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The difference between rst and eurotest. IPhone X Eurotest and Rostest: differences and which is better

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Apple's new products begin to intrigue their most ardent supporters long before their official release. In this regard, the question of what is the difference between rostest and eurotest iphone constantly interested in consumers.

A potential buyer is especially embarrassed by the fact that the difference between with different markings is estimated at several thousand rubles. What is the difference between Eurotest and Rostest? Is there any difference between them at all?

Differences between Rostest and Eurotest iPhone

Having started comparing Eurotest and Rostest mobile devices, the consumer is faced with the fact that there is absolutely no difference between them in terms of technical parameters, as well as in terms of design type.

Perhaps the only little secret is that devices assembled at official Apple factories are certified so that they can be freely sold in other countries. Well, all other significant explanations for how Rostest differs from the iPhone Eurotest are simply absent.

At the moment, Rostest is the largest domestic certification center that has passed government accreditation.
Goods must meet the requirements for environmental protection, as well as safety standards for human health. In addition, models marked with Rostest must comply with certain technical standards.

Manufacturers of goods must be certified to confirm compliance with regulations and requirements.

In today's realities, when the market is flooded with fakes and low-quality products, this is especially true. But relatively recently, consumers did not even think about what the Rostest symbolism is and how it looks.

It should be noted that sellers are more likely to talk about Eurotest, since real certification for compliance with European quality standards is indicated by another mark - CE (Conformité Européenne). That is why it is immediately quite difficult to understand what exactly is in front of the buyer - European quality or a fake.

Most likely, a smartphone purchased in the Russian Federation will be similar to a device purchased in England. Perhaps the only significant difference will be the charger designed for different outlets.

Apart from fakes, both devices can be made legally.

In addition, you need to be aware that it is not individual products that are subject to certification, but their batches, therefore, the corresponding marking does not mean that each of the devices has passed the test (although it assumes this).

Results: how significant are the differences between Rostest and Eurotest iPhone

So, if a product is not marked with the CE mark, this does not mean at all that it meets European quality standards.

Most often, unscrupulous sellers talk about Eurotest. If the consumer does not want to face a fake, it is better for him to be interested in products labeled Rostest.

It should also be noted that the iPhone with the Rostest sign and the Eurotest device can be completely identical to each other in terms of functional features and build quality.

Typically, the cost of mobile devices with the Rostest sign is higher than conventional devices without appropriate certification. This marking serves to ensure that this product is legally distributed in the Russian Federation.

Products certified for sale in Europe or Russia must be guaranteed.

So, both certificates speak of almost the same quality - of course, if it is not a fake. The main difference will be the charger, designed for different types of outlets.

When purchasing a new mobile phone, you should always pay attention not only to its technical characteristics and price, but also to the terms of the guarantee and the legality of its import. You can determine the last two parameters by Rostest or Eurotest. Today we will determine which standard is better.

If you see the Rostest sign on your smartphone, then you should know that this device was legally imported into Russia directly by the manufacturer or other authorized persons. What does it say? Firstly, such a smartphone will necessarily have a certificate of conformity. Secondly, it is completely safe to use, and the device can be repaired at any manufacturer's service center. For example, you bought a smartphone in Moscow, but it broke down in Saratov. You do not have to go back to Moscow to repair your phone, just contact the service center in Saratov.

Eurotest is not a completely legal import of mobile phones, and not through official delivery channels, but bypassing them. When purchasing such a smartphone, be prepared for the fact that you will not receive a reliable warranty, and the manufacturer will not repair your device according to it. In fact, Eurotest is not a quality mark, it just covers a counterfeit product. The most interesting is the fact that a guarantee is issued to the user when buying a smartphone, only now it is not tied to any service center, and it is not known whether such a guarantee will be valid after six months.

In order not to fall into the trap, you need to carefully monitor the sign under which the phone is sold. Often, sellers try to deceive buyers in every way, especially online stores, because they hope that after the goods are delivered, the happy consumer will not even notice the unofficial origin of the device. The very first difference between a legally imported smartphone and an unofficial one is the presence of a box and instructions in Russian. If the phone is sold in a box with inscriptions in English, then this indicates the Eurotest sign.

Secondly, the user can purchase products with the Rostest sign in two ways - order via the Internet or come to the seller's office on their own. Smartphones with the Eurotest mark are sold in the markets or on the Internet, but you will not find the manufacturer's store. Please note that the sites do not even indicate the addresses of stores where you can drive up for goods. Naturally, no one wants to take risks.

