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  • The size of the fields in the open office. Step-by-step instructions on how to number pages in the open office

The size of the fields in the open office. Step-by-step instructions on how to number pages in the open office

In a spreadsheet processor and spreadsheet editor Openoffice and LibreOffice You can configure two types of page orientations: portrait orientation, that is, vertical (normal page view), or landscape orientation, that is, horizontal page layout. To adjust the page orientation, you must sequentially select the following items: Format / Page ... Next, in the appeared dialog box “Page Style. Normal ”, you must select the“ Page ”tab. On this tab, in addition to setting the page orientation, you can also set margins, that is, margins from the edges, and also set the page numbering format. In particular, when numbering pages, you can use Latin letters (A, B, C), page numbering in Roman numerals, etc.

Setting page orientation in the text editor Writer in OpenOffice and LibreOffice

In the text editor of the two office applications, the page orientation is set by identical commands. Sequentially select the items Format / Pages ... After selecting these commands, the dialog box "Page Style: Normal" will appear. The appearance of this window is identical as in a text editor. LibreOffice and in a text editor Openoffice, which is due to the fact that LibreOffice is a fork of the free office suite OpenOffice.

Setting page orientation in the Calc spreadsheet editor in OpenOffice and LibreOffice

In a spreadsheet editor Calc both the LibreOffice office suite and the OpenOffice office suite, setting the page orientation, that is, setting either the vertical (portrait) display of the page, or the horizontal (landscape) display of the page in the document occurs in the same way and coincides with the setting of the page orientation in a text editor Writer... That is, in order to change the page orientation, for example from landscape to portrait or vice versa from portrait to landscape, you must select the "Format" item in the main menu and select the "Pages" item in the drop-down list of commands. Further, after the dialog box “Page Style: Basic” appears, you must select the “Page” tab and in the “Orientation” item put a checkmark in front of either the “Landscape” item, or opposite the “Portrait” item.

Changing the page orientation occurs automatically throughout the document.

1. Changing the page orientation in Writer

2. Changing the page orientation in LibreOffice Writer

3. Changing the page orientation in Calc

  • There are versions Openoffice and for the operating system Linux, and under Windows (other operating systems are also supported - FreeBSD, Mac OS X). This allows you to fully work with the same documents on computers with different operating systems.
  • Openoffice legally freely distributed with source codes. Thus, there is no problem of unlicensed software.
  • File formats Openoffice open source, documented and widely known. Moreover, Openoffice can successfully work with files of many formats, including files created by other well-known office suites.

In this brief introduction, of course, we will not be able to describe all the rich possibilities. OpenOffice. We will provide a guide only for installing the system, as well as basic steps in a word processor and HTML file editor. Information about the rest of the work Openoffice available in the help system (albeit in English).

Largely work in Openoffice similar to working in any other office suite. Wherein Openoffice able to work with data files of many common formats. Therefore, we hope that the beginning of the application Openoffice will not cause you much difficulty.

Running Openoffice

Launching components Openoffice made from the menu Openoffice v KDE or Gnome:

  • Word processor Writer is started by item "Text Document";
  • The HTML editor is started with the item "HTML Document";
  • Spreadsheet system Calc is started by item "Spreadsheet Document";
  • Presentation preparation system Impress is started by item "Presentation";
  • Picture editor Draw is started by item "Drawing";
  • Formula editor Math is started by item "Formula".

Immediately after the first launch, you should make some additional settings to work correctly with the Russian language.

Installation and initial setup Openoffice

Initial package installation Openoffice produced during installation ASPLinux... Run any of the components Openoffice you can directly from the toolbar by clicking on the corresponding icon. We recommend starting with Writer(you can also select a sub-menu item "OpenOffice"KDE or Gnome"Text Document"). At startup, a window will appear prompting you to import the address book. Click the button "Cancel".

For correct work Openoffice with the Russian language, including checking and editing HTML files, you should make some additional settings. To do this, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Parameters"... The settings window will open Openoffice.
In this window, you can change many settings related to the operation of various components. Openoffice... However, we will only describe the settings that need to be made for the system to work correctly with the Russian language.

In the left part of the window, select "Language settings"... A tree of sub-items will open. Please select "Linguistics".

In the upper right part of the window, the item should be selected. and a check mark must be turned on next to it. If this is not the case, turn on the "checkmark" by clicking the mouse. Click on the button "Edit ..." at the top right of the window. A window will appear "Editing Modules" \.

