of this transistor is to discharge a time-setting capacitor in a circuit, for example, a pulse generator.

The trigger DD1 is controlled by comparators DA1 and DA2. In order to control the operation of the trigger at the outputs of the comparators, you need to receive high-level R and S signals. A reference voltage is applied to one of the inputs of each comparator, which is formed by a precision divider across resistors R1…R3. The resistance of the resistors is the same, so the voltage applied to them is divided into 3 equal parts.

Generation of trigger control signals

Start timer

A reference voltage of 1 / 3U was applied to the direct input of the comparator DA2, and the external voltage for starting the timer Uzap through pin 2 was applied to the inverse input of the comparator. In order to act on the input S of the trigger DD1 at the output of this comparator, you must get a high level. This is possible if the voltage Uzap will be within 0 ... 1 / 3U.

Even a short-term pulse of such a voltage will cause the trigger DD1 to fire and a high voltage level will appear at the output of the timer. If the input Uzap is affected by a voltage above 1 / 3U and up to the supply voltage, then no changes will occur at the output of the microcircuit.

Stop timer

To stop the timer, you just need to reset the internal trigger DD1, and for this, a high-level signal R is generated at the output of the comparator DA1. Comparator DA1 is included a little differently than DA2. The reference voltage of 2/3U is applied to the inverting input, and the control signal "Threshold" Upor is applied to the direct input.

With this inclusion, a high level at the output of the comparator DA1 will occur only when the voltage Upor at the direct input exceeds the reference voltage 2/3U at the inverting one. In this case, trigger DD1 will be reset, and a low level signal will be set at the output of the microcircuit (pin 3). The “discharge” transistor VT3 will also open, which will discharge the time-setting capacitor.

If the input voltage is within 1/3U…2/3U, none of the comparators will work, the timer output will not change state. In digital technology, this voltage is called the "gray level". If you simply connect pins 2 and 6, you get a comparator with trigger levels of 1/3U and 2/3U. And without even a single additional detail!

Reference voltage change

Conclusion 5, indicated in the figure as Uobr, is designed to control the reference voltage or change it using additional resistors. It is also possible to supply a control voltage to this input, due to which it is possible to obtain a frequency or phase modulated signal. But more often this output is not used, and to reduce the effect of interference, it is connected to a common wire through a small capacitor.

The microcircuit is powered through pins 1 - GND, 2 + U.

Here is the actual description of the NE555 integral timer. On the timer, a lot of all sorts of schemes have been assembled, which will be discussed in the following articles.

Boris Aladyshkin

Article continued:

Every radio amateur has met with the NE555 chip more than once. This little eight-legged timer has gained enormous popularity for its functionality, practicality and ease of use. On the 555 timer, you can assemble circuits of various levels of complexity: from a simple Schmitt trigger, with a body kit of just a couple of elements, to a multi-stage combination lock using a large number of additional components.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the NE555 chip, which, despite its advanced age, is still in demand. It should be noted that, first of all, this demand is due to the use of ICs in circuitry using LEDs.

Description and scope

NE555 is the development of the American company Signetics, whose specialists did not give up in the conditions of the economic crisis and were able to bring to life the works of Hans Camenzind. It was he who in 1970 managed to prove the importance of his invention, which at that time had no analogues. The NE555 IC had a high mounting density at a low cost, which earned it a special status.

Subsequently, competing manufacturers from around the world began to copy it. This is how the domestic KR1006VI1 appeared, which remained unique in this family. The fact is that in KR1006VI1 the stop input (6) has priority over the start input (2). In imported analogues of other firms, this feature is absent. This fact should be taken into account when developing circuits with the active use of two inputs.

However, in most cases, priorities do not affect the operation of the device. In order to reduce power consumption, back in the 70s of the last century, the production of a CMOS timer was launched. In Russia, the field-effect transistor microcircuit was named KR1441VI1.

The 555 timer found its greatest application in the construction of generator circuits and time relays with the possibility of delays from microseconds to several hours. In more complex devices, it performs the functions of eliminating contact bounce, PWM, restoring a digital signal, and so on.

Features and disadvantages

A feature of the timer is an internal voltage divider that sets a fixed upper and lower threshold for two comparators. Since the voltage divider cannot be eliminated and the threshold voltage cannot be controlled, the scope of the NE555 is narrowed.

Timers assembled on CMOS transistors do not have these disadvantages and do not need to install external capacitors.