Smartphones themselves are no different. The difference between the Rostest and Eurotest signs is in the delivery channels and in the warranty service. If you do not want to get a company guarantee and want to save a few thousand rubles, then you can safely take a smartphone with the Eurotest sign. Well, if a restful sleep is more expensive for you, then immediately purchase Rostest phones. We remind you that in their passport and on the box there will be inscriptions in Russian.

As for the price, it is very easy to give the following example. The Galaxy Nexus smartphone was sold with Rostest at a price of 29,990 rubles, while the Eurotest version of the smartphone costs 19,000 rubles. The Galaxy Note phablet was sold in the official salon with Rostest for 34,000 rubles, although the Eurotest option could be found for only 21,000 rubles. The difference is at least a third of the cost.

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The iPhone 8, 8 Plus and iPhone X models are available in two variants of cellular communication modules - in one of the models of each type of iPhone, focused on the US market, there is additionally support for the CDMA standard, which is widely used in the US. This does not introduce any technical restrictions on the use of American iPhone models in Russia, but it does affect the terms of warranty service. "American" models of the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and iPhone X official service centers in Russia will refuse to service under warranty.

You can determine which model of iPhone 8, 8 Plus or iPhone X is in front of you without opening the box - on the back of the box there is a mandatory indication of the model number. At the top of the label block, above the barcode, you will find one of the following markings:

  • iPhone 8- A1863 (US model) or A1905(European model);
  • iPhone 8 Plus- A1864 (US model) or A1897(European model);
  • iPhone X- A1865 (US model) or A1901(European model);

iPhone 7 and iPhone 6S models from America with full warranty support in Russia, regardless of where they were purchased.

iPhone 7 model A1778 and iPhone 7 Plus model A1784.

iPhone 6S model A1688 and iPhone 6S Plus model A1687.

The actual differences between Apple smartphones of European and American models - iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, released for different countries are vanishingly small - except for the model number, one additional LTE band and, in the case of the iPhone 7, support for the CDMA standard, which do not have any values ​​for the operation of smartphones in Russia, the American and European models differ only in the configuration of the power adapter, respectively, with a plug with two flat pins - the American standard, and two round ones - the European standard.

In Russia, Apple supplies European models of the iPhone 6S, which are no different from those sent for sale in Germany, France or Finland. The intrigue with iPhone warranty support seems to be fading away as well, and although it is not yet possible to talk about a full worldwide warranty for the iPhone 7 and 6S, regardless of where it was purchased, some of the Apple smartphones coming to Russia from the USA, intended by the company for sales in the states, in the case of the iPhone 7 and 6S have official warranty support in Russia and Europe.

The situation is more complicated with iPhone 6S models for the Chinese market. However, the differences do not relate to performance and performance at all, but to the same warranty support - according to Chinese law, smartphones are subject to a mandatory two-year warranty, which is not consistent with the laws of European countries and Russia. To distinguish between those iPhone 6S that need to be supported for two years, but at the same time not to incur extra costs, Apple marks models supplied to the Chinese market with a separate number and prohibits their warranty support - free repair and replacement, to authorized services located behind outside of China.

The designation ROSTEST (PCT) for the iPhone 6S has no technical meaning, and even with regard to warranty service there are no differences with smartphones shipped to European countries. In fact, the designation iPhone 6S PCT can be perceived as "officially imported with payment of customs duties and taxes."

Of course, this was not always the case. The American iPhone 5S models had a significant drawback - they did not support Russian LTE (4G) frequencies. Buyers of American iPhone 6S don't have to worry about it - absolutely all iPhone 6S produced by Apple for different countries support Russian GSM, 3G and LTE standards - all wireless interfaces.

When the price difference for iPhones shipped from America and Europe began to grow along with the rise of the euro against the dollar, many iPhone sellers introduced on their websites the ability to select the region of origin of the iPhone - America, Europe, Asia, and, apart from European countries, the United Kingdom.

Internet trade prefers not to get involved with Rostest phones, because they are not competitive in the conditions of transparent Internet prices - immediately from somewhere there are extra 5,000.00 rubles or even more from the point of view of the buyer.

A buyer who falls into a trance after the question "Do you want an American" or "European" iPhone can be understood - he just figured out the choice of model and memory size, and then he is offered to make another difficult choice, which has a monetary equivalent of several thousand rubles.

Naturally, the question arises "how do they differ" and the tired operator of the online store begins to tell once a day that they differ only in the power supply plug, since America has different power supply standards from Europe, and European standards apply in Russia, etc. .d.