The language must be selected "Russian"; if not, click to select. Then turn on the "tick" in front of the item "OpenOffice MySpell SpellChecker".

In addition to Russian, you can enable spellchecking for Ukrainian, German and French in the same way. For English, it is included initially. After turning on the spell checker for the languages ​​you need, click the button "Close"... Window "Editing Modules" will close. You will be returned to setting parameters Openoffice... Select an item on the left side of the window. A tree of sub-items will open. Please select HTML Compatibility.

In field "Character set" choose the encoding in which you want to save the HTML files.

The standard encoding for the internet is Cyrillic (KOI8-R)... Select item "Text Document" on the left side of the window. A tree of sub-items will open. Please select "Basic fonts".

This is where you select the fonts used for the different types of text. It is necessary to indicate the fonts installed in the system and correctly supporting the Russian language - for example, Helvetica. When you have finished setting the parameters, click the button. "OK" at the bottom of the window. Now you can work with the office suite of programs Openoffice.

Text editor / processor Writer

Basic text editing functions

Working with basic functions Writer- entering text, moving through the text, selecting a block, cutting it, copying or pasting it - almost the same as working in any of the well-known text processors with a graphical interface (for example, for Windows or Macintosh).

View modes

V OpenOffice Writer there are two modes of viewing and editing text on the screen - "page layout" and "Markup online"... When using page layout, the screen displays the page exactly as it should be printed. If installed "Markup online", the text is shown without pagination and with the width of the entire window Writer- i.e. the way text is usually displayed in web browsers. Mode "Markup online" it is convenient for the preparation of documents distributed in electronic form, as well as for writing large-volume texts. Switching between modes "page layout" and "Markup online" made in the main menu - item "View", then "Markup online"... In addition, there is an icon in the panel to the left of the text that allows you to switch the view mode.


Writer allows you to set the scale (zoom) of the view of the text in percent. To change the scale, select the item in the main menu "View", then "Scale"... In the window that appears, you can choose from several fixed scale options, or by selecting the item "Smooth", specify an arbitrary scale value.

Then press the button "OK"... The new scale will be set. The scale selection window can also be called by double-clicking the left mouse button on the scale value, which is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window. Writer.


Writer allows you to check spelling both while typing (underlining misspelled words) and when calling the check function. To enable or disable the underlining of misspelled words, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Spelling", "Autocheck".

When a word is underlined, you can choose from the correct options suggested by the system or add the given word to. To do this, right-click on the word. A menu appears with the correct options, and there is also an item "Add"... To check spelling in all text, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Spelling", "Examination" or press the key. The verification process will begin.

If a word is found that is not in the dictionary, a window appears. "Spelling" .

In this window, you can specify whether to correct this word (you can select one of the options suggested by the system or enter your own), replace it with the selected option in the entire text, skip it (leaving it unchanged) or skip it in the entire text. Button "Add" allows you to add a given word to the dictionary.

Word Completion

Interesting function OpenOffice Writer- word completion. If you typed the first few letters of a word that you have already typed, Writer automatically substitutes this word. If the suggested option doesn't work, just keep typing. And if it fits, press - the word will be typed in full, and you can continue typing from the next word. Sometimes this feature can save a lot of time, and with normal typing, the behavior Writer does not change. If auto-completion annoys you, you can turn it off. If the system often suggests a specific word that does not suit you, you can delete this particular word. To perform these operations, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "AutoCorrect / AutoFormat ..." and click on the item Word Completion at the top of the window

To disable autocompletion, uncheck the box by clicking the mouse. "Complement words"... To prevent the system from suggesting a particular word, it should be found in the list on the right side of the window (it is sorted alphabetically), selected with a mouse click and deleted by clicking "Delete entry".

Find and replace

Like any modern text editor, OpenOffice Writer allows you to search by text and replace the found sequence of characters with another. To search or replace, select the item in the main menu "Edit", then Find and Replace ..., or press the keys. A search and replace window will appear.

In it, you can enter a character string that you want to find, and, if necessary, another one, with which it should be replaced. Button "Find" allows you to find the given string. Button "Replace" replaces the found line with a new one and finds where this line appears in the text next time (new button press "Replace" will replace and search for the next line, etc.). To replace one line with another in the entire text, use the button "Replace All".