The main parameters of the IC series 555

The internal structure of the NE555 includes five functional nodes, which can be seen in the logic diagram. A resistive voltage divider is located at the input, which forms two reference voltages for precision comparators. The output contacts of the comparators go to the next block - an RS flip-flop with an external reset pin, and then to the power amplifier. The last node is an open collector transistor, which can perform several functions, depending on the task.

The recommended supply voltage for IC types NA, NE, SA is in the range from 4.5 to 16 volts, and for SE it can reach 18V. In this case, the current consumption at the minimum Upit is 2–5 mA, at the maximum Upit it is 10–15 mA. Some 555 CMOS ICs draw as little as 1 mA. The largest output current of the imported microcircuit can reach 200 mA. For KR1006VI1, it is not higher than 100 mA.

Build quality and manufacturer greatly affect the operating conditions of the timer. For example, the operating temperature range of NE555 is 0 to 70°C and SE555 is -55 to +125°C, which is important to know when designing devices for outdoor environments. You can get acquainted with the electrical parameters in more detail, find out the typical values ​​​​of voltage and current at the CONT, RESET, THRES, and TRIG inputs in the datasheet on the XX555 series ICs.

Location and purpose of pins

The NE555 and its counterparts are predominantly available in 8-pin PDIP8, TSSOP, or SOIC packages. The layout of the pins, regardless of the case, is standard. The conventional graphic designation of the timer is a rectangle labeled G1 (for a single pulse generator) and GN (for multivibrators).

  1. Common (GND). The first conclusion is regarding the key. Connects to the negative power of the device.
  2. Trigger (TRIG). Applying a low-level pulse to the input of the second comparator leads to the launch and the appearance of a high-level signal at the output, the duration of which depends on the value of the external elements R and C. Possible variations of the input signal are described in the "Single vibrator" section.
  3. Output (OUT). The high level of the output signal is (Upit-1.5V), and the low level is about 0.25V. Switching takes about 0.1 µs.
  4. Reset (RESET). This input has the highest priority and is able to control the operation of the timer regardless of the voltage on the other outputs. To enable the launch, it is necessary that a potential of more than 0.7 volts be present on it. For this reason, it is connected through a resistor to the power supply of the circuit. The appearance of a pulse less than 0.7 volts disables the operation of the NE555.
  5. Control (CTRL). As can be seen from the internal structure of the IC, it is directly connected to the voltage divider and, in the absence of external influence, gives out 2/3 Upit. By applying a control signal to CTRL, you can get a modulated signal at the output. In simple circuits, it is connected to an external capacitor.
  6. Stop (THR). It is the input of the first comparator, the appearance on which a voltage of more than 2/3Upit stops the trigger and sets the timer output to a low level. In this case, there should be no trigger signal at pin 2, since TRIG has priority over THR (except for KR1006VI1).
  7. Discharge (DIS). Connected directly to the internal transistor, which is connected in a common collector circuit. Typically, a timing capacitor is connected to the collector-emitter junction, which discharges while the transistor is in the on state. Less commonly used to increase the load capacity of the timer.
  8. Power supply (VCC). It is connected to the plus of the 4.5-16V power supply.

NE555 operating modes

The 555 series timer operates in one of three modes, we will consider them in more detail using the NE555 microcircuit as an example.

single vibrator

The circuit diagram of the single vibrator is shown in the figure. To form single pulses, in addition to the NE555 microcircuit, you will need a resistance and a polar capacitor. The scheme works as follows. A single low-level pulse is applied to the input of the timer (2), which leads to the switching of the microcircuit and the appearance of a high signal level at the output (3). Signal duration is calculated in seconds using the formula:

After the specified time (t) has elapsed, a low-level signal is generated at the output (initial state). By default, pin 4 is combined with pin 8, that is, it has a high potential.

During the development of schemes, you need to take into account 2 nuances:

  1. The power supply voltage does not affect the duration of the pulses. The higher the supply voltage, the higher the charge rate of the timing capacitor and the greater the amplitude of the output signal.
  2. An additional pulse that can be applied to the input after the main one will not affect the operation of the timer until the time t expires.

The operation of the single pulse generator can be influenced from the outside in two ways:

  • send a low-level signal to Reset, which will reset the timer to its original state;
  • as long as input 2 is low, the output will remain high.

Thus, with the help of single signals at the input and the parameters of the timing chain, it is possible to obtain rectangular pulses with a clearly defined duration at the output.