The buyer mentally compares the difference in the price of American and European iPhones with the cost of the most beautiful network adapter and decides to take a break to put his thoughts in order and, perhaps, to understand the issue more deeply - well, it doesn’t fit in my head that the difference is in the plug, the adapter to which it also comes as a gift to an iPhone, it can cause a price difference of up to two thousand rubles.

What is the reason for the difference in price, and is it true that iPhones for different countries differ in power supply plugs?

The operator of the online store tells the truth - the configurations really differ only in power supplies, but the buyer, receiving this information, erroneously, as inevitably, associates the difference in prices with this actual difference.

There is a logical error programmed by the construction of the conversation, which can only be resolved by really understanding the source of the difference in prices for iPhones for different regions. Alas, in a telephone conversation with an online store operator, it usually does not happen to get to the truth. If we have a couple of minutes, we can do it now.

Apple's pricing policy has the greatest influence, which sets the price for America in the case of the iPhone 5S 16Gb at 649.00 dollars, and for Europe at 699.00 euros. We already have a significant difference.

In addition, different countries have different taxes and tax refunds - tax free, VAT refund, sales tax and others, which also affect the formation of the difference.

Then logistics comes into play - how long and expensive the iPhone travels to Russia - by sea, by plane, by car, and how the border passes - in the suitcases of tourists, with contraband cargo, or still with the payment of some kind of duty.

All this, taken together, forms the price of the iPhone when it finally enters the territory of Russia. And here it turns out that, in the aggregate of all costs, it is cheaper to deliver an iPhone from overseas America than from border Finland. This paradoxical fact is reflected in prices.

The choice of the buyer is also influenced by the consideration that if something costs less, then it, apparently, is something worse. With regard to the iPhone, this thesis does not work - the devices themselves differ only in models, and within the model they are absolutely the same. True, for complete clarity, the concept of a model for the iPhone 5S / 5C should include not only the color and memory size, but also the supported LTE frequency bands.

Before the release of the iPhone 5S / 5C, one could not give a damn about the frequencies - anyway, none of the models supported Russian 4G, and, at the same time, all models worked correctly with the transmission of voice traffic and data over the networks of mobile operators in 3G mode.

The situation with different iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C models is not so clear - each of the LTE bands that are allowed in Russia is supported by some iPhone 5S / 5C model. However, the question of whether they are supported by our operators remains open.

With a high probability, the iPhone 5S A1530 and iPhone 5C A1529 models will work in Russia at 4G speeds - they immediately support all the bands allocated in Russia for the LTE standard - 7, 20 and 38.

One more model for each of the new iPhones - A1457 for the iPhone 5S and A1507 for the iPhone 5C, support two ranges that overlap with those allowed in Russia - 7 and 20.

The rest of the models have an intersection with the Russian ranges in one band - FDD-LTE 800 (band 20). Whether they will work in Russia no longer depends on Apple, but on the implementation policy of our operators. Which of the allowed ranges they have already mastered and which ones they are still going to master.

The answer to this question depends on which of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C models will work fully in Russia, and which will not support 4G (LTE). Will we be able to get intelligible answers from operators already before the start of sales and what will be their positive answer :) After the first iPhones of new models get to Russia, we will be able to figure out this secret of Russian mobile operators by trial and error.

If not all iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C models support 4G, then you can imagine how difficult it will be for an uninformed buyer to figure out what exactly he is buying. Any panic about American iPhones will play into the hands of growth iPhones when they do hit the market - for now, December is the most likely date, as was the case with the release of the iPhone 5 last year.

The Apple online store in St. Petersburg, the site offers only iPhone 7 / 6S / SE models that support Russian LTE frequencies.

Look iPhone prices currently available for sale can be found in the trading section of the site -

iPhone RosTest - this phrase is well known, but not everyone understands its meaning, although those who are going to buy an i-smartphone simply need to understand this concept. Well, we will help you - in this article we will tell you what RosTest means for iPhone.

RosTest is a special certification center that is obliged to check the goods imported into the country for compliance with established standards. Any imported product must be subjected to special examinations by RosTest and, if successfully passed, receive the “PCT” badge. Surely, you have met this abbreviation more than once on a particular subject of use.

For iPhones imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, testing, of course, is also carried out. And if everything is in order with the i-gadget, it receives the proper marking - the coveted letters "PCT", which indicate that the device is genuine and legally imported into the country.

But! Unfortunately, RosTest does not guarantee 100% product quality. Because, of course, not the entire batch is subjected to examination, but only a random sample, while the “PCT” mark is received by each unit of goods in the batch.