Basic text formatting

As with most well-known word processors, text formatting in Writer is made separately by marks and by paragraphs. Character format includes font, size, underline / italic, etc .; to the paragraph format - indents (horizontal and vertical), alignment, etc.

Formatting characters

To change the format of characters (letters), select these characters. If you specify a change in the character format without highlighting characters, it will refer to the characters that you enter immediately after that (without moving the cursor).

The simplest formatting change - turning on / off bold text, italics and underline - is done by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar ([W], [K], [H]). To change the font, you can select it from the list on the toolbar.

For more complex formatting of characters, select the item in the main menu "Format", then "Signs"... A window will appear "Sign" .

In this window, by switching the items at the top of the window, you can configure all possible formatting options related to characters. It is important that the language of the text is also set in this window. V OpenOffice Writer language is a property of a sign. Each word is spelled according to the language specified for it.

Formatting a paragraph

parform To change the format of a paragraph, just position the cursor in that paragraph. To change the formatting of multiple paragraphs at once, select them. Alignment can be changed by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.

For more complex paragraph formatting, select the item in the main menu "Format", then "Paragraph"... A window will appear "Paragraph" .

In this window, by switching the items at the top of the window, you can configure all possible formatting options related to the paragraph. In particular, you can specify the design of paragraphs in the form of a numbered or unnumbered list (paragraph "Numbering").

Formatting text with styles

Like many common office word processors, OpenOffice Writer allows you to format text using styles. The main type of styles are paragraph styles.

The paragraph style determines the formatting of both the paragraph itself (indents, etc.) and the formatting of characters in the paragraph (font, size, etc.).

If a paragraph is formatted with a style, changing the style automatically changes the paragraph formatting. This is the first benefit of using styles. For example, if you wanted to change the font and size of all headings in the text, without using styles, you would have to change each heading separately. But if all headers are formatted with styles "Heading 1", "Heading 2" etc., you only need to change these styles.

In addition, paragraph styles allow for logical layout of the text, i.e. indicate the boundaries of sections, chapters, etc., as well as special types of paragraphs (for example, quotes or examples). The beginning of sections and chapters is defined using headings, highlighted with styles. "Heading 1", "Heading 2" etc. Writer can automatically generate a table of contents by specifying paragraphs with these styles as section titles. There is also the possibility of automatic numbering of sections.

In addition to paragraph styles, character styles are supported. Character style defines the formatting of characters without affecting paragraph formatting. Character styles are useful, for example, to highlight quotations in text.

To work with styles, use the window "Stylist" .

To open this window, select the item in the main menu "Format", then "Stylist", or press the key. Originally in the window "Stylist" a list of paragraph styles is shown.

Applying Styles

To specify a paragraph formatting style, place the cursor on that paragraph, and then select the desired style by clicking in the window "Stylist" ... (If the cursor is positioned on an empty paragraph, the style will still be assigned, and the text typed further will be formatted using this style).

To specify a style for several paragraphs at once, you need to select these paragraphs, and then select the desired style by clicking in the window "Stylist" .

Switch the window to apply character styles. "Stylist" to character style list mode. To do this, left-click on the icon with the letter [A] in this window. After that, to format a section of text using a character style, select that section, and then click in the window "Stylist" specify the style you want. If you specify a character style without highlighting, it will apply to characters that you enter immediately after that (without moving the cursor). To switch the window "Stylist" back to the list of paragraph styles, select in this window the icon with a letter similar to [P].

Editing Styles

To change any of the styles (paragraph or signs), select this style in the window "Stylist" "Change"... The style editing window will appear.

The items at the top of the window allow you to change various character formatting properties and (for paragraph style) paragraph formatting properties. Paragraph "Organization" used to set style properties. Field "Name" defines the name of the style. Field "Associated with" indicates the base style for this style; if the base style changes, the same changes are automatically made to this style.

There is also a field for paragraph styles. "Next Style"... In it, you can specify what style the next paragraph is automatically formatted with (when entering text), if the previous paragraph is formatted with this style. So, the heading style is usually set to the following style "Main text"; this allows you to enter text immediately after entering the title, without wasting time choosing a style. To create a new style, right-click in the window "Stylist" and select the item in the menu that appears "Create"... The style editing window will appear, in which you can specify all the required style properties. If the window "Stylist" is in paragraph style list mode, then a paragraph style is created; if it is in character style list mode, the character style is created.