The multivibrator is a generator of periodic rectangular pulses with a given amplitude, duration or frequency, depending on the task. Its difference from a single vibrator is the absence of an external disturbing influence for the normal functioning of the device. A schematic diagram of a multivibrator based on the NE555 is shown in the figure.

Resistors R 1, R 2 and capacitor C 1 are involved in the formation of repetitive pulses. Pulse time (t 1), pause time (t 2), period (T) and frequency (f) are calculated using the formulas below: From these formulas, it is easy to see that the pause time cannot exceed the pulse time, that is, it will not be possible to achieve a duty cycle (S \u003d T / t 1) of more than 2 units. To solve the problem, a diode is added to the circuit, the cathode of which is connected to pin 6, and the anode to pin 7.

In the datasheet for microcircuits, they often operate with the reciprocal of the duty cycle - Duty cycle (D \u003d 1 / S), which is displayed as a percentage.

The scheme works as follows. At the time of power-up, capacitor C 1 is discharged, which puts the timer output in a high level state. Then C 1 starts charging, gaining capacity up to the upper threshold value 2/3 U PIT. Having reached the threshold, the IC switches, and a low signal level appears at the output. The process of discharging the capacitor (t 1) begins, which continues until the lower threshold value 1/3 U PIT. Upon reaching it, the reverse switching occurs, and a high signal level is set at the output of the timer. As a result, the circuit goes into self-oscillating mode.

Precision Schmitt Trigger with RS Trigger

Inside the NE555 timer, a two-prog comparator and an RS flip-flop are built-in, which allows you to implement a precision Schmitt trigger with an RS flip-flop in hardware. The input voltage is divided by the comparator into three parts, upon reaching each of which the next switching occurs. In this case, the value of hysteresis (reverse switching) is equal to 1/3 U PIT. The possibility of using NE555 as a precision trigger is in demand in the construction of automatic control systems.

3 most popular circuits based on NE555

single vibrator

A practical version of the TTL NE555 single vibrator circuit is shown in the figure. The circuit is powered by a unipolar voltage from 5 to 15V. The time-setting elements here are: resistor R 1 - 200 kOhm-0.125 W and electrolytic capacitor C 1 - 4.7 μF-16V. R 2 maintains a high potential at the input until some external device resets it to a low level (for example, a transistor switch). Capacitor C 2 protects the circuit from through currents at the moments of switching.

The activation of a single vibrator occurs at the moment of a short-term short circuit to the ground of the input contact. In this case, a high level is formed at the output with a duration of:

t \u003d 1.1 * R 1 * C 1 \u003d 1.1 * 200000 * 0.0000047 \u003d 1.03 s.

Thus, this circuit generates a delay of the output signal relative to the input signal by 1 second.

Flashing LED on multivibrator

Based on the multivibrator circuit discussed above, you can assemble a simple LED flasher. To do this, an LED is connected in series with the resistor to the output of the timer. The value of the resistor is found by the formula:


U OUT - the amplitude value of the voltage at pin 3 of the timer.

The number of connected LEDs depends on the type of NE555 chip used, its load capacity (CMOS or TTL). If it is necessary to blink an LED with a power of more than 0.5 W, then the circuit is supplemented with a transistor, the load of which will be the LED.

Time relay

The scheme of the adjustable timer (electronic time relay) is shown in the figure.
With its help, you can manually set the duration of the output signal from 1 to 25 seconds. To do this, in series with a fixed resistor of 10 kΩ, a variable value of 250 kΩ is installed. The capacitance of the timing capacitor is increased to 100 uF.

The scheme works as follows. In the initial state, pin 2 is high (from the power supply), and pin 3 is low. Transistors VT1, VT2 are closed. At the moment a positive pulse is applied to the base VT1, a current flows through the circuit (Vcc-R2-collector-emitter-common wire). VT1 opens and puts the NE555 into timing mode. At the same time, a positive pulse appears at the output of the IC, which opens VT2. As a result, the emitter current VT2 leads to the operation of the relay. The user can interrupt the execution of the task at any time by briefly shorting RESET to ground.

The SS8050 transistors shown in the diagram can be replaced with KT3102.

It is impossible to review all popular circuits based on NE555 in one article. For this, there are entire collections, which contain practical developments for the entire time of the existence of the timer. We hope that the information provided will serve as a guide during the assembly of circuits, including the load of which are LEDs.

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