Advantages of iPhone RosTest

It should be said right away that structurally, the iPhone RosTest is no different from any other smartphone that came off the conveyor belt of the Apple factory and went on sale to one country or another (there is a slight difference only in the configuration, it consists in chargers designed for various types outlets). However, the RosTest iPhone still has certain advantages.


As we said above, RosTest is a guarantee of the authenticity of the goods, as well as the fact that the device was imported into the country legally. But if the last provision is of little interest to the Russian consumer - what difference does it make how the phone was imported, if everything is in order with it; then the guarantee of authenticity, definitely, should be attributed to the advantages of RosTest iPhone, because i-techniques are forged very often.

Support for work with any operator

Another plus of the iPhone RosTest is a guarantee that it is not locked to work with one operator. The fact is that in the US and Europe, locked iPhones are a very common practice, they are sold together with a communications contract for a certain operator and are much cheaper than i-smartphones that can work with any mobile company.

Buying locked iPhones for cheap in the USA, illegally importing them to Russia and selling them under the guise of Sim-Free, that is, working with any operator, is a very common type of fraud, which, of course, you want to protect yourself from.

Hassle-free warranty service

Between the owners of i-techniques and Apple, there is the following agreement - the user has the right to receive full warranty service in the country in which the device was purchased.

If your smartphone has RosTest certification, this proves that it was purchased on the territory of the Russian Federation, and you have every right to receive free repairs in Russia, or to replace the gadget with a new one without any problems if it has a factory defect, for example.

However, if you bought a smartphone, say, in Europe (in which case it will have EuroTest certification), then Russian authorized Apple service centers have every right to refuse you a free repair.

You can find out your warranty rights on the Apple website by entering the serial number of your device in the appropriate field (“Settings” / “General” / “About this device” / “Serial number”). Look, the first iPhone 5S was imported into Russia legally and can easily get free repair and maintenance here.

The second device does not have a PCT sign, which means that there may be problems when contacting a service center.

On the other hand, warranty service in Russia is one big dark forest. If you study user experience, you can find a bunch of cases when owners of equipment with a PCT badge sought legal free repairs after a bunch of examinations, and an iPhone user bought in the States received full warranty service in Russia without any problems.

However, one way or another, RosTest iPhone has a LEGAL right to free warranty service, and in case of incorrect behavior of the staff of an authorized Apple service center, you can always “complain” to the company's support service. You can reach Russian-speaking operators by calling 8-800-333-5173.

By the way! Important advice! Many users who needed to repair a non-PCT smartphone, if you were denied a free repair under warranty, recommend contacting several service centers - one or the other will refuse, and the third will agree.

Disadvantages of iPhone RosTest

Yes, an i-smartphone officially certified in Russia has flaws, or rather a flaw.


The fact is that a PCT device will cost 3-7 thousand more than a smartphone without this abbreviation on the box. But you don’t need to think that this is a “cape” for the above advantages, just a legally imported device – these are completely different costs and taxes than a smartphone brought by “gray”.

Fake flaw

There is an opinion among Russian users that when making iPhones for the USA and Europe, Apple uses better materials and components than for Russian i-devices. However, this is, of course, a myth.

How to find out RosTest iPhone or not?

It is very easy to distinguish a RosTest smartphone from EuroTest or any other.

First of all, we look at the box - on it you should find the PCT icon, as well as the model code - an inscription, like MD242RR / A, two letters before the slash - this is the country code. The letters RR just mean that the model is intended for the Russian market. Also, Russian models may have codes - RU, RP, RS, RM.

It will not be superfluous to check the model code in the smartphone itself, because it is not difficult to fake the box. How to determine the model code through the iPhone menu? Go to "Settings", then "General" / "About this device" and look for the line "Model".

Let's summarize

So, our article “An iPhone with a Rostest sign - what is it?” came to an end and it's time to draw conclusions.

The first and foremost is that the PCT iPhone is structurally no different from any other i-smartphone manufactured at the Apple factory.

The second and no less important conclusion is that the iPhone, certified in Russia, has a number of significant advantages. When buying an iPhone RosTest, you can be sure that you are purchasing a genuine and not locked gadget, and in addition, this device has the full legal right to free warranty service in Russia.

Someone, of course, can say - if you carefully approach the purchase, you won’t run into a fake and a locked device either, I’d rather save a few thousand and take a “gray” phone. Well, it's your choice, but remember - iPhones are not perfect, they break and are not protected from factory defects. Do you need warranty issues that you "buy" with an iPhone that is not certified in Russia?

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