In addition, the system allows you to format a paragraph using conventional means, and then automatically create a style with just that formatting. To do this, after formatting the paragraph, click in the window "Stylist" the second icon from the right in the upper right corner. The system will prompt you to enter the name of the new style, after which it will be created and appear in the list. You can also delete a previously created style. To do this, select a style in the window "Stylist" by clicking the mouse, and then right-clicking and selecting the item "Delete"... However, the system does not allow deleting styles that are present in Writer initially.

Page formatting

Writer allows you to customize the page size, as well as the header and footer (that is, the lines at the top and bottom of the page) and other page formatting properties. Moreover, you can set different formatting for different pages using page styles.

Setting the page format

To set the page format, include a header or footer, etc., call the item in the main menu "Format", then "Page"... The page style editing window will appear.

In this window, you can set, in particular:

  • Page size (point "Page" at the top of the window);
  • Page numbering style - Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, etc. Paragraph "Page", field Layout Settings - "Format";
  • Include and Indent Header and Footer - Items "Page header" and "Footer"... In particular, in any of these items, you can disable the "tick" ; this will allow you to create different headers and footers for odd and even pages .;
  • Inclusion and appearance of the frame around the page - item "Framing";
  • Formatting text on a page in several columns - paragraph "Columns".

After setting the required page format, click the button. "OK".


To enable pagination, you must first enable the required header or footer (header or footer). By turning on the header and footer, you can edit it (when viewing text "Page layout") as normal text.

With the cursor in the header and footer, select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Field", then "Page number"... The page number appears. On every page, it will automatically appear and be set to the desired value.

To move the page number (along with the rest of the header and footer text) to the left, center, or right corner, by placing the cursor in the header and footer, switch the paragraph alignment (left, center, or right) with the corresponding button on the toolbar Writer.

If the number should be located differently on an even and odd page, in the page style editing window, disable the "check mark" for the header containing the page number "Same content left / right"... After that place the number in the required way in the header and footer on one even and one odd page.

Page styles

In many cases, you need to provide different formatting for different pages - for example, disable the page number for the cover page.

OpenOffice Writer allows you to set completely independent formatting for different pages - up to different sheet sizes. For this, page styles are used. (Using page styles is a complex operation beyond the scope of this quickstart.)

Working with chapters of text

If chapter titles are marked with row styles "Title", moreover, the level of headings is reflected in the use of styles (i.e., for example, for top-level sections, "Heading 1", for subsections - "Heading 2" etc.), OpenOffice Writer allows for automatic numbering of chapters, as well as creating a table of contents.

Chapter numbering

To perform automatic numbering of chapters, select from the main menu item "Service", then "Numbering of chapters"... A window will appear Chapter numbering .

Here you can customize the chapter numbering. An example of numbering is shown in the right part of the window as it is configured at the moment. You can find the numbering you want by trying different settings and watching the example change.

Generating a table of contents

To automatically create a table of contents, position the cursor at the point in the text where the table of contents should be. Select from the main menu item "Insert", then "Pointers", then "Pointers ..."... A window will appear "Insert Pointer"

In this window, you can insert various pointers, but the initially suggested option is the table of contents. In field "Rate up to level" You can specify which level headings should be included in the table of contents.

For example, if the value is 3, the table of contents will include all paragraphs with the style "Heading 1", "Heading 2" and "Heading 3"... After pressing the button "OK" the system will generate a table of contents and place it where the cursor was.

Insert pictures

OpenOffice Writer allows you to insert pictures (taken from files) into the text and indicate their location, as well as whether they will be "wrapped" by the text. To insert a picture into text, select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Drawing", then "From file ..." A window for inserting a picture from a file will appear.

Here you can select the file you want.

When you select a file by clicking the mouse (if the checkmark is enabled "View"), its preview is turned on in the right part of the window. To insert the selected picture into the text, click "Open".

By clicking on the picture with the right mouse button, you can bring up the picture settings menu. Using this menu you can set, in particular:

  • How the picture will be located in the text (paragraph "Snap") - at a fixed position in relation to the page, to a specific paragraph, to a specific sign, or as a sign. If the picture is positioned “like a character”, it is inserted into the line in the same way as a regular character (but its size does not change when the font size is changed) .;
  • Will the text "wrap around" the drawing and if so - how exactly (paragraph "Wrap-around").

Saving and reading files

OpenOffice Writer saves and reads files in .sxw format. This format is fully published and based on open standards. In addition, it allows you to save and read files in .rtf (Rich Text Format), .doc (Microsoft Word 95 or 97/2000 / XP) and others.

Saving a file

To save the current text on disk as a file, select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save", or press the keys. If the file has already been saved, it will be saved again under the same name. If it has not yet been saved, a window for choosing the name and format of the saved file will appear.

In this window, you can select the desired directory to save the file, specify the file name, and also select its format (type). After specifying the name and type of the file, press the button "Save"... The file will then be written to disk.

Saving a file under a new name

If you are working with a file that has already been saved before and want to save it under a different name (or in a different format - for example, .rtf or.doc), select the item "File", then "Save as…" A file name selection window will appear (see \ figris23), and you can specify a new file name and format.

Reading a file

In this window, you can find the required directory and select the file you want to open in it. After clicking the desired file, click "Open". Writer reads the file and, if reading was successful, you will be able to view and edit the contents of this file.

HTML editing

Editing HTML files (format for WWW pages) in Openoffice very similar to editing texts in OpenOffice Writer... (In reality, HTML editing is done exactly Writer operating in a special mode). This allows you to create WWW pages without special training, and also easily convert text documents to WWW pages. You can use almost all of the techniques described above for editing HTML documents. Writer.

Basic HTML Editing

HTML documents can be formatted in the same way as regular documents. However, in this case, the resulting WWW-pages will be quite inconvenient for viewing. For correct formatting of HTML documents, you should use special paragraph styles that are automatically suggested in the window "Stylist" when editing such a document.

For body text, apply the style "Main text", for headings - group styles "Title", for quotes - "Quote" etc. You can specify the alignment of paragraphs, as well as highlight sections of text in bold, italic, or underline. But changing the font is very undesirable - this can lead to difficulties for some users when viewing your page.

Link building

As you know, an important element of HTML is the ability to create links (hyperlinks) to other documents.

In this window, you should indicate the document to which the link is made, as well as the link text. The link text is specified in the field "Text"... The way of specifying the document to which the link is made is switched in the left part of the window.

When choosing an item « » it is possible to enter a link to a document on the Internet in full format (URL). Paragraph "Letters and Messages" allows you to describe a link to an email address (mailto) or news group usenet(news). By selecting the item "Document", you can insert a link to an existing document on disk. It should be borne in mind that although in the field "Path" the full path to the document is indicated, in fact, if the documents are in the same directory, a link is created only to the document name - therefore, if both files are transferred to the Internet, the link continues to work.

Finally, paragraph "New document" allows you to create a link to a document that has not yet been created on disk. The system provides the opportunity to immediately create this document (for this, select the item "Edit Now" at the top of the window) or create a link without creating a document (paragraph "Edit later"). It is important to correctly select the file type from the list (for example, "HTML Document") instead of just specifying the full filename. When the information for the link is entered, click the button Apply... The link will be created.

To edit a link, place the cursor on it and select the item "Insert", then "Hyperlink"... The same window will appear (see \ figris25), but filled, with the data of the specified link. In this window, you can make the necessary changes and click the button Apply.

Saving and Reading HTML Files

Saving and reading while editing HTML files is exactly the same as in Writer... It is important that images are not saved as part of HTML files. Therefore, if you transfer a file to another computer or to the Internet, they may be lost. Even if both the file and the drawings to it are transferred to another computer, but they are in different directories, the drawings may disappear from the document. To prevent this from happening, it is best to keep all the drawings inserted into the document in the same directory as the document itself, and transfer them to another computer or to the Internet along with the document. It should be borne in mind that Openoffice can read almost any file in HTML format, but Russian letters will not always be displayed correctly. This is not a mistake in Openoffice, and the disadvantage of such files is that they do not indicate or incorrectly indicate the encoding of Russian letters. Instead of koi8-r, the encoding of Russian letters in this file must be indicated; the most common encodings are koi8-r, windows-1251 and utf8.

Editing HTML source text

Openoffice allows you to switch from editing the content of an HTML document in visual mode (that is, in the form in which it will be visible in a web browser) to working with the source text in HTML. This can be useful in a number of cases when you need to check and correct the HTML text itself. To enable or disable the HTML source editing mode, select the item in the main menu "View", then "HTML Source".

Creating WWW Pages Using Autopilot

Openoffice contains "Autopilot of WWW-pages", which allows you to create a standard and rather beautiful WWW-page in a short time and without additional effort. To take advantage of "Autopilot", select the item in the main menu "File", then "Autopilot", then "Web page ..." A window will appear "Web Page Autopilot" .

By choosing the field values, you can immediately see on the screen how the created page will look. After selecting the desired view, press the button "Ready"... You will be able to edit an HTML document that immediately has the desired appearance. Now you just need to fill it with information.

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Hello dear reader, as I promised in the previous article "...", I devote a whole section to describe and teach the office application OpenOffice. Today we will make the first launch and get acquainted with the basic concepts of the program interface.

So we launch the office application. A welcome window opens, which says that the setup wizard will accompany us and help us figure it out. In the next window, we need to enter our full name. After that, we get a window with a choice of further actions. The following shortcuts are provided for our selection:

  • Text Document
  • Spreadsheet
  • Presentation
  • Drawing
  • Database
  • Formula

Also available are default templates and the ability to open existing files on your computer. After all, this is not just a program for creating or editing office files, but also reading them. Let's talk in this post about the first and more commonly used paragraph, TEXT DOCUMENT.

This is how the text area looks like. You know, I will not now consider the functionality of each button, it will take an incredibly long time. In the section OpenOffice school we will go a little different way, as you will soon see how it will look. After all, undoubtedly many of you know the meaning of many buttons in text editors, this one is no different and you will quickly master the meaning of buttons. And I will begin an excursion on the important points in working with text.

The concept of fields and their setting

As with any text editor, OpenOffice has fields that display page numbers, various user preferences, and so on. There are two options for displaying these fields. It is important to remember that this does not affect printing in any way, because when printing a document, it is not the view that is displayed, but the value of the fields themselves.

If we set up the setting of the fields so that their names are displayed, it will break the layout of the text. Therefore, the final layout of the document must be carried out in the mode of displaying the contents of the fields, and not their names.

To switch the type of fields, we need to go to the SERVICE -> PARAMETERS menu, and then select Writer from the drop-down list -> VIEW -> Field codes . As shown in the screenshot below.

Block and line selection.

Those who have used the Foxit Phantom pdf reader know that it has block selection of text. What is the difference between block and lowercase, line selection e - selects text from the specified beginning to the specified end of the page or paragraph, block allocation- this is a selection somewhat reminiscent of drawing a rectangle, we stretch the area to select the text in the form of a rectangle, controlling both the width and the height of the selected area. The question immediately arises, where exactly can this selection tool be used? The answer is, in any layout made in two or three columns. It is also very convenient that the selection mode can be quickly changed with a keyboard shortcut.

The fastest and most convenient way to change the selection from line to block is the key combination Ctrl + Shift + F8. But besides this, there is another option to change the selection. Find in the top menu of the program window EDIT -> SELECTION MODE -> block area or standard.

Making vertical text.

What to do if it becomes necessary to print some part of a line or page vertically, or rotated by 90 ° C. In this case, knowledge of the text formatting function comes to the rescue.

Select the desired section of the text and go through the menu in the following way. Go to the FORMAT -> SYMBOLS -> POSITION menu and get into the window, as in the screenshot above. There you can set the degree of rotation for our symbols and many other settings that you can figure out if you want.

Two kinds of printing in OpenOffice 4

The program has two types of output printing the contents of the document. And although all this is displayed through the same print icon

When you click on print in normal mode, our entire document will be redirected to the print output window of our printer. This is all familiar to us and we did not learn anything new, but there is another option for printing output. Click on the magnifying glass icon - preview and get a window in which we can customize the appearance and number of thumbnails of all pages for printing.

As a result of the above manipulations, everything will lead to approximately the same result as in my screenshot at the bottom of this text.

I wondered why this might be useful, but other than for some presentation for the first page or cover, I didn't think of anything else. Although as an option, google and find a good use of this opportunity. Let me remind you that the standard keyboard shortcut for printing in OpenOffice 4 works the same way Ctrl + P.

Program status bar

In every normal office program and not only there is a status bar that carries useful information for the user, although we often do not pay attention to it, but I think it will not be superfluous to give the meaning of the data on this line. I will upload a screenshot of her with numbered zones, and below I will try to briefly describe each of them.

  1. In this line field, we see the number of the active page of our document.
  2. The name of the current style applied to this page is written here.
  3. The language of the selected text is displayed. The program does not always understand the text correctly, so rely on your head 🙂
  4. Displaying Insert Modes Displaying Selection Modes [STAND] / [ADVANCED] / [ADDED] / [BLK], modified by clicks on them with the mouse. [STAND]- Standard selection mode. Any new selection will override the old one.
  5. [ADVANCED]- Advanced mode. If the text area is already selected, the new selection changes the old one from its beginning to the position of the new mouse click.
    [ADDED]- Add mode. If the text area is already selected, the new selection does not override the old one. [BLK]- Block selection mode.
  6. A document with a * symbol in this place indicates that it is not saved. This applies to newly created documents and old edited documents.
  7. A place for your digital signature, which can be called up by right-clicking on the area indicated on the screen.
  8. Displays the current information about the active document.
  9. There are three types of page display:
    • Single column display mode.
    • View mode with pages displayed side by side.
    • Portrait Mode: Displays pages two at a time, just like a portrait spread.
  10. Scaling pages, slider to the left - zoom out, slider to the right - increase.
  11. Shows the Scaling factor as a percentage.

Some useful things when working with OpenOffice 4

Space at the end of a line- a feature of this office handler is a nuance with a space. You can never put a space at the very end of a line to make a newline. To enter a forced line break (without creating a new paragraph), use the Shift + Enter key combination, and to create a new paragraph - Enter.

The boundaries of objects (text, tables, figures, etc.)- To change the visibility of objects, you need to go to the settings through the menu: SERVICE > OPTIONS -> OpenOffice . org -> APPEARANCE. We will have access to a window with numerous settings for changing the general view, html display, spreadsheet documents, etc.

Red triangle- means that the contents of the table, the name of the object or frame does not fit in this place and is outside the display boundaries. In order to see the text in full, it is necessary either to expand the borders of the table (frames), or to decrease the font size, or to move part of the text to another place.

Tooltips- sometimes, after a good understanding of the program, we often start to get in the way of tooltips throughout the work area of ​​the program. The solution to this problem is very simple. We go along the following path: SERVICE -> PARAMETERS -> GENERAL and uncheck the box opposite POP-UP TIPS.

On this cheerful note, I close my OpenOffice 4 and say goodbye to you until next post.

With all respect, Andrew.

Page numbering is one of the many mandatory requirements for the design of most official documents. Therefore, in each of the existing text editors there is a tool for this operation. This article explains how to number pages in the Writer.

Insert page numbers

In order to add numbering to the document, you need to perform the following algorithm:

In addition to changing the characters for page numbers, you can change other formatting options: position relative to the edges of the sheet, font and size, style (bold, italic, or underlined), and color (font and emphasis).

This is the easy way to quickly number pages in the Open Office. Also, this technique works in a modification of the text editor integrated into Ubuntu Linux - LibreOffice Writer.

Removing numbering from the first pages

According to the design rules, the first sheets of many documents should not contain the numbering of sheets: term papers and theses, reports, abstracts. To remove numbers from the first pages, you need:

After that, the header or footer will disappear. If it is required that pagination in the "Open Office" is absent on several subsequent sheets, then you need to perform the following procedure:

This completes the way to number the pages in the Open Office, excluding the first ones.

Note: when using this method, the editor will automatically hide the numbers of subsequent sheets. To display the numbering again, you need to:

  1. Left-click on the last page without a number in the header.
  2. Call the "Page Style" window using step 2 from the algorithm that removes the number from the first sheets.
  3. In the list "Next style" select the item "Normal".
  4. Click on the "OK" button.

Start page numbering in "Open Office Writer 4" from an arbitrary number

In order to start numbering sheets from a number other than 1, you need:

This completes the way to number pages in the "Open Office" from an arbitrary number.

Deleting numbering

This can be done in two ways. The sequence of actions for the first reception is as follows:

This is the first way to remove pagination in the "Open Office".

The algorithm for the second method is as follows:

Inserting and removing pagination in the Open Office is a fairly simple, but somewhat confusing procedure. The reason for this is the operating principle of this editor, which is fundamentally different from its main competitor - Microsoft Word.

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